Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/SeriousBug/dotfiles synced 2025-02-22 22:29:50 -06:00
2023-01-26 23:45:42 -05:00

9549 lines
318 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

var t =
"undefined" != typeof globalThis
? globalThis
: "undefined" != typeof self
? self
: "undefined" != typeof window
? window
: "undefined" != typeof global
? global
: {};
function e(t) {
return t && t.__esModule ? t.default : t;
var n = {},
r = {},
o = t.parcelRequire52d3;
null == o &&
(((o = function (t) {
if (t in n) return n[t].exports;
if (t in r) {
var e = r[t];
delete r[t];
var o = { id: t, exports: {} };
return (n[t] = o), e.call(o.exports, o, o.exports), o.exports;
var i = new Error("Cannot find module '" + t + "'");
throw ((i.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND"), i);
}).register = function (t, e) {
r[t] = e;
(t.parcelRequire52d3 = o)),
o.register("cVm5l", function (e, n) {
/*! For license information please see lsplugin.user.js.LICENSE.txt */ self,
(e.exports = (() => {
var r = {
227: (t, e, n) => {
var r = n(155);
(e.formatArgs = function (e) {
if (
((e[0] =
(this.useColors ? "%c" : "") +
this.namespace +
(this.useColors ? " %c" : " ") +
e[0] +
(this.useColors ? "%c " : " ") +
"+" +
const n = "color: " + this.color;
e.splice(1, 0, n, "color: inherit");
let r = 0,
o = 0;
e[0].replace(/%[a-zA-Z%]/g, (t) => {
"%%" !== t && (r++, "%c" === t && (o = r));
e.splice(o, 0, n);
(e.save = function (t) {
try {
? e.storage.setItem("debug", t)
: e.storage.removeItem("debug");
} catch (t) {}
(e.load = function () {
let t;
try {
t = e.storage.getItem("debug");
} catch (t) {}
return (
!t && void 0 !== r && "env" in r && (t = r.env.DEBUG), t
(e.useColors = function () {
return (
"undefined" == typeof window ||
!window.process ||
("renderer" !== window.process.type &&
) ||
(("undefined" == typeof navigator ||
!navigator.userAgent ||
.match(/(edge|trident)\/(\d+)/)) &&
(("undefined" != typeof document &&
document.documentElement &&
document.documentElement.style &&
document.documentElement.style.WebkitAppearance) ||
("undefined" != typeof window &&
window.console &&
(window.console.firebug ||
(window.console.exception &&
window.console.table))) ||
("undefined" != typeof navigator &&
navigator.userAgent &&
.match(/firefox\/(\d+)/) &&
parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10) >= 31) ||
("undefined" != typeof navigator &&
navigator.userAgent &&
(e.storage = (function () {
try {
return localStorage;
} catch (t) {}
(e.destroy = (() => {
let t = !1;
return () => {
t ||
((t = !0),
"Instance method `debug.destroy()` is deprecated and no longer does anything. It will be removed in the next major version of `debug`.",
(e.colors = [
(e.log = console.debug || console.log || (() => {})),
(t.exports = n(447)(e));
const { formatters: o } = t.exports;
o.j = function (t) {
try {
return JSON.stringify(t);
} catch (t) {
return "[UnexpectedJSONParseError]: " + t.message;
447: (t, e, n) => {
t.exports = function (t) {
function e(t) {
let n,
o = null;
function i(...t) {
if (!i.enabled) return;
const r = i,
o = Number(new Date()),
a = o - (n || o);
(r.diff = a),
(r.prev = n),
(r.curr = o),
(n = o),
(t[0] = e.coerce(t[0])),
"string" != typeof t[0] && t.unshift("%O");
let u = 0;
(t[0] = t[0].replace(/%([a-zA-Z%])/g, (n, o) => {
if ("%%" === n) return "%";
const i = e.formatters[o];
if ("function" == typeof i) {
const e = t[u];
(n = i.call(r, e)), t.splice(u, 1), u--;
return n;
e.formatArgs.call(r, t),
(r.log || e.log).apply(r, t);
return (
(i.namespace = t),
(i.useColors = e.useColors()),
(i.color = e.selectColor(t)),
(i.extend = r),
(i.destroy = e.destroy),
Object.defineProperty(i, "enabled", {
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !1,
get: () => (null === o ? e.enabled(t) : o),
set: (t) => {
o = t;
"function" == typeof e.init && e.init(i),
function r(t, n) {
const r = e(this.namespace + (void 0 === n ? ":" : n) + t);
return (r.log = this.log), r;
function o(t) {
return t
.substring(2, t.toString().length - 2)
.replace(/\.\*\?$/, "*");
return (
(e.debug = e),
(e.default = e),
(e.coerce = function (t) {
return t instanceof Error ? t.stack || t.message : t;
(e.disable = function () {
const t = [
...e.skips.map(o).map((t) => "-" + t),
return e.enable(""), t;
(e.enable = function (t) {
let n;
e.save(t), (e.names = []), (e.skips = []);
const r = ("string" == typeof t ? t : "").split(/[\s,]+/),
o = r.length;
for (n = 0; n < o; n++)
r[n] &&
("-" === (t = r[n].replace(/\*/g, ".*?"))[0]
? e.skips.push(new RegExp("^" + t.substr(1) + "$"))
: e.names.push(new RegExp("^" + t + "$")));
(e.enabled = function (t) {
if ("*" === t[t.length - 1]) return !0;
let n, r;
for (n = 0, r = e.skips.length; n < r; n++)
if (e.skips[n].test(t)) return !1;
for (n = 0, r = e.names.length; n < r; n++)
if (e.names[n].test(t)) return !0;
return !1;
(e.humanize = n(824)),
(e.destroy = function () {
"Instance method `debug.destroy()` is deprecated and no longer does anything. It will be removed in the next major version of `debug`.",
Object.keys(t).forEach((n) => {
e[n] = t[n];
(e.names = []),
(e.skips = []),
(e.formatters = {}),
(e.selectColor = function (t) {
let n = 0;
for (let e = 0; e < t.length; e++)
(n = (n << 5) - n + t.charCodeAt(e)), (n |= 0);
return e.colors[Math.abs(n) % e.colors.length];
856: function (t) {
t.exports = (function () {
var t = Object.hasOwnProperty,
e = Object.setPrototypeOf,
n = Object.isFrozen,
r = Object.getPrototypeOf,
o = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,
i = Object.freeze,
a = Object.seal,
u = Object.create,
c = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect,
s = c.apply,
l = c.construct;
s ||
(s = function (t, e, n) {
return t.apply(e, n);
i ||
(i = function (t) {
return t;
a ||
(a = function (t) {
return t;
l ||
(l = function (t, e) {
return new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(
(function (t) {
if (Array.isArray(t)) {
for (
var e = 0, n = Array(t.length);
e < t.length;
n[e] = t[e];
return n;
return Array.from(t);
var f,
p = x(Array.prototype.forEach),
h = x(Array.prototype.pop),
d = x(Array.prototype.push),
g = x(String.prototype.toLowerCase),
v = x(String.prototype.match),
y = x(String.prototype.replace),
m = x(String.prototype.indexOf),
_ = x(String.prototype.trim),
b = x(RegExp.prototype.test),
w =
((f = TypeError),
function () {
for (
var t = arguments.length, e = Array(t), n = 0;
n < t;
e[n] = arguments[n];
return l(f, e);
function x(t) {
return function (e) {
for (
var n = arguments.length,
r = Array(n > 1 ? n - 1 : 0),
o = 1;
o < n;
r[o - 1] = arguments[o];
return s(t, e, r);
function O(t, r) {
e && e(t, null);
for (var o = r.length; o--; ) {
var i = r[o];
if ("string" == typeof i) {
var a = g(i);
a !== i && (n(r) || (r[o] = a), (i = a));
t[i] = !0;
return t;
function A(e) {
var n = u(null),
r = void 0;
for (r in e) s(t, e, [r]) && (n[r] = e[r]);
return n;
function C(t, e) {
for (; null !== t; ) {
var n = o(t, e);
if (n) {
if (n.get) return x(n.get);
if ("function" == typeof n.value) return x(n.value);
t = r(t);
return function (t) {
return console.warn("fallback value for", t), null;
var S = i([
j = i([
k = i([
T = i([
E = i([
I = i([
L = i(["#text"]),
F = i([
R = i([
M = i([
z = i([
N = a(/\{\{[\s\S]*|[\s\S]*\}\}/gm),
D = a(/<%[\s\S]*|[\s\S]*%>/gm),
U = a(/^data-[\-\w.\u00B7-\uFFFF]/),
P = a(/^aria-[\-\w]+$/),
$ = a(
B = a(/^(?:\w+script|data):/i),
W = a(
q =
"function" == typeof Symbol &&
"symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator
? function (t) {
return typeof t;
: function (t) {
return t &&
"function" == typeof Symbol &&
t.constructor === Symbol &&
t !== Symbol.prototype
? "symbol"
: typeof t;
function H(t) {
if (Array.isArray(t)) {
for (var e = 0, n = Array(t.length); e < t.length; e++)
n[e] = t[e];
return n;
return Array.from(t);
var G = function () {
return "undefined" == typeof window ? null : window;
Z = function (t, e) {
if (
"object" !== (void 0 === t ? "undefined" : q(t)) ||
"function" != typeof t.createPolicy
return null;
var n = null,
r = "data-tt-policy-suffix";
e.currentScript &&
e.currentScript.hasAttribute(r) &&
(n = e.currentScript.getAttribute(r));
var o = "dompurify" + (n ? "#" + n : "");
try {
return t.createPolicy(o, {
createHTML: function (t) {
return t;
} catch (t) {
return (
"TrustedTypes policy " + o + " could not be created.",
return (function t() {
var e =
arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0]
? arguments[0]
: G(),
n = function (e) {
return t(e);
if (
((n.version = "2.3.1"),
(n.removed = []),
!e || !e.document || 9 !== e.document.nodeType)
return (n.isSupported = !1), n;
var r = e.document,
o = e.document,
a = e.DocumentFragment,
u = e.HTMLTemplateElement,
c = e.Node,
s = e.Element,
l = e.NodeFilter,
f = e.NamedNodeMap,
x = void 0 === f ? e.NamedNodeMap || e.MozNamedAttrMap : f,
J = e.Text,
V = e.Comment,
K = e.DOMParser,
Y = e.trustedTypes,
Q = s.prototype,
X = C(Q, "cloneNode"),
tt = C(Q, "nextSibling"),
et = C(Q, "childNodes"),
nt = C(Q, "parentNode");
if ("function" == typeof u) {
var rt = o.createElement("template");
rt.content &&
rt.content.ownerDocument &&
(o = rt.content.ownerDocument);
var ot = Z(Y, r),
it = ot && Nt ? ot.createHTML("") : "",
at = o,
ut = at.implementation,
ct = at.createNodeIterator,
st = at.createDocumentFragment,
lt = at.getElementsByTagName,
ft = r.importNode,
pt = {};
try {
pt = A(o).documentMode ? o.documentMode : {};
} catch (t) {}
var ht = {};
n.isSupported =
"function" == typeof nt &&
ut &&
void 0 !== ut.createHTMLDocument &&
9 !== pt;
var dt = N,
gt = D,
vt = U,
yt = P,
mt = B,
_t = W,
bt = $,
wt = null,
xt = O({}, [].concat(H(S), H(j), H(k), H(E), H(L))),
Ot = null,
At = O({}, [].concat(H(F), H(R), H(M), H(z))),
Ct = null,
St = null,
jt = !0,
kt = !0,
Tt = !1,
Et = !1,
It = !1,
Lt = !1,
Ft = !1,
Rt = !1,
Mt = !1,
zt = !0,
Nt = !1,
Dt = !0,
Ut = !0,
Pt = !1,
$t = {},
Bt = null,
Wt = O({}, [
qt = null,
Ht = O({}, [
Gt = null,
Zt = O({}, [
Jt = "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML",
Vt = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
Kt = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml",
Yt = Kt,
Qt = !1,
Xt = null,
te = o.createElement("form"),
ee = function (t) {
(Xt && Xt === t) ||
((t &&
"object" === (void 0 === t ? "undefined" : q(t))) ||
(t = {}),
(t = A(t)),
(wt = "ALLOWED_TAGS" in t ? O({}, t.ALLOWED_TAGS) : xt),
(Ot = "ALLOWED_ATTR" in t ? O({}, t.ALLOWED_ATTR) : At),
(Gt =
: Zt),
(qt =
: Ht),
(Bt =
: Wt),
(Ct = "FORBID_TAGS" in t ? O({}, t.FORBID_TAGS) : {}),
(St = "FORBID_ATTR" in t ? O({}, t.FORBID_ATTR) : {}),
($t = "USE_PROFILES" in t && t.USE_PROFILES),
(jt = !1 !== t.ALLOW_ARIA_ATTR),
(kt = !1 !== t.ALLOW_DATA_ATTR),
(Et = t.SAFE_FOR_TEMPLATES || !1),
(It = t.WHOLE_DOCUMENT || !1),
(Rt = t.RETURN_DOM || !1),
(zt = !1 !== t.RETURN_DOM_IMPORT),
(Ft = t.FORCE_BODY || !1),
(Dt = !1 !== t.SANITIZE_DOM),
(Ut = !1 !== t.KEEP_CONTENT),
(Pt = t.IN_PLACE || !1),
(bt = t.ALLOWED_URI_REGEXP || bt),
(Yt = t.NAMESPACE || Kt),
Et && (kt = !1),
Mt && (Rt = !0),
$t &&
((wt = O({}, [].concat(H(L)))),
(Ot = []),
!0 === $t.html && (O(wt, S), O(Ot, F)),
!0 === $t.svg && (O(wt, j), O(Ot, R), O(Ot, z)),
!0 === $t.svgFilters &&
(O(wt, k), O(Ot, R), O(Ot, z)),
!0 === $t.mathMl && (O(wt, E), O(Ot, M), O(Ot, z))),
(wt === xt && (wt = A(wt)), O(wt, t.ADD_TAGS)),
(Ot === At && (Ot = A(Ot)), O(Ot, t.ADD_ATTR)),
(Bt === Wt && (Bt = A(Bt)), O(Bt, t.FORBID_CONTENTS)),
Ut && (wt["#text"] = !0),
It && O(wt, ["html", "head", "body"]),
wt.table && (O(wt, ["tbody"]), delete Ct.tbody),
i && i(t),
(Xt = t));
ne = O({}, ["mi", "mo", "mn", "ms", "mtext"]),
re = O({}, [
oe = O({}, j);
O(oe, k), O(oe, T);
var ie = O({}, E);
O(ie, I);
var ae = function (t) {
var e = nt(t);
(e && e.tagName) ||
(e = { namespaceURI: Kt, tagName: "template" });
var n = g(t.tagName),
r = g(e.tagName);
if (t.namespaceURI === Vt)
return e.namespaceURI === Kt
? "svg" === n
: e.namespaceURI === Jt
? "svg" === n && ("annotation-xml" === r || ne[r])
: Boolean(oe[n]);
if (t.namespaceURI === Jt)
return e.namespaceURI === Kt
? "math" === n
: e.namespaceURI === Vt
? "math" === n && re[r]
: Boolean(ie[n]);
if (t.namespaceURI === Kt) {
if (e.namespaceURI === Vt && !re[r]) return !1;
if (e.namespaceURI === Jt && !ne[r]) return !1;
var o = O({}, [
return !ie[n] && (o[n] || !oe[n]);
return !1;
ue = function (t) {
d(n.removed, { element: t });
try {
} catch (e) {
try {
t.outerHTML = it;
} catch (e) {
ce = function (t, e) {
try {
d(n.removed, {
attribute: e.getAttributeNode(t),
from: e,
} catch (t) {
d(n.removed, { attribute: null, from: e });
if ((e.removeAttribute(t), "is" === t && !Ot[t]))
if (Rt || Mt)
try {
} catch (t) {}
try {
e.setAttribute(t, "");
} catch (t) {}
se = function (t) {
var e = void 0,
n = void 0;
if (Ft) t = "<remove></remove>" + t;
else {
var r = v(t, /^[\r\n\t ]+/);
n = r && r[0];
var i = ot ? ot.createHTML(t) : t;
if (Yt === Kt)
try {
e = new K().parseFromString(i, "text/html");
} catch (t) {}
if (!e || !e.documentElement) {
e = ut.createDocument(Yt, "template", null);
try {
e.documentElement.innerHTML = Qt ? "" : i;
} catch (t) {}
var a = e.body || e.documentElement;
return (
t &&
n &&
a.childNodes[0] || null,
Yt === Kt
? lt.call(e, It ? "html" : "body")[0]
: It
? e.documentElement
: a
le = function (t) {
return ct.call(
t.ownerDocument || t,
fe = function (t) {
return !(
t instanceof J ||
t instanceof V ||
("string" == typeof t.nodeName &&
"string" == typeof t.textContent &&
"function" == typeof t.removeChild &&
t.attributes instanceof x &&
"function" == typeof t.removeAttribute &&
"function" == typeof t.setAttribute &&
"string" == typeof t.namespaceURI &&
"function" == typeof t.insertBefore)
pe = function (t) {
return "object" === (void 0 === c ? "undefined" : q(c))
? t instanceof c
: t &&
"object" === (void 0 === t ? "undefined" : q(t)) &&
"number" == typeof t.nodeType &&
"string" == typeof t.nodeName;
he = function (t, e, r) {
ht[t] &&
p(ht[t], function (t) {
t.call(n, e, r, Xt);
de = function (t) {
var e = void 0;
if ((he("beforeSanitizeElements", t, null), fe(t)))
return ue(t), !0;
if (v(t.nodeName, /[\u0080-\uFFFF]/)) return ue(t), !0;
var r = g(t.nodeName);
if (
(he("uponSanitizeElement", t, {
tagName: r,
allowedTags: wt,
!pe(t.firstElementChild) &&
(!pe(t.content) ||
!pe(t.content.firstElementChild)) &&
b(/<[/\w]/g, t.innerHTML) &&
b(/<[/\w]/g, t.textContent))
return ue(t), !0;
if ("select" === r && b(/<template/i, t.innerHTML))
return ue(t), !0;
if (!wt[r] || Ct[r]) {
if (Ut && !Bt[r]) {
var o = nt(t) || t.parentNode,
i = et(t) || t.childNodes;
if (i && o)
for (var a = i.length - 1; a >= 0; --a)
o.insertBefore(X(i[a], !0), tt(t));
return ue(t), !0;
return t instanceof s && !ae(t)
? (ue(t), !0)
: ("noscript" !== r && "noembed" !== r) ||
!b(/<\/no(script|embed)/i, t.innerHTML)
? (Et &&
3 === t.nodeType &&
((e = t.textContent),
(e = y(e, dt, " ")),
(e = y(e, gt, " ")),
t.textContent !== e &&
(d(n.removed, { element: t.cloneNode() }),
(t.textContent = e))),
he("afterSanitizeElements", t, null),
: (ue(t), !0);
ge = function (t, e, n) {
if (
Dt &&
("id" === e || "name" === e) &&
(n in o || n in te)
return !1;
if (kt && !St[e] && b(vt, e));
else if (jt && b(yt, e));
else {
if (!Ot[e] || St[e]) return !1;
if (Gt[e]);
else if (b(bt, y(n, _t, "")));
else if (
("src" !== e && "xlink:href" !== e && "href" !== e) ||
"script" === t ||
0 !== m(n, "data:") ||
if (Tt && !b(mt, y(n, _t, "")));
else if (n) return !1;
return !0;
ve = function (t) {
var e = void 0,
r = void 0,
o = void 0,
i = void 0;
he("beforeSanitizeAttributes", t, null);
var a = t.attributes;
if (a) {
var u = {
attrName: "",
attrValue: "",
keepAttr: !0,
allowedAttributes: Ot,
for (i = a.length; i--; ) {
var c = (e = a[i]),
s = c.name,
l = c.namespaceURI;
if (
((r = _(e.value)),
(o = g(s)),
(u.attrName = o),
(u.attrValue = r),
(u.keepAttr = !0),
(u.forceKeepAttr = void 0),
he("uponSanitizeAttribute", t, u),
(r = u.attrValue),
!u.forceKeepAttr && (ce(s, t), u.keepAttr))
if (b(/\/>/i, r)) ce(s, t);
else {
Et && ((r = y(r, dt, " ")), (r = y(r, gt, " ")));
var f = t.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (ge(f, o, r))
try {
? t.setAttributeNS(l, s, r)
: t.setAttribute(s, r),
} catch (t) {}
he("afterSanitizeAttributes", t, null);
ye = function t(e) {
var n = void 0,
r = le(e);
for (
he("beforeSanitizeShadowDOM", e, null);
(n = r.nextNode());
he("uponSanitizeShadowNode", n, null),
de(n) ||
(n.content instanceof a && t(n.content), ve(n));
he("afterSanitizeShadowDOM", e, null);
return (
(n.sanitize = function (t, o) {
var i = void 0,
u = void 0,
s = void 0,
l = void 0,
f = void 0;
if (
((Qt = !t) && (t = "\x3c!--\x3e"),
"string" != typeof t && !pe(t))
) {
if ("function" != typeof t.toString)
throw w("toString is not a function");
if ("string" != typeof (t = t.toString()))
throw w("dirty is not a string, aborting");
if (!n.isSupported) {
if (
"object" === q(e.toStaticHTML) ||
"function" == typeof e.toStaticHTML
) {
if ("string" == typeof t) return e.toStaticHTML(t);
if (pe(t)) return e.toStaticHTML(t.outerHTML);
return t;
if (
(Lt || ee(o),
(n.removed = []),
"string" == typeof t && (Pt = !1),
else if (t instanceof c)
(1 ===
(u = (i =
)).nodeType &&
"BODY" === u.nodeName) ||
"HTML" === u.nodeName
? (i = u)
: i.appendChild(u);
else {
if (!Rt && !Et && !It && -1 === t.indexOf("<"))
return ot && Nt ? ot.createHTML(t) : t;
if (!(i = se(t))) return Rt ? null : it;
i && Ft && ue(i.firstChild);
for (var p = le(Pt ? t : i); (s = p.nextNode()); )
(3 === s.nodeType && s === l) ||
de(s) ||
(s.content instanceof a && ye(s.content),
(l = s));
if (((l = null), Pt)) return t;
if (Rt) {
if (Mt)
for (f = st.call(i.ownerDocument); i.firstChild; )
else f = i;
return zt && (f = ft.call(r, f, !0)), f;
var h = It ? i.outerHTML : i.innerHTML;
return (
Et && ((h = y(h, dt, " ")), (h = y(h, gt, " "))),
ot && Nt ? ot.createHTML(h) : h
(n.setConfig = function (t) {
ee(t), (Lt = !0);
(n.clearConfig = function () {
(Xt = null), (Lt = !1);
(n.isValidAttribute = function (t, e, n) {
Xt || ee({});
var r = g(t),
o = g(e);
return ge(r, o, n);
(n.addHook = function (t, e) {
"function" == typeof e &&
((ht[t] = ht[t] || []), d(ht[t], e));
(n.removeHook = function (t) {
ht[t] && h(ht[t]);
(n.removeHooks = function (t) {
ht[t] && (ht[t] = []);
(n.removeAllHooks = function () {
ht = {};
729: (t) => {
var e = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
n = "~";
function r() {}
function o(t, e, n) {
(this.fn = t), (this.context = e), (this.once = n || !1);
function i(t, e, r, i, a) {
if ("function" != typeof r)
throw new TypeError("The listener must be a function");
var u = new o(r, i || t, a),
c = n ? n + e : e;
return (
? t._events[c].fn
? (t._events[c] = [t._events[c], u])
: t._events[c].push(u)
: ((t._events[c] = u), t._eventsCount++),
function a(t, e) {
0 == --t._eventsCount
? (t._events = new r())
: delete t._events[e];
function u() {
(this._events = new r()), (this._eventsCount = 0);
Object.create &&
((r.prototype = Object.create(null)),
new r().__proto__ || (n = !1)),
(u.prototype.eventNames = function () {
var t,
o = [];
if (0 === this._eventsCount) return o;
for (r in (t = this._events))
e.call(t, r) && o.push(n ? r.slice(1) : r);
return Object.getOwnPropertySymbols
? o.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t))
: o;
(u.prototype.listeners = function (t) {
var e = n ? n + t : t,
r = this._events[e];
if (!r) return [];
if (r.fn) return [r.fn];
for (var o = 0, i = r.length, a = new Array(i); o < i; o++)
a[o] = r[o].fn;
return a;
(u.prototype.listenerCount = function (t) {
var e = n ? n + t : t,
r = this._events[e];
return r ? (r.fn ? 1 : r.length) : 0;
(u.prototype.emit = function (t, e, r, o, i, a) {
var u = n ? n + t : t;
if (!this._events[u]) return !1;
var c,
l = this._events[u],
f = arguments.length;
if (l.fn) {
switch (
(l.once && this.removeListener(t, l.fn, void 0, !0), f)
) {
case 1:
return l.fn.call(l.context), !0;
case 2:
return l.fn.call(l.context, e), !0;
case 3:
return l.fn.call(l.context, e, r), !0;
case 4:
return l.fn.call(l.context, e, r, o), !0;
case 5:
return l.fn.call(l.context, e, r, o, i), !0;
case 6:
return l.fn.call(l.context, e, r, o, i, a), !0;
for (s = 1, c = new Array(f - 1); s < f; s++)
c[s - 1] = arguments[s];
l.fn.apply(l.context, c);
} else {
var p,
h = l.length;
for (s = 0; s < h; s++)
switch (
(l[s].once &&
this.removeListener(t, l[s].fn, void 0, !0),
) {
case 1:
case 2:
l[s].fn.call(l[s].context, e);
case 3:
l[s].fn.call(l[s].context, e, r);
case 4:
l[s].fn.call(l[s].context, e, r, o);
if (!c)
for (p = 1, c = new Array(f - 1); p < f; p++)
c[p - 1] = arguments[p];
l[s].fn.apply(l[s].context, c);
return !0;
(u.prototype.on = function (t, e, n) {
return i(this, t, e, n, !1);
(u.prototype.once = function (t, e, n) {
return i(this, t, e, n, !0);
(u.prototype.removeListener = function (t, e, r, o) {
var i = n ? n + t : t;
if (!this._events[i]) return this;
if (!e) return a(this, i), this;
var u = this._events[i];
if (u.fn)
u.fn !== e ||
(o && !u.once) ||
(r && u.context !== r) ||
a(this, i);
else {
for (var c = 0, s = [], l = u.length; c < l; c++)
(u[c].fn !== e ||
(o && !u[c].once) ||
(r && u[c].context !== r)) &&
? (this._events[i] = 1 === s.length ? s[0] : s)
: a(this, i);
return this;
(u.prototype.removeAllListeners = function (t) {
var e;
return (
? ((e = n ? n + t : t), this._events[e] && a(this, e))
: ((this._events = new r()), (this._eventsCount = 0)),
(u.prototype.off = u.prototype.removeListener),
(u.prototype.addListener = u.prototype.on),
(u.prefixed = n),
(u.EventEmitter = u),
(t.exports = u);
717: (t) => {
"function" == typeof Object.create
? (t.exports = function (t, e) {
(t.super_ = e),
(t.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: t,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0,
: (t.exports = function (t, e) {
t.super_ = e;
var n = function () {};
(n.prototype = e.prototype),
(t.prototype = new n()),
(t.prototype.constructor = t);
824: (t) => {
var e = 1e3,
n = 60 * e,
r = 60 * n,
o = 24 * r;
function i(t, e, n, r) {
var o = e >= 1.5 * n;
return Math.round(t / n) + " " + r + (o ? "s" : "");
t.exports = function (t, a) {
a = a || {};
var u,
s = typeof t;
if ("string" === s && t.length > 0)
return (function (t) {
if (!((t = String(t)).length > 100)) {
var i =
/^(-?(?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(milliseconds?|msecs?|ms|seconds?|secs?|s|minutes?|mins?|m|hours?|hrs?|h|days?|d|weeks?|w|years?|yrs?|y)?$/i.exec(
if (i) {
var a = parseFloat(i[1]);
switch ((i[2] || "ms").toLowerCase()) {
case "years":
case "year":
case "yrs":
case "yr":
case "y":
return 315576e5 * a;
case "weeks":
case "week":
case "w":
return 6048e5 * a;
case "days":
case "day":
case "d":
return a * o;
case "hours":
case "hour":
case "hrs":
case "hr":
case "h":
return a * r;
case "minutes":
case "minute":
case "mins":
case "min":
case "m":
return a * n;
case "seconds":
case "second":
case "secs":
case "sec":
case "s":
return a * e;
case "milliseconds":
case "millisecond":
case "msecs":
case "msec":
case "ms":
return a;
if ("number" === s && isFinite(t))
return a.long
? ((u = t),
(c = Math.abs(u)) >= o
? i(u, c, o, "day")
: c >= r
? i(u, c, r, "hour")
: c >= n
? i(u, c, n, "minute")
: c >= e
? i(u, c, e, "second")
: u + " ms")
: (function (t) {
var i = Math.abs(t);
return i >= o
? Math.round(t / o) + "d"
: i >= r
? Math.round(t / r) + "h"
: i >= n
? Math.round(t / n) + "m"
: i >= e
? Math.round(t / e) + "s"
: t + "ms";
throw new Error(
"val is not a non-empty string or a valid number. val=" +
520: (t, e, n) => {
var r = n(155),
o = "win32" === r.platform,
i = n(539);
function a(t, e) {
for (var n = [], r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var o = t[r];
o &&
"." !== o &&
(".." === o
? n.length && ".." !== n[n.length - 1]
? n.pop()
: e && n.push("..")
: n.push(o));
return n;
function u(t) {
for (var e = t.length - 1, n = 0; n <= e && !t[n]; n++);
for (var r = e; r >= 0 && !t[r]; r--);
return 0 === n && r === e ? t : n > r ? [] : t.slice(n, r + 1);
var c =
s =
l = {};
function f(t) {
var e = c.exec(t),
n = (e[1] || "") + (e[2] || ""),
r = e[3] || "",
o = s.exec(r);
return [n, o[1], o[2], o[3]];
function p(t) {
var e = c.exec(t),
n = e[1] || "",
r = !!n && ":" !== n[1];
return {
device: n,
isUnc: r,
isAbsolute: r || !!e[2],
tail: e[3],
function h(t) {
return (
"\\\\" + t.replace(/^[\\\/]+/, "").replace(/[\\\/]+/g, "\\")
(l.resolve = function () {
for (
var t = "", e = "", n = !1, o = arguments.length - 1;
o >= -1;
) {
var u;
if (
(o >= 0
? (u = arguments[o])
: t
? ((u = r.env["=" + t]) &&
u.substr(0, 3).toLowerCase() ===
t.toLowerCase() + "\\") ||
(u = t + "\\")
: (u = r.cwd()),
throw new TypeError(
"Arguments to path.resolve must be strings",
if (u) {
var c = p(u),
s = c.device,
l = c.isUnc,
f = c.isAbsolute,
d = c.tail;
if (
(!s || !t || s.toLowerCase() === t.toLowerCase()) &&
(t || (t = s), n || ((e = d + "\\" + e), (n = f)), t && n)
return (
l && (t = h(t)),
t +
(n ? "\\" : "") +
(e = a(e.split(/[\\\/]+/), !n).join("\\")) || "."
(l.normalize = function (t) {
var e = p(t),
n = e.device,
r = e.isUnc,
o = e.isAbsolute,
i = e.tail,
u = /[\\\/]$/.test(i);
return (
(i = a(i.split(/[\\\/]+/), !o).join("\\")) ||
o ||
(i = "."),
i && u && (i += "\\"),
r && (n = h(n)),
n + (o ? "\\" : "") + i
(l.isAbsolute = function (t) {
return p(t).isAbsolute;
(l.join = function () {
for (var t = [], e = 0; e < arguments.length; e++) {
var n = arguments[e];
if (!i.isString(n))
throw new TypeError(
"Arguments to path.join must be strings",
n && t.push(n);
var r = t.join("\\");
return (
/^[\\\/]{2}[^\\\/]/.test(t[0]) ||
(r = r.replace(/^[\\\/]{2,}/, "\\")),
(l.relative = function (t, e) {
(t = l.resolve(t)), (e = l.resolve(e));
for (
var n = t.toLowerCase(),
r = e.toLowerCase(),
o = u(e.split("\\")),
i = u(n.split("\\")),
a = u(r.split("\\")),
c = Math.min(i.length, a.length),
s = c,
f = 0;
f < c;
if (i[f] !== a[f]) {
s = f;
if (0 == s) return e;
var p = [];
for (f = s; f < i.length; f++) p.push("..");
return (p = p.concat(o.slice(s))).join("\\");
(l._makeLong = function (t) {
if (!i.isString(t)) return t;
if (!t) return "";
var e = l.resolve(t);
return /^[a-zA-Z]\:\\/.test(e)
? "\\\\?\\" + e
: /^\\\\[^?.]/.test(e)
? "\\\\?\\UNC\\" + e.substring(2)
: t;
(l.dirname = function (t) {
var e = f(t),
n = e[0],
r = e[1];
return n || r
? (r && (r = r.substr(0, r.length - 1)), n + r)
: ".";
(l.basename = function (t, e) {
var n = f(t)[2];
return (
e &&
n.substr(-1 * e.length) === e &&
(n = n.substr(0, n.length - e.length)),
(l.extname = function (t) {
return f(t)[3];
(l.format = function (t) {
if (!i.isObject(t))
throw new TypeError(
"Parameter 'pathObject' must be an object, not " +
typeof t,
var e = t.root || "";
if (!i.isString(e))
throw new TypeError(
"'pathObject.root' must be a string or undefined, not " +
typeof t.root,
var n = t.dir,
r = t.base || "";
return n
? n[n.length - 1] === l.sep
? n + r
: n + l.sep + r
: r;
(l.parse = function (t) {
if (!i.isString(t))
throw new TypeError(
"Parameter 'pathString' must be a string, not " +
typeof t,
var e = f(t);
if (!e || 4 !== e.length)
throw new TypeError("Invalid path '" + t + "'");
return {
root: e[0],
dir: e[0] + e[1].slice(0, -1),
base: e[2],
ext: e[3],
name: e[2].slice(0, e[2].length - e[3].length),
(l.sep = "\\"),
(l.delimiter = ";");
var d =
g = {};
function v(t) {
return d.exec(t).slice(1);
(g.resolve = function () {
for (
var t = "", e = !1, n = arguments.length - 1;
n >= -1 && !e;
) {
var o = n >= 0 ? arguments[n] : r.cwd();
if (!i.isString(o))
throw new TypeError(
"Arguments to path.resolve must be strings",
o && ((t = o + "/" + t), (e = "/" === o[0]));
return (
(e ? "/" : "") + (t = a(t.split("/"), !e).join("/")) || "."
(g.normalize = function (t) {
var e = g.isAbsolute(t),
n = t && "/" === t[t.length - 1];
return (
(t = a(t.split("/"), !e).join("/")) || e || (t = "."),
t && n && (t += "/"),
(e ? "/" : "") + t
(g.isAbsolute = function (t) {
return "/" === t.charAt(0);
(g.join = function () {
for (var t = "", e = 0; e < arguments.length; e++) {
var n = arguments[e];
if (!i.isString(n))
throw new TypeError(
"Arguments to path.join must be strings",
n && (t += t ? "/" + n : n);
return g.normalize(t);
(g.relative = function (t, e) {
(t = g.resolve(t).substr(1)), (e = g.resolve(e).substr(1));
for (
var n = u(t.split("/")),
r = u(e.split("/")),
o = Math.min(n.length, r.length),
i = o,
a = 0;
a < o;
if (n[a] !== r[a]) {
i = a;
var c = [];
for (a = i; a < n.length; a++) c.push("..");
return (c = c.concat(r.slice(i))).join("/");
(g._makeLong = function (t) {
return t;
(g.dirname = function (t) {
var e = v(t),
n = e[0],
r = e[1];
return n || r
? (r && (r = r.substr(0, r.length - 1)), n + r)
: ".";
(g.basename = function (t, e) {
var n = v(t)[2];
return (
e &&
n.substr(-1 * e.length) === e &&
(n = n.substr(0, n.length - e.length)),
(g.extname = function (t) {
return v(t)[3];
(g.format = function (t) {
if (!i.isObject(t))
throw new TypeError(
"Parameter 'pathObject' must be an object, not " +
typeof t,
var e = t.root || "";
if (!i.isString(e))
throw new TypeError(
"'pathObject.root' must be a string or undefined, not " +
typeof t.root,
return (t.dir ? t.dir + g.sep : "") + (t.base || "");
(g.parse = function (t) {
if (!i.isString(t))
throw new TypeError(
"Parameter 'pathString' must be a string, not " +
typeof t,
var e = v(t);
if (!e || 4 !== e.length)
throw new TypeError("Invalid path '" + t + "'");
return (
(e[1] = e[1] || ""),
(e[2] = e[2] || ""),
(e[3] = e[3] || ""),
root: e[0],
dir: e[0] + e[1].slice(0, -1),
base: e[2],
ext: e[3],
name: e[2].slice(0, e[2].length - e[3].length),
(g.sep = "/"),
(g.delimiter = ":"),
(t.exports = o ? l : g),
(t.exports.posix = g),
(t.exports.win32 = l);
155: (t) => {
var e,
r = (t.exports = {});
function o() {
throw new Error("setTimeout has not been defined");
function i() {
throw new Error("clearTimeout has not been defined");
function a(t) {
if (e === setTimeout) return setTimeout(t, 0);
if ((e === o || !e) && setTimeout)
return (e = setTimeout), setTimeout(t, 0);
try {
return e(t, 0);
} catch (n) {
try {
return e.call(null, t, 0);
} catch (n) {
return e.call(this, t, 0);
!(function () {
try {
e = "function" == typeof setTimeout ? setTimeout : o;
} catch (t) {
e = o;
try {
n = "function" == typeof clearTimeout ? clearTimeout : i;
} catch (t) {
n = i;
var u,
c = [],
s = !1,
l = -1;
function f() {
s &&
u &&
((s = !1),
u.length ? (c = u.concat(c)) : (l = -1),
c.length && p());
function p() {
if (!s) {
var t = a(f);
s = !0;
for (var e = c.length; e; ) {
for (u = c, c = []; ++l < e; ) u && u[l].run();
(l = -1), (e = c.length);
(u = null),
(s = !1),
(function (t) {
if (n === clearTimeout) return clearTimeout(t);
if ((n === i || !n) && clearTimeout)
return (n = clearTimeout), clearTimeout(t);
try {
} catch (e) {
try {
return n.call(null, t);
} catch (e) {
return n.call(this, t);
function h(t, e) {
(this.fun = t), (this.array = e);
function d() {}
(r.nextTick = function (t) {
var e = new Array(arguments.length - 1);
if (arguments.length > 1)
for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++)
e[n - 1] = arguments[n];
c.push(new h(t, e)), 1 !== c.length || s || a(p);
(h.prototype.run = function () {
this.fun.apply(null, this.array);
(r.title = "browser"),
(r.browser = !0),
(r.env = {}),
(r.argv = []),
(r.version = ""),
(r.versions = {}),
(r.on = d),
(r.addListener = d),
(r.once = d),
(r.off = d),
(r.removeListener = d),
(r.removeAllListeners = d),
(r.emit = d),
(r.prependListener = d),
(r.prependOnceListener = d),
(r.listeners = function (t) {
return [];
(r.binding = function (t) {
throw new Error("process.binding is not supported");
(r.cwd = function () {
return "/";
(r.chdir = function (t) {
throw new Error("process.chdir is not supported");
(r.umask = function () {
return 0;
384: (t) => {
t.exports = function (t) {
return (
t &&
"object" == typeof t &&
"function" == typeof t.copy &&
"function" == typeof t.fill &&
"function" == typeof t.readUInt8
539: (t, e, n) => {
var r = n(155),
o = /%[sdj%]/g;
(e.format = function (t) {
if (!y(t)) {
for (var e = [], n = 0; n < arguments.length; n++)
return e.join(" ");
n = 1;
for (
var r = arguments,
i = r.length,
a = String(t).replace(o, function (t) {
if ("%%" === t) return "%";
if (n >= i) return t;
switch (t) {
case "%s":
return String(r[n++]);
case "%d":
return Number(r[n++]);
case "%j":
try {
return JSON.stringify(r[n++]);
} catch (t) {
return "[Circular]";
return t;
c = r[n];
n < i;
c = r[++n]
g(c) || !b(c) ? (a += " " + c) : (a += " " + u(c));
return a;
(e.deprecate = function (t, o) {
if (m(n.g.process))
return function () {
return e.deprecate(t, o).apply(this, arguments);
if (!0 === r.noDeprecation) return t;
var i = !1;
return function () {
if (!i) {
if (r.throwDeprecation) throw new Error(o);
r.traceDeprecation ? console.trace(o) : console.error(o),
(i = !0);
return t.apply(this, arguments);
var i,
a = {};
function u(t, n) {
var r = { seen: [], stylize: s };
return (
arguments.length >= 3 && (r.depth = arguments[2]),
arguments.length >= 4 && (r.colors = arguments[3]),
d(n) ? (r.showHidden = n) : n && e._extend(r, n),
m(r.showHidden) && (r.showHidden = !1),
m(r.depth) && (r.depth = 2),
m(r.colors) && (r.colors = !1),
m(r.customInspect) && (r.customInspect = !0),
r.colors && (r.stylize = c),
l(r, t, r.depth)
function c(t, e) {
var n = u.styles[e];
return n
? "[" + u.colors[n][0] + "m" + t + "[" + u.colors[n][1] + "m"
: t;
function s(t, e) {
return t;
function l(t, n, r) {
if (
t.customInspect &&
n &&
O(n.inspect) &&
n.inspect !== e.inspect &&
(!n.constructor || n.constructor.prototype !== n)
) {
var o = n.inspect(r, t);
return y(o) || (o = l(t, o, r)), o;
var i = (function (t, e) {
if (m(e)) return t.stylize("undefined", "undefined");
if (y(e)) {
var n =
"'" +
.replace(/^"|"$/g, "")
.replace(/'/g, "\\'")
.replace(/\\"/g, '"') +
return t.stylize(n, "string");
return v(e)
? t.stylize("" + e, "number")
: d(e)
? t.stylize("" + e, "boolean")
: g(e)
? t.stylize("null", "null")
: void 0;
})(t, n);
if (i) return i;
var a = Object.keys(n),
u = (function (t) {
var e = {};
return (
t.forEach(function (t, n) {
e[t] = !0;
if (
(t.showHidden && (a = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(n)),
x(n) &&
(a.indexOf("message") >= 0 ||
a.indexOf("description") >= 0))
return f(n);
if (0 === a.length) {
if (O(n)) {
var c = n.name ? ": " + n.name : "";
return t.stylize("[Function" + c + "]", "special");
if (_(n))
return t.stylize(
if (w(n))
return t.stylize(Date.prototype.toString.call(n), "date");
if (x(n)) return f(n);
var s,
S = "",
j = !1,
T = ["{", "}"];
return (
h(n) && ((j = !0), (T = ["[", "]"])),
O(n) &&
(S = " [Function" + (n.name ? ": " + n.name : "") + "]"),
_(n) && (S = " " + RegExp.prototype.toString.call(n)),
w(n) && (S = " " + Date.prototype.toUTCString.call(n)),
x(n) && (S = " " + f(n)),
0 !== a.length || (j && 0 != n.length)
? r < 0
? _(n)
? t.stylize(RegExp.prototype.toString.call(n), "regexp")
: t.stylize("[Object]", "special")
: (t.seen.push(n),
(s = j
? (function (t, e, n, r, o) {
for (var i = [], a = 0, u = e.length; a < u; ++a)
k(e, String(a))
? i.push(p(t, e, n, r, String(a), !0))
: i.push("");
return (
o.forEach(function (o) {
o.match(/^\d+$/) ||
i.push(p(t, e, n, r, o, !0));
})(t, n, r, u, a)
: a.map(function (e) {
return p(t, n, r, u, e, j);
(A = S),
(C = T),
(b = s).reduce(function (t, e) {
return (
t + e.replace(/\u001b\[\d\d?m/g, "").length + 1
}, 0) > 60
? C[0] +
("" === A ? "" : A + "\n ") +
" " +
b.join(",\n ") +
" " +
: C[0] + A + " " + b.join(", ") + " " + C[1])
: T[0] + S + T[1]
function f(t) {
return "[" + Error.prototype.toString.call(t) + "]";
function p(t, e, n, r, o, i) {
var a, u, c;
if (
((c = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, o) || {
value: e[o],
? (u = c.set
? t.stylize("[Getter/Setter]", "special")
: t.stylize("[Getter]", "special"))
: c.set && (u = t.stylize("[Setter]", "special")),
k(r, o) || (a = "[" + o + "]"),
u ||
(t.seen.indexOf(c.value) < 0
? (u = g(n)
? l(t, c.value, null)
: l(t, c.value, n - 1)).indexOf("\n") > -1 &&
(u = i
? u
.map(function (t) {
return " " + t;
: "\n" +
.map(function (t) {
return " " + t;
: (u = t.stylize("[Circular]", "special"))),
) {
if (i && o.match(/^\d+$/)) return u;
(a = JSON.stringify("" + o)).match(
? ((a = a.substr(1, a.length - 2)),
(a = t.stylize(a, "name")))
: ((a = a
.replace(/'/g, "\\'")
.replace(/\\"/g, '"')
.replace(/(^"|"$)/g, "'")),
(a = t.stylize(a, "string")));
return a + ": " + u;
function h(t) {
return Array.isArray(t);
function d(t) {
return "boolean" == typeof t;
function g(t) {
return null === t;
function v(t) {
return "number" == typeof t;
function y(t) {
return "string" == typeof t;
function m(t) {
return void 0 === t;
function _(t) {
return b(t) && "[object RegExp]" === A(t);
function b(t) {
return "object" == typeof t && null !== t;
function w(t) {
return b(t) && "[object Date]" === A(t);
function x(t) {
return (
b(t) && ("[object Error]" === A(t) || t instanceof Error)
function O(t) {
return "function" == typeof t;
function A(t) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(t);
function C(t) {
return t < 10 ? "0" + t.toString(10) : t.toString(10);
(e.debuglog = function (t) {
if (
(m(i) && (i = r.env.NODE_DEBUG || ""),
(t = t.toUpperCase()),
if (new RegExp("\\b" + t + "\\b", "i").test(i)) {
var n = r.pid;
a[t] = function () {
var r = e.format.apply(e, arguments);
console.error("%s %d: %s", t, n, r);
} else a[t] = function () {};
return a[t];
(e.inspect = u),
(u.colors = {
bold: [1, 22],
italic: [3, 23],
underline: [4, 24],
inverse: [7, 27],
white: [37, 39],
grey: [90, 39],
black: [30, 39],
blue: [34, 39],
cyan: [36, 39],
green: [32, 39],
magenta: [35, 39],
red: [31, 39],
yellow: [33, 39],
(u.styles = {
special: "cyan",
number: "yellow",
boolean: "yellow",
undefined: "grey",
null: "bold",
string: "green",
date: "magenta",
regexp: "red",
(e.isArray = h),
(e.isBoolean = d),
(e.isNull = g),
(e.isNullOrUndefined = function (t) {
return null == t;
(e.isNumber = v),
(e.isString = y),
(e.isSymbol = function (t) {
return "symbol" == typeof t;
(e.isUndefined = m),
(e.isRegExp = _),
(e.isObject = b),
(e.isDate = w),
(e.isError = x),
(e.isFunction = O),
(e.isPrimitive = function (t) {
return (
null === t ||
"boolean" == typeof t ||
"number" == typeof t ||
"string" == typeof t ||
"symbol" == typeof t ||
void 0 === t
(e.isBuffer = n(384));
var S = [
function j() {
var t = new Date(),
e = [
return [t.getDate(), S[t.getMonth()], e].join(" ");
function k(t, e) {
return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e);
(e.log = function () {
console.log("%s - %s", j(), e.format.apply(e, arguments));
(e.inherits = n(717)),
(e._extend = function (t, e) {
if (!e || !b(e)) return t;
for (var n = Object.keys(e), r = n.length; r--; )
t[n[r]] = e[n[r]];
return t;
o = {};
function i(t) {
var e = o[t];
if (void 0 !== e) return e.exports;
var n = (o[t] = { exports: {} });
return r[t].call(n.exports, n, n.exports, i), n.exports;
(i.n = (t) => {
var e = t && t.__esModule ? () => t.default : () => t;
return i.d(e, { a: e }), e;
(i.d = (t, e) => {
for (var n in e)
i.o(e, n) &&
!i.o(t, n) &&
Object.defineProperty(t, n, { enumerable: !0, get: e[n] });
(i.g = (function () {
if ("object" == typeof globalThis) return globalThis;
try {
return this || new Function("return this")();
} catch (t) {
if ("object" == typeof window) return window;
(i.o = (t, e) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e)),
(i.r = (t) => {
"undefined" != typeof Symbol &&
Symbol.toStringTag &&
Object.defineProperty(t, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }),
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
var a = {};
return (
(() => {
i.d(a, {
LSPluginUser: () => Ue,
setupPluginUserInstance: () => Pe,
var r = i(520);
const o = function (t, e) {
return t === e || (t != t && e != e);
u = function (t, e) {
for (var n = t.length; n--; ) if (o(t[n][0], e)) return n;
return -1;
var c = Array.prototype.splice;
function s(t) {
var e = -1,
n = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
for (this.clear(); ++e < n; ) {
var r = t[e];
this.set(r[0], r[1]);
(s.prototype.clear = function () {
(this.__data__ = []), (this.size = 0);
(s.prototype.delete = function (t) {
var e = this.__data__,
n = u(e, t);
return !(
n < 0 ||
(n == e.length - 1 ? e.pop() : c.call(e, n, 1),
(s.prototype.get = function (t) {
var e = this.__data__,
n = u(e, t);
return n < 0 ? void 0 : e[n][1];
(s.prototype.has = function (t) {
return u(this.__data__, t) > -1;
(s.prototype.set = function (t, e) {
var n = this.__data__,
r = u(n, t);
return (
r < 0 ? (++this.size, n.push([t, e])) : (n[r][1] = e), this
const l = s,
f = "object" == typeof t && t && t.Object === Object && t;
var p =
"object" == typeof self && self && self.Object === Object && self;
const h = f || p || Function("return this")(),
d = h.Symbol;
var g = Object.prototype,
v = g.hasOwnProperty,
y = g.toString,
m = d ? d.toStringTag : void 0,
_ = Object.prototype.toString,
b = d ? d.toStringTag : void 0;
const w = function (t) {
return null == t
? void 0 === t
? "[object Undefined]"
: "[object Null]"
: b && b in Object(t)
? (function (t) {
var e = v.call(t, m),
n = t[m];
try {
t[m] = void 0;
var r = !0;
} catch (t) {}
var o = y.call(t);
return r && (e ? (t[m] = n) : delete t[m]), o;
: (function (t) {
return _.call(t);
x = function (t) {
var e = typeof t;
return null != t && ("object" == e || "function" == e);
O = function (t) {
if (!x(t)) return !1;
var e = w(t);
return (
"[object Function]" == e ||
"[object GeneratorFunction]" == e ||
"[object AsyncFunction]" == e ||
"[object Proxy]" == e
A = h["__core-js_shared__"];
var C,
S = (C = /[^.]+$/.exec((A && A.keys && A.keys.IE_PROTO) || ""))
? "Symbol(src)_1." + C
: "",
j = Function.prototype.toString,
k = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/,
T = Function.prototype,
E = Object.prototype,
I = T.toString,
L = E.hasOwnProperty,
F = RegExp(
"^" +
.replace(/[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g, "\\$&")
/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g,
) +
const R = function (t) {
var e;
return (
!(!x(t) || ((e = t), S && S in e)) &&
(O(t) ? F : k).test(
(function (t) {
if (null != t) {
try {
return j.call(t);
} catch (t) {}
try {
return t + "";
} catch (t) {}
return "";
M = function (t, e) {
var n = (function (t, e) {
return null == t ? void 0 : t[e];
})(t, e);
return R(n) ? n : void 0;
z = M(h, "Map"),
N = M(Object, "create");
var D = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
U = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
function P(t) {
var e = -1,
n = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
for (this.clear(); ++e < n; ) {
var r = t[e];
this.set(r[0], r[1]);
(P.prototype.clear = function () {
(this.__data__ = N ? N(null) : {}), (this.size = 0);
(P.prototype.delete = function (t) {
var e = this.has(t) && delete this.__data__[t];
return (this.size -= e ? 1 : 0), e;
(P.prototype.get = function (t) {
var e = this.__data__;
if (N) {
var n = e[t];
return "__lodash_hash_undefined__" === n ? void 0 : n;
return D.call(e, t) ? e[t] : void 0;
(P.prototype.has = function (t) {
var e = this.__data__;
return N ? void 0 !== e[t] : U.call(e, t);
(P.prototype.set = function (t, e) {
var n = this.__data__;
return (
(this.size += this.has(t) ? 0 : 1),
(n[t] = N && void 0 === e ? "__lodash_hash_undefined__" : e),
const $ = P,
B = function (t, e) {
var n,
o = t.__data__;
return (
"string" == (r = typeof (n = e)) ||
"number" == r ||
"symbol" == r ||
"boolean" == r
? "__proto__" !== n
: null === n
? o["string" == typeof e ? "string" : "hash"]
: o.map;
function W(t) {
var e = -1,
n = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
for (this.clear(); ++e < n; ) {
var r = t[e];
this.set(r[0], r[1]);
(W.prototype.clear = function () {
(this.size = 0),
(this.__data__ = {
hash: new $(),
map: new (z || l)(),
string: new $(),
(W.prototype.delete = function (t) {
var e = B(this, t).delete(t);
return (this.size -= e ? 1 : 0), e;
(W.prototype.get = function (t) {
return B(this, t).get(t);
(W.prototype.has = function (t) {
return B(this, t).has(t);
(W.prototype.set = function (t, e) {
var n = B(this, t),
r = n.size;
return n.set(t, e), (this.size += n.size == r ? 0 : 1), this;
const q = W;
function H(t) {
var e = (this.__data__ = new l(t));
this.size = e.size;
(H.prototype.clear = function () {
(this.__data__ = new l()), (this.size = 0);
(H.prototype.delete = function (t) {
var e = this.__data__,
n = e.delete(t);
return (this.size = e.size), n;
(H.prototype.get = function (t) {
return this.__data__.get(t);
(H.prototype.has = function (t) {
return this.__data__.has(t);
(H.prototype.set = function (t, e) {
var n = this.__data__;
if (n instanceof l) {
var r = n.__data__;
if (!z || r.length < 199)
return r.push([t, e]), (this.size = ++n.size), this;
n = this.__data__ = new q(r);
return n.set(t, e), (this.size = n.size), this;
const G = H,
Z = (function () {
try {
var t = M(Object, "defineProperty");
return t({}, "", {}), t;
} catch (t) {}
J = function (t, e, n) {
"__proto__" == e && Z
? Z(t, e, {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
value: n,
writable: !0,
: (t[e] = n);
V = function (t, e, n) {
((void 0 !== n && !o(t[e], n)) ||
(void 0 === n && !(e in t))) &&
J(t, e, n);
K = function (t, e, n) {
for (var r = -1, o = Object(t), i = n(t), a = i.length; a--; ) {
var u = i[++r];
if (!1 === e(o[u], u, o)) break;
return t;
var Y = n && !n.nodeType && n,
Q = Y && e && !e.nodeType && e,
X = Q && Q.exports === Y ? h.Buffer : void 0;
X && X.allocUnsafe;
const tt = h.Uint8Array,
et = function (t, e) {
var n,
o = e
? ((r = new (n = t.buffer).constructor(n.byteLength)),
new tt(r).set(new tt(n)),
: t.buffer;
return new t.constructor(o, t.byteOffset, t.length);
var nt = Object.create;
const rt = (function () {
function t() {}
return function (e) {
if (!x(e)) return {};
if (nt) return nt(e);
t.prototype = e;
var n = new t();
return (t.prototype = void 0), n;
ot =
((it = Object.getPrototypeOf),
(at = Object),
function (t) {
return it(at(t));
var it,
ut = Object.prototype;
const ct = function (t) {
var e = t && t.constructor;
return t === (("function" == typeof e && e.prototype) || ut);
st = function (t) {
return null != t && "object" == typeof t;
lt = function (t) {
return st(t) && "[object Arguments]" == w(t);
var ft = Object.prototype,
pt = ft.hasOwnProperty,
ht = ft.propertyIsEnumerable;
const dt = lt(
(function () {
return arguments;
? lt
: function (t) {
return (
st(t) && pt.call(t, "callee") && !ht.call(t, "callee")
gt = Array.isArray,
vt = function (t) {
return (
"number" == typeof t &&
t > -1 &&
t % 1 == 0 &&
t <= 9007199254740991
yt = function (t) {
return null != t && vt(t.length) && !O(t);
var mt = n && !n.nodeType && n,
_t = mt && e && !e.nodeType && e,
bt = _t && _t.exports === mt ? h.Buffer : void 0;
const wt =
(bt ? bt.isBuffer : void 0) ||
function () {
return !1;
var xt = Function.prototype,
Ot = Object.prototype,
At = xt.toString,
Ct = Ot.hasOwnProperty,
St = At.call(Object),
jt = {};
(jt["[object Float32Array]"] =
jt["[object Float64Array]"] =
jt["[object Int8Array]"] =
jt["[object Int16Array]"] =
jt["[object Int32Array]"] =
jt["[object Uint8Array]"] =
jt["[object Uint8ClampedArray]"] =
jt["[object Uint16Array]"] =
jt["[object Uint32Array]"] =
(jt["[object Arguments]"] =
jt["[object Array]"] =
jt["[object ArrayBuffer]"] =
jt["[object Boolean]"] =
jt["[object DataView]"] =
jt["[object Date]"] =
jt["[object Error]"] =
jt["[object Function]"] =
jt["[object Map]"] =
jt["[object Number]"] =
jt["[object Object]"] =
jt["[object RegExp]"] =
jt["[object Set]"] =
jt["[object String]"] =
jt["[object WeakMap]"] =
var kt = n && !n.nodeType && n,
Tt = kt && e && !e.nodeType && e,
Et = Tt && Tt.exports === kt && f.process,
It = (function () {
try {
return (
(Tt && Tt.require && Tt.require("util").types) ||
(Et && Et.binding && Et.binding("util"))
} catch (t) {}
Lt = It && It.isTypedArray;
const Ft = Lt
? (function (t) {
return function (e) {
return t(e);
: function (t) {
return st(t) && vt(t.length) && !!jt[w(t)];
Rt = function (t, e) {
if (
("constructor" !== e || "function" != typeof t[e]) &&
"__proto__" != e
return t[e];
var Mt = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
const zt = function (t, e, n) {
var r = t[e];
(Mt.call(t, e) && o(r, n) && (void 0 !== n || e in t)) ||
J(t, e, n);
var Nt = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/;
const Dt = function (t, e) {
var n = typeof t;
return (
!!(e = null == e ? 9007199254740991 : e) &&
("number" == n || ("symbol" != n && Nt.test(t))) &&
t > -1 &&
t % 1 == 0 &&
t < e
var Ut = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
const Pt = function (t, e) {
var n = gt(t),
r = !n && dt(t),
o = !n && !r && wt(t),
i = !n && !r && !o && Ft(t),
a = n || r || o || i,
u = a
? (function (t, e) {
for (var n = -1, r = Array(t); ++n < t; ) r[n] = e(n);
return r;
})(t.length, String)
: [],
c = u.length;
for (var s in t)
(!e && !Ut.call(t, s)) ||
(a &&
("length" == s ||
(o && ("offset" == s || "parent" == s)) ||
(i &&
("buffer" == s ||
"byteLength" == s ||
"byteOffset" == s)) ||
Dt(s, c))) ||
return u;
var $t = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
const Bt = function (t) {
if (!x(t))
return (function (t) {
var e = [];
if (null != t) for (var n in Object(t)) e.push(n);
return e;
var e = ct(t),
n = [];
for (var r in t)
("constructor" != r || (!e && $t.call(t, r))) && n.push(r);
return n;
Wt = function (t) {
return yt(t) ? Pt(t, !0) : Bt(t);
qt = function (t) {
return (function (t, e, n, r) {
var o = !n;
n || (n = {});
for (var i = -1, a = e.length; ++i < a; ) {
var u = e[i],
c = r ? r(n[u], t[u], u, n, t) : void 0;
void 0 === c && (c = t[u]), o ? J(n, u, c) : zt(n, u, c);
return n;
})(t, Wt(t));
Ht = function (t, e, n, r, o, i, a) {
var u,
c = Rt(t, n),
s = Rt(e, n),
l = a.get(s);
if (l) V(t, n, l);
else {
var f = i ? i(c, s, n + "", t, e, a) : void 0,
p = void 0 === f;
if (p) {
var h = gt(s),
d = !h && wt(s),
g = !h && !d && Ft(s);
(f = s),
h || d || g
? gt(c)
? (f = c)
: st((u = c)) && yt(u)
? (f = (function (t, e) {
var n = -1,
r = t.length;
for (e || (e = Array(r)); ++n < r; ) e[n] = t[n];
return e;
: d
? ((p = !1),
(f = (function (t, e) {
return t.slice();
: g
? ((p = !1), (f = et(s, !0)))
: (f = [])
: (function (t) {
if (!st(t) || "[object Object]" != w(t)) return !1;
var e = ot(t);
if (null === e) return !0;
var n = Ct.call(e, "constructor") && e.constructor;
return (
"function" == typeof n &&
n instanceof n &&
At.call(n) == St
})(s) || dt(s)
? ((f = c),
? (f = qt(c))
: (x(c) && !O(c)) ||
(f = (function (t) {
return "function" != typeof t.constructor ||
? {}
: rt(ot(t));
: (p = !1);
p && (a.set(s, f), o(f, s, r, i, a), a.delete(s)), V(t, n, f);
Gt = function t(e, n, r, o, i) {
e !== n &&
function (a, u) {
if ((i || (i = new G()), x(a))) Ht(e, n, u, r, t, o, i);
else {
var c = o ? o(Rt(e, u), a, u + "", e, n, i) : void 0;
void 0 === c && (c = a), V(e, u, c);
Zt = function (t) {
return t;
Jt = function (t, e, n) {
switch (n.length) {
case 0:
return t.call(e);
case 1:
return t.call(e, n[0]);
case 2:
return t.call(e, n[0], n[1]);
case 3:
return t.call(e, n[0], n[1], n[2]);
return t.apply(e, n);
var Vt = Math.max;
const Kt = Z
? function (t, e) {
var n;
return Z(t, "toString", {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !1,
((n = e),
function () {
return n;
writable: !0,
: Zt;
var Yt = Date.now;
const Qt = (function (t) {
var e = 0,
n = 0;
return function () {
var r = Yt(),
o = 16 - (r - n);
if (((n = r), o > 0)) {
if (++e >= 800) return arguments[0];
} else e = 0;
return t.apply(void 0, arguments);
Xt =
((ne = function (t, e, n) {
Gt(t, e, n);
(ee = function (t, e) {
var n = -1,
r = e.length,
i = r > 1 ? e[r - 1] : void 0,
a = r > 2 ? e[2] : void 0;
for (
i =
ne.length > 3 && "function" == typeof i
? (r--, i)
: void 0,
a &&
(function (t, e, n) {
if (!x(n)) return !1;
var r = typeof e;
return (
!!("number" == r
? yt(n) && Dt(e, n.length)
: "string" == r && (e in n)) && o(n[e], t)
})(e[0], e[1], a) &&
((i = r < 3 ? void 0 : i), (r = 1)),
t = Object(t);
++n < r;
) {
var u = e[n];
u && ne(t, u, n);
return t;
(function (t, e, n) {
return (
(e = Vt(void 0 === e ? t.length - 1 : e, 0)),
function () {
for (
var r = arguments,
o = -1,
i = Vt(r.length - e, 0),
a = Array(i);
++o < i;
a[o] = r[e + o];
o = -1;
for (var u = Array(e + 1); ++o < e; ) u[o] = r[o];
return (u[e] = n(a)), Jt(t, this, u);
})(ee, void 0, Zt),
ee + "",
te =
"win32" === navigator.platform.toLowerCase()
? r.win32
: r.posix;
var ee, ne;
const re = Xt;
function oe(t, e) {
let n,
o = !1;
const i = (e) => (n) => {
t && clearTimeout(t), e(n), (o = !0);
a = new Promise((o, a) => {
(n = i(o)),
(r = i(a)),
t &&
(t = setTimeout(
() => r(new Error(`[deferred timeout] ${e}`)),
return {
created: Date.now(),
setTag: (t) => (e = t),
resolve: n,
reject: r,
promise: a,
get settled() {
return o;
new Map();
var ie = i(227),
ae = i.n(ie);
const ue = "application/x-postmate-v1+json";
let ce = 0;
const se = {
handshake: 1,
"handshake-reply": 1,
call: 1,
emit: 1,
reply: 1,
request: 1,
le = (t, e) =>
("string" == typeof e && t.origin !== e) ||
!t.data ||
("object" == typeof t.data && !("postmate" in t.data)) ||
t.data.type !== ue ||
class fe {
events = {};
constructor(t) {
(this.parent = t.parent),
(this.frame = t.frame),
(this.child = t.child),
(this.childOrigin = t.childOrigin),
(this.listener = (t) => {
if (!le(t, this.childOrigin)) return !1;
const { data: e, name: n } =
((t || {}).data || {}).value || {};
"emit" === t.data.postmate &&
n in this.events &&
this.events[n].forEach((t) => {
t.call(this, e);
this.parent.addEventListener("message", this.listener, !1);
get(t) {
return new Promise((e) => {
const n = ++ce,
r = (t) => {
t.data.uid === n &&
"reply" === t.data.postmate &&
(this.parent.removeEventListener("message", r, !1),
this.parent.addEventListener("message", r, !1),
{ postmate: "request", type: ue, property: t, uid: n },
call(t, e) {
{ postmate: "call", type: ue, property: t, data: e },
on(t, e) {
this.events[t] || (this.events[t] = []), this.events[t].push(e);
destroy() {
window.removeEventListener("message", this.listener, !1),
class pe {
constructor(t) {
(this.model = t.model),
(this.parent = t.parent),
(this.parentOrigin = t.parentOrigin),
(this.child = t.child),
this.child.addEventListener("message", (t) => {
if (!le(t, this.parentOrigin)) return;
const { property: e, uid: n, data: r } = t.data;
"call" !== t.data.postmate
? ((t, e) => {
const n = "function" == typeof t[e] ? t[e]() : t[e];
return Promise.resolve(n);
})(this.model, e).then((r) => {
property: e,
postmate: "reply",
type: ue,
uid: n,
value: r,
: e in this.model &&
"function" == typeof this.model[e] &&
emit(t, e) {
{ postmate: "emit", type: ue, value: { name: t, data: e } },
class he {
static debug = !1;
static Model;
constructor(t) {
(this.container = t.container),
(this.url = t.url),
(this.parent = window),
(this.frame = document.createElement("iframe")),
t.id && (this.frame.id = t.id),
t.name && (this.frame.name = t.name),
t.classListArray || [],
(this.child = this.frame.contentWindow),
(this.model = t.model || {});
sendHandshake(t) {
const e = ((t) => {
const e = document.createElement("a");
e.href = t;
const n =
e.protocol.length > 4
? e.protocol
: window.location.protocol,
r = e.host.length
? "80" === e.port || "443" === e.port
? e.hostname
: e.host
: window.location.host;
return e.origin || `${n}//${r}`;
})((t = t || this.url));
let n,
r = 0;
return new Promise((o, i) => {
const a = (t) =>
!!le(t, e) &&
("handshake-reply" === t.data.postmate
? (clearInterval(n),
this.parent.removeEventListener("message", a, !1),
(this.childOrigin = t.origin),
o(new fe(this)))
: i("Failed handshake"));
this.parent.addEventListener("message", a, !1);
const u = () => {
{ postmate: "handshake", type: ue, model: this.model },
5 === r && clearInterval(n);
this.frame.addEventListener("load", () => {
u(), (n = setInterval(u, 500));
(this.frame.src = t);
class de {
constructor(t) {
(this.child = window),
(this.model = t),
(this.parent = this.child.parent);
sendHandshakeReply() {
return new Promise((t, e) => {
const n = (r) => {
if (r.data.postmate) {
if ("handshake" === r.data.postmate) {
this.child.removeEventListener("message", n, !1),
{ postmate: "handshake-reply", type: ue },
(this.parentOrigin = r.origin);
const e = r.data.model;
return (
e &&
Object.keys(e).forEach((t) => {
this.model[t] = e[t];
t(new pe(this))
return e("Handshake Reply Failed");
this.child.addEventListener("message", n, !1);
var ge = i(729),
ve = i.n(ge);
const { importHTML: ye, createSandboxContainer: me } =
window.QSandbox || {};
function _e(t, e) {
return t.startsWith("http")
? fetch(t, e)
: ((t = t.replace("file://", "")),
new Promise(async (e, n) => {
try {
const n = await window.apis.doAction(["readFile", t]);
e({ text: () => n });
} catch (t) {
console.error(t), n(t);
class be extends ve() {
_loaded = !1;
_unmountFns = [];
constructor(t) {
(this._pluginLocal = t),
t._dispose(() => {
async load() {
const { name: t, entry: e } = this._pluginLocal.options;
if (this.loaded || !e) return;
const { template: n, execScripts: r } = await ye(e, {
fetch: _e,
this._mount(n, document.body);
const o = me(t, { elementGetter: () => this._root?.firstChild })
(o.__shadow_mode__ = !0),
(o.LSPluginLocal = this._pluginLocal),
(o.LSPluginShadow = this),
(o.LSPluginUser = o.logseq =
new Ue(
const i = await r(o, !0);
this._unmountFns.push(i.unmount), (this._loaded = !0);
_mount(t, e) {
const n = (this._frame = document.createElement("div"));
(n.id = this._pluginLocal.id),
(this._root = n.attachShadow({ mode: "open" })),
(this._root.innerHTML = `<div>${t}</div>`),
_unmount() {
for (const t of this._unmountFns) t && t.call(null);
destroy() {
get loaded() {
return this._loaded;
get document() {
return this._root?.firstChild;
get frame() {
return this._frame;
const we = ae()("LSPlugin:caller"),
xe = "#await#response#",
Oe = "#lspmsg#error#",
Ae = (t) => `#lspmsg#${t}`;
class Ce extends ve() {
_connected = !1;
_userModel = {};
_debugTag = "";
constructor(t) {
(this._pluginLocal = t),
t && (this._debugTag = t.debugTag);
async connectToChild() {
if (this._connected) return;
const { shadow: t } = this._pluginLocal;
? await this._setupShadowSandbox()
: await this._setupIframeSandbox();
async connectToParent(t = {}) {
if (this._connected) return;
const e = this,
n = null != this._pluginLocal;
let r = 0,
o = 0;
const i = new Map(),
a = oe(5e3),
u = this._extendUserModel({
"#lspmsg#ready#": async (t) => {
(u[Ae(t?.pid)] = ({ type: t, payload: n }) => {
we(`[call from host (_call)] ${this._debugTag}`, t, n),
e.emit(t, n);
await a.resolve();
"#lspmsg#beforeunload#": async (t) => {
const n = oe(1e4);
e.emit("beforeunload", Object.assign({ actor: n }, t)),
await n.promise;
"#lspmsg#settings#": async ({ type: t, payload: n }) => {
e.emit("settings:changed", n);
"#lspmsg#": async ({ ns: t, type: n, payload: r }) => {
we(`[call from host (async)] ${this._debugTag}`, t, n, r),
t && t.startsWith("hook")
? e.emit(`${t}:${n}`, r)
: e.emit(n, r);
"#lspmsg#reply#": ({ _sync: t, result: e }) => {
if ((we(`[sync reply] #${t}`, e), i.has(t))) {
const n = i.get(t);
n &&
? n.reject(e[Oe])
: n.resolve(e),
if (n)
return (
await a.promise,
const c = new de(u).sendHandshakeReply();
return (
(this._status = "pending"),
await c
.then((t) => {
(this._child = t),
(this._connected = !0),
(this._call = async (e, n = {}, r) => {
if (r) {
const t = ++o;
i.set(t, r),
(n._sync = t),
r.setTag(`async call #${t}`),
we("async call #", t);
return (
t.emit(Ae(u.baseInfo.id), { type: e, payload: n }),
(this._callUserModel = async (t, e) => {
try {
} catch (e) {
we(`[model method] #${t} not existed`);
(r = setInterval(() => {
if (i.size > 100)
for (const [t, e] of i) e.settled && i.delete(t);
}, 18e5));
.finally(() => {
this._status = void 0;
await a.promise,
async call(t, e = {}) {
return this._call?.call(this, t, e);
async callAsync(t, e = {}) {
const n = oe(1e4);
return this._call?.call(this, t, e, n);
async callUserModel(t, e = {}) {
return this._callUserModel?.call(this, t, e);
async _setupIframeSandbox() {
const t = this._pluginLocal,
e = t.id,
n = new URL(t.options.entry);
n.searchParams.set("__v__", t.options.version);
const r = document.querySelector(`#${e}`);
r && r.parentElement.removeChild(r);
const o = document.createElement("div");
o.classList.add("lsp-iframe-sandbox-container"), (o.id = e);
try {
const t = (await this._pluginLocal._loadLayoutsData())?.$$0;
if (t) {
o.dataset.inited_layout = "true";
const { width: e, height: n, left: r, top: i } = t;
Object.assign(o.style, {
width: e + "px",
height: n + "px",
left: r + "px",
top: i + "px",
} catch (t) {
console.error("[Restore Layout Error]", t);
let i,
a = new he({
id: e + "_iframe",
container: o,
url: n.href,
classListArray: ["lsp-iframe-sandbox"],
model: { baseInfo: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(t.toJSON())) },
return (
(this._status = "pending"),
new Promise((e, n) => {
(i = setTimeout(() => {
n(new Error("handshake Timeout"));
}, 3e3)),
.then((n) => {
(this._parent = n),
(this._connected = !0),
n.on(Ae(t.id), ({ type: t, payload: e }) => {
we("[call from plugin] ", t, e),
this._pluginLocal?.emit(t, e || {});
(this._call = async (...e) => {
await n.call(Ae(t.id), {
type: e[0],
payload: Object.assign(e[1] || {}, {
$$pid: t.id,
(this._callUserModel = async (t, e) => {
if (t.startsWith(xe))
return await n.get(t.replace(xe, ""));
n.call(t, e);
.catch((t) => {
.finally(() => {
.catch((t) => {
throw (we("[iframe sandbox] error", t), t);
.finally(() => {
this._status = void 0;
async _setupShadowSandbox() {
const t = this._pluginLocal,
e = (this._shadow = new be(t));
try {
(this._status = "pending"),
await e.load(),
(this._connected = !0),
(this._call = async (e, n = {}, r) => (
r && (n.actor = r),
Object.assign(n, { $$pid: t.id }),
(this._callUserModel = async (...t) => {
let e = t[0];
e?.startsWith(xe) && (e = e.replace(xe, ""));
const n = t[1] || {},
r = this._userModel[e];
"function" == typeof r && (await r.call(null, n));
} catch (t) {
throw (we("[shadow sandbox] error", t), t);
} finally {
this._status = void 0;
_extendUserModel(t) {
return Object.assign(this._userModel, t);
_getSandboxIframeContainer() {
return this._parent?.frame.parentNode;
_getSandboxShadowContainer() {
return this._shadow?.frame.parentNode;
_getSandboxIframeRoot() {
return this._parent?.frame;
_getSandboxShadowRoot() {
return this._shadow?.frame;
set debugTag(t) {
this._debugTag = t;
async destroy() {
let t = null;
this._parent &&
((t = this._getSandboxIframeContainer()),
await this._parent.destroy()),
this._shadow &&
((t = this._getSandboxShadowContainer()),
var Se = function () {
return (Se =
Object.assign ||
function (t) {
for (var e, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)
for (var o in (e = arguments[n]))
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, o) &&
(t[o] = e[o]);
return t;
}).apply(this, arguments);
function je(t) {
return t.toLowerCase();
Object.create, Object.create;
var ke = [/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g, /([A-Z])([A-Z][a-z])/g],
Te = /[^A-Z0-9]+/gi;
function Ee(t, e, n) {
return e instanceof RegExp
? t.replace(e, n)
: e.reduce(function (t, e) {
return t.replace(e, n);
}, t);
class Ie {
constructor(t) {
this.ctx = t;
get ctxId() {
return this.ctx.baseInfo.id;
setItem(t, e) {
return this.ctx.caller.callAsync("api:call", {
method: "write-plugin-storage-file",
args: [this.ctxId, t, e],
getItem(t) {
return this.ctx.caller.callAsync("api:call", {
method: "read-plugin-storage-file",
args: [this.ctxId, t],
removeItem(t) {
return this.ctx.caller.call("api:call", {
method: "unlink-plugin-storage-file",
args: [this.ctxId, t],
clear() {
return this.ctx.caller.call("api:call", {
method: "clear-plugin-storage-files",
args: [this.ctxId],
hasItem(t) {
return this.ctx.caller.callAsync("api:call", {
method: "exist-plugin-storage-file",
args: [this.ctxId, t],
const Le = Symbol.for("proxy-continue"),
Fe = ae()("LSPlugin:user");
function Re(t, e, n) {
if ("function" != typeof n) return !1;
const {
key: r,
label: o,
desc: i,
palette: a,
keybinding: u,
} = e,
c = `SimpleCommandHook${r}${++ze}`;
this.Editor["on" + c](n),
this.caller?.call("api:call", {
method: "register-plugin-simple-command",
args: [
{ key: r, label: o, type: t, desc: i, keybinding: u },
["editor/hook", c],
const Me = {
registerCommand: Re,
registerCommandPalette(t, e) {
const { key: n, label: r, keybinding: o } = t;
return Re.call(
{ key: n, label: r, palette: !0, keybinding: o },
registerUIItem(t, e) {
const n = this.baseInfo.id;
this.caller?.call("api:call", {
method: "register-plugin-ui-item",
args: [n, t, e],
registerPageMenuItem(t, e) {
if ("function" != typeof e) return !1;
const n = t + "_" + this.baseInfo.id,
r = t;
Re.call(this, "page-menu-item", { key: n, label: r }, e);
setFullScreen(t) {
const e = (...t) => this._callWin("setFullScreen", ...t);
"toggle" === t
? this._callWin("isFullScreen").then((t) => {
t ? e() : e(!0);
: t
? e(!0)
: e();
let ze = 0;
const Ne = {
registerSlashCommand(t, e) {
Fe("Register slash command #", this.baseInfo.id, t, e),
"function" == typeof e &&
(e = [
["editor/clear-current-slash", !1],
["editor/hook", e],
(e = e.map((t) => {
const [e, ...n] = t;
if ("editor/hook" === e) {
let r = n[0],
o = () => {
"function" == typeof r && (o = r);
const i = `SlashCommandHook${e}${++ze}`;
(t[1] = i), this.Editor["on" + i](o);
return t;
this.caller?.call("api:call", {
method: "register-plugin-slash-command",
args: [this.baseInfo.id, [t, e]],
registerBlockContextMenuItem(t, e) {
if ("function" != typeof e) return !1;
const n = t + "_" + this.baseInfo.id,
r = t;
{ key: n, label: r },
scrollToBlockInPage(t, e) {
const n = "block-content-" + e;
this.App.pushState("page", { name: t }, { anchor: n });
De = {};
class Ue extends ve() {
_connected = !1;
_ui = new Map();
constructor(t, e) {
(this._baseInfo = t),
(this._caller = e),
e.on("sys:ui:visible", (t) => {
t?.toggle && this.toggleMainUI();
e.on("settings:changed", (t) => {
const e = Object.assign({}, this.settings),
n = Object.assign(this._baseInfo.settings, t);
this.emit("settings:changed", { ...n }, e);
e.on("beforeunload", async (t) => {
const { actor: n, ...r } = t,
o = this._beforeunloadCallback;
try {
o && (await o(r)), n?.resolve(null);
} catch (t) {
console.debug(`${e.debugTag} [beforeunload] `, t),
(this._fileStorage = new Ie(this));
async ready(t, e) {
if (!this._connected)
try {
"function" == typeof t && ((e = t), (t = {}));
let n = await this._caller.connectToParent(t);
(this._connected = !0),
(n = re(this._baseInfo, n)),
this._settingsSchema &&
((n.settings = (function (t, e) {
const n = (e || []).reduce(
(t, e) => (
"default" in e && (t[e.key] = e.default), t
return Object.assign(n, t);
})(n.settings, this._settingsSchema)),
await this.useSettingsSchema(this._settingsSchema)),
n?.id && (this._caller.debugTag = `#${n.id} [${n.name}]`),
e && e.call(this, n);
} catch (t) {
console.error("[LSPlugin Ready Error]", t);
ensureConnected() {
if (!this._connected) throw new Error("not connected");
beforeunload(t) {
"function" == typeof t && (this._beforeunloadCallback = t);
provideModel(t) {
return this.caller._extendUserModel(t), this;
provideTheme(t) {
return this.caller.call("provider:theme", t), this;
provideStyle(t) {
return this.caller.call("provider:style", t), this;
provideUI(t) {
return this.caller.call("provider:ui", t), this;
useSettingsSchema(t) {
return (
this.connected &&
this.caller.call("settings:schema", {
schema: t,
isSync: !0,
(this._settingsSchema = t),
updateSettings(t) {
this.caller.call("settings:update", t);
onSettingsChanged(t) {
const e = "settings:changed";
return this.on(e, t), () => this.off(e, t);
showSettingsUI() {
this.caller.call("settings:visible:changed", { visible: !0 });
hideSettingsUI() {
this.caller.call("settings:visible:changed", { visible: !1 });
setMainUIAttrs(t) {
this.caller.call("main-ui:attrs", t);
setMainUIInlineStyle(t) {
this.caller.call("main-ui:style", t);
hideMainUI(t) {
const e = {
key: 0,
visible: !1,
cursor: t?.restoreEditingCursor,
this.caller.call("main-ui:visible", e),
this.emit("ui:visible:changed", e),
this._ui.set(e.key, e);
showMainUI(t) {
const e = { key: 0, visible: !0, autoFocus: t?.autoFocus };
this.caller.call("main-ui:visible", e),
this.emit("ui:visible:changed", e),
this._ui.set(e.key, e);
toggleMainUI() {
const t = this._ui.get(0);
t && t.visible ? this.hideMainUI() : this.showMainUI();
get isMainUIVisible() {
const t = this._ui.get(0);
return Boolean(t && t.visible);
get connected() {
return this._connected;
get baseInfo() {
return this._baseInfo;
get settings() {
return this.baseInfo?.settings;
get caller() {
return this._caller;
resolveResourceFullUrl(t) {
if ((this.ensureConnected(), t))
return (
(t = t.replace(/^[.\\/]+/, "")),
(function (t, ...e) {
try {
const n = new URL(t);
if (!n.origin) throw new Error(null);
const r = te.join(t.substr(n.origin.length), ...e);
return n.origin + r;
} catch (n) {
return te.join(t, ...e);
})(this._baseInfo.lsr, t)
_makeUserProxy(t, e) {
const n = this,
r = this.caller;
return new Proxy(t, {
get(t, o, i) {
const a = t[o];
return function (...t) {
if (!a || a.apply(n, t) === Le) {
if (e) {
const n = o.toString().match(/^(once|off|on)/i);
if (null != n) {
const o = n[0].toLowerCase(),
a = n.input.slice(o.length),
l = `hook:${e}:${
((i = a),
void 0 === u && (u = {}),
(c = i),
(s = Se({ delimiter: "_" }, u)),
void 0 === s && (s = {}),
(function (t, e) {
void 0 === e && (e = {});
for (
var n = e.splitRegexp,
r = void 0 === n ? ke : n,
o = e.stripRegexp,
i = void 0 === o ? Te : o,
a = e.transform,
u = void 0 === a ? je : a,
c = e.delimiter,
s = void 0 === c ? " " : c,
l = Ee(Ee(t, r, "$1\0$2"), i, "\0"),
f = 0,
p = l.length;
"\0" === l.charAt(f);
for (; "\0" === l.charAt(p - 1); ) p--;
return l
.slice(f, p)
})(c, Se({ delimiter: "." }, s)))
f = t[0];
return (
r[o](l, f),
"off" !== o ? () => r.off(l, f) : void 0
var i, u;
return r.callAsync("api:call", {
tag: e,
method: o,
args: t,
var c, s;
_callWin(...t) {
return this._caller.callAsync("api:call", {
method: "_callMainWin",
args: t,
get App() {
return this._makeUserProxy(Me, "app");
get Editor() {
return this._makeUserProxy(Ne, "editor");
get DB() {
return this._makeUserProxy(De);
get FileStorage() {
return this._fileStorage;
function Pe(t, e) {
return new Ue(t, e);
if (null == window.__LSP__HOST__) {
const t = new Ce(null);
window.logseq = Pe({}, t);
o.register("7U5sq", function (e, n) {
(function () {
var r,
o = "Expected a function",
i = "__lodash_hash_undefined__",
a = "__lodash_placeholder__",
u = 16,
c = 32,
s = 64,
l = 128,
f = 256,
p = 1 / 0,
h = 9007199254740991,
d = NaN,
g = 4294967295,
v = [
["ary", l],
["bind", 1],
["bindKey", 2],
["curry", 8],
["curryRight", u],
["flip", 512],
["partial", c],
["partialRight", s],
["rearg", f],
y = "[object Arguments]",
m = "[object Array]",
_ = "[object Boolean]",
b = "[object Date]",
w = "[object Error]",
x = "[object Function]",
O = "[object GeneratorFunction]",
A = "[object Map]",
C = "[object Number]",
S = "[object Object]",
j = "[object Promise]",
k = "[object RegExp]",
T = "[object Set]",
E = "[object String]",
I = "[object Symbol]",
L = "[object WeakMap]",
F = "[object ArrayBuffer]",
R = "[object DataView]",
M = "[object Float32Array]",
z = "[object Float64Array]",
N = "[object Int8Array]",
D = "[object Int16Array]",
U = "[object Int32Array]",
P = "[object Uint8Array]",
$ = "[object Uint8ClampedArray]",
B = "[object Uint16Array]",
W = "[object Uint32Array]",
q = /\b__p \+= '';/g,
H = /\b(__p \+=) '' \+/g,
G = /(__e\(.*?\)|\b__t\)) \+\n'';/g,
Z = /&(?:amp|lt|gt|quot|#39);/g,
J = /[&<>"']/g,
V = RegExp(Z.source),
K = RegExp(J.source),
Y = /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
Q = /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
X = /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
tt = /\.|\[(?:[^[\]]*|(["'])(?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\.)*?\1)\]/,
et = /^\w*$/,
nt =
rt = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g,
ot = RegExp(rt.source),
it = /^\s+/,
at = /\s/,
ut = /\{(?:\n\/\* \[wrapped with .+\] \*\/)?\n?/,
ct = /\{\n\/\* \[wrapped with (.+)\] \*/,
st = /,? & /,
lt = /[^\x00-\x2f\x3a-\x40\x5b-\x60\x7b-\x7f]+/g,
ft = /[()=,{}\[\]\/\s]/,
pt = /\\(\\)?/g,
ht = /\$\{([^\\}]*(?:\\.[^\\}]*)*)\}/g,
dt = /\w*$/,
gt = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i,
vt = /^0b[01]+$/i,
yt = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/,
mt = /^0o[0-7]+$/i,
_t = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/,
bt = /[\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\xff\u0100-\u017f]/g,
wt = /($^)/,
xt = /['\n\r\u2028\u2029\\]/g,
Ot = "\\u0300-\\u036f\\ufe20-\\ufe2f\\u20d0-\\u20ff",
At = "\\u2700-\\u27bf",
Ct = "a-z\\xdf-\\xf6\\xf8-\\xff",
St = "A-Z\\xc0-\\xd6\\xd8-\\xde",
jt = "\\ufe0e\\ufe0f",
kt =
"\\xac\\xb1\\xd7\\xf7\\x00-\\x2f\\x3a-\\x40\\x5b-\\x60\\x7b-\\xbf\\u2000-\\u206f \\t\\x0b\\f\\xa0\\ufeff\\n\\r\\u2028\\u2029\\u1680\\u180e\\u2000\\u2001\\u2002\\u2003\\u2004\\u2005\\u2006\\u2007\\u2008\\u2009\\u200a\\u202f\\u205f\\u3000",
Tt = "[']",
Et = "[\\ud800-\\udfff]",
It = "[" + kt + "]",
Lt = "[" + Ot + "]",
Ft = "\\d+",
Rt = "[\\u2700-\\u27bf]",
Mt = "[" + Ct + "]",
zt = "[^\\ud800-\\udfff" + kt + Ft + At + Ct + St + "]",
Nt = "\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff]",
Dt = "[^\\ud800-\\udfff]",
Ut = "(?:\\ud83c[\\udde6-\\uddff]){2}",
Pt = "[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff]",
$t = "[" + St + "]",
Bt = "(?:" + Mt + "|" + zt + ")",
Wt = "(?:" + $t + "|" + zt + ")",
qt = "(?:['](?:d|ll|m|re|s|t|ve))?",
Ht = "(?:['](?:D|LL|M|RE|S|T|VE))?",
Gt = "(?:" + Lt + "|" + Nt + ")" + "?",
Zt = "[\\ufe0e\\ufe0f]?",
Jt =
Zt +
Gt +
("(?:\\u200d(?:" + [Dt, Ut, Pt].join("|") + ")" + Zt + Gt + ")*"),
Vt = "(?:" + [Rt, Ut, Pt].join("|") + ")" + Jt,
Kt = "(?:" + [Dt + Lt + "?", Lt, Ut, Pt, Et].join("|") + ")",
Yt = RegExp(Tt, "g"),
Qt = RegExp(Lt, "g"),
Xt = RegExp(Nt + "(?=" + Nt + ")|" + Kt + Jt, "g"),
te = RegExp(
$t + "?" + Mt + "+" + qt + "(?=" + [It, $t, "$"].join("|") + ")",
Wt + "+" + Ht + "(?=" + [It, $t + Bt, "$"].join("|") + ")",
$t + "?" + Bt + "+" + qt,
$t + "+" + Ht,
ee = RegExp("[\\u200d\\ud800-\\udfff" + Ot + jt + "]"),
ne =
/[a-z][A-Z]|[A-Z]{2}[a-z]|[0-9][a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z][0-9]|[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/,
re = [
oe = -1,
ie = {};
(ie[M] =
ie[z] =
ie[N] =
ie[D] =
ie[U] =
ie[P] =
ie[$] =
ie[B] =
ie[W] =
(ie[y] =
ie[m] =
ie[F] =
ie[_] =
ie[R] =
ie[b] =
ie[w] =
ie[x] =
ie[A] =
ie[C] =
ie[S] =
ie[k] =
ie[T] =
ie[E] =
ie[L] =
var ae = {};
(ae[y] =
ae[m] =
ae[F] =
ae[R] =
ae[_] =
ae[b] =
ae[M] =
ae[z] =
ae[N] =
ae[D] =
ae[U] =
ae[A] =
ae[C] =
ae[S] =
ae[k] =
ae[T] =
ae[E] =
ae[I] =
ae[P] =
ae[$] =
ae[B] =
ae[W] =
(ae[w] = ae[x] = ae[L] = !1);
var ue = {
"\\": "\\",
"'": "'",
"\n": "n",
"\r": "r",
"\u2028": "u2028",
"\u2029": "u2029",
ce = parseFloat,
se = parseInt,
le = "object" == typeof t && t && t.Object === Object && t,
fe = "object" == typeof self && self && self.Object === Object && self,
pe = le || fe || Function("return this")(),
he = n && !n.nodeType && n,
de = he && e && !e.nodeType && e,
ge = de && de.exports === he,
ve = ge && le.process,
ye = (function () {
try {
var t = de && de.require && de.require("util").types;
return t || (ve && ve.binding && ve.binding("util"));
} catch (t) {}
me = ye && ye.isArrayBuffer,
_e = ye && ye.isDate,
be = ye && ye.isMap,
we = ye && ye.isRegExp,
xe = ye && ye.isSet,
Oe = ye && ye.isTypedArray;
function Ae(t, e, n) {
switch (n.length) {
case 0:
return t.call(e);
case 1:
return t.call(e, n[0]);
case 2:
return t.call(e, n[0], n[1]);
case 3:
return t.call(e, n[0], n[1], n[2]);
return t.apply(e, n);
function Ce(t, e, n, r) {
for (var o = -1, i = null == t ? 0 : t.length; ++o < i; ) {
var a = t[o];
e(r, a, n(a), t);
return r;
function Se(t, e) {
for (
var n = -1, r = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
++n < r && !1 !== e(t[n], n, t);
return t;
function je(t, e) {
for (var n = null == t ? 0 : t.length; n-- && !1 !== e(t[n], n, t); );
return t;
function ke(t, e) {
for (var n = -1, r = null == t ? 0 : t.length; ++n < r; )
if (!e(t[n], n, t)) return !1;
return !0;
function Te(t, e) {
for (
var n = -1, r = null == t ? 0 : t.length, o = 0, i = [];
++n < r;
) {
var a = t[n];
e(a, n, t) && (i[o++] = a);
return i;
function Ee(t, e) {
return !!(null == t ? 0 : t.length) && Pe(t, e, 0) > -1;
function Ie(t, e, n) {
for (var r = -1, o = null == t ? 0 : t.length; ++r < o; )
if (n(e, t[r])) return !0;
return !1;
function Le(t, e) {
for (var n = -1, r = null == t ? 0 : t.length, o = Array(r); ++n < r; )
o[n] = e(t[n], n, t);
return o;
function Fe(t, e) {
for (var n = -1, r = e.length, o = t.length; ++n < r; ) t[o + n] = e[n];
return t;
function Re(t, e, n, r) {
var o = -1,
i = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
for (r && i && (n = t[++o]); ++o < i; ) n = e(n, t[o], o, t);
return n;
function Me(t, e, n, r) {
var o = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
for (r && o && (n = t[--o]); o--; ) n = e(n, t[o], o, t);
return n;
function ze(t, e) {
for (var n = -1, r = null == t ? 0 : t.length; ++n < r; )
if (e(t[n], n, t)) return !0;
return !1;
var Ne = qe("length");
function De(t, e, n) {
var r;
return (
n(t, function (t, n, o) {
if (e(t, n, o)) return (r = n), !1;
function Ue(t, e, n, r) {
for (var o = t.length, i = n + (r ? 1 : -1); r ? i-- : ++i < o; )
if (e(t[i], i, t)) return i;
return -1;
function Pe(t, e, n) {
return e == e
? (function (t, e, n) {
var r = n - 1,
o = t.length;
for (; ++r < o; ) if (t[r] === e) return r;
return -1;
})(t, e, n)
: Ue(t, Be, n);
function $e(t, e, n, r) {
for (var o = n - 1, i = t.length; ++o < i; ) if (r(t[o], e)) return o;
return -1;
function Be(t) {
return t != t;
function We(t, e) {
var n = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
return n ? Ze(t, e) / n : d;
function qe(t) {
return function (e) {
return null == e ? r : e[t];
function He(t) {
return function (e) {
return null == t ? r : t[e];
function Ge(t, e, n, r, o) {
return (
o(t, function (t, o, i) {
n = r ? ((r = !1), t) : e(n, t, o, i);
function Ze(t, e) {
for (var n, o = -1, i = t.length; ++o < i; ) {
var a = e(t[o]);
a !== r && (n = n === r ? a : n + a);
return n;
function Je(t, e) {
for (var n = -1, r = Array(t); ++n < t; ) r[n] = e(n);
return r;
function Ve(t) {
return t ? t.slice(0, dn(t) + 1).replace(it, "") : t;
function Ke(t) {
return function (e) {
return t(e);
function Ye(t, e) {
return Le(e, function (e) {
return t[e];
function Qe(t, e) {
return t.has(e);
function Xe(t, e) {
for (var n = -1, r = t.length; ++n < r && Pe(e, t[n], 0) > -1; );
return n;
function tn(t, e) {
for (var n = t.length; n-- && Pe(e, t[n], 0) > -1; );
return n;
function en(t, e) {
for (var n = t.length, r = 0; n--; ) t[n] === e && ++r;
return r;
var nn = He({
À: "A",
Á: "A",
Â: "A",
Ã: "A",
Ä: "A",
Å: "A",
à: "a",
á: "a",
â: "a",
ã: "a",
ä: "a",
å: "a",
Ç: "C",
ç: "c",
Ð: "D",
ð: "d",
È: "E",
É: "E",
Ê: "E",
Ë: "E",
è: "e",
é: "e",
ê: "e",
ë: "e",
Ì: "I",
Í: "I",
Î: "I",
Ï: "I",
ì: "i",
í: "i",
î: "i",
ï: "i",
Ñ: "N",
ñ: "n",
Ò: "O",
Ó: "O",
Ô: "O",
Õ: "O",
Ö: "O",
Ø: "O",
ò: "o",
ó: "o",
ô: "o",
õ: "o",
ö: "o",
ø: "o",
Ù: "U",
Ú: "U",
Û: "U",
Ü: "U",
ù: "u",
ú: "u",
û: "u",
ü: "u",
Ý: "Y",
ý: "y",
ÿ: "y",
Æ: "Ae",
æ: "ae",
Þ: "Th",
þ: "th",
ß: "ss",
Ā: "A",
Ă: "A",
Ą: "A",
ā: "a",
ă: "a",
ą: "a",
Ć: "C",
Ĉ: "C",
Ċ: "C",
Č: "C",
ć: "c",
ĉ: "c",
ċ: "c",
č: "c",
Ď: "D",
Đ: "D",
ď: "d",
đ: "d",
Ē: "E",
Ĕ: "E",
Ė: "E",
Ę: "E",
Ě: "E",
ē: "e",
ĕ: "e",
ė: "e",
ę: "e",
ě: "e",
Ĝ: "G",
Ğ: "G",
Ġ: "G",
Ģ: "G",
ĝ: "g",
ğ: "g",
ġ: "g",
ģ: "g",
Ĥ: "H",
Ħ: "H",
ĥ: "h",
ħ: "h",
Ĩ: "I",
Ī: "I",
Ĭ: "I",
Į: "I",
İ: "I",
ĩ: "i",
ī: "i",
ĭ: "i",
į: "i",
ı: "i",
Ĵ: "J",
ĵ: "j",
Ķ: "K",
ķ: "k",
ĸ: "k",
Ĺ: "L",
Ļ: "L",
Ľ: "L",
Ŀ: "L",
Ł: "L",
ĺ: "l",
ļ: "l",
ľ: "l",
ŀ: "l",
ł: "l",
Ń: "N",
Ņ: "N",
Ň: "N",
Ŋ: "N",
ń: "n",
ņ: "n",
ň: "n",
ŋ: "n",
Ō: "O",
Ŏ: "O",
Ő: "O",
ō: "o",
ŏ: "o",
ő: "o",
Ŕ: "R",
Ŗ: "R",
Ř: "R",
ŕ: "r",
ŗ: "r",
ř: "r",
Ś: "S",
Ŝ: "S",
Ş: "S",
Š: "S",
ś: "s",
ŝ: "s",
ş: "s",
š: "s",
Ţ: "T",
Ť: "T",
Ŧ: "T",
ţ: "t",
ť: "t",
ŧ: "t",
Ũ: "U",
Ū: "U",
Ŭ: "U",
Ů: "U",
Ű: "U",
Ų: "U",
ũ: "u",
ū: "u",
ŭ: "u",
ů: "u",
ű: "u",
ų: "u",
Ŵ: "W",
ŵ: "w",
Ŷ: "Y",
ŷ: "y",
Ÿ: "Y",
Ź: "Z",
Ż: "Z",
Ž: "Z",
ź: "z",
ż: "z",
ž: "z",
IJ: "IJ",
ij: "ij",
Œ: "Oe",
œ: "oe",
ʼn: "'n",
ſ: "s",
rn = He({
"&": "&amp;",
"<": "&lt;",
">": "&gt;",
'"': "&quot;",
"'": "&#39;",
function on(t) {
return "\\" + ue[t];
function an(t) {
return ee.test(t);
function un(t) {
var e = -1,
n = Array(t.size);
return (
t.forEach(function (t, r) {
n[++e] = [r, t];
function cn(t, e) {
return function (n) {
return t(e(n));
function sn(t, e) {
for (var n = -1, r = t.length, o = 0, i = []; ++n < r; ) {
var u = t[n];
(u !== e && u !== a) || ((t[n] = a), (i[o++] = n));
return i;
function ln(t) {
var e = -1,
n = Array(t.size);
return (
t.forEach(function (t) {
n[++e] = t;
function fn(t) {
var e = -1,
n = Array(t.size);
return (
t.forEach(function (t) {
n[++e] = [t, t];
function pn(t) {
return an(t)
? (function (t) {
var e = (Xt.lastIndex = 0);
for (; Xt.test(t); ) ++e;
return e;
: Ne(t);
function hn(t) {
return an(t)
? (function (t) {
return t.match(Xt) || [];
: (function (t) {
return t.split("");
function dn(t) {
for (var e = t.length; e-- && at.test(t.charAt(e)); );
return e;
var gn = He({
"&amp;": "&",
"&lt;": "<",
"&gt;": ">",
"&quot;": '"',
"&#39;": "'",
var vn = (function t(e) {
var n,
at = (e =
null == e ? pe : vn.defaults(pe.Object(), e, vn.pick(pe, re)))
Ot = e.Date,
At = e.Error,
Ct = e.Function,
St = e.Math,
jt = e.Object,
kt = e.RegExp,
Tt = e.String,
Et = e.TypeError,
It = at.prototype,
Lt = Ct.prototype,
Ft = jt.prototype,
Rt = e["__core-js_shared__"],
Mt = Lt.toString,
zt = Ft.hasOwnProperty,
Nt = 0,
Dt = (n = /[^.]+$/.exec((Rt && Rt.keys && Rt.keys.IE_PROTO) || ""))
? "Symbol(src)_1." + n
: "",
Ut = Ft.toString,
Pt = Mt.call(jt),
$t = pe._,
Bt = kt(
"^" +
.replace(rt, "\\$&")
/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g,
) +
Wt = ge ? e.Buffer : r,
qt = e.Symbol,
Ht = e.Uint8Array,
Gt = Wt ? Wt.allocUnsafe : r,
Zt = cn(jt.getPrototypeOf, jt),
Jt = jt.create,
Vt = Ft.propertyIsEnumerable,
Kt = It.splice,
Xt = qt ? qt.isConcatSpreadable : r,
ee = qt ? qt.iterator : r,
ue = qt ? qt.toStringTag : r,
le = (function () {
try {
var t = di(jt, "defineProperty");
return t({}, "", {}), t;
} catch (t) {}
fe = e.clearTimeout !== pe.clearTimeout && e.clearTimeout,
he = Ot && Ot.now !== pe.Date.now && Ot.now,
de = e.setTimeout !== pe.setTimeout && e.setTimeout,
ve = St.ceil,
ye = St.floor,
Ne = jt.getOwnPropertySymbols,
He = Wt ? Wt.isBuffer : r,
yn = e.isFinite,
mn = It.join,
_n = cn(jt.keys, jt),
bn = St.max,
wn = St.min,
xn = Ot.now,
On = e.parseInt,
An = St.random,
Cn = It.reverse,
Sn = di(e, "DataView"),
jn = di(e, "Map"),
kn = di(e, "Promise"),
Tn = di(e, "Set"),
En = di(e, "WeakMap"),
In = di(jt, "create"),
Ln = En && new En(),
Fn = {},
Rn = qi(Sn),
Mn = qi(jn),
zn = qi(kn),
Nn = qi(Tn),
Dn = qi(En),
Un = qt ? qt.prototype : r,
Pn = Un ? Un.valueOf : r,
$n = Un ? Un.toString : r;
function Bn(t) {
if (uu(t) && !Ka(t) && !(t instanceof Gn)) {
if (t instanceof Hn) return t;
if (zt.call(t, "__wrapped__")) return Hi(t);
return new Hn(t);
var Wn = (function () {
function t() {}
return function (e) {
if (!au(e)) return {};
if (Jt) return Jt(e);
t.prototype = e;
var n = new t();
return (t.prototype = r), n;
function qn() {}
function Hn(t, e) {
(this.__wrapped__ = t),
(this.__actions__ = []),
(this.__chain__ = !!e),
(this.__index__ = 0),
(this.__values__ = r);
function Gn(t) {
(this.__wrapped__ = t),
(this.__actions__ = []),
(this.__dir__ = 1),
(this.__filtered__ = !1),
(this.__iteratees__ = []),
(this.__takeCount__ = g),
(this.__views__ = []);
function Zn(t) {
var e = -1,
n = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
for (this.clear(); ++e < n; ) {
var r = t[e];
this.set(r[0], r[1]);
function Jn(t) {
var e = -1,
n = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
for (this.clear(); ++e < n; ) {
var r = t[e];
this.set(r[0], r[1]);
function Vn(t) {
var e = -1,
n = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
for (this.clear(); ++e < n; ) {
var r = t[e];
this.set(r[0], r[1]);
function Kn(t) {
var e = -1,
n = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
for (this.__data__ = new Vn(); ++e < n; ) this.add(t[e]);
function Yn(t) {
var e = (this.__data__ = new Jn(t));
this.size = e.size;
function Qn(t, e) {
var n = Ka(t),
r = !n && Va(t),
o = !n && !r && tu(t),
i = !n && !r && !o && gu(t),
a = n || r || o || i,
u = a ? Je(t.length, Tt) : [],
c = u.length;
for (var s in t)
(!e && !zt.call(t, s)) ||
(a &&
("length" == s ||
(o && ("offset" == s || "parent" == s)) ||
(i &&
("buffer" == s ||
"byteLength" == s ||
"byteOffset" == s)) ||
wi(s, c))) ||
return u;
function Xn(t) {
var e = t.length;
return e ? t[Kr(0, e - 1)] : r;
function tr(t, e) {
return Di(Lo(t), sr(e, 0, t.length));
function er(t) {
return Di(Lo(t));
function nr(t, e, n) {
((n !== r && !Ga(t[e], n)) || (n === r && !(e in t))) && ur(t, e, n);
function rr(t, e, n) {
var o = t[e];
(zt.call(t, e) && Ga(o, n) && (n !== r || e in t)) || ur(t, e, n);
function or(t, e) {
for (var n = t.length; n--; ) if (Ga(t[n][0], e)) return n;
return -1;
function ir(t, e, n, r) {
return (
dr(t, function (t, o, i) {
e(r, t, n(t), i);
function ar(t, e) {
return t && Fo(e, Nu(e), t);
function ur(t, e, n) {
"__proto__" == e && le
? le(t, e, {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
value: n,
writable: !0,
: (t[e] = n);
function cr(t, e) {
for (var n = -1, o = e.length, i = at(o), a = null == t; ++n < o; )
i[n] = a ? r : Lu(t, e[n]);
return i;
function sr(t, e, n) {
return (
t == t &&
(n !== r && (t = t <= n ? t : n),
e !== r && (t = t >= e ? t : e)),
function lr(t, e, n, o, i, a) {
var u,
c = 1 & e,
s = 2 & e,
l = 4 & e;
if ((n && (u = i ? n(t, o, i, a) : n(t)), u !== r)) return u;
if (!au(t)) return t;
var f = Ka(t);
if (f) {
if (
((u = (function (t) {
var e = t.length,
n = new t.constructor(e);
e &&
"string" == typeof t[0] &&
zt.call(t, "index") &&
((n.index = t.index), (n.input = t.input));
return n;
return Lo(t, u);
} else {
var p = yi(t),
h = p == x || p == O;
if (tu(t)) return So(t, c);
if (p == S || p == y || (h && !i)) {
if (((u = s || h ? {} : _i(t)), !c))
return s
? (function (t, e) {
return Fo(t, vi(t), e);
(function (t, e) {
return t && Fo(e, Du(e), t);
})(u, t),
: (function (t, e) {
return Fo(t, gi(t), e);
})(t, ar(u, t));
} else {
if (!ae[p]) return i ? t : {};
u = (function (t, e, n) {
var r = t.constructor;
switch (e) {
case F:
return jo(t);
case _:
case b:
return new r(+t);
case R:
return (function (t, e) {
var n = e ? jo(t.buffer) : t.buffer;
return new t.constructor(n, t.byteOffset, t.byteLength);
})(t, n);
case M:
case z:
case N:
case D:
case U:
case P:
case $:
case B:
case W:
return ko(t, n);
case A:
return new r();
case C:
case E:
return new r(t);
case k:
return (function (t) {
var e = new t.constructor(t.source, dt.exec(t));
return (e.lastIndex = t.lastIndex), e;
case T:
return new r();
case I:
return (o = t), Pn ? jt(Pn.call(o)) : {};
var o;
})(t, p, c);
a || (a = new Yn());
var d = a.get(t);
if (d) return d;
a.set(t, u),
? t.forEach(function (r) {
u.add(lr(r, e, n, r, t, a));
: cu(t) &&
t.forEach(function (r, o) {
u.set(o, lr(r, e, n, o, t, a));
var g = f ? r : (l ? (s ? ui : ai) : s ? Du : Nu)(t);
return (
Se(g || t, function (r, o) {
g && (r = t[(o = r)]), rr(u, o, lr(r, e, n, o, t, a));
function fr(t, e, n) {
var o = n.length;
if (null == t) return !o;
for (t = jt(t); o--; ) {
var i = n[o],
a = e[i],
u = t[i];
if ((u === r && !(i in t)) || !a(u)) return !1;
return !0;
function pr(t, e, n) {
if ("function" != typeof t) throw new Et(o);
return Ri(function () {
t.apply(r, n);
}, e);
function hr(t, e, n, r) {
var o = -1,
i = Ee,
a = !0,
u = t.length,
c = [],
s = e.length;
if (!u) return c;
n && (e = Le(e, Ke(n))),
? ((i = Ie), (a = !1))
: e.length >= 200 && ((i = Qe), (a = !1), (e = new Kn(e)));
t: for (; ++o < u; ) {
var l = t[o],
f = null == n ? l : n(l);
if (((l = r || 0 !== l ? l : 0), a && f == f)) {
for (var p = s; p--; ) if (e[p] === f) continue t;
} else i(e, f, r) || c.push(l);
return c;
(Bn.templateSettings = {
escape: Y,
evaluate: Q,
interpolate: X,
variable: "",
imports: { _: Bn },
(Bn.prototype = qn.prototype),
(Bn.prototype.constructor = Bn),
(Hn.prototype = Wn(qn.prototype)),
(Hn.prototype.constructor = Hn),
(Gn.prototype = Wn(qn.prototype)),
(Gn.prototype.constructor = Gn),
(Zn.prototype.clear = function () {
(this.__data__ = In ? In(null) : {}), (this.size = 0);
(Zn.prototype.delete = function (t) {
var e = this.has(t) && delete this.__data__[t];
return (this.size -= e ? 1 : 0), e;
(Zn.prototype.get = function (t) {
var e = this.__data__;
if (In) {
var n = e[t];
return n === i ? r : n;
return zt.call(e, t) ? e[t] : r;
(Zn.prototype.has = function (t) {
var e = this.__data__;
return In ? e[t] !== r : zt.call(e, t);
(Zn.prototype.set = function (t, e) {
var n = this.__data__;
return (
(this.size += this.has(t) ? 0 : 1),
(n[t] = In && e === r ? i : e),
(Jn.prototype.clear = function () {
(this.__data__ = []), (this.size = 0);
(Jn.prototype.delete = function (t) {
var e = this.__data__,
n = or(e, t);
return (
!(n < 0) &&
(n == e.length - 1 ? e.pop() : Kt.call(e, n, 1), --this.size, !0)
(Jn.prototype.get = function (t) {
var e = this.__data__,
n = or(e, t);
return n < 0 ? r : e[n][1];
(Jn.prototype.has = function (t) {
return or(this.__data__, t) > -1;
(Jn.prototype.set = function (t, e) {
var n = this.__data__,
r = or(n, t);
return r < 0 ? (++this.size, n.push([t, e])) : (n[r][1] = e), this;
(Vn.prototype.clear = function () {
(this.size = 0),
(this.__data__ = {
hash: new Zn(),
map: new (jn || Jn)(),
string: new Zn(),
(Vn.prototype.delete = function (t) {
var e = pi(this, t).delete(t);
return (this.size -= e ? 1 : 0), e;
(Vn.prototype.get = function (t) {
return pi(this, t).get(t);
(Vn.prototype.has = function (t) {
return pi(this, t).has(t);
(Vn.prototype.set = function (t, e) {
var n = pi(this, t),
r = n.size;
return n.set(t, e), (this.size += n.size == r ? 0 : 1), this;
(Kn.prototype.add = Kn.prototype.push =
function (t) {
return this.__data__.set(t, i), this;
(Kn.prototype.has = function (t) {
return this.__data__.has(t);
(Yn.prototype.clear = function () {
(this.__data__ = new Jn()), (this.size = 0);
(Yn.prototype.delete = function (t) {
var e = this.__data__,
n = e.delete(t);
return (this.size = e.size), n;
(Yn.prototype.get = function (t) {
return this.__data__.get(t);
(Yn.prototype.has = function (t) {
return this.__data__.has(t);
(Yn.prototype.set = function (t, e) {
var n = this.__data__;
if (n instanceof Jn) {
var r = n.__data__;
if (!jn || r.length < 199)
return r.push([t, e]), (this.size = ++n.size), this;
n = this.__data__ = new Vn(r);
return n.set(t, e), (this.size = n.size), this;
var dr = zo(xr),
gr = zo(Or, !0);
function vr(t, e) {
var n = !0;
return (
dr(t, function (t, r, o) {
return (n = !!e(t, r, o));
function yr(t, e, n) {
for (var o = -1, i = t.length; ++o < i; ) {
var a = t[o],
u = e(a);
if (null != u && (c === r ? u == u && !du(u) : n(u, c)))
var c = u,
s = a;
return s;
function mr(t, e) {
var n = [];
return (
dr(t, function (t, r, o) {
e(t, r, o) && n.push(t);
function _r(t, e, n, r, o) {
var i = -1,
a = t.length;
for (n || (n = bi), o || (o = []); ++i < a; ) {
var u = t[i];
e > 0 && n(u)
? e > 1
? _r(u, e - 1, n, r, o)
: Fe(o, u)
: r || (o[o.length] = u);
return o;
var br = No(),
wr = No(!0);
function xr(t, e) {
return t && br(t, e, Nu);
function Or(t, e) {
return t && wr(t, e, Nu);
function Ar(t, e) {
return Te(e, function (e) {
return ru(t[e]);
function Cr(t, e) {
for (var n = 0, o = (e = xo(e, t)).length; null != t && n < o; )
t = t[Wi(e[n++])];
return n && n == o ? t : r;
function Sr(t, e, n) {
var r = e(t);
return Ka(t) ? r : Fe(r, n(t));
function jr(t) {
return null == t
? t === r
? "[object Undefined]"
: "[object Null]"
: ue && ue in jt(t)
? (function (t) {
var e = zt.call(t, ue),
n = t[ue];
try {
t[ue] = r;
var o = !0;
} catch (t) {}
var i = Ut.call(t);
o && (e ? (t[ue] = n) : delete t[ue]);
return i;
: (function (t) {
return Ut.call(t);
function kr(t, e) {
return t > e;
function Tr(t, e) {
return null != t && zt.call(t, e);
function Er(t, e) {
return null != t && e in jt(t);
function Ir(t, e, n) {
for (
var o = n ? Ie : Ee,
i = t[0].length,
a = t.length,
u = a,
c = at(a),
s = 1 / 0,
l = [];
) {
var f = t[u];
u && e && (f = Le(f, Ke(e))),
(s = wn(f.length, s)),
(c[u] =
!n && (e || (i >= 120 && f.length >= 120))
? new Kn(u && f)
: r);
f = t[0];
var p = -1,
h = c[0];
t: for (; ++p < i && l.length < s; ) {
var d = f[p],
g = e ? e(d) : d;
if (((d = n || 0 !== d ? d : 0), !(h ? Qe(h, g) : o(l, g, n)))) {
for (u = a; --u; ) {
var v = c[u];
if (!(v ? Qe(v, g) : o(t[u], g, n))) continue t;
h && h.push(g), l.push(d);
return l;
function Lr(t, e, n) {
var o = null == (t = Ei(t, (e = xo(e, t)))) ? t : t[Wi(na(e))];
return null == o ? r : Ae(o, t, n);
function Fr(t) {
return uu(t) && jr(t) == y;
function Rr(t, e, n, o, i) {
return (
t === e ||
(null == t || null == e || (!uu(t) && !uu(e))
? t != t && e != e
: (function (t, e, n, o, i, a) {
var u = Ka(t),
c = Ka(e),
s = u ? m : yi(t),
l = c ? m : yi(e),
f = (s = s == y ? S : s) == S,
p = (l = l == y ? S : l) == S,
h = s == l;
if (h && tu(t)) {
if (!tu(e)) return !1;
(u = !0), (f = !1);
if (h && !f)
return (
a || (a = new Yn()),
u || gu(t)
? oi(t, e, n, o, i, a)
: (function (t, e, n, r, o, i, a) {
switch (n) {
case R:
if (
t.byteLength != e.byteLength ||
t.byteOffset != e.byteOffset
return !1;
(t = t.buffer), (e = e.buffer);
case F:
return !(
t.byteLength != e.byteLength ||
!i(new Ht(t), new Ht(e))
case _:
case b:
case C:
return Ga(+t, +e);
case w:
return (
t.name == e.name && t.message == e.message
case k:
case E:
return t == e + "";
case A:
var u = un;
case T:
var c = 1 & r;
if ((u || (u = ln), t.size != e.size && !c))
return !1;
var s = a.get(t);
if (s) return s == e;
(r |= 2), a.set(t, e);
var l = oi(u(t), u(e), r, o, i, a);
return a.delete(t), l;
case I:
if (Pn) return Pn.call(t) == Pn.call(e);
return !1;
})(t, e, s, n, o, i, a)
if (!(1 & n)) {
var d = f && zt.call(t, "__wrapped__"),
g = p && zt.call(e, "__wrapped__");
if (d || g) {
var v = d ? t.value() : t,
x = g ? e.value() : e;
return a || (a = new Yn()), i(v, x, n, o, a);
return (
!!h &&
(a || (a = new Yn()),
(function (t, e, n, o, i, a) {
var u = 1 & n,
c = ai(t),
s = c.length,
l = ai(e).length;
if (s != l && !u) return !1;
var f = s;
for (; f--; ) {
var p = c[f];
if (!(u ? p in e : zt.call(e, p))) return !1;
var h = a.get(t),
d = a.get(e);
if (h && d) return h == e && d == t;
var g = !0;
a.set(t, e), a.set(e, t);
var v = u;
for (; ++f < s; ) {
var y = t[(p = c[f])],
m = e[p];
if (o)
var _ = u ? o(m, y, p, e, t, a) : o(y, m, p, t, e, a);
if (!(_ === r ? y === m || i(y, m, n, o, a) : _)) {
g = !1;
v || (v = "constructor" == p);
if (g && !v) {
var b = t.constructor,
w = e.constructor;
b == w ||
!("constructor" in t) ||
!("constructor" in e) ||
("function" == typeof b &&
b instanceof b &&
"function" == typeof w &&
w instanceof w) ||
(g = !1);
return a.delete(t), a.delete(e), g;
})(t, e, n, o, i, a))
})(t, e, n, o, Rr, i))
function Mr(t, e, n, o) {
var i = n.length,
a = i,
u = !o;
if (null == t) return !a;
for (t = jt(t); i--; ) {
var c = n[i];
if (u && c[2] ? c[1] !== t[c[0]] : !(c[0] in t)) return !1;
for (; ++i < a; ) {
var s = (c = n[i])[0],
l = t[s],
f = c[1];
if (u && c[2]) {
if (l === r && !(s in t)) return !1;
} else {
var p = new Yn();
if (o) var h = o(l, f, s, t, e, p);
if (!(h === r ? Rr(f, l, 3, o, p) : h)) return !1;
return !0;
function zr(t) {
return (
!(!au(t) || ((e = t), Dt && Dt in e)) &&
(ru(t) ? Bt : yt).test(qi(t))
var e;
function Nr(t) {
return "function" == typeof t
? t
: null == t
? sc
: "object" == typeof t
? Ka(t)
? Wr(t[0], t[1])
: Br(t)
: mc(t);
function Dr(t) {
if (!Si(t)) return _n(t);
var e = [];
for (var n in jt(t)) zt.call(t, n) && "constructor" != n && e.push(n);
return e;
function Ur(t) {
if (!au(t))
return (function (t) {
var e = [];
if (null != t) for (var n in jt(t)) e.push(n);
return e;
var e = Si(t),
n = [];
for (var r in t)
("constructor" != r || (!e && zt.call(t, r))) && n.push(r);
return n;
function Pr(t, e) {
return t < e;
function $r(t, e) {
var n = -1,
r = Qa(t) ? at(t.length) : [];
return (
dr(t, function (t, o, i) {
r[++n] = e(t, o, i);
function Br(t) {
var e = hi(t);
return 1 == e.length && e[0][2]
? ki(e[0][0], e[0][1])
: function (n) {
return n === t || Mr(n, t, e);
function Wr(t, e) {
return Oi(t) && ji(e)
? ki(Wi(t), e)
: function (n) {
var o = Lu(n, t);
return o === r && o === e ? Fu(n, t) : Rr(e, o, 3);
function qr(t, e, n, o, i) {
t !== e &&
function (a, u) {
if ((i || (i = new Yn()), au(a)))
!(function (t, e, n, o, i, a, u) {
var c = Li(t, n),
s = Li(e, n),
l = u.get(s);
if (l) return void nr(t, n, l);
var f = a ? a(c, s, n + "", t, e, u) : r,
p = f === r;
if (p) {
var h = Ka(s),
d = !h && tu(s),
g = !h && !d && gu(s);
(f = s),
h || d || g
? Ka(c)
? (f = c)
: Xa(c)
? (f = Lo(c))
: d
? ((p = !1), (f = So(s, !0)))
: g
? ((p = !1), (f = ko(s, !0)))
: (f = [])
: lu(s) || Va(s)
? ((f = c),
? (f = Ou(c))
: (au(c) && !ru(c)) || (f = _i(s)))
: (p = !1);
p && (u.set(s, f), i(f, s, o, a, u), u.delete(s));
nr(t, n, f);
})(t, e, u, n, qr, o, i);
else {
var c = o ? o(Li(t, u), a, u + "", t, e, i) : r;
c === r && (c = a), nr(t, u, c);
function Hr(t, e) {
var n = t.length;
if (n) return wi((e += e < 0 ? n : 0), n) ? t[e] : r;
function Gr(t, e, n) {
e = e.length
? Le(e, function (t) {
return Ka(t)
? function (e) {
return Cr(e, 1 === t.length ? t[0] : t);
: t;
: [sc];
var r = -1;
return (
(e = Le(e, Ke(fi()))),
(function (t, e) {
var n = t.length;
for (t.sort(e); n--; ) t[n] = t[n].value;
return t;
$r(t, function (t, n, o) {
return {
criteria: Le(e, function (e) {
return e(t);
index: ++r,
value: t,
function (t, e) {
return (function (t, e, n) {
var r = -1,
o = t.criteria,
i = e.criteria,
a = o.length,
u = n.length;
for (; ++r < a; ) {
var c = To(o[r], i[r]);
if (c) return r >= u ? c : c * ("desc" == n[r] ? -1 : 1);
return t.index - e.index;
})(t, e, n);
function Zr(t, e, n) {
for (var r = -1, o = e.length, i = {}; ++r < o; ) {
var a = e[r],
u = Cr(t, a);
n(u, a) && eo(i, xo(a, t), u);
return i;
function Jr(t, e, n, r) {
var o = r ? $e : Pe,
i = -1,
a = e.length,
u = t;
for (t === e && (e = Lo(e)), n && (u = Le(t, Ke(n))); ++i < a; )
for (
var c = 0, s = e[i], l = n ? n(s) : s;
(c = o(u, l, c, r)) > -1;
u !== t && Kt.call(u, c, 1), Kt.call(t, c, 1);
return t;
function Vr(t, e) {
for (var n = t ? e.length : 0, r = n - 1; n--; ) {
var o = e[n];
if (n == r || o !== i) {
var i = o;
wi(o) ? Kt.call(t, o, 1) : ho(t, o);
return t;
function Kr(t, e) {
return t + ye(An() * (e - t + 1));
function Yr(t, e) {
var n = "";
if (!t || e < 1 || e > h) return n;
do {
e % 2 && (n += t), (e = ye(e / 2)) && (t += t);
} while (e);
return n;
function Qr(t, e) {
return Mi(Ti(t, e, sc), t + "");
function Xr(t) {
return Xn(Gu(t));
function to(t, e) {
var n = Gu(t);
return Di(n, sr(e, 0, n.length));
function eo(t, e, n, o) {
if (!au(t)) return t;
for (
var i = -1, a = (e = xo(e, t)).length, u = a - 1, c = t;
null != c && ++i < a;
) {
var s = Wi(e[i]),
l = n;
if ("__proto__" === s || "constructor" === s || "prototype" === s)
return t;
if (i != u) {
var f = c[s];
(l = o ? o(f, s, c) : r) === r &&
(l = au(f) ? f : wi(e[i + 1]) ? [] : {});
rr(c, s, l), (c = c[s]);
return t;
var no = Ln
? function (t, e) {
return Ln.set(t, e), t;
: sc,
ro = le
? function (t, e) {
return le(t, "toString", {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !1,
value: ac(e),
writable: !0,
: sc;
function oo(t) {
return Di(Gu(t));
function io(t, e, n) {
var r = -1,
o = t.length;
e < 0 && (e = -e > o ? 0 : o + e),
(n = n > o ? o : n) < 0 && (n += o),
(o = e > n ? 0 : (n - e) >>> 0),
(e >>>= 0);
for (var i = at(o); ++r < o; ) i[r] = t[r + e];
return i;
function ao(t, e) {
var n;
return (
dr(t, function (t, r, o) {
return !(n = e(t, r, o));
function uo(t, e, n) {
var r = 0,
o = null == t ? r : t.length;
if ("number" == typeof e && e == e && o <= 2147483647) {
for (; r < o; ) {
var i = (r + o) >>> 1,
a = t[i];
null !== a && !du(a) && (n ? a <= e : a < e)
? (r = i + 1)
: (o = i);
return o;
return co(t, e, sc, n);
function co(t, e, n, o) {
var i = 0,
a = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
if (0 === a) return 0;
for (
var u = (e = n(e)) != e, c = null === e, s = du(e), l = e === r;
i < a;
) {
var f = ye((i + a) / 2),
p = n(t[f]),
h = p !== r,
d = null === p,
g = p == p,
v = du(p);
if (u) var y = o || g;
y = l
? g && (o || h)
: c
? g && h && (o || !d)
: s
? g && h && !d && (o || !v)
: !d && !v && (o ? p <= e : p < e);
y ? (i = f + 1) : (a = f);
return wn(a, 4294967294);
function so(t, e) {
for (var n = -1, r = t.length, o = 0, i = []; ++n < r; ) {
var a = t[n],
u = e ? e(a) : a;
if (!n || !Ga(u, c)) {
var c = u;
i[o++] = 0 === a ? 0 : a;
return i;
function lo(t) {
return "number" == typeof t ? t : du(t) ? d : +t;
function fo(t) {
if ("string" == typeof t) return t;
if (Ka(t)) return Le(t, fo) + "";
if (du(t)) return $n ? $n.call(t) : "";
var e = t + "";
return "0" == e && 1 / t == -1 / 0 ? "-0" : e;
function po(t, e, n) {
var r = -1,
o = Ee,
i = t.length,
a = !0,
u = [],
c = u;
if (n) (a = !1), (o = Ie);
else if (i >= 200) {
var s = e ? null : Qo(t);
if (s) return ln(s);
(a = !1), (o = Qe), (c = new Kn());
} else c = e ? [] : u;
t: for (; ++r < i; ) {
var l = t[r],
f = e ? e(l) : l;
if (((l = n || 0 !== l ? l : 0), a && f == f)) {
for (var p = c.length; p--; ) if (c[p] === f) continue t;
e && c.push(f), u.push(l);
} else o(c, f, n) || (c !== u && c.push(f), u.push(l));
return u;
function ho(t, e) {
return null == (t = Ei(t, (e = xo(e, t)))) || delete t[Wi(na(e))];
function go(t, e, n, r) {
return eo(t, e, n(Cr(t, e)), r);
function vo(t, e, n, r) {
for (
var o = t.length, i = r ? o : -1;
(r ? i-- : ++i < o) && e(t[i], i, t);
return n
? io(t, r ? 0 : i, r ? i + 1 : o)
: io(t, r ? i + 1 : 0, r ? o : i);
function yo(t, e) {
var n = t;
return (
n instanceof Gn && (n = n.value()),
function (t, e) {
return e.func.apply(e.thisArg, Fe([t], e.args));
function mo(t, e, n) {
var r = t.length;
if (r < 2) return r ? po(t[0]) : [];
for (var o = -1, i = at(r); ++o < r; )
for (var a = t[o], u = -1; ++u < r; )
u != o && (i[o] = hr(i[o] || a, t[u], e, n));
return po(_r(i, 1), e, n);
function _o(t, e, n) {
for (var o = -1, i = t.length, a = e.length, u = {}; ++o < i; ) {
var c = o < a ? e[o] : r;
n(u, t[o], c);
return u;
function bo(t) {
return Xa(t) ? t : [];
function wo(t) {
return "function" == typeof t ? t : sc;
function xo(t, e) {
return Ka(t) ? t : Oi(t, e) ? [t] : Bi(Au(t));
var Oo = Qr;
function Ao(t, e, n) {
var o = t.length;
return (n = n === r ? o : n), !e && n >= o ? t : io(t, e, n);
var Co =
fe ||
function (t) {
return pe.clearTimeout(t);
function So(t, e) {
if (e) return t.slice();
var n = t.length,
r = Gt ? Gt(n) : new t.constructor(n);
return t.copy(r), r;
function jo(t) {
var e = new t.constructor(t.byteLength);
return new Ht(e).set(new Ht(t)), e;
function ko(t, e) {
var n = e ? jo(t.buffer) : t.buffer;
return new t.constructor(n, t.byteOffset, t.length);
function To(t, e) {
if (t !== e) {
var n = t !== r,
o = null === t,
i = t == t,
a = du(t),
u = e !== r,
c = null === e,
s = e == e,
l = du(e);
if (
(!c && !l && !a && t > e) ||
(a && u && s && !c && !l) ||
(o && u && s) ||
(!n && s) ||
return 1;
if (
(!o && !a && !l && t < e) ||
(l && n && i && !o && !a) ||
(c && n && i) ||
(!u && i) ||
return -1;
return 0;
function Eo(t, e, n, r) {
for (
var o = -1,
i = t.length,
a = n.length,
u = -1,
c = e.length,
s = bn(i - a, 0),
l = at(c + s),
f = !r;
++u < c;
l[u] = e[u];
for (; ++o < a; ) (f || o < i) && (l[n[o]] = t[o]);
for (; s--; ) l[u++] = t[o++];
return l;
function Io(t, e, n, r) {
for (
var o = -1,
i = t.length,
a = -1,
u = n.length,
c = -1,
s = e.length,
l = bn(i - u, 0),
f = at(l + s),
p = !r;
++o < l;
f[o] = t[o];
for (var h = o; ++c < s; ) f[h + c] = e[c];
for (; ++a < u; ) (p || o < i) && (f[h + n[a]] = t[o++]);
return f;
function Lo(t, e) {
var n = -1,
r = t.length;
for (e || (e = at(r)); ++n < r; ) e[n] = t[n];
return e;
function Fo(t, e, n, o) {
var i = !n;
n || (n = {});
for (var a = -1, u = e.length; ++a < u; ) {
var c = e[a],
s = o ? o(n[c], t[c], c, n, t) : r;
s === r && (s = t[c]), i ? ur(n, c, s) : rr(n, c, s);
return n;
function Ro(t, e) {
return function (n, r) {
var o = Ka(n) ? Ce : ir,
i = e ? e() : {};
return o(n, t, fi(r, 2), i);
function Mo(t) {
return Qr(function (e, n) {
var o = -1,
i = n.length,
a = i > 1 ? n[i - 1] : r,
u = i > 2 ? n[2] : r;
for (
a = t.length > 3 && "function" == typeof a ? (i--, a) : r,
u && xi(n[0], n[1], u) && ((a = i < 3 ? r : a), (i = 1)),
e = jt(e);
++o < i;
) {
var c = n[o];
c && t(e, c, o, a);
return e;
function zo(t, e) {
return function (n, r) {
if (null == n) return n;
if (!Qa(n)) return t(n, r);
for (
var o = n.length, i = e ? o : -1, a = jt(n);
(e ? i-- : ++i < o) && !1 !== r(a[i], i, a);
return n;
function No(t) {
return function (e, n, r) {
for (var o = -1, i = jt(e), a = r(e), u = a.length; u--; ) {
var c = a[t ? u : ++o];
if (!1 === n(i[c], c, i)) break;
return e;
function Do(t) {
return function (e) {
var n = an((e = Au(e))) ? hn(e) : r,
o = n ? n[0] : e.charAt(0),
i = n ? Ao(n, 1).join("") : e.slice(1);
return o[t]() + i;
function Uo(t) {
return function (e) {
return Re(rc(Vu(e).replace(Yt, "")), t, "");
function Po(t) {
return function () {
var e = arguments;
switch (e.length) {
case 0:
return new t();
case 1:
return new t(e[0]);
case 2:
return new t(e[0], e[1]);
case 3:
return new t(e[0], e[1], e[2]);
case 4:
return new t(e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3]);
case 5:
return new t(e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4]);
case 6:
return new t(e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4], e[5]);
case 7:
return new t(e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4], e[5], e[6]);
var n = Wn(t.prototype),
r = t.apply(n, e);
return au(r) ? r : n;
function $o(t) {
return function (e, n, o) {
var i = jt(e);
if (!Qa(e)) {
var a = fi(n, 3);
(e = Nu(e)),
(n = function (t) {
return a(i[t], t, i);
var u = t(e, n, o);
return u > -1 ? i[a ? e[u] : u] : r;
function Bo(t) {
return ii(function (e) {
var n = e.length,
i = n,
a = Hn.prototype.thru;
for (t && e.reverse(); i--; ) {
var u = e[i];
if ("function" != typeof u) throw new Et(o);
if (a && !c && "wrapper" == si(u)) var c = new Hn([], !0);
for (i = c ? i : n; ++i < n; ) {
var s = si((u = e[i])),
l = "wrapper" == s ? ci(u) : r;
c =
l && Ai(l[0]) && 424 == l[1] && !l[4].length && 1 == l[9]
? c[si(l[0])].apply(c, l[3])
: 1 == u.length && Ai(u)
? c[s]()
: c.thru(u);
return function () {
var t = arguments,
r = t[0];
if (c && 1 == t.length && Ka(r)) return c.plant(r).value();
for (var o = 0, i = n ? e[o].apply(this, t) : r; ++o < n; )
i = e[o].call(this, i);
return i;
function Wo(t, e, n, o, i, a, u, c, s, f) {
var p = e & l,
h = 1 & e,
d = 2 & e,
g = 24 & e,
v = 512 & e,
y = d ? r : Po(t);
return function r() {
for (var l = arguments.length, m = at(l), _ = l; _--; )
m[_] = arguments[_];
if (g)
var b = li(r),
w = en(m, b);
if (
(o && (m = Eo(m, o, i, g)),
a && (m = Io(m, a, u, g)),
(l -= w),
g && l < f)
) {
var x = sn(m, b);
return Ko(t, e, Wo, r.placeholder, n, m, x, c, s, f - l);
var O = h ? n : this,
A = d ? O[t] : t;
return (
(l = m.length),
c ? (m = Ii(m, c)) : v && l > 1 && m.reverse(),
p && s < l && (m.length = s),
this && this !== pe && this instanceof r && (A = y || Po(A)),
A.apply(O, m)
function qo(t, e) {
return function (n, r) {
return (function (t, e, n, r) {
return (
xr(t, function (t, o, i) {
e(r, n(t), o, i);
})(n, t, e(r), {});
function Ho(t, e) {
return function (n, o) {
var i;
if (n === r && o === r) return e;
if ((n !== r && (i = n), o !== r)) {
if (i === r) return o;
"string" == typeof n || "string" == typeof o
? ((n = fo(n)), (o = fo(o)))
: ((n = lo(n)), (o = lo(o))),
(i = t(n, o));
return i;
function Go(t) {
return ii(function (e) {
return (
(e = Le(e, Ke(fi()))),
Qr(function (n) {
var r = this;
return t(e, function (t) {
return Ae(t, r, n);
function Zo(t, e) {
var n = (e = e === r ? " " : fo(e)).length;
if (n < 2) return n ? Yr(e, t) : e;
var o = Yr(e, ve(t / pn(e)));
return an(e) ? Ao(hn(o), 0, t).join("") : o.slice(0, t);
function Jo(t) {
return function (e, n, o) {
return (
o && "number" != typeof o && xi(e, n, o) && (n = o = r),
(e = _u(e)),
n === r ? ((n = e), (e = 0)) : (n = _u(n)),
(function (t, e, n, r) {
for (
var o = -1, i = bn(ve((e - t) / (n || 1)), 0), a = at(i);
(a[r ? i : ++o] = t), (t += n);
return a;
})(e, n, (o = o === r ? (e < n ? 1 : -1) : _u(o)), t)
function Vo(t) {
return function (e, n) {
return (
("string" == typeof e && "string" == typeof n) ||
((e = xu(e)), (n = xu(n))),
t(e, n)
function Ko(t, e, n, o, i, a, u, l, f, p) {
var h = 8 & e;
(e |= h ? c : s), 4 & (e &= ~(h ? s : c)) || (e &= -4);
var d = [
h ? a : r,
h ? u : r,
h ? r : a,
h ? r : u,
g = n.apply(r, d);
return Ai(t) && Fi(g, d), (g.placeholder = o), zi(g, t, e);
function Yo(t) {
var e = St[t];
return function (t, n) {
if (((t = xu(t)), (n = null == n ? 0 : wn(bu(n), 292)) && yn(t))) {
var r = (Au(t) + "e").split("e");
return +(
(r = (Au(e(r[0] + "e" + (+r[1] + n))) + "e").split("e"))[0] +
"e" +
(+r[1] - n)
return e(t);
var Qo =
Tn && 1 / ln(new Tn([, -0]))[1] == p
? function (t) {
return new Tn(t);
: dc;
function Xo(t) {
return function (e) {
var n = yi(e);
return n == A
? un(e)
: n == T
? fn(e)
: (function (t, e) {
return Le(e, function (e) {
return [e, t[e]];
})(e, t(e));
function ti(t, e, n, i, p, h, d, g) {
var v = 2 & e;
if (!v && "function" != typeof t) throw new Et(o);
var y = i ? i.length : 0;
if (
(y || ((e &= -97), (i = p = r)),
(d = d === r ? d : bn(bu(d), 0)),
(g = g === r ? g : bu(g)),
(y -= p ? p.length : 0),
e & s)
) {
var m = i,
_ = p;
i = p = r;
var b = v ? r : ci(t),
w = [t, e, n, i, p, m, _, h, d, g];
if (
(b &&
(function (t, e) {
var n = t[1],
r = e[1],
o = n | r,
i = o < 131,
u =
(r == l && 8 == n) ||
(r == l && n == f && t[7].length <= e[8]) ||
(384 == r && e[7].length <= e[8] && 8 == n);
if (!i && !u) return t;
1 & r && ((t[2] = e[2]), (o |= 1 & n ? 0 : 4));
var c = e[3];
if (c) {
var s = t[3];
(t[3] = s ? Eo(s, c, e[4]) : c),
(t[4] = s ? sn(t[3], a) : e[4]);
(c = e[5]) &&
((s = t[5]),
(t[5] = s ? Io(s, c, e[6]) : c),
(t[6] = s ? sn(t[5], a) : e[6]));
(c = e[7]) && (t[7] = c);
r & l && (t[8] = null == t[8] ? e[8] : wn(t[8], e[8]));
null == t[9] && (t[9] = e[9]);
(t[0] = e[0]), (t[1] = o);
})(w, b),
(t = w[0]),
(e = w[1]),
(n = w[2]),
(i = w[3]),
(p = w[4]),
!(g = w[9] = w[9] === r ? (v ? 0 : t.length) : bn(w[9] - y, 0)) &&
24 & e &&
(e &= -25),
e && 1 != e)
x =
8 == e || e == u
? (function (t, e, n) {
var o = Po(t);
return function i() {
for (
var a = arguments.length, u = at(a), c = a, s = li(i);
u[c] = arguments[c];
var l =
a < 3 && u[0] !== s && u[a - 1] !== s ? [] : sn(u, s);
return (a -= l.length) < n
? Ko(t, e, Wo, i.placeholder, r, u, l, r, r, n - a)
: Ae(
this && this !== pe && this instanceof i ? o : t,
})(t, e, g)
: (e != c && 33 != e) || p.length
? Wo.apply(r, w)
: (function (t, e, n, r) {
var o = 1 & e,
i = Po(t);
return function e() {
for (
var a = -1,
u = arguments.length,
c = -1,
s = r.length,
l = at(s + u),
f = this && this !== pe && this instanceof e ? i : t;
++c < s;
l[c] = r[c];
for (; u--; ) l[c++] = arguments[++a];
return Ae(f, o ? n : this, l);
})(t, e, n, i);
var x = (function (t, e, n) {
var r = 1 & e,
o = Po(t);
return function e() {
return (this && this !== pe && this instanceof e ? o : t).apply(
r ? n : this,
})(t, e, n);
return zi((b ? no : Fi)(x, w), t, e);
function ei(t, e, n, o) {
return t === r || (Ga(t, Ft[n]) && !zt.call(o, n)) ? e : t;
function ni(t, e, n, o, i, a) {
return (
au(t) && au(e) && (a.set(e, t), qr(t, e, r, ni, a), a.delete(e)), t
function ri(t) {
return lu(t) ? r : t;
function oi(t, e, n, o, i, a) {
var u = 1 & n,
c = t.length,
s = e.length;
if (c != s && !(u && s > c)) return !1;
var l = a.get(t),
f = a.get(e);
if (l && f) return l == e && f == t;
var p = -1,
h = !0,
d = 2 & n ? new Kn() : r;
for (a.set(t, e), a.set(e, t); ++p < c; ) {
var g = t[p],
v = e[p];
if (o) var y = u ? o(v, g, p, e, t, a) : o(g, v, p, t, e, a);
if (y !== r) {
if (y) continue;
h = !1;
if (d) {
if (
!ze(e, function (t, e) {
if (!Qe(d, e) && (g === t || i(g, t, n, o, a)))
return d.push(e);
) {
h = !1;
} else if (g !== v && !i(g, v, n, o, a)) {
h = !1;
return a.delete(t), a.delete(e), h;
function ii(t) {
return Mi(Ti(t, r, Yi), t + "");
function ai(t) {
return Sr(t, Nu, gi);
function ui(t) {
return Sr(t, Du, vi);
var ci = Ln
? function (t) {
return Ln.get(t);
: dc;
function si(t) {
for (
var e = t.name + "", n = Fn[e], r = zt.call(Fn, e) ? n.length : 0;
) {
var o = n[r],
i = o.func;
if (null == i || i == t) return o.name;
return e;
function li(t) {
return (zt.call(Bn, "placeholder") ? Bn : t).placeholder;
function fi() {
var t = Bn.iteratee || lc;
return (
(t = t === lc ? Nr : t),
arguments.length ? t(arguments[0], arguments[1]) : t
function pi(t, e) {
var n,
o = t.__data__;
return (
"string" == (r = typeof (n = e)) ||
"number" == r ||
"symbol" == r ||
"boolean" == r
? "__proto__" !== n
: null === n
? o["string" == typeof e ? "string" : "hash"]
: o.map;
function hi(t) {
for (var e = Nu(t), n = e.length; n--; ) {
var r = e[n],
o = t[r];
e[n] = [r, o, ji(o)];
return e;
function di(t, e) {
var n = (function (t, e) {
return null == t ? r : t[e];
})(t, e);
return zr(n) ? n : r;
var gi = Ne
? function (t) {
return null == t
? []
: ((t = jt(t)),
Te(Ne(t), function (e) {
return Vt.call(t, e);
: wc,
vi = Ne
? function (t) {
for (var e = []; t; ) Fe(e, gi(t)), (t = Zt(t));
return e;
: wc,
yi = jr;
function mi(t, e, n) {
for (var r = -1, o = (e = xo(e, t)).length, i = !1; ++r < o; ) {
var a = Wi(e[r]);
if (!(i = null != t && n(t, a))) break;
t = t[a];
return i || ++r != o
? i
: !!(o = null == t ? 0 : t.length) &&
iu(o) &&
wi(a, o) &&
(Ka(t) || Va(t));
function _i(t) {
return "function" != typeof t.constructor || Si(t) ? {} : Wn(Zt(t));
function bi(t) {
return Ka(t) || Va(t) || !!(Xt && t && t[Xt]);
function wi(t, e) {
var n = typeof t;
return (
!!(e = null == e ? h : e) &&
("number" == n || ("symbol" != n && _t.test(t))) &&
t > -1 &&
t % 1 == 0 &&
t < e
function xi(t, e, n) {
if (!au(n)) return !1;
var r = typeof e;
return (
!!("number" == r
? Qa(n) && wi(e, n.length)
: "string" == r && e in n) && Ga(n[e], t)
function Oi(t, e) {
if (Ka(t)) return !1;
var n = typeof t;
return (
"number" != n &&
"symbol" != n &&
"boolean" != n &&
null != t &&
) ||
et.test(t) ||
!tt.test(t) ||
(null != e && t in jt(e))
function Ai(t) {
var e = si(t),
n = Bn[e];
if ("function" != typeof n || !(e in Gn.prototype)) return !1;
if (t === n) return !0;
var r = ci(n);
return !!r && t === r[0];
((Sn && yi(new Sn(new ArrayBuffer(1))) != R) ||
(jn && yi(new jn()) != A) ||
(kn && yi(kn.resolve()) != j) ||
(Tn && yi(new Tn()) != T) ||
(En && yi(new En()) != L)) &&
(yi = function (t) {
var e = jr(t),
n = e == S ? t.constructor : r,
o = n ? qi(n) : "";
if (o)
switch (o) {
case Rn:
return R;
case Mn:
return A;
case zn:
return j;
case Nn:
return T;
case Dn:
return L;
return e;
var Ci = Rt ? ru : xc;
function Si(t) {
var e = t && t.constructor;
return t === (("function" == typeof e && e.prototype) || Ft);
function ji(t) {
return t == t && !au(t);
function ki(t, e) {
return function (n) {
return null != n && n[t] === e && (e !== r || t in jt(n));
function Ti(t, e, n) {
return (
(e = bn(e === r ? t.length - 1 : e, 0)),
function () {
for (
var r = arguments, o = -1, i = bn(r.length - e, 0), a = at(i);
++o < i;
a[o] = r[e + o];
o = -1;
for (var u = at(e + 1); ++o < e; ) u[o] = r[o];
return (u[e] = n(a)), Ae(t, this, u);
function Ei(t, e) {
return e.length < 2 ? t : Cr(t, io(e, 0, -1));
function Ii(t, e) {
for (var n = t.length, o = wn(e.length, n), i = Lo(t); o--; ) {
var a = e[o];
t[o] = wi(a, n) ? i[a] : r;
return t;
function Li(t, e) {
if (
("constructor" !== e || "function" != typeof t[e]) &&
"__proto__" != e
return t[e];
var Fi = Ni(no),
Ri =
de ||
function (t, e) {
return pe.setTimeout(t, e);
Mi = Ni(ro);
function zi(t, e, n) {
var r = e + "";
return Mi(
(function (t, e) {
var n = e.length;
if (!n) return t;
var r = n - 1;
return (
(e[r] = (n > 1 ? "& " : "") + e[r]),
(e = e.join(n > 2 ? ", " : " ")),
t.replace(ut, "{\n/* [wrapped with " + e + "] */\n")
(function (t, e) {
return (
Se(v, function (n) {
var r = "_." + n[0];
e & n[1] && !Ee(t, r) && t.push(r);
(function (t) {
var e = t.match(ct);
return e ? e[1].split(st) : [];
function Ni(t) {
var e = 0,
n = 0;
return function () {
var o = xn(),
i = 16 - (o - n);
if (((n = o), i > 0)) {
if (++e >= 800) return arguments[0];
} else e = 0;
return t.apply(r, arguments);
function Di(t, e) {
var n = -1,
o = t.length,
i = o - 1;
for (e = e === r ? o : e; ++n < e; ) {
var a = Kr(n, i),
u = t[a];
(t[a] = t[n]), (t[n] = u);
return (t.length = e), t;
var Ui,
Bi =
((Ui = function (t) {
var e = [];
return (
46 === t.charCodeAt(0) && e.push(""),
t.replace(nt, function (t, n, r, o) {
e.push(r ? o.replace(pt, "$1") : n || t);
(Pi = Pa(Ui, function (t) {
return 500 === $i.size && $i.clear(), t;
($i = Pi.cache),
function Wi(t) {
if ("string" == typeof t || du(t)) return t;
var e = t + "";
return "0" == e && 1 / t == -1 / 0 ? "-0" : e;
function qi(t) {
if (null != t) {
try {
return Mt.call(t);
} catch (t) {}
try {
return t + "";
} catch (t) {}
return "";
function Hi(t) {
if (t instanceof Gn) return t.clone();
var e = new Hn(t.__wrapped__, t.__chain__);
return (
(e.__actions__ = Lo(t.__actions__)),
(e.__index__ = t.__index__),
(e.__values__ = t.__values__),
var Gi = Qr(function (t, e) {
return Xa(t) ? hr(t, _r(e, 1, Xa, !0)) : [];
Zi = Qr(function (t, e) {
var n = na(e);
return (
Xa(n) && (n = r), Xa(t) ? hr(t, _r(e, 1, Xa, !0), fi(n, 2)) : []
Ji = Qr(function (t, e) {
var n = na(e);
return Xa(n) && (n = r), Xa(t) ? hr(t, _r(e, 1, Xa, !0), r, n) : [];
function Vi(t, e, n) {
var r = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
if (!r) return -1;
var o = null == n ? 0 : bu(n);
return o < 0 && (o = bn(r + o, 0)), Ue(t, fi(e, 3), o);
function Ki(t, e, n) {
var o = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
if (!o) return -1;
var i = o - 1;
return (
n !== r && ((i = bu(n)), (i = n < 0 ? bn(o + i, 0) : wn(i, o - 1))),
Ue(t, fi(e, 3), i, !0)
function Yi(t) {
return (null == t ? 0 : t.length) ? _r(t, 1) : [];
function Qi(t) {
return t && t.length ? t[0] : r;
var Xi = Qr(function (t) {
var e = Le(t, bo);
return e.length && e[0] === t[0] ? Ir(e) : [];
ta = Qr(function (t) {
var e = na(t),
n = Le(t, bo);
return (
e === na(n) ? (e = r) : n.pop(),
n.length && n[0] === t[0] ? Ir(n, fi(e, 2)) : []
ea = Qr(function (t) {
var e = na(t),
n = Le(t, bo);
return (
(e = "function" == typeof e ? e : r) && n.pop(),
n.length && n[0] === t[0] ? Ir(n, r, e) : []
function na(t) {
var e = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
return e ? t[e - 1] : r;
var ra = Qr(oa);
function oa(t, e) {
return t && t.length && e && e.length ? Jr(t, e) : t;
var ia = ii(function (t, e) {
var n = null == t ? 0 : t.length,
r = cr(t, e);
return (
Le(e, function (t) {
return wi(t, n) ? +t : t;
function aa(t) {
return null == t ? t : Cn.call(t);
var ua = Qr(function (t) {
return po(_r(t, 1, Xa, !0));
ca = Qr(function (t) {
var e = na(t);
return Xa(e) && (e = r), po(_r(t, 1, Xa, !0), fi(e, 2));
sa = Qr(function (t) {
var e = na(t);
return (
(e = "function" == typeof e ? e : r), po(_r(t, 1, Xa, !0), r, e)
function la(t) {
if (!t || !t.length) return [];
var e = 0;
return (
(t = Te(t, function (t) {
if (Xa(t)) return (e = bn(t.length, e)), !0;
Je(e, function (e) {
return Le(t, qe(e));
function fa(t, e) {
if (!t || !t.length) return [];
var n = la(t);
return null == e
? n
: Le(n, function (t) {
return Ae(e, r, t);
var pa = Qr(function (t, e) {
return Xa(t) ? hr(t, e) : [];
ha = Qr(function (t) {
return mo(Te(t, Xa));
da = Qr(function (t) {
var e = na(t);
return Xa(e) && (e = r), mo(Te(t, Xa), fi(e, 2));
ga = Qr(function (t) {
var e = na(t);
return (e = "function" == typeof e ? e : r), mo(Te(t, Xa), r, e);
va = Qr(la);
var ya = Qr(function (t) {
var e = t.length,
n = e > 1 ? t[e - 1] : r;
return (n = "function" == typeof n ? (t.pop(), n) : r), fa(t, n);
function ma(t) {
var e = Bn(t);
return (e.__chain__ = !0), e;
function _a(t, e) {
return e(t);
var ba = ii(function (t) {
var e = t.length,
n = e ? t[0] : 0,
o = this.__wrapped__,
i = function (e) {
return cr(e, t);
return !(e > 1 || this.__actions__.length) && o instanceof Gn && wi(n)
? ((o = o.slice(n, +n + (e ? 1 : 0))).__actions__.push({
func: _a,
args: [i],
thisArg: r,
new Hn(o, this.__chain__).thru(function (t) {
return e && !t.length && t.push(r), t;
: this.thru(i);
var wa = Ro(function (t, e, n) {
zt.call(t, n) ? ++t[n] : ur(t, n, 1);
var xa = $o(Vi),
Oa = $o(Ki);
function Aa(t, e) {
return (Ka(t) ? Se : dr)(t, fi(e, 3));
function Ca(t, e) {
return (Ka(t) ? je : gr)(t, fi(e, 3));
var Sa = Ro(function (t, e, n) {
zt.call(t, n) ? t[n].push(e) : ur(t, n, [e]);
var ja = Qr(function (t, e, n) {
var r = -1,
o = "function" == typeof e,
i = Qa(t) ? at(t.length) : [];
return (
dr(t, function (t) {
i[++r] = o ? Ae(e, t, n) : Lr(t, e, n);
ka = Ro(function (t, e, n) {
ur(t, n, e);
function Ta(t, e) {
return (Ka(t) ? Le : $r)(t, fi(e, 3));
var Ea = Ro(
function (t, e, n) {
t[n ? 0 : 1].push(e);
function () {
return [[], []];
var Ia = Qr(function (t, e) {
if (null == t) return [];
var n = e.length;
return (
n > 1 && xi(t, e[0], e[1])
? (e = [])
: n > 2 && xi(e[0], e[1], e[2]) && (e = [e[0]]),
Gr(t, _r(e, 1), [])
La =
he ||
function () {
return pe.Date.now();
function Fa(t, e, n) {
return (
(e = n ? r : e),
(e = t && null == e ? t.length : e),
ti(t, l, r, r, r, r, e)
function Ra(t, e) {
var n;
if ("function" != typeof e) throw new Et(o);
return (
(t = bu(t)),
function () {
return (
--t > 0 && (n = e.apply(this, arguments)), t <= 1 && (e = r), n
var Ma = Qr(function (t, e, n) {
var r = 1;
if (n.length) {
var o = sn(n, li(Ma));
r |= c;
return ti(t, r, e, n, o);
za = Qr(function (t, e, n) {
var r = 3;
if (n.length) {
var o = sn(n, li(za));
r |= c;
return ti(e, r, t, n, o);
function Na(t, e, n) {
var i,
f = 0,
p = !1,
h = !1,
d = !0;
if ("function" != typeof t) throw new Et(o);
function g(e) {
var n = i,
o = a;
return (i = a = r), (f = e), (c = t.apply(o, n));
function v(t) {
return (f = t), (s = Ri(m, e)), p ? g(t) : c;
function y(t) {
var n = t - l;
return l === r || n >= e || n < 0 || (h && t - f >= u);
function m() {
var t = La();
if (y(t)) return _(t);
s = Ri(
(function (t) {
var n = e - (t - l);
return h ? wn(n, u - (t - f)) : n;
function _(t) {
return (s = r), d && i ? g(t) : ((i = a = r), c);
function b() {
var t = La(),
n = y(t);
if (((i = arguments), (a = this), (l = t), n)) {
if (s === r) return v(l);
if (h) return Co(s), (s = Ri(m, e)), g(l);
return s === r && (s = Ri(m, e)), c;
return (
(e = xu(e) || 0),
au(n) &&
((p = !!n.leading),
(u = (h = "maxWait" in n) ? bn(xu(n.maxWait) || 0, e) : u),
(d = "trailing" in n ? !!n.trailing : d)),
(b.cancel = function () {
s !== r && Co(s), (f = 0), (i = l = a = s = r);
(b.flush = function () {
return s === r ? c : _(La());
var Da = Qr(function (t, e) {
return pr(t, 1, e);
Ua = Qr(function (t, e, n) {
return pr(t, xu(e) || 0, n);
function Pa(t, e) {
if ("function" != typeof t || (null != e && "function" != typeof e))
throw new Et(o);
var n = function () {
var r = arguments,
o = e ? e.apply(this, r) : r[0],
i = n.cache;
if (i.has(o)) return i.get(o);
var a = t.apply(this, r);
return (n.cache = i.set(o, a) || i), a;
return (n.cache = new (Pa.Cache || Vn)()), n;
function $a(t) {
if ("function" != typeof t) throw new Et(o);
return function () {
var e = arguments;
switch (e.length) {
case 0:
return !t.call(this);
case 1:
return !t.call(this, e[0]);
case 2:
return !t.call(this, e[0], e[1]);
case 3:
return !t.call(this, e[0], e[1], e[2]);
return !t.apply(this, e);
Pa.Cache = Vn;
var Ba = Oo(function (t, e) {
var n = (e =
1 == e.length && Ka(e[0])
? Le(e[0], Ke(fi()))
: Le(_r(e, 1), Ke(fi()))).length;
return Qr(function (r) {
for (var o = -1, i = wn(r.length, n); ++o < i; )
r[o] = e[o].call(this, r[o]);
return Ae(t, this, r);
Wa = Qr(function (t, e) {
var n = sn(e, li(Wa));
return ti(t, c, r, e, n);
qa = Qr(function (t, e) {
var n = sn(e, li(qa));
return ti(t, s, r, e, n);
Ha = ii(function (t, e) {
return ti(t, f, r, r, r, e);
function Ga(t, e) {
return t === e || (t != t && e != e);
var Za = Vo(kr),
Ja = Vo(function (t, e) {
return t >= e;
Va = Fr(
(function () {
return arguments;
? Fr
: function (t) {
return uu(t) && zt.call(t, "callee") && !Vt.call(t, "callee");
Ka = at.isArray,
Ya = me
? Ke(me)
: function (t) {
return uu(t) && jr(t) == F;
function Qa(t) {
return null != t && iu(t.length) && !ru(t);
function Xa(t) {
return uu(t) && Qa(t);
var tu = He || xc,
eu = _e
? Ke(_e)
: function (t) {
return uu(t) && jr(t) == b;
function nu(t) {
if (!uu(t)) return !1;
var e = jr(t);
return (
e == w ||
"[object DOMException]" == e ||
("string" == typeof t.message &&
"string" == typeof t.name &&
function ru(t) {
if (!au(t)) return !1;
var e = jr(t);
return (
e == x ||
e == O ||
"[object AsyncFunction]" == e ||
"[object Proxy]" == e
function ou(t) {
return "number" == typeof t && t == bu(t);
function iu(t) {
return "number" == typeof t && t > -1 && t % 1 == 0 && t <= h;
function au(t) {
var e = typeof t;
return null != t && ("object" == e || "function" == e);
function uu(t) {
return null != t && "object" == typeof t;
var cu = be
? Ke(be)
: function (t) {
return uu(t) && yi(t) == A;
function su(t) {
return "number" == typeof t || (uu(t) && jr(t) == C);
function lu(t) {
if (!uu(t) || jr(t) != S) return !1;
var e = Zt(t);
if (null === e) return !0;
var n = zt.call(e, "constructor") && e.constructor;
return "function" == typeof n && n instanceof n && Mt.call(n) == Pt;
var fu = we
? Ke(we)
: function (t) {
return uu(t) && jr(t) == k;
var pu = xe
? Ke(xe)
: function (t) {
return uu(t) && yi(t) == T;
function hu(t) {
return "string" == typeof t || (!Ka(t) && uu(t) && jr(t) == E);
function du(t) {
return "symbol" == typeof t || (uu(t) && jr(t) == I);
var gu = Oe
? Ke(Oe)
: function (t) {
return uu(t) && iu(t.length) && !!ie[jr(t)];
var vu = Vo(Pr),
yu = Vo(function (t, e) {
return t <= e;
function mu(t) {
if (!t) return [];
if (Qa(t)) return hu(t) ? hn(t) : Lo(t);
if (ee && t[ee])
return (function (t) {
for (var e, n = []; !(e = t.next()).done; ) n.push(e.value);
return n;
var e = yi(t);
return (e == A ? un : e == T ? ln : Gu)(t);
function _u(t) {
return t
? (t = xu(t)) === p || t === -1 / 0
? 17976931348623157e292 * (t < 0 ? -1 : 1)
: t == t
? t
: 0
: 0 === t
? t
: 0;
function bu(t) {
var e = _u(t),
n = e % 1;
return e == e ? (n ? e - n : e) : 0;
function wu(t) {
return t ? sr(bu(t), 0, g) : 0;
function xu(t) {
if ("number" == typeof t) return t;
if (du(t)) return d;
if (au(t)) {
var e = "function" == typeof t.valueOf ? t.valueOf() : t;
t = au(e) ? e + "" : e;
if ("string" != typeof t) return 0 === t ? t : +t;
t = Ve(t);
var n = vt.test(t);
return n || mt.test(t)
? se(t.slice(2), n ? 2 : 8)
: gt.test(t)
? d
: +t;
function Ou(t) {
return Fo(t, Du(t));
function Au(t) {
return null == t ? "" : fo(t);
var Cu = Mo(function (t, e) {
if (Si(e) || Qa(e)) Fo(e, Nu(e), t);
else for (var n in e) zt.call(e, n) && rr(t, n, e[n]);
Su = Mo(function (t, e) {
Fo(e, Du(e), t);
ju = Mo(function (t, e, n, r) {
Fo(e, Du(e), t, r);
ku = Mo(function (t, e, n, r) {
Fo(e, Nu(e), t, r);
Tu = ii(cr);
var Eu = Qr(function (t, e) {
t = jt(t);
var n = -1,
o = e.length,
i = o > 2 ? e[2] : r;
for (i && xi(e[0], e[1], i) && (o = 1); ++n < o; )
for (var a = e[n], u = Du(a), c = -1, s = u.length; ++c < s; ) {
var l = u[c],
f = t[l];
(f === r || (Ga(f, Ft[l]) && !zt.call(t, l))) && (t[l] = a[l]);
return t;
Iu = Qr(function (t) {
return t.push(r, ni), Ae(Pu, r, t);
function Lu(t, e, n) {
var o = null == t ? r : Cr(t, e);
return o === r ? n : o;
function Fu(t, e) {
return null != t && mi(t, e, Er);
var Ru = qo(function (t, e, n) {
null != e && "function" != typeof e.toString && (e = Ut.call(e)),
(t[e] = n);
}, ac(sc)),
Mu = qo(function (t, e, n) {
null != e && "function" != typeof e.toString && (e = Ut.call(e)),
zt.call(t, e) ? t[e].push(n) : (t[e] = [n]);
}, fi),
zu = Qr(Lr);
function Nu(t) {
return Qa(t) ? Qn(t) : Dr(t);
function Du(t) {
return Qa(t) ? Qn(t, !0) : Ur(t);
var Uu = Mo(function (t, e, n) {
qr(t, e, n);
Pu = Mo(function (t, e, n, r) {
qr(t, e, n, r);
$u = ii(function (t, e) {
var n = {};
if (null == t) return n;
var r = !1;
(e = Le(e, function (e) {
return (e = xo(e, t)), r || (r = e.length > 1), e;
Fo(t, ui(t), n),
r && (n = lr(n, 7, ri));
for (var o = e.length; o--; ) ho(n, e[o]);
return n;
var Bu = ii(function (t, e) {
return null == t
? {}
: (function (t, e) {
return Zr(t, e, function (e, n) {
return Fu(t, n);
})(t, e);
function Wu(t, e) {
if (null == t) return {};
var n = Le(ui(t), function (t) {
return [t];
return (
(e = fi(e)),
Zr(t, n, function (t, n) {
return e(t, n[0]);
var qu = Xo(Nu),
Hu = Xo(Du);
function Gu(t) {
return null == t ? [] : Ye(t, Nu(t));
var Zu = Uo(function (t, e, n) {
return (e = e.toLowerCase()), t + (n ? Ju(e) : e);
function Ju(t) {
return nc(Au(t).toLowerCase());
function Vu(t) {
return (t = Au(t)) && t.replace(bt, nn).replace(Qt, "");
var Ku = Uo(function (t, e, n) {
return t + (n ? "-" : "") + e.toLowerCase();
Yu = Uo(function (t, e, n) {
return t + (n ? " " : "") + e.toLowerCase();
Qu = Do("toLowerCase");
var Xu = Uo(function (t, e, n) {
return t + (n ? "_" : "") + e.toLowerCase();
var tc = Uo(function (t, e, n) {
return t + (n ? " " : "") + nc(e);
var ec = Uo(function (t, e, n) {
return t + (n ? " " : "") + e.toUpperCase();
nc = Do("toUpperCase");
function rc(t, e, n) {
return (
(t = Au(t)),
(e = n ? r : e) === r
? (function (t) {
return ne.test(t);
? (function (t) {
return t.match(te) || [];
: (function (t) {
return t.match(lt) || [];
: t.match(e) || []
var oc = Qr(function (t, e) {
try {
return Ae(t, r, e);
} catch (t) {
return nu(t) ? t : new At(t);
ic = ii(function (t, e) {
return (
Se(e, function (e) {
(e = Wi(e)), ur(t, e, Ma(t[e], t));
function ac(t) {
return function () {
return t;
var uc = Bo(),
cc = Bo(!0);
function sc(t) {
return t;
function lc(t) {
return Nr("function" == typeof t ? t : lr(t, 1));
var fc = Qr(function (t, e) {
return function (n) {
return Lr(n, t, e);
pc = Qr(function (t, e) {
return function (n) {
return Lr(t, n, e);
function hc(t, e, n) {
var r = Nu(e),
o = Ar(e, r);
null != n ||
(au(e) && (o.length || !r.length)) ||
((n = e), (e = t), (t = this), (o = Ar(e, Nu(e))));
var i = !(au(n) && "chain" in n && !n.chain),
a = ru(t);
return (
Se(o, function (n) {
var r = e[n];
(t[n] = r),
a &&
(t.prototype[n] = function () {
var e = this.__chain__;
if (i || e) {
var n = t(this.__wrapped__),
o = (n.__actions__ = Lo(this.__actions__));
return (
o.push({ func: r, args: arguments, thisArg: t }),
(n.__chain__ = e),
return r.apply(t, Fe([this.value()], arguments));
function dc() {}
var gc = Go(Le),
vc = Go(ke),
yc = Go(ze);
function mc(t) {
return Oi(t)
? qe(Wi(t))
: (function (t) {
return function (e) {
return Cr(e, t);
var _c = Jo(),
bc = Jo(!0);
function wc() {
return [];
function xc() {
return !1;
var Oc = Ho(function (t, e) {
return t + e;
}, 0),
Ac = Yo("ceil"),
Cc = Ho(function (t, e) {
return t / e;
}, 1),
Sc = Yo("floor");
var jc,
kc = Ho(function (t, e) {
return t * e;
}, 1),
Tc = Yo("round"),
Ec = Ho(function (t, e) {
return t - e;
}, 0);
return (
(Bn.after = function (t, e) {
if ("function" != typeof e) throw new Et(o);
return (
(t = bu(t)),
function () {
if (--t < 1) return e.apply(this, arguments);
(Bn.ary = Fa),
(Bn.assign = Cu),
(Bn.assignIn = Su),
(Bn.assignInWith = ju),
(Bn.assignWith = ku),
(Bn.at = Tu),
(Bn.before = Ra),
(Bn.bind = Ma),
(Bn.bindAll = ic),
(Bn.bindKey = za),
(Bn.castArray = function () {
if (!arguments.length) return [];
var t = arguments[0];
return Ka(t) ? t : [t];
(Bn.chain = ma),
(Bn.chunk = function (t, e, n) {
e = (n ? xi(t, e, n) : e === r) ? 1 : bn(bu(e), 0);
var o = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
if (!o || e < 1) return [];
for (var i = 0, a = 0, u = at(ve(o / e)); i < o; )
u[a++] = io(t, i, (i += e));
return u;
(Bn.compact = function (t) {
for (
var e = -1, n = null == t ? 0 : t.length, r = 0, o = [];
++e < n;
) {
var i = t[e];
i && (o[r++] = i);
return o;
(Bn.concat = function () {
var t = arguments.length;
if (!t) return [];
for (var e = at(t - 1), n = arguments[0], r = t; r--; )
e[r - 1] = arguments[r];
return Fe(Ka(n) ? Lo(n) : [n], _r(e, 1));
(Bn.cond = function (t) {
var e = null == t ? 0 : t.length,
n = fi();
return (
(t = e
? Le(t, function (t) {
if ("function" != typeof t[1]) throw new Et(o);
return [n(t[0]), t[1]];
: []),
Qr(function (n) {
for (var r = -1; ++r < e; ) {
var o = t[r];
if (Ae(o[0], this, n)) return Ae(o[1], this, n);
(Bn.conforms = function (t) {
return (function (t) {
var e = Nu(t);
return function (n) {
return fr(n, t, e);
})(lr(t, 1));
(Bn.constant = ac),
(Bn.countBy = wa),
(Bn.create = function (t, e) {
var n = Wn(t);
return null == e ? n : ar(n, e);
(Bn.curry = function t(e, n, o) {
var i = ti(e, 8, r, r, r, r, r, (n = o ? r : n));
return (i.placeholder = t.placeholder), i;
(Bn.curryRight = function t(e, n, o) {
var i = ti(e, u, r, r, r, r, r, (n = o ? r : n));
return (i.placeholder = t.placeholder), i;
(Bn.debounce = Na),
(Bn.defaults = Eu),
(Bn.defaultsDeep = Iu),
(Bn.defer = Da),
(Bn.delay = Ua),
(Bn.difference = Gi),
(Bn.differenceBy = Zi),
(Bn.differenceWith = Ji),
(Bn.drop = function (t, e, n) {
var o = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
return o
? io(t, (e = n || e === r ? 1 : bu(e)) < 0 ? 0 : e, o)
: [];
(Bn.dropRight = function (t, e, n) {
var o = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
return o
? io(t, 0, (e = o - (e = n || e === r ? 1 : bu(e))) < 0 ? 0 : e)
: [];
(Bn.dropRightWhile = function (t, e) {
return t && t.length ? vo(t, fi(e, 3), !0, !0) : [];
(Bn.dropWhile = function (t, e) {
return t && t.length ? vo(t, fi(e, 3), !0) : [];
(Bn.fill = function (t, e, n, o) {
var i = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
return i
? (n && "number" != typeof n && xi(t, e, n) && ((n = 0), (o = i)),
(function (t, e, n, o) {
var i = t.length;
for (
(n = bu(n)) < 0 && (n = -n > i ? 0 : i + n),
(o = o === r || o > i ? i : bu(o)) < 0 && (o += i),
o = n > o ? 0 : wu(o);
n < o;
t[n++] = e;
return t;
})(t, e, n, o))
: [];
(Bn.filter = function (t, e) {
return (Ka(t) ? Te : mr)(t, fi(e, 3));
(Bn.flatMap = function (t, e) {
return _r(Ta(t, e), 1);
(Bn.flatMapDeep = function (t, e) {
return _r(Ta(t, e), p);
(Bn.flatMapDepth = function (t, e, n) {
return (n = n === r ? 1 : bu(n)), _r(Ta(t, e), n);
(Bn.flatten = Yi),
(Bn.flattenDeep = function (t) {
return (null == t ? 0 : t.length) ? _r(t, p) : [];
(Bn.flattenDepth = function (t, e) {
return (null == t ? 0 : t.length)
? _r(t, (e = e === r ? 1 : bu(e)))
: [];
(Bn.flip = function (t) {
return ti(t, 512);
(Bn.flow = uc),
(Bn.flowRight = cc),
(Bn.fromPairs = function (t) {
for (var e = -1, n = null == t ? 0 : t.length, r = {}; ++e < n; ) {
var o = t[e];
r[o[0]] = o[1];
return r;
(Bn.functions = function (t) {
return null == t ? [] : Ar(t, Nu(t));
(Bn.functionsIn = function (t) {
return null == t ? [] : Ar(t, Du(t));
(Bn.groupBy = Sa),
(Bn.initial = function (t) {
return (null == t ? 0 : t.length) ? io(t, 0, -1) : [];
(Bn.intersection = Xi),
(Bn.intersectionBy = ta),
(Bn.intersectionWith = ea),
(Bn.invert = Ru),
(Bn.invertBy = Mu),
(Bn.invokeMap = ja),
(Bn.iteratee = lc),
(Bn.keyBy = ka),
(Bn.keys = Nu),
(Bn.keysIn = Du),
(Bn.map = Ta),
(Bn.mapKeys = function (t, e) {
var n = {};
return (
(e = fi(e, 3)),
xr(t, function (t, r, o) {
ur(n, e(t, r, o), t);
(Bn.mapValues = function (t, e) {
var n = {};
return (
(e = fi(e, 3)),
xr(t, function (t, r, o) {
ur(n, r, e(t, r, o));
(Bn.matches = function (t) {
return Br(lr(t, 1));
(Bn.matchesProperty = function (t, e) {
return Wr(t, lr(e, 1));
(Bn.memoize = Pa),
(Bn.merge = Uu),
(Bn.mergeWith = Pu),
(Bn.method = fc),
(Bn.methodOf = pc),
(Bn.mixin = hc),
(Bn.negate = $a),
(Bn.nthArg = function (t) {
return (
(t = bu(t)),
Qr(function (e) {
return Hr(e, t);
(Bn.omit = $u),
(Bn.omitBy = function (t, e) {
return Wu(t, $a(fi(e)));
(Bn.once = function (t) {
return Ra(2, t);
(Bn.orderBy = function (t, e, n, o) {
return null == t
? []
: (Ka(e) || (e = null == e ? [] : [e]),
Ka((n = o ? r : n)) || (n = null == n ? [] : [n]),
Gr(t, e, n));
(Bn.over = gc),
(Bn.overArgs = Ba),
(Bn.overEvery = vc),
(Bn.overSome = yc),
(Bn.partial = Wa),
(Bn.partialRight = qa),
(Bn.partition = Ea),
(Bn.pick = Bu),
(Bn.pickBy = Wu),
(Bn.property = mc),
(Bn.propertyOf = function (t) {
return function (e) {
return null == t ? r : Cr(t, e);
(Bn.pull = ra),
(Bn.pullAll = oa),
(Bn.pullAllBy = function (t, e, n) {
return t && t.length && e && e.length ? Jr(t, e, fi(n, 2)) : t;
(Bn.pullAllWith = function (t, e, n) {
return t && t.length && e && e.length ? Jr(t, e, r, n) : t;
(Bn.pullAt = ia),
(Bn.range = _c),
(Bn.rangeRight = bc),
(Bn.rearg = Ha),
(Bn.reject = function (t, e) {
return (Ka(t) ? Te : mr)(t, $a(fi(e, 3)));
(Bn.remove = function (t, e) {
var n = [];
if (!t || !t.length) return n;
var r = -1,
o = [],
i = t.length;
for (e = fi(e, 3); ++r < i; ) {
var a = t[r];
e(a, r, t) && (n.push(a), o.push(r));
return Vr(t, o), n;
(Bn.rest = function (t, e) {
if ("function" != typeof t) throw new Et(o);
return Qr(t, (e = e === r ? e : bu(e)));
(Bn.reverse = aa),
(Bn.sampleSize = function (t, e, n) {
return (
(e = (n ? xi(t, e, n) : e === r) ? 1 : bu(e)),
(Ka(t) ? tr : to)(t, e)
(Bn.set = function (t, e, n) {
return null == t ? t : eo(t, e, n);
(Bn.setWith = function (t, e, n, o) {
return (
(o = "function" == typeof o ? o : r),
null == t ? t : eo(t, e, n, o)
(Bn.shuffle = function (t) {
return (Ka(t) ? er : oo)(t);
(Bn.slice = function (t, e, n) {
var o = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
return o
? (n && "number" != typeof n && xi(t, e, n)
? ((e = 0), (n = o))
: ((e = null == e ? 0 : bu(e)), (n = n === r ? o : bu(n))),
io(t, e, n))
: [];
(Bn.sortBy = Ia),
(Bn.sortedUniq = function (t) {
return t && t.length ? so(t) : [];
(Bn.sortedUniqBy = function (t, e) {
return t && t.length ? so(t, fi(e, 2)) : [];
(Bn.split = function (t, e, n) {
return (
n && "number" != typeof n && xi(t, e, n) && (e = n = r),
(n = n === r ? g : n >>> 0)
? (t = Au(t)) &&
("string" == typeof e || (null != e && !fu(e))) &&
!(e = fo(e)) &&
? Ao(hn(t), 0, n)
: t.split(e, n)
: []
(Bn.spread = function (t, e) {
if ("function" != typeof t) throw new Et(o);
return (
(e = null == e ? 0 : bn(bu(e), 0)),
Qr(function (n) {
var r = n[e],
o = Ao(n, 0, e);
return r && Fe(o, r), Ae(t, this, o);
(Bn.tail = function (t) {
var e = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
return e ? io(t, 1, e) : [];
(Bn.take = function (t, e, n) {
return t && t.length
? io(t, 0, (e = n || e === r ? 1 : bu(e)) < 0 ? 0 : e)
: [];
(Bn.takeRight = function (t, e, n) {
var o = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
return o
? io(t, (e = o - (e = n || e === r ? 1 : bu(e))) < 0 ? 0 : e, o)
: [];
(Bn.takeRightWhile = function (t, e) {
return t && t.length ? vo(t, fi(e, 3), !1, !0) : [];
(Bn.takeWhile = function (t, e) {
return t && t.length ? vo(t, fi(e, 3)) : [];
(Bn.tap = function (t, e) {
return e(t), t;
(Bn.throttle = function (t, e, n) {
var r = !0,
i = !0;
if ("function" != typeof t) throw new Et(o);
return (
au(n) &&
((r = "leading" in n ? !!n.leading : r),
(i = "trailing" in n ? !!n.trailing : i)),
Na(t, e, { leading: r, maxWait: e, trailing: i })
(Bn.thru = _a),
(Bn.toArray = mu),
(Bn.toPairs = qu),
(Bn.toPairsIn = Hu),
(Bn.toPath = function (t) {
return Ka(t) ? Le(t, Wi) : du(t) ? [t] : Lo(Bi(Au(t)));
(Bn.toPlainObject = Ou),
(Bn.transform = function (t, e, n) {
var r = Ka(t),
o = r || tu(t) || gu(t);
if (((e = fi(e, 4)), null == n)) {
var i = t && t.constructor;
n = o ? (r ? new i() : []) : au(t) && ru(i) ? Wn(Zt(t)) : {};
return (
(o ? Se : xr)(t, function (t, r, o) {
return e(n, t, r, o);
(Bn.unary = function (t) {
return Fa(t, 1);
(Bn.union = ua),
(Bn.unionBy = ca),
(Bn.unionWith = sa),
(Bn.uniq = function (t) {
return t && t.length ? po(t) : [];
(Bn.uniqBy = function (t, e) {
return t && t.length ? po(t, fi(e, 2)) : [];
(Bn.uniqWith = function (t, e) {
return (
(e = "function" == typeof e ? e : r),
t && t.length ? po(t, r, e) : []
(Bn.unset = function (t, e) {
return null == t || ho(t, e);
(Bn.unzip = la),
(Bn.unzipWith = fa),
(Bn.update = function (t, e, n) {
return null == t ? t : go(t, e, wo(n));
(Bn.updateWith = function (t, e, n, o) {
return (
(o = "function" == typeof o ? o : r),
null == t ? t : go(t, e, wo(n), o)
(Bn.values = Gu),
(Bn.valuesIn = function (t) {
return null == t ? [] : Ye(t, Du(t));
(Bn.without = pa),
(Bn.words = rc),
(Bn.wrap = function (t, e) {
return Wa(wo(e), t);
(Bn.xor = ha),
(Bn.xorBy = da),
(Bn.xorWith = ga),
(Bn.zip = va),
(Bn.zipObject = function (t, e) {
return _o(t || [], e || [], rr);
(Bn.zipObjectDeep = function (t, e) {
return _o(t || [], e || [], eo);
(Bn.zipWith = ya),
(Bn.entries = qu),
(Bn.entriesIn = Hu),
(Bn.extend = Su),
(Bn.extendWith = ju),
hc(Bn, Bn),
(Bn.add = Oc),
(Bn.attempt = oc),
(Bn.camelCase = Zu),
(Bn.capitalize = Ju),
(Bn.ceil = Ac),
(Bn.clamp = function (t, e, n) {
return (
n === r && ((n = e), (e = r)),
n !== r && (n = (n = xu(n)) == n ? n : 0),
e !== r && (e = (e = xu(e)) == e ? e : 0),
sr(xu(t), e, n)
(Bn.clone = function (t) {
return lr(t, 4);
(Bn.cloneDeep = function (t) {
return lr(t, 5);
(Bn.cloneDeepWith = function (t, e) {
return lr(t, 5, (e = "function" == typeof e ? e : r));
(Bn.cloneWith = function (t, e) {
return lr(t, 4, (e = "function" == typeof e ? e : r));
(Bn.conformsTo = function (t, e) {
return null == e || fr(t, e, Nu(e));
(Bn.deburr = Vu),
(Bn.defaultTo = function (t, e) {
return null == t || t != t ? e : t;
(Bn.divide = Cc),
(Bn.endsWith = function (t, e, n) {
(t = Au(t)), (e = fo(e));
var o = t.length,
i = (n = n === r ? o : sr(bu(n), 0, o));
return (n -= e.length) >= 0 && t.slice(n, i) == e;
(Bn.eq = Ga),
(Bn.escape = function (t) {
return (t = Au(t)) && K.test(t) ? t.replace(J, rn) : t;
(Bn.escapeRegExp = function (t) {
return (t = Au(t)) && ot.test(t) ? t.replace(rt, "\\$&") : t;
(Bn.every = function (t, e, n) {
var o = Ka(t) ? ke : vr;
return n && xi(t, e, n) && (e = r), o(t, fi(e, 3));
(Bn.find = xa),
(Bn.findIndex = Vi),
(Bn.findKey = function (t, e) {
return De(t, fi(e, 3), xr);
(Bn.findLast = Oa),
(Bn.findLastIndex = Ki),
(Bn.findLastKey = function (t, e) {
return De(t, fi(e, 3), Or);
(Bn.floor = Sc),
(Bn.forEach = Aa),
(Bn.forEachRight = Ca),
(Bn.forIn = function (t, e) {
return null == t ? t : br(t, fi(e, 3), Du);
(Bn.forInRight = function (t, e) {
return null == t ? t : wr(t, fi(e, 3), Du);
(Bn.forOwn = function (t, e) {
return t && xr(t, fi(e, 3));
(Bn.forOwnRight = function (t, e) {
return t && Or(t, fi(e, 3));
(Bn.get = Lu),
(Bn.gt = Za),
(Bn.gte = Ja),
(Bn.has = function (t, e) {
return null != t && mi(t, e, Tr);
(Bn.hasIn = Fu),
(Bn.head = Qi),
(Bn.identity = sc),
(Bn.includes = function (t, e, n, r) {
(t = Qa(t) ? t : Gu(t)), (n = n && !r ? bu(n) : 0);
var o = t.length;
return (
n < 0 && (n = bn(o + n, 0)),
hu(t) ? n <= o && t.indexOf(e, n) > -1 : !!o && Pe(t, e, n) > -1
(Bn.indexOf = function (t, e, n) {
var r = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
if (!r) return -1;
var o = null == n ? 0 : bu(n);
return o < 0 && (o = bn(r + o, 0)), Pe(t, e, o);
(Bn.inRange = function (t, e, n) {
return (
(e = _u(e)),
n === r ? ((n = e), (e = 0)) : (n = _u(n)),
(function (t, e, n) {
return t >= wn(e, n) && t < bn(e, n);
})((t = xu(t)), e, n)
(Bn.invoke = zu),
(Bn.isArguments = Va),
(Bn.isArray = Ka),
(Bn.isArrayBuffer = Ya),
(Bn.isArrayLike = Qa),
(Bn.isArrayLikeObject = Xa),
(Bn.isBoolean = function (t) {
return !0 === t || !1 === t || (uu(t) && jr(t) == _);
(Bn.isBuffer = tu),
(Bn.isDate = eu),
(Bn.isElement = function (t) {
return uu(t) && 1 === t.nodeType && !lu(t);
(Bn.isEmpty = function (t) {
if (null == t) return !0;
if (
Qa(t) &&
(Ka(t) ||
"string" == typeof t ||
"function" == typeof t.splice ||
tu(t) ||
gu(t) ||
return !t.length;
var e = yi(t);
if (e == A || e == T) return !t.size;
if (Si(t)) return !Dr(t).length;
for (var n in t) if (zt.call(t, n)) return !1;
return !0;
(Bn.isEqual = function (t, e) {
return Rr(t, e);
(Bn.isEqualWith = function (t, e, n) {
var o = (n = "function" == typeof n ? n : r) ? n(t, e) : r;
return o === r ? Rr(t, e, r, n) : !!o;
(Bn.isError = nu),
(Bn.isFinite = function (t) {
return "number" == typeof t && yn(t);
(Bn.isFunction = ru),
(Bn.isInteger = ou),
(Bn.isLength = iu),
(Bn.isMap = cu),
(Bn.isMatch = function (t, e) {
return t === e || Mr(t, e, hi(e));
(Bn.isMatchWith = function (t, e, n) {
return (n = "function" == typeof n ? n : r), Mr(t, e, hi(e), n);
(Bn.isNaN = function (t) {
return su(t) && t != +t;
(Bn.isNative = function (t) {
if (Ci(t))
throw new At(
"Unsupported core-js use. Try https://npms.io/search?q=ponyfill.",
return zr(t);
(Bn.isNil = function (t) {
return null == t;
(Bn.isNull = function (t) {
return null === t;
(Bn.isNumber = su),
(Bn.isObject = au),
(Bn.isObjectLike = uu),
(Bn.isPlainObject = lu),
(Bn.isRegExp = fu),
(Bn.isSafeInteger = function (t) {
return ou(t) && t >= -9007199254740991 && t <= h;
(Bn.isSet = pu),
(Bn.isString = hu),
(Bn.isSymbol = du),
(Bn.isTypedArray = gu),
(Bn.isUndefined = function (t) {
return t === r;
(Bn.isWeakMap = function (t) {
return uu(t) && yi(t) == L;
(Bn.isWeakSet = function (t) {
return uu(t) && "[object WeakSet]" == jr(t);
(Bn.join = function (t, e) {
return null == t ? "" : mn.call(t, e);
(Bn.kebabCase = Ku),
(Bn.last = na),
(Bn.lastIndexOf = function (t, e, n) {
var o = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
if (!o) return -1;
var i = o;
return (
n !== r && (i = (i = bu(n)) < 0 ? bn(o + i, 0) : wn(i, o - 1)),
e == e
? (function (t, e, n) {
for (var r = n + 1; r--; ) if (t[r] === e) return r;
return r;
})(t, e, i)
: Ue(t, Be, i, !0)
(Bn.lowerCase = Yu),
(Bn.lowerFirst = Qu),
(Bn.lt = vu),
(Bn.lte = yu),
(Bn.max = function (t) {
return t && t.length ? yr(t, sc, kr) : r;
(Bn.maxBy = function (t, e) {
return t && t.length ? yr(t, fi(e, 2), kr) : r;
(Bn.mean = function (t) {
return We(t, sc);
(Bn.meanBy = function (t, e) {
return We(t, fi(e, 2));
(Bn.min = function (t) {
return t && t.length ? yr(t, sc, Pr) : r;
(Bn.minBy = function (t, e) {
return t && t.length ? yr(t, fi(e, 2), Pr) : r;
(Bn.stubArray = wc),
(Bn.stubFalse = xc),
(Bn.stubObject = function () {
return {};
(Bn.stubString = function () {
return "";
(Bn.stubTrue = function () {
return !0;
(Bn.multiply = kc),
(Bn.nth = function (t, e) {
return t && t.length ? Hr(t, bu(e)) : r;
(Bn.noConflict = function () {
return pe._ === this && (pe._ = $t), this;
(Bn.noop = dc),
(Bn.now = La),
(Bn.pad = function (t, e, n) {
t = Au(t);
var r = (e = bu(e)) ? pn(t) : 0;
if (!e || r >= e) return t;
var o = (e - r) / 2;
return Zo(ye(o), n) + t + Zo(ve(o), n);
(Bn.padEnd = function (t, e, n) {
t = Au(t);
var r = (e = bu(e)) ? pn(t) : 0;
return e && r < e ? t + Zo(e - r, n) : t;
(Bn.padStart = function (t, e, n) {
t = Au(t);
var r = (e = bu(e)) ? pn(t) : 0;
return e && r < e ? Zo(e - r, n) + t : t;
(Bn.parseInt = function (t, e, n) {
return (
n || null == e ? (e = 0) : e && (e = +e),
On(Au(t).replace(it, ""), e || 0)
(Bn.random = function (t, e, n) {
if (
(n && "boolean" != typeof n && xi(t, e, n) && (e = n = r),
n === r &&
("boolean" == typeof e
? ((n = e), (e = r))
: "boolean" == typeof t && ((n = t), (t = r))),
t === r && e === r
? ((t = 0), (e = 1))
: ((t = _u(t)), e === r ? ((e = t), (t = 0)) : (e = _u(e))),
t > e)
) {
var o = t;
(t = e), (e = o);
if (n || t % 1 || e % 1) {
var i = An();
return wn(t + i * (e - t + ce("1e-" + ((i + "").length - 1))), e);
return Kr(t, e);
(Bn.reduce = function (t, e, n) {
var r = Ka(t) ? Re : Ge,
o = arguments.length < 3;
return r(t, fi(e, 4), n, o, dr);
(Bn.reduceRight = function (t, e, n) {
var r = Ka(t) ? Me : Ge,
o = arguments.length < 3;
return r(t, fi(e, 4), n, o, gr);
(Bn.repeat = function (t, e, n) {
return (e = (n ? xi(t, e, n) : e === r) ? 1 : bu(e)), Yr(Au(t), e);
(Bn.replace = function () {
var t = arguments,
e = Au(t[0]);
return t.length < 3 ? e : e.replace(t[1], t[2]);
(Bn.result = function (t, e, n) {
var o = -1,
i = (e = xo(e, t)).length;
for (i || ((i = 1), (t = r)); ++o < i; ) {
var a = null == t ? r : t[Wi(e[o])];
a === r && ((o = i), (a = n)), (t = ru(a) ? a.call(t) : a);
return t;
(Bn.round = Tc),
(Bn.runInContext = t),
(Bn.sample = function (t) {
return (Ka(t) ? Xn : Xr)(t);
(Bn.size = function (t) {
if (null == t) return 0;
if (Qa(t)) return hu(t) ? pn(t) : t.length;
var e = yi(t);
return e == A || e == T ? t.size : Dr(t).length;
(Bn.snakeCase = Xu),
(Bn.some = function (t, e, n) {
var o = Ka(t) ? ze : ao;
return n && xi(t, e, n) && (e = r), o(t, fi(e, 3));
(Bn.sortedIndex = function (t, e) {
return uo(t, e);
(Bn.sortedIndexBy = function (t, e, n) {
return co(t, e, fi(n, 2));
(Bn.sortedIndexOf = function (t, e) {
var n = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
if (n) {
var r = uo(t, e);
if (r < n && Ga(t[r], e)) return r;
return -1;
(Bn.sortedLastIndex = function (t, e) {
return uo(t, e, !0);
(Bn.sortedLastIndexBy = function (t, e, n) {
return co(t, e, fi(n, 2), !0);
(Bn.sortedLastIndexOf = function (t, e) {
if (null == t ? 0 : t.length) {
var n = uo(t, e, !0) - 1;
if (Ga(t[n], e)) return n;
return -1;
(Bn.startCase = tc),
(Bn.startsWith = function (t, e, n) {
return (
(t = Au(t)),
(n = null == n ? 0 : sr(bu(n), 0, t.length)),
(e = fo(e)),
t.slice(n, n + e.length) == e
(Bn.subtract = Ec),
(Bn.sum = function (t) {
return t && t.length ? Ze(t, sc) : 0;
(Bn.sumBy = function (t, e) {
return t && t.length ? Ze(t, fi(e, 2)) : 0;
(Bn.template = function (t, e, n) {
var o = Bn.templateSettings;
n && xi(t, e, n) && (e = r), (t = Au(t)), (e = ju({}, e, o, ei));
var i,
u = ju({}, e.imports, o.imports, ei),
c = Nu(u),
s = Ye(u, c),
l = 0,
f = e.interpolate || wt,
p = "__p += '",
h = kt(
(e.escape || wt).source +
"|" +
f.source +
"|" +
(f === X ? ht : wt).source +
"|" +
(e.evaluate || wt).source +
d =
"//# sourceURL=" +
(zt.call(e, "sourceURL")
? (e.sourceURL + "").replace(/\s/g, " ")
: "lodash.templateSources[" + ++oe + "]") +
t.replace(h, function (e, n, r, o, u, c) {
return (
r || (r = o),
(p += t.slice(l, c).replace(xt, on)),
n && ((i = !0), (p += "' +\n__e(" + n + ") +\n'")),
u && ((a = !0), (p += "';\n" + u + ";\n__p += '")),
r &&
(p += "' +\n((__t = (" + r + ")) == null ? '' : __t) +\n'"),
(l = c + e.length),
(p += "';\n");
var g = zt.call(e, "variable") && e.variable;
if (g) {
if (ft.test(g))
throw new At(
"Invalid `variable` option passed into `_.template`",
} else p = "with (obj) {\n" + p + "\n}\n";
(p = (a ? p.replace(q, "") : p).replace(H, "$1").replace(G, "$1;")),
(p =
"function(" +
(g || "obj") +
") {\n" +
(g ? "" : "obj || (obj = {});\n") +
"var __t, __p = ''" +
(i ? ", __e = _.escape" : "") +
? ", __j = Array.prototype.join;\nfunction print() { __p += __j.call(arguments, '') }\n"
: ";\n") +
p +
"return __p\n}");
var v = oc(function () {
return Ct(c, d + "return " + p).apply(r, s);
if (((v.source = p), nu(v))) throw v;
return v;
(Bn.times = function (t, e) {
if ((t = bu(t)) < 1 || t > h) return [];
var n = g,
r = wn(t, g);
(e = fi(e)), (t -= g);
for (var o = Je(r, e); ++n < t; ) e(n);
return o;
(Bn.toFinite = _u),
(Bn.toInteger = bu),
(Bn.toLength = wu),
(Bn.toLower = function (t) {
return Au(t).toLowerCase();
(Bn.toNumber = xu),
(Bn.toSafeInteger = function (t) {
return t ? sr(bu(t), -9007199254740991, h) : 0 === t ? t : 0;
(Bn.toString = Au),
(Bn.toUpper = function (t) {
return Au(t).toUpperCase();
(Bn.trim = function (t, e, n) {
if ((t = Au(t)) && (n || e === r)) return Ve(t);
if (!t || !(e = fo(e))) return t;
var o = hn(t),
i = hn(e);
return Ao(o, Xe(o, i), tn(o, i) + 1).join("");
(Bn.trimEnd = function (t, e, n) {
if ((t = Au(t)) && (n || e === r)) return t.slice(0, dn(t) + 1);
if (!t || !(e = fo(e))) return t;
var o = hn(t);
return Ao(o, 0, tn(o, hn(e)) + 1).join("");
(Bn.trimStart = function (t, e, n) {
if ((t = Au(t)) && (n || e === r)) return t.replace(it, "");
if (!t || !(e = fo(e))) return t;
var o = hn(t);
return Ao(o, Xe(o, hn(e))).join("");
(Bn.truncate = function (t, e) {
var n = 30,
o = "...";
if (au(e)) {
var i = "separator" in e ? e.separator : i;
(n = "length" in e ? bu(e.length) : n),
(o = "omission" in e ? fo(e.omission) : o);
var a = (t = Au(t)).length;
if (an(t)) {
var u = hn(t);
a = u.length;
if (n >= a) return t;
var c = n - pn(o);
if (c < 1) return o;
var s = u ? Ao(u, 0, c).join("") : t.slice(0, c);
if (i === r) return s + o;
if ((u && (c += s.length - c), fu(i))) {
if (t.slice(c).search(i)) {
var l,
f = s;
for (
i.global || (i = kt(i.source, Au(dt.exec(i)) + "g")),
i.lastIndex = 0;
(l = i.exec(f));
var p = l.index;
s = s.slice(0, p === r ? c : p);
} else if (t.indexOf(fo(i), c) != c) {
var h = s.lastIndexOf(i);
h > -1 && (s = s.slice(0, h));
return s + o;
(Bn.unescape = function (t) {
return (t = Au(t)) && V.test(t) ? t.replace(Z, gn) : t;
(Bn.uniqueId = function (t) {
var e = ++Nt;
return Au(t) + e;
(Bn.upperCase = ec),
(Bn.upperFirst = nc),
(Bn.each = Aa),
(Bn.eachRight = Ca),
(Bn.first = Qi),
((jc = {}),
xr(Bn, function (t, e) {
zt.call(Bn.prototype, e) || (jc[e] = t);
{ chain: !1 },
(Bn.VERSION = "4.17.21"),
function (t) {
Bn[t].placeholder = Bn;
Se(["drop", "take"], function (t, e) {
(Gn.prototype[t] = function (n) {
n = n === r ? 1 : bn(bu(n), 0);
var o = this.__filtered__ && !e ? new Gn(this) : this.clone();
return (
? (o.__takeCount__ = wn(n, o.__takeCount__))
: o.__views__.push({
size: wn(n, g),
type: t + (o.__dir__ < 0 ? "Right" : ""),
(Gn.prototype[t + "Right"] = function (e) {
return this.reverse()[t](e).reverse();
Se(["filter", "map", "takeWhile"], function (t, e) {
var n = e + 1,
r = 1 == n || 3 == n;
Gn.prototype[t] = function (t) {
var e = this.clone();
return (
e.__iteratees__.push({ iteratee: fi(t, 3), type: n }),
(e.__filtered__ = e.__filtered__ || r),
Se(["head", "last"], function (t, e) {
var n = "take" + (e ? "Right" : "");
Gn.prototype[t] = function () {
return this[n](1).value()[0];
Se(["initial", "tail"], function (t, e) {
var n = "drop" + (e ? "" : "Right");
Gn.prototype[t] = function () {
return this.__filtered__ ? new Gn(this) : this[n](1);
(Gn.prototype.compact = function () {
return this.filter(sc);
(Gn.prototype.find = function (t) {
return this.filter(t).head();
(Gn.prototype.findLast = function (t) {
return this.reverse().find(t);
(Gn.prototype.invokeMap = Qr(function (t, e) {
return "function" == typeof t
? new Gn(this)
: this.map(function (n) {
return Lr(n, t, e);
(Gn.prototype.reject = function (t) {
return this.filter($a(fi(t)));
(Gn.prototype.slice = function (t, e) {
t = bu(t);
var n = this;
return n.__filtered__ && (t > 0 || e < 0)
? new Gn(n)
: (t < 0 ? (n = n.takeRight(-t)) : t && (n = n.drop(t)),
e !== r &&
(n = (e = bu(e)) < 0 ? n.dropRight(-e) : n.take(e - t)),
(Gn.prototype.takeRightWhile = function (t) {
return this.reverse().takeWhile(t).reverse();
(Gn.prototype.toArray = function () {
return this.take(g);
xr(Gn.prototype, function (t, e) {
var n = /^(?:filter|find|map|reject)|While$/.test(e),
o = /^(?:head|last)$/.test(e),
i = Bn[o ? "take" + ("last" == e ? "Right" : "") : e],
a = o || /^find/.test(e);
i &&
(Bn.prototype[e] = function () {
var e = this.__wrapped__,
u = o ? [1] : arguments,
c = e instanceof Gn,
s = u[0],
l = c || Ka(e),
f = function (t) {
var e = i.apply(Bn, Fe([t], u));
return o && p ? e[0] : e;
l &&
n &&
"function" == typeof s &&
1 != s.length &&
(c = l = !1);
var p = this.__chain__,
h = !!this.__actions__.length,
d = a && !p,
g = c && !h;
if (!a && l) {
e = g ? e : new Gn(this);
var v = t.apply(e, u);
return (
v.__actions__.push({ func: _a, args: [f], thisArg: r }),
new Hn(v, p)
return d && g
? t.apply(this, u)
: ((v = this.thru(f)),
d ? (o ? v.value()[0] : v.value()) : v);
["pop", "push", "shift", "sort", "splice", "unshift"],
function (t) {
var e = It[t],
n = /^(?:push|sort|unshift)$/.test(t) ? "tap" : "thru",
r = /^(?:pop|shift)$/.test(t);
Bn.prototype[t] = function () {
var t = arguments;
if (r && !this.__chain__) {
var o = this.value();
return e.apply(Ka(o) ? o : [], t);
return this[n](function (n) {
return e.apply(Ka(n) ? n : [], t);
xr(Gn.prototype, function (t, e) {
var n = Bn[e];
if (n) {
var r = n.name + "";
zt.call(Fn, r) || (Fn[r] = []), Fn[r].push({ name: e, func: n });
(Fn[Wo(r, 2).name] = [{ name: "wrapper", func: r }]),
(Gn.prototype.clone = function () {
var t = new Gn(this.__wrapped__);
return (
(t.__actions__ = Lo(this.__actions__)),
(t.__dir__ = this.__dir__),
(t.__filtered__ = this.__filtered__),
(t.__iteratees__ = Lo(this.__iteratees__)),
(t.__takeCount__ = this.__takeCount__),
(t.__views__ = Lo(this.__views__)),
(Gn.prototype.reverse = function () {
if (this.__filtered__) {
var t = new Gn(this);
(t.__dir__ = -1), (t.__filtered__ = !0);
} else (t = this.clone()).__dir__ *= -1;
return t;
(Gn.prototype.value = function () {
var t = this.__wrapped__.value(),
e = this.__dir__,
n = Ka(t),
r = e < 0,
o = n ? t.length : 0,
i = (function (t, e, n) {
var r = -1,
o = n.length;
for (; ++r < o; ) {
var i = n[r],
a = i.size;
switch (i.type) {
case "drop":
t += a;
case "dropRight":
e -= a;
case "take":
e = wn(e, t + a);
case "takeRight":
t = bn(t, e - a);
return { start: t, end: e };
})(0, o, this.__views__),
a = i.start,
u = i.end,
c = u - a,
s = r ? u : a - 1,
l = this.__iteratees__,
f = l.length,
p = 0,
h = wn(c, this.__takeCount__);
if (!n || (!r && o == c && h == c)) return yo(t, this.__actions__);
var d = [];
t: for (; c-- && p < h; ) {
for (var g = -1, v = t[(s += e)]; ++g < f; ) {
var y = l[g],
m = y.iteratee,
_ = y.type,
b = m(v);
if (2 == _) v = b;
else if (!b) {
if (1 == _) continue t;
break t;
d[p++] = v;
return d;
(Bn.prototype.at = ba),
(Bn.prototype.chain = function () {
return ma(this);
(Bn.prototype.commit = function () {
return new Hn(this.value(), this.__chain__);
(Bn.prototype.next = function () {
this.__values__ === r && (this.__values__ = mu(this.value()));
var t = this.__index__ >= this.__values__.length;
return {
done: t,
value: t ? r : this.__values__[this.__index__++],
(Bn.prototype.plant = function (t) {
for (var e, n = this; n instanceof qn; ) {
var o = Hi(n);
(o.__index__ = 0),
(o.__values__ = r),
e ? (i.__wrapped__ = o) : (e = o);
var i = o;
n = n.__wrapped__;
return (i.__wrapped__ = t), e;
(Bn.prototype.reverse = function () {
var t = this.__wrapped__;
if (t instanceof Gn) {
var e = t;
return (
this.__actions__.length && (e = new Gn(this)),
(e = e.reverse()).__actions__.push({
func: _a,
args: [aa],
thisArg: r,
new Hn(e, this.__chain__)
return this.thru(aa);
(Bn.prototype.toJSON =
Bn.prototype.valueOf =
Bn.prototype.value =
function () {
return yo(this.__wrapped__, this.__actions__);
(Bn.prototype.first = Bn.prototype.head),
ee &&
(Bn.prototype[ee] = function () {
return this;
"function" == typeof define && "object" == typeof define.amd && define.amd
? ((pe._ = vn),
define(function () {
return vn;
: de
? (((de.exports = vn)._ = vn), (he._ = vn))
: (pe._ = vn);
var i = o("7U5sq");
const a = ["unfinished-business", "Unfinished Business"],
u = ['"TODO" "LATER" "DOING" "NOW"', '"LATER" "NOW"', '"TODO" "DOING"'],
c = [
"by Marker then Priority",
"by Priority then Marker",
s = [
key: "defaultTag",
type: "string",
default: "testme",
title: "default search tag?",
description: "Use this for testing, or if you tag your tasks",
key: "searchMarkers",
type: "enum",
enumChoices: u,
enumPicker: "radio",
default: u[1],
title: "What markers to carry over to today?",
description: "What markers should be moved, and which should stay?",
key: "sortOrder",
type: "enum",
enumChoices: c,
enumPicker: "radio",
default: c[2],
title: "How to sort movable tasks?",
"Sort order: Alphabetical, by Marker then Priority, by Priority then Marker, or None",
async function l(t, e) {
let n = t
? `[?b :block/path-refs [:block/name "${t
.replace(/^["'](.+(?=["']$))["']$/, "$1")}"]]\n`
: "";
const r = e
? ""
: `[?p :block/journal? true] [?p :block/journal-day ${(function () {
let t = ((e = new Date()).setDate(e.getDate() - 1), e);
var e;
return parseInt(
`${t.getFullYear()}${("0" + (t.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2)}${(
"0" + t.getDate()
"imsure" === t && e && (n = "");
const o = `[:find (pull ?b [*])\n :where\n [?b :block/marker ?m]\n [(contains? #{${logseq.settings.searchMarkers}} ?m)]\n ${n}\n [?b :block/page ?p]\n ${r}\n ]`;
try {
return await logseq.DB.datascriptQuery(o);
} catch (t) {
return !1;
async function f(t) {
try {
const e = await logseq.Editor.getBlock(t, { includeChildren: !1 }),
n = !(!e.properties || null == e.properties.template),
r = null != e.parent && e.parent.id !== e.page.id;
return (!1 !== n || !1 !== r) && (!0 === n || (await f(e.parent.id)));
} catch (t) {
function p(t, e) {
const n = new RegExp("^(LATER|NOW|TODO|DOING) (\\[#.])? *"),
r = n.test(t.content) ? t.content.replace(n, "") : t.content,
o = n.test(e.content) ? e.content.replace(n, "") : e.content;
return r < o ? -1 : r > o ? 1 : 0;
.ready(async () => {
console.log(a[1], "has loaded"),
"Move unfinished business here",
async () => {
await logseq.Editor.insertAtEditingCursor(
`{{renderer :unfinishedBusiness${
? ", " + logseq.settings.defaultTag
: ""
logseq.App.onMacroRendererSlotted(async ({ slot: t, payload: n }) => {
try {
if (":unfinishedBusiness" !== n.arguments[0].trim()) return;
console.log("DB", n);
const r = n.arguments.length > 1 ? n.arguments[1] : "",
o = "imsure" === n.arguments[2],
u = await f(n.uuid);
let s = await l(r, o);
const h = !0 === u ? "green" : "red",
d =
!0 === u
? "will run with template"
: "Cannot find any (tagged) tasks";
if (u || 0 == s)
return void (await logseq.provideUI({
key: a[0],
slot: t,
template: `<span style="color: ${h}">{{renderer ${n.arguments} }}</span> (${d})`,
reset: !0,
style: { flex: 1 },
let t = `**🚀 Moved ${s ? s.length : "zero"} tasks`;
(t += `(${logseq.settings.sortOrder})`),
(t += "" + (o ? "" : " from yesterday")),
(t += (r ? " (#" + r + ")" : "") + "**"),
await logseq.Editor.updateBlock(n.uuid, t),
(s = s.flat()),
logseq.settings.sortOrder === c[0]
? s.sort(p)
: logseq.settings.sortOrder === c[1]
? (s = e(i).orderBy(s, ["marker", "priority"], ["desc", "asc"]))
: logseq.settings.sortOrder === c[2] &&
(s = e(i).orderBy(
["priority", "marker"],
["asc", "desc"],
s.forEach(async (t) => {
await logseq.Editor.moveBlock(t.uuid, n.uuid, { before: !0 });
} catch (t) {