I'm a Software Engineer at [Dendron](https://dendron.so), and a recent Master's
graduate from the Ohio State University. I'm an avid Linux user, an enthusiast
of many programming languages, a [home cook](/recipes/), and an amateur gardener.

My interests include building web and mobile applications, both at the front and
back end. Over the years I learned and used many programming languages and
technologies, including JavaScript, TypeScript, React, React Native, Python,
Java, C, C++, Clojure, Rust, and Haskell. Pretty much everthing I've worked on is open source and available on my [Github

I published several papers and participated in academic reviews during graduate school, which you can find [links to here](/publications/).

This website is also available on the gemini protocol as [gemini.bgenc.net](gemini://gemini.bgenc.net).
Please see the ["Clients" section on this page](https://gemini.circumlunar.space/software/)
to find a client, then connect to `gemini.bgenc.net`.