(ns site.core (:require [hiccup.page :as hp])) (defn format-time [time] (.format (-> time .toInstant (.atZone (java.time.ZoneId/systemDefault)) .toLocalDate) (java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter/ofPattern "MMM d, yyyy"))) (defn page-header [& [title]] [:head [:meta {:charset "utf-8"}] [:link {:rel "stylesheet" :href "/main.css"}] [:link {:rel "stylesheet" :href "/extra/emacs.css"}] [:title (when title (str title " - ")) "Homepage of Kaan Genç"] [:link {:href "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Ubuntu+Mono&family=Ubuntu:ital,wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&display=swap" :rel "stylesheet"}]]) (defn page-left-column [& [slug]] [:div.sidebar.column (when (not= slug "index") [:a.home {:href "/"} "Home"]) [:img.picture {:alt "A photo of Kaan Genç, after his OOPSLA 2019 talk." :src "/img/profile.jpg"}] [:div.name "Kaan Barmore Genç"] [:div.title "M.S. Software Engineer"] [:div.spacer] [:div.title "Software Engineer"] [:div.affiliation [:a {:href "http://dendron.so/"} "Dendron"]] [:div.spacer] [:span [:a.email {:href "mailto:kaan@bgenc.net"} "kaan@bgenc.net"] [:a.gpg {:href "/extra/kaangenc.gpg"} "GPG key"]] [:a.github {:href "https://github.com/SeriousBug"} "Github"] [:a.linkedin {:href "https://www.linkedin.com/in/kaan-genc-8489b9205/"} "LinkedIn"] [:a.cv {:href "/extra/cv.pdf"} "CV"] [:a.blog {:href "/blog/"} "Blog"]]) (defn page [{global-meta :meta posts :entries post :entry}] (hp/html5 (page-header (:title post)) (page-left-column (:slug post)) (if (= "index" (:slug post)) ;; Index page [:div.main.column (:content post)] ;; Blog post [:div.main.column [:h1.post-title (:title post)] (when (:date post) [:div.date "Written at " (-> post :date format-time)]) (when (:modified post) [:div.modified "Last edited at " (-> post :modified format-time)]) (when (not (:no-ttr post)) [:div.ttr (:word-count post) " words, takes about " (:ttr post) " minutes to read"]) (:content post)]))) (defn page-blog [{global-meta :meta posts :entries post :entry}] (hp/html5 (page-header "Blog") (page-left-column) (into [:div.main.column [:h1 "My thoughts on software & computer science"]] (map (fn [{:keys [title permalink ttr date] :as post}] [:a.post-listing {:href permalink} [:span.title title] [:br] [:span.ttr ttr " minute read, "] [:span.date (format-time date)]]) posts))))