Compare commits
3 commits
Author | SHA1 | Date | |
Kaan Barmore-Genç | 9ab243fa4e | ||
Kaan Barmore-Genç | 1ea2a5df91 | ||
Kaan Barmore-Genç | 884674ec75 |
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
export function slugify(filePath: string) {
const slug = /[/]([^/]*)[.]md$/.exec(filePath)?.[1];
if (!slug) throw new Error(`Could not parse slug from path: ${filePath}`);
return slug;
@ -8,136 +8,135 @@
* @version 1.0
pre[class*="language-"] {
color: #3c3836; /* fg1 / fg */
font-family: Consolas, Monaco, "Andale Mono", monospace;
direction: ltr;
text-align: left;
white-space: pre;
word-spacing: normal;
word-break: normal;
line-height: 1.5;
-moz-tab-size: 4;
-o-tab-size: 4;
tab-size: 4;
-webkit-hyphens: none;
-moz-hyphens: none;
-ms-hyphens: none;
hyphens: none;
pre[class*="language-"] ::-moz-selection,
code[class*="language-"] ::-moz-selection {
color: #282828; /* fg0 */
background: #a89984; /* bg4 */
pre[class*="language-"] ::selection,
code[class*="language-"] ::selection {
color: #282828; /* fg0 */
background: #a89984; /* bg4 */
/* Code blocks */
pre[class*="language-"] {
padding: 1em;
overflow: auto;
:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"],
pre[class*="language-"] {
background: #f9f5d7; /* bg0_h */
/* Inline code */
:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"] {
padding: 0.1em;
border-radius: 0.3em;
.token.cdata {
color: #7c6f64; /* fg4 / gray1 */
.token.atrule {
color: #9d0006; /* red2 */
.token.attr-name {
color: #7c6f64; /* fg4 / gray1 */
.token.tag .punctuation,
.token.builtin {
color: #b57614; /* yellow2 */
.token.symbol {
color: #8f3f71; /* purple2 */
.token.variable {
color: #9d0006; /* red2 */
.token.char {
color: #797403; /* green2 */
.token.attr-value .punctuation {
color: #7c6f64; /* fg4 / gray1 */
.token.url {
color: #797403; /* green2 */
text-decoration: underline;
.token.function {
color: #b57614; /* yellow2 */
.token.regex {
background: #797403; /* green2 */
.token.bold {
font-weight: bold;
.token.italic {
font-style: italic;
.token.inserted {
background: #7c6f64; /* fg4 / gray1 */
.token.deleted {
background: #9d0006; /* red2 */
pre[class*='language-'] {
color: #3c3836; /* fg1 / fg */
font-family: Consolas, Monaco, 'Andale Mono', monospace;
direction: ltr;
text-align: left;
white-space: pre;
word-spacing: normal;
word-break: normal;
line-height: 1.5;
-moz-tab-size: 4;
-o-tab-size: 4;
tab-size: 4;
-webkit-hyphens: none;
-moz-hyphens: none;
-ms-hyphens: none;
hyphens: none;
pre[class*='language-'] ::-moz-selection,
code[class*='language-'] ::-moz-selection {
color: #282828; /* fg0 */
background: #a89984; /* bg4 */
pre[class*='language-'] ::selection,
code[class*='language-'] ::selection {
color: #282828; /* fg0 */
background: #a89984; /* bg4 */
/* Code blocks */
pre[class*='language-'] {
padding: 1em;
overflow: auto;
:not(pre) > code[class*='language-'],
pre[class*='language-'] {
background: #f9f5d7; /* bg0_h */
/* Inline code */
:not(pre) > code[class*='language-'] {
padding: 0.1em;
border-radius: 0.3em;
.token.cdata {
color: #7c6f64; /* fg4 / gray1 */
.token.atrule {
color: #9d0006; /* red2 */
.token.attr-name {
color: #7c6f64; /* fg4 / gray1 */
.token.tag .punctuation,
.token.builtin {
color: #b57614; /* yellow2 */
.token.symbol {
color: #8f3f71; /* purple2 */
.token.variable {
color: #9d0006; /* red2 */
.token.char {
color: #797403; /* green2 */
.token.attr-value .punctuation {
color: #7c6f64; /* fg4 / gray1 */
.token.url {
color: #797403; /* green2 */
text-decoration: underline;
.token.function {
color: #b57614; /* yellow2 */
.token.regex {
background: #797403; /* green2 */
.token.bold {
font-weight: bold;
.token.italic {
font-style: italic;
.token.inserted {
background: #7c6f64; /* fg4 / gray1 */
.token.deleted {
background: #9d0006; /* red2 */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
* One Dark theme for prism.js
* Based on Atom's One Dark theme:
* One Dark colours (accurate as of commit 8ae45ca on 6 Sep 2018)
* From colors.less
* --mono-1: hsl(220, 14%, 71%);
* --mono-2: hsl(220, 9%, 55%);
* --mono-3: hsl(220, 10%, 40%);
* --hue-1: hsl(187, 47%, 55%);
* --hue-2: hsl(207, 82%, 66%);
* --hue-3: hsl(286, 60%, 67%);
* --hue-4: hsl(95, 38%, 62%);
* --hue-5: hsl(355, 65%, 65%);
* --hue-5-2: hsl(5, 48%, 51%);
* --hue-6: hsl(29, 54%, 61%);
* --hue-6-2: hsl(39, 67%, 69%);
* --syntax-fg: hsl(220, 14%, 71%);
* --syntax-bg: hsl(220, 13%, 18%);
* --syntax-gutter: hsl(220, 14%, 45%);
* --syntax-guide: hsla(220, 14%, 71%, 0.15);
* --syntax-accent: hsl(220, 100%, 66%);
* From syntax-variables.less
* --syntax-selection-color: hsl(220, 13%, 28%);
* --syntax-gutter-background-color-selected: hsl(220, 13%, 26%);
* --syntax-cursor-line: hsla(220, 100%, 80%, 0.04);
pre[class*='language-'] {
background: hsl(220, 13%, 18%);
color: hsl(220, 14%, 71%);
text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
font-family: 'Fira Code', 'Fira Mono', Menlo, Consolas, 'DejaVu Sans Mono', monospace;
direction: ltr;
text-align: left;
white-space: pre;
word-spacing: normal;
word-break: normal;
line-height: 1.5;
-moz-tab-size: 2;
-o-tab-size: 2;
tab-size: 2;
-webkit-hyphens: none;
-moz-hyphens: none;
-ms-hyphens: none;
hyphens: none;
/* Selection */
code[class*='language-'] *::-moz-selection,
pre[class*='language-'] *::-moz-selection {
background: hsl(220, 13%, 28%);
color: inherit;
text-shadow: none;
code[class*='language-'] *::selection,
pre[class*='language-'] *::selection {
background: hsl(220, 13%, 28%);
color: inherit;
text-shadow: none;
/* Code blocks */
pre[class*='language-'] {
padding: 1em;
margin: 0.5em 0;
overflow: auto;
border-radius: 0.3em;
/* Inline code */
:not(pre) > code[class*='language-'] {
padding: 0.2em 0.3em;
border-radius: 0.3em;
white-space: normal;
/* Print */
@media print {
pre[class*='language-'] {
text-shadow: none;
.token.cdata {
color: hsl(220, 10%, 40%);
.token.entity {
color: hsl(220, 14%, 71%);
.token.atrule {
color: hsl(29, 54%, 61%);
.token.keyword {
color: hsl(286, 60%, 67%);
.token.important {
color: hsl(355, 65%, 65%);
.token.attr-value > .token.punctuation {
color: hsl(95, 38%, 62%);
.token.function {
color: hsl(207, 82%, 66%);
.token.url {
color: hsl(187, 47%, 55%);
/* HTML overrides */
.token.attr-value > .token.punctuation.attr-equals,
.token.special-attr > .token.attr-value > .token.value.css {
color: hsl(220, 14%, 71%);
/* CSS overrides */
.language-css .token.selector {
color: hsl(355, 65%, 65%);
.language-css {
color: hsl(220, 14%, 71%);
.language-css .token.function,
.language-css .token.url > .token.function {
color: hsl(187, 47%, 55%);
.language-css .token.url > .token.string.url {
color: hsl(95, 38%, 62%);
.language-css .token.important,
.language-css .token.atrule .token.rule {
color: hsl(286, 60%, 67%);
/* JS overrides */
.language-javascript .token.operator {
color: hsl(286, 60%, 67%);
> .token.interpolation
> .token.interpolation-punctuation.punctuation {
color: hsl(5, 48%, 51%);
/* JSON overrides */
.language-json .token.operator {
color: hsl(220, 14%, 71%);
.language-json .token.null.keyword {
color: hsl(29, 54%, 61%);
/* MD overrides */
.language-markdown .token.url,
.language-markdown .token.url > .token.operator,
.language-markdown .token.url-reference.url > .token.string {
color: hsl(220, 14%, 71%);
.language-markdown .token.url > .token.content {
color: hsl(207, 82%, 66%);
.language-markdown .token.url > .token.url,
.language-markdown .token.url-reference.url {
color: hsl(187, 47%, 55%);
.language-markdown .token.blockquote.punctuation,
.language-markdown {
color: hsl(220, 10%, 40%);
font-style: italic;
.language-markdown .token.code-snippet {
color: hsl(95, 38%, 62%);
.language-markdown .token.bold .token.content {
color: hsl(29, 54%, 61%);
.language-markdown .token.italic .token.content {
color: hsl(286, 60%, 67%);
.language-markdown .token.strike .token.content,
.language-markdown .token.strike .token.punctuation,
.language-markdown .token.list.punctuation,
.language-markdown .token.title.important > .token.punctuation {
color: hsl(355, 65%, 65%);
/* General */
.token.bold {
font-weight: bold;
.token.italic {
font-style: italic;
.token.entity {
cursor: help;
.token.namespace {
opacity: 0.8;
/* Plugin overrides */
/* Selectors should have higher specificity than those in the plugins' default stylesheets */
/* Show Invisibles plugin overrides */
|||| {
color: hsla(220, 14%, 71%, 0.15);
text-shadow: none;
/* Toolbar plugin overrides */
/* Space out all buttons and move them away from the right edge of the code block */
div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item {
margin-right: 0.4em;
/* Styling the buttons */
div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > button,
div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > a,
div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > span {
background: hsl(220, 13%, 26%);
color: hsl(220, 9%, 55%);
padding: 0.1em 0.4em;
border-radius: 0.3em;
div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > button:hover,
div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > button:focus,
div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > a:hover,
div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > a:focus,
div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > span:hover,
div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > span:focus {
background: hsl(220, 13%, 28%);
color: hsl(220, 14%, 71%);
/* Line Highlight plugin overrides */
/* The highlighted line itself */
.line-highlight.line-highlight {
background: hsla(220, 100%, 80%, 0.04);
/* Default line numbers in Line Highlight plugin */
.line-highlight.line-highlight[data-end]:after {
background: hsl(220, 13%, 26%);
color: hsl(220, 14%, 71%);
padding: 0.1em 0.6em;
border-radius: 0.3em;
box-shadow: 0 2px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); /* same as Toolbar plugin default */
/* Hovering over a linkable line number (in the gutter area) */
/* Requires Line Numbers plugin as well */
pre[id].linkable-line-numbers.linkable-line-numbers span.line-numbers-rows > span:hover:before {
background-color: hsla(220, 100%, 80%, 0.04);
/* Line Numbers and Command Line plugins overrides */
/* Line separating gutter from coding area */
.line-numbers.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows,
.command-line .command-line-prompt {
border-right-color: hsla(220, 14%, 71%, 0.15);
/* Stuff in the gutter */
.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows > span:before,
.command-line .command-line-prompt > span:before {
color: hsl(220, 14%, 45%);
/* Match Braces plugin overrides */
/* Note: Outline colour is inherited from the braces */
.rainbow-braces .token.token.punctuation.brace-level-1,
.rainbow-braces .token.token.punctuation.brace-level-5,
.rainbow-braces .token.token.punctuation.brace-level-9 {
color: hsl(355, 65%, 65%);
.rainbow-braces .token.token.punctuation.brace-level-2,
.rainbow-braces .token.token.punctuation.brace-level-6,
.rainbow-braces .token.token.punctuation.brace-level-10 {
color: hsl(95, 38%, 62%);
.rainbow-braces .token.token.punctuation.brace-level-3,
.rainbow-braces .token.token.punctuation.brace-level-7,
.rainbow-braces .token.token.punctuation.brace-level-11 {
color: hsl(207, 82%, 66%);
.rainbow-braces .token.token.punctuation.brace-level-4,
.rainbow-braces .token.token.punctuation.brace-level-8,
.rainbow-braces .token.token.punctuation.brace-level-12 {
color: hsl(286, 60%, 67%);
/* Diff Highlight plugin overrides */
/* Taken from */
pre.diff-highlight > code .token.token.deleted:not(.prefix),
pre > code.diff-highlight .token.token.deleted:not(.prefix) {
background-color: hsla(353, 100%, 66%, 0.15);
pre.diff-highlight > code .token.token.deleted:not(.prefix)::-moz-selection,
pre.diff-highlight > code .token.token.deleted:not(.prefix) *::-moz-selection,
pre > code.diff-highlight .token.token.deleted:not(.prefix)::-moz-selection,
pre > code.diff-highlight .token.token.deleted:not(.prefix) *::-moz-selection {
background-color: hsla(353, 95%, 66%, 0.25);
pre.diff-highlight > code .token.token.deleted:not(.prefix)::selection,
pre.diff-highlight > code .token.token.deleted:not(.prefix) *::selection,
pre > code.diff-highlight .token.token.deleted:not(.prefix)::selection,
pre > code.diff-highlight .token.token.deleted:not(.prefix) *::selection {
background-color: hsla(353, 95%, 66%, 0.25);
pre.diff-highlight > code .token.token.inserted:not(.prefix),
pre > code.diff-highlight .token.token.inserted:not(.prefix) {
background-color: hsla(137, 100%, 55%, 0.15);
pre.diff-highlight > code .token.token.inserted:not(.prefix)::-moz-selection,
pre.diff-highlight > code .token.token.inserted:not(.prefix) *::-moz-selection,
pre > code.diff-highlight .token.token.inserted:not(.prefix)::-moz-selection,
pre > code.diff-highlight .token.token.inserted:not(.prefix) *::-moz-selection {
background-color: hsla(135, 73%, 55%, 0.25);
pre.diff-highlight > code .token.token.inserted:not(.prefix)::selection,
pre.diff-highlight > code .token.token.inserted:not(.prefix) *::selection,
pre > code.diff-highlight .token.token.inserted:not(.prefix)::selection,
pre > code.diff-highlight .token.token.inserted:not(.prefix) *::selection {
background-color: hsla(135, 73%, 55%, 0.25);
/* Previewers plugin overrides */
/* Based on and */
/* Border around popup */
.prism-previewer-gradient.prism-previewer-gradient div {
border-color: hsl(224, 13%, 17%);
/* Angle and time should remain as circles and are hence not included */
.prism-previewer-gradient.prism-previewer-gradient div,
.prism-previewer-easing.prism-previewer-easing:before {
border-radius: 0.3em;
/* Triangles pointing to the code */
.prism-previewer.prism-previewer:after {
border-top-color: hsl(224, 13%, 17%);
.prism-previewer-flipped.prism-previewer-flipped.after {
border-bottom-color: hsl(224, 13%, 17%);
/* Background colour within the popup */
.prism-previewer-easing.prism-previewer-easing {
background: hsl(219, 13%, 22%);
/* For angle, this is the positive area (eg. 90deg will display one quadrant in this colour) */
/* For time, this is the alternate colour */
.prism-previewer-angle.prism-previewer-angle circle,
.prism-previewer-time.prism-previewer-time circle {
stroke: hsl(220, 14%, 71%);
stroke-opacity: 1;
/* Stroke colours of the handle, direction point, and vector itself */
.prism-previewer-easing.prism-previewer-easing circle,
.prism-previewer-easing.prism-previewer-easing path,
.prism-previewer-easing.prism-previewer-easing line {
stroke: hsl(220, 14%, 71%);
/* Fill colour of the handle */
.prism-previewer-easing.prism-previewer-easing circle {
fill: transparent;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
* One Light theme for prism.js
* Based on Atom's One Light theme:
* One Light colours (accurate as of commit eb064bf on 19 Feb 2021)
* From colors.less
* --mono-1: hsl(230, 8%, 24%);
* --mono-2: hsl(230, 6%, 44%);
* --mono-3: hsl(230, 4%, 64%)
* --hue-1: hsl(198, 99%, 37%);
* --hue-2: hsl(221, 87%, 60%);
* --hue-3: hsl(301, 63%, 40%);
* --hue-4: hsl(119, 34%, 47%);
* --hue-5: hsl(5, 74%, 59%);
* --hue-5-2: hsl(344, 84%, 43%);
* --hue-6: hsl(35, 99%, 36%);
* --hue-6-2: hsl(35, 99%, 40%);
* --syntax-fg: hsl(230, 8%, 24%);
* --syntax-bg: hsl(230, 1%, 98%);
* --syntax-gutter: hsl(230, 1%, 62%);
* --syntax-guide: hsla(230, 8%, 24%, 0.2);
* --syntax-accent: hsl(230, 100%, 66%);
* From syntax-variables.less
* --syntax-selection-color: hsl(230, 1%, 90%);
* --syntax-gutter-background-color-selected: hsl(230, 1%, 90%);
* --syntax-cursor-line: hsla(230, 8%, 24%, 0.05);
pre[class*='language-'] {
background: hsl(230, 1%, 98%);
color: hsl(230, 8%, 24%);
font-family: 'Fira Code', 'Fira Mono', Menlo, Consolas, 'DejaVu Sans Mono', monospace;
direction: ltr;
text-align: left;
white-space: pre;
word-spacing: normal;
word-break: normal;
line-height: 1.5;
-moz-tab-size: 2;
-o-tab-size: 2;
tab-size: 2;
-webkit-hyphens: none;
-moz-hyphens: none;
-ms-hyphens: none;
hyphens: none;
/* Selection */
code[class*='language-'] *::-moz-selection,
pre[class*='language-'] *::-moz-selection {
background: hsl(230, 1%, 90%);
color: inherit;
code[class*='language-'] *::selection,
pre[class*='language-'] *::selection {
background: hsl(230, 1%, 90%);
color: inherit;
/* Code blocks */
pre[class*='language-'] {
padding: 1em;
margin: 0.5em 0;
overflow: auto;
border-radius: 0.3em;
/* Inline code */
:not(pre) > code[class*='language-'] {
padding: 0.2em 0.3em;
border-radius: 0.3em;
white-space: normal;
.token.cdata {
color: hsl(230, 4%, 64%);
.token.entity {
color: hsl(230, 8%, 24%);
.token.atrule {
color: hsl(35, 99%, 36%);
.token.keyword {
color: hsl(301, 63%, 40%);
.token.important {
color: hsl(5, 74%, 59%);
.token.attr-value > .token.punctuation {
color: hsl(119, 34%, 47%);
.token.function {
color: hsl(221, 87%, 60%);
.token.url {
color: hsl(198, 99%, 37%);
/* HTML overrides */
.token.attr-value > .token.punctuation.attr-equals,
.token.special-attr > .token.attr-value > .token.value.css {
color: hsl(230, 8%, 24%);
/* CSS overrides */
.language-css .token.selector {
color: hsl(5, 74%, 59%);
.language-css {
color: hsl(230, 8%, 24%);
.language-css .token.function,
.language-css .token.url > .token.function {
color: hsl(198, 99%, 37%);
.language-css .token.url > .token.string.url {
color: hsl(119, 34%, 47%);
.language-css .token.important,
.language-css .token.atrule .token.rule {
color: hsl(301, 63%, 40%);
/* JS overrides */
.language-javascript .token.operator {
color: hsl(301, 63%, 40%);
> .token.interpolation
> .token.interpolation-punctuation.punctuation {
color: hsl(344, 84%, 43%);
/* JSON overrides */
.language-json .token.operator {
color: hsl(230, 8%, 24%);
.language-json .token.null.keyword {
color: hsl(35, 99%, 36%);
/* MD overrides */
.language-markdown .token.url,
.language-markdown .token.url > .token.operator,
.language-markdown .token.url-reference.url > .token.string {
color: hsl(230, 8%, 24%);
.language-markdown .token.url > .token.content {
color: hsl(221, 87%, 60%);
.language-markdown .token.url > .token.url,
.language-markdown .token.url-reference.url {
color: hsl(198, 99%, 37%);
.language-markdown .token.blockquote.punctuation,
.language-markdown {
color: hsl(230, 4%, 64%);
font-style: italic;
.language-markdown .token.code-snippet {
color: hsl(119, 34%, 47%);
.language-markdown .token.bold .token.content {
color: hsl(35, 99%, 36%);
.language-markdown .token.italic .token.content {
color: hsl(301, 63%, 40%);
.language-markdown .token.strike .token.content,
.language-markdown .token.strike .token.punctuation,
.language-markdown .token.list.punctuation,
.language-markdown .token.title.important > .token.punctuation {
color: hsl(5, 74%, 59%);
/* General */
.token.bold {
font-weight: bold;
.token.italic {
font-style: italic;
.token.entity {
cursor: help;
.token.namespace {
opacity: 0.8;
/* Plugin overrides */
/* Selectors should have higher specificity than those in the plugins' default stylesheets */
/* Show Invisibles plugin overrides */
|||| {
color: hsla(230, 8%, 24%, 0.2);
/* Toolbar plugin overrides */
/* Space out all buttons and move them away from the right edge of the code block */
div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item {
margin-right: 0.4em;
/* Styling the buttons */
div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > button,
div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > a,
div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > span {
background: hsl(230, 1%, 90%);
color: hsl(230, 6%, 44%);
padding: 0.1em 0.4em;
border-radius: 0.3em;
div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > button:hover,
div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > button:focus,
div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > a:hover,
div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > a:focus,
div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > span:hover,
div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > span:focus {
background: hsl(230, 1%, 78%); /* custom: darken(--syntax-bg, 20%) */
color: hsl(230, 8%, 24%);
/* Line Highlight plugin overrides */
/* The highlighted line itself */
.line-highlight.line-highlight {
background: hsla(230, 8%, 24%, 0.05);
/* Default line numbers in Line Highlight plugin */
.line-highlight.line-highlight[data-end]:after {
background: hsl(230, 1%, 90%);
color: hsl(230, 8%, 24%);
padding: 0.1em 0.6em;
border-radius: 0.3em;
box-shadow: 0 2px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); /* same as Toolbar plugin default */
/* Hovering over a linkable line number (in the gutter area) */
/* Requires Line Numbers plugin as well */
pre[id].linkable-line-numbers.linkable-line-numbers span.line-numbers-rows > span:hover:before {
background-color: hsla(230, 8%, 24%, 0.05);
/* Line Numbers and Command Line plugins overrides */
/* Line separating gutter from coding area */
.line-numbers.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows,
.command-line .command-line-prompt {
border-right-color: hsla(230, 8%, 24%, 0.2);
/* Stuff in the gutter */
.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows > span:before,
.command-line .command-line-prompt > span:before {
color: hsl(230, 1%, 62%);
/* Match Braces plugin overrides */
/* Note: Outline colour is inherited from the braces */
.rainbow-braces .token.token.punctuation.brace-level-1,
.rainbow-braces .token.token.punctuation.brace-level-5,
.rainbow-braces .token.token.punctuation.brace-level-9 {
color: hsl(5, 74%, 59%);
.rainbow-braces .token.token.punctuation.brace-level-2,
.rainbow-braces .token.token.punctuation.brace-level-6,
.rainbow-braces .token.token.punctuation.brace-level-10 {
color: hsl(119, 34%, 47%);
.rainbow-braces .token.token.punctuation.brace-level-3,
.rainbow-braces .token.token.punctuation.brace-level-7,
.rainbow-braces .token.token.punctuation.brace-level-11 {
color: hsl(221, 87%, 60%);
.rainbow-braces .token.token.punctuation.brace-level-4,
.rainbow-braces .token.token.punctuation.brace-level-8,
.rainbow-braces .token.token.punctuation.brace-level-12 {
color: hsl(301, 63%, 40%);
/* Diff Highlight plugin overrides */
/* Taken from */
pre.diff-highlight > code .token.token.deleted:not(.prefix),
pre > code.diff-highlight .token.token.deleted:not(.prefix) {
background-color: hsla(353, 100%, 66%, 0.15);
pre.diff-highlight > code .token.token.deleted:not(.prefix)::-moz-selection,
pre.diff-highlight > code .token.token.deleted:not(.prefix) *::-moz-selection,
pre > code.diff-highlight .token.token.deleted:not(.prefix)::-moz-selection,
pre > code.diff-highlight .token.token.deleted:not(.prefix) *::-moz-selection {
background-color: hsla(353, 95%, 66%, 0.25);
pre.diff-highlight > code .token.token.deleted:not(.prefix)::selection,
pre.diff-highlight > code .token.token.deleted:not(.prefix) *::selection,
pre > code.diff-highlight .token.token.deleted:not(.prefix)::selection,
pre > code.diff-highlight .token.token.deleted:not(.prefix) *::selection {
background-color: hsla(353, 95%, 66%, 0.25);
pre.diff-highlight > code .token.token.inserted:not(.prefix),
pre > code.diff-highlight .token.token.inserted:not(.prefix) {
background-color: hsla(137, 100%, 55%, 0.15);
pre.diff-highlight > code .token.token.inserted:not(.prefix)::-moz-selection,
pre.diff-highlight > code .token.token.inserted:not(.prefix) *::-moz-selection,
pre > code.diff-highlight .token.token.inserted:not(.prefix)::-moz-selection,
pre > code.diff-highlight .token.token.inserted:not(.prefix) *::-moz-selection {
background-color: hsla(135, 73%, 55%, 0.25);
pre.diff-highlight > code .token.token.inserted:not(.prefix)::selection,
pre.diff-highlight > code .token.token.inserted:not(.prefix) *::selection,
pre > code.diff-highlight .token.token.inserted:not(.prefix)::selection,
pre > code.diff-highlight .token.token.inserted:not(.prefix) *::selection {
background-color: hsla(135, 73%, 55%, 0.25);
/* Previewers plugin overrides */
/* Based on and */
/* Border around popup */
.prism-previewer-gradient.prism-previewer-gradient div {
border-color: hsl(0, 0, 95%);
/* Angle and time should remain as circles and are hence not included */
.prism-previewer-gradient.prism-previewer-gradient div,
.prism-previewer-easing.prism-previewer-easing:before {
border-radius: 0.3em;
/* Triangles pointing to the code */
.prism-previewer.prism-previewer:after {
border-top-color: hsl(0, 0, 95%);
.prism-previewer-flipped.prism-previewer-flipped.after {
border-bottom-color: hsl(0, 0, 95%);
/* Background colour within the popup */
.prism-previewer-easing.prism-previewer-easing {
background: hsl(0, 0%, 100%);
/* For angle, this is the positive area (eg. 90deg will display one quadrant in this colour) */
/* For time, this is the alternate colour */
.prism-previewer-angle.prism-previewer-angle circle,
.prism-previewer-time.prism-previewer-time circle {
stroke: hsl(230, 8%, 24%);
stroke-opacity: 1;
/* Stroke colours of the handle, direction point, and vector itself */
.prism-previewer-easing.prism-previewer-easing circle,
.prism-previewer-easing.prism-previewer-easing path,
.prism-previewer-easing.prism-previewer-easing line {
stroke: hsl(230, 8%, 24%);
/* Fill colour of the handle */
.prism-previewer-easing.prism-previewer-easing circle {
fill: transparent;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<script lang="ts">
import '../app.scss';
import '../typography.scss';
import '../prism/gruvbox/light.css';
import '../prism/one/light.css';
import Spacer from '$lib/Spacer.svelte';
import Footer from './Footer.svelte';
@ -11,6 +11,16 @@
import MastodonLogo from 'phosphor-svelte/lib/MastodonLogo';
<title>Kaan Barmore-Genç's Site</title>
<meta property="og:title" content="Kaan Barmore-Genç's Site" />
<meta property="og:type" content="profile" />
<meta property="profile:first_name" content="Kaan" />
<meta property="profile:last_name" content="Barmore-Genç" />
<meta property="profile:username" content="@SeriousBug" />
<meta property="og:image" content={`${Jpeg}`} />
<div data-pagefind-body>
<source srcset={Avif} type="image/avif" />
@ -1,9 +1,30 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { format } from 'date-fns';
import { format, formatISO } from 'date-fns';
import Jpeg from '../profile.avif?format=jpeg';
export let data;
<title>{data.title} - Kaan Barmore-Genç</title>
<meta property="og:title" content={`${data.title} - Kaan Barmore-Genç`} />
<meta property="og:type" content="article" />
<meta property="article:author" content="" />
<meta property="og:url" content={`${data.slug}/`} />
<meta property="article:published_time" content={formatISO(new Date(} />
{#if data.image}
<meta property="og:image" content={data.image} />
<meta property="og:image" content={`${Jpeg}`} />
{#if data.excerpt}
<meta name="description" content={data.excerpt} />
<meta property="og:description" content={data.excerpt} />
<meta property="og:locale" content="en_US" />
<meta property="og:site_name" content="Kaan Barmore-Genç's Site" />
<article data-pagefind-body>
<time datetime={}>
@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
export async function load({ params }) {
const post = await import(`../posts/${params.slug}.md`);
const { title, date } = post.metadata;
const { title, date, excerpt, image } = post.metadata;
const content = post.default;
return {
slug: params.slug,
@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
import Jpeg from '../profile.avif?format=jpeg';
<title>Kaan Barmore-Genç's Portfolio</title>
<meta property="og:title" content="Kaan Barmore-Genç's Portfolio" />
<meta property="og:image" content={`${Jpeg}`} />
## Featured Projects
### [Bulgur Cloud]( [![GitHub Repo stars](]( [![Docker Pulls](](
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import _ from 'lodash';
import { readingTime } from 'reading-time-estimator';
import path from 'path';
import { readFile } from 'fs/promises';
import { slugify } from '$lib/slugify.js';
const PAGE_SIZE = 10;
@ -20,9 +21,7 @@ export async function load({ params }) {
||| ([filePath, resolver]) => {
const { metadata } = await resolver();
const slug = /[/]([^/]*)[.]md$/.exec(filePath)?.[1];
if (!slug) throw new Error(`Could not parse slug from path: ${filePath}`);
const slug = slugify(filePath);
const contents = await readFile(path.join(markdownFilesPath, `${slug}.md`), 'utf8');
return {
@ -22,6 +22,10 @@
<title>Kaan Barmore-Genç's Blog Posts</title>
<ul class="years">
{#each groupPosts(data.posts).entries() as [year, posts]}
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(Stored with Git LFS)
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(Stored with Git LFS)
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Binary file not shown.
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