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Source code for this website is available at" # googleAnalytics = "" # disqusShortname = "" archetypeDir = "archetypes" contentDir = "content" dataDir = "data" layoutDir = "layouts" publishDir = "public" buildDrafts = false buildFuture = false buildExpired = false canonifyURLs = true enableRobotsTXT = true enableGitInfo = false enableEmoji = true enableMissingTranslationPlaceholders = false disableRSS = false disableSitemap = false disable404 = false disableHugoGeneratorInject = false [permalinks] posts = "/:filename/" [author] name = "Kaan Barmore-Genç" [blackfriday] hrefTargetBlank = true #[taxonomies] # tag = "tags" # category = "categories" # series = "series" [params] dateform = "Jan 2, 2006" dateformShort = "Jan 2" dateformNum = "2006-01-02" dateformNumTime = "2006-01-02 15:04" # Metadata mostly used in document's head # description = "Website of Kaan Barmore-Genç, and his personal blog" keywords = "" images = [""] # Home subtitle of the index page. # homeSubtitle = [ "Hi! I'm a Software Engineer, an avid Linux user, an enthusiast of many programming languages, a home cook, and an amateur gardener.", "My interests include building web and mobile applications, both front and back end. Over the years I learned and used many programming languages and technologies, including JavaScript, TypeScript, React, React Native, Python, Java, C, C++, Clojure, Rust, and Haskell. Pretty much everthing I've worked on is open source and available on my Github page.", ] # Set a background for the homepage # backgroundImage = "assets/images/background.jpg" # Prefix of link to the git commit detail page. GitInfo must be enabled. # # gitUrl = "" # Set disableReadOtherPosts to true in order to hide the links to other posts. # disableReadOtherPosts = false # Enable theme toggle # # This options enables the theme toggle for the theme. # Per default, this option is off. # The theme is respecting the prefers-color-scheme of the operating systeme. # With this option on, the page user is able to set the scheme he wants. enableThemeToggle = true # Sharing buttons # # There are a lot of buttons preconfigured. If you want to change them, # generate the buttons here: # and add them into your own `layouts/partials/sharing-buttons.html` # enableSharingButtons = false # Global language menu # # Enables the global language menu. # enableGlobalLanguageMenu = false # Integrate Javascript files or stylesheets by adding the url to the external assets or by # linking local files with their path relative to the static folder, e.g. "css/styles.css" # customCSS = [] customJS = [] # Toggle this option need to rebuild SCSS, requires extended version of Hugo # justifyContent = false # Set "text-align: justify" to .post-content. # Custom footer # If you want, you can easily override the default footer with your own content. # [params.footer] trademark = false rss = true copyright = true author = false topText = [] # bottomText = [ # "Powered by Hugo", # "Made with ❤ by Djordje Atlialp", # ] # Colors for favicons # [params.favicon.color] mask = "#1b1c1d" msapplication = "#1b1c1d" theme = "#1b1c1d" [params.logo] logoMark = ">" logoText = "Kaan Barmore-Genç" logoHomeLink = "/" # Set true to remove the logo cursor entirely. # logoCursorDisabled = false # Set to a valid CSS color to change the cursor in the logo. # logoCursorColor = "#67a2c9" # Set to a valid CSS time value to change the animation duration, "0s" to disable. # logoCursorAnimate = "2s" # Commento is more than just a comments widget you can embed — # it’s a return to the roots of the internet. # An internet without the tracking and invasions of privacy. # An internet that is simple and lightweight. # An internet that is focused on interesting discussions, not ads. # A better internet. # Uncomment this to enable Commento. # # [params.commento] # url = "" [params.portrait] path = "/img/profile.2022.12.jpeg" pathWebp = "/img/profile.2022.12.webp" pathAvif = "/img/profile.2022.12.avif" alt = "A picture of Kaan, wearing a beanie, in front of some shrubbery." maxWidth = "20rem" # Social icons [[]] name = "email" url = "" [[]] name = "github" url = "" [[]] name = "mastodon" url = "" me = true [[]] name = "linkedin" url = "" [[]] name = "cv" title = "CV" url = "/extra/cv.pdf" # [languages] # [languages.en] # subtitle = "Hello Friend NG Theme" # weight = 1 # copyright = 'CC BY-NC 4.0' # [] # subtitle = "Hello Friend NG Theme" # weight = 2 # copyright = 'CC BY-NC 4.0' [menu] #[[menu.main]] #identifier = "about" #name = "About" #url = "about/" [[menu.main]] identifier = "posts" name = "Blog" url = "posts/" [[menu.main]] identifier = "portfolio" name = "Portfolio" url = "portfolio/" [gmnhg] baseUrl = "gemini://"