## gandi-live-dns-rust A program that can set the IP addresses for configured DNS entries in [Gandi](https://gandi.net)'s domain configuration. Thanks to Gandi's [LiveDNS API](https://api.gandi.net/docs/livedns/), this creates a dynamic DNS system. Inspired by [cavebeat's similar tool](https://github.com/cavebeat/gandi-live-dns), which seems to be unmaintained at the time I'm writing this. I decided to rewrite it in Rust as a learning project. This tool can update both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for one or more domains and subdomains. It's a "one-shot" tool that's then orchestrated with a systemd timer or cron. ## Usage - Copy `example.toml` to `gandi.toml` - Follow the instructions in the example config to get your API key and put it in the config - Follow the examples in the config to set up which entries you want to update - Use `cargo run` to build and run the program > Warning! > > This tool does not rate limit itself, or otherwise do anything that limits how often it sends changes to Gandi's servers. > It's up to you to use the tool properly and avoid abusing Gandi's servers. The tool is one-shot, so all you have to do is > to avoid running it too often.