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synced 2025-03-11 18:19:47 -05:00
Document AUR package & alternatives
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@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
# Maintainer: Kaan Genc <kaan@bgenc.net>
pkgdesc="Automatically updates your IP address for Gandi's Live DNS."
arch=('x86_64' 'armv6h' 'armv7h' 'aarch64')
depends=() # Dependency free
package() {
# Install service files
install -Dm644 gandi-live-dns.service "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/gandi-live-dns.service"
install -Dm644 gandi-live-dns.timer "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/gandi-live-dns.timer"
install -Dm644 gandi-live-dns.sysusers "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/sysusers.d/gandi-live-dns.conf"
# Add the example config
mkdir -m600 -p "${pkgdir}/etc/gandi-live-dns"
install -Dm600 example.toml "${pkgdir}/etc/gandi-live-dns/example.toml"
# Install the program itself
install -Dm755 gandi-live-dns "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/gandi-live-dns"
@ -11,20 +11,24 @@ program can update both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for one or more domains and
subdomains. It's a one-shot tool that's meant to be managed with a systemd timer
or cron.
Inspired by [cavebeat's similar tool](https://github.com/cavebeat/gandi-live-dns),
which seems to be unmaintained at the time I'm writing this. I decided to rewrite
it in Rust as a learning project.
## Usage
> This tool doesn't rate limit itself at the moment. If you have more than 30
> entries that need to be updated, the operation may hit rate the limit of Gandi
> entries that need to be updated, the operation may hit the rate limit of Gandi
> and fail. You can work around this using multiple config files and waiting at
> least 1 minute between runs.
### System packages
Packages are available for some linux distributions.
- ArchLinux: [gandi-live-dns-rust on AUR](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gandi-live-dns-rust/)
> Contributions to release this for other distributions are welcome!
### Prebuilt binaries
`gandi-live-dns-rust` provides pre-built binaries with the releases. See the
`gandi-live-dns` provides pre-built binaries with the releases. See the
[releases page](https://github.com/SeriousBug/gandi-live-dns-rust/releases) to
get the latest version. These binaries are statically linked, and provided for
both Linux and Windows, including ARM architectures for the Linux version.
@ -38,8 +42,8 @@ Download the latest version from the releases page, extract it from the archive,
### With docker
`gandi-live-dns-rust` has Docker images available for x86_64, arm64, armv6, and armv7 platforms.
Follow the steps below to use these images.
Use the [seriousbug/gandi-live-dns-rust](https://hub.docker.com/r/seriousbug/gandi-live-dns-rust) Docker images, which are available for x86_64,
arm64, armv6, and armv7 platforms. Follow the steps below to use these images.
- Create a file `gandi.toml`, then copy and paste the contents of [`example.toml`](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SeriousBug/gandi-live-dns-rust/master/example.toml)
- Follow the instructions in the example config to get your API key and put it in the config
@ -47,7 +51,7 @@ Follow the steps below to use these images.
- Run `docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/gandi.toml:/gandi.toml:ro seriousbug/gandi-live-dns-rust:latest`
> Docker doesn't [support IPv6](https://docs.docker.com/config/daemon/ipv6/) out
> of the box. Check the linked page to enable it, or use the native option.
> of the box. If you need to update IPv6 addresses, check the linked page to enable IPv6 or use the prebuilt binaries directly.
> If you get [errors](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42248198/how-to-mount-a-single-file-in-a-volume) about not finding the config file, make sure your command
> has a full path to the config file (`$(pwd)/gandi.toml` part). Otherwise
@ -60,6 +64,14 @@ to automatically run this tool. By default it will update the IP addresses after
every boot up, and at least once a day. You can adjust the timer to speed this
up, but avoid unnecessarily overloading Gandi's servers.
- Place `gandi-live-dns.timer` and `gandi-live-dns.service` into `/etc/systemd/system`
- Put `gandi-live-dns` binary into `/usr/bin/`
- You can also place it in `/usr/local/bin` or some other directory, just make sure to update the path in the service file
- Create the folder `/etc/gandi-live-dns`, and place your `gandi.toml` into it
- Create a user for the service: `useradd --system gandi-live-dns --home-dir /etc/gandi-live-dns`
- Make sure only the service can access the config file: `chown gandi-live-dns: /etc/gandi-live-dns/gandi.toml && chmod 600 /etc/gandi-live-dns/gandi.toml`
- Enable the timer with `systemctl enable --now gandi-live-dns.timer`
## Development
### Local builds
@ -79,3 +91,10 @@ Docker with `docker login`. Then follow these steps:
- Create a release on Github
- Make sure to create a tag for the release version on `master`
- Upload the binary archives to the Github release
## Alternatives
- [laur89's Bash based updater](https://github.com/laur89/docker-gandi-dns-update)
- [ Adam Vigneaux's Bash based updater, with a docker image](https://github.com/AdamVig/gandi-dynamic-dns)
- [Yago Riveiro's Python based updater](https://github.com/yriveiro/giu)
- [ Maxime Le Conte des Floris' Go based updater](https://github.com/mlcdf/dyndns)
Reference in a new issue