--- title: Solving `app_data` or `ReqData` missing in requests for actix-web date: 2022-03-26 --- > This post is day 5 of me taking part in the > [#100DaysToOffload](https://100daystooffload.com/) challenge. I'm using `actix-web` to set up a web server, and I've been hitting a small problem that I think other people may come across too. To explain the problem, let me talk a bit about my setup. I have a custom middleware that checks if a user is authorized to access a route. It looks like this: ```rust impl Service for CheckLoginMiddleware where S: Service, Error = Error>, S::Future: 'static, { type Response = ServiceResponse>; type Error = Error; type Future = LocalBoxFuture<'static, Result>; dev::forward_ready!(service); fn call(&self, req: ServiceRequest) -> Self::Future { let state = self.state.clone(); let (request, payload) = req.into_parts(); let service = self.service.clone(); let user_token = get_token_from_header(&request); let path_token = if self.allow_path_tokens { get_token_from_query(&request) } else { None }; Box::pin(async move { match verify_auth(state, user_token, path_token, request.path()).await { Ok(authorized) => { tracing::debug!("Request authorized, inserting authorization token"); // This is the "important bit" where we insert the authorization token into the request data request.extensions_mut().insert(authorized); let service_request = service.call(ServiceRequest::from_parts(request, payload)); service_request .await .map(ServiceResponse::map_into_left_body) } Err(err) => { let response = HttpResponse::Unauthorized().json(err).map_into_right_body(); Ok(ServiceResponse::new(request, response)) } } }) } } ``` The `verify_auth` function is omitted, but the gist of it is that it returns an `Result`. If the user is authorized, the authorization token `verify_auth` returned is then attached to the request. Then here's how I use it in a path: ```rust #[delete("/{store}/{path:.*}")] async fn delete_storage( params: web::Path<(String, String)>, // This parameter is automatically filled with the token authorized: Option>, ) -> Result { let (store, path) = params.as_ref(); let mut store_path = get_authorized_path(&authorized, store)?; store_path.push(path); if fs::metadata(&store_path).await?.is_file() { tracing::debug!("Deleting file {:?}", store_path); fs::remove_file(&store_path).await?; } else { tracing::debug!("Deleting folder {:?}", store_path); fs::remove_dir(&store_path).await?; } Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().finish()) } ``` This setup worked for this path, but would absolutely not work for another path. I inserted logs to track everything, and just found that the middleware would insert the token, but the path would just get `None`. How‽ I tried to slowly strip everything away from the non-functional path until it was identical to this one, but it still would not work. Well it turns out the solution was very simple, see this: ```rust use my_package::storage::put_storage; use crate::storage::delete_storage; ``` Ah! They are imported differently. I had set up my program as both a library and a program for various reasons. However, it turns out importing the same thing from `crate` is different from importing it from the library. Because of the difference in import, Actix doesn't recognize that the types match, so the route can't access the attached token. The solution is normalizing the imports. I went with going through the library for everything, because that's what `rust-analyzer`s automatic import seems to prefer. ```rust use my_package::storage::{put_storage, delete_storage}; ``` Solved!