use async_trait::async_trait; use super::ip_source::IPSource; pub(crate) struct IPSourceSeeIP; async fn get_ip(api_url: &str) -> anyhow::Result { let response = reqwest::get(api_url).await?; let text = response.text().await?; Ok(text) } #[async_trait] impl IPSource for IPSourceSeeIP { async fn get_ipv4(&self) -> anyhow::Result { get_ip("").await } async fn get_ipv6(&self) -> anyhow::Result { get_ip("").await } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use regex::Regex; use super::IPSource; use super::IPSourceSeeIP; #[tokio::test] #[ignore] async fn ipv4_test() { let ipv4 = IPSourceSeeIP .get_ipv4() .await .expect("Failed to get the IP address"); assert!(Regex::new(r"^\d+[.]\d+[.]\d+[.]\d+$") .unwrap() .is_match(ipv4.as_str())) } #[tokio::test] #[ignore] async fn ipv6_test() { let ipv6 = IPSourceSeeIP .get_ipv6() .await .expect("Failed to get the IP address"); assert!(Regex::new(r"^([0-9a-fA-F]*:){7}[0-9a-fA-F]*$") .unwrap() .is_match(ipv6.as_str())) } }