use crate::config::Config; use crate::gandi::GandiAPI; use crate::ip_source::{ip_source::IPSource, ipify::IPSourceIpify}; use anyhow; use clap::Parser; use config::IPSourceName; use futures; use ip_source::icanhazip::IPSourceIcanhazip; use reqwest::{header, Client, ClientBuilder, StatusCode}; use serde::Serialize; use std::{num::NonZeroU32, sync::Arc, time::Duration}; use tokio::{self, task::JoinHandle}; mod config; mod gandi; mod ip_source; mod opts; use die_exit::*; use governor; /// 30 requests per minute, see const GANDI_RATE_LIMIT: u32 = 30; /// If we hit the rate limit, wait up to this many seconds before next attempt const GANDI_DELAY_JITTER: u64 = 20; fn api_client(api_key: &str) -> anyhow::Result { let client_builder = ClientBuilder::new(); let key = format!("Apikey {}", api_key); let mut auth_value = header::HeaderValue::from_str(&key)?; let mut headers = header::HeaderMap::new(); auth_value.set_sensitive(true); headers.insert(header::AUTHORIZATION, auth_value); let accept_value = header::HeaderValue::from_static("application/json"); headers.insert(header::ACCEPT, accept_value); let client = client_builder.default_headers(headers).build()?; return Ok(client); } #[derive(Serialize)] pub struct APIPayload { pub rrset_values: Vec, pub rrset_ttl: u32, } async fn run(base_url: &str, conf: Config) -> anyhow::Result<()> { config::validate_config(&conf).die_with(|error| format!("Invalid config: {}", error)); println!("Finding out the IP address..."); let ipv4_result = IP::get_ipv4().await; let ipv6_result = IP::get_ipv6().await; let ipv4 = ipv4_result.as_ref(); let ipv6 = ipv6_result.as_ref(); println!("Found these:"); match ipv4 { Ok(ip) => println!("\tIPv4: {}", ip), Err(err) => eprintln!("\tIPv4 failed: {}", err), } match ipv6 { Ok(ip) => println!("\tIPv6: {}", ip), Err(err) => eprintln!("\tIPv6 failed: {}", err), } let client = api_client(&conf.api_key)?; let mut tasks: Vec> = Vec::new(); println!("Attempting to update DNS entries now"); let governor = Arc::new(governor::RateLimiter::direct(governor::Quota::per_minute( NonZeroU32::new(GANDI_RATE_LIMIT).die("Governor rate is 0"), ))); let retry_jitter = governor::Jitter::new(Duration::ZERO, Duration::from_secs(GANDI_DELAY_JITTER)); for entry in &conf.entry { for entry_type in Config::types(entry) { let fqdn = Config::fqdn(&entry, &conf).to_string(); let url = GandiAPI { fqdn: &fqdn, rrset_name: &, rrset_type: &entry_type, base_url, } .url(); let ip = match entry_type { "A" => ipv4.die_with(|error| format!("Needed IPv4 for {fqdn}: {error}")), "AAAA" => ipv6.die_with(|error| format!("Needed IPv6 for {fqdn}: {error}")), bad_entry_type => die!("Unexpected type in config: {}", bad_entry_type), }; let payload = APIPayload { rrset_values: vec![ip.to_string()], rrset_ttl: Config::ttl(&entry, &conf), }; let req = client.put(url).json(&payload); let task_governor = governor.clone(); let entry_type = entry_type.to_string(); let task = tokio::task::spawn(async move { task_governor.until_ready_with_jitter(retry_jitter).await; println!("Updating {} record for {}", entry_type, &fqdn); match req.send().await { Ok(response) => ( response.status(), response .text() .await .unwrap_or_else(|error| error.to_string()), ), Err(error) => (StatusCode::IM_A_TEAPOT, error.to_string()), } }); tasks.push(task); } } let results = futures::future::try_join_all(tasks).await?; println!("Updates done for {} entries", results.len()); for (status, body) in results { println!("{} - {}", status, body); } Ok(()) } #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let opts = opts::Opts::parse(); let conf = config::load_config(&opts) .die_with(|error| format!("Failed to read config file: {}", error)); match conf.ip_source { IPSourceName::Ipify => run::("", conf).await, IPSourceName::Icanhazip => run::("", conf).await, } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::env::temp_dir; use crate::{config, ip_source::ip_source::IPSource, opts::Opts, run}; use async_trait::async_trait; use httpmock::MockServer; use tokio::fs; struct IPSourceMock {} #[async_trait] impl IPSource for IPSourceMock { async fn get_ipv4() -> anyhow::Result { Ok("".to_string()) } async fn get_ipv6() -> anyhow::Result { Ok("fe80:0000:0208:74ff:feda:625c".to_string()) } } #[tokio::test] async fn create_repo_success_test() { let mut temp = temp_dir().join("gandi-live-dns-test"); fs::create_dir_all(&temp) .await .expect("Failed to create test dir"); temp.push("test.toml"); fs::write( &temp, "fqdn = \"\"\napi_key = \"xxx\"\nttl = 300\n[[entry]]\nname =\"@\"\n", ) .await .expect("Failed to write test config file"); let fqdn = ""; let rname = "@"; let rtype = "A"; let server = MockServer::start(); let mock = server.mock(|when, then| { when.method("PUT") .path(format!( "/v5/livedns/domains/{fqdn}/records/{rname}/{rtype}" )) .body_contains(""); then.status(200); }); let opts = Opts { config: Some(temp.to_string_lossy().to_string()), ..Opts::default() }; let conf = config::load_config(&opts).expect("Failed to load config"); run::(server.base_url().as_str(), conf) .await .expect("Failed when running the update"); // Assert mock.assert(); } }