commit 5e0e484008a3664a08a6dc937066202bd92692e9 Author: Kaan Genc Date: Sun Apr 10 22:44:06 2022 -0400 Migrated my site to hugo diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes new file mode 100644 index 0000000..759b529 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitattributes @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +*.png filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +*.jpg filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +*.svg filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +*.gif filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +*.mp4 filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +*.mp3 filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..07b5637 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +public +.hugo_build.lock diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b9bb6b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitmodules @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +[submodule "themes/hello-friend-ng"] + path = themes/hello-friend-ng + url = +[submodule "themes/catafalque"] + path = themes/catafalque + url = diff --git a/archetypes/ b/archetypes/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..26f317f --- /dev/null +++ b/archetypes/ @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +--- +title: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}" +date: {{ .Date }} +draft: true +--- diff --git a/config.toml b/config.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a34aa7 --- /dev/null +++ b/config.toml @@ -0,0 +1,208 @@ +baseURL = "/" +title = "Kaan Barmore-Genç" +languageCode = "en-us" +theme = "catafalque" + +PygmentsCodeFences = true +PygmentsStyle = "monokai" + +paginate = 20 +rssLimit = 60 # Maximum number of items in the RSS feed. +copyright = "Contents are licensed under CC 4.0 unless specified otherwise." # This message is only used by the RSS template. + +# googleAnalytics = "" +# disqusShortname = "" + +archetypeDir = "archetypes" +contentDir = "content" +dataDir = "data" +layoutDir = "layouts" +publishDir = "public" + +buildDrafts = false +buildFuture = false +buildExpired = false +canonifyURLs = true + +enableRobotsTXT = true +enableGitInfo = false +enableEmoji = true +enableMissingTranslationPlaceholders = false +disableRSS = false +disableSitemap = false +disable404 = false +disableHugoGeneratorInject = false + +[permalinks] +posts = "/:filename/" + +[author] +name = "Kaan Barmore-Genç" + +[blackfriday] +hrefTargetBlank = true + +#[taxonomies] +# tag = "tags" +# category = "categories" +# series = "series" + +[params] +dateform = "Jan 2, 2006" +dateformShort = "Jan 2" +dateformNum = "2006-01-02" +dateformNumTime = "2006-01-02 15:04" + +# Metadata mostly used in document's head +# +description = "Website of Kaan Barmore-Genç, and his personal blog" +keywords = "" +images = [""] + +# Home subtitle of the index page. +# +homeSubtitle = [ + "Hi! I'm a Software Engineer at Dendron, and a recent Master's graduate from the Ohio State University. I'm an avid Linux user, an enthusiast of many programming languages, a home cook, and an amateur gardener.", + "My interests include building web and mobile applications, both front and back end. Over the years I learned and used many programming languages and technologies, including JavaScript, TypeScript, React, React Native, Python, Java, C, C++, Clojure, Rust, and Haskell. Pretty much everthing I've worked on is open source and available on my Github page.", +] + +# Set a background for the homepage +# backgroundImage = "assets/images/background.jpg" + +# Prefix of link to the git commit detail page. 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I have a custom +middleware that checks if a user is authorized to access a route. It looks like +this: + +```rust +impl Service for CheckLoginMiddleware +where + S: Service, Error = Error>, + S::Future: 'static, +{ + type Response = ServiceResponse>; + type Error = Error; + type Future = LocalBoxFuture<'static, Result>; + + dev::forward_ready!(service); + + fn call(&self, req: ServiceRequest) -> Self::Future { + let state = self.state.clone(); + let (request, payload) = req.into_parts(); + let service = self.service.clone(); + + let user_token = get_token_from_header(&request); + let path_token = if self.allow_path_tokens { + get_token_from_query(&request) + } else { + None + }; + + Box::pin(async move { + match verify_auth(state, user_token, path_token, request.path()).await { + Ok(authorized) => { + tracing::debug!("Request authorized, inserting authorization token"); + // This is the "important bit" where we insert the authorization token into the request data + request.extensions_mut().insert(authorized); + let service_request = +, payload)); + service_request + .await + .map(ServiceResponse::map_into_left_body) + } + Err(err) => { + let response = HttpResponse::Unauthorized().json(err).map_into_right_body(); + + Ok(ServiceResponse::new(request, response)) + } + } + }) + } +} +``` + +The `verify_auth` function is omitted, but the gist of it is that it returns an `Result`. +If the user is authorized, the authorization token `verify_auth` returned is then attached to the request. + +Then here's how I use it in a path: + +```rust +#[delete("/{store}/{path:.*}")] +async fn delete_storage( + params: web::Path<(String, String)>, + // This parameter is automatically filled with the token + authorized: Option>, +) -> Result { + let (store, path) = params.as_ref(); + + let mut store_path = get_authorized_path(&authorized, store)?; + store_path.push(path); + if fs::metadata(&store_path).await?.is_file() { + tracing::debug!("Deleting file {:?}", store_path); + fs::remove_file(&store_path).await?; + } else { + tracing::debug!("Deleting folder {:?}", store_path); + fs::remove_dir(&store_path).await?; + } + Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().finish()) +} +``` + +This setup worked for this path, but would absolutely not work for another path. +I inserted logs to track everything, and just found that the middleware would +insert the token, but the path would just get `None`. How‽ I tried to slowly +strip everything away from the non-functional path until it was identical to +this one, but it still would not work. + +Well it turns out the solution was very simple, see this: + +```rust +use my_package::storage::put_storage; +use crate::storage::delete_storage; +``` + +Ah! They are imported differently. I had set up my program as both a library and +a program for various reasons. However, it turns out importing the same thing +from `crate` is different from importing it from the library. Because of the +difference in import, Actix doesn't recognize that the types match, so the route +can't access the attached token. + +The solution is normalizing the imports. I went with going through the library +for everything, because that's what `rust-analyzer`s automatic import seems to +prefer. + +```rust +use my_package::storage::{put_storage, delete_storage}; +``` + +Solved! diff --git a/content/posts/ b/content/posts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9ea40a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/posts/ @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +--- +title: Writing a Program in Bash +date: 2015-04-12 +--- + +I don't really know why, but writing code in Bash makes me kinda anxious. It feels really old, outdated, and confusing. Why can't a function return a string? And no classes, or even data types? After getting confused, usually, I just end up switching to Python. + +But this time, I decided to stick with Bash. And I am surprised. It is unbelievebly good. I must say, now I understand the Unix philosophy much better. Having small programs doing one thing very good allows you to combine the power of those programs in your scripts. You think your favourite programming language has a lot of libraries? Well, bash has access to more. The entire Unix ecosystem powers bash. Converting videos, taking screenshots, sending mails, downloading and processing pages; there are already command line tools for all of that, and you have great access to all of them. + +The program I've started writing is called [WoWutils]( And I'm still shocked at just how much functionality I have added with so little code. If you are considering writing a program in Bash too, just go through with it. It really is very powerful. diff --git a/content/posts/ b/content/posts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9e070cf --- /dev/null +++ b/content/posts/ @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +--- +title: "Black Crown Initiate" +date: 2022-04-02 +--- + +> This post is day 9 of me taking part in the +> [#100DaysToOffload]( challenge. + +I love metal, I've been listening to metal since I was 13. It was the first +music genre that I actually liked: until I discovered metal I actually thought I +didn't like music at all, because nothing I heard on the radio or heard my +friends listening to were interesting to me. My taste in music has expanded and +changed over the years to include different types of music and genres, but metal +remains the one I love the most. + +Demonstrating my metal-worthiness aside, I've always listened to European metal +bands. I had this weird elitist thought that "good" metal could only come from +Europe, with exceptions for some non-European bands, and that American metal was +just always bad. This is obviously false, but I just had never came across +anything American that I had liked. That's until recently. + +I recently came across [Black Crown Initiate](, +a progressive death metal band from Pennsylvania. And I have to tell you that they are amazing. + +Their first release "Song of the Crippled Bull" is absolutely amazing. The music +is just the right amount of metal and progressive, and lyrics are amazing. The +clean vocals get the themes of the song across, while the growls give a lot of +power to the songs. My favorite songs from this release are "Stench of the Iron +Age" and the title track "Song of the Crippled Bull". Other hightlights from the +band I've listened to so far include "A Great Mistake", "Death Comes in +Reverse", "Vicious Lives". + +I'm still making my way through their songs, but I'm glad to have discovered +something from America that I absolutely love. I'm now trying to find more +non-European bands that I enjoy. diff --git a/content/posts/ b/content/posts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2321224 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/posts/ @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +--- +title: An introduction to Bulgur Cloud - simple self hosted cloud storage +date: 2022-03-29 +--- + +> This post is day 8 of me taking part in the +> [#100DaysToOffload]( challenge. + +I've been recently working on Bulgur Cloud, a self hosted cloud storage +software. It's essentially Nextcloud, minus all the productivity software. It's +also designed to be much simpler, using no databases and keeping everything on +disk. + +The software is still too early to actually demo, but the frontend is at a point +where I can show some features off. So I wanted to show it off. + +![A white web page with the words "Bulgur Cloud". Below is "Simple and delicious cloud storage and sharing". Under that are two fields titled "Username" and "Password", and a black button titled "Login".](/img/2022-03-29-00-17-38.png) + +I've been going for a clean "print-like" look. I think it's going pretty well so far. + +![A web page with 3 files listed, "sprite-fright.mp4", "test.txt", and "sprite-fright.LICENSE.txt". There are pencil and thrash bin symbols to the right of the file names. A leftward arrow is grayed out on the top left, and top right says "kaan". On the bottom right there's a symbol of a cloud with an up arrow.](/img/2022-03-29-00-16-13.png) + +I'm not sure about the details of how the directory listing will look. I don't +think I like the upload button in the corner, and the rename and delete icons +feel like they would be easy to mis-press. There is a confirmation before +anything is actually deleted, but it still would be annoying. + +![A pop up that says "Delete file "text.txt", with the buttons "Delete" and "Cancel" below it.](/img/2022-03-29-00-20-48.png) + +Something I'm pretty happy with is the file previews. I've added support for +images, videos, and PDFs. Video support is restricted by whatever formats are +supported by your browser, the server doesn't do any transcoding, but I think +it's still very useful for a quick preview. I'm also planning on support for +audio files. The server supports range requests, so you can seek around in the +video without waiting to download everything (although I've found that Firefox +doesn't handle that very well). + +![A page with the text "sprite-fright.mp4", and a video player below showing a frame from the movie. Below the player is a link that says "Download this file".](/img/2022-03-29-00-22-48.png) + +This is a web interface only so far, but I'm planning to add support for mobile +and desktop apps eventually. I've been building the interface with React Native +so adding mobile/desktop support shouldn't be too difficult, but I've been +finding that "write once, run everywhere" isn't always that simple. I ended up +having to add web-only code to support stuff like the video and PDF previews, so +I'll have to find replacements for some parts. Mobile and desktop apps natively +support more video and audio formats too, and with native code you usually have +the kind of performance to transcode video if needed. + +The backend is written in Rust with `actix-web`, using async operations. It's +incredibly fast, and uses a tiny amount of resources (a basic measurement +suggests < 2 MB of memory used). I'm pretty excited about it! + +After a few more features (namely being able to move files), I'm planning to put +together a demo to show this off live! The whole thing will be open source, but +I'm waiting until it's a bit more put together before I make the source public. +The source will go live at the same time as the demo. diff --git a/content/posts/ b/content/posts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..54ca6cf --- /dev/null +++ b/content/posts/ @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +--- +title: Emacs and extensibility +date: 2015-10-06 +--- + +Update: I've put the small Emacs tools I have written to a +[gist]( + +I have been using Emacs for some time, and I really love it. The +amount of power it has, and the customizability is incredible. What +other editor allow you to connect to a server over SSH and edit files, +which is what I am doing to write this post. How many editors or IDE's +have support for so many languages? + + + +One thing I didn't know in the past, however, is extensibility of +Emacs. I mean, I do use a lot of packages, but I had never written +Elisp and I didn't know how hard or easy it would be. But after +starting to learn Clojure a bit, and feeling more comfortable with +lots of parenthesis, I decided to extend Emacs a bit to make it fit +myself better. + +The first thing I added is an "insert date" function. I use Emacs to +take notes during lessons -using Org-mode- and I start every note with +the date of the lesson. Sure, glancing at the date to the corner of my +screen and writing it down takes just a few seconds, but why not write +a command to do it for me? Here is what I came up with: + +~~~commonlisp +(defun insert-current-date () + "Insert the current date in YYYY-MM-DD format." + (interactive) + (shell-command "date +'%Y-%m-%d'" t)) +~~~ + +Now that was easy and convenient. And being able to write my first +piece of Elisp so easily was really fun, so I decided to tackle +something bigger. + +It is not rare that I need to compile and run a single C file. Nothing +fancy, no libraries, no makefile, just a single C file to compile and +run. I searched around the internet like "Emacs compile and run C", but +couldn't find anything. I had been doing this by opening a shell in +Emacs and compiling/running the program, but again, why not automate +it? + +The code that follows is not really good. "It works" is as good as it +gets really, and actually considering that this is the first +substantial Elisp I have written, that is pretty impressive -for the +language and Emacs, which are both very helpful and powerful- I think. + + +```commonlisp +(require 's) +(defun compile-run-buffer () + "Compile and run buffer." + (interactive) + (let* ((split-file-path (split-string buffer-file-name "/")) + (file-name (car (last split-file-path))) + (file-name-noext (car (split-string file-name "[.]"))) + (buffer-name (concat "compile-run: " file-name-noext)) + (buffer-name* (concat "*" buffer-name "*"))) + (make-comint buffer-name "gcc" nil "-Wall" "-Wextra" "-o" file-name-noext file-name) + (switch-to-buffer-other-window buffer-name*) + (set-process-sentinel (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) + (apply-partially + '(lambda (prog-name proc even) + (if (s-suffix? "finished\n" even) + (progn + (insert "Compilation successful.\n\n") + (comint-exec (current-buffer) prog-name (concat "./" prog-name) nil nil)) + (insert (concat "Compilation failed!\n" even)))) + file-name-noext)))) +``` + + +Again, the code is not really good. I'm uploading it here right now +because I'm actually very excited that I wrote this. Just now I can +think of ways to improve this, for example moving the compiler and the +flags to variables so that they can be customized. I could also +improve the presentation, because strings printed by this function, +comint and the running programs mixes up. I'll update this blog post +if I get to updating the code. + +If this is your first time hearing about Emacs, this post may look +very confusing. I don't to Emacs any justice here, so do check it out +somewhere like [Emacs rocks]( On the other +hand, if you have been looking a functionality like this, hope this +helps. If you have any suggestions about the code, I'd love to hear +them, you can find my email on the "about me" page. Anyway, have a +good day! diff --git a/content/posts/ b/content/posts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4a29dab --- /dev/null +++ b/content/posts/ @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +--- +title: Do kids not know computers now? +date: 2022-03-28 +--- + +> This post is day 7 of me taking part in the +> [#100DaysToOffload]( challenge. + + +One discussion point I've seen around is that kids nowadays don't know how to +use computers. Okay that's a bit of a strawman, but this article titled [File Not Found]( + +The gist of the article is that Gen-Z kids are too used to search interfaces. +That means they don't actually know about where files are stored, or how they +are organized. They only know that they can access the files by searching for +them. The article talks about how professors ended up having to teach them how +to navigate directory structures and file extensions. + +As the article claims, it seems to be related to how modern user interfaces are +designed. Our UIs nowadays are more focused around search capabilities: you just +type in a search bar and find what you need. + +![A desktop, displaying a bar with the words "launch", followed by "fi". On the right side of the bar are program names "Firefox", "fish", "Profiler", "Frontend", "Patch Fixes", and "Qt File Manager". Firefox is highlighted.](/img/app-search-bar.png) + +In some sense I do like this sort of interface. I use something like that when +launching applications, both on my Desktop and on my laptop! It's actually a +better interface compared to hunting for icons on your desktop. I use similar +interfaces in VSCode to switch between open editor tabs. + +However, this is a complimentary interface to hierarchy and organization. Going +back to the file systems example discussed in the article, being able to search +through your files and folders is useful. But it's not a replacement for +hierarchy. You can't just throw files into a folder, and expect to always find +them accurately. + +Let me give an example with Google Photos. I have been keeping all my photos on +Google Photos, and between migrating photos from old phones and ones I have +taken on new phones, I have over 8,000 photos. This is completely disorganized +of course, but Google Photos has a search functionality. It even uses AI to +recognize the items in the photos, which you can use in the search. A search for +"tree" brings up photos of trees, "cat" brings up cats, and you can even tag +people and pets and then search for their names. Very useful, right? + +Well, it is sometimes. I recently had to remember what my wife's car license +plate is. A quick search for "license plate" on google photos and luckily, I had +taken a photo of her car that included the license plate in the frame. Success! +On the other hand, I was trying to find some photos from a particular gathering +with my friends. Searches for their names, names of the place, or stuff I know +are in the picture turned up with nothing. I eventually had to painstakingly +scroll through all photos to find the one I wanted. + +This reminds me of 2 things. One is this article named [To Organize The World's +Information]( by +[]( One thing I found interesting +on that article was that the concept of "the library" has been lost over the +last few decades as a way to organize information. They define the library as a +hierarchical, categorized directory of information. The article also talks about +other organizational methods, and is worth a read. + +The other thing is the note taking software we're building at my workplace, +[Dendron]( One of the core tenets of Dendron is that the +information is hierarchical. Something the founder Kevin recognizes was that +other note taking software make it easier to make new notes, but they don't +support hierarchical structures which makes it hard to find those notes later. +I've also experienced this, when I used other note taking software (or sticky +notes!) I found that it was easy to just jot down a few notes, but they very +quickly get lost or hard to find when you need them. A hierarchical organization +makes it possible to actually find and reference the information later. + +Requiring organization creates a barrier of entry to storing information, but +what good is storing information if you can't retrieve the information later? +This seems to work pretty well with Dendron. Would it not work for other things? +Why not for taking photos? You of course want to be able to quickly snap a photo +so you can record a moment before it's gone, but perhaps you could be required +to organize your photos afterwards. Before modern cellphones & internet +connected cameras, you'd have to get your photos developed or transfer them off +an SD card: a step where you would have to (or have the opportunity to) organize +your photos. I wonder if we cloud services could ask you to organize your photos +before syncing them as well. diff --git a/content/posts/ b/content/posts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c56db3 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/posts/ @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +--- +title: Taking Backups with Duplicity +date: 2015-05-16 +--- + + +I wanted to start taking backups for some time, but I haven't had the time to do any research and set everything up. After reading another [horror story that was saved by backups](, I decided to start taking some backups. + + + +After doing some research on backup options, I decided on [duplicity]( The backups are compressed, encrypted and incremental, both saving space and ensuring security. It supports both local and ssh files(as well as many other protocols), so it has everything I need. + +I first took a backup into my external hard drive, then VPS. The main problem I encountered was that duplicity uses [paramiko]( for ssh, but it wasn't able to negotiate a key exchange algorithm with my VPS. Luckily, duplicity also supports [pexpect](, which uses OpenSSH. If you encounter the same problem, you just need to tell duplicity to use pexpect backend by prepending your url with `pexpect+`, like `pexpect+ssh://`. + +Duplicity doesn't seem to have any sort of configuration files of itself, so I ended up writing a small bash script to serve as a sort of configuration, and also keep me from running duplicity with wrong args. I kept forgetting to add an extra slash to `file://`, causing duplicity to backup my home directory into my home directory! :D + +If anyone is interested, here's the script: + +```bash +#!/bin/bash + +if [[ $(id -u) != "0" ]]; then + read -p "Backup should be run as root! Continue? [y/N]" yn + case $yn in + [Yy]*) break;; + *) exit;; + esac +fi + + +if [[ $1 = file://* ]]; then + echo "Doing local backup." + ARGS="--no-encryption" + if [[ $1 = file:///* ]]; then + URL=$1 + else + echo "Use absolute paths for backup." + exit 1 + fi +elif [[ $1 = scp* ]]; then + echo "Doing SSH backup." + ARGS="--ssh-askpass" + URL="pexpect+$1" +else + echo "Unknown URL, use scp:// or file://" + exit 1 +fi + + +if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then + duplicity $ARGS --exclude-filelist /home/kaan/.config/duplicity-files /home/kaan "$URL/backup" +else + echo "Please specify a location to backup into." + exit 1 +fi + +``` diff --git a/content/posts/ b/content/posts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a85cfa1 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/posts/ @@ -0,0 +1,238 @@ +--- +title: Emacs as an operating system +date: 2016-04-14 +modified: 2016-05-29 +--- + +Emacs is sometimes jokingly called a good operating system with a bad +text editor. Over the last year, I found myself using more and more of +Emacs, so I decided to try out how much of an operating system it +is. Of course, operating system here is referring to the programs that +the user interacts with, although I would love to try out some sort of +Emacs-based kernel. + + + +# Emacs as a terminal emulator / multiplexer + +Terminals are all about text, and Emacs is all about text as well. Not +only that, but Emacs is also very good at running other processes and +interacting with them. It is no surprise, I think, that Emacs works +well as a terminal emulator. + +Emacs comes out of the box with `shell` and `term`. Both of these +commands run the shell of your choice, and give you a buffer to +interact with it. Shell gives you a more emacs-y experience, while +term overrides all default keymaps to give you a full terminal +experience. + +![A terminal interface, with the outputs of the commands "ls" and "git status" displayed.](/img/emacs-terminal.png) + +To use emacs as a full terminal, you can bind these to a key in your +window manager. I'm using i3, and my keybinding looks like this: + +``` +bindsym $mod+Shift+Return exec --no-startup-id emacs --eval "(shell)" +``` + +You can also create a desktop file to have a symbol to run this on a +desktop environment. Try putting the following text in a file at +`~/.local/share/applications/emacs-terminal.desktop`: + +``` +[Desktop Entry] +Name=Emacs Terminal +GenericName=Terminal Emulator +Comment=Emacs as a terminal emulator. +Exec=emacs --eval '(shell)' +Icon=emacs +Type=Application +Terminal=false +StartupWMClass=Emacs +``` + +If you want to use term instead, replace `(shell)` above with `(term "/usr/bin/bash")`. + +A very useful feature of terminal multiplexers is the ability to leave +the shell running, even after the terminal is closed, or the ssh +connection has dropped if you are connection over that. Emacs can also +achieve this with it's server-client mode. To use that, start emacs +with `emacs --daemon`, and then create a terminal by running +`emacsclient -c --eval '(shell)'`. Even after you close emacsclient, +since Emacs itself is still running, you can run the same command +again to get back to your shell. + +One caveat is that if there is a terminal/shell already running, Emacs +will automatically open that whenever you try opening a new one. This +can be a problem if you are using Emacs in server-client mode, or want +to have multiple terminals in the same window. In that case, you can +either do `M-x rename-uniquely` to change the name of the existing +terminal, which will make Emacs create a new one next time, or you can +add that to hook in your `init.el` to always have that behaviour: + +```lisp +(add-hook 'shell-mode-hook 'rename-uniquely) +(add-hook 'term-mode-hook 'rename-uniquely) +``` + +# Emacs as a shell + +Of course, it is not enough that Emacs works as a terminal +emulator. Why not use Emacs as a shell directly, instead of bash/zsh? +Emacs has you covered for that too. You can use eshell, which is a +shell implementation, completely written in Emacs Lisp. All you need +to do is press `M-x eshell`. + +![An Emacs window, split in two. Left side shows a command line with the command "cat README.rst >>> #". Right side shows the emacs scratch buffer, with the contents of the readme file displayed.](/img/eshell.png) + +The upside is that eshell can evaluate and expand lisp expressions, as +well as redirecting the output to Emacs buffers. The downside is +however, eshell is not feature complete. It lacks some features such +as input redirection, and the documentation notes that it is +inefficient at piping output between programs. + +If you want to use eshell instead of shell or term, you can replace +`shell` in the examples of terminal emulator section with `eshell`. + +# Emacs as a mail cilent + +[Zawinski's Law]( +Every program attempts to expand until it can read mail. Of course, it +would be disappointing for Emacs to not handle mail as well. + +Emacs already ships with some mail capability. To get a full +experience however, I'd recommend using +[mu4e]( (mu for emacs). I +have personally set up [OfflineIMAP]( to +retrieve my emails, and mu4e gives me a nice interface on top of that. + +![An emacs window, displaying several emails on top with titles like "Announcing Docker Cloud", or "Order #29659 shipped". An email titles "Add 'url' option to 'list' command' is selected, and the bottom half of the window displays the contents of this email. Email display includes "From" and "To" fields, "Date", "Flags", and the body of the email.](/img/mu4e.png) + +I'm not going to talk about the configurations of these programs, I'd +recommend checking out their documentations. Before ending this +section, I also want to mention +[mu4e-alert]( though. + +# Emacs as a feed reader (RSS/Atom) + +Emacs handles feeds very well too. The packages I'm using here are +[Elfeed]( and +[Elfeed goodies]( Emacs +can even show images in the feeds, so it covers everything I need from +a feed reader. + +![A window, with a list on the left displaying entries from "", "Sandra and Woo", and "The Codeless Code". An entry titled "Pipelines" is selected, and the right side of the window displays the contents of that XKCD.](/img/elfeed.png) + +# Emacs as a file manager + +Why use a different program to manage your files when you can use +Emacs? Emacs ships with dired, as well as image-dired. This gives you +a file browser, with optional image thumbnail support. + +# Emacs as a document viewer + +Want to read a pdf? Need a program to do a presentation? Again, Emacs. + +![An emacs window displaying a PDF file, titled "Clojure for the Brave and True.pdf". The page includes some clojure code, and talks about Emacs.](/img/docview.png) + +Emacs comes with +[DocView]( +which has support for PDF, OpenDocument and Microsoft Office files. It +works surprisingly well. + +Also, [PDF Tools]( brings even +more PDF viewing capabilities to Emacs, including annotations, text +search and outline. After installing PDF Tools, Emacs has become my +primary choice for reading PDF files. + +# Emacs as a browser + +Emacs comes out of box with +[eww](, +a text-based web browser with support for images as well. + +![An Emacs window, displaying the Wikipedia web page for Emacs.](/img/eww.png) + +Honestly, I don't think I'll be using Emacs to browse the web. But +still, it is nice that the functionality is there. + +# Emacs as a music player + +Emacs can also act as a music player thanks to +[EMMS](, Emacs MultiMedia +System. If you are wondering, it doesn't play the music by itself but +instead uses other players like vlc or mpd. + +It has support for playlists, and can show thumbnails as well. For the +music types, it supports whatever the players it uses support, which +means that you can basically use file type. + +# Emacs as a IRC client + +I don't use IRC a lot, but Emacs comes out of the box with support for +that as well thanks to +[ERC](;oldid=EmacsIrcClient;id=ERC). + +![An Emacs window, displaying an IRC chat for "#emacs@freenode".](/img/erc.png) + +# Emacs as a text editor + +Finally, Emacs also can work well as a text editor. + +Emacs is a pretty fine text editor out of the box, but I want to +mention some packages here. + +First, +[multiple cursors]( Multiple +cursors mode allows you to edit text at multiple places at the same +time. + +I also want to mention +[undo-tree]( It acts like +a mini revision control system, allowing you to undo and redo without +ever losing any text. + +Another great mode is +[iy-go-to-char]( It allows +you to quickly jump around by going to next/previous occurrances of a +character. It is very useful when you are trying to move around a +line. + +[Ace Jump Mode]( allows +you to jump around the visible buffers. It can jump around based on +initial characters of words, or jump to specific lines. It can also +jump from one buffer to another, which is very useful when you have +several buffers open in your screen. + +![An emacs window, with Python code displayed. Several locations within the code are highlighted with different letters.](/img/ace-jump-mode.png) + +Finally, I want to mention [ag.el](, +which is an Emacs frontend for the silver searcher. If you don't know +about ag, it is a replacement for grep that recursively searches +directories, and has some special handling for projects, and is very +fast. + +# Emacs as an IDE + +People sometimes compare Emacs to IDE's and complain that a text +editor such as Emacs doesn't have enough features. What they are +forgetting, of course, is that Emacs is an operating system, and we +can have an IDE in it as well. + +There are different packages for every language, so I'll be only +speaking on language agnostic ones. + +For interacting with git, [magit]( is a wonderful +interface. + +![An emacs window, displaying the git log for a repository at the top, and the shortcuts for git commands such as "Apply", "Stage", "Unstage" below.](/img/magit.png) + +For auto-completion, [Company mode]( +works wonders. I rely heavily on completion while writing code, and +company mode has support for anything I tried writing. + +If you like having your code checked as you type, +[flycheck]( has you covered. It has support +for many tools and languages. + +![A C code file, with the letters "st" are written. A pop-up below the cursor displays options like "strcat", "strchr", "strcmp" and more.](/img/company-flycheck.png) diff --git a/content/posts/ b/content/posts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98e567b --- /dev/null +++ b/content/posts/ @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +--- +title: Getting Deus Ex GOTY Edition running on Linux +date: 2022-03-12 +--- + +I've been struggling with this for a few hours, so I might as well document how +I did it. + +I have a particular setup, which ended up causing issues. Most important are +that I'm using Sway, a tiling Wayland compositor, and a flatpak install of +Steam. + +## Mouse doesn't move when the game is launched +It looks like there's a problem with the game window grabbing the cursor on my +setup, so moving the mouse doesn't move the cursor in the game and if you move +it too much to the side it takes you out of the game window. + +The solution to this is using Gamescope, which is a nested Wayland compositor +that makes the window inside it play nice with your actual compositor. + +Because I'm using the flatpak install of Steam, I needed to install the +[flatpak version of gamescope]( +One catch here is that for me, this wouldn't work if I also had the flatpak MangoHud installed. +The only solution I could come up with right now was to uninstall MangoHud. + +```bash +flatpak remove org.freedesktop.Platform.VulkanLayer.MangoHud # if you have it installed +flatpak install com.valvesoftware.Steam.Utility.gamescope +``` + +Then, right click on the game and select properties, then in launch options type +`gamescope -f -- %command%`. This will launch the game inside gamescope, and the +cursor should move inside the game now. + +## The game is too dark to see anything +It looks like the game relied on some old DirectX or OpenGL features or +something, because once you do launch into the game, everything is extremely +dark and hard to see. At first I was wondering how anyone could play the game +like this, but it turns out that's not how the game is supposed to look! + +I finally managed to solve this by following the installer steps for the +[Deus Ex CD on Lutris]( Yeah, +roundabout way to solve it, but it worked. + +First download the updated D3D9 and OpenGL renderers from the page, and extract +them into the `System` folder inside the game. + +```bash +cd "$HOME/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Deus Ex/System" +wget +wget +unzip +unzip +``` + +Next, download and install the `1112fm` patch. + +```bash +cd "$HOME/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Deus Ex/System" +wget +env WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/6910/pfx/" wine DeusExMPPatch1112fm.exe +``` + +Follow the steps of the installer. It should automatically find where the game +is installed. Once the install is done, launch the game, then head into the +settings and pick "Display Settings", then "Rendering Device". In the renderer +selection window, pick "Show all devices", and then select "Direct3D9 Support". + +![A window with the title "Deus Ex" in a stylized font. Below it lists several options such as "Direct3D Support", "Direct3D9 Support", and "OpenGL Support". Direct3D9 is selected. Below are two radio buttons, with the one titled "Show all devices" selected.](/img/deus-ex-render-settings.png) + +Launch back into the game, head into the display settings again, pick your +resolution, and restart the game. Then head into the display settings yet again, +this time change the color depth to 32 bit. Restart once more. Yes, you do have +to do them separately or the game doesn't save the color depth change for some +reason. Finally, you can start playing! + +![A game screenshot displaying the Statue of Liberty in front of a cityscape. Closer to the player are wooden docks. The image is split down the middle, left side says "before" and is very dark, the right side says "after" and is much lighter.](/img/deus-ex-renderer-comparison.png) + + +## Other small issues + +Here are a few more issues you might hit during this whole process: + +> My cursor moves too fast! + +You need to turn down the cursor speed. My mouse has buttons to adjust the speed on the fly, so I use those to turn down the speed. + +> After changing resolution, I can't move my cursor! + +Use the keyboard shortcuts (arrow keys and enter) to exit the game. It should work again when you restart. + +> The cursor doesn't move when I open the game, even with gamescope! + +I'm not fully sure why or how this happens, but a few things I found useful: + +- When the game is launching, and it's showing the animation of the studio logo, don't click! Press escape to bring up the menu instead. +- Press escape to bring the menu up, then hit escape again to dismiss it. It sometimes starts working after that. +- Use the keyboard to exit the game and restart. It always works the next time for me. diff --git a/content/posts/ b/content/posts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..154e948 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/posts/ @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ +--- +title: "Managing my recipes with Dendron" +date: 2022-04-04 +--- + +> This post is day 10 of me taking part in the +> [#100DaysToOffload]( challenge. + +I like to cook at home, but for a long time I never wrote down or saved any of +my recipes. Because of that I would occasionally completely forget how to make +something. My mom, and my grandmom write down their recipes in notebooks, but I +want something more powerful and resilient than some pen and paper. + +At first I tried writing down my recipes in Google Keep, but found it a bit +tedious. That's where Dendron came in. Dendron is a knowledge management and +note taking tool. It comes with a features that enhance the writing experience, +but more importantly it has a lot of features that enhance the discoverability +of what you wrote. + +For reference, I have the [repository for the recipes]( available publicly. + +## Setup + +[Dendron]( +is an extension for Visual Studio Code, so you'll need to install both. There's +a great tutorial to go through, but I'm already experienced with it so I went +ahead and created a new workspace that I called "recipes". + +Next, I created a template and a schema to help me write new recipes. The +template is just a regular Dendron note, which I named `templates.recipe`. + +```md +* Servings: +* Calories: +* Protein: +* Fiber: + + +## Ingredients + + +## Instructions + + +## Notes + +``` + +This template immediately gives me the basic structure of a recipe. I have the +ingredients and instructions, and then I have a place to put any additional +notes about the recipe (for example, things I want to change next time I cook +it, or how to serve it best). I also have a section at the top to fill out some +nutritional information. I use the mobile app Cronometer to calculate that, +although most of the time I don't bother because it's just a nice-to-have that I +don't really need. + +Next, here's my schema. + +```yml +version: 1 +imports: [] +schemas: + - id: recipes + title: recipes + parent: root + children: + - id: bowls + title: bowls + namespace: true + template: templates.recipe + - id: baked + title: baked + namespace: true + template: templates.recipe + - id: dessert + title: dessert + namespace: true + template: templates.recipe + - id: misc + title: misc + namespace: true + template: templates.recipe + - id: soup + title: soup + namespace: true + template: templates.recipe +``` + +The schema helps me keep my recipes organized (and also automatically applies +the template note). You can see that I have my recipes organized under `bowls` +for stuff like rice and pasta dishes, `baked` for bread, pies and anything else +where you bake everything, `dessert` and `soup` which are self descriptive, and +`misc` which holds anything else like salad toppings. + +## Publishing + +I publish my [recipes online](, which makes it very +easy to pull up a recipe when I'm cooking or at the grocery store. + +I use a self-hosted setup, so all I have to do is just run the Dendron CLI to +build the site. To automate this process, I set up some VSCode tasks to build +and publish the site. + +```json +{ + // See + // for the documentation about the tasks.json format + "version": "2.0.0", + "tasks": [ + { + "label": "build site", + "type": "shell", + "command": "dendron publish export", + "options": { + "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}" + } + }, + { + "label": "publish site", + "type": "shell", + "command": "rsync -av .next/out/ /var/www/recipes/", + "options": { + "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}" + }, + "dependsOn": ["build site"], + "problemMatcher": [] + }, + ] +} +``` + +I think before running these commands, you first have to run `dendron publish init && dendron publish build` first. + +The first task builds the site using Dendron, and then the second task copies +the generated static website to where I have it published. I'm running a web +server on my desktop so this is just a folder, but `rsync` can also copy things +over SSH if you host your site on a different machine. There are also +[tutorials]( for things +like Github pages or Netlify. + +Because I'm publishing under a subfolder (`.../recipes`), I also had to set +`assetsPrefix` in my `dendron.yml` configuration file. + +```yml +publishing: + assetsPrefix: "/recipes" + ... +``` + +## Bonus: What do I cook this week? + +My wife and I go shopping once a week, so every week we need to decide what +we're going to eat this week. Sometimes it can be hard to pick something to eat +though! Luckily, Dendron comes with a command `Dendron: Random Note` which shows +you a random note. You can even configure it to only show some notes, which I +used so it will only show me recipes. + +```yml +commands: + randomNote: + include: + - "recipes" +``` + +Now when I'm having trouble picking, I can just use this command and get +something to cook! diff --git a/content/posts/ b/content/posts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4797677 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/posts/ @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +--- +title: Mass batch processing on the CLI +date: 2022-03-19 +--- + +> This post is day 4 of me taking part in the +> [#100DaysToOffload]( challenge. + +Some time ago, I needed to process a lot of video files with vlc. This is +usually pretty easy to do, `for file in *.mp4 ; do ffmpeg ... ; done` is about +all you need in most cases. However, sometimes the files you are trying to +process are in different folders. And sometimes you want to process some files +in a folder but not others. That's the exact situation I was in, and I was +wondering if I needed to find some graphical application with batch processing +capabilities so I can queue up all the processing I need. + +After a bit of thinking though, I realized I could do this very easily with a +simple shell script! That shell script lives in my [mark-list]( +repository. + +The idea is simple, you use the command to mark a bunch of files. Every file you +mark is saved into a file for later use. + +```bash +$ mark-list my-video.mp4 # Choose a file +Marked 1 file. +$ mark-list *.webm # Choose many files +Marked 3 files. +$ cd Downloadsr +$ mark-list last.mpg # You can go to other directories and keep marking +``` + +You can mark a single file, or a bunch of files, or even navigate to other +directories and mark files there. + +Once you are done marking, you can recall what you marked with the same tool: + +```bash +$ mark-list --list +/home/kaan/my-video.mp4 +/home/kaan/part-1.webm +/home/kaan/part-2.webm +/home/kaan/part-3.webm +/home/kaan/Downloads/last.mpg +``` + +You can then use this in the command line. For example, I was trying to convert everything to `mkv` files. + +```bash +for file in `mark-list --list` ; do ffmpeg -i "${file}" "${file}.mkv" ; done +``` + +It works! After you are done with it, you then need to clear out your marks: + +``` +mark-list --clear +``` + +Hopefully this will be useful for someone else as well. It does make it a lot +easier to just queue up a lot of videos, and convert all of them overnight. diff --git a/content/posts/ b/content/posts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d83bb46 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/posts/ @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +--- +title: Motion Interpolation, 24 FPS to 60 FPS with mpv, VapourSynth and MVTools +date: 2015-07-18 +modified: 2015-07-20 +--- + +Watching videos at 60 FPS is great. It makes the video significantly smoother and much more enjoyable. Sadly, lots of movies and TV shows are still at 24 FPS. However, I recently discovered that it is actually possible to interpolate the extra frames by using motion interpolation, and convert a video from 24 FPS to 60 FPS in real time. While it is far from perfect, I think the visual artifacts are a reasonable tradeoff for high framerate. + + + +Firstly, what we need is mpv with VapourSynth enabled, and MVTools plugin for VapourSynth. VapourSynth must be enabled while compiling mpv. I adopted an AUR package [mpv-vapoursynth]( which you can use if you are on Arch. Otherwise, all you need to do is use `--enable-vapoursynth` flag when doing `./waf --configure`. They explain the compilation on their [repository](, so look into there if you are compiling yourself. + +After that, we need MVTools plugin for VapourSynth. This is available on Arch via [vapoursynth-plugin-mvtools](, otherwise you can find their repository [here]( There is also a [PPA for Ubuntu]( where you can find `vapoursynth-extra-plugins`, but I haven't used it myself so I can't comment on it. + +After both of these are enabled, we need a script to use MVTools from VapourSynth. There is one written by Niklas Haas, which you can find here as [mvtools.vpy]( Personally, I tweaked the block sizes and precision to my liking, as well as removing the resolution limit he added. I'll put the modified version here: + +```python +# vim: set ft=python: + +import vapoursynth as vs +core = vs.get_core() +clip = video_in + +dst_fps = display_fps +# Interpolating to fps higher than 60 is too CPU-expensive, smoothmotion can handle the rest. +while (dst_fps > 60): + dst_fps /= 2 + +# Skip interpolation for 60 Hz content +if not (container_fps > 59): + src_fps_num = int(container_fps * 1e8) + src_fps_den = int(1e8) + dst_fps_num = int(dst_fps * 1e4) + dst_fps_den = int(1e4) + # Needed because clip FPS is missing + clip = core.std.AssumeFPS(clip, fpsnum = src_fps_num, fpsden = src_fps_den) + print("Reflowing from ",src_fps_num/src_fps_den," fps to ",dst_fps_num/dst_fps_den," fps.") + + sup =, pel=1, hpad=8, vpad=8) + bvec =, blksize=8, isb=True , chroma=True, search=3, searchparam=1) + fvec =, blksize=8, isb=False, chroma=True, search=3, searchparam=1) + clip =, sup, bvec, fvec, num=dst_fps_num, den=dst_fps_den, mode=3, thscd2=12) + +clip.set_output() +``` + +At this point, you should be able to try this out as suggested in the script. To set this up more permanently, I'd suggest placing this script as `~/.config/mpv/mvtools.vpy`, and also writing the following as `~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf`: + +``` +hwdec=no +vf=vapoursynth=~/.config/mpv/mvtools.vpy +``` + +Now, whenever you open mpv, it will always use motion interpolation. + +The result is fairly good. I noticed some significant artifacts while watching anime, but it works well with movies. I'm guessing that it is harder to track the motion in animations since they are generally exaggerated. + +One thing to keep in mind, however, is performance. With `rel=2`, viewing a 1080p video results in around 90% CPU usage across all cores and 1.6 GBs of ram on my Intel i7 4700MQ. With `rel=1`, CPU usage goes down to about 60% per core. This process is very heavy on the processor, and you may have trouble unless you have a fast CPU. diff --git a/content/posts/ b/content/posts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3bae2e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/posts/ @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +--- +title: My response to Aurynn Shaw's "Contempt Culture" post +date: 2022-03-27 +--- + +> This post is day 6 of me taking part in the +> [#100DaysToOffload]( challenge. + +I recently came across [Aurynn Shaw's article on "Contempt Culture"]( +I'm a bit late to the party, but I wanted to talk about this too. + +Aurynn's article talks about how some programming languages are considered +inferior, and programmers using these languages are considered less competent. +It's a good article, and you should take a look at it if you haven't. + +## my thoughts + +One thing I've come to realize over the years is that there are really no "bad +programming languages". Ignoring esolangs like brainfuck which are not really +meant to be used for anything serious, most programming languages are designed +to fit a niche. I'm using the term like it's used in ecology: every programming +language has a place in the ecosystem of technology and programming. + +PHP is bad? PHP certainly has its drawbacks, but it also has its advantages. +"Drop these files into a folder and it works" is an amazing way to get started +programming. It's also a great way to inject a bit of dynamic content into +otherwise static pages. In fact, it's simpler and more straightforward solution +than building a REST API and a web app where you have to re-invent server side +rendering just to get back to where PHP already was! + +That's not to say PHP is perfect or the best language to use. It's a language I +personally don't like. But that doesn't make it a bad or "stupid" programming +language. At worst it's a programming language that doesn't fit my needs. If I +extrapolate that and say that PHP is a bad language, that would instead show my +ego. Do I really think I'm so great that anything I don't like is just +immediately bad? Something Aurynn said resonates with me here: + +> It didn't matter that it was (and remains) difficult to read, it was that we +> were better for using it. + +I just want to conclude this with one thing: next time you think a programming +language or tool or whatever is bad, think to yourself whether that's because it +doesn't feel cool or because you saw others making fun of it, or because you +actually evaluated the pros and cons and came up with a calculated decision. diff --git a/content/posts/ b/content/posts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f419687 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/posts/ @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +--- +title: Switching to pass +date: 2015-03-30 +--- + +For some time, I used LastPass to store my passwords. While LastPass works well, it doesn't fit into the keyboard driven setup I have. I have been looking into alternatives for some time, I looked into KeePassX but just like LastPass, it doesn't give me any ways to set up keyboard shortcuts. On the other hand, and I recently came across [pass](, and it provides everything I want. + + + +Pass uses GPG keys to encrypt the passwords, and git to keep revisions and backups. It integrates well with the shell, and there is a dmenu script, a Firefox plugin and an Android app. All the passwords are just GPG enrypted files, stored in some folders anyway, so you don't need anything special to work with them. + +![A terminal window with the command "pass ls". The output lists "" and "SeriousBug". Above the terminal is a bar, with "archlin" typed on the left, and the option "" displayed on the right.](/img/passmenu.png) + +So first, I needed to migrate my passwords from LastPass to pass. The website lists some scripts for migration, but sadly I missed that when I first looked at the page. So I decided to write a [python script to handle the migration]( myself. It inserts all passwords in `domain/username` format, and if there is any extra data written, it is added after the password as well. Secure notes are placed into their own folder, and any "Generated Password for ..." entries are skipped. If you're migrating from LastPass to pass, feel free to give it a try. If you are taking an export from their website however, do make sure that there is no whitespace before and after the csv. + +![An Android phone screenshot. A search bar at the top displays "archlin" typed in, and below the search bar the options "" and "" are listed.](/img/password_store.png) + +I certainly recommend trying out pass. It works very well, and it fits in with the unix philosophy. diff --git a/content/posts/ b/content/posts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96faac7 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/posts/ @@ -0,0 +1,188 @@ +--- +title: My local data storage setup +date: 2022-03-10 +--- + +Recently, I've needed a bit more storage. In the past I've relied on Google +Drive, but if you need a lot of space Google Drive becomes prohibitively +expensive. The largest option available, 2 TB, runs you $100 a year at the time +of writing. While Google Drive comes with a lot of features, it also comes with +a lot of privacy concerns, and I need more than 2 TB anyway. Another option +would be Backblaze B2 or AWS S3, but the cost is even higher. Just to set a +point of comparison, 16 TB of storage would cost $960 a year with B2 and a +whopping $4000 a year with S3. + +Luckily in reality, the cost of storage per GB has been coming down steadily. +Large hard drives are cheap to come by, and while these drives are not +incredibly fast, they are much faster than the speed of my internet connection. +Hard drives it is then! + +While I could get a very large hard drive, it's generally a better idea to get +multiple smaller hard drives. That's because these drives often offer a better +$/GB rate, but also because it allows us to mitigate the risk of data loss. So +after a bit of search, I found these "Seagate Barracuda Compute 4TB" drives. You +can find them on [Amazon]( or +[BestBuy]( + +These hard drives are available for $70 each at the time I'm writing this,and I bought 6 of them. +This gets me to around $420, plus a bit more for SATA cables. +Looking at [Backblaze Hard Drive Stats](, +I think it's fair to assume these drives will last at least 5 years. +Dividing the cost by the expected lifetime, that gets me $84 per year, far below what the cloud storage costs! +It's of course not as reliable, and it requires maintenance on my end, but +the difference in price is just too far to ignore. + +## Setup + +I decided to set this all up inside my desktop computer. I have a large case so +fitting all the hard drives in is not a big problem, and my motherboard does +support 6 SATA drives (in addition to the NVMe that I'm booting off of). I also +run Linux on my desktop computer, so I've got all the required software +available. + +For the software side of things, I decided to go with `mdadm` and `ext4`. There +are also other options available like ZFS (not included in the linux kernel) or +btrfs (raid-5 and raid-6 are known to be unreliable), but this was the setup I +found the most comfortable and easy to understand for me. How it works is that +`mdadm` combines the disks and presents it as a block device, then `ext4` +formats and uses the block device the same way you use it with any regular +drive. + +### Steps + +I was originally planning to write the steps I followed here, but in truth I +just followed whatever the [ArchLinux wiki]( +told me. So I'll just recommend you follow that as well. + +The only thing I'll warn you is that the wiki doesn't clearly note just how long +this process takes. It took almost a week for the array to build, and until the +build is complete the array runs at a reduced performance. Be patient, and just +give it some time to finish. As a reminder, you can always check the build +status with `cat /dev/mdstat`. + +## Preventative maintenance + +Hard drives have a tendency to fail, and because RAID arrays are resilient, the +failures can go unnoticed. You **need** to regularly check that the array is +okay. Unfortunately, while there are quite a few resources online on how to set +up RAID, very few of them actually talk about how to set up scrubs (full scans +to look for errors) and error monitoring. + +For my setup, I decided to set up systemd to check and report issues. For this, +I first set up 2 timers: 1 that checks if there are any reported errors on the +RAID array, and another that scrubs the RAID array. Systemd timers are 2 parts, +a service file and a timer file, so here's all the files. + +- `array-scrub.service` + ```toml + [Unit] + Description=Scrub the disk array + + OnFailure=report-failure-email@array-scrub.service + + [Service] + Type=oneshot + User=root + ExecStart=bash -c '/usr/bin/echo check > /sys/block/md127/md/sync_action' + + [Install] + + ``` +- `array-scrub.timer` + ```toml + [Unit] + Description=Periodically scrub the array. + + [Timer] + OnCalendar=Sat *-*-* 05:00:00 + + [Install] + + ``` + +The timer above is the scrub operation, it tells RAID to scan the drives for +errors. It actually takes up to a couple days in my experience for the scan to +complete, so I run it once a week. + +- `array-report.service` + ```toml + [Unit] + Description=Check raid array errors that were found during a scrub or normal operation and report them. + + OnFailure=report-failure-email@array-report.service + + [Service] + Type=oneshot + ExecStart=/usr/bin/mdadm -D /dev/md127 + + [Install] + + ``` +- `array-report.timer` + ```toml + [Unit] + Description=Periodically report any issues in the array. + + [Timer] + OnCalendar=daily + + [Install] + + ``` + +And this timer above checks the RAID array status to see if there were any +errors found. This timer runs much more often (once a day), because it's +instant, and also because RAID can find errors during regular operation even +when you are not actively running a scan. + +### Error reporting + +Another important thing here is this line in the service file: +```toml +OnFailure=report-failure-email@array-report.service +``` + +The automated checks are of no use if I don't know when something actually +fails. Luckily, systemd can run a service when another service fails, so I'm +using this to report failures to myself. Here's what the service file looks like: + +- `report-failure-email@.service` + ```toml + [Unit] + Description=status email for %i to user + + [Service] + Type=oneshot + ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/systemd-email address %i + User=root + ``` +- `/usr/local/bin/systemd-email` + ```sh + #!/bin/sh + + /usr/bin/sendmail -t < + Subject: Failure on $2 + Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit + Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 + + $(systemctl status --lines 100 --no-pager "$2") + ERRMAIL + ``` + +The service just runs this shell script, which is just a wrapper around +sendmail. The `%i` in the service is the part after `@` when you use the +service, you can see that the `OnFailure` hook puts `array-report` after the `@` +which then gets passed to the email service, which then passes it on to the mail +script. + +To send emails, you also need to set up `sendmail`. I decided to install +[msmtp](, and set it up to use my GMail +account to send me an email. + +To test if the error reporting works, edit the `array-report.service` and change +the line `ExecStart` line to `ExecStart=false`. Then run the report service with +`systemd start array-report.service`, you should now get an email letting you +know that the `array-report` service failed, and attaches the last 100 lines of +the service status to the email. diff --git a/content/posts/ b/content/posts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9217ce1 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/posts/ @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +--- +title: Running graphical user services with systemd +date: 2022-03-18 +--- + +> This post is day 3 of me taking part in the +> [#100DaysToOffload]( challenge. + +I've recently switched from KDE Plasma to sway as my window manager. I had a problem with the change though: the amazing kdeconnect service weren't working! + +My first attempt at fixing this was to just add a lines into sway config to launch it along with sway. + +``` +exec /usr/lib/kdeconnectd +``` + +Looks simple enough. But for some reason, `kdeconnectd` would just disappear +after a while. It would appear to run at startup, and then an hour or two later +I pull up the kdeconnect app on my phone and it would tell me that my computer +is disconnected. + +The biggest issue here was that I had no way to see why kdeconnect had failed. +In comes systemd to save the day. Systemd is a service manager, so it will +actually maintain the logs for these services. That means if kdeconnect is +crashing, I can check the logs for kdeconnect to see why it crashed. I can also +configure it to auto-restart after a crash if I want to. + +To launch graphical applications with systemd though, you need to pass the +appropriate environment variables to it so it knows how to launch new windows. +I added this line to my sway config to do exactly that. + +``` +# Pass all variables to dbus & systemd to run graphical user services +exec dbus-update-activation-environment --all --systemd +``` + +Next, we need to write a service files to run the application. This is easier +than it sounds, here's the service file I wrote for kdeconnect: + +``` +[Unit] +Description=Run kdeconnectd. +StartLimitIntervalSec=600 +StartLimitBurst=5 + +[Service] +Type=basic +ExecStart=/usr/lib/kdeconnectd +Restart=on-failure +RestartSec=5s + +[Install] +``` + +I saved this as `~/.config/systemd/user/kdeconnectd.service`. Finally, enabled it for my user with `systemctl --user enable kdeconnectd.service` and then restarted. + +The service is configured to automatically restart on failure, but not if it +failed more than 5 times in the last 10 minutes. Systemd also waits 5 seconds +before trying to restart the failed service. This way if it crashes for some +reason, it will restart. But if it keeps crashing rapidly, it won't keep +trying to restart which could take up too much system resources. + +I can now check how the service is doing with systemd! + +``` +Warning: The unit file, source configuration file or drop-ins of kdeconnectd.service changed on disk. Run 'systemctl --user daemon-reload> +● kdeconnectd.service - Run kdeconnectd. + Loaded: loaded (/home/kaan/.config/systemd/user/kdeconnectd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) + Active: active (running) since Thu 2022-03-17 14:18:15 EDT; 1h 46min ago + Main PID: 2188363 (kdeconnectd) + Tasks: 6 (limit: 77007) + Memory: 24.2M + CPU: 2.440s + CGroup: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service/app.slice/kdeconnectd.service + └─2188363 /usr/lib/kdeconnectd + +Mar 17 14:20:58 eclipse systemd[817]: /home/kaan/.config/systemd/user/kdeconnectd.service:6: Unknown key name 'type' in section 'Service'> +Mar 17 15:16:11 eclipse kdeconnectd[2188363]: QObject::connect(KWayland::Client::Registry, Unknown): invalid nullptr parameter +Mar 17 15:16:11 eclipse kdeconnectd[2188363]: kdeconnect.plugin.battery: No Primary Battery detected on this system. This may be a bug. +Mar 17 15:16:11 eclipse kdeconnectd[2188363]: kdeconnect.plugin.battery: Total quantity of batteries found: 0 +Mar 17 15:23:26 eclipse kdeconnectd[2188363]: QObject::connect(KWayland::Client::Registry, Unknown): invalid nullptr parameter +Mar 17 15:23:26 eclipse kdeconnectd[2188363]: kdeconnect.plugin.battery: No Primary Battery detected on this system. This may be a bug. +Mar 17 15:23:26 eclipse kdeconnectd[2188363]: kdeconnect.plugin.battery: Total quantity of batteries found: 0 +Mar 17 15:23:26 eclipse kdeconnectd[2188363]: QMetaObject::invokeMethod: No such method KIO::StoredTransferJob::slotDataReqFromDevice() +Mar 17 15:24:35 eclipse kdeconnectd[2188363]: QMetaObject::invokeMethod: No such method KIO::StoredTransferJob::slotDataReqFromDevice() +Mar 17 15:57:29 eclipse systemd[817]: /home/kaan/.config/systemd/user/kdeconnectd.service:9: Unknown key name 'type' in section 'Service'> +``` + +A bunch of warnings so far, but no crashes yet. But if it does crash again, I'll finally know why. diff --git a/content/posts/ b/content/posts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42c582c --- /dev/null +++ b/content/posts/ @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +--- +title: A little type system trick in Rust +date: 2022-03-15 +--- + +> This post is day 1 of me taking part in the +> [#100DaysToOffload]( challenge. + +While working on a small project recently, I ended up writing this type in Rust. + +```rust +type ImageData = Arc, Vec>>>>; +``` + +Even though I wrote it myself, it actually took me a bit after writing it to +figure out what this type was doing so I wanted to write about it. + +Let me start from outside-in, the first type we have is `Arc`. `Arc` stands for +"atomic reference counting". [Reference counting]( +is a method to handle ownership of the data, or in other words to figure out +when the data needs to be freed. Garbage collected languages do this +transparently in the background, but in Rust we explicitly need to state that we +want it. Atomic means this is done using [atomic operations](, +so it is thread safe. In my case, I needed this because this data was going to +be shared between multiple threads, and I didn't know exactly when I would be "done" +with the data. + +The next type is `Mutex`, which means [mutual exclusion]( +or locking. Locks are used to restrict access to data to a single thread at a time. +That means whatever type is inside of this is not thread safe, +so I'm using the lock to protect it. Which is true! + +The type after that is `Option`. This basically means "nullable", there may or may not be a thing inside this. +The interesting thing here is that this is a [sum type](, +so Rust helps remind us that this is nullable without introducing a nullability concept to the language. It's just part of the type system! + +Then we have `ImageBuffer`, a type from the popular [image crate]( +Not much to talk about with this, that's the data I wanted to store. + +The next thing that *is* interesting is the `Rgba` and `Vec` inside the image buffer. +What that means (and I'm speculating here because I'm lazy/too busy to check), is that +`Rgba` is just a basic wrapper type (or a "newtype"). It makes the compiler enforce the type of the +image data that's stored in this image buffer, so the user doesn't mix up different data types. +Similar for `Vec`, (I think) it means that the data inside this buffer is stored in a vector. + +Finally, `u8` is probably self descriptive, the pixels and the vector are made out of 8-bit unsigned integers. + diff --git a/content/posts/ b/content/posts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..91089d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/posts/ @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +--- +title: State of Rust GUIs +date: 2022-03-17 +--- + +> This post is day 2 of me taking part in the +> [#100DaysToOffload]( challenge. + +The website [Are we GUI Yet?]( helpfully lists a +lot of the libraries and frameworks available for making a GUI in Rust. I've +been looking into making a GUI program in Rust, so I've been working my way +through some of these options. + +This is not a through review, just my thoughts after a brief look. I'd recommend +looking over the website and deciding for yourself. + +## Best candidate: Dioxus +- Website: + +Dioxus is probably the option I like the best from a quick look. Declarative +applications similar to React, encapsulated components, first class async +support, and good type checking. + +Downsides? Right now it's web only. Desktop applications are just web +applications rendered inside a web view. That's okay for cross platform apps, +but not for what I want to do which is a lightweight native application. + +## Better Electron: Tauri +- Website: + +Tauri is a really good replacement for Electron. You can see the comparison on +their Github page, smaller binaries, less memory use, and faster launch times. + +But again, it is a web app running in a web view. Not a native desktop app. Even +though Tauri uses less memory than electron, it still uses ~180 MB according to +their comparison. And the fast launch time is still around 0.4 seconds, way +longer than what I would expect. + +## My current preference: Slint +- Website: + +I really like Slint. It is a native GUI with their own OpenGL renderer, and an +optional Qt backend. From some basic experimentation, it seems to launch in less +than 50ms, and uses less than 80 MB of memory (mostly shared libraries). + +You can write the code in either `.slint` files (and they actually have okay +editor support for this file type), or inside macros in your code files. The +code also looks pretty intuitive. + +The downsides? The theming support is not great/nonexistent, you can't +dynamically generate UI elements (well kinda, you can generate them based on +properties you change at runtime, but the components themselves are hardcoded), +and the code sometimes gets awkward due to current limitations. + +```rust +MainWindow := Window { + // You then have to bind to this callback inside rust code. No way to just write a hook that calls a rust function. + callback save_to_file(string); + + HorizontalLayout { + height: 32px; + + FilePath := LineEdit { + placeholder_text: "placeholder here"; + } + Button { + text: "Save to file"; + clicked => { save_to_file(FilePath.text); } + } + } +} +``` + +There is also no way to do some things, like setting a dialog hint for your main +window, which is something I needed to do. + +## Conclusion? + +It looks like the state of GUIs in rust is still "not yet". There are a few more +projects I need to look at, like [Relm](, but +their code looks way too verbose to me. In the end, I think the best option +might be to just write my GUI in C++ with Qt, and maybe integrate bits written +in rust inside of that. diff --git a/content/ b/content/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c6f7b44 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/ @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +--- +no-ttr: true +--- + +
+## Crafty: Efficient, HTM-Compatible Persistent Transactions +
Kaan Genç, Michael D. Bond, and Guoqing Harry Xu
ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2020), Online, June 2020
+ +Crafty is a library for transactional storage, built for new non-volatile memory +hardware. Taking advantage of hardware transactional capabilities of modern +CPUs, it provides a low-overhead option that also eliminates the need for +additional concurrency control. + +[Talk]( [Paper]( [Extended Paper]( [Implementation]( [Poster](/extra/Crafty Poster.pdf) +
+ + +
+## Dependence Aware, Unbounded Sound Predictive Race Detection +
Kaan Genç, Jake Roemer, Yufan Xu, and Michael D. Bond
ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA 2019), Athens, Greece, October 2019
+ +This paper presents 2 data race detection analyses which analyze a single run of +a program to predict data races that can happen in other runs. These analyses +take advantage of data and control flow dependence to accurately understand how +the analyzed program works, expanding what races can be predicted. + +[Talk]( [Extended Paper (updated version)]( [Paper]( [Corrigendum to paper]( [Implementation]( [Poster](/extra/DepAware Poster.pdf) +
+ + +
+## SmartTrack: Efficient Predictive Race Detection +
Jake Roemer, Kaan Genç, and Michael D. Bond
ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2020), Online, June 2020
+ +Predictive data race detection methods greatly improve the number of data races +found, but they typically significantly slow down programs compared to their +non-predictive counterparts. SmartTrack, through improved analyses and clever +algorithms, reduces their overhead to just around non-predictive analyses +without impacting their performance. + +[Paper]( [Extended Paper]( +
+ + +
+## High-Coverage, Unbounded Sound Predictive Race Detection +
Jake Roemer, Kaan Genç, and Michael D. Bond
ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2018), Philadelphia, PA, USA, June 2018
+ +Predictive data race detection methods typically walk a tight line between +predicting more races and avoiding false races. This paper presents a new +analysis that can predict more races, and a method to efficiently eliminate +false races. + +[Paper]( [Extended Paper]( +
+ +# Activities + +[PLDI 2021]( Artifact Evaluation Committee member + +[ASPLOS 2021]( Artifact Evaluation Committee member + +[OOPSLA 2020]( Artifact Evaluation Committee member diff --git a/customizedfont/Bitter-Regular-Slimmed.sfd b/customizedfont/Bitter-Regular-Slimmed.sfd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d7e781 --- /dev/null +++ b/customizedfont/Bitter-Regular-Slimmed.sfd @@ -0,0 +1,14120 @@ +SplineFontDB: 3.2 +FontName: Bitter-Regular +FullName: Bitter Regular +FamilyName: Bitter +Weight: Book +Copyright: Copyright 2011 The Bitter Project Authors ( +Version: 2.002 +ItalicAngle: 0 +UnderlinePosition: -125 +UnderlineWidth: 50 +Ascent: 800 +Descent: 200 +InvalidEm: 0 +sfntRevision: 0x00020083 +LayerCount: 2 +Layer: 0 1 "Back" 1 +Layer: 1 1 "Fore" 0 +XUID: [1021 302 -343231596 6301776] +StyleMap: 0x0040 +FSType: 0 +OS2Version: 4 +OS2_WeightWidthSlopeOnly: 0 +OS2_UseTypoMetrics: 1 +CreationTime: 1581709502 +ModificationTime: 1602749434 +PfmFamily: 81 +TTFWeight: 400 +TTFWidth: 5 +LineGap: 0 +VLineGap: 0 +Panose: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +OS2TypoAscent: 935 +OS2TypoAOffset: 0 +OS2TypoDescent: -265 +OS2TypoDOffset: 0 +OS2TypoLinegap: 0 +OS2WinAscent: 1255 +OS2WinAOffset: 0 +OS2WinDescent: 376 +OS2WinDOffset: 0 +HheadAscent: 935 +HheadAOffset: 0 +HheadDescent: -265 +HheadDOffset: 0 +OS2SubXSize: 650 +OS2SubYSize: 600 +OS2SubXOff: 0 +OS2SubYOff: 75 +OS2SupXSize: 650 +OS2SupYSize: 600 +OS2SupXOff: 0 +OS2SupYOff: 350 +OS2StrikeYSize: 50 +OS2StrikeYPos: 313 +OS2CapHeight: 692 +OS2XHeight: 522 +OS2Vendor: 'NONE' +OS2CodePages: 20000197.00000000 +OS2UnicodeRanges: a00002ff.400020fb.00000000.00000000 +Lookup: 1 0 0 "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0" { "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" } ['aalt' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 3 0 0 "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1" { "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" } ['aalt' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 6 0 0 "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 2" { "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 2 contextual 0" "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 2 contextual 1" "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 2 contextual 2" "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 2 contextual 3" } ['ccmp' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 3" { "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 4" { "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 6 0 0 "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 5" { "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 5 contextual 0" "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 5 contextual 1" } ['ccmp' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 6" { "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 7" { "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 4 0 0 "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 8" { "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 8 subtable" } ['ccmp' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 4 0 0 "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 9" { "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 9 subtable" } ['ccmp' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 2 0 0 "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 10" { "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 10 subtable" } ['c2sc' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) 'ccmp' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) 'smcp' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "'locl' Localized Forms in Latin lookup 11" { "'locl' Localized Forms in Latin lookup 11 subtable" } ['locl' ('latn' <'TRK ' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "'locl' Localized Forms in Latin lookup 12" { "'locl' Localized Forms in Latin lookup 12 subtable" } ['locl' ('latn' <'MOL ' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "'locl' Localized Forms in Latin lookup 13" { "'locl' Localized Forms in Latin lookup 13 subtable" } ['locl' ('latn' <'PLK ' > ) ] +Lookup: 6 0 0 "'locl' Localized Forms in Latin lookup 14" { "'locl' Localized Forms in Latin lookup 14 contextual 0" "'locl' Localized Forms in Latin lookup 14 contextual 1" } ['locl' ('latn' <'CAT ' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 15" { "Single Substitution lookup 15 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 16" { "Single Substitution lookup 16 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 6 0 0 "'locl' Localized Forms in Latin lookup 17" { "'locl' Localized Forms in Latin lookup 17 contextual 0" "'locl' Localized Forms in Latin lookup 17 contextual 1" } ['locl' ('latn' <'NLD ' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 18" { "Single Substitution lookup 18 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "'locl' Localized Forms in Cyrillic lookup 19" { "'locl' Localized Forms in Cyrillic lookup 19 subtable" } ['locl' ('cyrl' <'BGR ' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "'locl' Localized Forms in Cyrillic lookup 20" { "'locl' Localized Forms in Cyrillic lookup 20 subtable" } ['locl' ('cyrl' <'BSH ' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "'locl' Localized Forms in Cyrillic lookup 21" { "'locl' Localized Forms in Cyrillic lookup 21 subtable" } ['locl' ('cyrl' <'CHU ' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "'locl' Localized Forms in Cyrillic lookup 22" { "'locl' Localized Forms in Cyrillic lookup 22 subtable" } ['locl' ('cyrl' <'MKD ' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "'locl' Localized Forms in Cyrillic lookup 23" { "'locl' Localized Forms in Cyrillic lookup 23 subtable" } ['locl' ('cyrl' <'SRB ' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "'subs' Subscript lookup 24" { "'subs' Subscript lookup 24 subtable" ("inferior") } ['subs' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "'sinf' Scientific Inferiors lookup 25" { "'sinf' Scientific Inferiors lookup 25 subtable" } ['sinf' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "'sups' Superscript lookup 26" { "'sups' Superscript lookup 26 subtable" ("superior") } ['sups' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "'numr' Numerators lookup 27" { "'numr' Numerators lookup 27 subtable" } ['numr' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "'dnom' Denominators lookup 28" { "'dnom' Denominators lookup 28 subtable" } ['dnom' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "'frac' Diagonal Fractions lookup 29" { "'frac' Diagonal Fractions lookup 29 subtable" } ['frac' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "'frac' Diagonal Fractions lookup 30" { "'frac' Diagonal Fractions lookup 30 subtable" } ['frac' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 6 0 0 "'frac' Diagonal Fractions lookup 31" { "'frac' Diagonal Fractions lookup 31 contextual 0" "'frac' Diagonal Fractions lookup 31 contextual 1" } ['frac' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 32" { "Single Substitution lookup 32 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 33" { "Single Substitution lookup 33 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 6 0 0 "'ordn' Ordinals lookup 34" { "'ordn' Ordinals lookup 34 contextual 0" "'ordn' Ordinals lookup 34 contextual 1" } ['ordn' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 35" { "Single Substitution lookup 35 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 4 0 0 "'ordn' Ordinals lookup 36" { "'ordn' Ordinals lookup 36 subtable" } ['ordn' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37" { "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" } ['c2sc' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38" { "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" } ['c2sc' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39" { "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" } ['smcp' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 6 0 0 "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40" { "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 0" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 1" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 2" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 3" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 4" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 5" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 6" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 7" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 8" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 9" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 10" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 11" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 12" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 13" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 14" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 15" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 16" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 17" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 18" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 19" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 20" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 21" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 22" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 23" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 24" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 25" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 26" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 27" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 28" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 29" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 30" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 31" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 32" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 33" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 34" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 35" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 36" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 37" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 38" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 39" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 40" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 41" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 42" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 43" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 44" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 45" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 46" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 47" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 48" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 49" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 50" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 51" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 52" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 53" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 54" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 55" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 56" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 57" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 58" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 59" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 60" "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 61" } ['calt' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 41" { "Single Substitution lookup 41 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 42" { "Single Substitution lookup 42 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 43" { "Single Substitution lookup 43 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 44" { "Single Substitution lookup 44 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 45" { "Single Substitution lookup 45 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 46" { "Single Substitution lookup 46 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 47" { "Single Substitution lookup 47 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 48" { "Single Substitution lookup 48 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 49" { "Single Substitution lookup 49 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 50" { "Single Substitution lookup 50 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 51" { "Single Substitution lookup 51 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 52" { "Single Substitution lookup 52 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 53" { "Single Substitution lookup 53 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 54" { "Single Substitution lookup 54 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 55" { "Single Substitution lookup 55 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 56" { "Single Substitution lookup 56 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 57" { "Single Substitution lookup 57 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 58" { "Single Substitution lookup 58 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 59" { "Single Substitution lookup 59 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 60" { "Single Substitution lookup 60 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 61" { "Single Substitution lookup 61 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 62" { "Single Substitution lookup 62 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 63" { "Single Substitution lookup 63 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 64" { "Single Substitution lookup 64 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 65" { "Single Substitution lookup 65 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "Single Substitution lookup 66" { "Single Substitution lookup 66 subtable" } [] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "'lnum' Lining Figures lookup 67" { "'lnum' Lining Figures lookup 67 subtable" } ['lnum' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "'pnum' Proportional Numbers lookup 68" { "'pnum' Proportional Numbers lookup 68 subtable" } ['pnum' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69" { "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" } ['tnum' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70" { "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" ("oldstyle") } ['onum' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71" { "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" } ['case' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 4 8 0 "'dlig' Discretionary Ligatures lookup 72" { "'dlig' Discretionary Ligatures lookup 72 subtable" } ['dlig' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 4 8 1 "'liga' Standard Ligatures lookup 73" { "'liga' Standard Ligatures lookup 73 subtable" } ['liga' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "'zero' Slashed Zero lookup 74" { "'zero' Slashed Zero lookup 74 subtable" } ['zero' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "'salt' Stylistic Alternatives lookup 75" { "'salt' Stylistic Alternatives lookup 75 subtable" } ['salt' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "'ss01' Style Set 1 lookup 76" { "'ss01' Style Set 1 lookup 76 subtable" } ['ss01' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 1 0 0 "'rclt' Required Contextual Alternates lookup 77" { "'rclt' Required Contextual Alternates lookup 77 subtable" } ['rclt' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'BGR ' 'BSH ' 'CHU ' 'MKD ' 'SRB ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'AZE ' 'CAT ' 'CRT ' 'KAZ ' 'MOL ' 'NLD ' 'PLK ' 'ROM ' 'TAT ' 'TRK ' 'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 258 8 0 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0" { "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 kerning class 1" } ['kern' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 260 0 0 "'mark' Mark Positioning lookup 1" { "'mark' Mark Positioning lookup 1 subtable" } ['mark' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 261 0 0 "'mark' Mark Positioning lookup 2" { "'mark' Mark Positioning lookup 2 subtable" } ['mark' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 262 16 0 "'mkmk' Mark to Mark lookup 3" { "'mkmk' Mark to Mark lookup 3 subtable" } ['mkmk' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 262 65552 0 "'mkmk' Mark to Mark lookup 4" { "'mkmk' Mark to Mark lookup 4 subtable" } ['mkmk' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'dflt' > ) ] +Lookup: 262 131088 0 "'mkmk' Mark to Mark lookup 5" { "'mkmk' Mark to Mark lookup 5 subtable" } ['mkmk' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'dflt' > ) ] +MarkAttachSets: 3 +"MarkSet-0" 135 dotbelowcomb uni0324 uni0326 uni0327 uni032E uni0331 +"MarkSet-1" 633 uni0308 uni0307 gravecomb acutecomb uni030B uni0302 uni030C uni0306 uni030A tildecomb tildecomb_acutecomb uni0304 hookabovecomb uni030F uni0311 uni0312 acutecomb.loclPLK uni03060301 uni03060300 uni03060309 uni03060303 uni03020301 uni03020300 uni03020309 uni03020303 +"MarkSet-2" 20 uni031B +DEI: 91125 +KernClass2: 98+ 81 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 kerning class 1" + 518 D O Q uni018F copyright at Dcaron Dcroat Eth Oacute Obreve Ocircumflex uni1ED0 uni1ED8 uni1ED2 uni1ED4 uni1ED6 uni020C Odieresis uni022A uni0230 uni1ECC Ograve uni1ECE Ohorn uni1EDA uni1EE2 uni1EDC uni1EDE uni1EE0 Ohungarumlaut uni020E Omacron uni01EA Oslash Oslashacute Otilde uni022C uni1E0C uni1E0E uni01D1 uni1E52 uni1E50 uni1E4C uni1E4E Q.alt Oacute.loclPLK uni041E uni0424 uni042D uni042E uni0472 uni04A8 uni04BC uni04D8 uni04DA uni04E6 uni04E8 uni04EA uni04EC uni051A uni051A.alt uni0424.loclBGR uni03A9 + 476 H I M N uni20A6 Hbar Hcircumflex Iacute Ibreve Icircumflex uni0208 Idieresis Idotaccent uni1ECA Igrave uni1EC8 uni020A Imacron Iogonek Itilde Nacute Ncaron uni0145 Ntilde uni1E2A uni1E24 uni01CF uni1E2E uni1E42 uni1E44 uni1E46 uni1E48 Nacute.loclPLK uni0418 uni0419 uni040D uni041B uni041C uni041D uni041F uni0427 uni0428 uni040F uni042B uni0406 uni0407 uni042F uni04B8 uni04C0 uni04CB uni04E2 uni04E4 uni04F4 uni04F8 uni0528 uni0418.loclBGR uni0419.loclBGR uni040D.loclBGR Pi + 448 b o p eth thorn uni0259 registered oacute obreve ocircumflex uni1ED1 uni1ED9 uni1ED3 uni1ED5 uni1ED7 uni020D odieresis uni022B uni0231 uni1ECD ograve uni1ECF ohungarumlaut uni020F omacron uni01EB oslash oslashacute otilde uni022D uni01D2 uni1E53 uni1E51 uni1E4D uni1E4F oacute.loclPLK f_b uni0431 uni043E uni0440 uni0444 uni044D uni044E uni0473 uni04A9 uni04D9 uni04DB uni04E7 uni04E9 uni04EB uni04ED uni048F uni044E.loclBGR uni0431.loclSRB uni2105 + 423 a h m n aacute abreve uni1EAF uni1EB7 uni1EB1 uni1EB3 uni1EB5 acircumflex uni1EA5 uni1EAD uni1EA7 uni1EA9 uni1EAB uni0201 adieresis uni1EA1 agrave uni1EA3 uni0203 amacron aogonek aring aringacute atilde hbar hcircumflex nacute ncaron uni0146 ntilde uni01CE uni1E2B uni1E25 uni1E43 napostrophe uni1E45 uni1E47 uni1E49 nacute.loclPLK T_h c_h f_h uni0430 uni045B uni0495 uni04BB uni04D1 uni04D3 uni043F.loclBGR uni0442.loclBGR + 422 + 252 d i l fi fl f_f_i f_f_l dcroat iacute ibreve icircumflex uni0209 idieresis i.loclTRK uni1ECB igrave uni1EC9 uni020B imacron iogonek itilde lacute uni013C uni01D0 uni1E2F uni1E37 uni1E3B f_f_j f_idieresis f_igrave uni0456 uni0457 uni04CF uni0433.loclSRB + 252 e ae oe aeacute eacute ebreve ecaron ecircumflex uni1EBF uni1EC7 uni1EC1 uni1EC3 uni1EC5 uni0205 edieresis edotaccent uni1EB9 egrave uni1EBB uni0207 emacron eogonek uni1EBD uni1E1D uni1E17 uni1E15 uni0435 uni0450 uni0451 uni04BD uni04BF uni04D5 uni04D7 + 315 u dotlessi uni00B5 uacute ubreve ucircumflex uni0215 udieresis uni1EE5 ugrave uni1EE7 uhungarumlaut uni0217 umacron uogonek uring utilde uni01D4 uni01D8 uni01DA uni01DC uni01D6 uni1E7B uni1E79 uni0438.loclBGR uni0439.loclBGR uni045D.loclBGR uni043D.loclBGR uni0448.loclBGR uni043F.loclSRB uni0442.loclSRB uni03BC pi + 348 + 260 A Aacute Abreve uni1EAE uni1EB6 uni1EB0 uni1EB2 uni1EB4 Acircumflex uni1EA4 uni1EAC uni1EA6 uni1EA8 uni1EAA uni0200 Adieresis uni1EA0 Agrave uni1EA2 uni0202 Amacron Aogonek Aring Aringacute Atilde uni01CD uni0410 uni04D0 uni04D2 uni041B.loclBGR uni0394 uni2206 + 236 E AE OE AEacute Eacute Ebreve Ecaron Ecircumflex uni1EBE uni1EC6 uni1EC0 uni1EC2 uni1EC4 uni0204 Edieresis Edotaccent uni1EB8 Egrave uni1EBA uni0206 Emacron Eogonek uni1EBC uni1E1C uni1E16 uni1E14 uni0415 uni0400 uni0401 uni04D4 uni04D6 + 232 J U Eng Jcircumflex Uacute Ubreve Ucircumflex uni0214 Udieresis uni1EE4 Ugrave uni1EE6 Uhungarumlaut uni0216 Umacron Uogonek Uring Utilde uni01C7 uni01CA IJ uni00A40301 uni01D3 uni01D7 uni01D9 uni01DB uni01D5 uni1E7A uni1E78 uni04C7 + 282 + 207 v w y wacute wcircumflex wdieresis wgrave yacute ycircumflex ydieresis uni1EF5 ygrave uni1EF7 uni0233 uni1EF9 uni1E8F uni0443 uni045E uni0475 uni0477 ustraitcy ustraitstrokecy uni04EF uni04F1 uni04F3 uni051D + 241 + 163 k x kgreenlandic uni0137 x.ss01 f_k uni0436 uni043A uni045C uni0445 uni046B uni049D uni049F uni04A1 uni04C2 uni04DD uni04FD uni04FF uni0436.loclBGR uni043A.loclBGR + 159 r racute rcaron uni0157 uni0211 uni0213 uni1E5B uni1E5F uni0433 uni0453 uni0491 uni0442 uni0493 uni04A5 uni04AD uni04F7 uni04FB uni0493.loclBSH uni0453.loclMKD + 143 uni0438 uni0439 uni045D uni043B uni043C uni043D uni043F uni0447 uni0448 uni045F uni044B uni044F uni04C6 uni04C8 uni04E3 uni04E5 uni04F9 uni0529 + 161 C Euro uni20B5 colonmonetary Cacute Ccaron Ccedilla Ccircumflex Cdotaccent uni1E08 Cacute.loclPLK uni0421 uni0404 uni04AA uni0510 uni04AA.loclBSH uni04AA.loclCHU + 123 K X uni20AD uni0136 uni0416 uni041A uni040C uni0425 uni046A uni049C uni049E uni04A0 uni04C1 uni04C3 uni04DC uni04FC uni04FE + 140 j uni0237 eng jcircumflex uni01C9 uni01CC uni01C8 uni01CB ij uni006A0301 f_j uni0458 uni0452 uni04A7 uni0513 uni0434.loclBGR uni0434.loclSRB + 143 uni0414 uni048A uni0426 uni0429 uni0496 uni049A uni04A2 uni0524 uni04B2 uni04B4 uni04B6 uni0526 uni04C5 uni04C9 uni04CD uni052E uni0414.loclBGR + 151 uni0434 uni048B uni0446 uni0449 uni0497 uni049B uni04A3 uni0525 uni04B3 uni04B5 uni04B7 uni0527 uni04CA uni04CE uni052F uni0446.loclBGR uni0449.loclBGR + 115 T Tbar Tcaron uni0162 uni021A uni1E6C uni1E6E uni0422 uni0492 uni04A4 uni04AC uni04F6 uni04FA Gamma uni20B8 uni20AE + 130 S dollar section Sacute Scaron Scedilla Scircumflex uni0218 uni1E64 uni1E66 uni1E60 uni1E62 uni1E68 Sacute.loclPLK uni0405 uni20B4 + 111 V W uni20A9 Wacute Wcircumflex Wdieresis Wgrave uni0423 uni040E uni0474 uni0476 uni04EE uni04F0 uni04F2 uni051C + 123 c cent cacute ccaron ccedilla ccircumflex cdotaccent uni1E09 cacute.loclPLK uni0441 uni0454 uni04AB uni0511 uni04AB.loclBSH + 123 s sacute scaron scedilla scircumflex uni0219 uni1E65 uni1E67 uni1E61 uni1E63 uni1E69 sacute.loclPLK uni0455 uni0433.loclBGR + 109 B three eight uni1E9E germandbls.calt uni0411 uni0412 uni0417 uni0402 uni0498 uni04DE uni04E0 uni0498.loclBSH + 107 Y yen Yacute Ycircumflex Ydieresis uni1EF4 Ygrave uni1EF6 uni0232 uni1EF8 uni1E8E Ustraitcy Ustraitstrokecy + 169 quotesingle quotedbl quoteleft quoteright quotedblleft quotedblright quotereversed + 135 + 65 t tbar tcaron uni0163 uni021B uni1E97 uni1E6D uni1E6F c_t f_t s_t + 113 periodcentered hyphen uni2010 uni00AD endash emdash uni2015 + 81 z zacute zcaron zdotaccent uni01C5 uni01C6 uni01F2 uni01F3 uni1E93 zacute.loclPLK + 107 + 72 G uni20B2 ampersand Gbreve Gcaron Gcircumflex uni0122 Gdotaccent uni1E20 + 63 R uni20B9 Racute Rcaron uni0156 uni0210 uni0212 uni1E5A uni1E5E + 100 comma period colon semicolon ellipsis quotesinglbase quotedblbase twodotenleader + 65 Z Zacute Zcaron Zdotaccent uni01F1 uni01C4 uni1E92 Zacute.loclPLK + 94 + 75 + 79 + 77 + 87 uni0432 uni0437 uni0499 uni04DF uni04E1 uni0432.loclBGR uni0437.loclBGR uni0499.loclBSH + 44 L Lacute uni013B Ldot Lslash uni1E36 uni1E3A + 46 P Thorn peseta uni20B1 uni20BD uni0420 uni048E + 54 g gbreve gcaron gcircumflex uni0123 gdotaccent uni1E21 + 78 + 71 uni044C uni044A uni0459 uni045A uni0463 uni044C.loclBGR uni044A.loclBGR + 45 Uhorn uni1EE8 uni1EF0 uni1EEA uni1EEC uni1EEE + 45 ohorn uni1EDB uni1EE3 uni1EDD uni1EDF uni1EE1 + 45 uhorn uni1EE9 uni1EF1 uni1EEB uni1EED uni1EEF + 63 + 47 uni042C uni042A uni0409 uni040A uni0462 uni048C + 57 + 17 f f_f longs f.alt + 65 guillemotleft guilsinglleft + 69 guillemotright guilsinglright + 36 + 31 uni040B uni0494 uni04A6 uni04BA + 39 uni04B9 uni04CC uni04F5 uni0447.loclBGR + 31 zero zero.lf zero.osf + 23 F franc uni0492.loclBSH + 37 + 38 bracketleft braceleft + 20 dong uni1E0D uni1E0F + 26 exclam exclamdbl + 40 exclamdown + 18 one one.lf one.osf + 18 two two.lf two.osf + 24 backslash + 13 dcaron lcaron + 12 five five.lf + 12 four four.lf + 12 nine nine.lf + 13 + 24 parenleft + 9 q uni051B + 20 question + 14 seven seven.lf + 10 six six.lf + 16 slash + 24 underscore underscoredbl + 15 uni0413 uni0403 + 15 uni0408 uni0512 + 6 Lcaron + 14 + 8 eight.lf + 4 + 10 germandbls + 4 ldot + 6 lslash + 8 three.lf + 7 uni048D + 7 uni0490 + 7 uni04BE + 7 uni04C4 + 1235 B D E F H I K L M N P R Thorn uni1E9E franc uni20A6 peseta uni20AD uni20B1 uni20BD uni2116 Dcaron Dcroat Eacute Ebreve Ecaron Ecircumflex uni1EBE uni1EC6 uni1EC0 uni1EC2 uni1EC4 uni0204 Edieresis Edotaccent uni1EB8 Egrave uni1EBA uni0206 Emacron Eng Eogonek Eth uni1EBC Hbar Hcircumflex Iacute Ibreve Icircumflex uni0208 Idieresis Idotaccent uni1ECA Igrave uni1EC8 uni020A Imacron Iogonek Itilde uni0136 Lacute Lcaron uni013B Ldot Lslash Nacute Ncaron uni0145 Ntilde Racute Rcaron uni0156 uni0210 uni0212 uni01C5 uni01C7 uni01CA uni01F1 uni01C4 uni1E0C uni1E0E uni01F2 uni1E1C uni1E16 uni1E14 uni1E2A uni1E24 IJ uni01CF uni1E2E uni1E36 uni01C8 uni1E3A uni1E42 uni1E44 uni1E46 uni01CB uni1E48 uni1E5A uni1E5E Nacute.loclPLK germandbls.calt uni0411 uni0412 uni0413 uni0403 uni0490 uni0415 uni0400 uni0401 uni0418 uni0419 uni040D uni048A uni041A uni040C uni041C uni041D uni041F uni0420 uni0426 uni0428 uni0429 uni040F uni042C uni042B uni040A uni0406 uni0407 uni042E uni0492 uni0494 uni049A uni049C uni049E uni04A0 uni04A2 uni04A4 uni04A6 uni0524 uni04BA uni0526 uni04C0 uni04C3 uni04C7 uni04C9 uni04CD 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+EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 40" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 Q + FCoverage: 6 ygrave + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 60" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 39" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 Q + FCoverage: 7 uni1EF5 + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 59" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 38" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 Q + FCoverage: 7 uni1E8F + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 58" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 37" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 Q + FCoverage: 9 ydieresis + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 57" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 36" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 Q + FCoverage: 11 ycircumflex + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 56" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 35" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 Q + FCoverage: 6 yacute + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 55" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 34" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 Q + FCoverage: 1 y + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 54" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 33" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 Q + FCoverage: 5 thorn + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 53" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 32" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 Q + FCoverage: 1 p + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 52" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 31" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 Q + FCoverage: 6 oslash + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 51" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 30" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 Q + FCoverage: 7 uni1E21 + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 50" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 29" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 Q + FCoverage: 10 gdotaccent + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 49" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 28" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 Q + FCoverage: 7 uni0123 + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 48" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 27" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 Q + FCoverage: 11 gcircumflex + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 47" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 26" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 Q + FCoverage: 6 gcaron + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 46" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 25" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 Q + FCoverage: 6 gbreve + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 45" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 24" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 Q + FCoverage: 1 g + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 44" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 23" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 Q + FCoverage: 11 uni006A0301 + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 43" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 22" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 Q + FCoverage: 11 jcircumflex + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 42" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 21" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 Q + FCoverage: 1 j + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 41" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 20" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 f + FCoverage: 11 jcircumflex + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 59" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 19" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 f + FCoverage: 6 itilde + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 58" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 18" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 f + FCoverage: 7 imacron + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 57" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 17" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 f + FCoverage: 7 uni020B + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 56" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 16" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 f + FCoverage: 7 uni1EC9 + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 55" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 15" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 f + FCoverage: 6 igrave + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 54" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 14" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 f + FCoverage: 7 uni1ECB + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 53" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 13" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 f + FCoverage: 9 i.loclTRK + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 52" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 12" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 f + FCoverage: 7 uni1E2F + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 51" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 11" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 f + FCoverage: 9 idieresis + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 50" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 10" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 f + FCoverage: 7 uni0209 + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 49" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 9" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 f + FCoverage: 11 icircumflex + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 48" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 8" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 f + FCoverage: 7 uni01D0 + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 47" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 7" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 f + FCoverage: 6 ibreve + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 46" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 6" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 f + FCoverage: 6 iacute + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 45" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 5" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 f + FCoverage: 1 i + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 44" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 4" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 f + FCoverage: 9 odieresis + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 43" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 3" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 f + FCoverage: 9 edieresis + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 42" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 2" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 1 f + FCoverage: 9 adieresis + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 41" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 1" 0 0 0 1 + 1 2 0 + Coverage: 10 germandbls + BCoverage: 3059 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AE OE Thorn uni1E9E uni018F Aacute Abreve uni1EAE uni1EB6 uni1EB0 uni1EB2 uni1EB4 Acircumflex uni1EA4 uni1EAC uni1EA6 uni1EA8 uni1EAA uni0200 Adieresis uni1EA0 Agrave uni1EA2 uni0202 Amacron Aogonek Aring Aringacute Atilde AEacute Cacute Ccaron Ccedilla Ccircumflex Cdotaccent Dcaron Dcroat Eacute Ebreve Ecaron Ecircumflex uni1EBE uni1EC6 uni1EC0 uni1EC2 uni1EC4 uni0204 Edieresis Edotaccent uni1EB8 Egrave uni1EBA uni0206 Emacron Eng Eogonek Eth uni1EBC Gbreve Gcaron Gcircumflex uni0122 Gdotaccent Hbar Hcircumflex Iacute Ibreve Icircumflex uni0208 Idieresis Idotaccent uni1ECA Igrave uni1EC8 uni020A Imacron Iogonek Itilde Jcircumflex uni0136 Lacute Lcaron uni013B Ldot Lslash Nacute Ncaron uni0145 Ntilde Oacute Obreve Ocircumflex uni1ED0 uni1ED8 uni1ED2 uni1ED4 uni1ED6 uni020C Odieresis uni022A uni0230 uni1ECC Ograve uni1ECE Ohorn uni1EDA uni1EE2 uni1EDC uni1EDE uni1EE0 Ohungarumlaut uni020E Omacron uni01EA Oslash Oslashacute Otilde uni022C Racute Rcaron uni0156 uni0210 uni0212 Sacute Scaron Scedilla Scircumflex uni0218 Tbar Tcaron uni0162 uni021A Uacute Ubreve Ucircumflex uni0214 Udieresis uni1EE4 Ugrave uni1EE6 Uhorn uni1EE8 uni1EF0 uni1EEA uni1EEC uni1EEE Uhungarumlaut uni0216 Umacron Uogonek Uring Utilde Wacute Wcircumflex Wdieresis Wgrave Yacute Ycircumflex Ydieresis uni1EF4 Ygrave uni1EF6 uni0232 uni1EF8 Zacute Zcaron Zdotaccent uni01C5 uni01C7 uni01CA uni01CD uni1E08 uni01F1 uni01C4 uni1E0C uni1E0E uni01F2 uni1E1C uni1E16 uni1E14 uni1E20 uni1E2A uni1E24 IJ uni01CF uni1E2E uni00A40301 uni1E36 uni01C8 uni1E3A uni1E42 uni1E44 uni1E46 uni01CB uni1E48 uni01D1 uni1E52 uni1E50 uni1E4C uni1E4E uni1E5A uni1E5E uni1E64 uni1E66 uni1E60 uni1E62 uni1E68 uni1E6C uni1E6E uni01D3 uni01D7 uni01D9 uni01DB uni01D5 uni1E7A uni1E78 uni1E8E uni1E92 Q.alt Cacute.loclPLK Nacute.loclPLK Oacute.loclPLK Sacute.loclPLK Zacute.loclPLK uni0410 uni0411 uni0412 uni0413 uni0403 uni0490 uni0414 uni0415 uni0400 uni0401 uni0416 uni0417 uni0418 uni0419 uni040D uni048A uni041A uni040C uni041B uni041C uni041D uni041E uni041F uni0420 uni0421 uni0422 uni0423 uni040E uni0424 uni0425 uni0427 uni0426 uni0428 uni0429 uni040F uni042C uni042A uni042B uni0409 uni040A uni0405 uni0404 uni042D uni0406 uni0407 uni0408 uni040B uni042E uni042F uni0402 uni0462 uni046A uni0472 uni0474 uni0476 uni0492 uni0494 uni0496 uni0498 uni049A uni049C uni049E uni04A0 uni04A2 uni04A4 uni04A6 uni0524 uni04A8 uni04AA uni04AC Ustraitcy Ustraitstrokecy uni04B2 uni04B4 uni04B6 uni04B8 uni04BA uni0526 uni04BC uni04BE uni04C0 uni04C1 uni04C3 uni04C5 uni04C7 uni04C9 uni04CB uni04CD uni04D0 uni04D2 uni04D4 uni04D6 uni04D8 uni04DA uni04DC uni04DE uni04E0 uni04E2 uni04E4 uni04E6 uni04E8 uni04EA uni04EC uni04EE uni04F0 uni04F2 uni04F4 uni04F6 uni04F8 uni04FA uni04FC uni04FE uni0510 uni0512 uni051A uni051C uni048C uni048E uni051A.alt uni0528 uni052E uni0414.loclBGR uni0418.loclBGR uni0419.loclBGR uni040D.loclBGR uni041B.loclBGR uni0424.loclBGR uni0492.loclBSH uni0498.loclBSH uni04AA.loclBSH uni04AA.loclCHU Gamma uni0394 Pi uni03A9 + BCoverage: 3059 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AE OE Thorn uni1E9E uni018F Aacute Abreve uni1EAE uni1EB6 uni1EB0 uni1EB2 uni1EB4 Acircumflex uni1EA4 uni1EAC uni1EA6 uni1EA8 uni1EAA uni0200 Adieresis uni1EA0 Agrave uni1EA2 uni0202 Amacron Aogonek Aring Aringacute Atilde AEacute Cacute Ccaron Ccedilla Ccircumflex Cdotaccent Dcaron Dcroat Eacute Ebreve Ecaron Ecircumflex uni1EBE uni1EC6 uni1EC0 uni1EC2 uni1EC4 uni0204 Edieresis Edotaccent uni1EB8 Egrave uni1EBA uni0206 Emacron Eng Eogonek Eth uni1EBC Gbreve Gcaron Gcircumflex uni0122 Gdotaccent Hbar Hcircumflex Iacute Ibreve Icircumflex uni0208 Idieresis Idotaccent uni1ECA Igrave uni1EC8 uni020A Imacron Iogonek Itilde Jcircumflex uni0136 Lacute Lcaron uni013B Ldot Lslash Nacute Ncaron uni0145 Ntilde Oacute Obreve Ocircumflex uni1ED0 uni1ED8 uni1ED2 uni1ED4 uni1ED6 uni020C Odieresis uni022A uni0230 uni1ECC Ograve uni1ECE Ohorn uni1EDA uni1EE2 uni1EDC uni1EDE uni1EE0 Ohungarumlaut uni020E Omacron uni01EA Oslash Oslashacute Otilde uni022C Racute Rcaron uni0156 uni0210 uni0212 Sacute Scaron Scedilla Scircumflex uni0218 Tbar Tcaron uni0162 uni021A Uacute Ubreve Ucircumflex uni0214 Udieresis uni1EE4 Ugrave uni1EE6 Uhorn uni1EE8 uni1EF0 uni1EEA uni1EEC uni1EEE Uhungarumlaut uni0216 Umacron Uogonek Uring Utilde Wacute Wcircumflex Wdieresis Wgrave Yacute Ycircumflex Ydieresis uni1EF4 Ygrave uni1EF6 uni0232 uni1EF8 Zacute Zcaron Zdotaccent uni01C5 uni01C7 uni01CA uni01CD uni1E08 uni01F1 uni01C4 uni1E0C uni1E0E uni01F2 uni1E1C uni1E16 uni1E14 uni1E20 uni1E2A uni1E24 IJ uni01CF uni1E2E uni00A40301 uni1E36 uni01C8 uni1E3A uni1E42 uni1E44 uni1E46 uni01CB uni1E48 uni01D1 uni1E52 uni1E50 uni1E4C uni1E4E uni1E5A uni1E5E uni1E64 uni1E66 uni1E60 uni1E62 uni1E68 uni1E6C uni1E6E uni01D3 uni01D7 uni01D9 uni01DB uni01D5 uni1E7A uni1E78 uni1E8E uni1E92 Q.alt Cacute.loclPLK Nacute.loclPLK Oacute.loclPLK Sacute.loclPLK Zacute.loclPLK uni0410 uni0411 uni0412 uni0413 uni0403 uni0490 uni0414 uni0415 uni0400 uni0401 uni0416 uni0417 uni0418 uni0419 uni040D uni048A uni041A uni040C uni041B uni041C uni041D uni041E uni041F uni0420 uni0421 uni0422 uni0423 uni040E uni0424 uni0425 uni0427 uni0426 uni0428 uni0429 uni040F uni042C uni042A uni042B uni0409 uni040A uni0405 uni0404 uni042D uni0406 uni0407 uni0408 uni040B uni042E uni042F uni0402 uni0462 uni046A uni0472 uni0474 uni0476 uni0492 uni0494 uni0496 uni0498 uni049A uni049C uni049E uni04A0 uni04A2 uni04A4 uni04A6 uni0524 uni04A8 uni04AA uni04AC Ustraitcy Ustraitstrokecy uni04B2 uni04B4 uni04B6 uni04B8 uni04BA uni0526 uni04BC uni04BE uni04C0 uni04C1 uni04C3 uni04C5 uni04C7 uni04C9 uni04CB uni04CD uni04D0 uni04D2 uni04D4 uni04D6 uni04D8 uni04DA uni04DC uni04DE uni04E0 uni04E2 uni04E4 uni04E6 uni04E8 uni04EA uni04EC uni04EE uni04F0 uni04F2 uni04F4 uni04F6 uni04F8 uni04FA uni04FC uni04FE uni0510 uni0512 uni051A uni051C uni048C uni048E uni051A.alt uni0528 uni052E uni0414.loclBGR uni0418.loclBGR uni0419.loclBGR uni040D.loclBGR uni041B.loclBGR uni0424.loclBGR uni0492.loclBSH uni0498.loclBSH uni04AA.loclBSH uni04AA.loclCHU Gamma uni0394 Pi uni03A9 + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 42" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'calt' Contextual Alternates lookup 40 contextual 0" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 10 germandbls + FCoverage: 3059 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AE OE Thorn uni1E9E uni018F Aacute Abreve uni1EAE uni1EB6 uni1EB0 uni1EB2 uni1EB4 Acircumflex uni1EA4 uni1EAC uni1EA6 uni1EA8 uni1EAA uni0200 Adieresis uni1EA0 Agrave uni1EA2 uni0202 Amacron Aogonek Aring Aringacute Atilde AEacute Cacute Ccaron Ccedilla Ccircumflex Cdotaccent Dcaron Dcroat Eacute Ebreve Ecaron Ecircumflex uni1EBE uni1EC6 uni1EC0 uni1EC2 uni1EC4 uni0204 Edieresis Edotaccent uni1EB8 Egrave uni1EBA uni0206 Emacron Eng Eogonek Eth uni1EBC Gbreve Gcaron Gcircumflex uni0122 Gdotaccent Hbar Hcircumflex Iacute Ibreve Icircumflex uni0208 Idieresis Idotaccent uni1ECA Igrave uni1EC8 uni020A Imacron Iogonek Itilde Jcircumflex uni0136 Lacute Lcaron uni013B Ldot Lslash Nacute Ncaron uni0145 Ntilde Oacute Obreve Ocircumflex uni1ED0 uni1ED8 uni1ED2 uni1ED4 uni1ED6 uni020C Odieresis uni022A uni0230 uni1ECC Ograve uni1ECE Ohorn uni1EDA uni1EE2 uni1EDC uni1EDE uni1EE0 Ohungarumlaut uni020E Omacron uni01EA Oslash Oslashacute Otilde uni022C Racute Rcaron uni0156 uni0210 uni0212 Sacute Scaron Scedilla Scircumflex uni0218 Tbar Tcaron uni0162 uni021A Uacute Ubreve Ucircumflex uni0214 Udieresis uni1EE4 Ugrave uni1EE6 Uhorn uni1EE8 uni1EF0 uni1EEA uni1EEC uni1EEE Uhungarumlaut uni0216 Umacron Uogonek Uring Utilde Wacute Wcircumflex Wdieresis Wgrave Yacute Ycircumflex Ydieresis uni1EF4 Ygrave uni1EF6 uni0232 uni1EF8 Zacute Zcaron Zdotaccent uni01C5 uni01C7 uni01CA uni01CD uni1E08 uni01F1 uni01C4 uni1E0C uni1E0E uni01F2 uni1E1C uni1E16 uni1E14 uni1E20 uni1E2A uni1E24 IJ uni01CF uni1E2E uni00A40301 uni1E36 uni01C8 uni1E3A uni1E42 uni1E44 uni1E46 uni01CB uni1E48 uni01D1 uni1E52 uni1E50 uni1E4C uni1E4E uni1E5A uni1E5E uni1E64 uni1E66 uni1E60 uni1E62 uni1E68 uni1E6C uni1E6E uni01D3 uni01D7 uni01D9 uni01DB uni01D5 uni1E7A uni1E78 uni1E8E uni1E92 Q.alt Cacute.loclPLK Nacute.loclPLK Oacute.loclPLK Sacute.loclPLK Zacute.loclPLK uni0410 uni0411 uni0412 uni0413 uni0403 uni0490 uni0414 uni0415 uni0400 uni0401 uni0416 uni0417 uni0418 uni0419 uni040D uni048A uni041A uni040C uni041B uni041C uni041D uni041E uni041F uni0420 uni0421 uni0422 uni0423 uni040E uni0424 uni0425 uni0427 uni0426 uni0428 uni0429 uni040F uni042C uni042A uni042B uni0409 uni040A uni0405 uni0404 uni042D uni0406 uni0407 uni0408 uni040B uni042E uni042F uni0402 uni0462 uni046A uni0472 uni0474 uni0476 uni0492 uni0494 uni0496 uni0498 uni049A uni049C uni049E uni04A0 uni04A2 uni04A4 uni04A6 uni0524 uni04A8 uni04AA uni04AC Ustraitcy Ustraitstrokecy uni04B2 uni04B4 uni04B6 uni04B8 uni04BA uni0526 uni04BC uni04BE uni04C0 uni04C1 uni04C3 uni04C5 uni04C7 uni04C9 uni04CB uni04CD uni04D0 uni04D2 uni04D4 uni04D6 uni04D8 uni04DA uni04DC uni04DE uni04E0 uni04E2 uni04E4 uni04E6 uni04E8 uni04EA uni04EC uni04EE uni04F0 uni04F2 uni04F4 uni04F6 uni04F8 uni04FA uni04FC uni04FE uni0510 uni0512 uni051A uni051C uni048C uni048E uni051A.alt uni0528 uni052E uni0414.loclBGR uni0418.loclBGR uni0419.loclBGR uni040D.loclBGR uni041B.loclBGR uni0424.loclBGR uni0492.loclBSH uni0498.loclBSH uni04AA.loclBSH uni04AA.loclCHU Gamma uni0394 Pi uni03A9 + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 41" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'ordn' Ordinals lookup 34 contextual 1" 0 0 0 1 + 1 1 0 + Coverage: 3 O o + BCoverage: 49 zero one two three four five six seven eight nine + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 35" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'ordn' Ordinals lookup 34 contextual 0" 0 0 0 1 + 1 1 0 + Coverage: 3 A a + BCoverage: 49 zero one two three four five six seven eight nine + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 35" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'frac' Diagonal Fractions lookup 31 contextual 1" 0 0 0 1 + 1 1 0 + Coverage: 99 zero.numr one.numr two.numr three.numr four.numr five.numr six.numr seven.numr eight.numr nine.numr + BCoverage: 99 zero.dnom one.dnom two.dnom three.dnom four.dnom five.dnom six.dnom seven.dnom eight.dnom nine.dnom + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 33" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'frac' Diagonal Fractions lookup 31 contextual 0" 0 0 0 1 + 1 1 0 + Coverage: 99 zero.numr one.numr two.numr three.numr four.numr five.numr six.numr seven.numr eight.numr nine.numr + BCoverage: 8 fraction + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 32" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'locl' Localized Forms in Latin lookup 17 contextual 1" 0 0 0 1 + 1 1 0 + Coverage: 1 J + BCoverage: 6 Iacute + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 18" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'locl' Localized Forms in Latin lookup 17 contextual 0" 0 0 0 1 + 1 1 0 + Coverage: 1 j + BCoverage: 6 iacute + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 18" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'locl' Localized Forms in Latin lookup 14 contextual 1" 0 0 0 1 + 1 1 1 + Coverage: 14 periodcentered + BCoverage: 1 L + FCoverage: 1 L + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 16" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'locl' Localized Forms in Latin lookup 14 contextual 0" 0 0 0 1 + 1 1 1 + Coverage: 14 periodcentered + BCoverage: 1 l + FCoverage: 1 l + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 15" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 5 contextual 1" 0 0 0 1 + 1 1 0 + Coverage: 316 uni0308 uni0307 gravecomb acutecomb uni030B uni0302 uni030C uni0306 uni030A tildecomb tildecomb_acutecomb uni0304 hookabovecomb uni030F uni0311 uni0312 uni031B dotbelowcomb uni0324 uni0326 uni0327 uni0328 uni032E uni0331 uni03060301 uni03060300 uni03060309 uni03060303 uni03020301 uni03020300 uni03020309 uni03020303 + BCoverage: 476 + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 7" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 5 contextual 0" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 316 uni0308 uni0307 gravecomb acutecomb uni030B uni0302 uni030C uni0306 uni030A tildecomb tildecomb_acutecomb uni0304 hookabovecomb uni030F uni0311 uni0312 uni031B dotbelowcomb uni0324 uni0326 uni0327 uni0328 uni032E uni0331 uni03060301 uni03060300 uni03060309 uni03060303 uni03020301 uni03020300 uni03020309 uni03020303 + FCoverage: 476 + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 6" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 2 contextual 3" 0 0 0 1 + 1 1 0 + Coverage: 316 uni0308 uni0307 gravecomb acutecomb uni030B uni0302 uni030C uni0306 uni030A tildecomb tildecomb_acutecomb uni0304 hookabovecomb uni030F uni0311 uni0312 uni031B dotbelowcomb uni0324 uni0326 uni0327 uni0328 uni032E uni0331 uni03060301 uni03060300 uni03060309 uni03060303 uni03020301 uni03020300 uni03020309 uni03020303 + BCoverage: 3059 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AE OE Thorn uni1E9E uni018F Aacute Abreve uni1EAE uni1EB6 uni1EB0 uni1EB2 uni1EB4 Acircumflex uni1EA4 uni1EAC uni1EA6 uni1EA8 uni1EAA uni0200 Adieresis uni1EA0 Agrave uni1EA2 uni0202 Amacron Aogonek Aring Aringacute Atilde AEacute Cacute Ccaron Ccedilla Ccircumflex Cdotaccent Dcaron Dcroat Eacute Ebreve Ecaron Ecircumflex uni1EBE uni1EC6 uni1EC0 uni1EC2 uni1EC4 uni0204 Edieresis Edotaccent uni1EB8 Egrave uni1EBA uni0206 Emacron Eng Eogonek Eth uni1EBC Gbreve Gcaron Gcircumflex uni0122 Gdotaccent Hbar Hcircumflex Iacute Ibreve Icircumflex uni0208 Idieresis Idotaccent uni1ECA Igrave uni1EC8 uni020A Imacron Iogonek Itilde Jcircumflex uni0136 Lacute Lcaron uni013B Ldot Lslash Nacute Ncaron uni0145 Ntilde Oacute Obreve Ocircumflex uni1ED0 uni1ED8 uni1ED2 uni1ED4 uni1ED6 uni020C Odieresis uni022A uni0230 uni1ECC Ograve uni1ECE Ohorn uni1EDA uni1EE2 uni1EDC uni1EDE uni1EE0 Ohungarumlaut uni020E Omacron uni01EA Oslash Oslashacute Otilde uni022C Racute Rcaron uni0156 uni0210 uni0212 Sacute Scaron Scedilla Scircumflex uni0218 Tbar Tcaron uni0162 uni021A Uacute Ubreve Ucircumflex uni0214 Udieresis uni1EE4 Ugrave uni1EE6 Uhorn uni1EE8 uni1EF0 uni1EEA uni1EEC uni1EEE Uhungarumlaut uni0216 Umacron Uogonek Uring Utilde Wacute Wcircumflex Wdieresis Wgrave Yacute Ycircumflex Ydieresis uni1EF4 Ygrave uni1EF6 uni0232 uni1EF8 Zacute Zcaron Zdotaccent uni01C5 uni01C7 uni01CA uni01CD uni1E08 uni01F1 uni01C4 uni1E0C uni1E0E uni01F2 uni1E1C uni1E16 uni1E14 uni1E20 uni1E2A uni1E24 IJ uni01CF uni1E2E uni00A40301 uni1E36 uni01C8 uni1E3A uni1E42 uni1E44 uni1E46 uni01CB uni1E48 uni01D1 uni1E52 uni1E50 uni1E4C uni1E4E uni1E5A uni1E5E uni1E64 uni1E66 uni1E60 uni1E62 uni1E68 uni1E6C uni1E6E uni01D3 uni01D7 uni01D9 uni01DB uni01D5 uni1E7A uni1E78 uni1E8E uni1E92 Q.alt Cacute.loclPLK Nacute.loclPLK Oacute.loclPLK Sacute.loclPLK Zacute.loclPLK uni0410 uni0411 uni0412 uni0413 uni0403 uni0490 uni0414 uni0415 uni0400 uni0401 uni0416 uni0417 uni0418 uni0419 uni040D uni048A uni041A uni040C uni041B uni041C uni041D uni041E uni041F uni0420 uni0421 uni0422 uni0423 uni040E uni0424 uni0425 uni0427 uni0426 uni0428 uni0429 uni040F uni042C uni042A uni042B uni0409 uni040A uni0405 uni0404 uni042D uni0406 uni0407 uni0408 uni040B uni042E uni042F uni0402 uni0462 uni046A uni0472 uni0474 uni0476 uni0492 uni0494 uni0496 uni0498 uni049A uni049C uni049E uni04A0 uni04A2 uni04A4 uni04A6 uni0524 uni04A8 uni04AA uni04AC Ustraitcy Ustraitstrokecy uni04B2 uni04B4 uni04B6 uni04B8 uni04BA uni0526 uni04BC uni04BE uni04C0 uni04C1 uni04C3 uni04C5 uni04C7 uni04C9 uni04CB uni04CD uni04D0 uni04D2 uni04D4 uni04D6 uni04D8 uni04DA uni04DC uni04DE uni04E0 uni04E2 uni04E4 uni04E6 uni04E8 uni04EA uni04EC uni04EE uni04F0 uni04F2 uni04F4 uni04F6 uni04F8 uni04FA uni04FC uni04FE uni0510 uni0512 uni051A uni051C uni048C uni048E uni051A.alt uni0528 uni052E uni0414.loclBGR uni0418.loclBGR uni0419.loclBGR uni040D.loclBGR uni041B.loclBGR uni0424.loclBGR uni0492.loclBSH uni0498.loclBSH uni04AA.loclBSH uni04AA.loclCHU Gamma uni0394 Pi uni03A9 + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 4" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 2 contextual 2" 0 0 0 1 + 1 1 0 + Coverage: 316 uni0308 uni0307 gravecomb acutecomb uni030B uni0302 uni030C uni0306 uni030A tildecomb tildecomb_acutecomb uni0304 hookabovecomb uni030F uni0311 uni0312 uni031B dotbelowcomb uni0324 uni0326 uni0327 uni0328 uni032E uni0331 uni03060301 uni03060300 uni03060309 uni03060303 uni03020301 uni03020300 uni03020309 uni03020303 + BCoverage: 316 uni0308 uni0307 gravecomb acutecomb uni030B uni0302 uni030C uni0306 uni030A tildecomb tildecomb_acutecomb uni0304 hookabovecomb uni030F uni0311 uni0312 uni031B dotbelowcomb uni0324 uni0326 uni0327 uni0328 uni032E uni0331 uni03060301 uni03060300 uni03060309 uni03060303 uni03020301 uni03020300 uni03020309 uni03020303 + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 3" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 2 contextual 1" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 2 + Coverage: 3 i j + FCoverage: 68 uni031B dotbelowcomb uni0324 uni0327 uni0328 uni032E uni0331 uni0335 + FCoverage: 131 uni0308 uni0307 gravecomb acutecomb uni030B uni0302 uni030C uni0306 uni030A tildecomb uni0304 hookabovecomb uni030F uni0311 uni0312 + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 4" +EndFPST +ChainSub2: coverage "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 2 contextual 0" 0 0 0 1 + 1 0 1 + Coverage: 3 i j + FCoverage: 131 uni0308 uni0307 gravecomb acutecomb uni030B uni0302 uni030C uni0306 uni030A tildecomb uni0304 hookabovecomb uni030F uni0311 uni0312 + 1 + SeqLookup: 0 "Single Substitution lookup 3" +EndFPST +TtTable: prep +PUSHW_1 + 511 +SCANCTRL +PUSHB_1 + 4 +SCANTYPE +EndTTInstrs +ShortTable: maxp 16 + 1 + 0 + 1475 + 93 + 10 + 110 + 5 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 1 +EndShort +LangName: 1033 "" "" "" "2.002;NONE;Bitter-Regular" "" "Version 2.002" "" "Bitter is a trademark of Sol Matas (" "Sol Matas" "Sol Matas, and Bitter project Authors" "" "" "" "This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at:" "" +GaspTable: 1 65535 15 1 +Encoding: UnicodeBmp +UnicodeInterp: none +NameList: AGL For New Fonts +DisplaySize: -48 +AntiAlias: 1 +FitToEm: 0 +WinInfo: 65150 50 18 +AnchorClass2: "Anchor-0" "'mark' Mark Positioning lookup 1 subtable" "Anchor-1" "'mark' Mark Positioning lookup 1 subtable" "Anchor-2" "'mark' Mark Positioning lookup 1 subtable" "Anchor-3" "'mark' Mark Positioning lookup 1 subtable" "Anchor-4" "'mark' Mark Positioning lookup 1 subtable" "Anchor-5" "'mark' Mark Positioning lookup 2 subtable" "Anchor-6" "'mark' Mark Positioning lookup 2 subtable" "Anchor-7" "'mkmk' Mark to Mark lookup 3 subtable" "Anchor-8" "'mkmk' Mark to Mark lookup 4 subtable" "Anchor-9" "'mkmk' Mark to Mark lookup 5 subtable" +BeginChars: 66033 452 + +StartChar: .notdef +Encoding: 65536 -1 0 +Width: 495 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +93 -230 m 1,0,-1 + 328 18 l 1,1,-1 + 407 761 l 1,2,-1 + 172 513 l 1,3,-1 + 93 -230 l 1,0,-1 +165 -161 m 1,4,-1 + 206 -138 l 1,5,-1 + 259 -95 l 1,6,-1 + 181 -95 l 1,7,-1 + 198 -58 l 1,8,-1 + 330 -58 l 1,9,-1 + 330 -75 l 1,10,-1 + 265 -75 l 1,11,-1 + 213 -118 l 1,12,-1 + 306 -118 l 1,13,-1 + 289 -153 l 1,14,-1 + 165 -161 l 1,4,-1 +165 -27 m 1,15,-1 + 206 57 l 1,16,-1 + 330 85 l 1,17,-1 + 289 1 l 1,18,-1 + 165 -27 l 1,15,-1 +198 6 m 1,19,-1 + 273 18 l 1,20,-1 + 298 53 l 1,21,-1 + 223 41 l 1,22,-1 + 198 6 l 1,19,-1 +165 145 m 1,23,-1 + 206 230 l 1,24,-1 + 231 258 l 1,25,-1 + 206 198 l 1,26,-1 + 281 184 l 1,27,-1 + 290 219 l 1,28,-1 + 265 225 l 1,29,-1 + 273 208 l 1,30,-1 + 248 196 l 1,31,-1 + 223 238 l 1,32,-1 + 297 258 l 1,33,-1 + 289 173 l 1,34,-1 + 165 145 l 1,23,-1 +165 278 m 1,35,-1 + 206 303 l 1,36,-1 + 306 329 l 1,37,-1 + 298 378 l 1,38,-1 + 322 361 l 1,39,-1 + 289 287 l 1,40,-1 + 165 278 l 1,35,-1 +165 335 m 1,41,-1 + 190 360 l 1,42,-1 + 240 377 l 1,43,-1 + 256 405 l 1,44,-1 + 206 413 l 1,45,-1 + 165 438 l 1,46,-1 + 289 430 l 1,47,-1 + 305 405 l 1,48,-1 + 256 396 l 1,49,-1 + 240 343 l 1,50,-1 + 165 335 l 1,41,-1 +198 497 m 1,51,-1 + 223 506 l 1,52,-1 + 231 533 l 1,53,-1 + 206 524 l 1,54,-1 + 198 497 l 1,51,-1 +165 465 m 1,55,-1 + 206 541 l 1,56,-1 + 281 549 l 1,57,-1 + 265 497 l 1,58,-1 + 314 515 l 1,59,-1 + 289 491 l 1,60,-1 + 165 465 l 1,55,-1 +165 593 m 1,61,-1 + 206 618 l 1,62,-1 + 256 626 l 1,63,-1 + 240 654 l 1,64,-1 + 191 663 l 1,65,-1 + 207 686 l 1,66,-1 + 330 694 l 1,67,-1 + 289 671 l 1,68,-1 + 240 663 l 1,69,-1 + 256 635 l 1,70,-1 + 305 626 l 1,71,-1 + 289 601 l 1,72,-1 + 165 593 l 1,61,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: NULL +Encoding: 0 0 1 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: CR +Encoding: 13 13 2 +Width: 200 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: space +Encoding: 32 32 3 +Width: 200 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: uni00A0 +Encoding: 160 160 4 +Width: 200 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: A +Encoding: 65 65 5 +Width: 709 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All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" ordfeminine +EndChar + +StartChar: B +Encoding: 66 66 6 +Width: 645 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 317 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 317 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +366 352 m 1,0,-1 + 372 361 l 1,1,2 + 440 360 440 360 487 339.5 c 128,-1,3 + 534 319 534 319 557.5 281 c 128,-1,4 + 581 243 581 243 581 189 c 0,5,6 + 581 133 581 133 554.5 90.5 c 128,-1,7 + 528 48 528 48 471.5 24 c 128,-1,8 + 415 0 415 0 327 0 c 2,9,-1 + 49 0 l 1,10,-1 + 49 43 l 1,11,-1 + 148 64 l 1,12,-1 + 135 46 l 1,13,-1 + 135 650 l 1,14,-1 + 151 631 l 1,15,-1 + 49 650 l 1,16,-1 + 49 693 l 1,17,-1 + 214 698 l 1,18,-1 + 338 698 l 2,19,20 + 410 698 410 698 458 678 c 128,-1,21 + 506 658 506 658 530 620 c 128,-1,22 + 554 582 554 582 554 527 c 0,23,24 + 554 455 554 455 510 410 c 128,-1,25 + 466 365 466 365 366 352 c 1,0,-1 +321 638 m 2,26,-1 + 202 638 l 1,27,-1 + 217 653 l 1,28,-1 + 217 372 l 1,29,-1 + 202 386 l 1,30,-1 + 296 386 l 2,31,32 + 355 386 355 386 394 401 c 128,-1,33 + 433 416 433 416 452 445 c 128,-1,34 + 471 474 471 474 471 516 c 0,35,36 + 471 557 471 557 454 584 c 128,-1,37 + 437 611 437 611 404 624.5 c 128,-1,38 + 371 638 371 638 321 638 c 2,26,-1 +321 60 m 2,39,40 + 380 60 380 60 419 76 c 128,-1,41 + 458 92 458 92 477.5 121.5 c 128,-1,42 + 497 151 497 151 497 194 c 0,43,44 + 497 236 497 236 479.5 265.5 c 128,-1,45 + 462 295 462 295 428.5 311 c 128,-1,46 + 395 327 395 327 348 327 c 2,47,-1 + 202 327 l 1,48,-1 + 217 343 l 1,49,-1 + 217 46 l 1,50,-1 + 202 60 l 1,51,-1 + 321 60 l 2,39,40 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: C +Encoding: 67 67 7 +Width: 646 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 352 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 355 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +350 -9 m 0,0,1 + 270 -9 270 -9 204 32 c 128,-1,2 + 138 73 138 73 99.5 152 c 128,-1,3 + 61 231 61 231 61 346 c 0,4,5 + 61 459 61 459 100 540 c 128,-1,6 + 139 621 139 621 209 664 c 128,-1,7 + 279 707 279 707 372 707 c 0,8,9 + 422 707 422 707 476 695 c 128,-1,10 + 530 683 530 683 588 657 c 1,11,-1 + 581 500 l 1,12,-1 + 532 500 l 1,13,-1 + 514 624 l 1,14,-1 + 529 608 l 1,15,16 + 489 625 489 625 448.5 633.5 c 128,-1,17 + 408 642 408 642 373 642 c 0,18,19 + 304 642 304 642 254 607.5 c 128,-1,20 + 204 573 204 573 176.5 509 c 128,-1,21 + 149 445 149 445 149 356 c 0,22,23 + 149 260 149 260 178 194 c 128,-1,24 + 207 128 207 128 257.5 93.5 c 128,-1,25 + 308 59 308 59 371 59 c 0,26,27 + 417 59 417 59 467.5 79 c 128,-1,28 + 518 99 518 99 565 140 c 1,29,-1 + 598 91 l 1,30,31 + 539 40 539 40 475 15.5 c 128,-1,32 + 411 -9 411 -9 350 -9 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: D +Encoding: 68 68 8 +Width: 718 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-4" 215 357 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 348 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 328 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +347 698 m 2,0,1 + 414 698 414 698 470.5 677.5 c 128,-1,2 + 527 657 527 657 569 615.5 c 128,-1,3 + 611 574 611 574 635 510.5 c 128,-1,4 + 659 447 659 447 659 360 c 0,5,6 + 659 242 659 242 616.5 162 c 128,-1,7 + 574 82 574 82 500 41 c 128,-1,8 + 426 0 426 0 331 0 c 2,9,-1 + 49 0 l 1,10,-1 + 49 43 l 1,11,-1 + 149 64 l 1,12,-1 + 135 46 l 1,13,-1 + 135 650 l 1,14,-1 + 149 631 l 1,15,-1 + 49 650 l 1,16,-1 + 49 693 l 1,17,-1 + 237 698 l 1,18,-1 + 347 698 l 2,0,1 +334 61 m 2,19,20 + 380 61 380 61 422 76 c 128,-1,21 + 464 91 464 91 498 124.5 c 128,-1,22 + 532 158 532 158 551.5 214.5 c 128,-1,23 + 571 271 571 271 571 353 c 0,24,25 + 571 434 571 434 552 488.5 c 128,-1,26 + 533 543 533 543 501 575.5 c 128,-1,27 + 469 608 469 608 429 622.5 c 128,-1,28 + 389 637 389 637 345 637 c 2,29,-1 + 202 637 l 1,30,-1 + 217 652 l 1,31,-1 + 217 46 l 1,32,-1 + 202 61 l 1,33,-1 + 334 61 l 2,19,20 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: E +Encoding: 69 69 9 +Width: 621 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-3" 554 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 317 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 321 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +504 164 m 1,0,-1 + 554 164 l 1,1,-1 + 554 0 l 1,2,-1 + 49 0 l 1,3,-1 + 49 43 l 1,4,-1 + 148 64 l 1,5,-1 + 135 46 l 1,6,-1 + 135 650 l 1,7,-1 + 148 632 l 1,8,-1 + 49 650 l 1,9,-1 + 49 693 l 1,10,-1 + 216 698 l 1,11,-1 + 542 698 l 1,12,-1 + 542 540 l 1,13,-1 + 492 540 l 1,14,-1 + 474 650 l 1,15,-1 + 491 637 l 1,16,-1 + 202 637 l 1,17,-1 + 217 652 l 1,18,-1 + 217 372 l 1,19,-1 + 202 387 l 1,20,-1 + 469 387 l 1,21,-1 + 469 327 l 1,22,-1 + 202 327 l 1,23,-1 + 217 344 l 1,24,-1 + 217 46 l 1,25,-1 + 202 61 l 1,26,-1 + 504 61 l 1,27,-1 + 486 46 l 1,28,-1 + 504 164 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: F +Encoding: 70 70 10 +Width: 564 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 177 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 320 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +49 0 m 1,0,-1 + 49 43 l 1,1,-1 + 146 63 l 1,2,-1 + 135 49 l 1,3,-1 + 135 650 l 1,4,-1 + 149 632 l 1,5,-1 + 49 650 l 1,6,-1 + 49 693 l 1,7,-1 + 216 698 l 1,8,-1 + 533 698 l 1,9,-1 + 534 539 l 1,10,-1 + 484 539 l 1,11,-1 + 466 648 l 1,12,-1 + 483 637 l 1,13,-1 + 202 637 l 1,14,-1 + 217 652 l 1,15,-1 + 217 365 l 1,16,-1 + 202 379 l 1,17,-1 + 459 379 l 1,18,-1 + 459 318 l 1,19,-1 + 202 318 l 1,20,-1 + 217 332 l 1,21,-1 + 217 49 l 1,22,-1 + 205 63 l 1,23,-1 + 325 43 l 1,24,-1 + 325 0 l 1,25,-1 + 49 0 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: G +Encoding: 71 71 11 +Width: 738 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 382 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 379 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +380 -8 m 0,0,1 + 283 -8 283 -8 211 31.5 c 128,-1,2 + 139 71 139 71 99.5 149.5 c 128,-1,3 + 60 228 60 228 60 342 c 0,4,5 + 60 458 60 458 100 539.5 c 128,-1,6 + 140 621 140 621 214.5 664 c 128,-1,7 + 289 707 289 707 391 707 c 0,8,9 + 445 707 445 707 504.5 694.5 c 128,-1,10 + 564 682 564 682 625 656 c 1,11,-1 + 618 500 l 1,12,-1 + 568 500 l 1,13,-1 + 551 623 l 1,14,-1 + 564 609 l 1,15,16 + 522 624 522 624 477 633 c 128,-1,17 + 432 642 432 642 392 642 c 0,18,19 + 317 642 317 642 262 607 c 128,-1,20 + 207 572 207 572 177.5 505.5 c 128,-1,21 + 148 439 148 439 148 344 c 0,22,23 + 148 206 148 206 212 131.5 c 128,-1,24 + 276 57 276 57 390 57 c 0,25,26 + 428 57 428 57 469.5 65.5 c 128,-1,27 + 511 74 511 74 556 91 c 1,28,-1 + 545 72 l 1,29,-1 + 545 288 l 1,30,-1 + 560 273 l 1,31,-1 + 458 286 l 1,32,-1 + 458 331 l 1,33,-1 + 705 336 l 1,34,-1 + 705 291 l 1,35,-1 + 611 272 l 1,36,-1 + 622 288 l 1,37,-1 + 622 45 l 1,38,39 + 557 18 557 18 496 5 c 128,-1,40 + 435 -8 435 -8 380 -8 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: H +Encoding: 72 72 12 +Width: 796 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-4" 398 352 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 398 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 398 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +49 0 m 1,0,-1 + 49 43 l 1,1,-1 + 148 64 l 1,2,-1 + 135 46 l 1,3,-1 + 135 651 l 1,4,-1 + 151 632 l 1,5,-1 + 49 650 l 1,6,-1 + 49 693 l 1,7,-1 + 304 698 l 1,8,-1 + 304 655 l 1,9,-1 + 203 632 l 1,10,-1 + 217 651 l 1,11,-1 + 217 371 l 1,12,-1 + 202 386 l 1,13,-1 + 594 386 l 1,14,-1 + 579 371 l 1,15,-1 + 579 651 l 1,16,-1 + 594 632 l 1,17,-1 + 493 650 l 1,18,-1 + 493 693 l 1,19,-1 + 748 698 l 1,20,-1 + 748 655 l 1,21,-1 + 648 632 l 1,22,-1 + 661 651 l 1,23,-1 + 661 46 l 1,24,-1 + 648 64 l 1,25,-1 + 748 43 l 1,26,-1 + 748 0 l 1,27,-1 + 493 0 l 1,28,-1 + 493 43 l 1,29,-1 + 592 64 l 1,30,-1 + 579 46 l 1,31,-1 + 579 339 l 1,32,-1 + 594 325 l 1,33,-1 + 202 325 l 1,34,-1 + 217 339 l 1,35,-1 + 217 46 l 1,36,-1 + 204 64 l 1,37,-1 + 304 43 l 1,38,-1 + 304 0 l 1,39,-1 + 49 0 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: I +Encoding: 73 73 13 +Width: 352 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-3" 264 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 177 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 176 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +304 655 m 1,0,-1 + 206 633 l 1,1,-1 + 217 647 l 1,2,-1 + 217 49 l 1,3,-1 + 206 63 l 1,4,-1 + 304 43 l 1,5,-1 + 304 0 l 1,6,-1 + 49 0 l 1,7,-1 + 49 43 l 1,8,-1 + 146 63 l 1,9,-1 + 135 49 l 1,10,-1 + 135 647 l 1,11,-1 + 148 632 l 1,12,-1 + 49 650 l 1,13,-1 + 49 693 l 1,14,-1 + 304 698 l 1,15,-1 + 304 655 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: J +Encoding: 74 74 14 +Width: 331 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 166 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 164 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +30 693 m 1,0,-1 + 294 698 l 1,1,-1 + 294 655 l 1,2,-1 + 196 632 l 1,3,-1 + 207 651 l 1,4,-1 + 207 55 l 2,5,6 + 207 6 207 6 197.5 -31.5 c 128,-1,7 + 188 -69 188 -69 167.5 -94 c 128,-1,8 + 147 -119 147 -119 114.5 -132 c 128,-1,9 + 82 -145 82 -145 36 -145 c 0,10,11 + 22 -145 22 -145 8 -143.5 c 128,-1,12 + -6 -142 -6 -142 -21 -140 c 1,13,-1 + -14 -80 l 1,14,15 + -5 -81 -5 -81 3 -81.5 c 128,-1,16 + 11 -82 11 -82 20 -82 c 0,17,18 + 77 -82 77 -82 101 -52.5 c 128,-1,19 + 125 -23 125 -23 125 40 c 2,20,-1 + 125 651 l 1,21,-1 + 137 634 l 1,22,-1 + 30 650 l 1,23,-1 + 30 693 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 18 subtable" uni00A40301 +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" uni00A40301 +EndChar + +StartChar: K +Encoding: 75 75 15 +Width: 709 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 352 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 352 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +625 46 m 1,0,-1 + 600 63 l 1,1,-1 + 694 43 l 1,2,-1 + 694 0 l 1,3,-1 + 445 0 l 1,4,-1 + 445 43 l 1,5,-1 + 534 63 l 1,6,-1 + 530 48 l 1,7,-1 + 328 343 l 1,8,-1 + 354 327 l 1,9,-1 + 202 327 l 1,10,-1 + 217 344 l 1,11,-1 + 217 46 l 1,12,-1 + 204 65 l 1,13,-1 + 302 43 l 1,14,-1 + 302 0 l 1,15,-1 + 49 0 l 1,16,-1 + 49 43 l 1,17,-1 + 147 63 l 1,18,-1 + 135 46 l 1,19,-1 + 135 651 l 1,20,-1 + 146 634 l 1,21,-1 + 49 650 l 1,22,-1 + 49 693 l 1,23,-1 + 302 698 l 1,24,-1 + 302 655 l 1,25,-1 + 205 633 l 1,26,-1 + 217 653 l 1,27,-1 + 217 373 l 1,28,-1 + 202 388 l 1,29,-1 + 355 388 l 1,30,-1 + 331 373 l 1,31,-1 + 499 650 l 1,32,-1 + 507 636 l 1,33,-1 + 411 650 l 1,34,-1 + 411 693 l 1,35,-1 + 654 698 l 1,36,-1 + 654 655 l 1,37,-1 + 558 633 l 1,38,-1 + 579 649 l 1,39,-1 + 394 351 l 1,40,-1 + 394 374 l 1,41,-1 + 625 46 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 40 -17 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: L +Encoding: 76 76 16 +Width: 553 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-4" 403 366 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 312 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-1" 422 698 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 176 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +476 178 m 1,0,-1 + 526 178 l 1,1,-1 + 526 0 l 1,2,-1 + 49 0 l 1,3,-1 + 49 43 l 1,4,-1 + 147 63 l 1,5,-1 + 135 46 l 1,6,-1 + 135 650 l 1,7,-1 + 147 632 l 1,8,-1 + 49 650 l 1,9,-1 + 49 693 l 1,10,-1 + 315 698 l 1,11,-1 + 315 655 l 1,12,-1 + 206 632 l 1,13,-1 + 217 650 l 1,14,-1 + 217 46 l 1,15,-1 + 202 61 l 1,16,-1 + 471 61 l 1,17,-1 + 457 46 l 1,18,-1 + 476 178 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 290 -107 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: M +Encoding: 77 77 17 +Width: 891 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 446 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 446 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +843 655 m 1,0,-1 + 743 632 l 1,1,-1 + 756 654 l 1,2,-1 + 756 46 l 1,3,-1 + 743 64 l 1,4,-1 + 843 43 l 1,5,-1 + 843 0 l 1,6,-1 + 594 0 l 1,7,-1 + 594 43 l 1,8,-1 + 696 64 l 1,9,-1 + 680 46 l 1,10,-1 + 680 607 l 1,11,-1 + 693 606 l 1,12,-1 + 466 182 l 1,13,-1 + 411 178 l 1,14,-1 + 191 608 l 1,15,-1 + 203 609 l 1,16,-1 + 203 46 l 1,17,-1 + 191 63 l 1,18,-1 + 290 43 l 1,19,-1 + 290 0 l 1,20,-1 + 49 0 l 1,21,-1 + 49 43 l 1,22,-1 + 149 64 l 1,23,-1 + 135 46 l 1,24,-1 + 135 654 l 1,25,-1 + 149 632 l 1,26,-1 + 49 650 l 1,27,-1 + 49 693 l 1,28,-1 + 236 698 l 1,29,-1 + 453 259 l 1,30,-1 + 441 259 l 1,31,-1 + 665 693 l 1,32,-1 + 843 698 l 1,33,-1 + 843 655 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: N +Encoding: 78 78 18 +Width: 792 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 403 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 409 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +513 693 m 1,0,-1 + 756 698 l 1,1,-1 + 756 655 l 1,2,-1 + 656 632 l 1,3,-1 + 669 651 l 1,4,-1 + 669 0 l 1,5,-1 + 577 0 l 1,6,-1 + 193 611 l 1,7,-1 + 205 612 l 1,8,-1 + 205 46 l 1,9,-1 + 190 64 l 1,10,-1 + 291 43 l 1,11,-1 + 291 0 l 1,12,-1 + 49 0 l 1,13,-1 + 49 43 l 1,14,-1 + 150 64 l 1,15,-1 + 135 46 l 1,16,-1 + 135 651 l 1,17,-1 + 146 633 l 1,18,-1 + 49 650 l 1,19,-1 + 49 693 l 1,20,-1 + 233 698 l 1,21,-1 + 612 97 l 1,22,-1 + 600 96 l 1,23,-1 + 600 651 l 1,24,-1 + 614 633 l 1,25,-1 + 513 650 l 1,26,-1 + 513 693 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: O +Encoding: 79 79 19 +Width: 745 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-4" 373 349 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-3" 440 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 373 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-1" 578 698 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 376 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +362 -9 m 0,0,1 + 276 -9 276 -9 207.5 30 c 128,-1,2 + 139 69 139 69 99.5 147.5 c 128,-1,3 + 60 226 60 226 60 342 c 0,4,5 + 60 433 60 433 84.5 501.5 c 128,-1,6 + 109 570 109 570 153 616 c 128,-1,7 + 197 662 197 662 254.5 684.5 c 128,-1,8 + 312 707 312 707 378 707 c 0,9,10 + 442 707 442 707 498 685.5 c 128,-1,11 + 554 664 554 664 596 620.5 c 128,-1,12 + 638 577 638 577 661.5 512 c 128,-1,13 + 685 447 685 447 685 361 c 0,14,15 + 685 243 685 243 642.5 160.5 c 128,-1,16 + 600 78 600 78 527 34.5 c 128,-1,17 + 454 -9 454 -9 362 -9 c 0,0,1 +367 56 m 0,18,19 + 429 56 429 56 481.5 87.5 c 128,-1,20 + 534 119 534 119 565.5 185 c 128,-1,21 + 597 251 597 251 597 356 c 0,22,23 + 597 456 597 456 567.5 519 c 128,-1,24 + 538 582 538 582 487.5 612 c 128,-1,25 + 437 642 437 642 374 642 c 0,26,27 + 313 642 313 642 261.5 611.5 c 128,-1,28 + 210 581 210 581 179 515.5 c 128,-1,29 + 148 450 148 450 148 345 c 0,30,31 + 148 245 148 245 177.5 181 c 128,-1,32 + 207 117 207 117 256.5 86.5 c 128,-1,33 + 306 56 306 56 367 56 c 0,18,19 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 35 subtable" ordmasculine +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" ordmasculine +EndChar + +StartChar: P +Encoding: 80 80 20 +Width: 596 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 176 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 297 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +292 267 m 2,0,-1 + 199 267 l 1,1,-1 + 217 282 l 1,2,-1 + 217 46 l 1,3,-1 + 203 63 l 1,4,-1 + 327 43 l 1,5,-1 + 327 0 l 1,6,-1 + 49 0 l 1,7,-1 + 49 43 l 1,8,-1 + 150 64 l 1,9,-1 + 135 46 l 1,10,-1 + 135 651 l 1,11,-1 + 152 632 l 1,12,-1 + 49 650 l 1,13,-1 + 49 693 l 1,14,-1 + 219 698 l 1,15,-1 + 332 698 l 2,16,17 + 409 698 409 698 459 672 c 128,-1,18 + 509 646 509 646 534 600 c 128,-1,19 + 559 554 559 554 559 493 c 0,20,21 + 559 426 559 426 529 375 c 128,-1,22 + 499 324 499 324 439.5 295.5 c 128,-1,23 + 380 267 380 267 292 267 c 2,0,-1 +320 637 m 2,24,-1 + 202 637 l 1,25,-1 + 217 652 l 1,26,-1 + 217 313 l 1,27,-1 + 199 328 l 1,28,-1 + 292 328 l 2,29,30 + 380 328 380 328 427.5 372 c 128,-1,31 + 475 416 475 416 475 491 c 0,32,33 + 475 559 475 559 435.5 598 c 128,-1,34 + 396 637 396 637 320 637 c 2,24,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: Q +Encoding: 81 81 21 +Width: 754 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 377 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 377 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +669 -174 m 0,0,1 + 635 -174 635 -174 594.5 -155 c 128,-1,2 + 554 -136 554 -136 494 -98 c 128,-1,3 + 434 -60 434 -60 340 -1 c 1,4,-1 + 362 -9 l 1,5,6 + 275 -8 275 -8 207 31.5 c 128,-1,7 + 139 71 139 71 99.5 149 c 128,-1,8 + 60 227 60 227 60 342 c 0,9,10 + 60 433 60 433 84.5 501.5 c 128,-1,11 + 109 570 109 570 153 615.5 c 128,-1,12 + 197 661 197 661 256 684 c 128,-1,13 + 315 707 315 707 382 707 c 256,14,15 + 449 707 449 707 505.5 685.5 c 128,-1,16 + 562 664 562 664 604 620.5 c 128,-1,17 + 646 577 646 577 670 512.5 c 128,-1,18 + 694 448 694 448 694 361 c 0,19,20 + 694 256 694 256 659.5 179 c 128,-1,21 + 625 102 625 102 564 56 c 128,-1,22 + 503 10 503 10 425 -2 c 1,23,-1 + 426 7 l 1,24,25 + 495 -31 495 -31 539.5 -56.5 c 128,-1,26 + 584 -82 584 -82 614 -94.5 c 128,-1,27 + 644 -107 644 -107 670 -107 c 0,28,29 + 694 -107 694 -107 719 -97 c 128,-1,30 + 744 -87 744 -87 778 -68 c 1,31,-1 + 808 -119 l 1,32,33 + 764 -145 764 -145 732 -159.5 c 128,-1,34 + 700 -174 700 -174 669 -174 c 0,0,1 +148 345 m 0,35,36 + 148 245 148 245 177 181 c 128,-1,37 + 206 117 206 117 257 86.5 c 128,-1,38 + 308 56 308 56 372 56 c 0,39,40 + 438 56 438 56 491 88.5 c 128,-1,41 + 544 121 544 121 575 187.5 c 128,-1,42 + 606 254 606 254 606 356 c 0,43,44 + 606 455 606 455 576 518 c 128,-1,45 + 546 581 546 581 495 611.5 c 128,-1,46 + 444 642 444 642 379 642 c 256,47,48 + 314 642 314 642 261.5 610.5 c 128,-1,49 + 209 579 209 579 178.5 513.5 c 128,-1,50 + 148 448 148 448 148 345 c 0,35,36 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 300 62 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 298 35 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 296 35 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 294 37 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 291 45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 288 -38 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 285 -38 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 225 -3 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 168 10 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 167 -7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 166 -3 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 165 30 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 164 -7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 145 -7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 143 17 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 138 45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 118 35 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 116 35 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 114 37 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 109 -38 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 106 -38 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 96 62 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 93 -38 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 92 -38 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 91 -38 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 90 -38 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 89 -38 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 84 -7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 81 -3 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 55 25 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 48 -3 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 47 -7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 46 -3 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 45 -7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 44 -3 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 43 -3 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 42 -7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 41 -7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 40 52 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 39 -3 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 38 -7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 37 30 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 36 -3 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 35 -7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 34 -7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 33 -7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 32 -7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 14 113 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 66 subtable" Q.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 65 subtable" Q.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 64 subtable" Q.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 63 subtable" Q.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 62 subtable" Q.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 61 subtable" Q.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 60 subtable" Q.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 59 subtable" Q.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 58 subtable" Q.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 57 subtable" Q.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 56 subtable" Q.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 55 subtable" Q.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 54 subtable" Q.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 53 subtable" Q.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 52 subtable" Q.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 51 subtable" Q.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 50 subtable" Q.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 49 subtable" Q.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 48 subtable" Q.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 47 subtable" Q.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 46 subtable" Q.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 45 subtable" Q.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 44 subtable" Q.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 43 subtable" Q.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 42 subtable" Q.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 41 subtable" Q.alt +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" Q.alt +EndChar + +StartChar: R +Encoding: 82 82 22 +Width: 658 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 346 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 311 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +49 0 m 1,0,-1 + 49 43 l 1,1,-1 + 148 64 l 1,2,-1 + 135 46 l 1,3,-1 + 135 650 l 1,4,-1 + 152 631 l 1,5,-1 + 49 650 l 1,6,-1 + 49 693 l 1,7,-1 + 220 698 l 1,8,-1 + 337 698 l 2,9,10 + 450 698 450 698 508 651 c 128,-1,11 + 566 604 566 604 566 515 c 0,12,13 + 566 433 566 433 514.5 381 c 128,-1,14 + 463 329 463 329 358 318 c 1,15,-1 + 357 328 l 1,16,17 + 396 324 396 324 420.5 310.5 c 128,-1,18 + 445 297 445 297 462 274.5 c 128,-1,19 + 479 252 479 252 495 219 c 2,20,-1 + 579 49 l 1,21,-1 + 554 66 l 1,22,-1 + 638 43 l 1,23,-1 + 638 0 l 1,24,-1 + 515 0 l 1,25,-1 + 423 197 l 2,26,27 + 404 240 404 240 386.5 263.5 c 128,-1,28 + 369 287 369 287 343.5 297 c 128,-1,29 + 318 307 318 307 271 307 c 2,30,-1 + 202 306 l 1,31,-1 + 217 320 l 1,32,-1 + 217 46 l 1,33,-1 + 204 64 l 1,34,-1 + 320 43 l 1,35,-1 + 320 0 l 1,36,-1 + 49 0 l 1,0,-1 +217 344 m 1,37,-1 + 202 366 l 1,38,-1 + 297 366 l 2,39,40 + 386 366 386 366 434 402.5 c 128,-1,41 + 482 439 482 439 482 510 c 0,42,43 + 482 572 482 572 443 604.5 c 128,-1,44 + 404 637 404 637 327 637 c 2,45,-1 + 202 637 l 1,46,-1 + 217 652 l 1,47,-1 + 217 344 l 1,37,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: S +Encoding: 83 83 23 +Width: 600 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 306 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 311 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +159 528 m 0,0,1 + 159 490 159 490 179 466 c 128,-1,2 + 199 442 199 442 232.5 426.5 c 128,-1,3 + 266 411 266 411 306 399 c 128,-1,4 + 346 387 346 387 386 372.5 c 128,-1,5 + 426 358 426 358 459 336.5 c 128,-1,6 + 492 315 492 315 512.5 280.5 c 128,-1,7 + 533 246 533 246 533 194 c 0,8,9 + 533 124 533 124 497.5 79 c 128,-1,10 + 462 34 462 34 403 12.5 c 128,-1,11 + 344 -9 344 -9 274 -9 c 0,12,13 + 224 -9 224 -9 172 1.5 c 128,-1,14 + 120 12 120 12 70 33 c 1,15,-1 + 76 197 l 1,16,-1 + 125 197 l 1,17,-1 + 142 69 l 1,18,-1 + 132 86 l 1,19,20 + 167 70 167 70 205 62 c 128,-1,21 + 243 54 243 54 279 54 c 0,22,23 + 326 54 326 54 365 68.5 c 128,-1,24 + 404 83 404 83 428 111.5 c 128,-1,25 + 452 140 452 140 452 183 c 0,26,27 + 452 223 452 223 431.5 247.5 c 128,-1,28 + 411 272 411 272 378 288 c 128,-1,29 + 345 304 345 304 305 316 c 128,-1,30 + 265 328 265 328 225 341.5 c 128,-1,31 + 185 355 185 355 152 376 c 128,-1,32 + 119 397 119 397 98.5 430.5 c 128,-1,33 + 78 464 78 464 78 516 c 0,34,35 + 78 580 78 580 109.5 622.5 c 128,-1,36 + 141 665 141 665 195.5 686 c 128,-1,37 + 250 707 250 707 317 707 c 0,38,39 + 364 707 364 707 415 697 c 128,-1,40 + 466 687 466 687 515 666 c 1,41,-1 + 507 509 l 1,42,-1 + 457 509 l 1,43,-1 + 442 629 l 1,44,-1 + 454 617 l 1,45,46 + 424 630 424 630 389 637 c 128,-1,47 + 354 644 354 644 319 644 c 0,48,49 + 278 644 278 644 241 632.5 c 128,-1,50 + 204 621 204 621 181.5 595.5 c 128,-1,51 + 159 570 159 570 159 528 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: T +Encoding: 84 84 24 +Width: 585 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-4" 293 349 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 293 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 293 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +152 0 m 1,0,-1 + 152 43 l 1,1,-1 + 268 64 l 1,2,-1 + 252 42 l 1,3,-1 + 252 652 l 1,4,-1 + 270 637 l 1,5,-1 + 77 637 l 1,6,-1 + 97 654 l 1,7,-1 + 77 527 l 1,8,-1 + 27 527 l 1,9,-1 + 27 698 l 1,10,-1 + 558 698 l 1,11,-1 + 558 527 l 1,12,-1 + 508 527 l 1,13,-1 + 488 652 l 1,14,-1 + 508 637 l 1,15,-1 + 315 637 l 1,16,-1 + 333 652 l 1,17,-1 + 333 42 l 1,18,-1 + 318 64 l 1,19,-1 + 433 43 l 1,20,-1 + 433 0 l 1,21,-1 + 152 0 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: U +Encoding: 85 85 25 +Width: 749 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-3" 458 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 373 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-1" 648 695 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 376 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +466 693 m 1,0,-1 + 721 698 l 1,1,-1 + 721 655 l 1,2,-1 + 622 633 l 1,3,-1 + 634 654 l 1,4,-1 + 634 264 l 2,5,6 + 634 227 634 227 628 188 c 128,-1,7 + 622 149 622 149 606 114 c 128,-1,8 + 590 79 590 79 561 51 c 128,-1,9 + 532 23 532 23 485.5 7 c 128,-1,10 + 439 -9 439 -9 371 -9 c 0,11,12 + 295 -9 295 -9 246 10 c 128,-1,13 + 197 29 197 29 170 60.5 c 128,-1,14 + 143 92 143 92 132 127.5 c 128,-1,15 + 121 163 121 163 118 196 c 128,-1,16 + 115 229 115 229 115 253 c 2,17,-1 + 115 654 l 1,18,-1 + 127 633 l 1,19,-1 + 29 650 l 1,20,-1 + 29 693 l 1,21,-1 + 284 698 l 1,22,-1 + 284 655 l 1,23,-1 + 186 633 l 1,24,-1 + 197 654 l 1,25,-1 + 197 253 l 2,26,27 + 197 228 197 228 199 200.5 c 128,-1,28 + 201 173 201 173 209.5 147 c 128,-1,29 + 218 121 218 121 237 100.5 c 128,-1,30 + 256 80 256 80 288.5 67.5 c 128,-1,31 + 321 55 321 55 372 55 c 0,32,33 + 424 55 424 55 457.5 68 c 128,-1,34 + 491 81 491 81 510.5 103 c 128,-1,35 + 530 125 530 125 539 152.5 c 128,-1,36 + 548 180 548 180 550 208.5 c 128,-1,37 + 552 237 552 237 552 264 c 2,38,-1 + 552 654 l 1,39,-1 + 562 634 l 1,40,-1 + 466 650 l 1,41,-1 + 466 693 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: V +Encoding: 86 86 26 +Width: 693 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 346 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 353 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +298 -1 m 1,0,-1 + 80 648 l 1,1,-1 + 102 632 l 1,2,-1 + 5 650 l 1,3,-1 + 5 693 l 1,4,-1 + 269 698 l 1,5,-1 + 269 655 l 1,6,-1 + 160 634 l 1,7,-1 + 170 655 l 1,8,-1 + 354 72 l 1,9,-1 + 341 72 l 1,10,-1 + 538 650 l 1,11,-1 + 546 633 l 1,12,-1 + 439 650 l 1,13,-1 + 439 693 l 1,14,-1 + 689 698 l 1,15,-1 + 689 655 l 1,16,-1 + 592 634 l 1,17,-1 + 613 650 l 1,18,-1 + 384 -1 l 1,19,-1 + 298 -1 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 347 -45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 223 -45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 161 -45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 160 -45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 158 -45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 157 -45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 156 -45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 151 -45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 144 -45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 21 -45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 19 -45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 11 -45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 7 -45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: W +Encoding: 87 87 27 +Width: 1024 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 509 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 518 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +773 693 m 1,0,-1 + 1019 698 l 1,1,-1 + 1019 655 l 1,2,-1 + 923 634 l 1,3,-1 + 944 656 l 1,4,-1 + 758 -1 l 1,5,-1 + 679 -1 l 1,6,-1 + 504 597 l 1,7,-1 + 519 596 l 1,8,-1 + 334 -1 l 1,9,-1 + 255 -1 l 1,10,-1 + 83 651 l 1,11,-1 + 94 635 l 1,12,-1 + 5 650 l 1,13,-1 + 5 693 l 1,14,-1 + 260 698 l 1,15,-1 + 260 655 l 1,16,-1 + 155 634 l 1,17,-1 + 167 651 l 1,18,-1 + 310 75 l 1,19,-1 + 293 75 l 1,20,-1 + 479 694 l 1,21,-1 + 554 698 l 1,22,-1 + 732 77 l 1,23,-1 + 715 77 l 1,24,-1 + 871 650 l 1,25,-1 + 880 634 l 1,26,-1 + 773 650 l 1,27,-1 + 773 693 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 347 -45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 223 -45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 161 -45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 160 -45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 158 -45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 157 -45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 156 -45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 151 -45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 144 -45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 21 -45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 19 -45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 11 -45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 7 -45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: X +Encoding: 88 88 28 +Width: 697 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +612 44 m 1,0,-1 + 585 63 l 1,1,-1 + 676 43 l 1,2,-1 + 676 0 l 1,3,-1 + 416 0 l 1,4,-1 + 416 43 l 1,5,-1 + 516 62 l 1,6,-1 + 517 47 l 1,7,-1 + 331 324 l 1,8,-1 + 352 325 l 1,9,-1 + 164 45 l 1,10,-1 + 159 64 l 1,11,-1 + 262 43 l 1,12,-1 + 262 0 l 1,13,-1 + 22 0 l 1,14,-1 + 22 43 l 1,15,-1 + 113 63 l 1,16,-1 + 89 44 l 1,17,-1 + 312 368 l 1,18,-1 + 311 343 l 1,19,-1 + 103 650 l 1,20,-1 + 125 636 l 1,21,-1 + 35 650 l 1,22,-1 + 35 693 l 1,23,-1 + 290 698 l 1,24,-1 + 290 655 l 1,25,-1 + 195 635 l 1,26,-1 + 200 648 l 1,27,-1 + 369 394 l 1,28,-1 + 349 397 l 1,29,-1 + 518 648 l 1,30,-1 + 524 634 l 1,31,-1 + 427 650 l 1,32,-1 + 427 693 l 1,33,-1 + 663 698 l 1,34,-1 + 663 655 l 1,35,-1 + 571 631 l 1,36,-1 + 594 650 l 1,37,-1 + 385 350 l 1,38,-1 + 387 374 l 1,39,-1 + 612 44 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 40 -17 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: Y +Encoding: 89 89 29 +Width: 641 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 320 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 322 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +190 0 m 1,0,-1 + 190 43 l 1,1,-1 + 292 64 l 1,2,-1 + 278 46 l 1,3,-1 + 278 272 l 1,4,-1 + 287 239 l 1,5,-1 + 76 648 l 1,6,-1 + 95 633 l 1,7,-1 + 4 650 l 1,8,-1 + 4 693 l 1,9,-1 + 260 698 l 1,10,-1 + 260 655 l 1,11,-1 + 153 635 l 1,12,-1 + 161 651 l 1,13,-1 + 334 301 l 1,14,-1 + 317 301 l 1,15,-1 + 492 648 l 1,16,-1 + 499 633 l 1,17,-1 + 392 650 l 1,18,-1 + 392 693 l 1,19,-1 + 638 698 l 1,20,-1 + 638 655 l 1,21,-1 + 547 635 l 1,22,-1 + 565 650 l 1,23,-1 + 353 239 l 1,24,-1 + 360 272 l 1,25,-1 + 360 46 l 1,26,-1 + 346 64 l 1,27,-1 + 448 43 l 1,28,-1 + 448 0 l 1,29,-1 + 190 0 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 32 -5 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: Z +Encoding: 90 90 30 +Width: 617 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 307 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 310 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +44 0 m 1,0,-1 + 44 56 l 1,1,-1 + 470 647 l 1,2,-1 + 479 636 l 1,3,-1 + 116 636 l 1,4,-1 + 137 647 l 1,5,-1 + 117 525 l 1,6,-1 + 67 525 l 1,7,-1 + 67 698 l 1,8,-1 + 559 698 l 1,9,-1 + 559 643 l 1,10,-1 + 135 48 l 1,11,-1 + 131 62 l 1,12,-1 + 516 62 l 1,13,-1 + 495 49 l 1,14,-1 + 514 173 l 1,15,-1 + 565 173 l 1,16,-1 + 562 0 l 1,17,-1 + 44 0 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: a +Encoding: 97 97 31 +Width: 547 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-3" 447 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 274 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 269 528 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +449 45 m 1,0,-1 + 436 63 l 1,1,-1 + 528 45 l 1,2,-1 + 528 1 l 1,3,-1 + 388 -5 l 1,4,-1 + 376 91 l 1,5,-1 + 383 88 l 1,6,7 + 339 40 339 40 288 15.5 c 128,-1,8 + 237 -9 237 -9 189 -9 c 0,9,10 + 131 -9 131 -9 91 28 c 128,-1,11 + 51 65 51 65 51 140 c 0,12,13 + 51 199 51 199 76 230.5 c 128,-1,14 + 101 262 101 262 145 275 c 128,-1,15 + 189 288 189 288 247 288 c 2,16,-1 + 378 288 l 1,17,-1 + 369 278 l 1,18,-1 + 369 374 l 2,19,20 + 369 429 369 429 340 452.5 c 128,-1,21 + 311 476 311 476 260 476 c 0,22,23 + 233 476 233 476 202.5 470.5 c 128,-1,24 + 172 465 172 465 138 453 c 1,25,-1 + 150 466 l 1,26,-1 + 140 375 l 1,27,-1 + 87 375 l 1,28,-1 + 79 499 l 1,29,30 + 136 518 136 518 186 527.5 c 128,-1,31 + 236 537 236 537 278 537 c 0,32,33 + 358 537 358 537 403.5 501.5 c 128,-1,34 + 449 466 449 466 449 388 c 2,35,-1 + 449 45 l 1,0,-1 +132 147 m 0,36,37 + 132 98 132 98 155.5 75 c 128,-1,38 + 179 52 179 52 215 52 c 0,39,40 + 250 52 250 52 292.5 73.5 c 128,-1,41 + 335 95 335 95 375 132 c 1,42,-1 + 369 111 l 1,43,-1 + 369 245 l 1,44,-1 + 378 236 l 1,45,-1 + 259 236 l 2,46,47 + 188 236 188 236 160 214.5 c 128,-1,48 + 132 193 132 193 132 147 c 0,36,37 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 35 subtable" ordfeminine +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" ordfeminine +EndChar + +StartChar: b +Encoding: 98 98 32 +Width: 579 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +250 -9 m 0,0,1 + 214 -9 214 -9 173.5 -4 c 128,-1,2 + 133 1 133 1 88 11 c 1,3,-1 + 88 725 l 1,4,-1 + 104 702 l 1,5,-1 + 10 722 l 1,6,-1 + 10 765 l 1,7,-1 + 168 772 l 1,8,-1 + 168 443 l 1,9,-1 + 157 455 l 1,10,11 + 199 495 199 495 244 516 c 128,-1,12 + 289 537 289 537 334 537 c 0,13,14 + 390 537 390 537 434.5 506 c 128,-1,15 + 479 475 479 475 505 416 c 128,-1,16 + 531 357 531 357 531 271 c 0,17,18 + 531 206 531 206 514.5 154 c 128,-1,19 + 498 102 498 102 464 66 c 128,-1,20 + 430 30 430 30 377 10.5 c 128,-1,21 + 324 -9 324 -9 250 -9 c 0,0,1 +265 50 m 0,22,23 + 354 50 354 50 401 105 c 128,-1,24 + 448 160 448 160 448 265 c 0,25,26 + 448 331 448 331 429.5 378 c 128,-1,27 + 411 425 411 425 379 450.5 c 128,-1,28 + 347 476 347 476 306 476 c 0,29,30 + 271 476 271 476 233.5 457.5 c 128,-1,31 + 196 439 196 439 158 401 c 1,32,-1 + 168 430 l 1,33,-1 + 168 44 l 1,34,-1 + 157 66 l 1,35,36 + 218 50 218 50 265 50 c 0,22,23 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: c +Encoding: 99 99 33 +Width: 513 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 272 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 284 528 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +272 -9 m 0,0,1 + 208 -9 208 -9 156.5 22.5 c 128,-1,2 + 105 54 105 54 75.5 114 c 128,-1,3 + 46 174 46 174 46 258 c 0,4,5 + 46 331 46 331 66.5 383.5 c 128,-1,6 + 87 436 87 436 122 470 c 128,-1,7 + 157 504 157 504 202.5 520.5 c 128,-1,8 + 248 537 248 537 297 537 c 0,9,10 + 337 537 337 537 382.5 526 c 128,-1,11 + 428 515 428 515 462 496 c 1,12,-1 + 458 371 l 1,13,-1 + 404 371 l 1,14,-1 + 391 465 l 1,15,-1 + 399 456 l 1,16,17 + 374 468 374 468 346 473 c 128,-1,18 + 318 478 318 478 296 478 c 0,19,20 + 244 478 244 478 206.5 451.5 c 128,-1,21 + 169 425 169 425 149 377 c 128,-1,22 + 129 329 129 329 129 263 c 0,23,24 + 129 195 129 195 150 148 c 128,-1,25 + 171 101 171 101 207.5 77 c 128,-1,26 + 244 53 244 53 290 53 c 0,27,28 + 326 53 326 53 366 68 c 128,-1,29 + 406 83 406 83 449 113 c 1,30,-1 + 477 69 l 1,31,32 + 425 29 425 29 373 10 c 128,-1,33 + 321 -9 321 -9 272 -9 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: d +Encoding: 100 100 34 +Width: 593 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-4" 297 264 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 300 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-1" 576 768 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +245 -9 m 0,0,1 + 190 -9 190 -9 145 21.5 c 128,-1,2 + 100 52 100 52 74 111.5 c 128,-1,3 + 48 171 48 171 48 256 c 0,4,5 + 48 395 48 395 119 466 c 128,-1,6 + 190 537 190 537 314 537 c 0,7,8 + 340 537 340 537 368.5 533 c 128,-1,9 + 397 529 397 529 427 521 c 1,10,-1 + 411 512 l 1,11,-1 + 411 713 l 1,12,-1 + 420 702 l 1,13,-1 + 328 722 l 1,14,-1 + 328 765 l 1,15,-1 + 491 772 l 1,16,-1 + 491 49 l 1,17,-1 + 479 63 l 1,18,-1 + 569 45 l 1,19,-1 + 569 1 l 1,20,-1 + 429 -5 l 1,21,-1 + 417 81 l 1,22,-1 + 427 77 l 1,23,24 + 382 34 382 34 336.5 12.5 c 128,-1,25 + 291 -9 291 -9 245 -9 c 0,0,1 +273 52 m 0,26,27 + 308 52 308 52 345.5 70.5 c 128,-1,28 + 383 89 383 89 421 126 c 1,29,-1 + 411 99 l 1,30,-1 + 411 478 l 1,31,-1 + 422 458 l 1,32,33 + 361 478 361 478 311 478 c 0,34,35 + 223 478 223 478 177 421 c 128,-1,36 + 131 364 131 364 131 263 c 0,37,38 + 131 197 131 197 149.5 149.5 c 128,-1,39 + 168 102 168 102 200.5 77 c 128,-1,40 + 233 52 233 52 273 52 c 0,26,27 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 116 7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: e +Encoding: 101 101 35 +Width: 547 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-3" 348 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 275 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 285 528 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +276 -9 m 0,0,1 + 209 -9 209 -9 157.5 21.5 c 128,-1,2 + 106 52 106 52 77 111 c 128,-1,3 + 48 170 48 170 48 255 c 0,4,5 + 48 342 48 342 78 405 c 128,-1,6 + 108 468 108 468 163 502.5 c 128,-1,7 + 218 537 218 537 292 537 c 0,8,9 + 362 537 362 537 407.5 507.5 c 128,-1,10 + 453 478 453 478 475.5 426 c 128,-1,11 + 498 374 498 374 498 307 c 0,12,13 + 498 296 498 296 497 285 c 128,-1,14 + 496 274 496 274 494 258 c 1,15,-1 + 109 258 l 1,16,-1 + 109 315 l 1,17,-1 + 424 315 l 1,18,-1 + 415 309 l 1,19,20 + 416 354 416 354 404 392 c 128,-1,21 + 392 430 392 430 363 453 c 128,-1,22 + 334 476 334 476 286 476 c 0,23,24 + 235 476 235 476 200 449 c 128,-1,25 + 165 422 165 422 148 375 c 128,-1,26 + 131 328 131 328 131 266 c 0,27,28 + 131 200 131 200 150 152.5 c 128,-1,29 + 169 105 169 105 205.5 79 c 128,-1,30 + 242 53 242 53 295 53 c 0,31,32 + 332 53 332 53 376 67.5 c 128,-1,33 + 420 82 420 82 467 112 c 1,34,-1 + 496 67 l 1,35,36 + 440 29 440 29 384 10 c 128,-1,37 + 328 -9 328 -9 276 -9 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: f +Encoding: 102 102 36 +Width: 348 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +39 0 m 1,0,-1 + 39 43 l 1,1,-1 + 127 62 l 1,2,-1 + 117 50 l 1,3,-1 + 117 479 l 1,4,-1 + 127 468 l 1,5,-1 + 37 468 l 1,6,-1 + 37 512 l 1,7,-1 + 129 525 l 1,8,-1 + 117 510 l 1,9,-1 + 117 594 l 2,10,11 + 117 688 117 688 165.5 732.5 c 128,-1,12 + 214 777 214 777 293 777 c 0,13,14 + 319 777 319 777 346 772.5 c 128,-1,15 + 373 768 373 768 403 758 c 1,16,-1 + 390 703 l 1,17,18 + 367 710 367 710 346 714 c 128,-1,19 + 325 718 325 718 305 718 c 0,20,21 + 256 718 256 718 226.5 690 c 128,-1,22 + 197 662 197 662 197 601 c 2,23,-1 + 197 510 l 1,24,-1 + 184 524 l 1,25,-1 + 337 524 l 1,26,-1 + 335 468 l 1,27,-1 + 187 468 l 1,28,-1 + 197 479 l 1,29,-1 + 197 51 l 1,30,-1 + 187 62 l 1,31,-1 + 292 43 l 1,32,-1 + 292 0 l 1,33,-1 + 39 0 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 116 60 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 114 47 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 59 subtable" f.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 58 subtable" f.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 57 subtable" f.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 56 subtable" f.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 55 subtable" f.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 54 subtable" f.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 53 subtable" f.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 52 subtable" f.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 51 subtable" f.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 50 subtable" f.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 49 subtable" f.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 48 subtable" f.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 47 subtable" f.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 46 subtable" f.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 45 subtable" f.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 44 subtable" f.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 43 subtable" f.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 42 subtable" f.alt +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 41 subtable" f.alt +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" f.alt +EndChar + +StartChar: g +Encoding: 103 103 37 +Width: 559 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 272 -230 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 269 528 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +264 -239 m 0,0,1 + 147 -239 147 -239 89 -205 c 128,-1,2 + 31 -171 31 -171 31 -107 c 0,3,4 + 31 -62 31 -62 61 -27 c 128,-1,5 + 91 8 91 8 149 34 c 1,6,-1 + 150 18 l 1,7,8 + 118 20 118 20 101 31.5 c 128,-1,9 + 84 43 84 43 84 64 c 0,10,11 + 84 72 84 72 86 80 c 128,-1,12 + 88 88 88 88 93.5 102.5 c 128,-1,13 + 99 117 99 117 110.5 141.5 c 128,-1,14 + 122 166 122 166 140 206 c 1,15,-1 + 142 192 l 1,16,17 + 99 215 99 215 76 254.5 c 128,-1,18 + 53 294 53 294 53 348 c 0,19,20 + 53 435 53 435 110.5 486 c 128,-1,21 + 168 537 168 537 269 537 c 0,22,23 + 337 537 337 537 386 513 c 1,24,-1 + 364 518 l 1,25,-1 + 521 525 l 1,26,-1 + 522 477 l 1,27,-1 + 429 459 l 1,28,-1 + 436 471 l 1,29,30 + 457 451 457 451 468 422 c 128,-1,31 + 479 393 479 393 479 356 c 0,32,33 + 479 268 479 268 420 217 c 128,-1,34 + 361 166 361 166 263 166 c 0,35,36 + 207 166 207 166 160 185 c 1,37,-1 + 178 194 l 1,38,-1 + 152 63 l 1,39,-1 + 135 73 l 1,40,-1 + 331 73 l 2,41,42 + 427 73 427 73 477 35.5 c 128,-1,43 + 527 -2 527 -2 527 -72 c 0,44,45 + 527 -153 527 -153 460.5 -196 c 128,-1,46 + 394 -239 394 -239 264 -239 c 0,0,1 +271 -178 m 0,47,48 + 362 -178 362 -178 406 -153 c 128,-1,49 + 450 -128 450 -128 450 -78 c 0,50,51 + 450 -34 450 -34 417 -11.5 c 128,-1,52 + 384 11 384 11 318 11 c 2,53,-1 + 159 11 l 1,54,-1 + 182 16 l 1,55,56 + 102 -34 102 -34 102 -92 c 0,57,58 + 102 -135 102 -135 143.5 -156.5 c 128,-1,59 + 185 -178 185 -178 271 -178 c 0,47,48 +263 222 m 0,60,61 + 327 222 327 222 363 256.5 c 128,-1,62 + 399 291 399 291 399 354 c 256,63,64 + 399 417 399 417 365 449 c 128,-1,65 + 331 481 331 481 268 481 c 0,66,67 + 204 481 204 481 169 447.5 c 128,-1,68 + 134 414 134 414 134 350 c 0,69,70 + 134 288 134 288 167.5 255 c 128,-1,71 + 201 222 201 222 263 222 c 0,60,61 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 168 0 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 116 8 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: h +Encoding: 104 104 38 +Width: 620 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-4" 143 636 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 304 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 137 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +24 0 m 1,0,-1 + 24 43 l 1,1,-1 + 115 63 l 1,2,-1 + 103 48 l 1,3,-1 + 103 718 l 1,4,-1 + 115 702 l 1,5,-1 + 24 722 l 1,6,-1 + 24 765 l 1,7,-1 + 183 772 l 1,8,-1 + 183 434 l 1,9,-1 + 165 438 l 1,10,11 + 214 489 214 489 268.5 513 c 128,-1,12 + 323 537 323 537 372 537 c 0,13,14 + 416 537 416 537 451 519 c 128,-1,15 + 486 501 486 501 505.5 464.5 c 128,-1,16 + 525 428 525 428 525 372 c 2,17,-1 + 525 48 l 1,18,-1 + 515 62 l 1,19,-1 + 603 43 l 1,20,-1 + 603 0 l 1,21,-1 + 370 0 l 1,22,-1 + 370 43 l 1,23,-1 + 456 62 l 1,24,-1 + 445 47 l 1,25,-1 + 445 354 l 2,26,27 + 446 416 446 416 417 445 c 128,-1,28 + 388 474 388 474 341 474 c 0,29,30 + 305 474 305 474 261 454 c 128,-1,31 + 217 434 217 434 176 391 c 1,32,-1 + 183 408 l 1,33,-1 + 183 47 l 1,34,-1 + 173 61 l 1,35,-1 + 258 43 l 1,36,-1 + 258 0 l 1,37,-1 + 24 0 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: i +Encoding: 105 105 39 +Width: 298 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-3" 238 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 156 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 151 741 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 81 305 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Refer: 358 775 N 1 0 0 1 67 0 2 +Kerns2: 116 7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'locl' Localized Forms in Latin lookup 11 subtable" i.loclTRK +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" dotlessi +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" dotlessi +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" i.loclTRK +EndChar + +StartChar: j +Encoding: 106 106 40 +Width: 271 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 135 741 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +9 -239 m 0 + -3 -239 -3 -239 -15 -238 c 0 + -27 -237 -27 -237 -41 -235 c 1 + -34 -176 l 1 + -24 -177 -24 -177 -15 -177.5 c 0 + -6 -178 -6 -178 1 -178 c 0 + 56 -178 56 -178 79 -151 c 0 + 102 -124 102 -124 102 -59 c 2 + 102 476 l 1 + 113 463 l 1 + 24 482 l 1 + 24 525 l 1 + 182 531 l 1 + 182 -33 l 2 + 182 -84 182 -84 172.5 -122.5 c 0 + 163 -161 163 -161 142 -186.5 c 0 + 121 -212 121 -212 88 -225.5 c 0 + 55 -239 55 -239 9 -239 c 0 +EndSplineSet +Refer: 358 775 N 1 0 0 1 51 0 2 +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 18 subtable" uni006A0301 +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" uni0237 +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" uni0237 +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" uni006A0301 +EndChar + +StartChar: k +Encoding: 107 107 41 +Width: 567 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 306 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 285 528 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +24 0 m 1,0,-1 + 24 43 l 1,1,-1 + 115 63 l 1,2,-1 + 103 46 l 1,3,-1 + 103 716 l 1,4,-1 + 111 704 l 1,5,-1 + 24 722 l 1,6,-1 + 24 765 l 1,7,-1 + 183 772 l 1,8,-1 + 183 307 l 1,9,-1 + 168 320 l 1,10,-1 + 306 320 l 1,11,-1 + 285 309 l 1,12,-1 + 391 481 l 1,13,-1 + 398 470 l 1,14,-1 + 316 482 l 1,15,-1 + 316 525 l 1,16,-1 + 535 532 l 1,17,-1 + 535 489 l 1,18,-1 + 446 471 l 1,19,-1 + 469 486 l 1,20,-1 + 347 289 l 1,21,-1 + 346 313 l 1,22,-1 + 495 49 l 1,23,-1 + 480 62 l 1,24,-1 + 562 43 l 1,25,-1 + 562 0 l 1,26,-1 + 437 0 l 1,27,-1 + 288 272 l 1,28,-1 + 304 264 l 1,29,-1 + 168 264 l 1,30,-1 + 183 273 l 1,31,-1 + 183 46 l 1,32,-1 + 172 63 l 1,33,-1 + 259 43 l 1,34,-1 + 259 0 l 1,35,-1 + 24 0 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: l +Encoding: 108 108 42 +Width: 285 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-4" 339 379 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 143 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-1" 268 768 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 134 743 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +183 51 m 1,0,-1 + 174 62 l 1,1,-1 + 261 43 l 1,2,-1 + 261 0 l 1,3,-1 + 24 0 l 1,4,-1 + 24 43 l 1,5,-1 + 111 62 l 1,6,-1 + 103 51 l 1,7,-1 + 103 713 l 1,8,-1 + 111 704 l 1,9,-1 + 24 722 l 1,10,-1 + 24 765 l 1,11,-1 + 183 772 l 1,12,-1 + 183 51 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 116 7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: m +Encoding: 109 109 43 +Width: 954 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 488 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 488 528 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +519 437 m 1,0,-1 + 508 435 l 1,1,2 + 557 486 557 486 612 511.5 c 128,-1,3 + 667 537 667 537 715 537 c 0,4,5 + 776 537 776 537 817.5 496.5 c 128,-1,6 + 859 456 859 456 859 372 c 2,7,-1 + 859 48 l 1,8,-1 + 849 62 l 1,9,-1 + 937 43 l 1,10,-1 + 937 0 l 1,11,-1 + 705 0 l 1,12,-1 + 705 43 l 1,13,-1 + 790 62 l 1,14,-1 + 779 47 l 1,15,-1 + 779 354 l 2,16,17 + 779 416 779 416 752.5 445 c 128,-1,18 + 726 474 726 474 684 474 c 0,19,20 + 648 474 648 474 604.5 453 c 128,-1,21 + 561 432 561 432 519 389 c 1,22,-1 + 526 408 l 1,23,24 + 527 399 527 399 527.5 391 c 128,-1,25 + 528 383 528 383 528 375 c 2,26,-1 + 528 48 l 1,27,-1 + 518 62 l 1,28,-1 + 601 43 l 1,29,-1 + 601 0 l 1,30,-1 + 375 0 l 1,31,-1 + 375 43 l 1,32,-1 + 460 62 l 1,33,-1 + 448 47 l 1,34,-1 + 448 354 l 2,35,36 + 448 416 448 416 421.5 445 c 128,-1,37 + 395 474 395 474 353 474 c 0,38,39 + 317 474 317 474 274 454 c 128,-1,40 + 231 434 231 434 189 392 c 1,41,-1 + 196 407 l 1,42,-1 + 196 47 l 1,43,-1 + 186 61 l 1,44,-1 + 269 43 l 1,45,-1 + 269 0 l 1,46,-1 + 38 0 l 1,47,-1 + 38 43 l 1,48,-1 + 128 63 l 1,49,-1 + 116 48 l 1,50,-1 + 116 478 l 1,51,-1 + 128 463 l 1,52,-1 + 38 482 l 1,53,-1 + 38 525 l 1,54,-1 + 178 532 l 1,55,-1 + 189 434 l 1,56,-1 + 178 438 l 1,57,58 + 227 489 227 489 281.5 513 c 128,-1,59 + 336 537 336 537 385 537 c 0,60,61 + 431 537 431 537 467 512.5 c 128,-1,62 + 503 488 503 488 519 437 c 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: n +Encoding: 110 110 44 +Width: 633 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 326 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 327 528 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +38 0 m 1,0,-1 + 38 43 l 1,1,-1 + 128 63 l 1,2,-1 + 116 48 l 1,3,-1 + 116 478 l 1,4,-1 + 128 463 l 1,5,-1 + 38 482 l 1,6,-1 + 38 525 l 1,7,-1 + 178 532 l 1,8,-1 + 189 434 l 1,9,-1 + 178 438 l 1,10,11 + 228 489 228 489 282.5 513 c 128,-1,12 + 337 537 337 537 386 537 c 0,13,14 + 452 537 452 537 495.5 496.5 c 128,-1,15 + 539 456 539 456 538 371 c 2,16,-1 + 538 48 l 1,17,-1 + 528 62 l 1,18,-1 + 616 43 l 1,19,-1 + 616 0 l 1,20,-1 + 383 0 l 1,21,-1 + 383 43 l 1,22,-1 + 470 62 l 1,23,-1 + 458 47 l 1,24,-1 + 458 354 l 2,25,26 + 458 416 458 416 430 445 c 128,-1,27 + 402 474 402 474 355 474 c 0,28,29 + 318 474 318 474 274.5 454 c 128,-1,30 + 231 434 231 434 189 392 c 1,31,-1 + 196 408 l 1,32,-1 + 196 47 l 1,33,-1 + 186 61 l 1,34,-1 + 271 43 l 1,35,-1 + 271 0 l 1,36,-1 + 38 0 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: o +Encoding: 111 111 45 +Width: 575 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-4" 288 264 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-3" 349 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 288 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-1" 463 528 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 288 528 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +294 537 m 0,0,1 + 404 537 404 537 466.5 468 c 128,-1,2 + 529 399 529 399 529 273 c 0,3,4 + 529 188 529 188 498.5 124.5 c 128,-1,5 + 468 61 468 61 412 26 c 128,-1,6 + 356 -9 356 -9 277 -9 c 0,7,8 + 169 -9 169 -9 108 58.5 c 128,-1,9 + 47 126 47 126 47 253 c 0,10,11 + 47 341 47 341 76.5 404.5 c 128,-1,12 + 106 468 106 468 161.5 502.5 c 128,-1,13 + 217 537 217 537 294 537 c 0,0,1 +290 478 m 0,14,15 + 213 478 213 478 172 420 c 128,-1,16 + 131 362 131 362 131 257 c 0,17,18 + 131 154 131 154 170 102 c 128,-1,19 + 209 50 209 50 282 50 c 0,20,21 + 335 50 335 50 371.5 76.5 c 128,-1,22 + 408 103 408 103 426.5 152 c 128,-1,23 + 445 201 445 201 445 269 c 0,24,25 + 445 371 445 371 404.5 424.5 c 128,-1,26 + 364 478 364 478 290 478 c 0,14,15 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 35 subtable" ordmasculine +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" ordmasculine +EndChar + +StartChar: p +Encoding: 112 112 46 +Width: 596 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 297 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 297 528 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +27 -230 m 1,0,-1 + 27 -187 l 1,1,-1 + 118 -166 l 1,2,-1 + 105 -181 l 1,3,-1 + 105 476 l 1,4,-1 + 117 463 l 1,5,-1 + 27 482 l 1,6,-1 + 27 525 l 1,7,-1 + 167 532 l 1,8,-1 + 177 445 l 1,9,-1 + 168 451 l 1,10,11 + 214 494 214 494 260 515.5 c 128,-1,12 + 306 537 306 537 351 537 c 0,13,14 + 407 537 407 537 451.5 506 c 128,-1,15 + 496 475 496 475 522 416.5 c 128,-1,16 + 548 358 548 358 548 273 c 0,17,18 + 548 181 548 181 516.5 118 c 128,-1,19 + 485 55 485 55 428 22.5 c 128,-1,20 + 371 -10 371 -10 294 -10 c 0,21,22 + 266 -10 266 -10 236 -5 c 128,-1,23 + 206 0 206 0 173 8 c 1,24,-1 + 185 19 l 1,25,-1 + 185 -181 l 1,26,-1 + 174 -167 l 1,27,-1 + 277 -187 l 1,28,-1 + 277 -230 l 1,29,-1 + 27 -230 l 1,0,-1 +285 50 m 0,30,31 + 373 50 373 50 419 107 c 128,-1,32 + 465 164 465 164 465 265 c 0,33,34 + 465 331 465 331 446.5 378 c 128,-1,35 + 428 425 428 425 396 450.5 c 128,-1,36 + 364 476 364 476 323 476 c 0,37,38 + 288 476 288 476 250.5 457.5 c 128,-1,39 + 213 439 213 439 175 401 c 1,40,-1 + 185 426 l 1,41,-1 + 185 51 l 1,42,-1 + 174 69 l 1,43,44 + 235 50 235 50 285 50 c 0,30,31 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: q +Encoding: 113 113 47 +Width: 578 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 290 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 290 528 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +318 -230 m 1,0,-1 + 318 -185 l 1,1,-1 + 422 -164 l 1,2,-1 + 411 -180 l 1,3,-1 + 411 75 l 1,4,-1 + 427 77 l 1,5,6 + 382 33 382 33 336.5 11.5 c 128,-1,7 + 291 -10 291 -10 245 -10 c 0,8,9 + 190 -10 190 -10 145 20.5 c 128,-1,10 + 100 51 100 51 74 110.5 c 128,-1,11 + 48 170 48 170 48 256 c 0,12,13 + 48 353 48 353 81.5 415 c 128,-1,14 + 115 477 115 477 176 507 c 128,-1,15 + 237 537 237 537 319 537 c 0,16,17 + 359 537 359 537 402 531 c 128,-1,18 + 445 525 445 525 491 513 c 1,19,-1 + 491 -180 l 1,20,-1 + 479 -164 l 1,21,-1 + 569 -185 l 1,22,-1 + 569 -230 l 1,23,-1 + 318 -230 l 1,0,-1 +273 51 m 0,24,25 + 308 51 308 51 345.5 69.5 c 128,-1,26 + 383 88 383 88 421 126 c 1,27,-1 + 411 99 l 1,28,-1 + 411 479 l 1,29,-1 + 422 458 l 1,30,31 + 361 478 361 478 311 478 c 0,32,33 + 223 478 223 478 177 421 c 128,-1,34 + 131 364 131 364 131 263 c 0,35,36 + 131 196 131 196 149.5 149 c 128,-1,37 + 168 102 168 102 200.5 76.5 c 128,-1,38 + 233 51 233 51 273 51 c 0,24,25 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 46 7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: r +Encoding: 114 114 48 +Width: 442 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 156 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 235 528 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +38 0 m 1,0,-1 + 38 43 l 1,1,-1 + 126 62 l 1,2,-1 + 116 47 l 1,3,-1 + 116 478 l 1,4,-1 + 127 463 l 1,5,-1 + 38 482 l 1,6,-1 + 38 525 l 1,7,-1 + 178 532 l 1,8,-1 + 189 434 l 1,9,-1 + 178 438 l 1,10,11 + 223 485 223 485 266 511 c 128,-1,12 + 309 537 309 537 360 537 c 0,13,14 + 392 537 392 537 427 527 c 1,15,-1 + 421 381 l 1,16,-1 + 371 381 l 1,17,-1 + 359 486 l 1,18,-1 + 368 468 l 1,19,20 + 361 470 361 470 353 471 c 128,-1,21 + 345 472 345 472 337 472 c 0,22,23 + 297 472 297 472 259.5 448 c 128,-1,24 + 222 424 222 424 188 386 c 1,25,-1 + 196 410 l 1,26,-1 + 196 47 l 1,27,-1 + 184 62 l 1,28,-1 + 293 43 l 1,29,-1 + 293 0 l 1,30,-1 + 38 0 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: s +Encoding: 115 115 49 +Width: 478 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 248 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 252 528 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +139 400 m 0,0,1 + 139 368 139 368 160 350 c 128,-1,2 + 181 332 181 332 214 320.5 c 128,-1,3 + 247 309 247 309 284 298 c 128,-1,4 + 321 287 321 287 354 271 c 128,-1,5 + 387 255 387 255 408 227 c 128,-1,6 + 429 199 429 199 429 153 c 0,7,8 + 429 100 429 100 400 64 c 128,-1,9 + 371 28 371 28 321.5 9.5 c 128,-1,10 + 272 -9 272 -9 211 -9 c 0,11,12 + 174 -9 174 -9 135 -3 c 128,-1,13 + 96 3 96 3 55 14 c 1,14,-1 + 62 148 l 1,15,-1 + 113 148 l 1,16,-1 + 123 50 l 1,17,-1 + 114 61 l 1,18,19 + 137 55 137 55 164 51 c 128,-1,20 + 191 47 191 47 214 47 c 0,21,22 + 250 47 250 47 280.5 57.5 c 128,-1,23 + 311 68 311 68 330 88.5 c 128,-1,24 + 349 109 349 109 349 140 c 0,25,26 + 349 173 349 173 328.5 192 c 128,-1,27 + 308 211 308 211 275 223 c 128,-1,28 + 242 235 242 235 205.5 245.5 c 128,-1,29 + 169 256 169 256 136 272.5 c 128,-1,30 + 103 289 103 289 82 316 c 128,-1,31 + 61 343 61 343 61 390 c 0,32,33 + 61 441 61 441 87.5 473.5 c 128,-1,34 + 114 506 114 506 157.5 521.5 c 128,-1,35 + 201 537 201 537 251 537 c 0,36,37 + 285 537 285 537 326 530 c 128,-1,38 + 367 523 367 523 410 509 c 1,39,-1 + 405 396 l 1,40,-1 + 354 396 l 1,41,-1 + 339 479 l 1,42,-1 + 351 465 l 1,43,44 + 299 480 299 480 253 480 c 0,45,46 + 204 480 204 480 171.5 459.5 c 128,-1,47 + 139 439 139 439 139 400 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: t +Encoding: 116 116 50 +Width: 362 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-4" 173 294 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 191 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-1" 281 768 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 149 556 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +215 -9 m 0,0,1 + 163 -9 163 -9 133 23.5 c 128,-1,2 + 103 56 103 56 103 122 c 2,3,-1 + 103 485 l 1,4,-1 + 116 472 l 1,5,-1 + 13 472 l 1,6,-1 + 13 516 l 1,7,-1 + 117 531 l 1,8,-1 + 103 515 l 1,9,-1 + 103 647 l 1,10,-1 + 183 660 l 1,11,-1 + 183 515 l 1,12,-1 + 172 528 l 1,13,-1 + 329 528 l 1,14,-1 + 326 472 l 1,15,-1 + 172 472 l 1,16,-1 + 183 485 l 1,17,-1 + 183 133 l 2,18,19 + 183 91 183 91 199.5 72 c 128,-1,20 + 216 53 216 53 246 53 c 0,21,22 + 264 53 264 53 285 59 c 128,-1,23 + 306 65 306 65 330 76 c 1,24,-1 + 347 30 l 1,25,26 + 276 -9 276 -9 215 -9 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: u +Encoding: 117 117 51 +Width: 620 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-3" 512 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 309 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-1" 513 529 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 299 528 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +247 -9 m 0,0,1 + 181 -9 181 -9 138 32 c 128,-1,2 + 95 73 95 73 95 158 c 2,3,-1 + 95 477 l 1,4,-1 + 105 463 l 1,5,-1 + 16 482 l 1,6,-1 + 16 525 l 1,7,-1 + 175 531 l 1,8,-1 + 175 172 l 2,9,10 + 175 112 175 112 203 83 c 128,-1,11 + 231 54 231 54 278 54 c 0,12,13 + 315 54 315 54 358 74 c 128,-1,14 + 401 94 401 94 443 136 c 1,15,-1 + 437 118 l 1,16,-1 + 437 479 l 1,17,-1 + 447 463 l 1,18,-1 + 358 482 l 1,19,-1 + 358 525 l 1,20,-1 + 517 532 l 1,21,-1 + 517 49 l 1,22,-1 + 505 62 l 1,23,-1 + 595 45 l 1,24,-1 + 595 1 l 1,25,-1 + 455 -5 l 1,26,-1 + 443 94 l 1,27,-1 + 454 90 l 1,28,29 + 405 39 405 39 350.5 15 c 128,-1,30 + 296 -9 296 -9 247 -9 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: v +Encoding: 118 118 52 +Width: 527 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +322 525 m 1,0,-1 + 531 532 l 1,1,-1 + 531 488 l 1,2,-1 + 463 468 l 1,3,-1 + 477 483 l 1,4,-1 + 303 -2 l 1,5,-1 + 209 -2 l 1,6,-1 + 50 481 l 1,7,-1 + 64 468 l 1,8,-1 + -5 482 l 1,9,-1 + -5 525 l 1,10,-1 + 215 532 l 1,11,-1 + 215 488 l 1,12,-1 + 124 471 l 1,13,-1 + 132 483 l 1,14,-1 + 266 49 l 1,15,-1 + 258 49 l 1,16,-1 + 403 480 l 1,17,-1 + 409 471 l 1,18,-1 + 322 482 l 1,19,-1 + 322 525 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: w +Encoding: 119 119 53 +Width: 799 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 398 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 403 528 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +603 525 m 1,0,-1 + 804 532 l 1,1,-1 + 804 488 l 1,2,-1 + 734 471 l 1,3,-1 + 748 483 l 1,4,-1 + 611 -2 l 1,5,-1 + 523 -2 l 1,6,-1 + 393 470 l 1,7,-1 + 409 470 l 1,8,-1 + 271 -2 l 1,9,-1 + 183 -2 l 1,10,-1 + 52 481 l 1,11,-1 + 64 469 l 1,12,-1 + -5 482 l 1,13,-1 + -5 525 l 1,14,-1 + 211 532 l 1,15,-1 + 211 488 l 1,16,-1 + 120 472 l 1,17,-1 + 129 482 l 1,18,-1 + 240 47 l 1,19,-1 + 227 47 l 1,20,-1 + 361 526 l 1,21,-1 + 448 532 l 1,22,-1 + 577 44 l 1,23,-1 + 564 44 l 1,24,-1 + 681 480 l 1,25,-1 + 690 469 l 1,26,-1 + 603 482 l 1,27,-1 + 603 525 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: x +Encoding: 120 120 54 +Width: 554 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +10 0 m 1,0,-1 + 10 43 l 1,1,-1 + 97 59 l 1,2,-1 + 75 46 l 1,3,-1 + 236 280 l 1,4,-1 + 255 284 l 1,5,-1 + 416 525 l 1,6,-1 + 528 532 l 1,7,-1 + 528 488 l 1,8,-1 + 442 469 l 1,9,-1 + 467 485 l 1,10,-1 + 310 262 l 1,11,-1 + 293 258 l 1,12,-1 + 122 0 l 1,13,-1 + 10 0 l 1,0,-1 +315 0 m 1,14,-1 + 315 43 l 1,15,-1 + 389 55 l 1,16,-1 + 384 43 l 1,17,-1 + 242 250 l 1,18,-1 + 78 485 l 1,19,-1 + 98 469 l 1,20,-1 + 21 482 l 1,21,-1 + 21 525 l 1,22,-1 + 235 532 l 1,23,-1 + 235 488 l 1,24,-1 + 157 474 l 1,25,-1 + 164 488 l 1,26,-1 + 297 294 l 1,27,-1 + 470 46 l 1,28,-1 + 453 58 l 1,29,-1 + 538 43 l 1,30,-1 + 538 0 l 1,31,-1 + 315 0 l 1,14,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'ss01' Style Set 1 lookup 76 subtable" x.ss01 +Substitution2: "'salt' Stylistic Alternatives lookup 75 subtable" x.ss01 +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" x.ss01 +EndChar + +StartChar: y +Encoding: 121 121 55 +Width: 529 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 406 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 263 528 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +15 -234 m 1,0,-1 + 22 -175 l 1,1,2 + 34 -177 34 -177 44.5 -178 c 128,-1,3 + 55 -179 55 -179 64 -179 c 0,4,5 + 113 -179 113 -179 143.5 -156.5 c 128,-1,6 + 174 -134 174 -134 195 -89 c 128,-1,7 + 216 -44 216 -44 238 23 c 1,8,-1 + 235 -7 l 1,9,-1 + 48 480 l 1,10,-1 + 59 471 l 1,11,-1 + -6 482 l 1,12,-1 + -6 525 l 1,13,-1 + 213 532 l 1,14,-1 + 213 488 l 1,15,-1 + 123 473 l 1,16,-1 + 129 482 l 1,17,-1 + 278 57 l 1,18,-1 + 260 61 l 1,19,-1 + 403 480 l 1,20,-1 + 409 471 l 1,21,-1 + 321 482 l 1,22,-1 + 321 525 l 1,23,-1 + 533 532 l 1,24,-1 + 533 488 l 1,25,-1 + 463 472 l 1,26,-1 + 477 481 l 1,27,-1 + 301 -2 l 2,28,29 + 283 -52 283 -52 263.5 -95 c 128,-1,30 + 244 -138 244 -138 219 -170.5 c 128,-1,31 + 194 -203 194 -203 158 -221 c 128,-1,32 + 122 -239 122 -239 71 -239 c 0,33,34 + 48 -239 48 -239 15 -234 c 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 168 -22 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 167 -22 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 164 -22 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 145 -22 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 84 -22 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 47 -22 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 45 -22 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 35 -22 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 34 -22 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 33 -22 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: z +Encoding: 122 122 56 +Width: 481 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 241 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 241 528 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +437 144 m 1,0,-1 + 438 1 l 1,1,-1 + 40 0 l 1,2,-1 + 40 48 l 1,3,-1 + 352 489 l 1,4,-1 + 364 472 l 1,5,-1 + 88 472 l 1,6,-1 + 112 491 l 1,7,-1 + 99 396 l 1,8,-1 + 49 396 l 1,9,-1 + 48 528 l 1,10,-1 + 430 528 l 1,11,-1 + 430 479 l 1,12,-1 + 117 34 l 1,13,-1 + 113 56 l 1,14,-1 + 390 57 l 1,15,-1 + 367 33 l 1,16,-1 + 387 144 l 1,17,-1 + 437 144 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: zero +Encoding: 48 48 57 +Width: 641 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +316 -9 m 0,0,1 + 231 -9 231 -9 175.5 30 c 128,-1,2 + 120 69 120 69 93.5 147 c 128,-1,3 + 67 225 67 225 67 343 c 0,4,5 + 67 465 67 465 95 545.5 c 128,-1,6 + 123 626 123 626 182 666.5 c 128,-1,7 + 241 707 241 707 330 707 c 0,8,9 + 417 707 417 707 470.5 670 c 128,-1,10 + 524 633 524 633 548.5 557 c 128,-1,11 + 573 481 573 481 573 364 c 0,12,13 + 573 240 573 240 545 157 c 128,-1,14 + 517 74 517 74 459.5 32.5 c 128,-1,15 + 402 -9 402 -9 316 -9 c 0,0,1 +319 55 m 0,16,17 + 377 55 377 55 414 88 c 128,-1,18 + 451 121 451 121 469 187.5 c 128,-1,19 + 487 254 487 254 488 356 c 0,20,21 + 489 462 489 462 471 524.5 c 128,-1,22 + 453 587 453 587 417 615 c 128,-1,23 + 381 643 381 643 327 643 c 0,24,25 + 267 643 267 643 228 610.5 c 128,-1,26 + 189 578 189 578 170.5 512.5 c 128,-1,27 + 152 447 152 447 152 347 c 256,28,29 + 152 247 152 247 170 182.5 c 128,-1,30 + 188 118 188 118 225 86.5 c 128,-1,31 + 262 55 262 55 319 55 c 0,16,17 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 147 -20 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'zero' Slashed Zero lookup 74 subtable" +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" zero.lf +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" zero.osf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" +Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers lookup 68 subtable" zero.osf +Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures lookup 67 subtable" +Substitution2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions lookup 30 subtable" zero.numr +Substitution2: "'dnom' Denominators lookup 28 subtable" zero.dnom +Substitution2: "'numr' Numerators lookup 27 subtable" zero.numr +Substitution2: "'sups' Superscript lookup 26 subtable" uni2070 +Substitution2: "'sinf' Scientific Inferiors lookup 25 subtable" uni2080 +Substitution2: "'subs' Subscript lookup 24 subtable" uni2080 +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" zero.lf zero.osf uni2080 zero.dnom zero.numr uni2070 +EndChar + +StartChar: one +Encoding: 49 49 58 +Width: 406 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +278 44 m 1,0,-1 + 260 66 l 1,1,-1 + 394 45 l 1,2,-1 + 394 0 l 1,3,-1 + 55 0 l 1,4,-1 + 55 45 l 1,5,-1 + 214 65 l 1,6,-1 + 196 44 l 1,7,-1 + 196 629 l 1,8,-1 + 218 627 l 1,9,-1 + 44 526 l 1,10,-1 + 17 577 l 1,11,-1 + 211 701 l 1,12,-1 + 278 701 l 1,13,-1 + 278 44 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 147 -48 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" one.lf +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" one.osf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" +Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers lookup 68 subtable" one.osf +Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures lookup 67 subtable" +Substitution2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions lookup 30 subtable" one.numr +Substitution2: "'dnom' Denominators lookup 28 subtable" one.dnom +Substitution2: "'numr' Numerators lookup 27 subtable" one.numr +Substitution2: "'sups' Superscript lookup 26 subtable" uni00B9 +Substitution2: "'sinf' Scientific Inferiors lookup 25 subtable" uni2081 +Substitution2: "'subs' Subscript lookup 24 subtable" uni2081 +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" one.lf uni00B9 one.osf uni2081 one.dnom one.numr +EndChar + +StartChar: two +Encoding: 50 50 59 +Width: 544 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +43 0 m 1,0,-1 + 43 71 l 1,1,2 + 161 178 161 178 239.5 258 c 128,-1,3 + 318 338 318 338 356.5 401 c 128,-1,4 + 395 464 395 464 395 521 c 0,5,6 + 395 584 395 584 353 614 c 128,-1,7 + 311 644 311 644 247 644 c 0,8,9 + 218 644 218 644 182.5 637 c 128,-1,10 + 147 630 147 630 110 618 c 1,11,-1 + 121 634 l 1,12,-1 + 107 513 l 1,13,-1 + 56 513 l 1,14,-1 + 47 669 l 1,15,16 + 104 687 104 687 158.5 697 c 128,-1,17 + 213 707 213 707 259 707 c 0,18,19 + 324 707 324 707 374 688.5 c 128,-1,20 + 424 670 424 670 453 631.5 c 128,-1,21 + 482 593 482 593 482 532 c 0,22,23 + 482 463 482 463 443 393.5 c 128,-1,24 + 404 324 404 324 327.5 243 c 128,-1,25 + 251 162 251 162 138 56 c 1,26,-1 + 137 67 l 1,27,-1 + 499 67 l 1,28,-1 + 499 0 l 1,29,-1 + 43 0 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" two.lf +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" two.osf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" +Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers lookup 68 subtable" two.osf +Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures lookup 67 subtable" +Substitution2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions lookup 30 subtable" two.numr +Substitution2: "'dnom' Denominators lookup 28 subtable" two.dnom +Substitution2: "'numr' Numerators lookup 27 subtable" two.numr +Substitution2: "'sups' Superscript lookup 26 subtable" uni00B2 +Substitution2: "'sinf' Scientific Inferiors lookup 25 subtable" uni2082 +Substitution2: "'subs' Subscript lookup 24 subtable" uni2082 +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" two.lf uni00B2 two.osf uni2082 two.dnom two.numr +EndChar + +StartChar: three +Encoding: 51 51 60 +Width: 570 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +251 -8 m 0,0,1 + 196 -8 196 -8 142 6 c 128,-1,2 + 88 20 88 20 40 48 c 1,3,-1 + 64 108 l 1,4,5 + 108 83 108 83 155.5 70 c 128,-1,6 + 203 57 203 57 249 57 c 0,7,8 + 299 57 299 57 337.5 72.5 c 128,-1,9 + 376 88 376 88 398 120 c 128,-1,10 + 420 152 420 152 420 200 c 0,11,12 + 420 239 420 239 402.5 269.5 c 128,-1,13 + 385 300 385 300 347 318 c 128,-1,14 + 309 336 309 336 246 336 c 2,15,-1 + 163 336 l 1,16,-1 + 163 397 l 1,17,-1 + 247 397 l 2,18,19 + 326 397 326 397 365.5 430 c 128,-1,20 + 405 463 405 463 405 523 c 0,21,22 + 405 589 405 589 364 617.5 c 128,-1,23 + 323 646 323 646 258 646 c 0,24,25 + 224 646 224 646 188 639 c 128,-1,26 + 152 632 152 632 117 621 c 1,27,-1 + 129 634 l 1,28,-1 + 117 516 l 1,29,-1 + 67 516 l 1,30,-1 + 59 668 l 1,31,32 + 114 686 114 686 170 696.5 c 128,-1,33 + 226 707 226 707 276 707 c 0,34,35 + 337 707 337 707 385.5 690 c 128,-1,36 + 434 673 434 673 461.5 635 c 128,-1,37 + 489 597 489 597 489 535 c 0,38,39 + 489 462 489 462 447 420 c 128,-1,40 + 405 378 405 378 321 366 c 1,41,-1 + 318 372 l 1,42,43 + 412 366 412 366 458 320.5 c 128,-1,44 + 504 275 504 275 504 198 c 0,45,46 + 504 146 504 146 484.5 107 c 128,-1,47 + 465 68 465 68 430 42.5 c 128,-1,48 + 395 17 395 17 349 4.5 c 128,-1,49 + 303 -8 303 -8 251 -8 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" three.lf +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" three.osf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" +Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers lookup 68 subtable" three.osf +Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures lookup 67 subtable" +Substitution2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions lookup 30 subtable" three.numr +Substitution2: "'dnom' Denominators lookup 28 subtable" three.dnom +Substitution2: "'numr' Numerators lookup 27 subtable" three.numr +Substitution2: "'sups' Superscript lookup 26 subtable" uni00B3 +Substitution2: "'sinf' Scientific Inferiors lookup 25 subtable" uni2083 +Substitution2: "'subs' Subscript lookup 24 subtable" uni2083 +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" three.lf uni00B3 three.osf uni2083 three.dnom three.numr +EndChar + +StartChar: four +Encoding: 52 52 61 +Width: 584 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +366 193 m 1,0,-1 + 387 175 l 1,1,-1 + 22 175 l 1,2,-1 + 12 234 l 1,3,-1 + 352 709 l 1,4,-1 + 448 698 l 1,5,-1 + 448 224 l 1,6,-1 + 426 240 l 1,7,-1 + 568 240 l 1,8,-1 + 568 175 l 1,9,-1 + 426 175 l 1,10,-1 + 448 193 l 1,11,-1 + 448 0 l 1,12,-1 + 366 0 l 1,13,-1 + 366 193 l 1,0,-1 +389 240 m 1,14,-1 + 367 224 l 1,15,-1 + 367 659 l 1,16,-1 + 394 654 l 1,17,-1 + 80 212 l 1,18,-1 + 64 240 l 1,19,-1 + 389 240 l 1,14,-1 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 147 -45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" four.lf +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" four.osf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" +Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers lookup 68 subtable" four.osf +Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures lookup 67 subtable" +Substitution2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions lookup 30 subtable" four.numr +Substitution2: "'dnom' Denominators lookup 28 subtable" four.dnom +Substitution2: "'numr' Numerators lookup 27 subtable" four.numr +Substitution2: "'sups' Superscript lookup 26 subtable" uni2074 +Substitution2: "'sinf' Scientific Inferiors lookup 25 subtable" uni2084 +Substitution2: "'subs' Subscript lookup 24 subtable" uni2084 +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" four.lf uni2074 four.osf uni2084 four.dnom four.numr +EndChar + +StartChar: five +Encoding: 53 53 62 +Width: 534 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +245 -8 m 0,0,1 + 146 -8 146 -8 45 41 c 1,2,-1 + 68 101 l 1,3,4 + 111 80 111 80 153 69 c 128,-1,5 + 195 58 195 58 234 58 c 0,6,7 + 285 58 285 58 322.5 77 c 128,-1,8 + 360 96 360 96 381 131.5 c 128,-1,9 + 402 167 402 167 402 215 c 0,10,11 + 402 268 402 268 374.5 298.5 c 128,-1,12 + 347 329 347 329 291.5 342 c 128,-1,13 + 236 355 236 355 152 355 c 2,14,-1 + 87 355 l 1,15,-1 + 101 698 l 1,16,-1 + 458 698 l 1,17,-1 + 457 633 l 1,18,-1 + 157 633 l 1,19,-1 + 181 649 l 1,20,-1 + 170 398 l 1,21,-1 + 148 417 l 1,22,-1 + 207 417 l 2,23,24 + 305 417 305 417 367 393.5 c 128,-1,25 + 429 370 429 370 459 325.5 c 128,-1,26 + 489 281 489 281 489 216 c 0,27,28 + 489 146 489 146 457.5 95.5 c 128,-1,29 + 426 45 426 45 371 18.5 c 128,-1,30 + 316 -8 316 -8 245 -8 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 147 -20 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" five.lf +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" five.osf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" +Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers lookup 68 subtable" five.osf +Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures lookup 67 subtable" +Substitution2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions lookup 30 subtable" five.numr +Substitution2: "'dnom' Denominators lookup 28 subtable" five.dnom +Substitution2: "'numr' Numerators lookup 27 subtable" five.numr +Substitution2: "'sups' Superscript lookup 26 subtable" uni2075 +Substitution2: "'sinf' Scientific Inferiors lookup 25 subtable" uni2085 +Substitution2: "'subs' Subscript lookup 24 subtable" uni2085 +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" five.lf five.osf uni2085 five.dnom five.numr uni2075 +EndChar + +StartChar: six +Encoding: 54 54 63 +Width: 587 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +132 291 m 1,0,-1 + 129 350 l 1,1,2 + 177 384 177 384 230.5 401.5 c 128,-1,3 + 284 419 284 419 336 419 c 0,4,5 + 394 419 394 419 440.5 396.5 c 128,-1,6 + 487 374 487 374 515 329 c 128,-1,7 + 543 284 543 284 543 216 c 0,8,9 + 543 147 543 147 513 96.5 c 128,-1,10 + 483 46 483 46 429 18.5 c 128,-1,11 + 375 -9 375 -9 306 -9 c 0,12,13 + 233 -9 233 -9 177.5 24 c 128,-1,14 + 122 57 122 57 91 126.5 c 128,-1,15 + 60 196 60 196 60 304 c 0,16,17 + 60 428 60 428 100 518 c 128,-1,18 + 140 608 140 608 214 657.5 c 128,-1,19 + 288 707 288 707 388 707 c 0,20,21 + 440 707 440 707 497 693 c 1,22,-1 + 490 632 l 1,23,24 + 465 637 465 637 441 639.5 c 128,-1,25 + 417 642 417 642 396 642 c 0,26,27 + 311 642 311 642 255 600.5 c 128,-1,28 + 199 559 199 559 171.5 483.5 c 128,-1,29 + 144 408 144 408 144 303 c 0,30,31 + 144 177 144 177 186 116.5 c 128,-1,32 + 228 56 228 56 307 56 c 0,33,34 + 377 56 377 56 418 98 c 128,-1,35 + 459 140 459 140 459 213 c 0,36,37 + 459 263 459 263 439 295.5 c 128,-1,38 + 419 328 419 328 386.5 343.5 c 128,-1,39 + 354 359 354 359 312 359 c 0,40,41 + 269 359 269 359 221.5 342 c 128,-1,42 + 174 325 174 325 132 291 c 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 147 -33 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" six.lf +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" six.osf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" +Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers lookup 68 subtable" six.osf +Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures lookup 67 subtable" +Substitution2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions lookup 30 subtable" six.numr +Substitution2: "'dnom' Denominators lookup 28 subtable" six.dnom +Substitution2: "'numr' Numerators lookup 27 subtable" six.numr +Substitution2: "'sups' Superscript lookup 26 subtable" uni2076 +Substitution2: "'sinf' Scientific Inferiors lookup 25 subtable" uni2086 +Substitution2: "'subs' Subscript lookup 24 subtable" uni2086 +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" six.lf six.osf uni2086 six.dnom six.numr uni2076 +EndChar + +StartChar: seven +Encoding: 55 55 64 +Width: 502 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +484 639 m 1,0,-1 + 213 0 l 1,1,-1 + 123 0 l 1,2,-1 + 401 645 l 1,3,-1 + 414 631 l 1,4,-1 + 77 631 l 1,5,-1 + 96 646 l 1,6,-1 + 75 525 l 1,7,-1 + 24 525 l 1,8,-1 + 24 698 l 1,9,-1 + 484 698 l 1,10,-1 + 484 639 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 147 28 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" seven.lf +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" seven.osf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" +Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers lookup 68 subtable" seven.osf +Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures lookup 67 subtable" +Substitution2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions lookup 30 subtable" seven.numr +Substitution2: "'dnom' Denominators lookup 28 subtable" seven.dnom +Substitution2: "'numr' Numerators lookup 27 subtable" seven.numr +Substitution2: "'sups' Superscript lookup 26 subtable" uni2077 +Substitution2: "'sinf' Scientific Inferiors lookup 25 subtable" uni2087 +Substitution2: "'subs' Subscript lookup 24 subtable" uni2087 +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" seven.lf seven.osf uni2087 seven.dnom seven.numr uni2077 +EndChar + +StartChar: eight +Encoding: 56 56 65 +Width: 601 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +291 -8 m 0,0,1 + 247 -8 247 -8 205.5 4 c 128,-1,2 + 164 16 164 16 131.5 39.5 c 128,-1,3 + 99 63 99 63 80 98 c 128,-1,4 + 61 133 61 133 61 179 c 0,5,6 + 61 223 61 223 78 256 c 128,-1,7 + 95 289 95 289 123 312.5 c 128,-1,8 + 151 336 151 336 183 351 c 128,-1,9 + 215 366 215 366 244 374 c 1,10,-1 + 295 348 l 1,11,12 + 273 341 273 341 246.5 329 c 128,-1,13 + 220 317 220 317 196 298.5 c 128,-1,14 + 172 280 172 280 157 253 c 128,-1,15 + 142 226 142 226 142 189 c 0,16,17 + 142 147 142 147 162.5 116 c 128,-1,18 + 183 85 183 85 218.5 68.5 c 128,-1,19 + 254 52 254 52 297 52 c 0,20,21 + 342 52 342 52 377.5 69.5 c 128,-1,22 + 413 87 413 87 434.5 118.5 c 128,-1,23 + 456 150 456 150 456 191 c 0,24,25 + 456 231 456 231 435.5 257.5 c 128,-1,26 + 415 284 415 284 381.5 301 c 128,-1,27 + 348 318 348 318 307.5 331.5 c 128,-1,28 + 267 345 267 345 226.5 359.5 c 128,-1,29 + 186 374 186 374 152.5 394 c 128,-1,30 + 119 414 119 414 98.5 445.5 c 128,-1,31 + 78 477 78 477 78 525 c 0,32,33 + 78 586 78 586 111 626.5 c 128,-1,34 + 144 667 144 667 196.5 687 c 128,-1,35 + 249 707 249 707 308 707 c 256,36,37 + 367 707 367 707 416.5 688 c 128,-1,38 + 466 669 466 669 497 630.5 c 128,-1,39 + 528 592 528 592 528 535 c 0,40,41 + 528 494 528 494 511.5 464.5 c 128,-1,42 + 495 435 495 435 468.5 414.5 c 128,-1,43 + 442 394 442 394 411 381.5 c 128,-1,44 + 380 369 380 369 350 362 c 1,45,-1 + 293 389 l 1,46,47 + 321 396 321 396 349 406.5 c 128,-1,48 + 377 417 377 417 399.5 433 c 128,-1,49 + 422 449 422 449 435.5 472.5 c 128,-1,50 + 449 496 449 496 449 528 c 0,51,52 + 449 568 449 568 429 594 c 128,-1,53 + 409 620 409 620 376.5 633.5 c 128,-1,54 + 344 647 344 647 305 647 c 256,55,56 + 266 647 266 647 232.5 633.5 c 128,-1,57 + 199 620 199 620 178.5 594 c 128,-1,58 + 158 568 158 568 158 529 c 256,59,60 + 158 490 158 490 178.5 465 c 128,-1,61 + 199 440 199 440 233 423.5 c 128,-1,62 + 267 407 267 407 307.5 394 c 128,-1,63 + 348 381 348 381 388 366.5 c 128,-1,64 + 428 352 428 352 461.5 331 c 128,-1,65 + 495 310 495 310 516 277.5 c 128,-1,66 + 537 245 537 245 537 195 c 0,67,68 + 537 146 537 146 516 108 c 128,-1,69 + 495 70 495 70 460 44 c 128,-1,70 + 425 18 425 18 381.5 5 c 128,-1,71 + 338 -8 338 -8 291 -8 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" eight.lf +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" eight.osf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" +Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers lookup 68 subtable" eight.osf +Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures lookup 67 subtable" +Substitution2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions lookup 30 subtable" eight.numr +Substitution2: "'dnom' Denominators lookup 28 subtable" eight.dnom +Substitution2: "'numr' Numerators lookup 27 subtable" eight.numr +Substitution2: "'sups' Superscript lookup 26 subtable" uni2078 +Substitution2: "'sinf' Scientific Inferiors lookup 25 subtable" uni2088 +Substitution2: "'subs' Subscript lookup 24 subtable" uni2088 +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" eight.lf eight.osf uni2088 eight.dnom eight.numr uni2078 +EndChar + +StartChar: nine +Encoding: 57 57 66 +Width: 586 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +454 411 m 1,0,-1 + 457 352 l 1,1,2 + 409 318 409 318 356 299.5 c 128,-1,3 + 303 281 303 281 249 281 c 0,4,5 + 191 281 191 281 144.5 303.5 c 128,-1,6 + 98 326 98 326 71 370 c 128,-1,7 + 44 414 44 414 43 480 c 0,8,9 + 42 551 42 551 72.5 601.5 c 128,-1,10 + 103 652 103 652 157 679.5 c 128,-1,11 + 211 707 211 707 280 707 c 0,12,13 + 353 707 353 707 409 674 c 128,-1,14 + 465 641 465 641 495.5 572 c 128,-1,15 + 526 503 526 503 526 395 c 0,16,17 + 526 273 526 273 486.5 182.5 c 128,-1,18 + 447 92 447 92 373.5 42 c 128,-1,19 + 300 -8 300 -8 198 -8 c 0,20,21 + 146 -8 146 -8 89 6 c 1,22,-1 + 96 66 l 1,23,24 + 122 61 122 61 145.5 58.5 c 128,-1,25 + 169 56 169 56 189 56 c 0,26,27 + 275 56 275 56 331 97.5 c 128,-1,28 + 387 139 387 139 414.5 215 c 128,-1,29 + 442 291 442 291 442 395 c 0,30,31 + 442 521 442 521 400.5 581.5 c 128,-1,32 + 359 642 359 642 279 642 c 0,33,34 + 210 642 210 642 168.5 600.5 c 128,-1,35 + 127 559 127 559 127 486 c 0,36,37 + 127 435 127 435 146.5 403 c 128,-1,38 + 166 371 166 371 198.5 356 c 128,-1,39 + 231 341 231 341 271 341 c 0,40,41 + 317 341 317 341 364 359 c 128,-1,42 + 411 377 411 377 454 411 c 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 147 -17 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" nine.lf +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" nine.osf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" +Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers lookup 68 subtable" nine.osf +Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures lookup 67 subtable" +Substitution2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions lookup 30 subtable" nine.numr +Substitution2: "'dnom' Denominators lookup 28 subtable" nine.dnom +Substitution2: "'numr' Numerators lookup 27 subtable" nine.numr +Substitution2: "'sups' Superscript lookup 26 subtable" uni2079 +Substitution2: "'sinf' Scientific Inferiors lookup 25 subtable" uni2089 +Substitution2: "'subs' Subscript lookup 24 subtable" uni2089 +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" nine.lf nine.osf uni2089 nine.dnom nine.numr uni2079 +EndChar + +StartChar: zero.lf +Encoding: 65537 -1 67 +Width: 641 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 57 48 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Kerns2: 147 -20 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" zero.osf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" zero.osf +EndChar + +StartChar: one.lf +Encoding: 65538 -1 68 +Width: 406 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 58 49 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Kerns2: 147 -48 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" one.osf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" one.osf +EndChar + +StartChar: two.lf +Encoding: 65539 -1 69 +Width: 544 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 59 50 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" two.osf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" two.osf +EndChar + +StartChar: three.lf +Encoding: 65540 -1 70 +Width: 570 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 60 51 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" three.osf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" three.osf +EndChar + +StartChar: four.lf +Encoding: 65541 -1 71 +Width: 584 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 61 52 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Kerns2: 147 -45 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" four.osf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" four.osf +EndChar + +StartChar: five.lf +Encoding: 65542 -1 72 +Width: 534 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 62 53 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Kerns2: 147 -20 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" five.osf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" five.osf +EndChar + +StartChar: six.lf +Encoding: 65543 -1 73 +Width: 587 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 63 54 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Kerns2: 147 -33 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" six.osf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" six.osf +EndChar + +StartChar: seven.lf +Encoding: 65544 -1 74 +Width: 502 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 64 55 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Kerns2: 147 28 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" seven.osf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" seven.osf +EndChar + +StartChar: eight.lf +Encoding: 65545 -1 75 +Width: 601 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 65 56 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Kerns2: 147 -13 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" eight.osf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" eight.osf +EndChar + +StartChar: nine.lf +Encoding: 65546 -1 76 +Width: 586 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 66 57 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Kerns2: 147 -17 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" nine.osf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" nine.osf +EndChar + +StartChar: uni00B9 +Encoding: 185 185 77 +Width: 276 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 258 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 346 3 +Kerns2: 140 23 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni00B2 +Encoding: 178 178 78 +Width: 355 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 259 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 346 3 +Kerns2: 140 7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni00B3 +Encoding: 179 179 79 +Width: 367 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 260 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 346 3 +EndChar + +StartChar: uni2074 +Encoding: 8308 8308 80 +Width: 359 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 261 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 346 3 +Kerns2: 140 -7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +EndChar + +StartChar: dotlessi +Encoding: 305 305 81 +Width: 298 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-3" 238 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 156 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 151 528 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +196 51 m 1,0,-1 + 187 62 l 1,1,-1 + 274 43 l 1,2,-1 + 274 0 l 1,3,-1 + 38 0 l 1,4,-1 + 38 43 l 1,5,-1 + 125 62 l 1,6,-1 + 116 51 l 1,7,-1 + 116 473 l 1,8,-1 + 124 464 l 1,9,-1 + 38 482 l 1,10,-1 + 38 525 l 1,11,-1 + 196 531 l 1,12,-1 + 196 51 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni00B5 +Encoding: 181 181 82 +Width: 653 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +131 132 m 1,0,-1 + 152 79 l 1,1,2 + 158 39 158 39 164.5 -8.5 c 128,-1,3 + 171 -56 171 -56 175.5 -111.5 c 128,-1,4 + 180 -167 180 -167 180 -230 c 1,5,-1 + 100 -230 l 1,6,-1 + 100 478 l 1,7,-1 + 110 464 l 1,8,-1 + 22 482 l 1,9,-1 + 22 525 l 1,10,-1 + 180 529 l 1,11,-1 + 180 169 l 2,12,13 + 180 110 180 110 208 82 c 128,-1,14 + 236 54 236 54 282 54 c 0,15,16 + 319 54 319 54 363 74 c 128,-1,17 + 407 94 407 94 449 137 c 1,18,-1 + 442 121 l 1,19,-1 + 442 480 l 1,20,-1 + 452 464 l 1,21,-1 + 364 482 l 1,22,-1 + 364 525 l 1,23,-1 + 522 530 l 1,24,-1 + 522 49 l 1,25,-1 + 510 63 l 1,26,-1 + 601 45 l 1,27,-1 + 601 1 l 1,28,-1 + 460 -5 l 1,29,-1 + 448 94 l 1,30,-1 + 458 90 l 1,31,32 + 410 40 410 40 359.5 15.5 c 128,-1,33 + 309 -9 309 -9 263 -9 c 0,34,35 + 209 -9 209 -9 173 25.5 c 128,-1,36 + 137 60 137 60 131 132 c 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: dollar +Encoding: 36 36 83 +Width: 623 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +290 -138 m 1,0,-1 + 290 20 l 1,1,-1 + 311 4 l 1,2,3 + 305 3 305 3 298.5 3 c 128,-1,4 + 292 3 292 3 285 3 c 0,5,6 + 241 3 241 3 188 13 c 128,-1,7 + 135 23 135 23 84 45 c 1,8,-1 + 88 209 l 1,9,-1 + 139 209 l 1,10,-1 + 153 95 l 1,11,12 + 187 81 187 81 222.5 73.5 c 128,-1,13 + 258 66 258 66 292 66 c 0,14,15 + 338 66 338 66 377 80 c 128,-1,16 + 416 94 416 94 439 121.5 c 128,-1,17 + 462 149 462 149 462 190 c 0,18,19 + 462 228 462 228 442 252 c 128,-1,20 + 422 276 422 276 389 291.5 c 128,-1,21 + 356 307 356 307 317 318.5 c 128,-1,22 + 278 330 278 330 238 343.5 c 128,-1,23 + 198 357 198 357 165 377 c 128,-1,24 + 132 397 132 397 112 429 c 128,-1,25 + 92 461 92 461 92 510 c 0,26,27 + 92 570 92 570 122 610 c 128,-1,28 + 152 650 152 650 203 671.5 c 128,-1,29 + 254 693 254 693 317 694 c 1,30,-1 + 290 677 l 1,31,-1 + 290 827 l 1,32,-1 + 347 827 l 1,33,-1 + 347 678 l 1,34,-1 + 324 695 l 1,35,-1 + 336 695 l 2,36,37 + 365 695 365 695 398 689.5 c 128,-1,38 + 431 684 431 684 464.5 675 c 128,-1,39 + 498 666 498 666 526 654 c 1,40,-1 + 517 498 l 1,41,-1 + 467 498 l 1,42,-1 + 454 609 l 1,43,44 + 427 620 427 620 395 626 c 128,-1,45 + 363 632 363 632 331 632 c 0,46,47 + 289 632 289 632 253 620.5 c 128,-1,48 + 217 609 217 609 195 584.5 c 128,-1,49 + 173 560 173 560 173 521 c 0,50,51 + 173 484 173 484 193 461 c 128,-1,52 + 213 438 213 438 246 423 c 128,-1,53 + 279 408 279 408 319 396 c 128,-1,54 + 359 384 359 384 398 370.5 c 128,-1,55 + 437 357 437 357 470 336 c 128,-1,56 + 503 315 503 315 523.5 282.5 c 128,-1,57 + 544 250 544 250 544 199 c 0,58,59 + 544 138 544 138 513.5 96.5 c 128,-1,60 + 483 55 483 55 432.5 32 c 128,-1,61 + 382 9 382 9 321 4 c 1,62,-1 + 347 23 l 1,63,-1 + 347 -138 l 1,64,-1 + 290 -138 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: cent +Encoding: 162 162 84 +Width: 572 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +498 181 m 1,0,1 + 450 145 450 145 403 126.5 c 128,-1,2 + 356 108 356 108 309 106 c 1,3,-1 + 331 124 l 1,4,-1 + 331 -21 l 1,5,-1 + 275 -21 l 1,6,-1 + 275 123 l 1,7,-1 + 299 106 l 1,8,9 + 233 105 233 105 182 135 c 128,-1,10 + 131 165 131 165 102 221 c 128,-1,11 + 73 277 73 277 73 353 c 0,12,13 + 73 432 73 432 103 487.5 c 128,-1,14 + 133 543 133 543 183.5 574 c 128,-1,15 + 234 605 234 605 297 608 c 1,16,-1 + 275 589 l 1,17,-1 + 275 734 l 1,18,-1 + 331 734 l 1,19,-1 + 331 592 l 1,20,-1 + 301 608 l 1,21,22 + 335 610 335 610 368.5 605 c 128,-1,23 + 402 600 402 600 430.5 590.5 c 128,-1,24 + 459 581 459 581 481 569 c 1,25,-1 + 477 450 l 1,26,-1 + 428 450 l 1,27,-1 + 416 534 l 1,28,29 + 392 545 392 545 365.5 549.5 c 128,-1,30 + 339 554 339 554 318 554 c 0,31,32 + 266 554 266 554 228.5 528.5 c 128,-1,33 + 191 503 191 503 171 459 c 128,-1,34 + 151 415 151 415 151 358 c 0,35,36 + 151 298 151 298 170.5 254.5 c 128,-1,37 + 190 211 190 211 226.5 187 c 128,-1,38 + 263 163 263 163 312 163 c 0,39,40 + 349 163 349 163 389 177.5 c 128,-1,41 + 429 192 429 192 471 222 c 1,42,-1 + 498 181 l 1,0,1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: sterling +Encoding: 163 163 85 +Width: 680 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +76 0 m 1,0,-1 + 76 43 l 1,1,-1 + 177 69 l 1,2,-1 + 150 51 l 1,3,4 + 177 72 177 72 187 108 c 128,-1,5 + 197 144 197 144 197 189 c 0,6,7 + 197 227 197 227 192 270 c 128,-1,8 + 187 313 187 313 181 357 c 1,9,-1 + 197 341 l 1,10,-1 + 76 341 l 1,11,-1 + 76 386 l 1,12,-1 + 189 394 l 1,13,-1 + 179 380 l 1,14,15 + 174 418 174 418 170 454.5 c 128,-1,16 + 166 491 166 491 166 519 c 0,17,18 + 166 590 166 590 193.5 631 c 128,-1,19 + 221 672 221 672 270 689.5 c 128,-1,20 + 319 707 319 707 382 707 c 0,21,22 + 425 707 425 707 473 700 c 128,-1,23 + 521 693 521 693 572 681 c 1,24,-1 + 565 529 l 1,25,-1 + 515 529 l 1,26,-1 + 499 645 l 1,27,-1 + 510 630 l 1,28,29 + 475 638 475 638 444 641.5 c 128,-1,30 + 413 645 413 645 388 645 c 0,31,32 + 322 645 322 645 285.5 617.5 c 128,-1,33 + 249 590 249 590 249 520 c 0,34,35 + 249 495 249 495 253 457 c 128,-1,36 + 257 419 257 419 262 382 c 1,37,-1 + 245 394 l 1,38,-1 + 446 394 l 1,39,-1 + 446 341 l 1,40,-1 + 251 341 l 1,41,-1 + 265 359 l 1,42,43 + 270 321 270 321 274.5 284 c 128,-1,44 + 279 247 279 247 279 213 c 0,45,46 + 279 163 279 163 266 122 c 128,-1,47 + 253 81 253 81 217 54 c 1,48,-1 + 207 63 l 1,49,-1 + 526 61 l 1,50,-1 + 510 45 l 1,51,-1 + 529 171 l 1,52,-1 + 579 171 l 1,53,-1 + 579 0 l 1,54,-1 + 76 0 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 229 -10 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 74 -13 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 69 -10 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 64 -13 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 59 -10 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +EndChar + +StartChar: florin +Encoding: 402 402 86 +Width: 542 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +102 -203 m 0,0,1 + 85 -203 85 -203 67.5 -200.5 c 128,-1,2 + 50 -198 50 -198 31 -195 c 1,3,-1 + 39 -138 l 1,4,5 + 67 -141 67 -141 88 -141 c 0,6,7 + 128 -141 128 -141 150.5 -129 c 128,-1,8 + 173 -117 173 -117 183.5 -92 c 128,-1,9 + 194 -67 194 -67 197 -29 c 2,10,-1 + 236 401 l 1,11,-1 + 254 388 l 1,12,-1 + 151 388 l 1,13,-1 + 151 433 l 1,14,-1 + 260 443 l 1,15,-1 + 238 427 l 1,16,-1 + 253 593 l 2,17,18 + 259 660 259 660 281 700.5 c 128,-1,19 + 303 741 303 741 339.5 759 c 128,-1,20 + 376 777 376 777 427 777 c 0,21,22 + 445 777 445 777 462.5 775 c 128,-1,23 + 480 773 480 773 499 770 c 1,24,-1 + 492 712 l 1,25,26 + 465 715 465 715 443 715 c 0,27,28 + 403 715 403 715 380.5 703 c 128,-1,29 + 358 691 358 691 347.5 666 c 128,-1,30 + 337 641 337 641 333 602 c 2,31,-1 + 317 426 l 1,32,-1 + 301 440 l 1,33,-1 + 460 440 l 1,34,-1 + 458 388 l 1,35,-1 + 297 388 l 1,36,-1 + 315 405 l 1,37,-1 + 278 -18 l 2,38,39 + 272 -84 272 -84 249 -125 c 128,-1,40 + 226 -166 226 -166 188.5 -184.5 c 128,-1,41 + 151 -203 151 -203 102 -203 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: exclam +Encoding: 33 33 87 +Width: 333 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +136 221 m 1,0,-1 + 123 698 l 1,1,-1 + 210 698 l 1,2,-1 + 197 225 l 1,3,-1 + 136 221 l 1,0,-1 +114 43 m 256,4,5 + 114 67 114 67 129.5 81 c 128,-1,6 + 145 95 145 95 166 95 c 0,7,8 + 190 95 190 95 204.5 81 c 128,-1,9 + 219 67 219 67 219 43 c 256,10,11 + 219 19 219 19 203 5 c 128,-1,12 + 187 -9 187 -9 166 -9 c 0,13,14 + 143 -9 143 -9 128.5 5 c 128,-1,15 + 114 19 114 19 114 43 c 256,4,5 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: question +Encoding: 63 63 88 +Width: 418 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +122 227 m 1,0,1 + 120 244 120 244 117.5 261.5 c 128,-1,2 + 115 279 115 279 115 291 c 0,3,4 + 115 327 115 327 133 354.5 c 128,-1,5 + 151 382 151 382 177 405 c 128,-1,6 + 203 428 203 428 229 450.5 c 128,-1,7 + 255 473 255 473 273 499.5 c 128,-1,8 + 291 526 291 526 291 561 c 0,9,10 + 291 605 291 605 260.5 625.5 c 128,-1,11 + 230 646 230 646 184 646 c 0,12,13 + 157 646 157 646 124.5 639 c 128,-1,14 + 92 632 92 632 60 621 c 1,15,-1 + 42 675 l 1,16,17 + 125 708 125 708 204 708 c 0,18,19 + 252 708 252 708 290.5 694.5 c 128,-1,20 + 329 681 329 681 351.5 651 c 128,-1,21 + 374 621 374 621 374 573 c 0,22,23 + 374 528 374 528 354.5 494.5 c 128,-1,24 + 335 461 335 461 306.5 435 c 128,-1,25 + 278 409 278 409 250 385 c 128,-1,26 + 222 361 222 361 202.5 335 c 128,-1,27 + 183 309 183 309 183 275 c 0,28,29 + 183 268 183 268 183.5 255 c 128,-1,30 + 184 242 184 242 185 231 c 1,31,-1 + 122 227 l 1,0,1 +114 42 m 0,32,33 + 114 66 114 66 129.5 80.5 c 128,-1,34 + 145 95 145 95 167 95 c 0,35,36 + 190 95 190 95 204 81 c 128,-1,37 + 218 67 218 67 218 44 c 0,38,39 + 218 19 218 19 202.5 5 c 128,-1,40 + 187 -9 187 -9 165 -9 c 0,41,42 + 142 -9 142 -9 128 5 c 128,-1,43 + 114 19 114 19 114 42 c 0,32,33 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: comma +Encoding: 44 44 89 +Width: 233 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +53 -122 m 1,0,1 + 83 -79 83 -79 92 -54 c 128,-1,2 + 101 -29 101 -29 101 -18 c 256,3,4 + 101 -7 101 -7 94.5 1.5 c 128,-1,5 + 88 10 88 10 82 20.5 c 128,-1,6 + 76 31 76 31 76 47 c 0,7,8 + 76 72 76 72 92.5 85.5 c 128,-1,9 + 109 99 109 99 128 99 c 0,10,11 + 142 99 142 99 153.5 93 c 128,-1,12 + 165 87 165 87 172.5 74.5 c 128,-1,13 + 180 62 180 62 180 41 c 0,14,15 + 180 13 180 13 158.5 -37 c 128,-1,16 + 137 -87 137 -87 84 -144 c 1,17,-1 + 53 -122 l 1,0,1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: period +Encoding: 46 46 90 +Width: 211 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +53 47 m 256,0,1 + 53 71 53 71 69 85 c 128,-1,2 + 85 99 85 99 106 99 c 0,3,4 + 130 99 130 99 144 85 c 128,-1,5 + 158 71 158 71 158 47 c 256,6,7 + 158 23 158 23 142.5 9 c 128,-1,8 + 127 -5 127 -5 106 -5 c 0,9,10 + 82 -5 82 -5 67.5 9 c 128,-1,11 + 53 23 53 23 53 47 c 256,0,1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: colon +Encoding: 58 58 91 +Width: 211 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 90 46 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Refer: 90 46 N 1 0 0 1 0 362 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: semicolon +Encoding: 59 59 92 +Width: 233 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 89 44 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Refer: 90 46 N 1 0 0 1 21 362 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: ellipsis +Encoding: 8230 8230 93 +Width: 681 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 90 46 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 +Refer: 90 46 N 1 0 0 1 235 0 2 +Refer: 90 46 N 1 0 0 1 470 0 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: periodcentered +Encoding: 183 183 94 +Width: 211 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 90 46 N 1 0 0 1 0 282 3 +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 16 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 15 subtable" periodcentered.loclCAT +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" periodcentered.loclCAT +EndChar + +StartChar: bullet +Encoding: 8226 8226 95 +Width: 379 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +75 313 m 0,0,1 + 75 348 75 348 91 373.5 c 128,-1,2 + 107 399 107 399 133.5 413.5 c 128,-1,3 + 160 428 160 428 190 428 c 0,4,5 + 225 428 225 428 250.5 413.5 c 128,-1,6 + 276 399 276 399 290 373.5 c 128,-1,7 + 304 348 304 348 304 313 c 0,8,9 + 304 279 304 279 288 253 c 128,-1,10 + 272 227 272 227 246 213 c 128,-1,11 + 220 199 220 199 190 199 c 0,12,13 + 137 199 137 199 106 230 c 128,-1,14 + 75 261 75 261 75 313 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: underscore +Encoding: 95 95 96 +Width: 495 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +496 -70 m 1,0,-1 + 496 -125 l 1,1,-1 + -1 -125 l 1,2,-1 + -1 -70 l 1,3,-1 + 496 -70 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: hyphen +Encoding: 45 45 97 +Width: 458 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +372 325 m 1,0,-1 + 372 262 l 1,1,-1 + 86 262 l 1,2,-1 + 86 325 l 1,3,-1 + 372 325 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni2010 +Encoding: 8208 8208 98 +Width: 431 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 97 45 N 1 0 0 1 -13 0 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: uni00AD +Encoding: 173 173 99 +Width: 431 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 97 45 N 1 0 0 1 -13 0 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: endash +Encoding: 8211 8211 100 +Width: 618 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +542 325 m 1,0,-1 + 542 262 l 1,1,-1 + 76 262 l 1,2,-1 + 76 325 l 1,3,-1 + 542 325 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: emdash +Encoding: 8212 8212 101 +Width: 868 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +792 322 m 1,0,-1 + 792 259 l 1,1,-1 + 76 259 l 1,2,-1 + 76 322 l 1,3,-1 + 792 322 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: quotesingle +Encoding: 39 39 102 +Width: 231 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +90 528 m 1,0,-1 + 77 768 l 1,1,-1 + 154 768 l 1,2,-1 + 140 528 l 1,3,-1 + 90 528 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: quotedbl +Encoding: 34 34 103 +Width: 384 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 102 39 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 +Refer: 102 39 N 1 0 0 1 153 0 2 +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: quoteleft +Encoding: 8216 8216 104 +Width: 202 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +140 594 m 0,0,1 + 140 570 140 570 125.5 557.5 c 128,-1,2 + 111 545 111 545 93 545 c 0,3,4 + 74 545 74 545 58.5 559 c 128,-1,5 + 43 573 43 573 43 601 c 0,6,7 + 43 628 43 628 62.5 675 c 128,-1,8 + 82 722 82 722 129 781 c 1,9,-1 + 158 761 l 1,10,11 + 134 717 134 717 126 693.5 c 128,-1,12 + 118 670 118 670 118 658 c 0,13,14 + 118 647 118 647 123.5 638 c 128,-1,15 + 129 629 129 629 134.5 619 c 128,-1,16 + 140 609 140 609 140 594 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: quoteright +Encoding: 8217 8217 105 +Width: 202 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 106 8218 N 1 0 0 1 -1 692 2 +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: quotesinglbase +Encoding: 8218 8218 106 +Width: 202 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +62 39 m 0,0,1 + 62 64 62 64 76.5 76.5 c 128,-1,2 + 91 89 91 89 109 89 c 0,3,4 + 128 89 128 89 144 75 c 128,-1,5 + 160 61 160 61 160 33 c 0,6,7 + 160 6 160 6 140.5 -41 c 128,-1,8 + 121 -88 121 -88 73 -147 c 1,9,-1 + 44 -128 l 1,10,11 + 69 -83 69 -83 76.5 -59 c 128,-1,12 + 84 -35 84 -35 84 -24 c 0,13,14 + 84 -12 84 -12 78.5 -3.5 c 128,-1,15 + 73 5 73 5 67.5 14.5 c 128,-1,16 + 62 24 62 24 62 39 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: quotedblleft +Encoding: 8220 8220 107 +Width: 355 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +140 609 m 0,0,1 + 140 584 140 584 125.5 572 c 128,-1,2 + 111 560 111 560 93 560 c 0,3,4 + 74 560 74 560 58.5 573.5 c 128,-1,5 + 43 587 43 587 43 615 c 256,6,7 + 43 643 43 643 62.5 689.5 c 128,-1,8 + 82 736 82 736 129 795 c 1,9,-1 + 158 776 l 1,10,11 + 134 732 134 732 126 708 c 128,-1,12 + 118 684 118 684 118 672 c 0,13,14 + 118 661 118 661 123.5 652.5 c 128,-1,15 + 129 644 129 644 134.5 634 c 128,-1,16 + 140 624 140 624 140 609 c 0,0,1 +293 609 m 0,17,18 + 293 584 293 584 278.5 572 c 128,-1,19 + 264 560 264 560 246 560 c 0,20,21 + 227 560 227 560 211 573.5 c 128,-1,22 + 195 587 195 587 195 615 c 256,23,24 + 195 643 195 643 215 689.5 c 128,-1,25 + 235 736 235 736 282 795 c 1,26,-1 + 311 776 l 1,27,28 + 287 732 287 732 279 708 c 128,-1,29 + 271 684 271 684 271 672 c 0,30,31 + 271 661 271 661 276.5 652.5 c 128,-1,32 + 282 644 282 644 287.5 634 c 128,-1,33 + 293 624 293 624 293 609 c 0,17,18 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: quotedblright +Encoding: 8221 8221 108 +Width: 355 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 106 8218 N 1 0 0 1 153 692 2 +Refer: 106 8218 N 1 0 0 1 0 692 2 +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: quotedblbase +Encoding: 8222 8222 109 +Width: 355 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 106 8218 N 1 0 0 1 153 0 2 +Refer: 106 8218 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: uni02BC +Encoding: 700 700 110 +Width: 202 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 106 8218 N 1 0 0 1 -1 692 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: minute +Encoding: 8242 8242 111 +Width: 287 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +77 520 m 1,0,-1 + 133 768 l 1,1,-1 + 210 768 l 1,2,-1 + 127 520 l 1,3,-1 + 77 520 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: second +Encoding: 8243 8243 112 +Width: 428 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 111 8242 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 +Refer: 111 8242 N 1 0 0 1 141 0 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: parenleft +Encoding: 40 40 113 +Width: 308 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +290 835 m 1,0,1 + 211 730 211 730 171.5 610 c 128,-1,2 + 132 490 132 490 132 373 c 0,3,4 + 132 257 132 257 171.5 136.5 c 128,-1,5 + 211 16 211 16 290 -89 c 1,6,-1 + 238 -122 l 1,7,8 + 146 -11 146 -11 100.5 118 c 128,-1,9 + 55 247 55 247 55 373 c 256,10,11 + 55 499 55 499 100.5 628 c 128,-1,12 + 146 757 146 757 238 868 c 1,13,-1 + 290 835 l 1,0,1 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 292 20 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: parenright +Encoding: 41 41 114 +Width: 308 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +19 -89 m 1,0,1 + 97 17 97 17 136.5 137 c 128,-1,2 + 176 257 176 257 176 373 c 0,3,4 + 176 490 176 490 136.5 610 c 128,-1,5 + 97 730 97 730 19 836 c 1,6,-1 + 70 868 l 1,7,8 + 163 757 163 757 208.5 628 c 128,-1,9 + 254 499 254 499 254 373 c 0,10,11 + 254 248 254 248 208.5 119 c 128,-1,12 + 163 -10 163 -10 70 -121 c 1,13,-1 + 19 -89 l 1,0,1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: bracketleft +Encoding: 91 91 115 +Width: 344 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +111 -102 m 1,0,-1 + 111 849 l 1,1,-1 + 330 844 l 1,2,-1 + 330 794 l 1,3,-1 + 181 789 l 1,4,-1 + 181 -42 l 1,5,-1 + 330 -46 l 1,6,-1 + 330 -97 l 1,7,-1 + 111 -102 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 333 8 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 300 13 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 292 13 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 291 13 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 221 8 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 165 7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 139 12 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 138 13 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 96 13 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 42 13 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 41 13 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 40 35 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 38 13 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 37 7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 32 13 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 24 -40 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 5 8 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: bracketright +Encoding: 93 93 116 +Width: 344 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +233 849 m 1,0,-1 + 233 -102 l 1,1,-1 + 14 -97 l 1,2,-1 + 14 -46 l 1,3,-1 + 163 -42 l 1,4,-1 + 163 789 l 1,5,-1 + 14 794 l 1,6,-1 + 14 844 l 1,7,-1 + 233 849 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: braceleft +Encoding: 123 123 117 +Width: 341 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +265 -102 m 2,0,1 + 189 -102 189 -102 157 -66 c 128,-1,2 + 125 -30 125 -30 125 50 c 2,3,-1 + 125 239 l 2,4,5 + 125 287 125 287 105.5 316 c 128,-1,6 + 86 345 86 345 33 345 c 1,7,-1 + 33 402 l 1,8,9 + 87 402 87 402 106 431.5 c 128,-1,10 + 125 461 125 461 125 508 c 2,11,-1 + 125 698 l 2,12,13 + 125 778 125 778 157.5 813.5 c 128,-1,14 + 190 849 190 849 265 849 c 2,15,-1 + 311 849 l 1,16,-1 + 311 799 l 1,17,18 + 263 799 263 799 238.5 790 c 128,-1,19 + 214 781 214 781 205 757.5 c 128,-1,20 + 196 734 196 734 196 691 c 2,21,-1 + 196 499 l 2,22,23 + 196 446 196 446 178 417.5 c 128,-1,24 + 160 389 160 389 130.5 378.5 c 128,-1,25 + 101 368 101 368 66 368 c 1,26,-1 + 66 379 l 1,27,28 + 101 379 101 379 130.5 368.5 c 128,-1,29 + 160 358 160 358 178 330 c 128,-1,30 + 196 302 196 302 196 248 c 2,31,-1 + 196 56 l 2,32,33 + 196 13 196 13 205 -10.5 c 128,-1,34 + 214 -34 214 -34 238.5 -42.5 c 128,-1,35 + 263 -51 263 -51 311 -51 c 1,36,-1 + 311 -102 l 1,37,-1 + 265 -102 l 2,0,1 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 292 13 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: braceright +Encoding: 125 125 118 +Width: 341 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +76 -102 m 2,0,1 + 152 -102 152 -102 184 -66 c 128,-1,2 + 216 -30 216 -30 216 50 c 2,3,-1 + 216 239 l 2,4,5 + 216 287 216 287 235.5 316 c 128,-1,6 + 255 345 255 345 307 345 c 1,7,-1 + 307 402 l 1,8,9 + 253 402 253 402 234.5 431.5 c 128,-1,10 + 216 461 216 461 216 508 c 2,11,-1 + 216 698 l 2,12,13 + 216 778 216 778 183.5 813.5 c 128,-1,14 + 151 849 151 849 76 849 c 2,15,-1 + 30 849 l 1,16,-1 + 30 799 l 1,17,18 + 78 799 78 799 102.5 790 c 128,-1,19 + 127 781 127 781 135.5 757.5 c 128,-1,20 + 144 734 144 734 144 691 c 2,21,-1 + 144 499 l 2,22,23 + 144 446 144 446 162.5 417.5 c 128,-1,24 + 181 389 181 389 210.5 378.5 c 128,-1,25 + 240 368 240 368 275 368 c 1,26,-1 + 275 379 l 1,27,28 + 240 379 240 379 210.5 368.5 c 128,-1,29 + 181 358 181 358 162.5 330 c 128,-1,30 + 144 302 144 302 144 248 c 2,31,-1 + 144 56 l 2,32,33 + 144 13 144 13 135.5 -10.5 c 128,-1,34 + 127 -34 127 -34 102.5 -42.5 c 128,-1,35 + 78 -51 78 -51 30 -51 c 1,36,-1 + 30 -102 l 1,37,-1 + 76 -102 l 2,0,1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: guillemotleft +Encoding: 171 171 119 +Width: 498 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 121 8249 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 +Refer: 121 8249 N 1 0 0 1 189 0 2 +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: guillemotright +Encoding: 187 187 120 +Width: 498 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +289 476 m 1,0,-1 + 442 293 l 1,1,-1 + 442 247 l 1,2,-1 + 288 64 l 1,3,-1 + 249 93 l 1,4,-1 + 386 286 l 1,5,-1 + 386 252 l 1,6,-1 + 250 445 l 1,7,-1 + 289 476 l 1,0,-1 +100 476 m 1,8,-1 + 253 293 l 1,9,-1 + 253 247 l 1,10,-1 + 100 64 l 1,11,-1 + 61 93 l 1,12,-1 + 197 286 l 1,13,-1 + 197 252 l 1,14,-1 + 61 445 l 1,15,-1 + 100 476 l 1,8,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: guilsinglleft +Encoding: 8249 8249 121 +Width: 309 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +209 64 m 1,0,-1 + 56 247 l 1,1,-1 + 56 293 l 1,2,-1 + 210 476 l 1,3,-1 + 249 447 l 1,4,-1 + 112 254 l 1,5,-1 + 112 288 l 1,6,-1 + 248 95 l 1,7,-1 + 209 64 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: guilsinglright +Encoding: 8250 8250 122 +Width: 309 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +100 476 m 1,0,-1 + 253 293 l 1,1,-1 + 253 247 l 1,2,-1 + 100 64 l 1,3,-1 + 61 93 l 1,4,-1 + 197 286 l 1,5,-1 + 197 252 l 1,6,-1 + 61 445 l 1,7,-1 + 100 476 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: plus +Encoding: 43 43 123 +Width: 571 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +270 379 m 1,0,-1 + 254 363 l 1,1,-1 + 254 588 l 1,2,-1 + 317 588 l 1,3,-1 + 317 363 l 1,4,-1 + 301 379 l 1,5,-1 + 519 379 l 1,6,-1 + 519 320 l 1,7,-1 + 301 320 l 1,8,-1 + 317 336 l 1,9,-1 + 317 111 l 1,10,-1 + 254 111 l 1,11,-1 + 254 336 l 1,12,-1 + 270 320 l 1,13,-1 + 52 320 l 1,14,-1 + 52 379 l 1,15,-1 + 270 379 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: minus +Encoding: 8722 8722 124 +Width: 551 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +499 379 m 1,0,-1 + 499 320 l 1,1,-1 + 52 320 l 1,2,-1 + 52 379 l 1,3,-1 + 499 379 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: plusminus +Encoding: 177 177 125 +Width: 597 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +283 433 m 1,0,-1 + 267 417 l 1,1,-1 + 267 627 l 1,2,-1 + 330 627 l 1,3,-1 + 330 417 l 1,4,-1 + 314 433 l 1,5,-1 + 523 433 l 1,6,-1 + 523 374 l 1,7,-1 + 314 374 l 1,8,-1 + 330 390 l 1,9,-1 + 330 179 l 1,10,-1 + 267 179 l 1,11,-1 + 267 390 l 1,12,-1 + 283 374 l 1,13,-1 + 75 374 l 1,14,-1 + 75 433 l 1,15,-1 + 283 433 l 1,0,-1 +523 101 m 1,16,-1 + 523 42 l 1,17,-1 + 75 42 l 1,18,-1 + 75 101 l 1,19,-1 + 523 101 l 1,16,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: multiply +Encoding: 215 215 126 +Width: 506 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +102 155 m 1,0,-1 + 58 199 l 1,1,-1 + 220 360 l 1,2,-1 + 221 337 l 1,3,-1 + 58 500 l 1,4,-1 + 103 544 l 1,5,-1 + 266 381 l 1,6,-1 + 242 382 l 1,7,-1 + 404 544 l 1,8,-1 + 448 500 l 1,9,-1 + 286 338 l 1,10,-1 + 285 362 l 1,11,-1 + 448 199 l 1,12,-1 + 403 154 l 1,13,-1 + 240 317 l 1,14,-1 + 264 317 l 1,15,-1 + 102 155 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: divide +Encoding: 247 247 127 +Width: 551 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 124 8722 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Refer: 90 46 N 1 0 0 1 170 132 2 +Refer: 90 46 N 1 0 0 1 170 476 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: equal +Encoding: 61 61 128 +Width: 551 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 124 8722 N 1 0 0 1 0 92 3 +Refer: 124 8722 N 1 0 0 1 0 -96 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: notequal +Encoding: 8800 8800 129 +Width: 551 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +146 72 m 1,0,-1 + 103 97 l 1,1,-1 + 406 623 l 1,2,-1 + 449 598 l 1,3,-1 + 146 72 l 1,0,-1 +52 224 m 1,4,-1 + 52 283 l 1,5,-1 + 499 283 l 1,6,-1 + 499 224 l 1,7,-1 + 52 224 l 1,4,-1 +52 411 m 1,8,-1 + 52 471 l 1,9,-1 + 499 471 l 1,10,-1 + 499 411 l 1,11,-1 + 52 411 l 1,8,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: approxequal +Encoding: 8776 8776 130 +Width: 609 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 155 126 N 1 0 0 1 -1 96 3 +Refer: 155 126 N 1 0 0 1 -1 -96 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: less +Encoding: 60 60 131 +Width: 562 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +470 130 m 1,0,-1 + 55 320 l 1,1,-1 + 55 382 l 1,2,-1 + 471 583 l 1,3,-1 + 493 526 l 1,4,-1 + 113 344 l 1,5,-1 + 113 361 l 1,6,-1 + 493 189 l 1,7,-1 + 470 130 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: greater +Encoding: 62 62 132 +Width: 556 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +88 562 m 1,0,-1 + 501 392 l 1,1,-1 + 501 330 l 1,2,-1 + 87 150 l 1,3,-1 + 66 206 l 1,4,-1 + 442 368 l 1,5,-1 + 442 350 l 1,6,-1 + 66 500 l 1,7,-1 + 88 562 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: lessequal +Encoding: 8804 8804 133 +Width: 619 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +499 177 m 1,0,-1 + 82 355 l 1,1,-1 + 82 417 l 1,2,-1 + 499 588 l 1,3,-1 + 520 531 l 1,4,-1 + 141 377 l 1,5,-1 + 141 398 l 1,6,-1 + 521 238 l 1,7,-1 + 499 177 l 1,0,-1 +530 101 m 1,8,-1 + 530 42 l 1,9,-1 + 82 42 l 1,10,-1 + 82 101 l 1,11,-1 + 530 101 l 1,8,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: greaterequal +Encoding: 8805 8805 134 +Width: 616 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +118 587 m 1,0,-1 + 534 417 l 1,1,-1 + 534 355 l 1,2,-1 + 117 176 l 1,3,-1 + 96 232 l 1,4,-1 + 475 395 l 1,5,-1 + 475 374 l 1,6,-1 + 96 525 l 1,7,-1 + 118 587 l 1,0,-1 +534 101 m 1,8,-1 + 534 42 l 1,9,-1 + 87 42 l 1,10,-1 + 87 101 l 1,11,-1 + 534 101 l 1,8,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: uni2219 +Encoding: 8729 8729 135 +Width: 263 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 90 46 N 1 0 0 1 0 282 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: logicalnot +Encoding: 172 172 136 +Width: 614 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +466 113 m 1,0,-1 + 466 333 l 1,1,-1 + 477 320 l 1,2,-1 + 54 320 l 1,3,-1 + 54 379 l 1,4,-1 + 532 379 l 1,5,-1 + 532 113 l 1,6,-1 + 466 113 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: uni2215 +Encoding: 8725 8725 137 +Width: 154 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 140 8260 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +EndChar + +StartChar: slash +Encoding: 47 47 138 +Width: 315 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +314 802 m 1,0,-1 + 58 -79 l 1,1,-1 + 1 -79 l 1,2,-1 + 256 802 l 1,3,-1 + 314 802 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions lookup 29 subtable" fraction +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" fraction +EndChar + +StartChar: backslash +Encoding: 92 92 139 +Width: 320 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +3 802 m 1,0,-1 + 63 802 l 1,1,-1 + 318 -79 l 1,2,-1 + 258 -79 l 1,3,-1 + 3 802 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 116 13 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: fraction +Encoding: 8260 8260 140 +Width: 154 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +-173 -7 m 1,0,-1 + 261 705 l 1,1,-1 + 327 705 l 1,2,-1 + -107 -7 l 1,3,-1 + -173 -7 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 265 -20 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 264 10 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 263 -20 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 262 -17 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 261 -20 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 260 3 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 259 3 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 257 -10 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +EndChar + +StartChar: percent +Encoding: 37 37 141 +Width: 846 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +155 -9 m 1,0,-1 + 623 707 l 1,1,-1 + 692 707 l 1,2,-1 + 223 -9 l 1,3,-1 + 155 -9 l 1,0,-1 +222 350 m 0,4,5 + 141 350 141 350 100.5 398 c 128,-1,6 + 60 446 60 446 60 526 c 0,7,8 + 60 607 60 607 102 657 c 128,-1,9 + 144 707 144 707 230 707 c 0,10,11 + 313 707 313 707 351 660.5 c 128,-1,12 + 389 614 389 614 389 538 c 0,13,14 + 389 453 389 453 347 401.5 c 128,-1,15 + 305 350 305 350 222 350 c 0,4,5 +224 398 m 0,16,17 + 280 398 280 398 303 434.5 c 128,-1,18 + 326 471 326 471 327 532 c 0,19,20 + 327 595 327 595 304.5 627 c 128,-1,21 + 282 659 282 659 229 659 c 0,22,23 + 171 659 171 659 146.5 624 c 128,-1,24 + 122 589 122 589 122 526 c 0,25,26 + 122 466 122 466 146 432 c 128,-1,27 + 170 398 170 398 224 398 c 0,16,17 +617 -9 m 0,28,29 + 536 -9 536 -9 495.5 39 c 128,-1,30 + 455 87 455 87 455 166 c 0,31,32 + 455 247 455 247 497 297 c 128,-1,33 + 539 347 539 347 625 347 c 0,34,35 + 709 347 709 347 746.5 301 c 128,-1,36 + 784 255 784 255 784 178 c 0,37,38 + 784 94 784 94 742.5 42.5 c 128,-1,39 + 701 -9 701 -9 617 -9 c 0,28,29 +619 39 m 0,40,41 + 675 39 675 39 698 75.5 c 128,-1,42 + 721 112 721 112 722 172 c 0,43,44 + 723 235 723 235 700.5 267.5 c 128,-1,45 + 678 300 678 300 624 300 c 0,46,47 + 567 300 567 300 542.5 264.5 c 128,-1,48 + 518 229 518 229 518 167 c 0,49,50 + 518 107 518 107 542 73 c 128,-1,51 + 566 39 566 39 619 39 c 0,40,41 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: perthousand +Encoding: 8240 8240 142 +Width: 1243 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +1014 -9 m 0,0,1 + 933 -9 933 -9 892.5 39 c 128,-1,2 + 852 87 852 87 852 166 c 0,3,4 + 852 247 852 247 894 297 c 128,-1,5 + 936 347 936 347 1022 347 c 0,6,7 + 1106 347 1106 347 1143.5 300.5 c 128,-1,8 + 1181 254 1181 254 1181 178 c 0,9,10 + 1181 94 1181 94 1139.5 42.5 c 128,-1,11 + 1098 -9 1098 -9 1014 -9 c 0,0,1 +1016 38 m 0,12,13 + 1072 38 1072 38 1095 74.5 c 128,-1,14 + 1118 111 1118 111 1119 172 c 0,15,16 + 1120 235 1120 235 1097.5 267.5 c 128,-1,17 + 1075 300 1075 300 1021 300 c 0,18,19 + 964 300 964 300 939.5 264.5 c 128,-1,20 + 915 229 915 229 915 167 c 0,21,22 + 915 106 915 106 939 72 c 128,-1,23 + 963 38 963 38 1016 38 c 0,12,13 +155 -9 m 1,24,-1 + 623 707 l 1,25,-1 + 692 707 l 1,26,-1 + 223 -9 l 1,27,-1 + 155 -9 l 1,24,-1 +222 343 m 0,28,29 + 141 343 141 343 100.5 391.5 c 128,-1,30 + 60 440 60 440 60 518 c 0,31,32 + 60 599 60 599 102 649 c 128,-1,33 + 144 699 144 699 230 699 c 0,34,35 + 313 699 313 699 351 652.5 c 128,-1,36 + 389 606 389 606 389 531 c 0,37,38 + 389 446 389 446 347 394.5 c 128,-1,39 + 305 343 305 343 222 343 c 0,28,29 +224 390 m 0,40,41 + 280 390 280 390 303 426.5 c 128,-1,42 + 326 463 326 463 327 525 c 0,43,44 + 327 587 327 587 304.5 619.5 c 128,-1,45 + 282 652 282 652 229 652 c 0,46,47 + 171 652 171 652 146.5 617 c 128,-1,48 + 122 582 122 582 122 519 c 0,49,50 + 122 459 122 459 146 424.5 c 128,-1,51 + 170 390 170 390 224 390 c 0,40,41 +617 -9 m 0,52,53 + 536 -9 536 -9 495.5 39 c 128,-1,54 + 455 87 455 87 455 166 c 0,55,56 + 455 247 455 247 497 297 c 128,-1,57 + 539 347 539 347 625 347 c 0,58,59 + 709 347 709 347 746.5 300.5 c 128,-1,60 + 784 254 784 254 784 178 c 0,61,62 + 784 94 784 94 742.5 42.5 c 128,-1,63 + 701 -9 701 -9 617 -9 c 0,52,53 +619 38 m 0,64,65 + 675 38 675 38 698 74.5 c 128,-1,66 + 721 111 721 111 722 172 c 0,67,68 + 723 235 723 235 700.5 267.5 c 128,-1,69 + 678 300 678 300 624 300 c 0,70,71 + 567 300 567 300 542.5 264.5 c 128,-1,72 + 518 229 518 229 518 167 c 0,73,74 + 518 106 518 106 542 72 c 128,-1,75 + 566 38 566 38 619 38 c 0,64,65 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: bar +Encoding: 124 124 143 +Width: 330 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +133 803 m 1,0,-1 + 197 803 l 1,1,-1 + 197 -99 l 1,2,-1 + 133 -99 l 1,3,-1 + 133 803 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: copyright +Encoding: 169 169 144 +Width: 893 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +444 157 m 0,0,1 + 373 157 373 157 325.5 206.5 c 128,-1,2 + 278 256 278 256 278 346 c 0,3,4 + 278 409 278 409 301.5 453 c 128,-1,5 + 325 497 325 497 365.5 519.5 c 128,-1,6 + 406 542 406 542 457 542 c 0,7,8 + 516 542 516 542 578 513 c 1,9,-1 + 576 420 l 1,10,-1 + 534 420 l 1,11,-1 + 525 487 l 1,12,-1 + 533 481 l 1,13,14 + 515 489 515 489 496.5 492 c 128,-1,15 + 478 495 478 495 462 495 c 0,16,17 + 405 495 405 495 374 455.5 c 128,-1,18 + 343 416 343 416 343 350 c 0,19,20 + 343 278 343 278 375 241.5 c 128,-1,21 + 407 205 407 205 456 205 c 0,22,23 + 482 205 482 205 511 215.5 c 128,-1,24 + 540 226 540 226 570 247 c 1,25,-1 + 593 213 l 1,26,27 + 556 184 556 184 517.5 170.5 c 128,-1,28 + 479 157 479 157 444 157 c 0,0,1 +435 -9 m 0,29,30 + 357 -9 357 -9 292 17 c 128,-1,31 + 227 43 227 43 180 89.5 c 128,-1,32 + 133 136 133 136 107 200.5 c 128,-1,33 + 81 265 81 265 81 341 c 0,34,35 + 81 421 81 421 108.5 488 c 128,-1,36 + 136 555 136 555 186 604 c 128,-1,37 + 236 653 236 653 303.5 680 c 128,-1,38 + 371 707 371 707 450 707 c 0,39,40 + 528 707 528 707 594 681 c 128,-1,41 + 660 655 660 655 709 608 c 128,-1,42 + 758 561 758 561 785 497 c 128,-1,43 + 812 433 812 433 812 357 c 0,44,45 + 812 279 812 279 783.5 212 c 128,-1,46 + 755 145 755 145 703.5 95.5 c 128,-1,47 + 652 46 652 46 583.5 18.5 c 128,-1,48 + 515 -9 515 -9 435 -9 c 0,29,30 +439 39 m 0,49,50 + 507 39 507 39 565 62.5 c 128,-1,51 + 623 86 623 86 665.5 128 c 128,-1,52 + 708 170 708 170 731.5 227.5 c 128,-1,53 + 755 285 755 285 755 353 c 0,54,55 + 755 442 755 442 715.5 511 c 128,-1,56 + 676 580 676 580 606 619.5 c 128,-1,57 + 536 659 536 659 446 659 c 0,58,59 + 355 659 355 659 285.5 618.5 c 128,-1,60 + 216 578 216 578 177 508 c 128,-1,61 + 138 438 138 438 138 346 c 0,62,63 + 138 257 138 257 175.5 187.5 c 128,-1,64 + 213 118 213 118 281 78.5 c 128,-1,65 + 349 39 349 39 439 39 c 0,49,50 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: registered +Encoding: 174 174 145 +Width: 754 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +236 294 m 1,0,-1 + 236 319 l 1,1,-1 + 288 331 l 1,2,-1 + 278 320 l 1,3,-1 + 278 599 l 1,4,-1 + 290 587 l 1,5,-1 + 236 596 l 1,6,-1 + 236 620 l 1,7,-1 + 328 623 l 1,8,-1 + 384 623 l 2,9,10 + 441 623 441 623 471.5 601 c 128,-1,11 + 502 579 502 579 502 538 c 0,12,13 + 502 504 502 504 476 479.5 c 128,-1,14 + 450 455 450 455 394 449 c 1,15,-1 + 397 458 l 1,16,17 + 427 456 427 456 442.5 441.5 c 128,-1,18 + 458 427 458 427 471 402 c 2,19,-1 + 514 318 l 1,20,-1 + 498 330 l 1,21,-1 + 540 319 l 1,22,-1 + 540 294 l 1,23,-1 + 474 294 l 1,24,-1 + 428 393 l 2,25,26 + 417 416 417 416 405.5 426 c 128,-1,27 + 394 436 394 436 380.5 438.5 c 128,-1,28 + 367 441 367 441 349 441 c 2,29,-1 + 315 441 l 1,30,-1 + 325 451 l 1,31,-1 + 325 320 l 1,32,-1 + 316 331 l 1,33,-1 + 377 319 l 1,34,-1 + 377 294 l 1,35,-1 + 236 294 l 1,0,-1 +325 465 m 1,36,-1 + 315 474 l 1,37,-1 + 360 474 l 2,38,39 + 406 474 406 474 429.5 490.5 c 128,-1,40 + 453 507 453 507 453 535 c 0,41,42 + 453 560 453 560 434 573.5 c 128,-1,43 + 415 587 415 587 376 587 c 2,44,-1 + 315 587 l 1,45,-1 + 325 600 l 1,46,-1 + 325 465 l 1,36,-1 +368 166 m 0,47,48 + 285 166 285 166 220 202 c 128,-1,49 + 155 238 155 238 119 302 c 128,-1,50 + 83 366 83 366 83 449 c 0,51,52 + 83 534 83 534 122 600.5 c 128,-1,53 + 161 667 161 667 227.5 705.5 c 128,-1,54 + 294 744 294 744 379 744 c 256,55,56 + 464 744 464 744 530 708 c 128,-1,57 + 596 672 596 672 634 608 c 128,-1,58 + 672 544 672 544 672 461 c 0,59,60 + 672 398 672 398 649 344.5 c 128,-1,61 + 626 291 626 291 584.5 250.5 c 128,-1,62 + 543 210 543 210 487.5 188 c 128,-1,63 + 432 166 432 166 368 166 c 0,47,48 +370 205 m 0,64,65 + 443 205 443 205 501.5 238 c 128,-1,66 + 560 271 560 271 594 328.5 c 128,-1,67 + 628 386 628 386 628 460 c 0,68,69 + 628 532 628 532 595.5 587.5 c 128,-1,70 + 563 643 563 643 506.5 674 c 128,-1,71 + 450 705 450 705 378 705 c 0,72,73 + 305 705 305 705 248.5 672 c 128,-1,74 + 192 639 192 639 160 582 c 128,-1,75 + 128 525 128 525 128 451 c 0,76,77 + 128 378 128 378 158.5 322.5 c 128,-1,78 + 189 267 189 267 243.5 236 c 128,-1,79 + 298 205 298 205 370 205 c 0,64,65 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: trademark +Encoding: 8482 8482 146 +Width: 1049 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +150 317 m 1,0,-1 + 150 351 l 1,1,-1 + 227 365 l 1,2,-1 + 213 349 l 1,3,-1 + 213 660 l 1,4,-1 + 228 650 l 1,5,-1 + 115 650 l 1,6,-1 + 133 662 l 1,7,-1 + 119 588 l 1,8,-1 + 79 588 l 1,9,-1 + 79 698 l 1,10,-1 + 410 698 l 1,11,-1 + 410 588 l 1,12,-1 + 370 588 l 1,13,-1 + 357 660 l 1,14,-1 + 373 650 l 1,15,-1 + 262 650 l 1,16,-1 + 276 660 l 1,17,-1 + 276 349 l 1,18,-1 + 264 365 l 1,19,-1 + 340 351 l 1,20,-1 + 340 317 l 1,21,-1 + 150 317 l 1,0,-1 +945 664 m 1,22,-1 + 879 650 l 1,23,-1 + 891 668 l 1,24,-1 + 891 353 l 1,25,-1 + 879 365 l 1,26,-1 + 945 351 l 1,27,-1 + 945 317 l 1,28,-1 + 772 317 l 1,29,-1 + 772 351 l 1,30,-1 + 844 365 l 1,31,-1 + 831 353 l 1,32,-1 + 831 651 l 1,33,-1 + 844 648 l 1,34,-1 + 715 416 l 1,35,-1 + 676 414 l 1,36,-1 + 551 645 l 1,37,-1 + 563 651 l 1,38,-1 + 563 353 l 1,39,-1 + 554 364 l 1,40,-1 + 622 351 l 1,41,-1 + 622 317 l 1,42,-1 + 462 317 l 1,43,-1 + 460 351 l 1,44,-1 + 525 364 l 1,45,-1 + 514 353 l 1,46,-1 + 514 668 l 1,47,-1 + 525 650 l 1,48,-1 + 460 662 l 1,49,-1 + 460 696 l 1,50,-1 + 590 699 l 1,51,-1 + 716 456 l 1,52,-1 + 689 456 l 1,53,-1 + 818 696 l 1,54,-1 + 945 699 l 1,55,-1 + 945 664 l 1,22,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: degree +Encoding: 176 176 147 +Width: 445 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +198 439 m 256,0,1 + 131 439 131 439 89.5 478.5 c 128,-1,2 + 48 518 48 518 48 587 c 0,3,4 + 48 631 48 631 67 664 c 128,-1,5 + 86 697 86 697 120 715.5 c 128,-1,6 + 154 734 154 734 199 734 c 0,7,8 + 266 734 266 734 307 694.5 c 128,-1,9 + 348 655 348 655 348 589 c 0,10,11 + 348 521 348 521 306.5 480 c 128,-1,12 + 265 439 265 439 198 439 c 256,0,1 +199 486 m 0,13,14 + 242 486 242 486 267 512.5 c 128,-1,15 + 292 539 292 539 292 588 c 0,16,17 + 292 635 292 635 266.5 661 c 128,-1,18 + 241 687 241 687 199 687 c 0,19,20 + 156 687 156 687 130.5 661.5 c 128,-1,21 + 105 636 105 636 105 589 c 0,22,23 + 105 541 105 541 130.5 514 c 128,-1,24 + 156 487 156 487 199 486 c 0,13,14 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: asterisk +Encoding: 42 42 148 +Width: 480 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +317 454 m 1,0,-1 + 240 569 l 1,1,-1 + 247 596 l 1,2,-1 + 273 592 l 1,3,-1 + 359 487 l 1,4,-1 + 317 454 l 1,0,-1 +167 453 m 1,5,-1 + 122 485 l 1,6,-1 + 208 594 l 1,7,-1 + 235 596 l 1,8,-1 + 240 569 l 1,9,-1 + 167 453 l 1,5,-1 +208 594 m 1,10,-1 + 78 623 l 1,11,-1 + 94 676 l 1,12,-1 + 221 632 l 1,13,-1 + 231 607 l 1,14,-1 + 208 594 l 1,10,-1 +241 614 m 1,15,-1 + 221 632 l 1,16,-1 + 212 760 l 1,17,-1 + 266 761 l 1,18,-1 + 262 632 l 1,19,-1 + 241 614 l 1,15,-1 +273 592 m 1,20,-1 + 252 608 l 1,21,-1 + 262 632 l 1,22,-1 + 383 677 l 1,23,-1 + 400 625 l 1,24,-1 + 273 592 l 1,20,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: numbersign +Encoding: 35 35 149 +Width: 669 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +92 515 m 1,0,-1 + 617 515 l 1,1,-1 + 617 463 l 1,2,-1 + 92 463 l 1,3,-1 + 92 515 l 1,0,-1 +53 247 m 1,4,-1 + 578 247 l 1,5,-1 + 578 195 l 1,6,-1 + 53 195 l 1,7,-1 + 53 247 l 1,4,-1 +228 698 m 1,8,-1 + 295 698 l 1,9,-1 + 196 0 l 1,10,-1 + 129 0 l 1,11,-1 + 228 698 l 1,8,-1 +472 698 m 1,12,-1 + 539 698 l 1,13,-1 + 440 0 l 1,14,-1 + 373 0 l 1,15,-1 + 472 698 l 1,12,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: ampersand +Encoding: 38 38 150 +Width: 690 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +323 -9 m 0,0,1 + 255 -9 255 -9 201.5 13 c 128,-1,2 + 148 35 148 35 117 80 c 128,-1,3 + 86 125 86 125 86 191 c 0,4,5 + 86 237 86 237 105.5 276.5 c 128,-1,6 + 125 316 125 316 166 343 c 128,-1,7 + 207 370 207 370 270 377 c 1,8,-1 + 272 368 l 1,9,10 + 188 377 188 377 146.5 422 c 128,-1,11 + 105 467 105 467 105 527 c 0,12,13 + 105 590 105 590 135 629.5 c 128,-1,14 + 165 669 165 669 217.5 688 c 128,-1,15 + 270 707 270 707 336 707 c 0,16,17 + 388 707 388 707 438 697.5 c 128,-1,18 + 488 688 488 688 536 671 c 1,19,-1 + 529 527 l 1,20,-1 + 477 527 l 1,21,-1 + 462 636 l 1,22,-1 + 479 623 l 1,23,24 + 444 634 444 634 411 639.5 c 128,-1,25 + 378 645 378 645 341 645 c 0,26,27 + 270 645 270 645 229 616 c 128,-1,28 + 188 587 188 587 188 521 c 0,29,30 + 188 465 188 465 232.5 433 c 128,-1,31 + 277 401 277 401 354 401 c 2,32,-1 + 645 401 l 1,33,-1 + 645 356 l 1,34,-1 + 557 338 l 1,35,-1 + 568 354 l 1,36,-1 + 568 217 l 2,37,38 + 568 143 568 143 537 92.5 c 128,-1,39 + 506 42 506 42 451 16.5 c 128,-1,40 + 396 -9 396 -9 323 -9 c 0,0,1 +331 56 m 0,41,42 + 403 56 403 56 445.5 94.5 c 128,-1,43 + 488 133 488 133 488 210 c 2,44,-1 + 488 353 l 1,45,-1 + 504 341 l 1,46,-1 + 345 341 l 2,47,48 + 284 341 284 341 245.5 321.5 c 128,-1,49 + 207 302 207 302 188.5 271 c 128,-1,50 + 170 240 170 240 170 203 c 0,51,52 + 170 133 170 133 215 94.5 c 128,-1,53 + 260 56 260 56 331 56 c 0,41,42 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 347 7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 333 -28 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 223 7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 221 -28 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 162 10 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 161 7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 160 7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 158 7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 157 7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 156 7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 152 10 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 151 7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 144 7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 83 10 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 23 10 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 21 7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 19 7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 11 7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 7 7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 5 -28 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: at +Encoding: 64 64 151 +Width: 874 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +406 -109 m 0,0,1 + 307 -109 307 -109 232 -63 c 128,-1,2 + 157 -17 157 -17 115.5 66 c 128,-1,3 + 74 149 74 149 74 262 c 0,4,5 + 74 353 74 353 101.5 424.5 c 128,-1,6 + 129 496 129 496 180 546 c 128,-1,7 + 231 596 231 596 299.5 622 c 128,-1,8 + 368 648 368 648 450 648 c 0,9,10 + 531 648 531 648 597 623 c 128,-1,11 + 663 598 663 598 710.5 551 c 128,-1,12 + 758 504 758 504 783.5 439 c 128,-1,13 + 809 374 809 374 809 293 c 0,14,15 + 809 186 809 186 763 125.5 c 128,-1,16 + 717 65 717 65 637 65 c 0,17,18 + 589 65 589 65 560 88 c 128,-1,19 + 531 111 531 111 524 160 c 1,20,-1 + 536 159 l 1,21,22 + 509 117 509 117 469 91.5 c 128,-1,23 + 429 66 429 66 385 66 c 0,24,25 + 355 66 355 66 329.5 79 c 128,-1,26 + 304 92 304 92 290 118.5 c 128,-1,27 + 276 145 276 145 276 183 c 0,28,29 + 276 237 276 237 310 267.5 c 128,-1,30 + 344 298 344 298 423 298 c 2,31,-1 + 533 298 l 1,32,-1 + 522 287 l 1,33,-1 + 522 356 l 2,34,35 + 522 396 522 396 496 413 c 128,-1,36 + 470 430 470 430 431 430 c 0,37,38 + 404 430 404 430 372.5 422.5 c 128,-1,39 + 341 415 341 415 312 402 c 1,40,-1 + 299 445 l 1,41,42 + 338 462 338 462 376 471 c 128,-1,43 + 414 480 414 480 448 480 c 0,44,45 + 509 480 509 480 547.5 449 c 128,-1,46 + 586 418 586 418 586 351 c 2,47,-1 + 586 176 l 2,48,49 + 586 142 586 142 601 126.5 c 128,-1,50 + 616 111 616 111 644 111 c 0,51,52 + 695 111 695 111 719 159 c 128,-1,53 + 743 207 743 207 743 280 c 0,54,55 + 743 377 743 377 707.5 447.5 c 128,-1,56 + 672 518 672 518 606 556.5 c 128,-1,57 + 540 595 540 595 447 595 c 0,58,59 + 353 595 353 595 284 555.5 c 128,-1,60 + 215 516 215 516 177.5 442 c 128,-1,61 + 140 368 140 368 140 263 c 0,62,63 + 140 166 140 166 173 94.5 c 128,-1,64 + 206 23 206 23 267.5 -16 c 128,-1,65 + 329 -55 329 -55 413 -55 c 0,66,67 + 449 -55 449 -55 488.5 -47.5 c 128,-1,68 + 528 -40 528 -40 567 -25 c 1,69,-1 + 585 -72 l 1,70,71 + 541 -90 541 -90 495 -99.5 c 128,-1,72 + 449 -109 449 -109 406 -109 c 0,0,1 +408 115 m 0,73,74 + 440 115 440 115 473 136.5 c 128,-1,75 + 506 158 506 158 530 194 c 1,76,-1 + 522 169 l 1,77,-1 + 522 274 l 1,78,-1 + 533 261 l 1,79,-1 + 438 261 l 2,80,81 + 385 261 385 261 364 242.5 c 128,-1,82 + 343 224 343 224 343 188 c 0,83,84 + 343 153 343 153 361 134 c 128,-1,85 + 379 115 379 115 408 115 c 0,73,74 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: section +Encoding: 167 167 152 +Width: 570 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +251 -179 m 0,0,1 + 217 -179 217 -179 179.5 -173 c 128,-1,2 + 142 -167 142 -167 103 -156 c 1,3,-1 + 109 -28 l 1,4,-1 + 160 -28 l 1,5,-1 + 170 -125 l 1,6,-1 + 161 -110 l 1,7,8 + 185 -117 185 -117 208 -121 c 128,-1,9 + 231 -125 231 -125 252 -125 c 0,10,11 + 306 -125 306 -125 342.5 -100.5 c 128,-1,12 + 379 -76 379 -76 379 -28 c 0,13,14 + 379 9 379 9 358 35 c 128,-1,15 + 337 61 337 61 304.5 82 c 128,-1,16 + 272 103 272 103 235.5 122.5 c 128,-1,17 + 199 142 199 142 166 165 c 128,-1,18 + 133 188 133 188 112.5 219 c 128,-1,19 + 92 250 92 250 92 293 c 0,20,21 + 92 334 92 334 111.5 364 c 128,-1,22 + 131 394 131 394 163 413.5 c 128,-1,23 + 195 433 195 433 232 442 c 1,24,-1 + 247 418 l 1,25,26 + 228 410 228 410 208.5 393 c 128,-1,27 + 189 376 189 376 176 353 c 128,-1,28 + 163 330 163 330 163 303 c 0,29,30 + 163 268 163 268 184 243 c 128,-1,31 + 205 218 205 218 238 197.5 c 128,-1,32 + 271 177 271 177 308.5 157 c 128,-1,33 + 346 137 346 137 379 113 c 128,-1,34 + 412 89 412 89 433 55.5 c 128,-1,35 + 454 22 454 22 454 -25 c 0,36,37 + 454 -76 454 -76 427.5 -110 c 128,-1,38 + 401 -144 401 -144 355.5 -161.5 c 128,-1,39 + 310 -179 310 -179 251 -179 c 0,0,1 +337 92 m 1,40,-1 + 328 117 l 1,41,42 + 346 127 346 127 365 145 c 128,-1,43 + 384 163 384 163 396.5 186.5 c 128,-1,44 + 409 210 409 210 409 237 c 0,45,46 + 409 272 409 272 388 297.5 c 128,-1,47 + 367 323 367 323 334 344 c 128,-1,48 + 301 365 301 365 264 385 c 128,-1,49 + 227 405 227 405 194 429.5 c 128,-1,50 + 161 454 161 454 140 486 c 128,-1,51 + 119 518 119 518 119 563 c 0,52,53 + 119 632 119 632 170.5 669 c 128,-1,54 + 222 706 222 706 304 706 c 0,55,56 + 339 706 339 706 378.5 699 c 128,-1,57 + 418 692 418 692 458 679 c 1,58,-1 + 454 570 l 1,59,-1 + 403 570 l 1,60,-1 + 389 654 l 1,61,-1 + 401 638 l 1,62,63 + 378 645 378 645 354 649 c 128,-1,64 + 330 653 330 653 308 653 c 0,65,66 + 256 653 256 653 224.5 630 c 128,-1,67 + 193 607 193 607 193 565 c 0,68,69 + 193 531 193 531 214 505.5 c 128,-1,70 + 235 480 235 480 267.5 460 c 128,-1,71 + 300 440 300 440 337 420 c 128,-1,72 + 374 400 374 400 407 376.5 c 128,-1,73 + 440 353 440 353 460.5 321.5 c 128,-1,74 + 481 290 481 290 481 247 c 0,75,76 + 481 206 481 206 461 174.5 c 128,-1,77 + 441 143 441 143 408 122.5 c 128,-1,78 + 375 102 375 102 337 92 c 1,40,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: paragraph +Encoding: 182 182 153 +Width: 599 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +135 -170 m 1,0,-1 + 135 -127 l 1,1,-1 + 235 -106 l 1,2,-1 + 222 -124 l 1,3,-1 + 222 348 l 1,4,-1 + 242 329 l 1,5,6 + 186 329 186 329 143.5 351.5 c 128,-1,7 + 101 374 101 374 78 415.5 c 128,-1,8 + 55 457 55 457 55 514 c 0,9,10 + 55 569 55 569 78.5 610.5 c 128,-1,11 + 102 652 102 652 144.5 675 c 128,-1,12 + 187 698 187 698 243 698 c 2,13,-1 + 539 698 l 1,14,-1 + 539 655 l 1,15,-1 + 439 632 l 1,16,-1 + 452 651 l 1,17,-1 + 452 -170 l 1,18,-1 + 384 -170 l 1,19,-1 + 384 657 l 1,20,-1 + 399 637 l 1,21,-1 + 276 636 l 1,22,-1 + 290 658 l 1,23,-1 + 290 -170 l 1,24,-1 + 135 -170 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: asciicircum +Encoding: 94 94 154 +Width: 546 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +57 528 m 1,0,-1 + 244 863 l 1,1,-1 + 302 863 l 1,2,-1 + 489 528 l 1,3,-1 + 414 528 l 1,4,-1 + 253 829 l 1,5,-1 + 291 829 l 1,6,-1 + 130 528 l 1,7,-1 + 57 528 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: asciitilde +Encoding: 126 126 155 +Width: 609 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +415 287 m 0,0,1 + 384 287 384 287 355.5 298.5 c 128,-1,2 + 327 310 327 310 299.5 324.5 c 128,-1,3 + 272 339 272 339 245.5 350.5 c 128,-1,4 + 219 362 219 362 193 362 c 0,5,6 + 170 362 170 362 146 350 c 128,-1,7 + 122 338 122 338 97 304 c 1,8,-1 + 62 326 l 1,9,10 + 90 376 90 376 122.5 399 c 128,-1,11 + 155 422 155 422 195 422 c 0,12,13 + 226 422 226 422 254.5 410.5 c 128,-1,14 + 283 399 283 399 310.5 384.5 c 128,-1,15 + 338 370 338 370 364.5 358.5 c 128,-1,16 + 391 347 391 347 417 347 c 0,17,18 + 441 347 441 347 464.5 359.5 c 128,-1,19 + 488 372 488 372 512 405 c 1,20,-1 + 547 382 l 1,21,22 + 518 332 518 332 485.5 309.5 c 128,-1,23 + 453 287 453 287 415 287 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: Ccedilla +Encoding: 199 199 156 +Width: 646 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 364 -218 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 355 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 7 67 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Refer: 182 184 N 1 0 0 1 212 0 2 +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: Gbreve +Encoding: 286 286 157 +Width: 738 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 382 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 379 877 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 11 71 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Refer: 391 -1 N 1 0 0 1 168 0 2 +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni0122 +Encoding: 290 290 158 +Width: 738 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 382 -267 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 379 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 11 71 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Refer: 377 806 N 1 0 0 1 272 0 2 +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: Idotaccent +Encoding: 304 304 159 +Width: 352 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-3" 264 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 177 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 176 873 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 13 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Refer: 358 775 N 1 0 0 1 92 127 2 +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: Odieresis +Encoding: 214 214 160 +Width: 745 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-4" 373 349 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-3" 440 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 373 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-1" 578 698 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 376 873 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 19 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Refer: 178 168 N 1 0 0 1 150 123 2 +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: Oslash +Encoding: 216 216 161 +Width: 746 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 377 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +608 771 m 1,0,-1 + 653 744 l 1,1,-1 + 574 620 l 1,2,-1 + 561 603 l 1,3,-1 + 228 75 l 1,4,-1 + 222 62 l 1,5,-1 + 136 -74 l 1,6,-1 + 90 -47 l 1,7,-1 + 176 90 l 1,8,-1 + 186 102 l 1,9,-1 + 523 634 l 1,10,-1 + 528 646 l 1,11,-1 + 608 771 l 1,0,-1 +363 -9 m 0,12,13 + 277 -9 277 -9 208.5 30 c 128,-1,14 + 140 69 140 69 100.5 147.5 c 128,-1,15 + 61 226 61 226 61 342 c 0,16,17 + 61 433 61 433 85.5 501.5 c 128,-1,18 + 110 570 110 570 154 616 c 128,-1,19 + 198 662 198 662 255.5 684.5 c 128,-1,20 + 313 707 313 707 379 707 c 0,21,22 + 443 707 443 707 499 685.5 c 128,-1,23 + 555 664 555 664 597 620.5 c 128,-1,24 + 639 577 639 577 662.5 512 c 128,-1,25 + 686 447 686 447 686 361 c 0,26,27 + 686 243 686 243 643.5 160.5 c 128,-1,28 + 601 78 601 78 528 34.5 c 128,-1,29 + 455 -9 455 -9 363 -9 c 0,12,13 +368 56 m 0,30,31 + 430 56 430 56 482.5 87.5 c 128,-1,32 + 535 119 535 119 566.5 185 c 128,-1,33 + 598 251 598 251 598 356 c 0,34,35 + 598 456 598 456 568.5 519 c 128,-1,36 + 539 582 539 582 488.5 612 c 128,-1,37 + 438 642 438 642 375 642 c 0,38,39 + 314 642 314 642 262.5 611.5 c 128,-1,40 + 211 581 211 581 180 515.5 c 128,-1,41 + 149 450 149 450 149 345 c 0,42,43 + 149 245 149 245 178.5 181 c 128,-1,44 + 208 117 208 117 257.5 86.5 c 128,-1,45 + 307 56 307 56 368 56 c 0,30,31 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: Scedilla +Encoding: 350 350 162 +Width: 600 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 318 -218 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 311 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 23 83 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Refer: 182 184 N 1 0 0 1 166 0 2 +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'locl' Localized Forms in Latin lookup 12 subtable" uni0218 +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" uni0218 +EndChar + +StartChar: Udieresis +Encoding: 220 220 163 +Width: 749 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-3" 458 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 373 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-1" 648 695 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 376 873 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 25 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Refer: 178 168 N 1 0 0 1 150 123 2 +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: ccedilla +Encoding: 231 231 164 +Width: 513 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 284 -218 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 284 528 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 33 99 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Refer: 182 184 N 1 0 0 1 132 0 2 +Kerns2: 40 -8 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: gbreve +Encoding: 287 287 165 +Width: 559 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 272 -230 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 269 721 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 37 103 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Refer: 176 728 N 1 0 0 1 72 0 2 +Kerns2: 168 0 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 116 8 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: i.loclTRK +Encoding: 65550 -1 166 +Width: 298 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-3" 238 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 156 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 151 741 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 81 305 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Refer: 358 775 N 1 0 0 1 67 0 2 +Kerns2: 116 7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: odieresis +Encoding: 246 246 167 +Width: 575 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-4" 288 264 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-3" 349 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 288 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-1" 463 528 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 288 721 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 45 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Refer: 178 168 N 1 0 0 1 62 0 2 +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: oslash +Encoding: 248 248 168 +Width: 578 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-3" 351 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 289 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 289 528 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +478 611 m 1,0,-1 + 521 586 l 1,1,-1 + 446 465 l 1,2,-1 + 434 453 l 1,3,-1 + 187 52 l 1,4,-1 + 182 36 l 1,5,-1 + 108 -84 l 1,6,-1 + 65 -58 l 1,7,-1 + 139 62 l 1,8,-1 + 152 75 l 1,9,-1 + 402 480 l 1,10,-1 + 406 494 l 1,11,-1 + 478 611 l 1,0,-1 +296 537 m 0,12,13 + 405 537 405 537 467.5 468 c 128,-1,14 + 530 399 530 399 530 273 c 0,15,16 + 530 188 530 188 500 124.5 c 128,-1,17 + 470 61 470 61 414 26 c 128,-1,18 + 358 -9 358 -9 279 -9 c 0,19,20 + 171 -9 171 -9 110 58.5 c 128,-1,21 + 49 126 49 126 49 253 c 0,22,23 + 49 341 49 341 78.5 404.5 c 128,-1,24 + 108 468 108 468 163.5 502.5 c 128,-1,25 + 219 537 219 537 296 537 c 0,12,13 +292 478 m 0,26,27 + 215 478 215 478 173.5 420 c 128,-1,28 + 132 362 132 362 132 257 c 0,29,30 + 132 154 132 154 171.5 102 c 128,-1,31 + 211 50 211 50 284 50 c 0,32,33 + 337 50 337 50 373 76.5 c 128,-1,34 + 409 103 409 103 428 152 c 128,-1,35 + 447 201 447 201 447 269 c 0,36,37 + 447 371 447 371 406.5 424.5 c 128,-1,38 + 366 478 366 478 292 478 c 0,26,27 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: scedilla +Encoding: 351 351 169 +Width: 490 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 260 -218 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 252 528 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 49 115 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Refer: 182 184 N 1 0 0 1 108 0 2 +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'locl' Localized Forms in Latin lookup 12 subtable" uni0219 +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" uni0219 +EndChar + +StartChar: udieresis +Encoding: 252 252 170 +Width: 620 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-3" 512 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 309 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-1" 513 529 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 299 721 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 51 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Refer: 178 168 N 1 0 0 1 73 0 2 +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: grave +Encoding: 96 96 171 +Width: 309 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 359 768 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: acute +Encoding: 180 180 172 +Width: 319 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 360 769 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: circumflex +Encoding: 710 710 173 +Width: 462 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +98 628 m 1,0,-1 + 69 661 l 1,1,-1 + 205 789 l 1,2,-1 + 252 793 l 1,3,-1 + 394 661 l 1,4,-1 + 365 628 l 1,5,-1 + 203 746 l 1,6,-1 + 256 745 l 1,7,-1 + 98 628 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: tilde +Encoding: 732 732 174 +Width: 494 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +316 649 m 0,0,1 + 289 649 289 649 266.5 661.5 c 128,-1,2 + 244 674 244 674 223 686.5 c 128,-1,3 + 202 699 202 699 179 699 c 0,4,5 + 161 699 161 699 146 687.5 c 128,-1,6 + 131 676 131 676 117 651 c 1,7,-1 + 79 667 l 1,8,9 + 97 715 97 715 121.5 737.5 c 128,-1,10 + 146 760 146 760 177 760 c 0,11,12 + 204 760 204 760 226.5 747.5 c 128,-1,13 + 249 735 249 735 270.5 722.5 c 128,-1,14 + 292 710 292 710 314 710 c 0,15,16 + 332 710 332 710 347.5 722 c 128,-1,17 + 363 734 363 734 377 759 c 1,18,-1 + 414 743 l 1,19,20 + 396 695 396 695 371.5 672 c 128,-1,21 + 347 649 347 649 316 649 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: macron +Encoding: 175 175 175 +Width: 430 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +348 730 m 1,0,-1 + 348 671 l 1,1,-1 + 82 671 l 1,2,-1 + 82 730 l 1,3,-1 + 348 730 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: breve +Encoding: 728 728 176 +Width: 395 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +198 632 m 0,0,1 + 159 632 159 632 129 648 c 128,-1,2 + 99 664 99 664 81.5 693.5 c 128,-1,3 + 64 723 64 723 63 761 c 1,4,-1 + 113 767 l 1,5,6 + 118 732 118 732 141.5 711 c 128,-1,7 + 165 690 165 690 200 690 c 256,8,9 + 235 690 235 690 256.5 710 c 128,-1,10 + 278 730 278 730 281 763 c 1,11,-1 + 331 765 l 1,12,13 + 331 726 331 726 314.5 696 c 128,-1,14 + 298 666 298 666 268 649 c 128,-1,15 + 238 632 238 632 198 632 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: dotaccent +Encoding: 729 729 177 +Width: 174 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 358 775 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: dieresis +Encoding: 168 168 178 +Width: 451 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +325 643 m 0,0,1 + 303 643 303 643 290.5 657 c 128,-1,2 + 278 671 278 671 277 695 c 0,3,4 + 277 719 277 719 291 733 c 128,-1,5 + 305 747 305 747 325 747 c 0,6,7 + 347 747 347 747 359.5 733 c 128,-1,8 + 372 719 372 719 372 695 c 256,9,10 + 372 671 372 671 358 657 c 128,-1,11 + 344 643 344 643 325 643 c 0,0,1 +126 643 m 0,12,13 + 104 643 104 643 91.5 657 c 128,-1,14 + 79 671 79 671 79 695 c 256,15,16 + 79 719 79 719 92.5 733 c 128,-1,17 + 106 747 106 747 126 747 c 0,18,19 + 148 747 148 747 161 733 c 128,-1,20 + 174 719 174 719 174 695 c 256,21,22 + 174 671 174 671 160 657 c 128,-1,23 + 146 643 146 643 126 643 c 0,12,13 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: ring +Encoding: 730 730 179 +Width: 356 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +177 619 m 0,0,1 + 147 619 147 619 123 630.5 c 128,-1,2 + 99 642 99 642 85.5 663.5 c 128,-1,3 + 72 685 72 685 72 714 c 256,4,5 + 72 743 72 743 85.5 765 c 128,-1,6 + 99 787 99 787 123.5 799.5 c 128,-1,7 + 148 812 148 812 179 812 c 256,8,9 + 210 812 210 812 233 800.5 c 128,-1,10 + 256 789 256 789 270 767.5 c 128,-1,11 + 284 746 284 746 284 717 c 256,12,13 + 284 688 284 688 270.5 666 c 128,-1,14 + 257 644 257 644 233 631.5 c 128,-1,15 + 209 619 209 619 177 619 c 0,0,1 +177 660 m 0,16,17 + 203 660 203 660 217 676 c 128,-1,18 + 231 692 231 692 231 716 c 256,19,20 + 231 740 231 740 217.5 755.5 c 128,-1,21 + 204 771 204 771 178 771 c 256,22,23 + 152 771 152 771 138.5 755 c 128,-1,24 + 125 739 125 739 125 715 c 256,25,26 + 125 691 125 691 138.5 675.5 c 128,-1,27 + 152 660 152 660 177 660 c 0,16,17 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: hungarumlaut +Encoding: 733 733 180 +Width: 397 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +246 620 m 1,0,-1 + 202 642 l 1,1,-1 + 276 805 l 1,2,-1 + 336 773 l 1,3,-1 + 246 620 l 1,0,-1 +108 620 m 1,4,-1 + 63 641 l 1,5,-1 + 132 805 l 1,6,-1 + 194 776 l 1,7,-1 + 108 620 l 1,4,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: caron +Encoding: 711 711 181 +Width: 390 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +322 794 m 1,0,-1 + 351 762 l 1,1,-1 + 219 634 l 1,2,-1 + 172 630 l 1,3,-1 + 33 762 l 1,4,-1 + 63 794 l 1,5,-1 + 221 677 l 1,6,-1 + 168 677 l 1,7,-1 + 322 794 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: cedilla +Encoding: 184 184 182 +Width: 322 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +151 -233 m 0,0,1 + 129 -233 129 -233 105.5 -228 c 128,-1,2 + 82 -223 82 -223 60 -213 c 1,3,-1 + 78 -171 l 1,4,5 + 95 -177 95 -177 114.5 -181 c 128,-1,6 + 134 -185 134 -185 151 -185 c 0,7,8 + 176 -185 176 -185 193 -175 c 128,-1,9 + 210 -165 210 -165 210 -144 c 0,10,11 + 210 -129 210 -129 197.5 -119 c 128,-1,12 + 185 -109 185 -109 163 -103 c 128,-1,13 + 141 -97 141 -97 109 -97 c 1,14,-1 + 115 0 l 1,15,-1 + 166 0 l 1,16,-1 + 166 -58 l 1,17,18 + 222 -63 222 -63 246.5 -85.5 c 128,-1,19 + 271 -108 271 -108 271 -141 c 0,20,21 + 271 -172 271 -172 254.5 -192.5 c 128,-1,22 + 238 -213 238 -213 211 -223 c 128,-1,23 + 184 -233 184 -233 151 -233 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: ogonek +Encoding: 731 731 183 +Width: 310 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +164 -220 m 0,0,1 + 106 -220 106 -220 75.5 -192.5 c 128,-1,2 + 45 -165 45 -165 45 -127 c 0,3,4 + 45 -97 45 -97 64 -63 c 128,-1,5 + 83 -29 83 -29 124.5 0 c 128,-1,6 + 166 29 166 29 231 41 c 1,7,-1 + 245 0 l 1,8,9 + 175 -14 175 -14 140 -45.5 c 128,-1,10 + 105 -77 105 -77 105 -108 c 0,11,12 + 105 -134 105 -134 127 -150 c 128,-1,13 + 149 -166 149 -166 187 -166 c 0,14,15 + 198 -166 198 -166 210.5 -164.5 c 128,-1,16 + 223 -163 223 -163 237 -160 c 1,17,-1 + 242 -207 l 1,18,19 + 220 -213 220 -213 200.5 -216.5 c 128,-1,20 + 181 -220 181 -220 164 -220 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: periodcentered.loclCAT +Encoding: 65551 -1 184 +Width: 106 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 90 46 N 1 0 0 1 -67 295 2 +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals lookup 39 subtable" +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni2015 +Encoding: 8213 8213 185 +Width: 868 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 101 8212 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +EndChar + +StartChar: A.ogonekAccent +Encoding: 65559 -1 186 +Width: 709 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +633 44 m 1,0,-1 + 610 64 l 1,1,-1 + 704 43 l 1,2,-1 + 704 0 l 1,3,-1 + 554 0 l 1,4,-1 + 487 209 l 1,5,-1 + 502 197 l 1,6,-1 + 196 197 l 1,7,-1 + 210 209 l 1,8,-1 + 153 51 l 1,9,-1 + 148 62 l 1,10,-1 + 250 43 l 1,11,-1 + 250 0 l 1,12,-1 + 4 0 l 1,13,-1 + 4 43 l 1,14,-1 + 96 64 l 1,15,-1 + 75 46 l 1,16,-1 + 319 697 l 1,17,-1 + 402 700 l 1,18,-1 + 633 44 l 1,0,-1 +221 244 m 1,19,-1 + 213 257 l 1,20,-1 + 486 257 l 1,21,-1 + 477 243 l 1,22,-1 + 346 650 l 1,23,-1 + 365 649 l 1,24,-1 + 221 244 l 1,19,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65609 -1 187 +Width: 587 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 293 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 293 576 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +333 292 m 1,0,-1 + 337 300 l 1,1,2 + 399 299 399 299 442 284 c 128,-1,3 + 485 269 485 269 508 238 c 128,-1,4 + 531 207 531 207 531 157 c 0,5,6 + 531 83 531 83 474.5 41.5 c 128,-1,7 + 418 0 418 0 296 0 c 2,8,-1 + 43 0 l 1,9,-1 + 43 43 l 1,10,-1 + 134 61 l 1,11,-1 + 122 44 l 1,12,-1 + 122 530 l 1,13,-1 + 136 512 l 1,14,-1 + 43 530 l 1,15,-1 + 43 572 l 1,16,-1 + 201 576 l 1,17,-1 + 309 576 l 2,18,19 + 374 576 374 576 418 560.5 c 128,-1,20 + 462 545 462 545 484.5 513.5 c 128,-1,21 + 507 482 507 482 507 435 c 0,22,23 + 507 373 507 373 464.5 336.5 c 128,-1,24 + 422 300 422 300 333 292 c 1,0,-1 +292 517 m 2,25,-1 + 189 517 l 1,26,-1 + 203 531 l 1,27,-1 + 203 309 l 1,28,-1 + 189 322 l 1,29,-1 + 266 322 l 2,30,31 + 350 322 350 322 387.5 349.5 c 128,-1,32 + 425 377 425 377 425 423 c 0,33,34 + 425 471 425 471 392 494 c 128,-1,35 + 359 517 359 517 292 517 c 2,25,-1 +290 59 m 2,36,37 + 371 59 371 59 408.5 85 c 128,-1,38 + 446 111 446 111 446 164 c 0,39,40 + 446 215 446 215 413 242.5 c 128,-1,41 + 380 270 380 270 310 270 c 2,42,-1 + 189 270 l 1,43,-1 + 203 284 l 1,44,-1 + 203 44 l 1,45,-1 + 189 59 l 1,46,-1 + 290 59 l 2,36,37 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65614 -1 188 +Width: 595 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 339 -218 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 327 576 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +320 -9 m 0 + 243 -9 243 -9 181.5 26 c 0 + 120 61 120 61 85 127 c 0 + 50 193 50 193 50 288 c 0 + 50 386 50 386 88 452 c 0 + 126 518 126 518 192 551.5 c 0 + 258 585 258 585 342 585 c 0 + 390 585 390 585 442.5 573.5 c 0 + 495 562 495 562 549 540 c 1 + 542 406 l 1 + 492 406 l 1 + 475 511 l 1 + 489 496 l 1 + 451 510 451 510 414.5 517 c 0 + 378 524 378 524 346 524 c 0 + 281 524 281 524 233.5 497 c 0 + 186 470 186 470 160.5 418.5 c 0 + 135 367 135 367 135 293 c 0 + 135 216 135 216 161 162.5 c 0 + 187 109 187 109 232 81 c 0 + 277 53 277 53 335 53 c 0 + 378 53 378 53 427.5 70 c 0 + 477 87 477 87 528 121 c 1 + 557 74 l 1 + 498 32 498 32 437 11.5 c 0 + 376 -9 376 -9 320 -9 c 0 +EndSplineSet +Refer: 182 184 N 1 0 0 1 187 0 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65618 -1 189 +Width: 648 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-4" 202 293 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 312 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 320 576 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +314 576 m 2,0,1 + 375 576 375 576 427.5 559 c 128,-1,2 + 480 542 480 542 519 507.5 c 128,-1,3 + 558 473 558 473 579.5 420.5 c 128,-1,4 + 601 368 601 368 601 298 c 0,5,6 + 601 202 601 202 561.5 135.5 c 128,-1,7 + 522 69 522 69 454.5 34.5 c 128,-1,8 + 387 0 387 0 300 0 c 2,9,-1 + 44 0 l 1,10,-1 + 44 43 l 1,11,-1 + 134 61 l 1,12,-1 + 121 44 l 1,13,-1 + 121 530 l 1,14,-1 + 135 513 l 1,15,-1 + 44 529 l 1,16,-1 + 44 572 l 1,17,-1 + 221 576 l 1,18,-1 + 314 576 l 2,0,1 +305 59 m 2,19,20 + 364 59 364 59 411.5 81.5 c 128,-1,21 + 459 104 459 104 487.5 155.5 c 128,-1,22 + 516 207 516 207 516 293 c 0,23,24 + 516 373 516 373 489.5 422.5 c 128,-1,25 + 463 472 463 472 417.5 494.5 c 128,-1,26 + 372 517 372 517 315 517 c 2,27,-1 + 186 517 l 1,28,-1 + 202 531 l 1,29,-1 + 202 44 l 1,30,-1 + 186 59 l 1,31,-1 + 305 59 l 2,19,20 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65626 -1 190 +Width: 567 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-3" 506 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 285 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 285 576 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +456 141 m 1,0,-1 + 506 141 l 1,1,-1 + 506 0 l 1,2,-1 + 44 0 l 1,3,-1 + 44 43 l 1,4,-1 + 134 61 l 1,5,-1 + 121 44 l 1,6,-1 + 121 530 l 1,7,-1 + 133 513 l 1,8,-1 + 44 529 l 1,9,-1 + 44 572 l 1,10,-1 + 195 576 l 1,11,-1 + 495 576 l 1,12,-1 + 495 439 l 1,13,-1 + 445 439 l 1,14,-1 + 429 530 l 1,15,-1 + 444 517 l 1,16,-1 + 187 517 l 1,17,-1 + 202 531 l 1,18,-1 + 202 315 l 1,19,-1 + 187 328 l 1,20,-1 + 423 328 l 1,21,-1 + 423 274 l 1,22,-1 + 187 274 l 1,23,-1 + 202 287 l 1,24,-1 + 202 44 l 1,25,-1 + 187 59 l 1,26,-1 + 455 59 l 1,27,-1 + 440 44 l 1,28,-1 + 456 141 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65650 -1 191 +Width: 511 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +45 0 m 1,0,-1 + 45 43 l 1,1,-1 + 132 60 l 1,2,-1 + 121 47 l 1,3,-1 + 121 530 l 1,4,-1 + 135 513 l 1,5,-1 + 45 529 l 1,6,-1 + 45 572 l 1,7,-1 + 206 576 l 1,8,-1 + 489 576 l 1,9,-1 + 489 439 l 1,10,-1 + 439 439 l 1,11,-1 + 424 529 l 1,12,-1 + 442 517 l 1,13,-1 + 188 517 l 1,14,-1 + 202 531 l 1,15,-1 + 202 312 l 1,16,-1 + 188 325 l 1,17,-1 + 415 325 l 1,18,-1 + 415 271 l 1,19,-1 + 188 271 l 1,20,-1 + 202 285 l 1,21,-1 + 202 47 l 1,22,-1 + 190 60 l 1,23,-1 + 301 43 l 1,24,-1 + 301 0 l 1,25,-1 + 45 0 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65651 -1 192 +Width: 663 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 336 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 340 576 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +335 -9 m 0,0,1 + 249 -9 249 -9 185 24 c 128,-1,2 + 121 57 121 57 85.5 122 c 128,-1,3 + 50 187 50 187 50 282 c 0,4,5 + 50 382 50 382 88 449 c 128,-1,6 + 126 516 126 516 192 550.5 c 128,-1,7 + 258 585 258 585 344 585 c 0,8,9 + 393 585 393 585 448 574 c 128,-1,10 + 503 563 503 563 559 540 c 1,11,-1 + 552 406 l 1,12,-1 + 501 406 l 1,13,-1 + 484 510 l 1,14,-1 + 499 496 l 1,15,16 + 461 508 461 508 420.5 516 c 128,-1,17 + 380 524 380 524 345 524 c 0,18,19 + 282 524 282 524 234.5 496.5 c 128,-1,20 + 187 469 187 469 161 416.5 c 128,-1,21 + 135 364 135 364 135 288 c 0,22,23 + 135 172 135 172 191.5 112 c 128,-1,24 + 248 52 248 52 347 52 c 0,25,26 + 381 52 381 52 418.5 59.5 c 128,-1,27 + 456 67 456 67 498 80 c 1,28,-1 + 489 61 l 1,29,-1 + 489 236 l 1,30,-1 + 502 222 l 1,31,-1 + 406 234 l 1,32,-1 + 406 277 l 1,33,-1 + 632 282 l 1,34,-1 + 632 238 l 1,35,-1 + 553 223 l 1,36,-1 + 564 237 l 1,37,-1 + 564 40 l 1,38,39 + 502 16 502 16 445 3.5 c 128,-1,40 + 388 -9 388 -9 335 -9 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65658 -1 193 +Width: 724 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-4" 363 291 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 363 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 363 576 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +45 0 m 1,0,-1 + 45 43 l 1,1,-1 + 134 61 l 1,2,-1 + 121 44 l 1,3,-1 + 121 531 l 1,4,-1 + 136 513 l 1,5,-1 + 45 529 l 1,6,-1 + 45 572 l 1,7,-1 + 288 576 l 1,8,-1 + 288 534 l 1,9,-1 + 187 513 l 1,10,-1 + 202 531 l 1,11,-1 + 202 309 l 1,12,-1 + 187 323 l 1,13,-1 + 537 323 l 1,14,-1 + 522 309 l 1,15,-1 + 522 531 l 1,16,-1 + 537 513 l 1,17,-1 + 437 530 l 1,18,-1 + 437 572 l 1,19,-1 + 680 576 l 1,20,-1 + 680 534 l 1,21,-1 + 591 513 l 1,22,-1 + 603 531 l 1,23,-1 + 603 44 l 1,24,-1 + 591 61 l 1,25,-1 + 680 43 l 1,26,-1 + 680 0 l 1,27,-1 + 437 0 l 1,28,-1 + 437 43 l 1,29,-1 + 535 61 l 1,30,-1 + 522 44 l 1,31,-1 + 522 279 l 1,32,-1 + 537 264 l 1,33,-1 + 187 264 l 1,34,-1 + 202 279 l 1,35,-1 + 202 44 l 1,36,-1 + 189 61 l 1,37,-1 + 288 43 l 1,38,-1 + 288 0 l 1,39,-1 + 45 0 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65663 -1 194 +Width: 324 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-3" 264 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 163 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 163 576 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +280 534 m 1,0,-1 + 192 514 l 1,1,-1 + 203 528 l 1,2,-1 + 203 47 l 1,3,-1 + 192 60 l 1,4,-1 + 280 43 l 1,5,-1 + 280 0 l 1,6,-1 + 44 0 l 1,7,-1 + 44 43 l 1,8,-1 + 132 60 l 1,9,-1 + 122 47 l 1,10,-1 + 122 528 l 1,11,-1 + 134 514 l 1,12,-1 + 44 529 l 1,13,-1 + 44 572 l 1,14,-1 + 280 576 l 1,15,-1 + 280 534 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65664 -1 195 +Width: 324 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-3" 264 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 163 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 163 576 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 194 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65672 -1 196 +Width: 324 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-3" 264 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 163 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 163 789 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 194 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Refer: 358 775 N 1 0 0 1 78 48 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65673 -1 197 +Width: 324 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-3" 264 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 163 -170 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 163 576 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 194 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Refer: 358 775 N 1 0 0 1 78 -821 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65681 -1 198 +Width: 306 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 156 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 156 576 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +32 572 m 1,0,-1 + 274 576 l 1,1,-1 + 274 534 l 1,2,-1 + 186 513 l 1,3,-1 + 197 531 l 1,4,-1 + 197 53 l 2,5,6 + 197 -42 197 -42 156.5 -84 c 128,-1,7 + 116 -126 116 -126 41 -126 c 0,8,9 + 26 -126 26 -126 12.5 -124.5 c 128,-1,10 + -1 -123 -1 -123 -16 -121 c 1,11,-1 + -10 -61 l 1,12,13 + 1 -62 1 -62 9 -62.5 c 128,-1,14 + 17 -63 17 -63 25 -63 c 0,15,16 + 72 -63 72 -63 94 -42.5 c 128,-1,17 + 116 -22 116 -22 116 25 c 2,18,-1 + 116 531 l 1,19,-1 + 127 515 l 1,20,-1 + 32 530 l 1,21,-1 + 32 572 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65684 -1 199 +Width: 650 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 325 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 325 576 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +574 46 m 1,0,-1 + 555 61 l 1,1,-1 + 641 43 l 1,2,-1 + 641 0 l 1,3,-1 + 404 0 l 1,4,-1 + 404 43 l 1,5,-1 + 491 61 l 1,6,-1 + 483 46 l 1,7,-1 + 305 281 l 1,8,-1 + 332 267 l 1,9,-1 + 187 267 l 1,10,-1 + 202 282 l 1,11,-1 + 202 44 l 1,12,-1 + 189 62 l 1,13,-1 + 284 43 l 1,14,-1 + 284 0 l 1,15,-1 + 44 0 l 1,16,-1 + 44 43 l 1,17,-1 + 132 60 l 1,18,-1 + 121 44 l 1,19,-1 + 121 532 l 1,20,-1 + 132 515 l 1,21,-1 + 44 530 l 1,22,-1 + 44 572 l 1,23,-1 + 284 577 l 1,24,-1 + 284 534 l 1,25,-1 + 190 515 l 1,26,-1 + 202 534 l 1,27,-1 + 202 309 l 1,28,-1 + 187 324 l 1,29,-1 + 337 324 l 1,30,-1 + 308 309 l 1,31,-1 + 461 531 l 1,32,-1 + 470 518 l 1,33,-1 + 376 530 l 1,34,-1 + 376 573 l 1,35,-1 + 605 577 l 1,36,-1 + 605 534 l 1,37,-1 + 518 515 l 1,38,-1 + 540 530 l 1,39,-1 + 371 287 l 1,40,-1 + 371 310 l 1,41,-1 + 574 46 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65687 -1 200 +Width: 498 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-4" 377 346 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 270 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-1" 357 576 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 168 576 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +429 160 m 1,0,-1 + 480 160 l 1,1,-1 + 480 0 l 1,2,-1 + 44 0 l 1,3,-1 + 44 43 l 1,4,-1 + 132 60 l 1,5,-1 + 121 44 l 1,6,-1 + 121 530 l 1,7,-1 + 132 514 l 1,8,-1 + 44 530 l 1,9,-1 + 44 572 l 1,10,-1 + 288 576 l 1,11,-1 + 288 534 l 1,12,-1 + 191 514 l 1,13,-1 + 202 530 l 1,14,-1 + 202 43 l 1,15,-1 + 187 58 l 1,16,-1 + 424 58 l 1,17,-1 + 410 43 l 1,18,-1 + 429 160 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 318 -110 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65701 -1 201 +Width: 799 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 400 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 400 576 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +754 534 m 1,0,-1 + 664 513 l 1,1,-1 + 678 534 l 1,2,-1 + 678 44 l 1,3,-1 + 664 61 l 1,4,-1 + 754 43 l 1,5,-1 + 754 0 l 1,6,-1 + 519 0 l 1,7,-1 + 519 43 l 1,8,-1 + 622 62 l 1,9,-1 + 605 44 l 1,10,-1 + 605 504 l 1,11,-1 + 619 499 l 1,12,-1 + 417 150 l 1,13,-1 + 370 147 l 1,14,-1 + 175 496 l 1,15,-1 + 186 504 l 1,16,-1 + 186 44 l 1,17,-1 + 173 60 l 1,18,-1 + 272 43 l 1,19,-1 + 272 0 l 1,20,-1 + 45 0 l 1,21,-1 + 45 43 l 1,22,-1 + 135 61 l 1,23,-1 + 121 44 l 1,24,-1 + 121 534 l 1,25,-1 + 135 514 l 1,26,-1 + 45 530 l 1,27,-1 + 45 572 l 1,28,-1 + 215 576 l 1,29,-1 + 412 209 l 1,30,-1 + 388 209 l 1,31,-1 + 589 572 l 1,32,-1 + 754 576 l 1,33,-1 + 754 534 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65703 -1 202 +Width: 722 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 363 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 372 576 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +460 572 m 1,0,-1 + 688 576 l 1,1,-1 + 688 534 l 1,2,-1 + 598 513 l 1,3,-1 + 612 531 l 1,4,-1 + 612 0 l 1,5,-1 + 521 0 l 1,6,-1 + 174 505 l 1,7,-1 + 186 505 l 1,8,-1 + 186 44 l 1,9,-1 + 176 61 l 1,10,-1 + 274 43 l 1,11,-1 + 274 0 l 1,12,-1 + 45 0 l 1,13,-1 + 45 43 l 1,14,-1 + 136 61 l 1,15,-1 + 121 44 l 1,16,-1 + 121 531 l 1,17,-1 + 132 515 l 1,18,-1 + 45 530 l 1,19,-1 + 45 572 l 1,20,-1 + 216 576 l 1,21,-1 + 561 74 l 1,22,-1 + 547 74 l 1,23,-1 + 547 532 l 1,24,-1 + 557 514 l 1,25,-1 + 460 530 l 1,26,-1 + 460 572 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65713 -1 203 +Width: 675 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-4" 338 288 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-3" 403 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 338 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-1" 517 576 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 338 576 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +327 -8 m 0,0,1 + 246 -8 246 -8 183.5 24.5 c 128,-1,2 + 121 57 121 57 85.5 122 c 128,-1,3 + 50 187 50 187 50 282 c 0,4,5 + 50 382 50 382 88.5 449 c 128,-1,6 + 127 516 127 516 193 550.5 c 128,-1,7 + 259 585 259 585 343 585 c 0,8,9 + 425 585 425 585 488.5 552.5 c 128,-1,10 + 552 520 552 520 589 456.5 c 128,-1,11 + 626 393 626 393 626 299 c 0,12,13 + 626 202 626 202 587.5 133.5 c 128,-1,14 + 549 65 549 65 482 28.5 c 128,-1,15 + 415 -8 415 -8 327 -8 c 0,0,1 +334 53 m 0,16,17 + 392 53 392 53 439 79 c 128,-1,18 + 486 105 486 105 513.5 158.5 c 128,-1,19 + 541 212 541 212 541 294 c 0,20,21 + 541 371 541 371 515 422 c 128,-1,22 + 489 473 489 473 443.5 498.5 c 128,-1,23 + 398 524 398 524 339 524 c 0,24,25 + 281 524 281 524 235 498.5 c 128,-1,26 + 189 473 189 473 162 420 c 128,-1,27 + 135 367 135 367 135 284 c 0,28,29 + 135 207 135 207 160.5 156 c 128,-1,30 + 186 105 186 105 230.5 79 c 128,-1,31 + 275 53 275 53 334 53 c 0,16,17 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65724 -1 204 +Width: 675 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-4" 338 288 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-3" 403 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 338 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-1" 517 576 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 338 769 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 203 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Refer: 178 168 N 1 0 0 1 112 48 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65725 -1 205 +Width: 675 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-4" 338 288 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-3" 403 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 338 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-1" 517 576 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 338 576 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 203 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Refer: 178 168 N 1 0 0 1 112 13 2 +Refer: 175 175 N 1 0 0 1 123 143 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65749 -1 206 +Width: 535 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 162 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 267 576 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +271 216 m 2,0,-1 + 184 216 l 1,1,-1 + 202 230 l 1,2,-1 + 202 44 l 1,3,-1 + 189 61 l 1,4,-1 + 302 43 l 1,5,-1 + 302 0 l 1,6,-1 + 45 0 l 1,7,-1 + 45 43 l 1,8,-1 + 136 62 l 1,9,-1 + 121 44 l 1,10,-1 + 121 531 l 1,11,-1 + 138 512 l 1,12,-1 + 45 529 l 1,13,-1 + 45 572 l 1,14,-1 + 211 577 l 1,15,-1 + 303 577 l 2,16,17 + 372 577 372 577 417.5 554.5 c 128,-1,18 + 463 532 463 532 486 493.5 c 128,-1,19 + 509 455 509 455 509 404 c 0,20,21 + 509 349 509 349 482 306.5 c 128,-1,22 + 455 264 455 264 402.5 240 c 128,-1,23 + 350 216 350 216 271 216 c 2,0,-1 +287 518 m 2,24,-1 + 188 518 l 1,25,-1 + 202 533 l 1,26,-1 + 202 260 l 1,27,-1 + 184 275 l 1,28,-1 + 264 275 l 2,29,30 + 342 275 342 275 383 308.5 c 128,-1,31 + 424 342 424 342 424 402 c 0,32,33 + 424 456 424 456 390 487 c 128,-1,34 + 356 518 356 518 287 518 c 2,24,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65751 -1 207 +Width: 678 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +555 -154 m 0,0,1 + 521 -154 521 -154 486 -137 c 128,-1,2 + 451 -120 451 -120 406 -85.5 c 128,-1,3 + 361 -51 361 -51 297 -1 c 1,4,-1 + 324 -8 l 1,5,6 + 244 -7 244 -7 182 26 c 128,-1,7 + 120 59 120 59 85 123 c 128,-1,8 + 50 187 50 187 50 282 c 0,9,10 + 50 383 50 383 88.5 449.5 c 128,-1,11 + 127 516 127 516 193.5 550 c 128,-1,12 + 260 584 260 584 344 584 c 0,13,14 + 427 584 427 584 491.5 552 c 128,-1,15 + 556 520 556 520 592.5 457 c 128,-1,16 + 629 394 629 394 629 298 c 0,17,18 + 629 212 629 212 597 147.5 c 128,-1,19 + 565 83 565 83 507 44 c 128,-1,20 + 449 5 449 5 372 -5 c 1,21,-1 + 376 7 l 1,22,23 + 420 -25 420 -25 450.5 -47.5 c 128,-1,24 + 481 -70 481 -70 505.5 -80.5 c 128,-1,25 + 530 -91 530 -91 554 -91 c 0,26,27 + 569 -91 569 -91 585.5 -86.5 c 128,-1,28 + 602 -82 602 -82 623 -74 c 1,29,-1 + 645 -130 l 1,30,31 + 595 -154 595 -154 555 -154 c 0,0,1 +335 53 m 0,32,33 + 394 53 394 53 441.5 79 c 128,-1,34 + 489 105 489 105 516.5 158.5 c 128,-1,35 + 544 212 544 212 544 293 c 0,36,37 + 544 370 544 370 518 421 c 128,-1,38 + 492 472 492 472 446.5 497.5 c 128,-1,39 + 401 523 401 523 341 523 c 0,40,41 + 282 523 282 523 235.5 497.5 c 128,-1,42 + 189 472 189 472 162 419 c 128,-1,43 + 135 366 135 366 135 285 c 0,44,45 + 135 207 135 207 160.5 155.5 c 128,-1,46 + 186 104 186 104 231.5 78.5 c 128,-1,47 + 277 53 277 53 335 53 c 0,32,33 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 300 7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 198 15 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 96 7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65752 -1 208 +Width: 594 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 307 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 306 576 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +45 0 m 1,0,-1 + 45 43 l 1,1,-1 + 133 61 l 1,2,-1 + 121 44 l 1,3,-1 + 121 531 l 1,4,-1 + 137 512 l 1,5,-1 + 45 529 l 1,6,-1 + 45 572 l 1,7,-1 + 200 576 l 1,8,-1 + 291 576 l 2,9,10 + 407 576 407 576 459.5 537 c 128,-1,11 + 512 498 512 498 512 424 c 0,12,13 + 512 353 512 353 465 316.5 c 128,-1,14 + 418 280 418 280 327 272 c 1,15,-1 + 332 282 l 1,16,17 + 367 280 367 280 389 269.5 c 128,-1,18 + 411 259 411 259 426.5 239 c 128,-1,19 + 442 219 442 219 457 189 c 2,20,-1 + 533 46 l 1,21,-1 + 505 61 l 1,22,-1 + 583 43 l 1,23,-1 + 583 0 l 1,24,-1 + 465 0 l 1,25,-1 + 385 171 l 2,26,27 + 366 211 366 211 346.5 229.5 c 128,-1,28 + 327 248 327 248 303 253 c 128,-1,29 + 279 258 279 258 246 258 c 2,30,-1 + 187 257 l 1,31,-1 + 202 270 l 1,32,-1 + 202 44 l 1,33,-1 + 189 61 l 1,34,-1 + 293 43 l 1,35,-1 + 293 0 l 1,36,-1 + 45 0 l 1,0,-1 +202 297 m 1,37,-1 + 187 311 l 1,38,-1 + 263 311 l 2,39,40 + 342 311 342 311 384.5 336 c 128,-1,41 + 427 361 427 361 427 418 c 0,42,43 + 427 467 427 467 393 492.5 c 128,-1,44 + 359 518 359 518 284 518 c 2,45,-1 + 187 518 l 1,46,-1 + 202 532 l 1,47,-1 + 202 297 l 1,37,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65760 -1 209 +Width: 543 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 275 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 275 576 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +153 432 m 0,0,1 + 153 401 153 401 171 382 c 128,-1,2 + 189 363 189 363 219 350.5 c 128,-1,3 + 249 338 249 338 284.5 328 c 128,-1,4 + 320 318 320 318 355.5 306.5 c 128,-1,5 + 391 295 391 295 420.5 277.5 c 128,-1,6 + 450 260 450 260 468 232.5 c 128,-1,7 + 486 205 486 205 486 163 c 0,8,9 + 486 106 486 106 453.5 67.5 c 128,-1,10 + 421 29 421 29 367 10 c 128,-1,11 + 313 -9 313 -9 248 -9 c 0,12,13 + 156 -9 156 -9 64 28 c 1,14,-1 + 67 166 l 1,15,-1 + 118 166 l 1,16,-1 + 134 62 l 1,17,-1 + 125 77 l 1,18,19 + 152 65 152 65 184.5 58 c 128,-1,20 + 217 51 217 51 249 51 c 0,21,22 + 290 51 290 51 324.5 62 c 128,-1,23 + 359 73 359 73 380 96 c 128,-1,24 + 401 119 401 119 401 153 c 0,25,26 + 401 183 401 183 383 202.5 c 128,-1,27 + 365 222 365 222 335.5 234.5 c 128,-1,28 + 306 247 306 247 270.5 257 c 128,-1,29 + 235 267 235 267 199.5 279 c 128,-1,30 + 164 291 164 291 134.5 308.5 c 128,-1,31 + 105 326 105 326 87 354 c 128,-1,32 + 69 382 69 382 69 425 c 0,33,34 + 69 481 69 481 100.5 516.5 c 128,-1,35 + 132 552 132 552 181.5 568.5 c 128,-1,36 + 231 585 231 585 288 585 c 0,37,38 + 337 585 337 585 383.5 574.5 c 128,-1,39 + 430 564 430 564 467 548 c 1,40,-1 + 460 418 l 1,41,-1 + 409 418 l 1,42,-1 + 397 512 l 1,43,-1 + 405 501 l 1,44,45 + 380 512 380 512 350 518 c 128,-1,46 + 320 524 320 524 289 524 c 0,47,48 + 254 524 254 524 223 515 c 128,-1,49 + 192 506 192 506 172.5 485.5 c 128,-1,50 + 153 465 153 465 153 432 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65765 -1 210 +Width: 543 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 287 -218 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 275 576 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 209 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Refer: 182 184 N 1 0 0 1 135 0 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65772 -1 211 +Width: 516 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-4" 258 288 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 258 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 258 576 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +126 0 m 1,0,-1 + 126 43 l 1,1,-1 + 235 61 l 1,2,-1 + 217 40 l 1,3,-1 + 217 531 l 1,4,-1 + 237 517 l 1,5,-1 + 69 517 l 1,6,-1 + 89 534 l 1,7,-1 + 70 423 l 1,8,-1 + 20 423 l 1,9,-1 + 20 576 l 1,10,-1 + 496 576 l 1,11,-1 + 496 423 l 1,12,-1 + 446 423 l 1,13,-1 + 428 531 l 1,14,-1 + 446 517 l 1,15,-1 + 281 517 l 1,16,-1 + 298 531 l 1,17,-1 + 298 40 l 1,18,-1 + 284 61 l 1,19,-1 + 392 43 l 1,20,-1 + 392 0 l 1,21,-1 + 126 0 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65780 -1 212 +Width: 678 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-3" 423 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 337 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-1" 652 575 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 339 576 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +413 572 m 1,0,-1 + 655 576 l 1,1,-1 + 655 534 l 1,2,-1 + 566 514 l 1,3,-1 + 578 535 l 1,4,-1 + 578 218 l 2,5,6 + 578 142 578 142 553 91.5 c 128,-1,7 + 528 41 528 41 474.5 16 c 128,-1,8 + 421 -9 421 -9 334 -9 c 0,9,10 + 210 -9 210 -9 155.5 44 c 128,-1,11 + 101 97 101 97 101 208 c 2,12,-1 + 101 534 l 1,13,-1 + 112 514 l 1,14,-1 + 23 530 l 1,15,-1 + 23 572 l 1,16,-1 + 265 576 l 1,17,-1 + 265 534 l 1,18,-1 + 167 514 l 1,19,-1 + 182 534 l 1,20,-1 + 182 204 l 2,21,22 + 182 126 182 126 216 89 c 128,-1,23 + 250 52 250 52 336 52 c 0,24,25 + 397 52 397 52 432.5 70 c 128,-1,26 + 468 88 468 88 482.5 124.5 c 128,-1,27 + 497 161 497 161 497 214 c 2,28,-1 + 497 535 l 1,29,-1 + 511 515 l 1,30,-1 + 413 530 l 1,31,-1 + 413 572 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65786 -1 213 +Width: 678 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-3" 423 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 337 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-1" 652 575 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 339 769 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 212 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Refer: 178 168 N 1 0 0 1 113 48 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65808 -1 214 +Width: 627 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +266 -1 m 1,0,-1 + 67 529 l 1,1,-1 + 85 514 l 1,2,-1 + 2 530 l 1,3,-1 + 2 572 l 1,4,-1 + 242 576 l 1,5,-1 + 242 534 l 1,6,-1 + 143 513 l 1,7,-1 + 149 535 l 1,8,-1 + 323 51 l 1,9,-1 + 307 51 l 1,10,-1 + 490 531 l 1,11,-1 + 494 514 l 1,12,-1 + 399 530 l 1,13,-1 + 399 572 l 1,14,-1 + 626 576 l 1,15,-1 + 626 534 l 1,16,-1 + 542 515 l 1,17,-1 + 562 530 l 1,18,-1 + 355 -1 l 1,19,-1 + 266 -1 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65809 -1 215 +Width: 912 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 463 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 464 576 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +689 572 m 1,0,-1 + 910 576 l 1,1,-1 + 910 534 l 1,2,-1 + 828 514 l 1,3,-1 + 848 537 l 1,4,-1 + 684 -1 l 1,5,-1 + 607 -1 l 1,6,-1 + 453 476 l 1,7,-1 + 464 476 l 1,8,-1 + 304 -1 l 1,9,-1 + 222 -1 l 1,10,-1 + 67 531 l 1,11,-1 + 80 517 l 1,12,-1 + 2 530 l 1,13,-1 + 2 572 l 1,14,-1 + 235 576 l 1,15,-1 + 235 534 l 1,16,-1 + 141 515 l 1,17,-1 + 146 531 l 1,18,-1 + 271 66 l 1,19,-1 + 262 67 l 1,20,-1 + 431 573 l 1,21,-1 + 492 576 l 1,22,-1 + 655 76 l 1,23,-1 + 645 76 l 1,24,-1 + 777 531 l 1,25,-1 + 782 514 l 1,26,-1 + 689 530 l 1,27,-1 + 689 572 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65814 -1 216 +Width: 607 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +543 42 m 1,0,-1 + 516 60 l 1,1,-1 + 602 43 l 1,2,-1 + 602 0 l 1,3,-1 + 359 0 l 1,4,-1 + 359 43 l 1,5,-1 + 451 61 l 1,6,-1 + 450 43 l 1,7,-1 + 284 265 l 1,8,-1 + 304 266 l 1,9,-1 + 134 40 l 1,10,-1 + 131 62 l 1,11,-1 + 230 43 l 1,12,-1 + 230 0 l 1,13,-1 + 5 0 l 1,14,-1 + 5 43 l 1,15,-1 + 89 60 l 1,16,-1 + 61 40 l 1,17,-1 + 265 302 l 1,18,-1 + 268 284 l 1,19,-1 + 79 528 l 1,20,-1 + 98 517 l 1,21,-1 + 16 530 l 1,22,-1 + 16 572 l 1,23,-1 + 254 576 l 1,24,-1 + 254 534 l 1,25,-1 + 166 515 l 1,26,-1 + 170 528 l 1,27,-1 + 318 330 l 1,28,-1 + 307 331 l 1,29,-1 + 457 530 l 1,30,-1 + 456 518 l 1,31,-1 + 371 530 l 1,32,-1 + 371 572 l 1,33,-1 + 591 576 l 1,34,-1 + 591 534 l 1,35,-1 + 507 516 l 1,36,-1 + 532 532 l 1,37,-1 + 339 289 l 1,38,-1 + 334 312 l 1,39,-1 + 543 42 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65815 -1 217 +Width: 549 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 273 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 275 576 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +155 0 m 1,0,-1 + 155 43 l 1,1,-1 + 243 61 l 1,2,-1 + 231 44 l 1,3,-1 + 231 228 l 1,4,-1 + 239 197 l 1,5,-1 + 58 528 l 1,6,-1 + 75 516 l 1,7,-1 + -2 530 l 1,8,-1 + -2 572 l 1,9,-1 + 220 576 l 1,10,-1 + 220 534 l 1,11,-1 + 126 515 l 1,12,-1 + 134 532 l 1,13,-1 + 283 248 l 1,14,-1 + 268 248 l 1,15,-1 + 420 529 l 1,16,-1 + 430 514 l 1,17,-1 + 334 530 l 1,18,-1 + 334 572 l 1,19,-1 + 549 576 l 1,20,-1 + 549 534 l 1,21,-1 + 471 515 l 1,22,-1 + 490 530 l 1,23,-1 + 302 197 l 1,24,-1 + 312 228 l 1,25,-1 + 312 44 l 1,26,-1 + 297 61 l 1,27,-1 + 387 43 l 1,28,-1 + 387 0 l 1,29,-1 + 155 0 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65825 -1 218 +Width: 533 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 265 0 basechar 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 265 576 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +38 0 m 1,0,-1 + 38 55 l 1,1,-1 + 396 525 l 1,2,-1 + 408 517 l 1,3,-1 + 105 517 l 1,4,-1 + 125 525 l 1,5,-1 + 109 434 l 1,6,-1 + 59 434 l 1,7,-1 + 59 576 l 1,8,-1 + 483 576 l 1,9,-1 + 483 520 l 1,10,-1 + 125 48 l 1,11,-1 + 118 59 l 1,12,-1 + 440 59 l 1,13,-1 + 421 49 l 1,14,-1 + 436 144 l 1,15,-1 + 486 144 l 1,16,-1 + 483 0 l 1,17,-1 + 38 0 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: uni207F +Encoding: 8319 8319 219 +Width: 500 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +36 322 m 1,0,-1 + 36 358 l 1,1,-1 + 105 372 l 1,2,-1 + 96 361 l 1,3,-1 + 96 662 l 1,4,-1 + 105 648 l 1,5,-1 + 36 662 l 1,6,-1 + 36 698 l 1,7,-1 + 146 703 l 1,8,-1 + 155 627 l 1,9,-1 + 146 631 l 1,10,11 + 184 670 184 670 225.5 688.5 c 128,-1,12 + 267 707 267 707 305 707 c 0,13,14 + 355 707 355 707 388 675.5 c 128,-1,15 + 421 644 421 644 421 582 c 2,16,-1 + 421 361 l 1,17,-1 + 414 372 l 1,18,-1 + 480 358 l 1,19,-1 + 480 322 l 1,20,-1 + 298 322 l 1,21,-1 + 298 358 l 1,22,-1 + 365 372 l 1,23,-1 + 356 360 l 1,24,-1 + 356 570 l 2,25,26 + 356 613 356 613 336.5 634.5 c 128,-1,27 + 317 656 317 656 282 656 c 0,28,29 + 253 656 253 656 219 640.5 c 128,-1,30 + 185 625 185 625 153 592 c 1,31,-1 + 161 607 l 1,32,-1 + 161 360 l 1,33,-1 + 153 371 l 1,34,-1 + 219 358 l 1,35,-1 + 219 322 l 1,36,-1 + 36 322 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: Gamma +Encoding: 915 915 220 +Width: 560 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 336 698 basechar 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +49 0 m 1 + 49 43 l 1 + 146 63 l 1 + 135 49 l 1 + 135 650 l 1 + 149 632 l 1 + 49 650 l 1 + 49 693 l 1 + 216 698 l 1 + 532 698 l 1 + 532 523 l 1 + 482 523 l 1 + 462 648 l 1 + 482 637 l 1 + 202 637 l 1 + 217 652 l 1 + 217 49 l 1 + 205 63 l 1 + 322 43 l 1 + 322 0 l 1 + 49 0 l 1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: uni0394 +Encoding: 916 916 221 +Width: 685 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 333 8710 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Kerns2: 116 5 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +EndChar + +StartChar: Pi +Encoding: 928 928 222 +Width: 779 +GlyphClass: 2 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +49 0 m 1 + 49 43 l 1 + 148 64 l 1 + 135 46 l 1 + 135 651 l 1 + 151 632 l 1 + 49 650 l 1 + 49 693 l 1 + 217 698 l 1 + 731 698 l 1 + 731 655 l 1 + 631 632 l 1 + 644 651 l 1 + 644 46 l 1 + 631 64 l 1 + 731 43 l 1 + 731 0 l 1 + 476 0 l 1 + 476 43 l 1 + 575 64 l 1 + 563 46 l 1 + 563 657 l 1 + 577 637 l 1 + 203 636 l 1 + 217 658 l 1 + 217 46 l 1 + 204 64 l 1 + 304 43 l 1 + 304 0 l 1 + 49 0 l 1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: uni03A9 +Encoding: 937 937 223 +Width: 826 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 332 8486 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +EndChar + +StartChar: uni03BC +Encoding: 956 956 224 +Width: 653 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 82 181 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +EndChar + +StartChar: pi +Encoding: 960 960 225 +Width: 631 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +37 0 m 1,0,-1 + 37 43 l 1,1,-1 + 132 64 l 1,2,-1 + 115 39 l 1,3,-1 + 115 490 l 1,4,-1 + 136 461 l 1,5,-1 + 37 483 l 1,6,-1 + 37 525 l 1,7,-1 + 190 528 l 1,8,-1 + 579 528 l 1,9,-1 + 579 485 l 1,10,-1 + 483 461 l 1,11,-1 + 501 489 l 1,12,-1 + 501 170 l 2,13,14 + 501 114 501 114 515.5 84 c 128,-1,15 + 530 54 530 54 566 54 c 0,16,17 + 587 54 587 54 613 63 c 1,18,-1 + 623 8 l 1,19,20 + 573 -9 573 -9 536 -9 c 0,21,22 + 480 -9 480 -9 450.5 33.5 c 128,-1,23 + 421 76 421 76 421 158 c 2,24,-1 + 421 490 l 1,25,-1 + 444 467 l 1,26,-1 + 173 468 l 1,27,-1 + 195 490 l 1,28,-1 + 195 39 l 1,29,-1 + 180 64 l 1,30,-1 + 272 43 l 1,31,-1 + 272 0 l 1,32,-1 + 37 0 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65872 -1 226 +Width: 647 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +319 -9 m 0,0,1 + 233 -9 233 -9 177 30 c 128,-1,2 + 121 69 121 69 94 147 c 128,-1,3 + 67 225 67 225 67 343 c 0,4,5 + 67 465 67 465 95.5 545.5 c 128,-1,6 + 124 626 124 626 183 666.5 c 128,-1,7 + 242 707 242 707 333 707 c 0,8,9 + 421 707 421 707 475.5 670 c 128,-1,10 + 530 633 530 633 554.5 557 c 128,-1,11 + 579 481 579 481 579 364 c 0,12,13 + 579 240 579 240 550.5 157 c 128,-1,14 + 522 74 522 74 464.5 32.5 c 128,-1,15 + 407 -9 407 -9 319 -9 c 0,0,1 +322 55 m 0,16,17 + 383 55 383 55 421 88 c 128,-1,18 + 459 121 459 121 477 187.5 c 128,-1,19 + 495 254 495 254 496 356 c 0,20,21 + 497 462 497 462 479 524.5 c 128,-1,22 + 461 587 461 587 423.5 615 c 128,-1,23 + 386 643 386 643 330 643 c 0,24,25 + 268 643 268 643 227.5 610.5 c 128,-1,26 + 187 578 187 578 168.5 512.5 c 128,-1,27 + 150 447 150 447 150 347 c 256,28,29 + 150 247 150 247 168.5 182.5 c 128,-1,30 + 187 118 187 118 225 86.5 c 128,-1,31 + 263 55 263 55 322 55 c 0,16,17 +208 42 m 1,32,-1 + 166 65 l 1,33,-1 + 435 658 l 1,34,-1 + 477 638 l 1,35,-1 + 208 42 l 1,32,-1 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 147 -20 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +EndChar + +StartChar: zero.osf +Encoding: 65873 -1 227 +Width: 659 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +324 -9 m 0,0,1 + 199 -9 199 -9 130 67 c 128,-1,2 + 61 143 61 143 61 284 c 0,3,4 + 61 429 61 429 133.5 507 c 128,-1,5 + 206 585 206 585 337 585 c 0,6,7 + 463 585 463 585 530 512.5 c 128,-1,8 + 597 440 597 440 597 299 c 0,9,10 + 597 154 597 154 526 72.5 c 128,-1,11 + 455 -9 455 -9 324 -9 c 0,0,1 +327 56 m 0,12,13 + 391 56 391 56 431.5 85.5 c 128,-1,14 + 472 115 472 115 492 169 c 128,-1,15 + 512 223 512 223 512 296 c 0,16,17 + 513 366 513 366 494.5 415.5 c 128,-1,18 + 476 465 476 465 437 492 c 128,-1,19 + 398 519 398 519 335 519 c 0,20,21 + 271 519 271 519 229 491 c 128,-1,22 + 187 463 187 463 166.5 411 c 128,-1,23 + 146 359 146 359 146 286 c 0,24,25 + 146 215 146 215 166 163.5 c 128,-1,26 + 186 112 186 112 226 84 c 128,-1,27 + 266 56 266 56 327 56 c 0,12,13 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 147 -20 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" zero.lf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" zero +Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures lookup 67 subtable" zero.lf +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" zero zero.lf +EndChar + +StartChar: one.osf +Encoding: 65874 -1 228 +Width: 417 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +285 44 m 1,0,-1 + 268 66 l 1,1,-1 + 402 45 l 1,2,-1 + 402 0 l 1,3,-1 + 62 0 l 1,4,-1 + 62 45 l 1,5,-1 + 221 65 l 1,6,-1 + 204 44 l 1,7,-1 + 204 477 l 1,8,-1 + 226 474 l 1,9,-1 + 51 374 l 1,10,-1 + 24 425 l 1,11,-1 + 219 549 l 1,12,-1 + 285 549 l 1,13,-1 + 285 44 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 147 -48 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" one.lf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" one +Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures lookup 67 subtable" one.lf +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" one one.lf +EndChar + +StartChar: two.osf +Encoding: 65875 -1 229 +Width: 565 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +56 0 m 1,0,-1 + 56 71 l 1,1,2 + 174 147 174 147 252.5 203 c 128,-1,3 + 331 259 331 259 369.5 308 c 128,-1,4 + 408 357 408 357 408 409 c 0,5,6 + 408 449 408 449 389 473.5 c 128,-1,7 + 370 498 370 498 337.5 509.5 c 128,-1,8 + 305 521 305 521 265 521 c 0,9,10 + 233 521 233 521 196.5 514.5 c 128,-1,11 + 160 508 160 508 123 496 c 1,12,-1 + 134 512 l 1,13,-1 + 120 390 l 1,14,-1 + 69 390 l 1,15,-1 + 60 546 l 1,16,17 + 116 565 116 565 170.5 575 c 128,-1,18 + 225 585 225 585 274 585 c 0,19,20 + 337 585 337 585 387 567 c 128,-1,21 + 437 549 437 549 466 513.5 c 128,-1,22 + 495 478 495 478 495 422 c 0,23,24 + 495 357 495 357 454.5 299 c 128,-1,25 + 414 241 414 241 337 182 c 128,-1,26 + 260 123 260 123 151 53 c 1,27,-1 + 150 67 l 1,28,-1 + 512 67 l 1,29,-1 + 512 0 l 1,30,-1 + 56 0 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" two.lf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" two +Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures lookup 67 subtable" two.lf +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" two two.lf +EndChar + +StartChar: three.osf +Encoding: 65876 -1 230 +Width: 540 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +222 -131 m 0,0,1 + 173 -131 173 -131 119.5 -117 c 128,-1,2 + 66 -103 66 -103 18 -74 c 1,3,-1 + 42 -15 l 1,4,5 + 86 -39 86 -39 132.5 -52 c 128,-1,6 + 179 -65 179 -65 221 -65 c 0,7,8 + 267 -65 267 -65 304.5 -49.5 c 128,-1,9 + 342 -34 342 -34 364.5 -2.5 c 128,-1,10 + 387 29 387 29 387 77 c 0,11,12 + 387 117 387 117 369.5 147.5 c 128,-1,13 + 352 178 352 178 315 196 c 128,-1,14 + 278 214 278 214 218 214 c 2,15,-1 + 132 214 l 1,16,-1 + 132 274 l 1,17,-1 + 218 274 l 2,18,19 + 296 274 296 274 334 307.5 c 128,-1,20 + 372 341 372 341 372 400 c 0,21,22 + 372 467 372 467 332 495.5 c 128,-1,23 + 292 524 292 524 231 524 c 0,24,25 + 200 524 200 524 165 517 c 128,-1,26 + 130 510 130 510 95 499 c 1,27,-1 + 107 512 l 1,28,-1 + 95 396 l 1,29,-1 + 45 396 l 1,30,-1 + 37 546 l 1,31,32 + 92 564 92 564 147 574.5 c 128,-1,33 + 202 585 202 585 247 585 c 0,34,35 + 306 585 306 585 352.5 567.5 c 128,-1,36 + 399 550 399 550 426.5 512.5 c 128,-1,37 + 454 475 454 475 454 413 c 0,38,39 + 454 340 454 340 412 297.5 c 128,-1,40 + 370 255 370 255 286 244 c 1,41,-1 + 283 250 l 1,42,43 + 377 244 377 244 422.5 198 c 128,-1,44 + 468 152 468 152 468 76 c 0,45,46 + 468 24 468 24 449 -15 c 128,-1,47 + 430 -54 430 -54 395.5 -80 c 128,-1,48 + 361 -106 361 -106 316.5 -118.5 c 128,-1,49 + 272 -131 272 -131 222 -131 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" three.lf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" three +Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures lookup 67 subtable" three.lf +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" three three.lf +EndChar + +StartChar: four.osf +Encoding: 65877 -1 231 +Width: 600 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +366 56 m 1,0,-1 + 387 38 l 1,1,-1 + 27 38 l 1,2,-1 + 17 96 l 1,3,-1 + 352 590 l 1,4,-1 + 448 579 l 1,5,-1 + 448 87 l 1,6,-1 + 426 103 l 1,7,-1 + 567 103 l 1,8,-1 + 567 38 l 1,9,-1 + 426 38 l 1,10,-1 + 448 56 l 1,11,-1 + 448 -119 l 1,12,-1 + 366 -119 l 1,13,-1 + 366 56 l 1,0,-1 +389 103 m 1,14,-1 + 367 87 l 1,15,-1 + 367 540 l 1,16,-1 + 392 536 l 1,17,-1 + 83 75 l 1,18,-1 + 69 103 l 1,19,-1 + 389 103 l 1,14,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" four.lf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" four +Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures lookup 67 subtable" four.lf +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" four four.lf +EndChar + +StartChar: five.osf +Encoding: 65878 -1 232 +Width: 510 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +222 -130 m 0,0,1 + 175 -130 175 -130 124 -117.5 c 128,-1,2 + 73 -105 73 -105 23 -81 c 1,3,-1 + 46 -21 l 1,4,5 + 89 -42 89 -42 131 -53 c 128,-1,6 + 173 -64 173 -64 212 -64 c 0,7,8 + 260 -64 260 -64 296.5 -45 c 128,-1,9 + 333 -26 333 -26 353.5 8.5 c 128,-1,10 + 374 43 374 43 374 91 c 0,11,12 + 374 133 374 133 358 160 c 128,-1,13 + 342 187 342 187 315 202 c 128,-1,14 + 288 217 288 217 255.5 223.5 c 128,-1,15 + 223 230 223 230 190.5 231.5 c 128,-1,16 + 158 233 158 233 130 233 c 2,17,-1 + 65 233 l 1,18,-1 + 79 576 l 1,19,-1 + 434 576 l 1,20,-1 + 433 511 l 1,21,-1 + 135 511 l 1,22,-1 + 159 527 l 1,23,-1 + 148 276 l 1,24,-1 + 126 295 l 1,25,-1 + 185 295 l 2,26,27 + 280 295 280 295 341 271.5 c 128,-1,28 + 402 248 402 248 431.5 203.5 c 128,-1,29 + 461 159 461 159 461 94 c 0,30,31 + 461 25 461 25 430.5 -25.5 c 128,-1,32 + 400 -76 400 -76 346 -103 c 128,-1,33 + 292 -130 292 -130 222 -130 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" five.lf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" five +Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures lookup 67 subtable" five.lf +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" five five.lf +EndChar + +StartChar: six.osf +Encoding: 65879 -1 233 +Width: 598 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +144 291 m 1,0,-1 + 142 350 l 1,1,2 + 190 384 190 384 243 401.5 c 128,-1,3 + 296 419 296 419 349 419 c 0,4,5 + 406 419 406 419 453 396.5 c 128,-1,6 + 500 374 500 374 528 329 c 128,-1,7 + 556 284 556 284 556 216 c 0,8,9 + 556 147 556 147 525.5 96.5 c 128,-1,10 + 495 46 495 46 441.5 18.5 c 128,-1,11 + 388 -9 388 -9 319 -9 c 0,12,13 + 245 -9 245 -9 189.5 24 c 128,-1,14 + 134 57 134 57 103 126.5 c 128,-1,15 + 72 196 72 196 72 304 c 0,16,17 + 72 428 72 428 112.5 518 c 128,-1,18 + 153 608 153 608 227 657.5 c 128,-1,19 + 301 707 301 707 400 707 c 0,20,21 + 452 707 452 707 510 693 c 1,22,-1 + 503 632 l 1,23,24 + 477 637 477 637 453 639.5 c 128,-1,25 + 429 642 429 642 409 642 c 0,26,27 + 323 642 323 642 267.5 600.5 c 128,-1,28 + 212 559 212 559 184 483.5 c 128,-1,29 + 156 408 156 408 156 303 c 0,30,31 + 156 177 156 177 198 116.5 c 128,-1,32 + 240 56 240 56 320 56 c 0,33,34 + 390 56 390 56 430.5 98 c 128,-1,35 + 471 140 471 140 471 213 c 0,36,37 + 471 263 471 263 451.5 295.5 c 128,-1,38 + 432 328 432 328 399 343.5 c 128,-1,39 + 366 359 366 359 325 359 c 0,40,41 + 281 359 281 359 234 342 c 128,-1,42 + 187 325 187 325 144 291 c 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" six.lf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" six +Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures lookup 67 subtable" six.lf +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" six six.lf +EndChar + +StartChar: seven.osf +Encoding: 65880 -1 234 +Width: 508 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +480 516 m 1,0,-1 + 219 -122 l 1,1,-1 + 128 -122 l 1,2,-1 + 396 523 l 1,3,-1 + 409 509 l 1,4,-1 + 82 509 l 1,5,-1 + 102 523 l 1,6,-1 + 80 403 l 1,7,-1 + 30 403 l 1,8,-1 + 30 576 l 1,9,-1 + 480 576 l 1,10,-1 + 480 516 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" seven.lf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" seven +Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures lookup 67 subtable" seven.lf +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" seven seven.lf +EndChar + +StartChar: eight.osf +Encoding: 65881 -1 235 +Width: 601 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +291 -8 m 0,0,1 + 248 -8 248 -8 208 4 c 128,-1,2 + 168 16 168 16 136 39.5 c 128,-1,3 + 104 63 104 63 85.5 98 c 128,-1,4 + 67 133 67 133 67 179 c 0,5,6 + 67 223 67 223 83.5 256 c 128,-1,7 + 100 289 100 289 126.5 312.5 c 128,-1,8 + 153 336 153 336 184 351 c 128,-1,9 + 215 366 215 366 244 374 c 1,10,-1 + 296 348 l 1,11,12 + 274 341 274 341 248.5 329 c 128,-1,13 + 223 317 223 317 200 298.5 c 128,-1,14 + 177 280 177 280 162 253 c 128,-1,15 + 147 226 147 226 147 189 c 0,16,17 + 147 147 147 147 167.5 116 c 128,-1,18 + 188 85 188 85 222 68.5 c 128,-1,19 + 256 52 256 52 297 52 c 0,20,21 + 340 52 340 52 375 69.5 c 128,-1,22 + 410 87 410 87 430.5 118.5 c 128,-1,23 + 451 150 451 150 451 191 c 0,24,25 + 451 231 451 231 431.5 257.5 c 128,-1,26 + 412 284 412 284 379 301 c 128,-1,27 + 346 318 346 318 307 331.5 c 128,-1,28 + 268 345 268 345 228.5 359.5 c 128,-1,29 + 189 374 189 374 156 394 c 128,-1,30 + 123 414 123 414 103.5 445.5 c 128,-1,31 + 84 477 84 477 84 525 c 0,32,33 + 84 586 84 586 116 626.5 c 128,-1,34 + 148 667 148 667 199.5 687 c 128,-1,35 + 251 707 251 707 309 707 c 0,36,37 + 366 707 366 707 414.5 688 c 128,-1,38 + 463 669 463 669 493 630.5 c 128,-1,39 + 523 592 523 592 523 535 c 0,40,41 + 523 494 523 494 507 464.5 c 128,-1,42 + 491 435 491 435 465.5 414.5 c 128,-1,43 + 440 394 440 394 409.5 381.5 c 128,-1,44 + 379 369 379 369 350 362 c 1,45,-1 + 293 389 l 1,46,47 + 321 396 321 396 347.5 406.5 c 128,-1,48 + 374 417 374 417 396 433 c 128,-1,49 + 418 449 418 449 431 472.5 c 128,-1,50 + 444 496 444 496 444 528 c 0,51,52 + 444 568 444 568 424.5 594 c 128,-1,53 + 405 620 405 620 373.5 633.5 c 128,-1,54 + 342 647 342 647 305 647 c 256,55,56 + 268 647 268 647 235.5 633.5 c 128,-1,57 + 203 620 203 620 183 594 c 128,-1,58 + 163 568 163 568 163 529 c 256,59,60 + 163 490 163 490 183.5 465 c 128,-1,61 + 204 440 204 440 236.5 423.5 c 128,-1,62 + 269 407 269 407 308.5 394 c 128,-1,63 + 348 381 348 381 387 366.5 c 128,-1,64 + 426 352 426 352 459 331 c 128,-1,65 + 492 310 492 310 512 277.5 c 128,-1,66 + 532 245 532 245 532 195 c 0,67,68 + 532 146 532 146 512 108 c 128,-1,69 + 492 70 492 70 457.5 44 c 128,-1,70 + 423 18 423 18 380 5 c 128,-1,71 + 337 -8 337 -8 291 -8 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" eight.lf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" eight +Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures lookup 67 subtable" eight.lf +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" eight eight.lf +EndChar + +StartChar: nine.osf +Encoding: 65882 -1 236 +Width: 597 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +452 289 m 1,0,-1 + 456 230 l 1,1,2 + 408 196 408 196 354.5 177.5 c 128,-1,3 + 301 159 301 159 248 159 c 0,4,5 + 190 159 190 159 143.5 181 c 128,-1,6 + 97 203 97 203 70 247.5 c 128,-1,7 + 43 292 43 292 41 357 c 0,8,9 + 41 429 41 429 71 479.5 c 128,-1,10 + 101 530 101 530 155 557.5 c 128,-1,11 + 209 585 209 585 279 585 c 0,12,13 + 352 585 352 585 407.5 552 c 128,-1,14 + 463 519 463 519 494 450 c 128,-1,15 + 525 381 525 381 525 272 c 0,16,17 + 525 151 525 151 485.5 60.5 c 128,-1,18 + 446 -30 446 -30 372.5 -80.5 c 128,-1,19 + 299 -131 299 -131 196 -131 c 0,20,21 + 145 -131 145 -131 88 -116 c 1,22,-1 + 95 -56 l 1,23,24 + 121 -61 121 -61 144.5 -63.5 c 128,-1,25 + 168 -66 168 -66 187 -66 c 0,26,27 + 274 -66 274 -66 330 -25 c 128,-1,28 + 386 16 386 16 413.5 92.5 c 128,-1,29 + 441 169 441 169 441 273 c 0,30,31 + 441 399 441 399 399.5 459.5 c 128,-1,32 + 358 520 358 520 278 520 c 0,33,34 + 208 520 208 520 167 478.5 c 128,-1,35 + 126 437 126 437 126 364 c 0,36,37 + 126 313 126 313 145 281 c 128,-1,38 + 164 249 164 249 197 233.5 c 128,-1,39 + 230 218 230 218 270 218 c 0,40,41 + 316 218 316 218 363 236.5 c 128,-1,42 + 410 255 410 255 452 289 c 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" nine.lf +Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers lookup 69 subtable" nine +Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures lookup 67 subtable" nine.lf +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" nine nine.lf +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65883 -1 237 +Width: 630 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +311 -9 m 0,0,1 + 191 -9 191 -9 130.5 79 c 128,-1,2 + 70 167 70 167 70 343 c 0,3,4 + 70 525 70 525 134 616 c 128,-1,5 + 198 707 198 707 325 707 c 0,6,7 + 407 707 407 707 459 670 c 128,-1,8 + 511 633 511 633 535.5 557 c 128,-1,9 + 560 481 560 481 560 364 c 0,10,11 + 560 178 560 178 496.5 84.5 c 128,-1,12 + 433 -9 433 -9 311 -9 c 0,0,1 +314 55 m 0,13,14 + 396 55 396 55 435.5 129 c 128,-1,15 + 475 203 475 203 476 356 c 0,16,17 + 478 462 478 462 460 524.5 c 128,-1,18 + 442 587 442 587 407.5 615 c 128,-1,19 + 373 643 373 643 322 643 c 0,20,21 + 236 643 236 643 194.5 570 c 128,-1,22 + 153 497 153 497 153 347 c 256,23,24 + 153 197 153 197 193.5 126 c 128,-1,25 + 234 55 234 55 314 55 c 0,13,14 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" zero.lf +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" zero +Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers lookup 68 subtable" zero.lf +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" zero zero.lf +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65884 -1 238 +Width: 630 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +385 44 m 1,0,-1 + 368 66 l 1,1,-1 + 535 45 l 1,2,-1 + 535 0 l 1,3,-1 + 129 0 l 1,4,-1 + 129 45 l 1,5,-1 + 321 65 l 1,6,-1 + 303 44 l 1,7,-1 + 303 629 l 1,8,-1 + 326 627 l 1,9,-1 + 110 527 l 1,10,-1 + 87 577 l 1,11,-1 + 318 701 l 1,12,-1 + 385 701 l 1,13,-1 + 385 44 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" one.lf +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" one +Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers lookup 68 subtable" one.lf +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" one one.lf +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65885 -1 239 +Width: 630 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +75 0 m 1,0,-1 + 75 71 l 1,1,2 + 197 178 197 178 280 258 c 128,-1,3 + 363 338 363 338 405 400.5 c 128,-1,4 + 447 463 447 463 447 520 c 0,5,6 + 447 584 447 584 403.5 614 c 128,-1,7 + 360 644 360 644 288 644 c 0,8,9 + 252 644 252 644 215.5 637 c 128,-1,10 + 179 630 179 630 142 618 c 1,11,-1 + 153 634 l 1,12,-1 + 139 513 l 1,13,-1 + 88 513 l 1,14,-1 + 79 669 l 1,15,16 + 136 687 136 687 191.5 697 c 128,-1,17 + 247 707 247 707 301 707 c 0,18,19 + 371 707 371 707 423.5 688.5 c 128,-1,20 + 476 670 476 670 505 631.5 c 128,-1,21 + 534 593 534 593 534 532 c 0,22,23 + 534 463 534 463 492.5 393.5 c 128,-1,24 + 451 324 451 324 369.5 243 c 128,-1,25 + 288 162 288 162 170 56 c 1,26,-1 + 169 67 l 1,27,-1 + 551 67 l 1,28,-1 + 551 0 l 1,29,-1 + 75 0 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" two.lf +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" two +Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers lookup 68 subtable" two.lf +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" two two.lf +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65886 -1 240 +Width: 630 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +271 -8 m 0,0,1 + 209 -8 209 -8 154 6 c 128,-1,2 + 99 20 99 20 51 48 c 1,3,-1 + 75 108 l 1,4,5 + 119 83 119 83 167.5 70 c 128,-1,6 + 216 57 216 57 270 57 c 0,7,8 + 351 57 351 57 401.5 92 c 128,-1,9 + 452 127 452 127 452 199 c 0,10,11 + 452 232 452 232 440 257 c 128,-1,12 + 428 282 428 282 404.5 300 c 128,-1,13 + 381 318 381 318 346.5 327 c 128,-1,14 + 312 336 312 336 267 336 c 2,15,-1 + 174 336 l 1,16,-1 + 174 397 l 1,17,-1 + 268 397 l 2,18,19 + 354 397 354 397 395.5 430 c 128,-1,20 + 437 463 437 463 437 523 c 0,21,22 + 437 589 437 589 393 617.5 c 128,-1,23 + 349 646 349 646 276 646 c 0,24,25 + 237 646 237 646 200 639 c 128,-1,26 + 163 632 163 632 128 621 c 1,27,-1 + 140 634 l 1,28,-1 + 128 516 l 1,29,-1 + 78 516 l 1,30,-1 + 70 668 l 1,31,32 + 125 686 125 686 182.5 696.5 c 128,-1,33 + 240 707 240 707 296 707 c 0,34,35 + 362 707 362 707 412.5 690 c 128,-1,36 + 463 673 463 673 491.5 635 c 128,-1,37 + 520 597 520 597 520 535 c 0,38,39 + 520 462 520 462 477.5 420 c 128,-1,40 + 435 378 435 378 350 366 c 1,41,-1 + 348 372 l 1,42,43 + 442 366 442 366 488.5 320.5 c 128,-1,44 + 535 275 535 275 535 198 c 0,45,46 + 535 146 535 146 515 107 c 128,-1,47 + 495 68 495 68 459 42.5 c 128,-1,48 + 423 17 423 17 375 4.5 c 128,-1,49 + 327 -8 327 -8 271 -8 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" three.lf +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" three +Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers lookup 68 subtable" three.lf +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" three three.lf +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65887 -1 241 +Width: 630 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +377 193 m 1,0,-1 + 398 175 l 1,1,-1 + 35 175 l 1,2,-1 + 25 234 l 1,3,-1 + 368 709 l 1,4,-1 + 459 698 l 1,5,-1 + 459 224 l 1,6,-1 + 437 240 l 1,7,-1 + 579 240 l 1,8,-1 + 579 175 l 1,9,-1 + 437 175 l 1,10,-1 + 459 193 l 1,11,-1 + 459 0 l 1,12,-1 + 377 0 l 1,13,-1 + 377 193 l 1,0,-1 +400 240 m 1,14,-1 + 378 224 l 1,15,-1 + 378 659 l 1,16,-1 + 401 654 l 1,17,-1 + 83 212 l 1,18,-1 + 71 240 l 1,19,-1 + 400 240 l 1,14,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" four.lf +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" four +Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers lookup 68 subtable" four.lf +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" four four.lf +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65888 -1 242 +Width: 630 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +277 -9 m 0,0,1 + 222 -9 222 -9 170.5 4 c 128,-1,2 + 119 17 119 17 70 41 c 1,3,-1 + 94 101 l 1,4,5 + 134 80 134 80 176 69 c 128,-1,6 + 218 58 218 58 265 58 c 0,7,8 + 353 58 353 58 403 99 c 128,-1,9 + 453 140 453 140 453 211 c 0,10,11 + 453 265 453 265 423 296.5 c 128,-1,12 + 393 328 393 328 333 341.5 c 128,-1,13 + 273 355 273 355 184 355 c 2,14,-1 + 112 355 l 1,15,-1 + 126 698 l 1,16,-1 + 509 698 l 1,17,-1 + 508 633 l 1,18,-1 + 183 633 l 1,19,-1 + 206 649 l 1,20,-1 + 195 398 l 1,21,-1 + 173 417 l 1,22,-1 + 239 417 l 2,23,24 + 287 417 287 417 332 411 c 128,-1,25 + 377 405 377 405 415 391 c 128,-1,26 + 453 377 453 377 481.5 354 c 128,-1,27 + 510 331 510 331 525.5 296 c 128,-1,28 + 541 261 541 261 541 212 c 0,29,30 + 541 143 541 143 508 93.5 c 128,-1,31 + 475 44 475 44 416 17.5 c 128,-1,32 + 357 -9 357 -9 277 -9 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" five.lf +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" five +Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers lookup 68 subtable" five.lf +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" five five.lf +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65889 -1 243 +Width: 630 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +145 294 m 1,0,-1 + 142 350 l 1,1,2 + 190 384 190 384 244.5 401.5 c 128,-1,3 + 299 419 299 419 354 419 c 0,4,5 + 416 419 416 419 464.5 396.5 c 128,-1,6 + 513 374 513 374 541.5 329 c 128,-1,7 + 570 284 570 284 570 216 c 0,8,9 + 570 147 570 147 539 96.5 c 128,-1,10 + 508 46 508 46 453 18.5 c 128,-1,11 + 398 -9 398 -9 326 -9 c 0,12,13 + 249 -9 249 -9 192 24 c 128,-1,14 + 135 57 135 57 104 126.5 c 128,-1,15 + 73 196 73 196 73 304 c 0,16,17 + 73 428 73 428 113.5 518 c 128,-1,18 + 154 608 154 608 230 657.5 c 128,-1,19 + 306 707 306 707 411 707 c 0,20,21 + 466 707 466 707 523 693 c 1,22,-1 + 516 632 l 1,23,24 + 491 638 491 638 463.5 640.5 c 128,-1,25 + 436 643 436 643 416 643 c 0,26,27 + 327 643 327 643 270 601.5 c 128,-1,28 + 213 560 213 560 185 484 c 128,-1,29 + 157 408 157 408 157 303 c 0,30,31 + 157 176 157 176 199.5 115 c 128,-1,32 + 242 54 242 54 327 54 c 0,33,34 + 401 54 401 54 443 96.5 c 128,-1,35 + 485 139 485 139 485 213 c 0,36,37 + 485 265 485 265 465 298 c 128,-1,38 + 445 331 445 331 411 346.5 c 128,-1,39 + 377 362 377 362 332 362 c 0,40,41 + 284 362 284 362 235.5 345 c 128,-1,42 + 187 328 187 328 145 294 c 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" six.lf +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" six +Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers lookup 68 subtable" six.lf +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" six six.lf +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65890 -1 244 +Width: 630 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +566 639 m 1,0,-1 + 252 0 l 1,1,-1 + 162 0 l 1,2,-1 + 482 645 l 1,3,-1 + 495 631 l 1,4,-1 + 116 631 l 1,5,-1 + 135 646 l 1,6,-1 + 114 525 l 1,7,-1 + 63 525 l 1,8,-1 + 63 698 l 1,9,-1 + 566 698 l 1,10,-1 + 566 639 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" seven.lf +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" seven +Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers lookup 68 subtable" seven.lf +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" seven seven.lf +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65891 -1 245 +Width: 630 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +307 -8 m 0,0,1 + 239 -8 239 -8 184 13 c 128,-1,2 + 129 34 129 34 96.5 76 c 128,-1,3 + 64 118 64 118 64 179 c 0,4,5 + 64 223 64 223 81 256 c 128,-1,6 + 98 289 98 289 126 312.5 c 128,-1,7 + 154 336 154 336 188 351 c 128,-1,8 + 222 366 222 366 257 374 c 1,9,-1 + 308 348 l 1,10,11 + 281 341 281 341 252 329 c 128,-1,12 + 223 317 223 317 198.5 298.5 c 128,-1,13 + 174 280 174 280 159 253 c 128,-1,14 + 144 226 144 226 144 189 c 0,15,16 + 144 125 144 125 190 88.5 c 128,-1,17 + 236 52 236 52 313 52 c 0,18,19 + 392 52 392 52 438.5 90.5 c 128,-1,20 + 485 129 485 129 485 189 c 0,21,22 + 485 231 485 231 463 257.5 c 128,-1,23 + 441 284 441 284 405 301 c 128,-1,24 + 369 318 369 318 326 331.5 c 128,-1,25 + 283 345 283 345 240 359 c 128,-1,26 + 197 373 197 373 161 393.5 c 128,-1,27 + 125 414 125 414 103 445.5 c 128,-1,28 + 81 477 81 477 81 526 c 0,29,30 + 81 584 81 584 112 624 c 128,-1,31 + 143 664 143 664 198 685.5 c 128,-1,32 + 253 707 253 707 324 707 c 0,33,34 + 391 707 391 707 443.5 688 c 128,-1,35 + 496 669 496 669 526.5 630.5 c 128,-1,36 + 557 592 557 592 557 535 c 0,37,38 + 557 494 557 494 541 464.5 c 128,-1,39 + 525 435 525 435 497.5 414.5 c 128,-1,40 + 470 394 470 394 436 381.5 c 128,-1,41 + 402 369 402 369 366 362 c 1,42,-1 + 309 389 l 1,43,44 + 355 398 355 398 393.5 414 c 128,-1,45 + 432 430 432 430 455 457.5 c 128,-1,46 + 478 485 478 485 478 528 c 0,47,48 + 478 588 478 588 433 617.5 c 128,-1,49 + 388 647 388 647 319 647 c 0,50,51 + 245 647 245 647 203 615.5 c 128,-1,52 + 161 584 161 584 161 530 c 0,53,54 + 161 491 161 491 183 466 c 128,-1,55 + 205 441 205 441 241 424 c 128,-1,56 + 277 407 277 407 320.5 394.5 c 128,-1,57 + 364 382 364 382 407 367 c 128,-1,58 + 450 352 450 352 486 331 c 128,-1,59 + 522 310 522 310 544 276.5 c 128,-1,60 + 566 243 566 243 566 192 c 0,61,62 + 566 144 566 144 545.5 107 c 128,-1,63 + 525 70 525 70 489.5 44 c 128,-1,64 + 454 18 454 18 407 5 c 128,-1,65 + 360 -8 360 -8 307 -8 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" eight.lf +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" eight +Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers lookup 68 subtable" eight.lf +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" eight eight.lf +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65892 -1 246 +Width: 630 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +480 411 m 1,0,-1 + 483 352 l 1,1,2 + 436 318 436 318 381.5 299.5 c 128,-1,3 + 327 281 327 281 269 281 c 0,4,5 + 207 281 207 281 159.5 303.5 c 128,-1,6 + 112 326 112 326 84.5 370 c 128,-1,7 + 57 414 57 414 56 480 c 0,8,9 + 55 551 55 551 85.5 601.5 c 128,-1,10 + 116 652 116 652 171.5 679.5 c 128,-1,11 + 227 707 227 707 300 707 c 0,12,13 + 376 707 376 707 433 674 c 128,-1,14 + 490 641 490 641 521.5 572 c 128,-1,15 + 553 503 553 503 553 394 c 0,16,17 + 553 273 553 273 513 182.5 c 128,-1,18 + 473 92 473 92 397.5 42 c 128,-1,19 + 322 -8 322 -8 215 -8 c 0,20,21 + 159 -8 159 -8 102 6 c 1,22,-1 + 109 66 l 1,23,24 + 135 61 135 61 159.5 58.5 c 128,-1,25 + 184 56 184 56 204 56 c 0,26,27 + 297 56 297 56 355.5 97.5 c 128,-1,28 + 414 139 414 139 441.5 215 c 128,-1,29 + 469 291 469 291 469 395 c 0,30,31 + 469 521 469 521 426 581.5 c 128,-1,32 + 383 642 383 642 299 642 c 0,33,34 + 224 642 224 642 182 600.5 c 128,-1,35 + 140 559 140 559 140 486 c 0,36,37 + 140 435 140 435 159.5 403 c 128,-1,38 + 179 371 179 371 213.5 356 c 128,-1,39 + 248 341 248 341 291 341 c 0,40,41 + 342 341 342 341 390 359 c 128,-1,42 + 438 377 438 377 480 411 c 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" nine.lf +Substitution2: "'onum' Oldstyle Figures lookup 70 subtable" nine +Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers lookup 68 subtable" nine.lf +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" nine nine.lf +EndChar + +StartChar: uni2080 +Encoding: 8320 8320 247 +Width: 416 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 257 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 -90 3 +EndChar + +StartChar: uni2081 +Encoding: 8321 8321 248 +Width: 276 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 258 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 -90 3 +EndChar + +StartChar: uni2082 +Encoding: 8322 8322 249 +Width: 355 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 259 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 -90 3 +EndChar + +StartChar: uni2083 +Encoding: 8323 8323 250 +Width: 367 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 260 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 -90 3 +EndChar + +StartChar: uni2084 +Encoding: 8324 8324 251 +Width: 359 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 261 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 -90 3 +EndChar + +StartChar: uni2085 +Encoding: 8325 8325 252 +Width: 360 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 262 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 -90 3 +EndChar + +StartChar: uni2086 +Encoding: 8326 8326 253 +Width: 377 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 263 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 -90 3 +EndChar + +StartChar: uni2087 +Encoding: 8327 8327 254 +Width: 307 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 264 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 -90 3 +EndChar + +StartChar: uni2088 +Encoding: 8328 8328 255 +Width: 390 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 265 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 -90 3 +EndChar + +StartChar: uni2089 +Encoding: 8329 8329 256 +Width: 377 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 266 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 -90 3 +EndChar + +StartChar: zero.dnom +Encoding: 65893 -1 257 +Width: 416 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +205 -7 m 0,0,1 + 121 -7 121 -7 82 47 c 128,-1,2 + 43 101 43 101 43 208 c 0,3,4 + 43 318 43 318 83 373.5 c 128,-1,5 + 123 429 123 429 213 429 c 0,6,7 + 272 429 272 429 306.5 406 c 128,-1,8 + 341 383 341 383 357 337 c 128,-1,9 + 373 291 373 291 373 221 c 0,10,11 + 373 108 373 108 333 50.5 c 128,-1,12 + 293 -7 293 -7 205 -7 c 0,0,1 +207 44 m 0,13,14 + 260 44 260 44 282.5 85 c 128,-1,15 + 305 126 305 126 305 215 c 0,16,17 + 306 304 306 304 284.5 341 c 128,-1,18 + 263 378 263 378 212 378 c 0,19,20 + 158 378 158 378 134 338.5 c 128,-1,21 + 110 299 110 299 110 209 c 0,22,23 + 110 122 110 122 133 83 c 128,-1,24 + 156 44 156 44 207 44 c 0,13,14 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: one.dnom +Encoding: 65894 -1 258 +Width: 276 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +188 38 m 1,0,-1 + 177 52 l 1,1,-1 + 261 36 l 1,2,-1 + 261 0 l 1,3,-1 + 38 0 l 1,4,-1 + 38 36 l 1,5,-1 + 136 51 l 1,6,-1 + 125 38 l 1,7,-1 + 125 367 l 1,8,-1 + 143 366 l 1,9,-1 + 34 302 l 1,10,-1 + 13 343 l 1,11,-1 + 138 425 l 1,12,-1 + 188 425 l 1,13,-1 + 188 38 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: two.dnom +Encoding: 65895 -1 259 +Width: 355 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +33 0 m 1,0,-1 + 33 50 l 1,1,2 + 100 110 100 110 146 156 c 128,-1,3 + 192 202 192 202 216 240 c 128,-1,4 + 240 278 240 278 240 311 c 0,5,6 + 240 347 240 347 217.5 362.5 c 128,-1,7 + 195 378 195 378 160 378 c 0,8,9 + 121 378 121 378 81 363 c 1,10,-1 + 90 376 l 1,11,-1 + 82 303 l 1,12,-1 + 41 303 l 1,13,-1 + 35 407 l 1,14,15 + 70 417 70 417 104 423.5 c 128,-1,16 + 138 430 138 430 170 430 c 0,17,18 + 230 430 230 430 269.5 404.5 c 128,-1,19 + 309 379 309 379 309 322 c 0,20,21 + 309 288 309 288 293.5 256 c 128,-1,22 + 278 224 278 224 250 191 c 128,-1,23 + 222 158 222 158 185.5 122.5 c 128,-1,24 + 149 87 149 87 106 47 c 1,25,-1 + 105 54 l 1,26,-1 + 318 54 l 1,27,-1 + 318 0 l 1,28,-1 + 33 0 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: three.dnom +Encoding: 65896 -1 260 +Width: 367 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +163 -7 m 0,0,1 + 129 -7 129 -7 94.5 2 c 128,-1,2 + 60 11 60 11 29 28 c 1,3,-1 + 50 72 l 1,4,5 + 76 58 76 58 103.5 51 c 128,-1,6 + 131 44 131 44 157 44 c 0,7,8 + 197 44 197 44 225 63 c 128,-1,9 + 253 82 253 82 253 123 c 0,10,11 + 253 155 253 155 232 175.5 c 128,-1,12 + 211 196 211 196 158 196 c 2,13,-1 + 102 196 l 1,14,-1 + 102 241 l 1,15,-1 + 155 241 l 2,16,17 + 203 241 203 241 224 260 c 128,-1,18 + 245 279 245 279 245 312 c 0,19,20 + 245 350 245 350 222.5 365.5 c 128,-1,21 + 200 381 200 381 164 381 c 0,22,23 + 146 381 146 381 125.5 378 c 128,-1,24 + 105 375 105 375 84 368 c 1,25,-1 + 94 378 l 1,26,-1 + 87 309 l 1,27,-1 + 46 309 l 1,28,-1 + 41 405 l 1,29,30 + 76 417 76 417 111 423 c 128,-1,31 + 146 429 146 429 178 429 c 0,32,33 + 217 429 217 429 247.5 418.5 c 128,-1,34 + 278 408 278 408 296 385 c 128,-1,35 + 314 362 314 362 314 322 c 0,36,37 + 314 277 314 277 288.5 252 c 128,-1,38 + 263 227 263 227 216 221 c 1,39,-1 + 212 224 l 1,40,41 + 268 219 268 219 295 192 c 128,-1,42 + 322 165 322 165 322 120 c 0,43,44 + 322 77 322 77 300 48.5 c 128,-1,45 + 278 20 278 20 242 6.5 c 128,-1,46 + 206 -7 206 -7 163 -7 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: four.dnom +Encoding: 65897 -1 261 +Width: 359 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +204 116 m 1,0,-1 + 214 101 l 1,1,-1 + 6 101 l 1,2,-1 + -3 150 l 1,3,-1 + 188 430 l 1,4,-1 + 270 423 l 1,5,-1 + 270 139 l 1,6,-1 + 254 150 l 1,7,-1 + 339 150 l 1,8,-1 + 339 101 l 1,9,-1 + 254 101 l 1,10,-1 + 270 116 l 1,11,-1 + 270 0 l 1,12,-1 + 204 0 l 1,13,-1 + 204 116 l 1,0,-1 +215 150 m 1,14,-1 + 204 139 l 1,15,-1 + 204 391 l 1,16,-1 + 215 390 l 1,17,-1 + 40 131 l 1,18,-1 + 32 150 l 1,19,-1 + 215 150 l 1,14,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: five.dnom +Encoding: 65898 -1 262 +Width: 360 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +171 -8 m 0,0,1 + 107 -8 107 -8 40 22 c 1,2,-1 + 58 69 l 1,3,4 + 85 59 85 59 111.5 53 c 128,-1,5 + 138 47 138 47 162 47 c 0,6,7 + 204 47 204 47 231 67.5 c 128,-1,8 + 258 88 258 88 258 130 c 0,9,10 + 258 160 258 160 244.5 176.5 c 128,-1,11 + 231 193 231 193 211 200 c 128,-1,12 + 191 207 191 207 168.5 208.5 c 128,-1,13 + 146 210 146 210 128 210 c 2,14,-1 + 62 209 l 1,15,-1 + 70 422 l 1,16,-1 + 305 422 l 1,17,-1 + 304 370 l 1,18,-1 + 116 370 l 1,19,-1 + 133 382 l 1,20,-1 + 127 241 l 1,21,-1 + 112 254 l 1,22,-1 + 164 254 l 2,23,24 + 189 254 189 254 217 249 c 128,-1,25 + 245 244 245 244 269.5 231 c 128,-1,26 + 294 218 294 218 309.5 194 c 128,-1,27 + 325 170 325 170 325 130 c 0,28,29 + 325 86 325 86 305.5 55 c 128,-1,30 + 286 24 286 24 251 8 c 128,-1,31 + 216 -8 216 -8 171 -8 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: six.dnom +Encoding: 65899 -1 263 +Width: 377 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +92 181 m 1,0,-1 + 88 215 l 1,1,2 + 118 236 118 236 151.5 246.5 c 128,-1,3 + 185 257 185 257 216 257 c 0,4,5 + 270 257 270 257 307.5 226.5 c 128,-1,6 + 345 196 345 196 345 133 c 0,7,8 + 345 91 345 91 326 59 c 128,-1,9 + 307 27 307 27 273.5 10 c 128,-1,10 + 240 -7 240 -7 195 -7 c 0,11,12 + 149 -7 149 -7 113.5 13.5 c 128,-1,13 + 78 34 78 34 57.5 77 c 128,-1,14 + 37 120 37 120 37 188 c 0,15,16 + 37 263 37 263 62 316.5 c 128,-1,17 + 87 370 87 370 133 399.5 c 128,-1,18 + 179 429 179 429 241 429 c 0,19,20 + 259 429 259 429 278.5 426.5 c 128,-1,21 + 298 424 298 424 318 419 c 1,22,-1 + 312 373 l 1,23,24 + 294 377 294 377 278 379 c 128,-1,25 + 262 381 262 381 248 381 c 0,26,27 + 173 381 173 381 138.5 329 c 128,-1,28 + 104 277 104 277 104 186 c 0,29,30 + 104 111 104 111 127 77 c 128,-1,31 + 150 43 150 43 195 43 c 0,32,33 + 235 43 235 43 257 67.5 c 128,-1,34 + 279 92 279 92 279 132 c 0,35,36 + 279 176 279 176 255 197 c 128,-1,37 + 231 218 231 218 194 218 c 0,38,39 + 169 218 169 218 142.5 208.5 c 128,-1,40 + 116 199 116 199 92 181 c 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: seven.dnom +Encoding: 65900 -1 264 +Width: 307 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +302 376 m 1,0,-1 + 143 0 l 1,1,-1 + 76 0 l 1,2,-1 + 243 390 l 1,3,-1 + 254 371 l 1,4,-1 + 34 371 l 1,5,-1 + 72 392 l 1,6,-1 + 56 307 l 1,7,-1 + 13 307 l 1,8,-1 + 13 422 l 1,9,-1 + 302 422 l 1,10,-1 + 302 376 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: eight.dnom +Encoding: 65901 -1 265 +Width: 390 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +190 -6 m 0,0,1 + 148 -6 148 -6 114.5 7 c 128,-1,2 + 81 20 81 20 61.5 45 c 128,-1,3 + 42 70 42 70 42 107 c 0,4,5 + 42 141 42 141 59 165 c 128,-1,6 + 76 189 76 189 103 203.5 c 128,-1,7 + 130 218 130 218 160 223 c 1,8,-1 + 195 204 l 1,9,10 + 176 200 176 200 154.5 189.5 c 128,-1,11 + 133 179 133 179 118 160 c 128,-1,12 + 103 141 103 141 103 113 c 0,13,14 + 103 77 103 77 128.5 58 c 128,-1,15 + 154 39 154 39 192 39 c 0,16,17 + 231 39 231 39 257 59 c 128,-1,18 + 283 79 283 79 283 113 c 0,19,20 + 283 139 283 139 266 155 c 128,-1,21 + 249 171 249 171 223 182 c 128,-1,22 + 197 193 197 193 167.5 203 c 128,-1,23 + 138 213 138 213 112 227 c 128,-1,24 + 86 241 86 241 69 263 c 128,-1,25 + 52 285 52 285 52 319 c 0,26,27 + 52 356 52 356 72 380 c 128,-1,28 + 92 404 92 404 125.5 416.5 c 128,-1,29 + 159 429 159 429 200 429 c 0,30,31 + 262 429 262 429 300.5 402 c 128,-1,32 + 339 375 339 375 339 324 c 0,33,34 + 339 291 339 291 322 269 c 128,-1,35 + 305 247 305 247 278 234.5 c 128,-1,36 + 251 222 251 222 221 215 c 1,37,-1 + 174 231 l 1,38,39 + 203 236 203 236 226.5 246.5 c 128,-1,40 + 250 257 250 257 264.5 275 c 128,-1,41 + 279 293 279 293 279 318 c 0,42,43 + 279 352 279 352 256.5 368.5 c 128,-1,44 + 234 385 234 385 198 385 c 0,45,46 + 163 385 163 385 138.5 368.5 c 128,-1,47 + 114 352 114 352 114 320 c 0,48,49 + 114 295 114 295 131 279.5 c 128,-1,50 + 148 264 148 264 174.5 253.5 c 128,-1,51 + 201 243 201 243 230.5 233 c 128,-1,52 + 260 223 260 223 286.5 209.5 c 128,-1,53 + 313 196 313 196 329.5 173 c 128,-1,54 + 346 150 346 150 346 115 c 0,55,56 + 346 77 346 77 325 49.5 c 128,-1,57 + 304 22 304 22 269 8 c 128,-1,58 + 234 -6 234 -6 190 -6 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: nine.dnom +Encoding: 65902 -1 266 +Width: 377 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +283 242 m 1,0,-1 + 287 208 l 1,1,2 + 258 187 258 187 225 176 c 128,-1,3 + 192 165 192 165 161 165 c 0,4,5 + 107 165 107 165 69 195.5 c 128,-1,6 + 31 226 31 226 31 290 c 256,7,8 + 31 354 31 354 71.5 391.5 c 128,-1,9 + 112 429 112 429 181 429 c 0,10,11 + 229 429 229 429 264.5 408.5 c 128,-1,12 + 300 388 300 388 319.5 345 c 128,-1,13 + 339 302 339 302 339 235 c 0,14,15 + 339 160 339 160 314 105.5 c 128,-1,16 + 289 51 289 51 243 22 c 128,-1,17 + 197 -7 197 -7 134 -7 c 0,18,19 + 117 -7 117 -7 98 -4.5 c 128,-1,20 + 79 -2 79 -2 59 3 c 1,21,-1 + 65 49 l 1,22,23 + 82 45 82 45 97.5 43.5 c 128,-1,24 + 113 42 113 42 126 42 c 0,25,26 + 200 42 200 42 236.5 94 c 128,-1,27 + 273 146 273 146 273 239 c 0,28,29 + 273 311 273 311 250.5 345 c 128,-1,30 + 228 379 228 379 181 379 c 0,31,32 + 140 379 140 379 118.5 354.5 c 128,-1,33 + 97 330 97 330 97 290 c 0,34,35 + 97 245 97 245 120.5 224.5 c 128,-1,36 + 144 204 144 204 180 204 c 0,37,38 + 206 204 206 204 233 214 c 128,-1,39 + 260 224 260 224 283 242 c 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: zero.numr +Encoding: 65903 -1 267 +Width: 416 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 257 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 276 3 +Kerns2: 140 -10 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 33 subtable" zero.dnom +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 32 subtable" zero.dnom +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" zero.dnom +EndChar + +StartChar: one.numr +Encoding: 65904 -1 268 +Width: 276 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 258 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 276 3 +Kerns2: 140 23 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 33 subtable" one.dnom +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 32 subtable" one.dnom +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" one.dnom +EndChar + +StartChar: two.numr +Encoding: 65905 -1 269 +Width: 355 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 259 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 276 3 +Kerns2: 140 7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 33 subtable" two.dnom +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 32 subtable" two.dnom +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" two.dnom +EndChar + +StartChar: three.numr +Encoding: 65906 -1 270 +Width: 367 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 260 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 276 3 +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 33 subtable" three.dnom +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 32 subtable" three.dnom +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" three.dnom +EndChar + +StartChar: four.numr +Encoding: 65907 -1 271 +Width: 359 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 261 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 276 3 +Kerns2: 140 -7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 33 subtable" four.dnom +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 32 subtable" four.dnom +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" four.dnom +EndChar + +StartChar: five.numr +Encoding: 65908 -1 272 +Width: 360 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 262 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 276 3 +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 33 subtable" five.dnom +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 32 subtable" five.dnom +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" five.dnom +EndChar + +StartChar: six.numr +Encoding: 65909 -1 273 +Width: 377 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 263 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 276 3 +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 33 subtable" six.dnom +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 32 subtable" six.dnom +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" six.dnom +EndChar + +StartChar: seven.numr +Encoding: 65910 -1 274 +Width: 307 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 264 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 276 3 +Kerns2: 140 -20 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 33 subtable" seven.dnom +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 32 subtable" seven.dnom +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" seven.dnom +EndChar + +StartChar: eight.numr +Encoding: 65911 -1 275 +Width: 390 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 265 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 276 3 +Kerns2: 140 -7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 33 subtable" eight.dnom +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 32 subtable" eight.dnom +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" eight.dnom +EndChar + +StartChar: nine.numr +Encoding: 65912 -1 276 +Width: 377 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 266 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 276 3 +Kerns2: 140 -10 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 33 subtable" nine.dnom +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 32 subtable" nine.dnom +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" nine.dnom +EndChar + +StartChar: uni2070 +Encoding: 8304 8304 277 +Width: 416 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 257 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 346 3 +Kerns2: 140 -10 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni2075 +Encoding: 8309 8309 278 +Width: 360 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 262 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 346 3 +EndChar + +StartChar: uni2076 +Encoding: 8310 8310 279 +Width: 377 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 263 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 346 3 +EndChar + +StartChar: uni2077 +Encoding: 8311 8311 280 +Width: 307 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 264 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 346 3 +Kerns2: 140 -20 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni2078 +Encoding: 8312 8312 281 +Width: 390 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 265 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 346 3 +Kerns2: 140 -7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni2079 +Encoding: 8313 8313 282 +Width: 377 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 266 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 346 3 +Kerns2: 140 -10 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +EndChar + +StartChar: exclamdbl +Encoding: 8252 8252 283 +Width: 539 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 87 33 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 +Refer: 87 33 N 1 0 0 1 207 0 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: uni203E +Encoding: 8254 8254 284 +Width: 403 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +380 659 m 1,0,-1 + 380 613 l 1,1,-1 + 23 613 l 1,2,-1 + 23 659 l 1,3,-1 + 380 659 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: twodotenleader +Encoding: 8229 8229 285 +Width: 609 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 90 46 N 1 0 0 1 32 0 2 +Refer: 90 46 N 1 0 0 1 337 0 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65913 -1 286 +Width: 333 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +197 461 m 1 + 209 -16 l 1 + 123 -16 l 1 + 135 457 l 1 + 197 461 l 1 +219 639 m 0 + 219 616 219 616 203 601.5 c 0 + 187 587 187 587 166 587 c 0 + 143 587 143 587 128.5 601.5 c 0 + 114 616 114 616 114 639 c 0 + 114 663 114 663 129.5 677 c 0 + 145 691 145 691 166 691 c 0 + 190 691 190 691 204.5 677 c 0 + 219 663 219 663 219 639 c 0 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65914 -1 287 +Width: 422 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +286 471 m 1 + 289 455 289 455 290.5 437 c 0 + 292 419 292 419 292 407 c 0 + 292 371 292 371 274 343.5 c 0 + 256 316 256 316 230 293 c 0 + 204 270 204 270 178 247.5 c 0 + 152 225 152 225 134 198.5 c 0 + 116 172 116 172 116 137 c 0 + 116 93 116 93 146.5 72.5 c 0 + 177 52 177 52 223 52 c 0 + 251 52 251 52 283 59 c 0 + 315 66 315 66 347 77 c 1 + 365 23 l 1 + 283 -10 283 -10 203 -10 c 0 + 156 -10 156 -10 117.5 3.5 c 0 + 79 17 79 17 56.5 47 c 0 + 34 77 34 77 34 125 c 0 + 34 170 34 170 53 203.5 c 0 + 72 237 72 237 100.5 263 c 0 + 129 289 129 289 157.5 313 c 0 + 186 337 186 337 205 363 c 0 + 224 389 224 389 224 423 c 0 + 224 430 224 430 223.5 443 c 0 + 223 456 223 456 222 467 c 1 + 286 471 l 1 +294 656 m 0 + 294 632 294 632 278.5 617.5 c 0 + 263 603 263 603 240 603 c 0 + 218 603 218 603 203.5 617 c 0 + 189 631 189 631 189 654 c 0 + 189 679 189 679 204.5 693 c 0 + 220 707 220 707 242 707 c 0 + 265 707 265 707 279.5 693 c 0 + 294 679 294 679 294 656 c 0 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65915 -1 288 +Width: 267 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 90 46 N 1 0 0 1 28 362 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65916 -1 289 +Width: 384 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 95 8226 N 1 0 0 1 0 61 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65917 -1 290 +Width: 140 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 90 46 N 1 0 0 1 -36 338 2 +Kerns2: 222 30 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 220 30 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 159 30 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 22 30 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 20 30 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 18 30 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 17 30 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 16 30 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 15 30 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 13 30 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 12 30 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 10 30 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 9 30 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 8 30 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 6 30 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 38 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65918 -1 291 +Width: 306 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +311 799 m 1,0,-1 + 55 -83 l 1,1,-1 + -4 -83 l 1,2,-1 + 251 799 l 1,3,-1 + 311 799 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65919 -1 292 +Width: 308 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +-4 799 m 1,0,-1 + 59 799 l 1,1,-1 + 314 -83 l 1,2,-1 + 252 -83 l 1,3,-1 + -4 799 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 333 7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 300 40 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 298 13 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 296 13 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 294 20 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 291 33 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 221 7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 138 33 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 118 13 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 116 13 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 114 20 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 96 40 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 28 7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 14 67 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" 5 7 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65920 -1 293 +Width: 304 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +281 780 m 1,0,1 + 207 675 207 675 169.5 565.5 c 128,-1,2 + 132 456 132 456 132 345 c 0,3,4 + 132 236 132 236 169.5 126.5 c 128,-1,5 + 207 17 207 17 281 -89 c 1,6,-1 + 230 -122 l 1,7,8 + 142 -12 142 -12 98.5 107 c 128,-1,9 + 55 226 55 226 55 345 c 0,10,11 + 55 466 55 466 98.5 584 c 128,-1,12 + 142 702 142 702 230 812 c 1,13,-1 + 281 780 l 1,0,1 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 292 20 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65921 -1 294 +Width: 304 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +23 780 m 1,0,1 + 97 675 97 675 134.5 565.5 c 128,-1,2 + 172 456 172 456 172 345 c 0,3,4 + 172 236 172 236 134.5 126.5 c 128,-1,5 + 97 17 97 17 23 -89 c 1,6,-1 + 74 -122 l 1,7,8 + 162 -12 162 -12 205.5 107 c 128,-1,9 + 249 226 249 226 249 345 c 0,10,11 + 249 466 249 466 205.5 584 c 128,-1,12 + 162 702 162 702 74 812 c 1,13,-1 + 23 780 l 1,0,1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65922 -1 295 +Width: 341 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +265 -102 m 2,0,1 + 189 -102 189 -102 157 -66 c 128,-1,2 + 125 -30 125 -30 125 50 c 2,3,-1 + 125 219 l 2,4,5 + 125 266 125 266 105.5 295.5 c 128,-1,6 + 86 325 86 325 33 325 c 1,7,-1 + 33 382 l 1,8,9 + 87 382 87 382 106 411.5 c 128,-1,10 + 125 441 125 441 125 488 c 2,11,-1 + 125 654 l 2,12,13 + 125 735 125 735 157.5 770.5 c 128,-1,14 + 190 806 190 806 265 806 c 2,15,-1 + 311 806 l 1,16,-1 + 311 755 l 1,17,18 + 263 755 263 755 238.5 746.5 c 128,-1,19 + 214 738 214 738 205 714.5 c 128,-1,20 + 196 691 196 691 196 648 c 2,21,-1 + 196 479 l 2,22,23 + 196 426 196 426 178 397.5 c 128,-1,24 + 160 369 160 369 130.5 358.5 c 128,-1,25 + 101 348 101 348 66 348 c 1,26,-1 + 66 359 l 1,27,28 + 101 359 101 359 130.5 348.5 c 128,-1,29 + 160 338 160 338 178 309.5 c 128,-1,30 + 196 281 196 281 196 228 c 2,31,-1 + 196 56 l 2,32,33 + 196 13 196 13 205 -10.5 c 128,-1,34 + 214 -34 214 -34 238.5 -42.5 c 128,-1,35 + 263 -51 263 -51 311 -51 c 1,36,-1 + 311 -102 l 1,37,-1 + 265 -102 l 2,0,1 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 292 13 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65923 -1 296 +Width: 341 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +76 -102 m 2,0,1 + 152 -102 152 -102 184 -66 c 128,-1,2 + 216 -30 216 -30 216 50 c 2,3,-1 + 216 219 l 2,4,5 + 216 266 216 266 235.5 295.5 c 128,-1,6 + 255 325 255 325 307 325 c 1,7,-1 + 307 382 l 1,8,9 + 253 382 253 382 234.5 411.5 c 128,-1,10 + 216 441 216 441 216 488 c 2,11,-1 + 216 654 l 2,12,13 + 216 735 216 735 183.5 770.5 c 128,-1,14 + 151 806 151 806 76 806 c 2,15,-1 + 30 806 l 1,16,-1 + 30 755 l 1,17,18 + 78 755 78 755 102.5 746.5 c 128,-1,19 + 127 738 127 738 135.5 714.5 c 128,-1,20 + 144 691 144 691 144 648 c 2,21,-1 + 144 479 l 2,22,23 + 144 426 144 426 162.5 397.5 c 128,-1,24 + 181 369 181 369 210.5 358.5 c 128,-1,25 + 240 348 240 348 275 348 c 1,26,-1 + 275 359 l 1,27,28 + 240 359 240 359 210.5 348.5 c 128,-1,29 + 181 338 181 338 162.5 309.5 c 128,-1,30 + 144 281 144 281 144 228 c 2,31,-1 + 144 56 l 2,32,33 + 144 13 144 13 135.5 -10.5 c 128,-1,34 + 127 -34 127 -34 102.5 -42.5 c 128,-1,35 + 78 -51 78 -51 30 -51 c 1,36,-1 + 30 -102 l 1,37,-1 + 76 -102 l 2,0,1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65924 -1 297 +Width: 344 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +111 -102 m 1,0,-1 + 111 806 l 1,1,-1 + 330 801 l 1,2,-1 + 330 750 l 1,3,-1 + 181 746 l 1,4,-1 + 181 -42 l 1,5,-1 + 330 -46 l 1,6,-1 + 330 -97 l 1,7,-1 + 111 -102 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 292 13 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65925 -1 298 +Width: 344 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +233 -102 m 1,0,-1 + 233 806 l 1,1,-1 + 14 801 l 1,2,-1 + 14 750 l 1,3,-1 + 163 746 l 1,4,-1 + 163 -42 l 1,5,-1 + 14 -46 l 1,6,-1 + 14 -97 l 1,7,-1 + 233 -102 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: figuredash +Encoding: 8210 8210 299 +Width: 668 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +592 390 m 1,0,-1 + 592 327 l 1,1,-1 + 76 327 l 1,2,-1 + 76 390 l 1,3,-1 + 592 390 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: underscoredbl +Encoding: 8215 8215 300 +Width: 495 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 96 95 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Refer: 96 95 N 1 0 0 1 0 -127 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65926 -1 301 +Width: 438 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 97 45 N 1 0 0 1 -10 85 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65927 -1 302 +Width: 618 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 100 8211 N 1 0 0 1 0 85 3 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65928 -1 303 +Width: 868 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 101 8212 N 1 0 0 1 0 85 3 +EndChar + +StartChar: quotereversed +Encoding: 8219 8219 304 +Width: 202 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +140 730 m 0,0,1 + 140 755 140 755 125.5 767.5 c 128,-1,2 + 111 780 111 780 93 780 c 0,3,4 + 74 780 74 780 58.5 766 c 128,-1,5 + 43 752 43 752 43 724 c 0,6,7 + 43 697 43 697 62.5 650 c 128,-1,8 + 82 603 82 603 129 544 c 1,9,-1 + 158 563 l 1,10,11 + 134 608 134 608 126 632 c 128,-1,12 + 118 656 118 656 118 667 c 0,13,14 + 118 679 118 679 123.5 687.5 c 128,-1,15 + 129 696 129 696 134.5 705.5 c 128,-1,16 + 140 715 140 715 140 730 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65929 -1 305 +Width: 499 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +398 567 m 1,0,-1 + 246 383 l 1,1,-1 + 246 338 l 1,2,-1 + 399 154 l 1,3,-1 + 438 184 l 1,4,-1 + 302 377 l 1,5,-1 + 302 343 l 1,6,-1 + 437 536 l 1,7,-1 + 398 567 l 1,0,-1 +209 567 m 1,8,-1 + 56 383 l 1,9,-1 + 56 338 l 1,10,-1 + 210 154 l 1,11,-1 + 249 184 l 1,12,-1 + 112 377 l 1,13,-1 + 112 343 l 1,14,-1 + 248 536 l 1,15,-1 + 209 567 l 1,8,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65930 -1 306 +Width: 499 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +100 567 m 1,0,-1 + 253 383 l 1,1,-1 + 253 338 l 1,2,-1 + 100 154 l 1,3,-1 + 61 184 l 1,4,-1 + 197 377 l 1,5,-1 + 197 343 l 1,6,-1 + 61 536 l 1,7,-1 + 100 567 l 1,0,-1 +290 567 m 1,8,-1 + 442 383 l 1,9,-1 + 442 338 l 1,10,-1 + 289 154 l 1,11,-1 + 250 184 l 1,12,-1 + 386 377 l 1,13,-1 + 386 343 l 1,14,-1 + 251 536 l 1,15,-1 + 290 567 l 1,8,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65931 -1 307 +Width: 309 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 121 8249 N 1 0 0 1 0 90 3 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65932 -1 308 +Width: 309 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +100 566 m 1,0,-1 + 253 383 l 1,1,-1 + 253 337 l 1,2,-1 + 100 154 l 1,3,-1 + 61 183 l 1,4,-1 + 197 376 l 1,5,-1 + 197 342 l 1,6,-1 + 61 535 l 1,7,-1 + 100 566 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65933 -1 309 +Width: 273 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +105 180 m 1,0,-1 + 93 577 l 1,1,-1 + 179 577 l 1,2,-1 + 166 183 l 1,3,-1 + 105 180 l 1,0,-1 +84 43 m 256,4,5 + 84 67 84 67 100 81 c 128,-1,6 + 116 95 116 95 137 95 c 0,7,8 + 161 95 161 95 175 81 c 128,-1,9 + 189 67 189 67 189 43 c 256,10,11 + 189 19 189 19 173.5 5 c 128,-1,12 + 158 -9 158 -9 137 -9 c 0,13,14 + 113 -9 113 -9 98.5 5 c 128,-1,15 + 84 19 84 19 84 43 c 256,4,5 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65934 -1 310 +Width: 273 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +168 392 m 1,0,-1 + 181 -6 l 1,1,-1 + 94 -6 l 1,2,-1 + 107 388 l 1,3,-1 + 168 392 l 1,0,-1 +189 529 m 0,4,5 + 189 505 189 505 173.5 491 c 128,-1,6 + 158 477 158 477 137 477 c 0,7,8 + 113 477 113 477 98.5 491 c 128,-1,9 + 84 505 84 505 84 529 c 0,10,11 + 84 552 84 552 100 566.5 c 128,-1,12 + 116 581 116 581 137 581 c 0,13,14 + 161 581 161 581 175 566.5 c 128,-1,15 + 189 552 189 552 189 529 c 0,4,5 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65935 -1 311 +Width: 382 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +110 179 m 1,0,1 + 109 192 109 192 107 205 c 128,-1,2 + 105 218 105 218 105 228 c 0,3,4 + 105 259 105 259 121.5 281.5 c 128,-1,5 + 138 304 138 304 162 323 c 128,-1,6 + 186 342 186 342 209.5 361 c 128,-1,7 + 233 380 233 380 249.5 402.5 c 128,-1,8 + 266 425 266 425 266 454 c 0,9,10 + 266 492 266 492 238.5 508 c 128,-1,11 + 211 524 211 524 168 524 c 0,12,13 + 140 524 140 524 107.5 517.5 c 128,-1,14 + 75 511 75 511 45 500 c 1,15,-1 + 30 556 l 1,16,17 + 67 570 67 570 107 577 c 128,-1,18 + 147 584 147 584 184 584 c 0,19,20 + 230 584 230 584 268 572.5 c 128,-1,21 + 306 561 306 561 329 534.5 c 128,-1,22 + 352 508 352 508 352 466 c 0,23,24 + 352 426 352 426 333.5 397.5 c 128,-1,25 + 315 369 315 369 288.5 346.5 c 128,-1,26 + 262 324 262 324 235.5 304.5 c 128,-1,27 + 209 285 209 285 190.5 264.5 c 128,-1,28 + 172 244 172 244 172 217 c 0,29,30 + 172 212 172 212 173 200.5 c 128,-1,31 + 174 189 174 189 174 183 c 1,32,-1 + 110 179 l 1,0,1 +99 43 m 256,33,34 + 99 67 99 67 114.5 81 c 128,-1,35 + 130 95 130 95 151 95 c 0,36,37 + 175 95 175 95 189.5 81 c 128,-1,38 + 204 67 204 67 204 43 c 256,39,40 + 204 19 204 19 188 5 c 128,-1,41 + 172 -9 172 -9 151 -9 c 0,42,43 + 128 -9 128 -9 113.5 5 c 128,-1,44 + 99 19 99 19 99 43 c 256,33,34 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65936 -1 312 +Width: 374 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +264 396 m 1,0,1 + 266 383 266 383 267.5 370 c 128,-1,2 + 269 357 269 357 269 347 c 0,3,4 + 269 317 269 317 253 294.5 c 128,-1,5 + 237 272 237 272 213 252.5 c 128,-1,6 + 189 233 189 233 165 214.5 c 128,-1,7 + 141 196 141 196 124.5 173.5 c 128,-1,8 + 108 151 108 151 108 122 c 0,9,10 + 108 84 108 84 136.5 67.5 c 128,-1,11 + 165 51 165 51 207 51 c 0,12,13 + 234 51 234 51 266.5 58 c 128,-1,14 + 299 65 299 65 330 75 c 1,15,-1 + 344 19 l 1,16,17 + 307 6 307 6 267.5 -1.5 c 128,-1,18 + 228 -9 228 -9 190 -9 c 0,19,20 + 144 -9 144 -9 106.5 3 c 128,-1,21 + 69 15 69 15 46 41.5 c 128,-1,22 + 23 68 23 68 23 110 c 0,23,24 + 23 149 23 149 41 178 c 128,-1,25 + 59 207 59 207 86 229 c 128,-1,26 + 113 251 113 251 139.5 271 c 128,-1,27 + 166 291 166 291 184 311.5 c 128,-1,28 + 202 332 202 332 202 358 c 0,29,30 + 202 364 202 364 201.5 375.5 c 128,-1,31 + 201 387 201 387 200 393 c 1,32,-1 + 264 396 l 1,0,1 +275 533 m 0,33,34 + 275 509 275 509 259.5 495 c 128,-1,35 + 244 481 244 481 223 481 c 0,36,37 + 199 481 199 481 185 495 c 128,-1,38 + 171 509 171 509 171 533 c 0,39,40 + 171 556 171 556 186.5 570.5 c 128,-1,41 + 202 585 202 585 223 585 c 0,42,43 + 247 585 247 585 261 570.5 c 128,-1,44 + 275 556 275 556 275 533 c 0,33,34 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65937 -1 313 +Width: 208 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +53 348 m 0,0,1 + 53 370 53 370 68.5 384 c 128,-1,2 + 84 398 84 398 104 398 c 0,3,4 + 127 398 127 398 140.5 384 c 128,-1,5 + 154 370 154 370 154 348 c 0,6,7 + 154 325 154 325 139 311 c 128,-1,8 + 124 297 124 297 104 297 c 0,9,10 + 81 297 81 297 67 311 c 128,-1,11 + 53 325 53 325 53 348 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65938 -1 314 +Width: 355 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +140 452 m 0,0,1 + 140 428 140 428 125.5 415.5 c 128,-1,2 + 111 403 111 403 93 403 c 0,3,4 + 74 403 74 403 58.5 417 c 128,-1,5 + 43 431 43 431 43 459 c 0,6,7 + 43 486 43 486 62.5 533 c 128,-1,8 + 82 580 82 580 129 639 c 1,9,-1 + 158 619 l 1,10,11 + 134 575 134 575 126 551.5 c 128,-1,12 + 118 528 118 528 118 516 c 0,13,14 + 118 505 118 505 123.5 496 c 128,-1,15 + 129 487 129 487 134.5 477 c 128,-1,16 + 140 467 140 467 140 452 c 0,0,1 +293 452 m 0,17,18 + 293 428 293 428 278.5 415.5 c 128,-1,19 + 264 403 264 403 246 403 c 0,20,21 + 227 403 227 403 211 417 c 128,-1,22 + 195 431 195 431 195 459 c 0,23,24 + 195 486 195 486 215 533 c 128,-1,25 + 235 580 235 580 282 639 c 1,26,-1 + 311 619 l 1,27,28 + 287 575 287 575 279 551.5 c 128,-1,29 + 271 528 271 528 271 516 c 0,30,31 + 271 505 271 505 276.5 496 c 128,-1,32 + 282 487 282 487 287.5 477 c 128,-1,33 + 293 467 293 467 293 452 c 0,17,18 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65939 -1 315 +Width: 355 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 106 8218 N 1 0 0 1 153 532 2 +Refer: 106 8218 N 1 0 0 1 0 532 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65940 -1 316 +Width: 202 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +140 436 m 0,0,1 + 140 411 140 411 125.5 398.5 c 128,-1,2 + 111 386 111 386 93 386 c 0,3,4 + 74 386 74 386 58.5 400 c 128,-1,5 + 43 414 43 414 43 442 c 0,6,7 + 43 469 43 469 62.5 516 c 128,-1,8 + 82 563 82 563 129 622 c 1,9,-1 + 158 603 l 1,10,11 + 134 559 134 559 126 535 c 128,-1,12 + 118 511 118 511 118 499 c 0,13,14 + 118 488 118 488 123.5 479 c 128,-1,15 + 129 470 129 470 134.5 460.5 c 128,-1,16 + 140 451 140 451 140 436 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65941 -1 317 +Width: 202 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 106 8218 N 1 0 0 1 0 532 3 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65942 -1 318 +Width: 128 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 313 -1 N 1 0 0 1 -54 -15 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65943 -1 319 +Width: 384 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 102 39 N 1 0 0 1 0 -133 2 +Refer: 102 39 N 1 0 0 1 153 -133 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65944 -1 320 +Width: 231 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 102 39 N 1 0 0 1 0 -133 3 +EndChar + +StartChar: uni2007 +Encoding: 8199 8199 321 +Width: 550 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: uni200A +Encoding: 8202 8202 322 +Width: 100 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: uni2008 +Encoding: 8200 8200 323 +Width: 211 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: uni2009 +Encoding: 8201 8201 324 +Width: 100 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: uni200B +Encoding: 8203 8203 325 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: equivalence +Encoding: 8801 8801 326 +Width: 551 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 124 8722 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Refer: 124 8722 N 1 0 0 1 0 147 2 +Refer: 124 8722 N 1 0 0 1 0 -147 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: revlogicalnot +Encoding: 8976 8976 327 +Width: 614 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +158 113 m 1,0,-1 + 158 333 l 1,1,-1 + 146 320 l 1,2,-1 + 569 320 l 1,3,-1 + 569 379 l 1,4,-1 + 91 379 l 1,5,-1 + 91 113 l 1,6,-1 + 158 113 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: infinity +Encoding: 8734 8734 328 +Width: 1017 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +283 144 m 0,0,1 + 229 144 229 144 187 167.5 c 128,-1,2 + 145 191 145 191 122.5 234.5 c 128,-1,3 + 100 278 100 278 100 336 c 0,4,5 + 100 398 100 398 125 442 c 128,-1,6 + 150 486 150 486 193 509 c 128,-1,7 + 236 532 236 532 290 532 c 0,8,9 + 359 532 359 532 422 485 c 128,-1,10 + 485 438 485 438 536 359 c 1,11,-1 + 486 323 l 1,12,13 + 460 367 460 367 429 400.5 c 128,-1,14 + 398 434 398 434 364 453 c 128,-1,15 + 330 472 330 472 295 472 c 0,16,17 + 241 472 241 472 207.5 437 c 128,-1,18 + 174 402 174 402 174 339 c 0,19,20 + 174 278 174 278 207.5 241 c 128,-1,21 + 241 204 241 204 295 204 c 0,22,23 + 335 205 335 205 368 229 c 128,-1,24 + 401 253 401 253 431.5 290 c 128,-1,25 + 462 327 462 327 493.5 369 c 128,-1,26 + 525 411 525 411 560 448 c 128,-1,27 + 595 485 595 485 637.5 508.5 c 128,-1,28 + 680 532 680 532 733 532 c 0,29,30 + 788 532 788 532 829.5 508 c 128,-1,31 + 871 484 871 484 894 441 c 128,-1,32 + 917 398 917 398 917 340 c 0,33,34 + 917 277 917 277 892 233.5 c 128,-1,35 + 867 190 867 190 823.5 167 c 128,-1,36 + 780 144 780 144 726 144 c 0,37,38 + 657 144 657 144 594.5 190.5 c 128,-1,39 + 532 237 532 237 481 316 c 1,40,-1 + 531 353 l 1,41,42 + 557 309 557 309 587.5 275.5 c 128,-1,43 + 618 242 618 242 652 223 c 128,-1,44 + 686 204 686 204 722 204 c 0,45,46 + 775 203 775 203 808.5 238 c 128,-1,47 + 842 273 842 273 843 336 c 0,48,49 + 843 397 843 397 809 434 c 128,-1,50 + 775 471 775 471 721 471 c 0,51,52 + 680 471 680 471 646 447.5 c 128,-1,53 + 612 424 612 424 581 387 c 128,-1,54 + 550 350 550 350 518.5 308 c 128,-1,55 + 487 266 487 266 452 229 c 128,-1,56 + 417 192 417 192 376 168 c 128,-1,57 + 335 144 335 144 283 144 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: emptyset +Encoding: 8709 8709 329 +Width: 905 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +452 -9 m 0,0,1 + 375 -9 375 -9 307 20 c 128,-1,2 + 239 49 239 49 187.5 99.5 c 128,-1,3 + 136 150 136 150 107.5 217 c 128,-1,4 + 79 284 79 284 79 361 c 256,5,6 + 79 438 79 438 108.5 506 c 128,-1,7 + 138 574 138 574 189 625.5 c 128,-1,8 + 240 677 240 677 307.5 706 c 128,-1,9 + 375 735 375 735 453 735 c 0,10,11 + 529 735 529 735 597 706 c 128,-1,12 + 665 677 665 677 716.5 626 c 128,-1,13 + 768 575 768 575 797.5 507.5 c 128,-1,14 + 827 440 827 440 827 362 c 0,15,16 + 827 286 827 286 798 218.5 c 128,-1,17 + 769 151 769 151 717 100 c 128,-1,18 + 665 49 665 49 597.5 20 c 128,-1,19 + 530 -9 530 -9 452 -9 c 0,0,1 +453 49 m 0,20,21 + 516 49 516 49 572 73.5 c 128,-1,22 + 628 98 628 98 670.5 141 c 128,-1,23 + 713 184 713 184 736.5 240.5 c 128,-1,24 + 760 297 760 297 760 362 c 0,25,26 + 760 426 760 426 736 483 c 128,-1,27 + 712 540 712 540 669.5 583.5 c 128,-1,28 + 627 627 627 627 571 652 c 128,-1,29 + 515 677 515 677 452 677 c 256,30,31 + 389 677 389 677 333.5 652.5 c 128,-1,32 + 278 628 278 628 235.5 584.5 c 128,-1,33 + 193 541 193 541 169 484 c 128,-1,34 + 145 427 145 427 145 362 c 0,35,36 + 145 299 145 299 168.5 242 c 128,-1,37 + 192 185 192 185 234.5 141.5 c 128,-1,38 + 277 98 277 98 333 73.5 c 128,-1,39 + 389 49 389 49 453 49 c 0,20,21 +145 -3 m 1,40,-1 + 689 729 l 1,41,-1 + 762 729 l 1,42,-1 + 218 -3 l 1,43,-1 + 145 -3 l 1,40,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: intersection +Encoding: 8745 8745 330 +Width: 720 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +124 0 m 1,0,-1 + 124 434 l 2,1,2 + 124 524 124 524 148 585 c 128,-1,3 + 172 646 172 646 225.5 676.5 c 128,-1,4 + 279 707 279 707 365 707 c 0,5,6 + 487 707 487 707 541.5 643 c 128,-1,7 + 596 579 596 579 596 445 c 2,8,-1 + 596 0 l 1,9,-1 + 516 0 l 1,10,-1 + 516 445 l 2,11,12 + 516 547 516 547 481.5 595 c 128,-1,13 + 447 643 447 643 364 643 c 0,14,15 + 303 643 303 643 268 619 c 128,-1,16 + 233 595 233 595 218.5 549 c 128,-1,17 + 204 503 204 503 204 434 c 2,18,-1 + 204 0 l 1,19,-1 + 124 0 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: integral +Encoding: 8747 8747 331 +Width: 344 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +-60 -223 m 1,0,-1 + -41 -162 l 1,1,2 + -16 -169 -16 -169 5 -173 c 128,-1,3 + 26 -177 26 -177 45 -177 c 0,4,5 + 94 -177 94 -177 119 -147 c 128,-1,6 + 144 -117 144 -117 142 -50 c 0,7,8 + 140 33 140 33 137.5 126.5 c 128,-1,9 + 135 220 135 220 132.5 315 c 128,-1,10 + 130 410 130 410 127.5 500.5 c 128,-1,11 + 125 591 125 591 122 670 c 0,12,13 + 120 735 120 735 140 779 c 128,-1,14 + 160 823 160 823 198.5 845.5 c 128,-1,15 + 237 868 237 868 290 868 c 0,16,17 + 316 868 316 868 345 863 c 128,-1,18 + 374 858 374 858 404 848 c 1,19,-1 + 385 787 l 1,20,21 + 361 794 361 794 339.5 798 c 128,-1,22 + 318 802 318 802 300 802 c 0,23,24 + 252 802 252 802 226.5 772.5 c 128,-1,25 + 201 743 201 743 202 675 c 0,26,27 + 204 597 204 597 206.5 506.5 c 128,-1,28 + 209 416 209 416 211.5 320 c 128,-1,29 + 214 224 214 224 217 131 c 128,-1,30 + 220 38 220 38 222 -45 c 0,31,32 + 224 -111 224 -111 204 -154.5 c 128,-1,33 + 184 -198 184 -198 145.5 -220.5 c 128,-1,34 + 107 -243 107 -243 54 -243 c 0,35,36 + 28 -243 28 -243 -0.5 -238 c 128,-1,37 + -29 -233 -29 -233 -60 -223 c 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: uni2126 +Encoding: 8486 8486 332 +Width: 826 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +100 0 m 1,0,-1 + 100 59 l 1,1,-1 + 300 59 l 1,2,-1 + 288 47 l 1,3,4 + 233 72 233 72 190.5 114 c 128,-1,5 + 148 156 148 156 124 216 c 128,-1,6 + 100 276 100 276 100 353 c 0,7,8 + 100 437 100 437 124.5 502.5 c 128,-1,9 + 149 568 149 568 192.5 613.5 c 128,-1,10 + 236 659 236 659 293.5 683 c 128,-1,11 + 351 707 351 707 418 707 c 0,12,13 + 483 707 483 707 539 685 c 128,-1,14 + 595 663 595 663 636.5 619.5 c 128,-1,15 + 678 576 678 576 701.5 513.5 c 128,-1,16 + 725 451 725 451 725 369 c 0,17,18 + 725 289 725 289 699.5 225.5 c 128,-1,19 + 674 162 674 162 629 117 c 128,-1,20 + 584 72 584 72 523 46 c 1,21,-1 + 519 59 l 1,22,-1 + 726 59 l 1,23,-1 + 726 0 l 1,24,-1 + 462 0 l 1,25,-1 + 462 48 l 1,26,27 + 510 74 510 74 549.5 115 c 128,-1,28 + 589 156 589 156 613 216.5 c 128,-1,29 + 637 277 637 277 637 361 c 0,30,31 + 637 455 637 455 607.5 517.5 c 128,-1,32 + 578 580 578 580 527.5 611 c 128,-1,33 + 477 642 477 642 414 642 c 0,34,35 + 352 642 352 642 300 610 c 128,-1,36 + 248 578 248 578 218 514 c 128,-1,37 + 188 450 188 450 188 353 c 0,38,39 + 188 269 188 269 210.5 210.5 c 128,-1,40 + 233 152 233 152 273.5 112.5 c 128,-1,41 + 314 73 314 73 364 47 c 1,42,-1 + 364 0 l 1,43,-1 + 100 0 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: uni2206 +Encoding: 8710 8710 333 +Width: 685 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +379 700 m 1,0,-1 + 637 53 l 1,1,-1 + 637 0 l 1,2,-1 + 48 0 l 1,3,-1 + 48 55 l 1,4,-1 + 308 700 l 1,5,-1 + 379 700 l 1,0,-1 +593 59 m 1,6,-1 + 565 28 l 1,7,-1 + 321 645 l 1,8,-1 + 352 645 l 1,9,-1 + 108 28 l 1,10,-1 + 83 59 l 1,11,-1 + 593 59 l 1,6,-1 +EndSplineSet +Kerns2: 116 5 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning lookup 0 per glyph data 0" +EndChar + +StartChar: product +Encoding: 8719 8719 334 +Width: 804 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +71 -230 m 1,0,-1 + 71 -187 l 1,1,-1 + 171 -166 l 1,2,-1 + 158 -184 l 1,3,-1 + 158 651 l 1,4,-1 + 173 632 l 1,5,-1 + 71 650 l 1,6,-1 + 71 693 l 1,7,-1 + 239 698 l 1,8,-1 + 733 698 l 1,9,-1 + 733 655 l 1,10,-1 + 633 632 l 1,11,-1 + 647 651 l 1,12,-1 + 647 -184 l 1,13,-1 + 633 -166 l 1,14,-1 + 733 -187 l 1,15,-1 + 733 -230 l 1,16,-1 + 480 -230 l 1,17,-1 + 480 -187 l 1,18,-1 + 578 -166 l 1,19,-1 + 565 -184 l 1,20,-1 + 565 657 l 1,21,-1 + 580 637 l 1,22,-1 + 225 636 l 1,23,-1 + 239 658 l 1,24,-1 + 239 -184 l 1,25,-1 + 227 -166 l 1,26,-1 + 324 -187 l 1,27,-1 + 324 -230 l 1,28,-1 + 71 -230 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: summation +Encoding: 8721 8721 335 +Width: 578 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +491 -61 m 1,0,-1 + 541 -61 l 1,1,-1 + 540 -230 l 1,2,-1 + 23 -230 l 1,3,-1 + 23 -187 l 1,4,-1 + 302 261 l 1,5,-1 + 299 228 l 1,6,-1 + 28 651 l 1,7,-1 + 28 698 l 1,8,-1 + 528 698 l 1,9,-1 + 528 532 l 1,10,-1 + 478 532 l 1,11,-1 + 461 650 l 1,12,-1 + 478 637 l 1,13,-1 + 101 637 l 1,14,-1 + 118 652 l 1,15,-1 + 376 248 l 1,16,-1 + 107 -184 l 1,17,-1 + 95 -169 l 1,18,-1 + 491 -169 l 1,19,-1 + 473 -184 l 1,20,-1 + 491 -61 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: radical +Encoding: 8730 8730 336 +Width: 604 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +512 854 m 1,0,-1 + 751 854 l 1,1,-1 + 751 795 l 1,2,-1 + 564 795 l 1,3,-1 + 579 812 l 1,4,-1 + 325 -2 l 1,5,-1 + 228 -2 l 1,6,-1 + 59 481 l 1,7,-1 + 73 470 l 1,8,-1 + -3 482 l 1,9,-1 + -3 525 l 1,10,-1 + 129 532 l 1,11,-1 + 283 53 l 1,12,-1 + 275 53 l 1,13,-1 + 512 854 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: partialdiff +Encoding: 8706 8706 337 +Width: 605 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +279 -9 m 0,0,1 + 207 -9 207 -9 157.5 21.5 c 128,-1,2 + 108 52 108 52 84 102.5 c 128,-1,3 + 60 153 60 153 60 211 c 0,4,5 + 60 270 60 270 85 322.5 c 128,-1,6 + 110 375 110 375 159 408 c 128,-1,7 + 208 441 208 441 279 441 c 0,8,9 + 332 441 332 441 377.5 421 c 128,-1,10 + 423 401 423 401 455 365 c 1,11,-1 + 439 359 l 1,12,13 + 432 438 432 438 401 503 c 128,-1,14 + 370 568 370 568 312.5 619 c 128,-1,15 + 255 670 255 670 167 705 c 1,16,-1 + 192 763 l 1,17,18 + 305 720 305 720 378.5 651.5 c 128,-1,19 + 452 583 452 583 487.5 494.5 c 128,-1,20 + 523 406 523 406 523 301 c 0,21,22 + 523 233 523 233 507.5 176 c 128,-1,23 + 492 119 492 119 461.5 77.5 c 128,-1,24 + 431 36 431 36 385 13.5 c 128,-1,25 + 339 -9 339 -9 279 -9 c 0,0,1 +284 51 m 0,26,27 + 358 51 358 51 399.5 113 c 128,-1,28 + 441 175 441 175 441 286 c 2,29,-1 + 441 331 l 1,30,-1 + 448 310 l 1,31,32 + 425 343 425 343 384 364.5 c 128,-1,33 + 343 386 343 386 295 386 c 0,34,35 + 246 386 246 386 212 363 c 128,-1,36 + 178 340 178 340 160.5 301.5 c 128,-1,37 + 143 263 143 263 143 216 c 0,38,39 + 143 172 143 172 159 134 c 128,-1,40 + 175 96 175 96 206.5 73.5 c 128,-1,41 + 238 51 238 51 284 51 c 0,26,27 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: orthogonal +Encoding: 8735 8735 338 +Width: 642 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +616 73 m 1,0,-1 + 617 0 l 1,1,-1 + 89 0 l 1,2,-1 + 88 528 l 1,3,-1 + 168 528 l 1,4,-1 + 168 53 l 1,5,-1 + 148 73 l 1,6,-1 + 616 73 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: arrowup +Encoding: 8593 8593 339 +Width: 701 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +315 622 m 1,0,-1 + 341 622 l 1,1,-1 + 72 372 l 1,2,-1 + 33 413 l 1,3,-1 + 333 698 l 1,4,-1 + 368 698 l 1,5,-1 + 668 413 l 1,6,-1 + 627 371 l 1,7,-1 + 357 622 l 1,8,-1 + 386 622 l 1,9,-1 + 386 0 l 1,10,-1 + 315 0 l 1,11,-1 + 315 622 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: arrowright +Encoding: 8594 8594 340 +Width: 796 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +673 374 m 1,0,-1 + 673 347 l 1,1,-1 + 422 616 l 1,2,-1 + 465 658 l 1,3,-1 + 750 359 l 1,4,-1 + 750 324 l 1,5,-1 + 465 24 l 1,6,-1 + 423 63 l 1,7,-1 + 673 333 l 1,8,-1 + 673 309 l 1,9,-1 + 48 309 l 1,10,-1 + 48 374 l 1,11,-1 + 673 374 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: arrowdown +Encoding: 8595 8595 341 +Width: 701 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +387 76 m 1,0,-1 + 361 76 l 1,1,-1 + 630 326 l 1,2,-1 + 668 285 l 1,3,-1 + 369 0 l 1,4,-1 + 334 0 l 1,5,-1 + 34 285 l 1,6,-1 + 75 327 l 1,7,-1 + 345 76 l 1,8,-1 + 315 76 l 1,9,-1 + 315 698 l 1,10,-1 + 387 698 l 1,11,-1 + 387 76 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: arrowleft +Encoding: 8592 8592 342 +Width: 796 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +123 309 m 1,0,-1 + 123 336 l 1,1,-1 + 374 66 l 1,2,-1 + 331 24 l 1,3,-1 + 46 324 l 1,4,-1 + 46 359 l 1,5,-1 + 331 658 l 1,6,-1 + 373 619 l 1,7,-1 + 123 350 l 1,8,-1 + 123 374 l 1,9,-1 + 748 374 l 1,10,-1 + 748 309 l 1,11,-1 + 123 309 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: arrowboth +Encoding: 8596 8596 343 +Width: 1072 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +331 24 m 1,0,-1 + 46 324 l 1,1,-1 + 46 359 l 1,2,-1 + 331 658 l 1,3,-1 + 373 619 l 1,4,-1 + 123 350 l 1,5,-1 + 123 374 l 1,6,-1 + 949 374 l 1,7,-1 + 949 347 l 1,8,-1 + 698 616 l 1,9,-1 + 741 658 l 1,10,-1 + 1026 359 l 1,11,-1 + 1026 324 l 1,12,-1 + 741 24 l 1,13,-1 + 699 63 l 1,14,-1 + 949 333 l 1,15,-1 + 949 309 l 1,16,-1 + 123 309 l 1,17,-1 + 123 336 l 1,18,-1 + 374 66 l 1,19,-1 + 331 24 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: arrowupdn +Encoding: 8597 8597 344 +Width: 701 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +315 759 m 1,0,-1 + 342 759 l 1,1,-1 + 72 509 l 1,2,-1 + 34 550 l 1,3,-1 + 334 835 l 1,4,-1 + 369 835 l 1,5,-1 + 668 550 l 1,6,-1 + 627 508 l 1,7,-1 + 358 759 l 1,8,-1 + 387 759 l 1,9,-1 + 387 -58 l 1,10,-1 + 361 -58 l 1,11,-1 + 630 192 l 1,12,-1 + 668 151 l 1,13,-1 + 369 -134 l 1,14,-1 + 334 -134 l 1,15,-1 + 34 151 l 1,16,-1 + 75 193 l 1,17,-1 + 345 -58 l 1,18,-1 + 315 -58 l 1,19,-1 + 315 759 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: arrowupdnbse +Encoding: 8616 8616 345 +Width: 701 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +334 -99 m 1,0,-1 + 34 186 l 1,1,-1 + 75 228 l 1,2,-1 + 345 -23 l 1,3,-1 + 315 -23 l 1,4,-1 + 315 769 l 1,5,-1 + 342 769 l 1,6,-1 + 72 519 l 1,7,-1 + 34 560 l 1,8,-1 + 334 845 l 1,9,-1 + 369 845 l 1,10,-1 + 668 560 l 1,11,-1 + 627 518 l 1,12,-1 + 358 769 l 1,13,-1 + 387 769 l 1,14,-1 + 387 -24 l 1,15,-1 + 361 -23 l 1,16,-1 + 630 226 l 1,17,-1 + 668 186 l 1,18,-1 + 369 -99 l 1,19,-1 + 334 -99 l 1,0,-1 +54 -197 m 1,20,-1 + 54 -137 l 1,21,-1 + 648 -137 l 1,22,-1 + 648 -197 l 1,23,-1 + 54 -197 l 1,20,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: estimated +Encoding: 8494 8494 346 +Width: 714 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +363 0 m 0,0,1 + 304 0 304 0 252.5 22.5 c 128,-1,2 + 201 45 201 45 161.5 83.5 c 128,-1,3 + 122 122 122 122 99.5 173 c 128,-1,4 + 77 224 77 224 77 283 c 0,5,6 + 77 341 77 341 99.5 392 c 128,-1,7 + 122 443 122 443 162 482.5 c 128,-1,8 + 202 522 202 522 254 544.5 c 128,-1,9 + 306 567 306 567 365 567 c 0,10,11 + 423 567 423 567 474.5 544.5 c 128,-1,12 + 526 522 526 522 565.5 483.5 c 128,-1,13 + 605 445 605 445 627.5 393.5 c 128,-1,14 + 650 342 650 342 650 284 c 1,15,-1 + 180 284 l 1,16,-1 + 180 301 l 1,17,-1 + 538 302 l 1,18,-1 + 529 291 l 1,19,-1 + 529 502 l 1,20,-1 + 533 486 l 1,21,22 + 498 514 498 514 454.5 531 c 128,-1,23 + 411 548 411 548 363 548 c 256,24,25 + 315 548 315 548 272 532 c 128,-1,26 + 229 516 229 516 194 487 c 1,27,-1 + 199 502 l 1,28,-1 + 199 67 l 1,29,-1 + 194 81 l 1,30,31 + 229 53 229 53 273 36 c 128,-1,32 + 317 19 317 19 364 19 c 0,33,34 + 432 19 432 19 488 47.5 c 128,-1,35 + 544 76 544 76 581 123 c 1,36,-1 + 595 112 l 1,37,38 + 556 62 556 62 495.5 31 c 128,-1,39 + 435 0 435 0 363 0 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65945 -1 347 +Width: 874 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 151 64 N 1 0 0 1 0 71 3 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65946 -1 348 +Width: 683 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +312 -9 m 0,0,1 + 247 -9 247 -9 195 9.5 c 128,-1,2 + 143 28 143 28 113 64.5 c 128,-1,3 + 83 101 83 101 83 154 c 0,4,5 + 83 219 83 219 130 261 c 128,-1,6 + 177 303 177 303 265 312 c 1,7,-1 + 267 304 l 1,8,9 + 181 312 181 312 141.5 349.5 c 128,-1,10 + 102 387 102 387 102 440 c 0,11,12 + 102 479 102 479 120 506.5 c 128,-1,13 + 138 534 138 534 169.5 551.5 c 128,-1,14 + 201 569 201 569 241.5 577 c 128,-1,15 + 282 585 282 585 327 585 c 256,16,17 + 372 585 372 585 421.5 577.5 c 128,-1,18 + 471 570 471 570 519 556 c 1,19,-1 + 512 433 l 1,20,-1 + 462 433 l 1,21,-1 + 451 520 l 1,22,-1 + 464 508 l 1,23,24 + 430 515 430 515 396.5 519.5 c 128,-1,25 + 363 524 363 524 333 524 c 0,26,27 + 293 524 293 524 259 515 c 128,-1,28 + 225 506 225 506 205 486.5 c 128,-1,29 + 185 467 185 467 185 434 c 0,30,31 + 185 385 185 385 228.5 360.5 c 128,-1,32 + 272 336 272 336 346 336 c 2,33,-1 + 630 336 l 1,34,-1 + 630 292 l 1,35,-1 + 542 275 l 1,36,-1 + 553 291 l 1,37,-1 + 553 177 l 2,38,39 + 553 114 553 114 520.5 73 c 128,-1,40 + 488 32 488 32 434 11.5 c 128,-1,41 + 380 -9 380 -9 312 -9 c 0,0,1 +322 54 m 0,42,43 + 366 54 366 54 400 67.5 c 128,-1,44 + 434 81 434 81 453.5 108 c 128,-1,45 + 473 135 473 135 473 175 c 2,46,-1 + 473 288 l 1,47,-1 + 489 276 l 1,48,-1 + 337 276 l 2,49,50 + 278 276 278 276 240 261.5 c 128,-1,51 + 202 247 202 247 184.5 222 c 128,-1,52 + 167 197 167 197 167 166 c 0,53,54 + 167 115 167 115 210 84.5 c 128,-1,55 + 253 54 253 54 322 54 c 0,42,43 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: uni02BB +Encoding: 699 699 349 +Width: 159 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +130 671 m 0,0,1 + 130 646 130 646 115.5 634 c 128,-1,2 + 101 622 101 622 83 622 c 0,3,4 + 64 622 64 622 48 635.5 c 128,-1,5 + 32 649 32 649 32 677 c 256,6,7 + 32 705 32 705 52 751.5 c 128,-1,8 + 72 798 72 798 119 857 c 1,9,-1 + 148 838 l 1,10,11 + 124 794 124 794 116 770 c 128,-1,12 + 108 746 108 746 108 734 c 0,13,14 + 108 723 108 723 113.5 714.5 c 128,-1,15 + 119 706 119 706 124.5 696 c 128,-1,16 + 130 686 130 686 130 671 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: uni02C9 +Encoding: 713 713 350 +Width: 430 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 175 175 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +EndChar + +StartChar: uni02CB +Encoding: 715 715 351 +Width: 321 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 359 768 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: uni02BF +Encoding: 703 703 352 +Width: 249 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +178 615 m 1,0,1 + 147 615 147 615 123 627 c 128,-1,2 + 99 639 99 639 85.5 660.5 c 128,-1,3 + 72 682 72 682 72 711 c 256,4,5 + 72 740 72 740 85.5 762 c 128,-1,6 + 99 784 99 784 122.5 796.5 c 128,-1,7 + 146 809 146 809 178 809 c 1,8,-1 + 178 767 l 1,9,10 + 152 767 152 767 138.5 751.5 c 128,-1,11 + 125 736 125 736 125 711 c 0,12,13 + 125 688 125 688 138.5 672.5 c 128,-1,14 + 152 657 152 657 178 657 c 1,15,-1 + 178 615 l 1,0,1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: uni02BE +Encoding: 702 702 353 +Width: 253 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +74 615 m 1,0,-1 + 75 657 l 1,1,2 + 103 657 103 657 115.5 673.5 c 128,-1,3 + 128 690 128 690 128 712 c 256,4,5 + 128 734 128 734 115 750.5 c 128,-1,6 + 102 767 102 767 75 767 c 1,7,-1 + 77 809 l 1,8,9 + 112 809 112 809 135 795.5 c 128,-1,10 + 158 782 158 782 169.5 760 c 128,-1,11 + 181 738 181 738 181 713 c 256,12,13 + 181 688 181 688 169 665.5 c 128,-1,14 + 157 643 157 643 133.5 629 c 128,-1,15 + 110 615 110 615 74 615 c 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: uni02CA +Encoding: 714 714 354 +Width: 324 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 360 769 N 1 0 0 1 -10 0 2 +EndChar + +StartChar: uni02CC +Encoding: 716 716 355 +Width: 246 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 356 712 N 1 0 0 1 0 -894 3 +EndChar + +StartChar: uni02C8 +Encoding: 712 712 356 +Width: 246 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +91 620 m 1,0,-1 + 91 838 l 1,1,-1 + 155 838 l 1,2,-1 + 155 620 l 1,3,-1 + 91 620 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: uni0308 +Encoding: 776 776 357 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 226 721 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 226 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 226 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 226 528 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 178 168 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni0307 +Encoding: 775 775 358 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 85 741 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 85 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 85 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 85 528 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +83 639 m 256,0,1 + 60 639 60 639 45 654 c 128,-1,2 + 30 669 30 669 30 695 c 0,3,4 + 30 722 30 722 45.5 736.5 c 128,-1,5 + 61 751 61 751 84 751 c 0,6,7 + 108 751 108 751 123 737 c 128,-1,8 + 138 723 138 723 138 695 c 0,9,10 + 138 668 138 668 122 653.5 c 128,-1,11 + 106 639 106 639 83 639 c 256,0,1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: gravecomb +Encoding: 768 768 359 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 166 721 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 154 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 154 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 154 528 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +87 805 m 1,0,-1 + 265 662 l 1,1,-1 + 234 620 l 1,2,-1 + 41 745 l 1,3,-1 + 87 805 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: acutecomb +Encoding: 769 769 360 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 153 721 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 155 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 155 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 155 528 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +95 620 m 1,0,-1 + 66 661 l 1,1,-1 + 248 804 l 1,2,-1 + 293 743 l 1,3,-1 + 95 620 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "'locl' Localized Forms in Latin lookup 13 subtable" acutecomb.loclPLK +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +AlternateSubs2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 1 subtable" acutecomb.loclPLK +EndChar + +StartChar: uni030B +Encoding: 779 779 361 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 183 721 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 163 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 163 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 163 528 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 180 733 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni030C.alt +Encoding: 65947 -1 362 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +109 577 m 1,0,-1 + 61 585 l 1,1,2 + 72 638 72 638 78.5 686 c 128,-1,3 + 85 734 85 734 84 777 c 1,4,-1 + 159 773 l 1,5,6 + 154 734 154 734 141.5 684.5 c 128,-1,7 + 129 635 129 635 109 577 c 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: uni0302 +Encoding: 770 770 363 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 230 721 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 230 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 230 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 230 528 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 173 710 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni030C +Encoding: 780 780 364 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 193 721 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 193 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 193 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 193 528 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 181 711 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni0306 +Encoding: 774 774 365 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 197 721 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 197 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 197 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 197 528 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 176 728 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni030A +Encoding: 778 778 366 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 178 721 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 178 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 178 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 178 528 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 179 730 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: tildecomb +Encoding: 771 771 367 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 240 721 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 240 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 240 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 240 528 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 174 732 N 1 0 0 1 -7 0 2 +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: tildecomb_acutecomb +Encoding: 65948 -1 368 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 240 721 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 240 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 240 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 240 528 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +136 726 m 1,0,-1 + 115 772 l 1,1,-1 + 321 878 l 1,2,-1 + 354 809 l 1,3,-1 + 136 726 l 1,0,-1 +111 597 m 1,4,-1 + 75 614 l 1,5,6 + 92 660 92 660 115 680 c 128,-1,7 + 138 700 138 700 168 700 c 0,8,9 + 193 700 193 700 217.5 689.5 c 128,-1,10 + 242 679 242 679 264 668.5 c 128,-1,11 + 286 658 286 658 305 658 c 0,12,13 + 322 658 322 658 337 668 c 128,-1,14 + 352 678 352 678 366 703 c 1,15,-1 + 403 686 l 1,16,17 + 385 640 385 640 361 620 c 128,-1,18 + 337 600 337 600 307 600 c 0,19,20 + 282 600 282 600 259 610.5 c 128,-1,21 + 236 621 236 621 214 631.5 c 128,-1,22 + 192 642 192 642 170 642 c 0,23,24 + 152 642 152 642 139 631.5 c 128,-1,25 + 126 621 126 621 111 597 c 1,4,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 8 subtable" tildecomb acutecomb +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni0304 +Encoding: 772 772 369 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 215 721 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 215 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 215 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 215 528 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 175 175 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: hookabovecomb +Encoding: 777 777 370 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 133 721 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 133 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 133 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 133 528 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +101 606 m 1,0,-1 + 101 677 l 1,1,2 + 136 679 136 679 155 689.5 c 128,-1,3 + 174 700 174 700 174 723 c 0,4,5 + 174 743 174 743 160 752 c 128,-1,6 + 146 761 146 761 124 761 c 0,7,8 + 111 761 111 761 96 758.5 c 128,-1,9 + 81 756 81 756 66 751 c 1,10,-1 + 55 791 l 1,11,12 + 75 798 75 798 95.5 802 c 128,-1,13 + 116 806 116 806 136 806 c 0,14,15 + 178 806 178 806 207.5 787 c 128,-1,16 + 237 768 237 768 237 728 c 0,17,18 + 237 697 237 697 217 676.5 c 128,-1,19 + 197 656 197 656 156 649 c 1,20,-1 + 156 606 l 1,21,-1 + 101 606 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni030F +Encoding: 783 783 371 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 204 721 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 240 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 240 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 240 528 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +155 620 m 1,0,-1 + 199 642 l 1,1,-1 + 126 805 l 1,2,-1 + 66 773 l 1,3,-1 + 155 620 l 1,0,-1 +293 620 m 1,4,-1 + 338 641 l 1,5,-1 + 269 805 l 1,6,-1 + 208 776 l 1,7,-1 + 293 620 l 1,4,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni0311 +Encoding: 785 785 372 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 198 721 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 198 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 198 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 198 528 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +197 758 m 0,0,1 + 236 758 236 758 266 742 c 128,-1,2 + 296 726 296 726 313.5 696.5 c 128,-1,3 + 331 667 331 667 332 629 c 1,4,-1 + 281 623 l 1,5,6 + 277 658 277 658 253.5 679 c 128,-1,7 + 230 700 230 700 195 700 c 256,8,9 + 160 700 160 700 138 680.5 c 128,-1,10 + 116 661 116 661 113 627 c 1,11,-1 + 64 625 l 1,12,13 + 64 664 64 664 80.5 694 c 128,-1,14 + 97 724 97 724 127 741 c 128,-1,15 + 157 758 157 758 197 758 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni0312 +Encoding: 786 786 373 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 96 721 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 94 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 94 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 94 528 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +123 845 m 1,0,-1 + 153 825 l 1,1,2 + 134 795 134 795 127.5 775.5 c 128,-1,3 + 121 756 121 756 121 746 c 0,4,5 + 121 735 121 735 126.5 727.5 c 128,-1,6 + 132 720 132 720 137.5 711 c 128,-1,7 + 143 702 143 702 143 687 c 0,8,9 + 143 664 143 664 127.5 651.5 c 128,-1,10 + 112 639 112 639 94 639 c 256,11,12 + 76 639 76 639 60.5 652 c 128,-1,13 + 45 665 45 665 45 691 c 0,14,15 + 45 718 45 718 63.5 757 c 128,-1,16 + 82 796 82 796 123 845 c 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni031B +Encoding: 795 795 374 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-9" 87 528 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-9" 87 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-1" 87 528 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +46 486 m 1,0,-1 + 43 528 l 1,1,2 + 79 530 79 530 95.5 543.5 c 128,-1,3 + 112 557 112 557 112 586 c 0,4,5 + 112 614 112 614 98 655 c 1,6,-1 + 159 669 l 1,7,8 + 170 645 170 645 174.5 624 c 128,-1,9 + 179 603 179 603 179 584 c 0,10,11 + 179 535 179 535 143.5 509 c 128,-1,12 + 108 483 108 483 46 486 c 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: dotbelowcomb +Encoding: 803 803 375 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-7" 84 -170 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-7" 84 0 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-6" 84 0 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 84 0 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 358 775 N 1 0 0 1 0 -821 3 +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni0324 +Encoding: 804 804 376 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-7" 226 -170 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-7" 226 0 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-6" 226 0 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 226 0 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 178 168 N 1 0 0 1 0 -818 2 +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni0326 +Encoding: 806 806 377 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-7" 110 -267 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-7" 110 0 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-6" 110 0 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 110 0 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +77 -275 m 1,0,-1 + 47 -256 l 1,1,2 + 66 -225 66 -225 72.5 -205.5 c 128,-1,3 + 79 -186 79 -186 79 -176 c 0,4,5 + 79 -165 79 -165 73.5 -157.5 c 128,-1,6 + 68 -150 68 -150 62.5 -141 c 128,-1,7 + 57 -132 57 -132 57 -117 c 0,8,9 + 57 -94 57 -94 72.5 -82 c 128,-1,10 + 88 -70 88 -70 106 -70 c 256,11,12 + 124 -70 124 -70 139.5 -82.5 c 128,-1,13 + 155 -95 155 -95 155 -122 c 0,14,15 + 155 -148 155 -148 136.5 -187 c 128,-1,16 + 118 -226 118 -226 77 -275 c 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni0327 +Encoding: 807 807 378 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-7" 152 -218 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-7" 140 0 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-6" 140 0 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 140 0 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 182 184 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni0328 +Encoding: 808 808 379 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-3" 245 0 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 183 731 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni032E +Encoding: 814 814 380 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-7" 197 -197 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-7" 197 0 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-6" 197 0 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 197 0 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 176 728 N 1 0 0 1 0 -839 2 +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni0331 +Encoding: 817 817 381 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-7" 216 -157 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-7" 216 0 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-6" 216 0 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 216 0 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 175 175 N 1 0 0 1 1 -828 2 +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni0335 +Encoding: 821 821 382 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-4" 232 299 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +57 274 m 1,0,-1 + 57 324 l 1,1,-1 + 408 324 l 1,2,-1 + 408 274 l 1,3,-1 + 57 274 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65949 -1 383 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +173 -220 m 0,0,1 + 121 -220 121 -220 89.5 -194.5 c 128,-1,2 + 58 -169 58 -169 58 -127 c 0,3,4 + 58 -97 58 -97 76.5 -65.5 c 128,-1,5 + 95 -34 95 -34 131.5 -7 c 128,-1,6 + 168 20 168 20 223 38 c 1,7,-1 + 233 0 l 1,8,9 + 177 -21 177 -21 148 -51.5 c 128,-1,10 + 119 -82 119 -82 119 -110 c 0,11,12 + 119 -134 119 -134 140 -150 c 128,-1,13 + 161 -166 161 -166 196 -166 c 0,14,15 + 205 -166 205 -166 215 -164.5 c 128,-1,16 + 225 -163 225 -163 235 -161 c 1,17,-1 + 241 -209 l 1,18,19 + 222 -214 222 -214 205.5 -217 c 128,-1,20 + 189 -220 189 -220 173 -220 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65950 -1 384 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 227 873 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 227 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 227 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 227 698 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 178 168 N 1 0 0 1 1 123 2 +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" uni0308 +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" uni0308 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65951 -1 385 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 131 873 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 132 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 132 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 132 698 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 358 775 N 1 0 0 1 47 127 2 +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" uni0307 +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" uni0307 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65952 -1 386 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 180 877 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 180 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 180 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 180 698 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +275 750 m 1,0,-1 + 61 845 l 1,1,-1 + 99 913 l 1,2,-1 + 298 796 l 1,3,-1 + 275 750 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" gravecomb +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" gravecomb +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65953 -1 387 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 174 877 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 174 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 174 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 174 698 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +87 750 m 1,0,-1 + 62 795 l 1,1,-1 + 263 913 l 1,2,-1 + 298 846 l 1,3,-1 + 87 750 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" acutecomb +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" acutecomb +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65954 -1 388 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 186 877 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 159 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 159 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 159 698 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 180 733 N 1 0 0 1 -7 124 2 +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" uni030B +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" uni030B +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65955 -1 389 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 231 877 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 231 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 231 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 231 698 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +93 745 m 1,0,-1 + 65 779 l 1,1,-1 + 203 898 l 1,2,-1 + 250 902 l 1,3,-1 + 396 779 l 1,4,-1 + 367 745 l 1,5,-1 + 201 853 l 1,6,-1 + 254 852 l 1,7,-1 + 93 745 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" uni0302 +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" uni0302 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65956 -1 390 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 230 877 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 231 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 231 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 231 698 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +367 911 m 1,0,-1 + 395 877 l 1,1,-1 + 257 759 l 1,2,-1 + 210 755 l 1,3,-1 + 65 877 l 1,4,-1 + 94 911 l 1,5,-1 + 259 804 l 1,6,-1 + 206 805 l 1,7,-1 + 367 911 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" uni030C +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" uni030C +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65957 -1 391 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 211 877 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 211 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 211 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 211 698 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +210 761 m 0,0,1 + 177 761 177 761 145.5 775 c 128,-1,2 + 114 789 114 789 94 816.5 c 128,-1,3 + 74 844 74 844 73 884 c 1,4,-1 + 122 890 l 1,5,6 + 127 852 127 852 154.5 834 c 128,-1,7 + 182 816 182 816 214 816 c 256,8,9 + 246 816 246 816 271.5 833.5 c 128,-1,10 + 297 851 297 851 300 886 c 1,11,-1 + 348 889 l 1,12,13 + 348 847 348 847 328 818.5 c 128,-1,14 + 308 790 308 790 276.5 775.5 c 128,-1,15 + 245 761 245 761 210 761 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" uni0306 +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" uni0306 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65958 -1 392 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 181 903 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 181 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 181 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 181 698 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 179 730 N 1 0 0 1 3 114 2 +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" uni030A +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" uni030A +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65959 -1 393 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 241 877 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 241 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 241 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 241 698 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +113 774 m 1,0,-1 + 77 791 l 1,1,2 + 94 837 94 837 117 857.5 c 128,-1,3 + 140 878 140 878 170 878 c 0,4,5 + 195 878 195 878 219.5 867 c 128,-1,6 + 244 856 244 856 266 845.5 c 128,-1,7 + 288 835 288 835 307 835 c 0,8,9 + 324 835 324 835 339 845 c 128,-1,10 + 354 855 354 855 368 880 c 1,11,-1 + 405 864 l 1,12,13 + 387 817 387 817 363 797 c 128,-1,14 + 339 777 339 777 309 777 c 0,15,16 + 284 777 284 777 261 787.5 c 128,-1,17 + 238 798 238 798 216 808.5 c 128,-1,18 + 194 819 194 819 172 819 c 0,19,20 + 154 819 154 819 141 808.5 c 128,-1,21 + 128 798 128 798 113 774 c 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" tildecomb +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" tildecomb +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65960 -1 394 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 241 980 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 241 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 241 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 241 698 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +135 869 m 1,0,-1 + 114 917 l 1,1,-1 + 326 1012 l 1,2,-1 + 355 942 l 1,3,-1 + 135 869 l 1,0,-1 +113 739 m 1,4,-1 + 77 756 l 1,5,6 + 94 802 94 802 117 822 c 128,-1,7 + 140 842 140 842 170 842 c 0,8,9 + 195 842 195 842 219.5 831.5 c 128,-1,10 + 244 821 244 821 266 810.5 c 128,-1,11 + 288 800 288 800 307 800 c 0,12,13 + 324 800 324 800 339 810 c 128,-1,14 + 354 820 354 820 368 845 c 1,15,-1 + 405 828 l 1,16,17 + 387 782 387 782 363 762 c 128,-1,18 + 339 742 339 742 309 742 c 0,19,20 + 284 742 284 742 261 752.5 c 128,-1,21 + 238 763 238 763 216 773.5 c 128,-1,22 + 194 784 194 784 172 784 c 0,23,24 + 154 784 154 784 141 773.5 c 128,-1,25 + 128 763 128 763 113 739 c 1,4,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" tildecomb_acutecomb +Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 8 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" tildecomb_acutecomb +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65961 -1 395 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 214 840 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 214 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 214 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 214 698 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 175 175 N 1 0 0 1 -1 116 2 +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" uni0304 +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" uni0304 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65962 -1 396 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 149 887 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 134 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 134 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 134 698 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +103 739 m 1,0,-1 + 103 800 l 1,1,2 + 138 802 138 802 157 813 c 128,-1,3 + 176 824 176 824 176 847 c 0,4,5 + 176 868 176 868 161.5 876.5 c 128,-1,6 + 147 885 147 885 126 885 c 0,7,8 + 113 885 113 885 98 883 c 128,-1,9 + 83 881 83 881 68 876 c 1,10,-1 + 57 915 l 1,11,12 + 76 923 76 923 97 927 c 128,-1,13 + 118 931 118 931 137 931 c 0,14,15 + 179 931 179 931 208.5 912 c 128,-1,16 + 238 893 238 893 238 851 c 0,17,18 + 238 820 238 820 218 799 c 128,-1,19 + 198 778 198 778 157 771 c 1,20,-1 + 157 739 l 1,21,-1 + 103 739 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" hookabovecomb +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" hookabovecomb +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65963 -1 397 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 215 883 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 219 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 219 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 219 698 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +147 744 m 1,0,-1 + 191 766 l 1,1,-1 + 117 929 l 1,2,-1 + 57 897 l 1,3,-1 + 147 744 l 1,0,-1 +285 744 m 1,4,-1 + 329 765 l 1,5,-1 + 260 929 l 1,6,-1 + 199 899 l 1,7,-1 + 285 744 l 1,4,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" uni030F +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" uni030F +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65964 -1 398 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 206 877 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 207 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 207 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 207 698 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 372 785 N 1 0 0 1 9 128 2 +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" uni0311 +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" uni0311 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65965 -1 399 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 95 877 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 95 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 95 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 95 698 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +142 692 m 0,0,1 + 142 667 142 667 127.5 654.5 c 128,-1,2 + 113 642 113 642 95 642 c 0,3,4 + 76 642 76 642 60 656 c 128,-1,5 + 44 670 44 670 44 698 c 0,6,7 + 44 725 44 725 64 772 c 128,-1,8 + 84 819 84 819 131 878 c 1,9,-1 + 160 859 l 1,10,11 + 136 815 136 815 128 791 c 128,-1,12 + 120 767 120 767 120 755 c 0,13,14 + 120 744 120 744 125.5 735 c 128,-1,15 + 131 726 131 726 136.5 716.5 c 128,-1,16 + 142 707 142 707 142 692 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" uni0312 +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" uni0312 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65966 -1 400 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-9" 92 698 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-9" 92 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-1" 92 698 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 374 795 N 1 0 0 1 0 167 3 +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" uni031B +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" uni031B +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65967 -1 401 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-7" 83 -180 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-7" 85 0 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-6" 85 0 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 85 0 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 358 775 N 1 0 0 1 0 -821 3 +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" dotbelowcomb +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" dotbelowcomb +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65968 -1 402 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-7" 226 -170 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-7" 226 0 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-6" 226 0 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 226 0 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 178 168 N 1 0 0 1 0 -818 2 +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" uni0324 +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" uni0324 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65969 -1 403 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-7" 110 -267 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-7" 110 0 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-6" 110 0 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 110 0 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 377 806 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" uni0326 +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" uni0326 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65970 -1 404 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-7" 152 -218 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-7" 140 0 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-6" 140 0 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 140 0 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 182 184 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" uni0327 +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" uni0327 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65971 -1 405 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-3" 245 0 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 183 731 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" uni0328 +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" uni0328 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65972 -1 406 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-7" 197 -197 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-7" 197 0 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-6" 197 0 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 197 0 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 176 728 N 1 0 0 1 0 -839 2 +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" uni032E +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" uni032E +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65973 -1 407 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-7" 216 -157 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-7" 216 0 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-6" 216 0 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-2" 216 0 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +360 -98 m 1,0,-1 + 360 -157 l 1,1,-1 + 86 -157 l 1,2,-1 + 86 -98 l 1,3,-1 + 360 -98 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" uni0331 +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" uni0331 +EndChar + +StartChar: caron.i +Encoding: 65974 -1 408 +Width: 298 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +262 794 m 1,0,-1 + 293 762 l 1,1,-1 + 177 634 l 1,2,-1 + 130 630 l 1,3,-1 + 7 762 l 1,4,-1 + 39 794 l 1,5,-1 + 179 677 l 1,6,-1 + 126 677 l 1,7,-1 + 262 794 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: tilde.i +Encoding: 65975 -1 409 +Width: 298 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +202 649 m 0,0,1 + 178 649 178 649 159.5 661.5 c 128,-1,2 + 141 674 141 674 124 686.5 c 128,-1,3 + 107 699 107 699 86 699 c 0,4,5 + 69 699 69 699 55 687.5 c 128,-1,6 + 41 676 41 676 27 651 c 1,7,-1 + -9 667 l 1,8,9 + 7 715 7 715 31.5 737.5 c 128,-1,10 + 56 760 56 760 84 760 c 0,11,12 + 109 760 109 760 127 747.5 c 128,-1,13 + 145 735 145 735 162.5 722.5 c 128,-1,14 + 180 710 180 710 200 710 c 0,15,16 + 216 710 216 710 231 722 c 128,-1,17 + 246 734 246 734 260 759 c 1,18,-1 + 296 743 l 1,19,20 + 280 695 280 695 255.5 672 c 128,-1,21 + 231 649 231 649 202 649 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: acutecomb.loclPLK +Encoding: 65976 -1 410 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 136 788 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 138 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 138 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 138 528 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +145 611 m 1,0,-1 + 102 633 l 1,1,-1 + 200 809 l 1,2,-1 + 262 772 l 1,3,-1 + 145 611 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65977 -1 411 +Width: 361 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +170 738 m 1,0,-1 + 129 767 l 1,1,-1 + 241 932 l 1,2,-1 + 301 890 l 1,3,-1 + 170 738 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: brevecombcy +Encoding: 65978 -1 412 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +212 641 m 0,0,1 + 173 641 173 641 139.5 654 c 128,-1,2 + 106 667 106 667 85 694 c 128,-1,3 + 64 721 64 721 61 764 c 1,4,-1 + 138 769 l 1,5,6 + 141 726 141 726 165.5 706.5 c 128,-1,7 + 190 687 190 687 224 687 c 0,8,9 + 257 687 257 687 279 706 c 128,-1,10 + 301 725 301 725 300 766 c 1,11,-1 + 361 769 l 1,12,13 + 361 725 361 725 340.5 696.5 c 128,-1,14 + 320 668 320 668 286.5 654.5 c 128,-1,15 + 253 641 253 641 212 641 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65979 -1 413 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +230 762 m 0,0,1 + 158 762 158 762 116 794.5 c 128,-1,2 + 74 827 74 827 70 886 c 1,3,-1 + 144 892 l 1,4,5 + 148 851 148 851 172 829.5 c 128,-1,6 + 196 808 196 808 239 808 c 0,7,8 + 278 808 278 808 299.5 828 c 128,-1,9 + 321 848 321 848 321 887 c 1,10,-1 + 385 892 l 1,11,12 + 386 831 386 831 344.5 796.5 c 128,-1,13 + 303 762 303 762 230 762 c 0,0,1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: descendercy +Encoding: 65980 -1 414 +Width: 273 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +40 71 m 1,0,-1 + 200 45 l 1,1,-1 + 201 -158 l 1,2,-1 + 149 -158 l 1,3,-1 + 127 1 l 1,4,-1 + 58 0 l 1,5,-1 + 40 71 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: tailcy +Encoding: 65981 -1 415 +Width: 274 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +66 70 m 1,0,-1 + 207 48 l 1,1,-1 + 207 24 l 1,2,-1 + 155 -157 l 1,3,-1 + 105 -157 l 1,4,-1 + 131 0 l 1,5,-1 + 54 0 l 1,6,-1 + 66 70 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65982 -1 416 +Width: 284 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +39 70 m 1,0,-1 + 196 44 l 1,1,-1 + 196 -173 l 1,2,-1 + 146 -173 l 1,3,-1 + 117 0 l 1,4,-1 + 39 0 l 1,5,-1 + 39 70 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65983 -1 417 +Width: 275 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +62 74 m 1,0,-1 + 214 44 l 1,1,-1 + 214 22 l 1,2,-1 + 149 -173 l 1,3,-1 + 100 -173 l 1,4,-1 + 128 8 l 1,5,-1 + 144 0 l 1,6,-1 + 62 0 l 1,7,-1 + 62 74 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: uni03060301 +Encoding: 65984 -1 418 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 211 808 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 211 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 211 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 211 528 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 391 -1 N 1 0 0 1 1 -170 3 +Refer: 437 -1 N 1 0 0 1 116 112 2 +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 9 subtable" uni0306 acutecomb +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni03060300 +Encoding: 65985 -1 419 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 229 808 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 229 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 229 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 229 528 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +250 712 m 1,0,-1 + 284 746 l 1,1,-1 + 163 877 l 1,2,-1 + 114 830 l 1,3,-1 + 250 712 l 1,0,-1 +229 591 m 0,4,5 + 196 591 196 591 164.5 605 c 128,-1,6 + 133 619 133 619 113 646.5 c 128,-1,7 + 93 674 93 674 92 714 c 1,8,-1 + 141 720 l 1,9,10 + 146 682 146 682 173.5 664 c 128,-1,11 + 201 646 201 646 233 646 c 256,12,13 + 265 646 265 646 290.5 663.5 c 128,-1,14 + 316 681 316 681 319 716 c 1,15,-1 + 367 719 l 1,16,17 + 367 677 367 677 347 648.5 c 128,-1,18 + 327 620 327 620 295.5 605.5 c 128,-1,19 + 264 591 264 591 229 591 c 0,4,5 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 9 subtable" uni0306 gravecomb +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni03060309 +Encoding: 65986 -1 420 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 209 904 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 209 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 209 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 209 528 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 391 -1 N 1 0 0 1 -1 -170 3 +Refer: 396 -1 N 1 0 0 1 75 -26 2 +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 9 subtable" uni0306 hookabovecomb +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni03060303 +Encoding: 65987 -1 421 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 238 808 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 237 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 237 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 237 528 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +121 752 m 1,0,-1 + 87 768 l 1,1,2 + 103 815 103 815 124 835 c 128,-1,3 + 145 855 145 855 173 855 c 0,4,5 + 196 855 196 855 218.5 844.5 c 128,-1,6 + 241 834 241 834 261.5 823 c 128,-1,7 + 282 812 282 812 299 812 c 0,8,9 + 315 812 315 812 328 822.5 c 128,-1,10 + 341 833 341 833 355 857 c 1,11,-1 + 389 841 l 1,12,13 + 373 794 373 794 351 774 c 128,-1,14 + 329 754 329 754 301 754 c 0,15,16 + 279 754 279 754 257.5 765 c 128,-1,17 + 236 776 236 776 216 786.5 c 128,-1,18 + 196 797 196 797 175 797 c 0,19,20 + 160 797 160 797 147 786 c 128,-1,21 + 134 775 134 775 121 752 c 1,0,-1 +239 591 m 0,22,23 + 206 591 206 591 174.5 605 c 128,-1,24 + 143 619 143 619 123 646.5 c 128,-1,25 + 103 674 103 674 102 714 c 1,26,-1 + 151 720 l 1,27,28 + 156 682 156 682 183.5 664 c 128,-1,29 + 211 646 211 646 243 646 c 256,30,31 + 275 646 275 646 300.5 663.5 c 128,-1,32 + 326 681 326 681 329 716 c 1,33,-1 + 377 719 l 1,34,35 + 377 677 377 677 357 648.5 c 128,-1,36 + 337 620 337 620 305.5 605.5 c 128,-1,37 + 274 591 274 591 239 591 c 0,22,23 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 9 subtable" uni0306 tildecomb +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni03020301 +Encoding: 65988 -1 422 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 222 671 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 222 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 222 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 222 528 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +347 707 m 1,0,-1 + 310 738 l 1,1,-1 + 417 880 l 1,2,-1 + 470 838 l 1,3,-1 + 347 707 l 1,0,-1 +90 578 m 1,4,-1 + 61 610 l 1,5,-1 + 196 739 l 1,6,-1 + 243 742 l 1,7,-1 + 386 610 l 1,8,-1 + 356 578 l 1,9,-1 + 194 696 l 1,10,-1 + 247 695 l 1,11,-1 + 90 578 l 1,4,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 9 subtable" uni0302 acutecomb +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni03020300 +Encoding: 65989 -1 423 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 222 671 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 220 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 220 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 220 528 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +374 708 m 1,0,-1 + 248 834 l 1,1,-1 + 298 879 l 1,2,-1 + 410 739 l 1,3,-1 + 374 708 l 1,0,-1 +90 578 m 1,4,-1 + 61 610 l 1,5,-1 + 196 739 l 1,6,-1 + 243 742 l 1,7,-1 + 386 610 l 1,8,-1 + 356 578 l 1,9,-1 + 194 696 l 1,10,-1 + 247 695 l 1,11,-1 + 90 578 l 1,4,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 9 subtable" uni0302 gravecomb +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni03020309 +Encoding: 65990 -1 424 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 372 843 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 218 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 218 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 218 528 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 396 -1 N 1 0 0 1 223 -44 2 +Refer: 173 710 N 1 0 0 1 -9 -50 2 +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 9 subtable" uni0302 hookabovecomb +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: uni03020303 +Encoding: 65991 -1 425 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 234 859 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 237 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 237 528 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 237 528 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 173 710 N 1 0 0 1 4 -52 2 +Refer: 393 -1 N 1 0 0 1 -7 -17 2 +Substitution2: "'case' Case-Sensitive Forms lookup 71 subtable" +Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 9 subtable" uni0302 tildecomb +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 7 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 6 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 4 subtable" +Substitution2: "Single Substitution lookup 3 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65992 -1 426 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 214 980 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 214 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 214 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 214 698 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 391 -1 N 1 0 0 1 3 -23 3 +Refer: 437 -1 N 1 0 0 1 111 251 2 +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" uni03060301 +Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 9 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" uni03060301 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65993 -1 427 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 214 980 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 214 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 214 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 214 698 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +234 851 m 1,0,-1 + 268 886 l 1,1,-1 + 147 1016 l 1,2,-1 + 99 969 l 1,3,-1 + 234 851 l 1,0,-1 +214 738 m 256,4,5 + 180 738 180 738 149 752 c 128,-1,6 + 118 766 118 766 98 793.5 c 128,-1,7 + 78 821 78 821 77 861 c 1,8,-1 + 125 867 l 1,9,10 + 130 829 130 829 158 811 c 128,-1,11 + 186 793 186 793 217 793 c 0,12,13 + 249 793 249 793 275 810.5 c 128,-1,14 + 301 828 301 828 304 863 c 1,15,-1 + 351 865 l 1,16,17 + 352 824 352 824 332 795.5 c 128,-1,18 + 312 767 312 767 280 752.5 c 128,-1,19 + 248 738 248 738 214 738 c 256,4,5 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" uni03060300 +Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 9 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" uni03060300 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65994 -1 428 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 214 1007 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 214 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 214 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 214 698 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 391 -1 N 1 0 0 1 3 -23 3 +Refer: 396 -1 N 1 0 0 1 78 103 2 +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" uni03060309 +Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 9 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" uni03060309 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65995 -1 429 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 238 980 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 238 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 238 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 238 698 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +121 886 m 1,0,-1 + 87 902 l 1,1,2 + 103 949 103 949 124 969 c 128,-1,3 + 145 989 145 989 172 989 c 0,4,5 + 196 989 196 989 218 978.5 c 128,-1,6 + 240 968 240 968 260.5 957 c 128,-1,7 + 281 946 281 946 299 946 c 0,8,9 + 315 946 315 946 328 956.5 c 128,-1,10 + 341 967 341 967 354 991 c 1,11,-1 + 389 975 l 1,12,13 + 373 928 373 928 350.5 908 c 128,-1,14 + 328 888 328 888 301 888 c 0,15,16 + 279 888 279 888 257.5 898.5 c 128,-1,17 + 236 909 236 909 215.5 920 c 128,-1,18 + 195 931 195 931 175 931 c 0,19,20 + 159 931 159 931 146.5 920 c 128,-1,21 + 134 909 134 909 121 886 c 1,0,-1 +239 738 m 256,22,23 + 205 738 205 738 174 752 c 128,-1,24 + 143 766 143 766 123 793.5 c 128,-1,25 + 103 821 103 821 102 861 c 1,26,-1 + 150 867 l 1,27,28 + 155 829 155 829 183 811 c 128,-1,29 + 211 793 211 793 242 793 c 0,30,31 + 274 793 274 793 300 810.5 c 128,-1,32 + 326 828 326 828 329 863 c 1,33,-1 + 376 865 l 1,34,35 + 377 824 377 824 357 795.5 c 128,-1,36 + 337 767 337 767 305 752.5 c 128,-1,37 + 273 738 273 738 239 738 c 256,22,23 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" uni03060303 +Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 9 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" uni03060303 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65996 -1 430 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 241 930 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 241 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 241 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 241 698 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +365 838 m 1,0,-1 + 333 875 l 1,1,-1 + 463 997 l 1,2,-1 + 508 947 l 1,3,-1 + 365 838 l 1,0,-1 +105 732 m 1,4,-1 + 77 766 l 1,5,-1 + 215 885 l 1,6,-1 + 262 888 l 1,7,-1 + 408 766 l 1,8,-1 + 379 732 l 1,9,-1 + 213 839 l 1,10,-1 + 266 839 l 1,11,-1 + 105 732 l 1,4,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" uni03020301 +Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 9 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" uni03020301 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65997 -1 431 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 241 930 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 241 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 241 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 241 698 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +408 834 m 1,0,-1 + 277 956 l 1,1,-1 + 328 1001 l 1,2,-1 + 444 865 l 1,3,-1 + 408 834 l 1,0,-1 +105 732 m 1,4,-1 + 77 766 l 1,5,-1 + 215 885 l 1,6,-1 + 262 888 l 1,7,-1 + 408 766 l 1,8,-1 + 379 732 l 1,9,-1 + 213 839 l 1,10,-1 + 266 839 l 1,11,-1 + 105 732 l 1,4,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" uni03020300 +Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 9 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" uni03020300 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65998 -1 432 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 384 998 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 241 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 241 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 241 698 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +Refer: 389 -1 N 1 0 0 1 12 -17 2 +Refer: 396 -1 N 1 0 0 1 235 111 2 +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" uni03020309 +Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 9 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" uni03020309 +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 65999 -1 433 +Width: 0 +GlyphClass: 4 +Flags: W +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 243 980 basemark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-8" 243 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-5" 243 698 mark 0 +AnchorPoint: "Anchor-0" 243 698 mark 0 +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +118 899 m 1,0,-1 + 83 916 l 1,1,2 + 99 962 99 962 121.5 982.5 c 128,-1,3 + 144 1003 144 1003 173 1003 c 0,4,5 + 197 1003 197 1003 221 992 c 128,-1,6 + 245 981 245 981 266.5 970.5 c 128,-1,7 + 288 960 288 960 306 960 c 0,8,9 + 323 960 323 960 337 970 c 128,-1,10 + 351 980 351 980 365 1005 c 1,11,-1 + 401 989 l 1,12,13 + 384 942 384 942 360.5 922 c 128,-1,14 + 337 902 337 902 308 902 c 0,15,16 + 284 902 284 902 261.5 912.5 c 128,-1,17 + 239 923 239 923 217.5 933.5 c 128,-1,18 + 196 944 196 944 175 944 c 0,19,20 + 159 944 159 944 145.5 933.5 c 128,-1,21 + 132 923 132 923 118 899 c 1,0,-1 +107 732 m 1,22,-1 + 78 766 l 1,23,-1 + 216 885 l 1,24,-1 + 264 888 l 1,25,-1 + 409 766 l 1,26,-1 + 380 732 l 1,27,-1 + 214 839 l 1,28,-1 + 267 839 l 1,29,-1 + 107 732 l 1,22,-1 +EndSplineSet +Substitution2: "'c2sc' Capitals to Small Capitals lookup 37 subtable" uni03020303 +Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition lookup 9 subtable" +Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates lookup 0 subtable" uni03020303 +EndChar + +StartChar: ringacutecomb +Encoding: 66000 -1 434 +Width: 415 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +105 772 m 1,0,-1 + 81 818 l 1,1,-1 + 286 927 l 1,2,-1 + 320 859 l 1,3,-1 + 105 772 l 1,0,-1 +206 582 m 0,4,5 + 176 582 176 582 152.5 593.5 c 128,-1,6 + 129 605 129 605 115.5 626.5 c 128,-1,7 + 102 648 102 648 102 677 c 256,8,9 + 102 706 102 706 115.5 728 c 128,-1,10 + 129 750 129 750 153 762.5 c 128,-1,11 + 177 775 177 775 209 775 c 0,12,13 + 240 775 240 775 263 763.5 c 128,-1,14 + 286 752 286 752 299.5 730.5 c 128,-1,15 + 313 709 313 709 313 680 c 256,16,17 + 313 651 313 651 299.5 629 c 128,-1,18 + 286 607 286 607 262.5 594.5 c 128,-1,19 + 239 582 239 582 206 582 c 0,4,5 +207 623 m 256,20,21 + 233 623 233 623 247 639 c 128,-1,22 + 261 655 261 655 261 679 c 256,23,24 + 261 703 261 703 247 718.5 c 128,-1,25 + 233 734 233 734 208 734 c 0,26,27 + 182 734 182 734 168 718 c 128,-1,28 + 154 702 154 702 154 678 c 256,29,30 + 154 654 154 654 167.5 638.5 c 128,-1,31 + 181 623 181 623 207 623 c 256,20,21 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: macronacutesingle +Encoding: 66001 -1 435 +Width: 427 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +113 710 m 1,0,-1 + 88 756 l 1,1,-1 + 293 865 l 1,2,-1 + 327 797 l 1,3,-1 + 113 710 l 1,0,-1 +346 673 m 1,4,-1 + 346 614 l 1,5,-1 + 81 614 l 1,6,-1 + 81 673 l 1,7,-1 + 346 673 l 1,4,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: dieresisacutecomb +Encoding: 66002 -1 436 +Width: 466 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +336 609 m 0,0,1 + 314 609 314 609 301.5 622.5 c 128,-1,2 + 289 636 289 636 288 660 c 0,3,4 + 288 685 288 685 302 699 c 128,-1,5 + 316 713 316 713 336 713 c 0,6,7 + 358 713 358 713 370.5 699 c 128,-1,8 + 383 685 383 685 383 660 c 0,9,10 + 383 636 383 636 369 622.5 c 128,-1,11 + 355 609 355 609 336 609 c 0,0,1 +127 609 m 0,12,13 + 105 609 105 609 92.5 622.5 c 128,-1,14 + 80 636 80 636 80 660 c 0,15,16 + 80 685 80 685 93.5 699 c 128,-1,17 + 107 713 107 713 127 713 c 0,18,19 + 149 713 149 713 162 699 c 128,-1,20 + 175 685 175 685 175 660 c 0,21,22 + 175 636 175 636 161 622.5 c 128,-1,23 + 147 609 147 609 127 609 c 0,12,13 +227 686 m 1,24,-1 + 193 720 l 1,25,-1 + 314 851 l 1,26,-1 + 362 804 l 1,27,-1 + 227 686 l 1,24,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: acutedbl +Encoding: 66003 -1 437 +Width: 224 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +82 600 m 1,0,-1 + 48 634 l 1,1,-1 + 169 765 l 1,2,-1 + 218 718 l 1,3,-1 + 82 600 l 1,0,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: macrondieresiscomb +Encoding: 66004 -1 438 +Width: 449 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +126 843 m 0,0,1 + 148 843 148 843 160.5 829.5 c 128,-1,2 + 173 816 173 816 173 791 c 0,3,4 + 174 767 174 767 160 753 c 128,-1,5 + 146 739 146 739 126 739 c 0,6,7 + 104 739 104 739 91 753 c 128,-1,8 + 78 767 78 767 78 791 c 0,9,10 + 78 816 78 816 92 829.5 c 128,-1,11 + 106 843 106 843 126 843 c 0,0,1 +325 843 m 0,12,13 + 347 843 347 843 359 829.5 c 128,-1,14 + 371 816 371 816 372 791 c 0,15,16 + 372 767 372 767 358.5 753 c 128,-1,17 + 345 739 345 739 325 739 c 0,18,19 + 303 739 303 739 290 753 c 128,-1,20 + 277 767 277 767 277 791 c 0,21,22 + 277 816 277 816 291 829.5 c 128,-1,23 + 305 843 305 843 325 843 c 0,12,13 +91 626 m 1,24,-1 + 91 685 l 1,25,-1 + 357 685 l 1,26,-1 + 357 626 l 1,27,-1 + 91 626 l 1,24,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 66005 -1 439 +Width: 449 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +126 958 m 0,0,1 + 148 958 148 958 160.5 944.5 c 128,-1,2 + 173 931 173 931 173 906 c 0,3,4 + 174 882 174 882 160 868 c 128,-1,5 + 146 854 146 854 126 854 c 0,6,7 + 104 854 104 854 91 868 c 128,-1,8 + 78 882 78 882 78 906 c 0,9,10 + 78 931 78 931 92 944.5 c 128,-1,11 + 106 958 106 958 126 958 c 0,0,1 +325 958 m 0,12,13 + 347 958 347 958 359 944.5 c 128,-1,14 + 371 931 371 931 372 906 c 0,15,16 + 372 882 372 882 358.5 868 c 128,-1,17 + 345 854 345 854 325 854 c 0,18,19 + 303 854 303 854 290 868 c 128,-1,20 + 277 882 277 882 277 906 c 0,21,22 + 277 931 277 931 291 944.5 c 128,-1,23 + 305 958 305 958 325 958 c 0,12,13 +92 748 m 1,24,-1 + 92 807 l 1,25,-1 + 357 807 l 1,26,-1 + 357 748 l 1,27,-1 + 92 748 l 1,24,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 66006 -1 440 +Width: 462 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +338 745 m 0,0,1 + 316 745 316 745 303.5 758.5 c 128,-1,2 + 291 772 291 772 290 796 c 0,3,4 + 290 821 290 821 304 835 c 128,-1,5 + 318 849 318 849 338 849 c 0,6,7 + 360 849 360 849 372.5 835 c 128,-1,8 + 385 821 385 821 385 796 c 0,9,10 + 385 772 385 772 371 758.5 c 128,-1,11 + 357 745 357 745 338 745 c 0,0,1 +124 745 m 0,12,13 + 102 745 102 745 89.5 758.5 c 128,-1,14 + 77 772 77 772 77 796 c 0,15,16 + 76 821 76 821 90 835 c 128,-1,17 + 104 849 104 849 124 849 c 0,18,19 + 146 849 146 849 159 835 c 128,-1,20 + 172 821 172 821 172 796 c 0,21,22 + 172 772 172 772 157.5 758.5 c 128,-1,23 + 143 745 143 745 124 745 c 0,12,13 +223 816 m 1,24,-1 + 189 851 l 1,25,-1 + 310 981 l 1,26,-1 + 359 934 l 1,27,-1 + 223 816 l 1,24,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: macrongravesingle +Encoding: 66007 -1 441 +Width: 427 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +315 710 m 1,0,-1 + 98 797 l 1,1,-1 + 134 865 l 1,2,-1 + 338 756 l 1,3,-1 + 315 710 l 1,0,-1 +346 673 m 1,4,-1 + 346 614 l 1,5,-1 + 81 614 l 1,6,-1 + 81 673 l 1,7,-1 + 346 673 l 1,4,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 66008 -1 442 +Width: 425 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +115 834 m 1,0,-1 + 91 880 l 1,1,-1 + 296 989 l 1,2,-1 + 330 921 l 1,3,-1 + 115 834 l 1,0,-1 +345 807 m 1,4,-1 + 345 748 l 1,5,-1 + 80 748 l 1,6,-1 + 80 807 l 1,7,-1 + 345 807 l 1,4,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 66009 -1 443 +Width: 425 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +315 834 m 1,0,-1 + 98 921 l 1,1,-1 + 134 990 l 1,2,-1 + 338 881 l 1,3,-1 + 315 834 l 1,0,-1 +345 807 m 1,4,-1 + 345 748 l 1,5,-1 + 80 748 l 1,6,-1 + 80 807 l 1,7,-1 + 345 807 l 1,4,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: acutedotaccentcomb +Encoding: 66010 -1 444 +Width: 377 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +89 586 m 1,0,-1 + 64 630 l 1,1,-1 + 257 758 l 1,2,-1 + 295 692 l 1,3,-1 + 89 586 l 1,0,-1 +156 753 m 0,4,5 + 134 753 134 753 120 766.5 c 128,-1,6 + 106 780 106 780 106 804 c 0,7,8 + 106 830 106 830 120.5 843.5 c 128,-1,9 + 135 857 135 857 157 857 c 256,10,11 + 179 857 179 857 193 844 c 128,-1,12 + 207 831 207 831 207 805 c 256,13,14 + 207 779 207 779 192 766 c 128,-1,15 + 177 753 177 753 156 753 c 0,4,5 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 66011 -1 445 +Width: 392 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +85 732 m 1,0,-1 + 63 779 l 1,1,-1 + 270 883 l 1,2,-1 + 301 814 l 1,3,-1 + 85 732 l 1,0,-1 +166 879 m 0,4,5 + 144 879 144 879 130 892.5 c 128,-1,6 + 116 906 116 906 116 931 c 0,7,8 + 116 957 116 957 130.5 970 c 128,-1,9 + 145 983 145 983 167 983 c 256,10,11 + 189 983 189 983 203 970 c 128,-1,12 + 217 957 217 957 217 931 c 256,13,14 + 217 905 217 905 202 892 c 128,-1,15 + 187 879 187 879 166 879 c 0,4,5 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: carondotaccentcomb +Encoding: 66012 -1 446 +Width: 458 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +229 753 m 256,0,1 + 207 753 207 753 193.5 767 c 128,-1,2 + 180 781 180 781 180 805 c 0,3,4 + 180 831 180 831 194.5 844.5 c 128,-1,5 + 209 858 209 858 230 858 c 0,6,7 + 252 858 252 858 266 844.5 c 128,-1,8 + 280 831 280 831 280 805 c 0,9,10 + 280 780 280 780 265.5 766.5 c 128,-1,11 + 251 753 251 753 229 753 c 256,0,1 +359 769 m 1,12,-1 + 388 736 l 1,13,-1 + 256 608 l 1,14,-1 + 209 604 l 1,15,-1 + 70 736 l 1,16,-1 + 99 769 l 1,17,-1 + 258 651 l 1,18,-1 + 205 652 l 1,19,-1 + 359 769 l 1,12,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 66013 -1 447 +Width: 412 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +206 879 m 0,0,1 + 184 879 184 879 170 892.5 c 128,-1,2 + 156 906 156 906 156 931 c 0,3,4 + 156 957 156 957 170.5 970 c 128,-1,5 + 185 983 185 983 207 983 c 256,6,7 + 229 983 229 983 243 970 c 128,-1,8 + 257 957 257 957 257 931 c 256,9,10 + 257 905 257 905 242 892 c 128,-1,11 + 227 879 227 879 206 879 c 0,0,1 +341 901 m 1,12,-1 + 370 867 l 1,13,-1 + 232 748 l 1,14,-1 + 184 745 l 1,15,-1 + 39 867 l 1,16,-1 + 68 901 l 1,17,-1 + 234 794 l 1,18,-1 + 181 794 l 1,19,-1 + 341 901 l 1,12,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: dieresisgravecomb +Encoding: 66014 -1 448 +Width: 466 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +336 609 m 0,0,1 + 314 609 314 609 301.5 622.5 c 128,-1,2 + 289 636 289 636 288 660 c 0,3,4 + 288 685 288 685 302 699 c 128,-1,5 + 316 713 316 713 336 713 c 0,6,7 + 358 713 358 713 370.5 699 c 128,-1,8 + 383 685 383 685 383 660 c 0,9,10 + 383 636 383 636 369 622.5 c 128,-1,11 + 355 609 355 609 336 609 c 0,0,1 +127 609 m 0,12,13 + 105 609 105 609 92.5 622.5 c 128,-1,14 + 80 636 80 636 80 660 c 0,15,16 + 80 685 80 685 93.5 699 c 128,-1,17 + 107 713 107 713 127 713 c 0,18,19 + 149 713 149 713 162 699 c 128,-1,20 + 175 685 175 685 175 660 c 0,21,22 + 175 636 175 636 161 622.5 c 128,-1,23 + 147 609 147 609 127 609 c 0,12,13 +237 686 m 1,24,-1 + 102 802 l 1,25,-1 + 150 851 l 1,26,-1 + 271 719 l 1,27,-1 + 237 686 l 1,24,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 66015 -1 449 +Width: 462 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +338 745 m 0,0,1 + 316 745 316 745 303.5 758.5 c 128,-1,2 + 291 772 291 772 290 796 c 0,3,4 + 290 821 290 821 304 835 c 128,-1,5 + 318 849 318 849 338 849 c 0,6,7 + 360 849 360 849 372.5 835 c 128,-1,8 + 385 821 385 821 385 796 c 0,9,10 + 385 772 385 772 371 758.5 c 128,-1,11 + 357 745 357 745 338 745 c 0,0,1 +124 745 m 0,12,13 + 102 745 102 745 89.5 758.5 c 128,-1,14 + 77 772 77 772 77 796 c 0,15,16 + 76 821 76 821 90 835 c 128,-1,17 + 104 849 104 849 124 849 c 0,18,19 + 146 849 146 849 159 835 c 128,-1,20 + 172 821 172 821 172 796 c 0,21,22 + 172 772 172 772 157.5 758.5 c 128,-1,23 + 143 745 143 745 124 745 c 0,12,13 +242 816 m 1,24,-1 + 107 933 l 1,25,-1 + 155 981 l 1,26,-1 + 276 850 l 1,27,-1 + 242 816 l 1,24,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: dieresiscaroncomb +Encoding: 66016 -1 450 +Width: 499 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +360 609 m 0,0,1 + 338 609 338 609 325.5 622.5 c 128,-1,2 + 313 636 313 636 312 660 c 0,3,4 + 312 685 312 685 326 699 c 128,-1,5 + 340 713 340 713 360 713 c 0,6,7 + 382 713 382 713 394.5 699 c 128,-1,8 + 407 685 407 685 407 660 c 0,9,10 + 407 636 407 636 393 622.5 c 128,-1,11 + 379 609 379 609 360 609 c 0,0,1 +140 609 m 0,12,13 + 118 609 118 609 105.5 622.5 c 128,-1,14 + 93 636 93 636 93 660 c 0,15,16 + 92 685 92 685 106 699 c 128,-1,17 + 120 713 120 713 140 713 c 0,18,19 + 162 713 162 713 175 699 c 128,-1,20 + 188 685 188 685 188 660 c 0,21,22 + 188 636 188 636 173.5 622.5 c 128,-1,23 + 159 609 159 609 140 609 c 0,12,13 +387 854 m 1,24,-1 + 415 820 l 1,25,-1 + 277 701 l 1,26,-1 + 230 697 l 1,27,-1 + 85 820 l 1,28,-1 + 114 854 l 1,29,-1 + 279 746 l 1,30,-1 + 226 747 l 1,31,-1 + 387 854 l 1,24,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar + +StartChar: +Encoding: 66017 -1 451 +Width: 499 +GlyphClass: 1 +Flags: W +LayerCount: 2 +Fore +SplineSet +369 745 m 0,0,1 + 347 745 347 745 334.5 758.5 c 128,-1,2 + 322 772 322 772 322 796 c 0,3,4 + 321 821 321 821 335 835 c 128,-1,5 + 349 849 349 849 369 849 c 0,6,7 + 391 849 391 849 404 835 c 128,-1,8 + 417 821 417 821 417 796 c 0,9,10 + 417 772 417 772 403 758.5 c 128,-1,11 + 389 745 389 745 369 745 c 0,0,1 +125 745 m 0,12,13 + 103 745 103 745 90.5 758.5 c 128,-1,14 + 78 772 78 772 78 796 c 0,15,16 + 78 821 78 821 91.5 835 c 128,-1,17 + 105 849 105 849 125 849 c 0,18,19 + 147 849 147 849 160 835 c 128,-1,20 + 173 821 173 821 173 796 c 0,21,22 + 173 772 173 772 159 758.5 c 128,-1,23 + 145 745 145 745 125 745 c 0,12,13 +386 980 m 1,24,-1 + 411 945 l 1,25,-1 + 270 828 l 1,26,-1 + 232 824 l 1,27,-1 + 86 948 l 1,28,-1 + 112 980 l 1,29,-1 + 277 870 l 1,30,-1 + 224 870 l 1,31,-1 + 386 980 l 1,24,-1 +EndSplineSet +EndChar +EndChars 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font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Type */ +.highlight .m { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number */ +.highlight .s { color: #BB4444 } /* Literal.String */ +.highlight .na { color: #BB4444 } /* Name.Attribute */ +.highlight .nb { color: #AA22FF } /* Name.Builtin */ +.highlight .nc { color: #0000FF } /* Name.Class */ +.highlight .no { color: #880000 } /* Name.Constant */ +.highlight .nd { color: #AA22FF } /* Name.Decorator */ +.highlight .ni { color: #999999; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Entity */ +.highlight .ne { color: #D2413A; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Exception */ +.highlight .nf { color: #00A000 } /* Name.Function */ +.highlight .nl { color: #A0A000 } /* Name.Label */ +.highlight .nn { color: #0000FF; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Namespace */ +.highlight .nt { color: #008000; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Tag */ +.highlight .nv { color: #B8860B } /* Name.Variable */ +.highlight .ow { color: #AA22FF; font-weight: bold } /* Operator.Word */ +.highlight .w { color: #bbbbbb } /* Text.Whitespace */ +.highlight .mb { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Bin */ +.highlight .mf { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Float */ +.highlight .mh { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Hex */ +.highlight .mi { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Integer */ +.highlight .mo { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Oct */ +.highlight .sa { color: #BB4444 } /* Literal.String.Affix */ +.highlight .sb { color: #BB4444 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */ +.highlight .sc { color: #BB4444 } /* Literal.String.Char */ +.highlight .dl { color: #BB4444 } /* Literal.String.Delimiter */ +.highlight .sd { color: #BB4444; font-style: italic } /* Literal.String.Doc */ +.highlight .s2 { color: #BB4444 } /* Literal.String.Double */ +.highlight .se { color: #BB6622; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.String.Escape */ +.highlight .sh { color: #BB4444 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */ +.highlight .si { color: #BB6688; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.String.Interpol */ +.highlight .sx { color: #008000 } /* Literal.String.Other */ +.highlight .sr { color: #BB6688 } /* Literal.String.Regex */ +.highlight .s1 { color: #BB4444 } /* Literal.String.Single */ +.highlight .ss { color: #B8860B } /* Literal.String.Symbol */ +.highlight .bp { color: #AA22FF } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */ +.highlight .fm { color: #00A000 } /* Name.Function.Magic */ +.highlight .vc { color: #B8860B } /* Name.Variable.Class */ +.highlight .vg { color: #B8860B } /* Name.Variable.Global */ +.highlight .vi { color: #B8860B } /* Name.Variable.Instance */ +.highlight .vm { color: #B8860B } /* Name.Variable.Magic */ +.highlight .il { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */ diff --git a/output/extra/kaangenc.gpg b/output/extra/kaangenc.gpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3423016 Binary files /dev/null and b/output/extra/kaangenc.gpg differ diff --git a/output/img/2022-03-29-00-16-13.png b/output/img/2022-03-29-00-16-13.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..31121d1 --- /dev/null +++ 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sha256:2c98bc6114dfdc41fff72cff436f547cc1ebdd462e0cee2d82af58630c485f37 +size 15432 diff --git a/output/index.gmi b/output/index.gmi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..730e37d --- /dev/null +++ b/output/index.gmi @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +# Kaan Barmore-Genç + +Hello, I'm Kaan Barmore-Genc. + +Index of posts: + +=> posts/managing-my-recipes-with-dendron.gmi 2022-04-04 00:00 - Managing my recipes with Dendron +=> posts/black-crown-initiate.gmi 2022-04-02 00:00 - Black Crown Initiate +=> posts/bulgur-cloud-intro.gmi 2022-03-29 00:00 - An introduction to Bulgur Cloud - simple self hosted cloud storage +=> posts/do-kids-know-computers-today.gmi 2022-03-28 00:00 - Do kids not know computers now? +=> posts/my-response-to-contempt-culture.gmi 2022-03-27 00:00 - My response to Aurynn Shaw's "Contempt Culture" post +=> posts/actix-web-import-issue.gmi 2022-03-26 00:00 - Solving `app_data` or `ReqData` missing in requests for actix-web +=> posts/mass-batch-processing-on-the-CLI.gmi 2022-03-19 00:00 - Mass batch processing on the CLI +=> posts/running-graphical-user-services-with-systemd.gmi 2022-03-18 00:00 - Running graphical user services with systemd +=> posts/state-of-rust-GUIs.gmi 2022-03-17 00:00 - State of Rust GUIs +=> posts/rust-typesystem-tricks.gmi 2022-03-15 00:00 - A little type system trick in Rust +=> posts/getting-deus-ex-running-on-linux.gmi 2022-03-12 00:00 - Getting Deus Ex GOTY Edition running on Linux +=> posts/raid.gmi 2022-03-10 00:00 - My local data storage setup +=> posts/emacs-as-an-os.gmi 2016-04-14 00:00 - Emacs as an operating system +=> posts/customizing-emacs.gmi 2015-10-06 00:00 - Emacs and extensibility +=> posts/mpv.gmi 2015-07-18 00:00 - Motion Interpolation, 24 FPS to 60 FPS with mpv, VapourSynth and MVTools +=> posts/duplicity.gmi 2015-05-16 00:00 - Taking Backups with Duplicity +=> posts/bash.gmi 2015-04-12 00:00 - Writing a Program in Bash +=> posts/pass.gmi 2015-03-30 00:00 - Switching to pass diff --git a/output/posts/actix-web-import-issue.gmi b/output/posts/actix-web-import-issue.gmi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..51e6d35 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/posts/actix-web-import-issue.gmi @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +# Solving `app_data` or `ReqData` missing in requests for actix-web + +2022-03-26 00:00 + +> This post is day 5 of me taking part in the +> #100DaysToOffload challenge. + +=> #100DaysToOffload + +I'm using `actix-web` to set up a web server, and I've been hitting a small problem that I think other people may come across too. + +To explain the problem, let me talk a bit about my setup. I have a custom middleware that checks if a user is authorized to access a route. It looks like this: + +```rust +impl Service for CheckLoginMiddleware +where + S: Service, Error = Error>, + S::Future: 'static, +{ + type Response = ServiceResponse>; + type Error = Error; + type Future = LocalBoxFuture<'static, Result>; + + dev::forward_ready!(service); + + fn call(&self, req: ServiceRequest) -> Self::Future { + let state = self.state.clone(); + let (request, payload) = req.into_parts(); + let service = self.service.clone(); + + let user_token = get_token_from_header(&request); + let path_token = if self.allow_path_tokens { + get_token_from_query(&request) + } else { + None + }; + + Box::pin(async move { + match verify_auth(state, user_token, path_token, request.path()).await { + Ok(authorized) => { + tracing::debug!("Request authorized, inserting authorization token"); + // This is the "important bit" where we insert the authorization token into the request data + request.extensions_mut().insert(authorized); + let service_request = +, payload)); + service_request + .await + .map(ServiceResponse::map_into_left_body) + } + Err(err) => { + let response = HttpResponse::Unauthorized().json(err).map_into_right_body(); + + Ok(ServiceResponse::new(request, response)) + } + } + }) + } +} +``` + +The `verify_auth` function is omitted, but the gist of it is that it returns an `Result`. If the user is authorized, the authorization token `verify_auth` returned is then attached to the request. + +Then here's how I use it in a path: + +```rust +#[delete("/{store}/{path:.*}")] +async fn delete_storage( + params: web::Path<(String, String)>, + // This parameter is automatically filled with the token + authorized: Option>, +) -> Result { + let (store, path) = params.as_ref(); + + let mut store_path = get_authorized_path(&authorized, store)?; + store_path.push(path); + if fs::metadata(&store_path).await?.is_file() { + tracing::debug!("Deleting file {:?}", store_path); + fs::remove_file(&store_path).await?; + } else { + tracing::debug!("Deleting folder {:?}", store_path); + fs::remove_dir(&store_path).await?; + } + Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().finish()) +} +``` + +This setup worked for this path, but would absolutely not work for another path. I inserted logs to track everything, and just found that the middleware would insert the token, but the path would just get `None`. How‽ I tried to slowly strip everything away from the non-functional path until it was identical to this one, but it still would not work. + +Well it turns out the solution was very simple, see this: + +```rust +use my_package::storage::put_storage; +use crate::storage::delete_storage; +``` + +Ah! They are imported differently. I had set up my program as both a library and a program for various reasons. However, it turns out importing the same thing from `crate` is different from importing it from the library. Because of the difference in import, Actix doesn't recognize that the types match, so the route can't access the attached token. + +The solution is normalizing the imports. I went with going through the library for everything, because that's what `rust-analyzer`s automatic import seems to prefer. + +```rust +use my_package::storage::{put_storage, delete_storage}; +``` + +Solved! diff --git a/output/posts/bash.gmi b/output/posts/bash.gmi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9e6963f --- /dev/null +++ b/output/posts/bash.gmi @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# Writing a Program in Bash + +2015-04-12 00:00 + +I don't really know why, but writing code in Bash makes me kinda anxious. It feels really old, outdated, and confusing. Why can't a function return a string? And no classes, or even data types? After getting confused, usually, I just end up switching to Python. But this time, I decided to stick with Bash. And I am surprised. It is unbelievebly good. I must say, now I understand the Unix philosophy much better. Having small programs doing one thing very good allows you to combine the power of those programs in your scripts. You think your favourite programming language has a lot of libraries? Well, bash has access to more. The entire Unix ecosystem powers bash. Converting videos, taking screenshots, sending mails, downloading and processing pages; there are already command line tools for all of that, and you have great access to all of them. + +The program I've started writing is called WoWutils. And I'm still shocked at just how much functionality I have added with so little code. If you are considering writing a program in Bash too, just go through with it. It really is very powerful. + +=> WoWutils diff --git a/output/posts/black-crown-initiate.gmi b/output/posts/black-crown-initiate.gmi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c266bef --- /dev/null +++ b/output/posts/black-crown-initiate.gmi @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +# Black Crown Initiate + +2022-04-02 00:00 + +> This post is day 9 of me taking part in the +> #100DaysToOffload challenge. + +=> #100DaysToOffload + +I love metal, I've been listening to metal since I was 13. It was the first music genre that I actually liked: until I discovered metal I actually thought I didn't like music at all, because nothing I heard on the radio or heard my friends listening to were interesting to me. My taste in music has expanded and changed over the years to include different types of music and genres, but metal remains the one I love the most. + +Demonstrating my metal-worthiness aside, I've always listened to European metal bands. I had this weird elitist thought that "good" metal could only come from Europe, with exceptions for some non-European bands, and that American metal was just always bad. This is obviously false, but I just had never came across anything American that I had liked. That's until recently. + +I recently came across Black Crown Initiate, a progressive death metal band from Pennsylvania. And I have to tell you that they are amazing. + +=> Black Crown Initiate + +Their first release "Song of the Crippled Bull" is absolutely amazing. The music is just the right amount of metal and progressive, and lyrics are amazing. The clean vocals get the themes of the song across, while the growls give a lot of power to the songs. My favorite songs from this release are "Stench of the Iron Age" and the title track "Song of the Crippled Bull". Other hightlights from the band I've listened to so far include "A Great Mistake", "Death Comes in Reverse", "Vicious Lives". + +I'm still making my way through their songs, but I'm glad to have discovered something from America that I absolutely love. I'm now trying to find more non-European bands that I enjoy. diff --git a/output/posts/bulgur-cloud-intro.gmi b/output/posts/bulgur-cloud-intro.gmi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..148cf53 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/posts/bulgur-cloud-intro.gmi @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +# An introduction to Bulgur Cloud - simple self hosted cloud storage + +2022-03-29 00:00 + +> This post is day 8 of me taking part in the +> #100DaysToOffload challenge. + +=> #100DaysToOffload + +I've been recently working on Bulgur Cloud, a self hosted cloud storage software. It's essentially Nextcloud, minus all the productivity software. It's also designed to be much simpler, using no databases and keeping everything on disk. + +The software is still too early to actually demo, but the frontend is at a point where I can show some features off. So I wanted to show it off. + +=> /img/2022-03-29-00-17-38.png A white web page with the words "Bulgur Cloud". Below is "Simple and delicious cloud storage and sharing". Under that are two fields titled "Username" and "Password", and a black button titled "Login". + +I've been going for a clean "print-like" look. I think it's going pretty well so far. + +=> /img/2022-03-29-00-16-13.png A web page with 3 files listed, "sprite-fright.mp4", "test.txt", and "sprite-fright.LICENSE.txt". There are pencil and thrash bin symbols to the right of the file names. A leftward arrow is grayed out on the top left, and top right says "kaan". On the bottom right there's a symbol of a cloud with an up arrow. + +I'm not sure about the details of how the directory listing will look. I don't think I like the upload button in the corner, and the rename and delete icons feel like they would be easy to mis-press. There is a confirmation before anything is actually deleted, but it still would be annoying. + +=> /img/2022-03-29-00-20-48.png A pop up that says "Delete file "text.txt", with the buttons "Delete" and "Cancel" below it. + +Something I'm pretty happy with is the file previews. I've added support for images, videos, and PDFs. Video support is restricted by whatever formats are supported by your browser, the server doesn't do any transcoding, but I think it's still very useful for a quick preview. I'm also planning on support for audio files. The server supports range requests, so you can seek around in the video without waiting to download everything (although I've found that Firefox doesn't handle that very well). + +=> /img/2022-03-29-00-22-48.png A page with the text "sprite-fright.mp4", and a video player below showing a frame from the movie. Below the player is a link that says "Download this file". + +This is a web interface only so far, but I'm planning to add support for mobile and desktop apps eventually. I've been building the interface with React Native so adding mobile/desktop support shouldn't be too difficult, but I've been finding that "write once, run everywhere" isn't always that simple. I ended up having to add web-only code to support stuff like the video and PDF previews, so I'll have to find replacements for some parts. Mobile and desktop apps natively support more video and audio formats too, and with native code you usually have the kind of performance to transcode video if needed. + +The backend is written in Rust with `actix-web`, using async operations. It's incredibly fast, and uses a tiny amount of resources (a basic measurement suggests < 2 MB of memory used). I'm pretty excited about it! + +After a few more features (namely being able to move files), I'm planning to put together a demo to show this off live! The whole thing will be open source, but I'm waiting until it's a bit more put together before I make the source public. The source will go live at the same time as the demo. diff --git a/output/posts/customizing-emacs.gmi b/output/posts/customizing-emacs.gmi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b8817e --- /dev/null +++ b/output/posts/customizing-emacs.gmi @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# Emacs and extensibility + +2015-10-06 00:00 + +Update: I've put the small Emacs tools I have written to a gist. + +=> gist + +I have been using Emacs for some time, and I really love it. The amount of power it has, and the customizability is incredible. What other editor allow you to connect to a server over SSH and edit files, which is what I am doing to write this post. How many editors or IDE's have support for so many languages? + +One thing I didn't know in the past, however, is extensibility of Emacs. I mean, I do use a lot of packages, but I had never written Elisp and I didn't know how hard or easy it would be. But after starting to learn Clojure a bit, and feeling more comfortable with lots of parenthesis, I decided to extend Emacs a bit to make it fit myself better. + +The first thing I added is an "insert date" function. I use Emacs to take notes during lessons -using Org-mode- and I start every note with the date of the lesson. Sure, glancing at the date to the corner of my screen and writing it down takes just a few seconds, but why not write a command to do it for me? Here is what I came up with: + +```commonlisp +(defun insert-current-date () + "Insert the current date in YYYY-MM-DD format." + (interactive) + (shell-command "date +'%Y-%m-%d'" t)) +``` + +Now that was easy and convenient. And being able to write my first piece of Elisp so easily was really fun, so I decided to tackle something bigger. + +It is not rare that I need to compile and run a single C file. Nothing fancy, no libraries, no makefile, just a single C file to compile and run. I searched around the internet like "Emacs compile and run C", but couldn't find anything. I had been doing this by opening a shell in Emacs and compiling/running the program, but again, why not automate it? + +The code that follows is not really good. "It works" is as good as it gets really, and actually considering that this is the first substantial Elisp I have written, that is pretty impressive -for the language and Emacs, which are both very helpful and powerful- I think. + +```commonlisp +(require 's) +(defun compile-run-buffer () + "Compile and run buffer." + (interactive) + (let* ((split-file-path (split-string buffer-file-name "/")) + (file-name (car (last split-file-path))) + (file-name-noext (car (split-string file-name "[.]"))) + (buffer-name (concat "compile-run: " file-name-noext)) + (buffer-name* (concat "*" buffer-name "*"))) + (make-comint buffer-name "gcc" nil "-Wall" "-Wextra" "-o" file-name-noext file-name) + (switch-to-buffer-other-window buffer-name*) + (set-process-sentinel (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) + (apply-partially + '(lambda (prog-name proc even) + (if (s-suffix? "finished\n" even) + (progn + (insert "Compilation successful.\n\n") + (comint-exec (current-buffer) prog-name (concat "./" prog-name) nil nil)) + (insert (concat "Compilation failed!\n" even)))) + file-name-noext)))) +``` + +Again, the code is not really good. I'm uploading it here right now because I'm actually very excited that I wrote this. Just now I can think of ways to improve this, for example moving the compiler and the flags to variables so that they can be customized. I could also improve the presentation, because strings printed by this function, comint and the running programs mixes up. I'll update this blog post if I get to updating the code. + +If this is your first time hearing about Emacs, this post may look very confusing. I don't to Emacs any justice here, so do check it out somewhere like Emacs rocks. On the other hand, if you have been looking a functionality like this, hope this helps. If you have any suggestions about the code, I'd love to hear them, you can find my email on the "about me" page. Anyway, have a good day! + +=> Emacs rocks diff --git a/output/posts/do-kids-know-computers-today.gmi b/output/posts/do-kids-know-computers-today.gmi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..427065d --- /dev/null +++ b/output/posts/do-kids-know-computers-today.gmi @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +# Do kids not know computers now? + +2022-03-28 00:00 + +> This post is day 7 of me taking part in the +> #100DaysToOffload challenge. + +=> #100DaysToOffload + +One discussion point I've seen around is that kids nowadays don't know how to use computers. Okay that's a bit of a strawman, but this article titled File Not Found. + +=> File Not Found + +The gist of the article is that Gen-Z kids are too used to search interfaces. That means they don't actually know about where files are stored, or how they are organized. They only know that they can access the files by searching for them. The article talks about how professors ended up having to teach them how to navigate directory structures and file extensions. + +As the article claims, it seems to be related to how modern user interfaces are designed. Our UIs nowadays are more focused around search capabilities: you just type in a search bar and find what you need. + +=> /img/app-search-bar.png A desktop, displaying a bar with the words "launch", followed by "fi". On the right side of the bar are program names "Firefox", "fish", "Profiler", "Frontend", "Patch Fixes", and "Qt File Manager". Firefox is highlighted. + +In some sense I do like this sort of interface. I use something like that when launching applications, both on my Desktop and on my laptop! It's actually a better interface compared to hunting for icons on your desktop. I use similar interfaces in VSCode to switch between open editor tabs. + +However, this is a complimentary interface to hierarchy and organization. Going back to the file systems example discussed in the article, being able to search through your files and folders is useful. But it's not a replacement for hierarchy. You can't just throw files into a folder, and expect to always find them accurately. + +Let me give an example with Google Photos. I have been keeping all my photos on Google Photos, and between migrating photos from old phones and ones I have taken on new phones, I have over 8,000 photos. This is completely disorganized of course, but Google Photos has a search functionality. It even uses AI to recognize the items in the photos, which you can use in the search. A search for "tree" brings up photos of trees, "cat" brings up cats, and you can even tag people and pets and then search for their names. Very useful, right? + +Well, it is sometimes. I recently had to remember what my wife's car license plate is. A quick search for "license plate" on google photos and luckily, I had taken a photo of her car that included the license plate in the frame. Success! On the other hand, I was trying to find some photos from a particular gathering with my friends. Searches for their names, names of the place, or stuff I know are in the picture turned up with nothing. I eventually had to painstakingly scroll through all photos to find the one I wanted. + +This reminds me of 2 things. One is this article named To Organize The World's Information by One thing I found interesting on that article was that the concept of "the library" has been lost over the last few decades as a way to organize information. They define the library as a hierarchical, categorized directory of information. The article also talks about other organizational methods, and is worth a read. + +=> To Organize The World's Information +=> + +The other thing is the note taking software we're building at my workplace, Dendron. One of the core tenets of Dendron is that the information is hierarchical. Something the founder Kevin recognizes was that other note taking software make it easier to make new notes, but they don't support hierarchical structures which makes it hard to find those notes later. I've also experienced this, when I used other note taking software (or sticky notes!) I found that it was easy to just jot down a few notes, but they very quickly get lost or hard to find when you need them. A hierarchical organization makes it possible to actually find and reference the information later. + +=> Dendron + +Requiring organization creates a barrier of entry to storing information, but what good is storing information if you can't retrieve the information later? This seems to work pretty well with Dendron. Would it not work for other things? Why not for taking photos? You of course want to be able to quickly snap a photo so you can record a moment before it's gone, but perhaps you could be required to organize your photos afterwards. Before modern cellphones & internet connected cameras, you'd have to get your photos developed or transfer them off an SD card: a step where you would have to (or have the opportunity to) organize your photos. I wonder if we cloud services could ask you to organize your photos before syncing them as well. diff --git a/output/posts/duplicity.gmi b/output/posts/duplicity.gmi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e484e7d --- /dev/null +++ b/output/posts/duplicity.gmi @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +# Taking Backups with Duplicity + +2015-05-16 00:00 + +I wanted to start taking backups for some time, but I haven't had the time to do any research and set everything up. After reading another horror story that was saved by backups, I decided to start taking some backups. + +=> horror story that was saved by backups + +After doing some research on backup options, I decided on duplicity. The backups are compressed, encrypted and incremental, both saving space and ensuring security. It supports both local and ssh files(as well as many other protocols), so it has everything I need. + +=> duplicity + +I first took a backup into my external hard drive, then VPS. The main problem I encountered was that duplicity uses paramiko for ssh, but it wasn't able to negotiate a key exchange algorithm with my VPS. Luckily, duplicity also supports pexpect, which uses OpenSSH. If you encounter the same problem, you just need to tell duplicity to use pexpect backend by prepending your url with `pexpect+`, like `pexpect+ssh://`. + +=> paramiko +=> pexpect + +Duplicity doesn't seem to have any sort of configuration files of itself, so I ended up writing a small bash script to serve as a sort of configuration, and also keep me from running duplicity with wrong args. I kept forgetting to add an extra slash to `file://`, causing duplicity to backup my home directory into my home directory! :D + +If anyone is interested, here's the script: + +```bash +#!/bin/bash + +if [[ $(id -u) != "0" ]]; then + read -p "Backup should be run as root! Continue? [y/N]" yn + case $yn in + [Yy]*) break;; + *) exit;; + esac +fi + + +if [[ $1 = file://* ]]; then + echo "Doing local backup." + ARGS="--no-encryption" + if [[ $1 = file:///* ]]; then + URL=$1 + else + echo "Use absolute paths for backup." + exit 1 + fi +elif [[ $1 = scp* ]]; then + echo "Doing SSH backup." + ARGS="--ssh-askpass" + URL="pexpect+$1" +else + echo "Unknown URL, use scp:// or file://" + exit 1 +fi + + +if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then + duplicity $ARGS --exclude-filelist /home/kaan/.config/duplicity-files /home/kaan "$URL/backup" +else + echo "Please specify a location to backup into." + exit 1 +fi + +``` diff --git a/output/posts/emacs-as-an-os.gmi b/output/posts/emacs-as-an-os.gmi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0fdfa07 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/posts/emacs-as-an-os.gmi @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ +# Emacs as an operating system + +2016-04-14 00:00 + +Emacs is sometimes jokingly called a good operating system with a bad text editor. Over the last year, I found myself using more and more of Emacs, so I decided to try out how much of an operating system it is. Of course, operating system here is referring to the programs that the user interacts with, although I would love to try out some sort of Emacs-based kernel. + +# Emacs as a terminal emulator / multiplexer + +Terminals are all about text, and Emacs is all about text as well. Not only that, but Emacs is also very good at running other processes and interacting with them. It is no surprise, I think, that Emacs works well as a terminal emulator. + +Emacs comes out of the box with `shell` and `term`. Both of these commands run the shell of your choice, and give you a buffer to interact with it. Shell gives you a more emacs-y experience, while term overrides all default keymaps to give you a full terminal experience. + +=> /img/emacs-terminal.png A terminal interface, with the outputs of the commands "ls" and "git status" displayed. + +To use emacs as a full terminal, you can bind these to a key in your window manager. I'm using i3, and my keybinding looks like this: + +``` +bindsym $mod+Shift+Return exec --no-startup-id emacs --eval "(shell)" +``` + +You can also create a desktop file to have a symbol to run this on a desktop environment. Try putting the following text in a file at `~/.local/share/applications/emacs-terminal.desktop`: + +``` +[Desktop Entry] +Name=Emacs Terminal +GenericName=Terminal Emulator +Comment=Emacs as a terminal emulator. +Exec=emacs --eval '(shell)' +Icon=emacs +Type=Application +Terminal=false +StartupWMClass=Emacs +``` + +If you want to use term instead, replace `(shell)` above with `(term "/usr/bin/bash")`. + +A very useful feature of terminal multiplexers is the ability to leave the shell running, even after the terminal is closed, or the ssh connection has dropped if you are connection over that. Emacs can also achieve this with it's server-client mode. To use that, start emacs with `emacs --daemon`, and then create a terminal by running `emacsclient -c --eval '(shell)'`. Even after you close emacsclient, since Emacs itself is still running, you can run the same command again to get back to your shell. + +One caveat is that if there is a terminal/shell already running, Emacs will automatically open that whenever you try opening a new one. This can be a problem if you are using Emacs in server-client mode, or want to have multiple terminals in the same window. In that case, you can either do `M-x rename-uniquely` to change the name of the existing terminal, which will make Emacs create a new one next time, or you can add that to hook in your `init.el` to always have that behaviour: + +```lisp +(add-hook 'shell-mode-hook 'rename-uniquely) +(add-hook 'term-mode-hook 'rename-uniquely) +``` + +# Emacs as a shell + +Of course, it is not enough that Emacs works as a terminal emulator. Why not use Emacs as a shell directly, instead of bash/zsh? Emacs has you covered for that too. You can use eshell, which is a shell implementation, completely written in Emacs Lisp. All you need to do is press `M-x eshell`. + +=> /img/eshell.png An Emacs window, split in two. Left side shows a command line with the command "cat README.rst >>> #". Right side shows the emacs scratch buffer, with the contents of the readme file displayed. + +The upside is that eshell can evaluate and expand lisp expressions, as well as redirecting the output to Emacs buffers. The downside is however, eshell is not feature complete. It lacks some features such as input redirection, and the documentation notes that it is inefficient at piping output between programs. + +If you want to use eshell instead of shell or term, you can replace `shell` in the examples of terminal emulator section with `eshell`. + +# Emacs as a mail cilent + +Zawinski's Law: Every program attempts to expand until it can read mail. Of course, it would be disappointing for Emacs to not handle mail as well. + +=> Zawinski's Law + +Emacs already ships with some mail capability. To get a full experience however, I'd recommend using mu4e (mu for emacs). I have personally set up OfflineIMAP to retrieve my emails, and mu4e gives me a nice interface on top of that. + +=> mu4e +=> OfflineIMAP + +=> /img/mu4e.png An emacs window, displaying several emails on top with titles like "Announcing Docker Cloud", or "Order #29659 shipped". An email titles "Add 'url' option to 'list' command' is selected, and the bottom half of the window displays the contents of this email. Email display includes "From" and "To" fields, "Date", "Flags", and the body of the email. + +I'm not going to talk about the configurations of these programs, I'd recommend checking out their documentations. Before ending this section, I also want to mention mu4e-alert though. + +=> mu4e-alert + +# Emacs as a feed reader (RSS/Atom) + +Emacs handles feeds very well too. The packages I'm using here are Elfeed and Elfeed goodies. Emacs can even show images in the feeds, so it covers everything I need from a feed reader. + +=> Elfeed +=> Elfeed goodies + +=> /img/elfeed.png A window, with a list on the left displaying entries from "", "Sandra and Woo", and "The Codeless Code". An entry titled "Pipelines" is selected, and the right side of the window displays the contents of that XKCD. + +# Emacs as a file manager + +Why use a different program to manage your files when you can use Emacs? Emacs ships with dired, as well as image-dired. This gives you a file browser, with optional image thumbnail support. + +# Emacs as a document viewer + +Want to read a pdf? Need a program to do a presentation? Again, Emacs. + +=> /img/docview.png An emacs window displaying a PDF file, titled "Clojure for the Brave and True.pdf". The page includes some clojure code, and talks about Emacs. + +Emacs comes with DocView which has support for PDF, OpenDocument and Microsoft Office files. It works surprisingly well. + +=> DocView + +Also, PDF Tools brings even more PDF viewing capabilities to Emacs, including annotations, text search and outline. After installing PDF Tools, Emacs has become my primary choice for reading PDF files. + +=> PDF Tools + +# Emacs as a browser + +Emacs comes out of box with eww, a text-based web browser with support for images as well. + +=> eww + +=> /img/eww.png An Emacs window, displaying the Wikipedia web page for Emacs. + +Honestly, I don't think I'll be using Emacs to browse the web. But still, it is nice that the functionality is there. + +# Emacs as a music player + +Emacs can also act as a music player thanks to EMMS, Emacs MultiMedia System. If you are wondering, it doesn't play the music by itself but instead uses other players like vlc or mpd. + +=> EMMS + +It has support for playlists, and can show thumbnails as well. For the music types, it supports whatever the players it uses support, which means that you can basically use file type. + +# Emacs as a IRC client + +I don't use IRC a lot, but Emacs comes out of the box with support for that as well thanks to ERC. + +=>;oldid=EmacsIrcClient;id=ERC ERC + +=> /img/erc.png An Emacs window, displaying an IRC chat for "#emacs@freenode". + +# Emacs as a text editor + +Finally, Emacs also can work well as a text editor. + +Emacs is a pretty fine text editor out of the box, but I want to mention some packages here. + +First, multiple cursors. Multiple cursors mode allows you to edit text at multiple places at the same time. + +=> multiple cursors + +I also want to mention undo-tree. It acts like a mini revision control system, allowing you to undo and redo without ever losing any text. + +=> undo-tree + +Another great mode is iy-go-to-char. It allows you to quickly jump around by going to next/previous occurrances of a character. It is very useful when you are trying to move around a line. + +=> iy-go-to-char + +Ace Jump Mode allows you to jump around the visible buffers. It can jump around based on initial characters of words, or jump to specific lines. It can also jump from one buffer to another, which is very useful when you have several buffers open in your screen. + +=> Ace Jump Mode + +=> /img/ace-jump-mode.png An emacs window, with Python code displayed. Several locations within the code are highlighted with different letters. + +Finally, I want to mention ag.el, which is an Emacs frontend for the silver searcher. If you don't know about ag, it is a replacement for grep that recursively searches directories, and has some special handling for projects, and is very fast. + +=> ag.el + +# Emacs as an IDE + +People sometimes compare Emacs to IDE's and complain that a text editor such as Emacs doesn't have enough features. What they are forgetting, of course, is that Emacs is an operating system, and we can have an IDE in it as well. + +There are different packages for every language, so I'll be only speaking on language agnostic ones. + +For interacting with git, magit is a wonderful interface. + +=> magit + +=> /img/magit.png An emacs window, displaying the git log for a repository at the top, and the shortcuts for git commands such as "Apply", "Stage", "Unstage" below. + +For auto-completion, Company mode works wonders. I rely heavily on completion while writing code, and company mode has support for anything I tried writing. + +=> Company mode + +If you like having your code checked as you type, flycheck has you covered. It has support for many tools and languages. + +=> flycheck + +=> /img/company-flycheck.png A C code file, with the letters "st" are written. A pop-up below the cursor displays options like "strcat", "strchr", "strcmp" and more. diff --git a/output/posts/getting-deus-ex-running-on-linux.gmi b/output/posts/getting-deus-ex-running-on-linux.gmi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a43839 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/posts/getting-deus-ex-running-on-linux.gmi @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +# Getting Deus Ex GOTY Edition running on Linux + +2022-03-12 00:00 + +I've been struggling with this for a few hours, so I might as well document how I did it. + +I have a particular setup, which ended up causing issues. Most important are that I'm using Sway, a tiling Wayland compositor, and a flatpak install of Steam. + +## Mouse doesn't move when the game is launched + +It looks like there's a problem with the game window grabbing the cursor on my setup, so moving the mouse doesn't move the cursor in the game and if you move it too much to the side it takes you out of the game window. + +The solution to this is using Gamescope, which is a nested Wayland compositor that makes the window inside it play nice with your actual compositor. + +Because I'm using the flatpak install of Steam, I needed to install the flatpak version of gamescope. One catch here is that for me, this wouldn't work if I also had the flatpak MangoHud installed. The only solution I could come up with right now was to uninstall MangoHud. + +=> flatpak version of gamescope + +```bash +flatpak remove org.freedesktop.Platform.VulkanLayer.MangoHud # if you have it installed +flatpak install com.valvesoftware.Steam.Utility.gamescope +``` + +Then, right click on the game and select properties, then in launch options type `gamescope -f -- %command%`. This will launch the game inside gamescope, and the cursor should move inside the game now. + +## The game is too dark to see anything + +It looks like the game relied on some old DirectX or OpenGL features or something, because once you do launch into the game, everything is extremely dark and hard to see. At first I was wondering how anyone could play the game like this, but it turns out that's not how the game is supposed to look! + +I finally managed to solve this by following the installer steps for the Deus Ex CD on Lutris. Yeah, roundabout way to solve it, but it worked. + +=> Deus Ex CD on Lutris + +First download the updated D3D9 and OpenGL renderers from the page, and extract them into the `System` folder inside the game. + +```bash +cd "$HOME/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Deus Ex/System" +wget +wget +unzip +unzip +``` + +Next, download and install the `1112fm` patch. + +```bash +cd "$HOME/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Deus Ex/System" +wget +env WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/6910/pfx/" wine DeusExMPPatch1112fm.exe +``` + +Follow the steps of the installer. It should automatically find where the game is installed. Once the install is done, launch the game, then head into the settings and pick "Display Settings", then "Rendering Device". In the renderer selection window, pick "Show all devices", and then select "Direct3D9 Support". + +=> /img/deus-ex-render-settings.png A window with the title "Deus Ex" in a stylized font. Below it lists several options such as "Direct3D Support", "Direct3D9 Support", and "OpenGL Support". Direct3D9 is selected. Below are two radio buttons, with the one titled "Show all devices" selected. + +Launch back into the game, head into the display settings again, pick your resolution, and restart the game. Then head into the display settings yet again, this time change the color depth to 32 bit. Restart once more. Yes, you do have to do them separately or the game doesn't save the color depth change for some reason. Finally, you can start playing! + +=> /img/deus-ex-renderer-comparison.png A game screenshot displaying the Statue of Liberty in front of a cityscape. Closer to the player are wooden docks. The image is split down the middle, left side says "before" and is very dark, the right side says "after" and is much lighter. + +## Other small issues + +Here are a few more issues you might hit during this whole process: + +> My cursor moves too fast! + +You need to turn down the cursor speed. My mouse has buttons to adjust the speed on the fly, so I use those to turn down the speed. + +> After changing resolution, I can't move my cursor! + +Use the keyboard shortcuts (arrow keys and enter) to exit the game. It should work again when you restart. + +> The cursor doesn't move when I open the game, even with gamescope! + +I'm not fully sure why or how this happens, but a few things I found useful: + +* When the game is launching, and it's showing the animation of the studio logo, don't click! Press escape to bring up the menu instead. +* Press escape to bring the menu up, then hit escape again to dismiss it. It sometimes starts working after that. +* Use the keyboard to exit the game and restart. It always works the next time for me. diff --git a/output/posts/managing-my-recipes-with-dendron.gmi b/output/posts/managing-my-recipes-with-dendron.gmi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3b84b42 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/posts/managing-my-recipes-with-dendron.gmi @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +# Managing my recipes with Dendron + +2022-04-04 00:00 + +> This post is day 10 of me taking part in the +> #100DaysToOffload challenge. + +=> #100DaysToOffload + +I like to cook at home, but for a long time I never wrote down or saved any of my recipes. Because of that I would occasionally completely forget how to make something. My mom, and my grandmom write down their recipes in notebooks, but I want something more powerful and resilient than some pen and paper. + +At first I tried writing down my recipes in Google Keep, but found it a bit tedious. That's where Dendron came in. Dendron is a knowledge management and note taking tool. It comes with a features that enhance the writing experience, but more importantly it has a lot of features that enhance the discoverability of what you wrote. + +For reference, I have the repository for the recipes available publicly. + +=> repository for the recipes + +## Setup + +Dendron is an extension for Visual Studio Code, so you'll need to install both. There's a great tutorial to go through, but I'm already experienced with it so I went ahead and created a new workspace that I called "recipes". + +=> Dendron + +Next, I created a template and a schema to help me write new recipes. The template is just a regular Dendron note, which I named `templates.recipe`. + +```md +* Servings: +* Calories: +* Protein: +* Fiber: + + +## Ingredients + + +## Instructions + + +## Notes + +``` + +This template immediately gives me the basic structure of a recipe. I have the ingredients and instructions, and then I have a place to put any additional notes about the recipe (for example, things I want to change next time I cook it, or how to serve it best). I also have a section at the top to fill out some nutritional information. I use the mobile app Cronometer to calculate that, although most of the time I don't bother because it's just a nice-to-have that I don't really need. + +Next, here's my schema. + +```yml +version: 1 +imports: [] +schemas: + - id: recipes + title: recipes + parent: root + children: + - id: bowls + title: bowls + namespace: true + template: templates.recipe + - id: baked + title: baked + namespace: true + template: templates.recipe + - id: dessert + title: dessert + namespace: true + template: templates.recipe + - id: misc + title: misc + namespace: true + template: templates.recipe + - id: soup + title: soup + namespace: true + template: templates.recipe +``` + +The schema helps me keep my recipes organized (and also automatically applies the template note). You can see that I have my recipes organized under `bowls` for stuff like rice and pasta dishes, `baked` for bread, pies and anything else where you bake everything, `dessert` and `soup` which are self descriptive, and `misc` which holds anything else like salad toppings. + +## Publishing + +I publish my recipes online, which makes it very easy to pull up a recipe when I'm cooking or at the grocery store. + +=> recipes online + +I use a self-hosted setup, so all I have to do is just run the Dendron CLI to build the site. To automate this process, I set up some VSCode tasks to build and publish the site. + +```json +{ + // See + // for the documentation about the tasks.json format + "version": "2.0.0", + "tasks": [ + { + "label": "build site", + "type": "shell", + "command": "dendron publish export", + "options": { + "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}" + } + }, + { + "label": "publish site", + "type": "shell", + "command": "rsync -av .next/out/ /var/www/recipes/", + "options": { + "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}" + }, + "dependsOn": ["build site"], + "problemMatcher": [] + }, + ] +} +``` + +I think before running these commands, you first have to run `dendron publish init && dendron publish build` first. + +The first task builds the site using Dendron, and then the second task copies the generated static website to where I have it published. I'm running a web server on my desktop so this is just a folder, but `rsync` can also copy things over SSH if you host your site on a different machine. There are also tutorials for things like Github pages or Netlify. + +=> tutorials + +Because I'm publishing under a subfolder (`.../recipes`), I also had to set `assetsPrefix` in my `dendron.yml` configuration file. + +```yml +publishing: + assetsPrefix: "/recipes" + ... +``` + +## Bonus: What do I cook this week? + +My wife and I go shopping once a week, so every week we need to decide what we're going to eat this week. Sometimes it can be hard to pick something to eat though! Luckily, Dendron comes with a command `Dendron: Random Note` which shows you a random note. You can even configure it to only show some notes, which I used so it will only show me recipes. + +```yml +commands: + randomNote: + include: + - "recipes" +``` + +Now when I'm having trouble picking, I can just use this command and get something to cook! diff --git a/output/posts/mass-batch-processing-on-the-CLI.gmi b/output/posts/mass-batch-processing-on-the-CLI.gmi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f2ca425 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/posts/mass-batch-processing-on-the-CLI.gmi @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# Mass batch processing on the CLI + +2022-03-19 00:00 + +> This post is day 4 of me taking part in the +> #100DaysToOffload challenge. + +=> #100DaysToOffload + +Some time ago, I needed to process a lot of video files with vlc. This is usually pretty easy to do, `for file in *.mp4 ; do ffmpeg ... ; done` is about all you need in most cases. However, sometimes the files you are trying to process are in different folders. And sometimes you want to process some files in a folder but not others. That's the exact situation I was in, and I was wondering if I needed to find some graphical application with batch processing capabilities so I can queue up all the processing I need. + +After a bit of thinking though, I realized I could do this very easily with a simple shell script! That shell script lives in my mark-list repository. + +=> mark-list + +The idea is simple, you use the command to mark a bunch of files. Every file you mark is saved into a file for later use. + +```bash +$ mark-list my-video.mp4 # Choose a file +Marked 1 file. +$ mark-list *.webm # Choose many files +Marked 3 files. +$ cd Downloadsr +$ mark-list last.mpg # You can go to other directories and keep marking +``` + +You can mark a single file, or a bunch of files, or even navigate to other directories and mark files there. + +Once you are done marking, you can recall what you marked with the same tool: + +```bash +$ mark-list --list +/home/kaan/my-video.mp4 +/home/kaan/part-1.webm +/home/kaan/part-2.webm +/home/kaan/part-3.webm +/home/kaan/Downloads/last.mpg +``` + +You can then use this in the command line. For example, I was trying to convert everything to `mkv` files. + +```bash +for file in `mark-list --list` ; do ffmpeg -i "${file}" "${file}.mkv" ; done +``` + +It works! After you are done with it, you then need to clear out your marks: + +``` +mark-list --clear +``` + +Hopefully this will be useful for someone else as well. It does make it a lot easier to just queue up a lot of videos, and convert all of them overnight. diff --git a/output/posts/mpv.gmi b/output/posts/mpv.gmi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27b5161 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/posts/mpv.gmi @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +# Motion Interpolation, 24 FPS to 60 FPS with mpv, VapourSynth and MVTools + +2015-07-18 00:00 + +Watching videos at 60 FPS is great. It makes the video significantly smoother and much more enjoyable. Sadly, lots of movies and TV shows are still at 24 FPS. However, I recently discovered that it is actually possible to interpolate the extra frames by using motion interpolation, and convert a video from 24 FPS to 60 FPS in real time. While it is far from perfect, I think the visual artifacts are a reasonable tradeoff for high framerate. + +Firstly, what we need is mpv with VapourSynth enabled, and MVTools plugin for VapourSynth. VapourSynth must be enabled while compiling mpv. I adopted an AUR package mpv-vapoursynth which you can use if you are on Arch. Otherwise, all you need to do is use `--enable-vapoursynth` flag when doing `./waf --configure`. They explain the compilation on their repository, so look into there if you are compiling yourself. + +=> mpv-vapoursynth +=> repository + +After that, we need MVTools plugin for VapourSynth. This is available on Arch via vapoursynth-plugin-mvtools, otherwise you can find their repository here. There is also a PPA for Ubuntu where you can find `vapoursynth-extra-plugins`, but I haven't used it myself so I can't comment on it. + +=> vapoursynth-plugin-mvtools +=> here +=> PPA for Ubuntu + +After both of these are enabled, we need a script to use MVTools from VapourSynth. There is one written by Niklas Haas, which you can find here as mvtools.vpy. Personally, I tweaked the block sizes and precision to my liking, as well as removing the resolution limit he added. I'll put the modified version here: + +=> mvtools.vpy + +```python +# vim: set ft=python: + +import vapoursynth as vs +core = vs.get_core() +clip = video_in + +dst_fps = display_fps +# Interpolating to fps higher than 60 is too CPU-expensive, smoothmotion can handle the rest. +while (dst_fps > 60): + dst_fps /= 2 + +# Skip interpolation for 60 Hz content +if not (container_fps > 59): + src_fps_num = int(container_fps * 1e8) + src_fps_den = int(1e8) + dst_fps_num = int(dst_fps * 1e4) + dst_fps_den = int(1e4) + # Needed because clip FPS is missing + clip = core.std.AssumeFPS(clip, fpsnum = src_fps_num, fpsden = src_fps_den) + print("Reflowing from ",src_fps_num/src_fps_den," fps to ",dst_fps_num/dst_fps_den," fps.") + + sup =, pel=1, hpad=8, vpad=8) + bvec =, blksize=8, isb=True , chroma=True, search=3, searchparam=1) + fvec =, blksize=8, isb=False, chroma=True, search=3, searchparam=1) + clip =, sup, bvec, fvec, num=dst_fps_num, den=dst_fps_den, mode=3, thscd2=12) + +clip.set_output() +``` + +At this point, you should be able to try this out as suggested in the script. To set this up more permanently, I'd suggest placing this script as `~/.config/mpv/mvtools.vpy`, and also writing the following as `~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf`: + +``` +hwdec=no +vf=vapoursynth=~/.config/mpv/mvtools.vpy +``` + +Now, whenever you open mpv, it will always use motion interpolation. + +The result is fairly good. I noticed some significant artifacts while watching anime, but it works well with movies. I'm guessing that it is harder to track the motion in animations since they are generally exaggerated. + +One thing to keep in mind, however, is performance. With `rel=2`, viewing a 1080p video results in around 90% CPU usage across all cores and 1.6 GBs of ram on my Intel i7 4700MQ. With `rel=1`, CPU usage goes down to about 60% per core. This process is very heavy on the processor, and you may have trouble unless you have a fast CPU. diff --git a/output/posts/my-response-to-contempt-culture.gmi b/output/posts/my-response-to-contempt-culture.gmi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..93b29f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/posts/my-response-to-contempt-culture.gmi @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +# My response to Aurynn Shaw's "Contempt Culture" post + +2022-03-27 00:00 + +> This post is day 6 of me taking part in the +> #100DaysToOffload challenge. + +=> #100DaysToOffload + +I recently came across Aurynn Shaw's article on "Contempt Culture". I'm a bit late to the party, but I wanted to talk about this too. + +=> Aurynn Shaw's article on "Contempt Culture" + +Aurynn's article talks about how some programming languages are considered inferior, and programmers using these languages are considered less competent. It's a good article, and you should take a look at it if you haven't. + +## my thoughts + +One thing I've come to realize over the years is that there are really no "bad programming languages". Ignoring esolangs like brainfuck which are not really meant to be used for anything serious, most programming languages are designed to fit a niche. I'm using the term like it's used in ecology: every programming language has a place in the ecosystem of technology and programming. + +PHP is bad? PHP certainly has its drawbacks, but it also has its advantages. "Drop these files into a folder and it works" is an amazing way to get started programming. It's also a great way to inject a bit of dynamic content into otherwise static pages. In fact, it's simpler and more straightforward solution than building a REST API and a web app where you have to re-invent server side rendering just to get back to where PHP already was! + +That's not to say PHP is perfect or the best language to use. It's a language I personally don't like. But that doesn't make it a bad or "stupid" programming language. At worst it's a programming language that doesn't fit my needs. If I extrapolate that and say that PHP is a bad language, that would instead show my ego. Do I really think I'm so great that anything I don't like is just immediately bad? Something Aurynn said resonates with me here: + +> It didn't matter that it was (and remains) difficult to read, it was that we +> were better for using it. + +I just want to conclude this with one thing: next time you think a programming language or tool or whatever is bad, think to yourself whether that's because it doesn't feel cool or because you saw others making fun of it, or because you actually evaluated the pros and cons and came up with a calculated decision. diff --git a/output/posts/pass.gmi b/output/posts/pass.gmi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aee1a7d --- /dev/null +++ b/output/posts/pass.gmi @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +# Switching to pass + +2015-03-30 00:00 + +For some time, I used LastPass to store my passwords. While LastPass works well, it doesn't fit into the keyboard driven setup I have. I have been looking into alternatives for some time, I looked into KeePassX but just like LastPass, it doesn't give me any ways to set up keyboard shortcuts. On the other hand, and I recently came across pass, and it provides everything I want. + +=> pass + +Pass uses GPG keys to encrypt the passwords, and git to keep revisions and backups. It integrates well with the shell, and there is a dmenu script, a Firefox plugin and an Android app. All the passwords are just GPG enrypted files, stored in some folders anyway, so you don't need anything special to work with them. + +=> /img/passmenu.png A terminal window with the command "pass ls". The output lists "" and "SeriousBug". Above the terminal is a bar, with "archlin" typed on the left, and the option "" displayed on the right. + +So first, I needed to migrate my passwords from LastPass to pass. The website lists some scripts for migration, but sadly I missed that when I first looked at the page. So I decided to write a python script to handle the migration myself. It inserts all passwords in `domain/username` format, and if there is any extra data written, it is added after the password as well. Secure notes are placed into their own folder, and any "Generated Password for ..." entries are skipped. If you're migrating from LastPass to pass, feel free to give it a try. If you are taking an export from their website however, do make sure that there is no whitespace before and after the csv. + +=> python script to handle the migration + +=> /img/password_store.png An Android phone screenshot. A search bar at the top displays "archlin" typed in, and below the search bar the options "" and "" are listed. + +I certainly recommend trying out pass. It works very well, and it fits in with the unix philosophy. diff --git a/output/posts/raid.gmi b/output/posts/raid.gmi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9cb2ff7 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/posts/raid.gmi @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +# My local data storage setup + +2022-03-10 00:00 + +Recently, I've needed a bit more storage. In the past I've relied on Google Drive, but if you need a lot of space Google Drive becomes prohibitively expensive. The largest option available, 2 TB, runs you 960 a year with B2 and a whopping $4000 a year with S3. + +Luckily in reality, the cost of storage per GB has been coming down steadily. Large hard drives are cheap to come by, and while these drives are not incredibly fast, they are much faster than the speed of my internet connection. Hard drives it is then! + +While I could get a very large hard drive, it's generally a better idea to get multiple smaller hard drives. That's because these drives often offer a better $/GB rate, but also because it allows us to mitigate the risk of data loss. So after a bit of search, I found these "Seagate Barracuda Compute 4TB" drives. You can find them on Amazon or BestBuy. + +=> Amazon +=> BestBuy + +These hard drives are available for 420, plus a bit more for SATA cables. Looking at Backblaze Hard Drive Stats, I think it's fair to assume these drives will last at least 5 years. Dividing the cost by the expected lifetime, that gets me $84 per year, far below what the cloud storage costs! It's of course not as reliable, and it requires maintenance on my end, but the difference in price is just too far to ignore. + +=> Backblaze Hard Drive Stats + +## Setup + +I decided to set this all up inside my desktop computer. I have a large case so fitting all the hard drives in is not a big problem, and my motherboard does support 6 SATA drives (in addition to the NVMe that I'm booting off of). I also run Linux on my desktop computer, so I've got all the required software available. + +For the software side of things, I decided to go with `mdadm` and `ext4`. There are also other options available like ZFS (not included in the linux kernel) or btrfs (raid-5 and raid-6 are known to be unreliable), but this was the setup I found the most comfortable and easy to understand for me. How it works is that `mdadm` combines the disks and presents it as a block device, then `ext4` formats and uses the block device the same way you use it with any regular drive. + +### Steps + +I was originally planning to write the steps I followed here, but in truth I just followed whatever the ArchLinux wiki told me. So I'll just recommend you follow that as well. + +=> ArchLinux wiki + +The only thing I'll warn you is that the wiki doesn't clearly note just how long this process takes. It took almost a week for the array to build, and until the build is complete the array runs at a reduced performance. Be patient, and just give it some time to finish. As a reminder, you can always check the build status with `cat /dev/mdstat`. + +## Preventative maintenance + +Hard drives have a tendency to fail, and because RAID arrays are resilient, the failures can go unnoticed. You **need** to regularly check that the array is okay. Unfortunately, while there are quite a few resources online on how to set up RAID, very few of them actually talk about how to set up scrubs (full scans to look for errors) and error monitoring. + +For my setup, I decided to set up systemd to check and report issues. For this, I first set up 2 timers: 1 that checks if there are any reported errors on the RAID array, and another that scrubs the RAID array. Systemd timers are 2 parts, a service file and a timer file, so here's all the files. + +* `array-scrub.service` ```toml [Unit] Description=Scrub the disk array OnFailure=report-failure-email@array-scrub.service + +[Service] Type=oneshot User=root ExecStart=bash -c '/usr/bin/echo check > /sys/block/md127/md/sync_action' + +[Install] + +``` +- `array-scrub.timer` + ```toml + [Unit] + Description=Periodically scrub the array. + + [Timer] + OnCalendar=Sat *-*-* 05:00:00 + + [Install] + +``` + +The timer above is the scrub operation, it tells RAID to scan the drives for errors. It actually takes up to a couple days in my experience for the scan to complete, so I run it once a week. + +* `array-report.service` ```toml [Unit] Description=Check raid array errors that were found during a scrub or normal operation and report them. OnFailure=report-failure-email@array-report.service + +[Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart=/usr/bin/mdadm -D /dev/md127 + +[Install] + +``` +- `array-report.timer` + ```toml + [Unit] + Description=Periodically report any issues in the array. + + [Timer] + OnCalendar=daily + + [Install] + +``` + +And this timer above checks the RAID array status to see if there were any errors found. This timer runs much more often (once a day), because it's instant, and also because RAID can find errors during regular operation even when you are not actively running a scan. + +### Error reporting + +Another important thing here is this line in the service file: + +```toml +OnFailure=report-failure-email@array-report.service +``` + +The automated checks are of no use if I don't know when something actually fails. Luckily, systemd can run a service when another service fails, so I'm using this to report failures to myself. Here's what the service file looks like: + +* `report-failure-email@.service` ```toml [Unit] Description=status email for %i to user + +[Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/systemd-email address %i User=root + +``` +- `/usr/local/bin/systemd-email` + ```sh + #!/bin/sh + + /usr/bin/sendmail -t < + Subject: Failure on $2 + Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit + Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 + + $(systemctl status --lines 100 --no-pager "$2") + ERRMAIL +``` + +The service just runs this shell script, which is just a wrapper around sendmail. The `%i` in the service is the part after `@` when you use the service, you can see that the `OnFailure` hook puts `array-report` after the `@` which then gets passed to the email service, which then passes it on to the mail script. + +To send emails, you also need to set up `sendmail`. I decided to install msmtp, and set it up to use my GMail account to send me an email. + +=> msmtp + +To test if the error reporting works, edit the `array-report.service` and change the line `ExecStart` line to `ExecStart=false`. Then run the report service with `systemd start array-report.service`, you should now get an email letting you know that the `array-report` service failed, and attaches the last 100 lines of the service status to the email. diff --git a/output/posts/rss.xml b/output/posts/rss.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b9d583 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/posts/rss.xml @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ + + + + Kaan Barmore-Genç - posts + gemini:// + Recent content in posts on Kaan Barmore-Genç + gmnhg + en-us + Contents are licensed under CC 4.0 unless specified otherwise. + Sun, 10 Apr 2022 20:41:59 -0400 + + + + Managing my recipes with Dendron + gemini:// + Mon, 04 Apr 2022 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + Black Crown Initiate + gemini:// + Sat, 02 Apr 2022 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + An introduction to Bulgur Cloud - simple self hosted cloud storage + gemini:// + Tue, 29 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + Do kids not know computers now? + gemini:// + Mon, 28 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + My response to Aurynn Shaw's "Contempt Culture" post + gemini:// + Sun, 27 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + Solving `app_data` or `ReqData` missing in requests for actix-web + gemini:// + Sat, 26 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + Mass batch processing on the CLI + gemini:// + Sat, 19 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + Running graphical user services with systemd + gemini:// + Fri, 18 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + State of Rust GUIs + gemini:// + Thu, 17 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + A little type system trick in Rust + gemini:// + Tue, 15 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + Getting Deus Ex GOTY Edition running on Linux + gemini:// + Sat, 12 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + My local data storage setup + gemini:// + Thu, 10 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + Emacs as an operating system + gemini:// + Thu, 14 Apr 2016 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + Emacs and extensibility + gemini:// + Tue, 06 Oct 2015 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + Motion Interpolation, 24 FPS to 60 FPS with mpv, VapourSynth and MVTools + gemini:// + Sat, 18 Jul 2015 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + Taking Backups with Duplicity + gemini:// + Sat, 16 May 2015 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + Writing a Program in Bash + gemini:// + Sun, 12 Apr 2015 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + Switching to pass + gemini:// + Mon, 30 Mar 2015 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + diff --git a/output/posts/running-graphical-user-services-with-systemd.gmi b/output/posts/running-graphical-user-services-with-systemd.gmi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f3d40a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/posts/running-graphical-user-services-with-systemd.gmi @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +# Running graphical user services with systemd + +2022-03-18 00:00 + +> This post is day 3 of me taking part in the +> #100DaysToOffload challenge. + +=> #100DaysToOffload + +I've recently switched from KDE Plasma to sway as my window manager. I had a problem with the change though: the amazing kdeconnect service weren't working! + +My first attempt at fixing this was to just add a lines into sway config to launch it along with sway. + +``` +exec /usr/lib/kdeconnectd +``` + +Looks simple enough. But for some reason, `kdeconnectd` would just disappear after a while. It would appear to run at startup, and then an hour or two later I pull up the kdeconnect app on my phone and it would tell me that my computer is disconnected. + +The biggest issue here was that I had no way to see why kdeconnect had failed. In comes systemd to save the day. Systemd is a service manager, so it will actually maintain the logs for these services. That means if kdeconnect is crashing, I can check the logs for kdeconnect to see why it crashed. I can also configure it to auto-restart after a crash if I want to. + +To launch graphical applications with systemd though, you need to pass the appropriate environment variables to it so it knows how to launch new windows. I added this line to my sway config to do exactly that. + +``` +# Pass all variables to dbus & systemd to run graphical user services +exec dbus-update-activation-environment --all --systemd +``` + +Next, we need to write a service files to run the application. This is easier than it sounds, here's the service file I wrote for kdeconnect: + +``` +[Unit] +Description=Run kdeconnectd. +StartLimitIntervalSec=600 +StartLimitBurst=5 + +[Service] +Type=basic +ExecStart=/usr/lib/kdeconnectd +Restart=on-failure +RestartSec=5s + +[Install] +``` + +I saved this as `~/.config/systemd/user/kdeconnectd.service`. Finally, enabled it for my user with `systemctl --user enable kdeconnectd.service` and then restarted. + +The service is configured to automatically restart on failure, but not if it failed more than 5 times in the last 10 minutes. Systemd also waits 5 seconds before trying to restart the failed service. This way if it crashes for some reason, it will restart. But if it keeps crashing rapidly, it won't keep trying to restart which could take up too much system resources. + +I can now check how the service is doing with systemd! + +``` +Warning: The unit file, source configuration file or drop-ins of kdeconnectd.service changed on disk. Run 'systemctl --user daemon-reload> +● kdeconnectd.service - Run kdeconnectd. + Loaded: loaded (/home/kaan/.config/systemd/user/kdeconnectd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) + Active: active (running) since Thu 2022-03-17 14:18:15 EDT; 1h 46min ago + Main PID: 2188363 (kdeconnectd) + Tasks: 6 (limit: 77007) + Memory: 24.2M + CPU: 2.440s + CGroup: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service/app.slice/kdeconnectd.service + └─2188363 /usr/lib/kdeconnectd + +Mar 17 14:20:58 eclipse systemd[817]: /home/kaan/.config/systemd/user/kdeconnectd.service:6: Unknown key name 'type' in section 'Service'> +Mar 17 15:16:11 eclipse kdeconnectd[2188363]: QObject::connect(KWayland::Client::Registry, Unknown): invalid nullptr parameter +Mar 17 15:16:11 eclipse kdeconnectd[2188363]: kdeconnect.plugin.battery: No Primary Battery detected on this system. This may be a bug. +Mar 17 15:16:11 eclipse kdeconnectd[2188363]: kdeconnect.plugin.battery: Total quantity of batteries found: 0 +Mar 17 15:23:26 eclipse kdeconnectd[2188363]: QObject::connect(KWayland::Client::Registry, Unknown): invalid nullptr parameter +Mar 17 15:23:26 eclipse kdeconnectd[2188363]: kdeconnect.plugin.battery: No Primary Battery detected on this system. This may be a bug. +Mar 17 15:23:26 eclipse kdeconnectd[2188363]: kdeconnect.plugin.battery: Total quantity of batteries found: 0 +Mar 17 15:23:26 eclipse kdeconnectd[2188363]: QMetaObject::invokeMethod: No such method KIO::StoredTransferJob::slotDataReqFromDevice() +Mar 17 15:24:35 eclipse kdeconnectd[2188363]: QMetaObject::invokeMethod: No such method KIO::StoredTransferJob::slotDataReqFromDevice() +Mar 17 15:57:29 eclipse systemd[817]: /home/kaan/.config/systemd/user/kdeconnectd.service:9: Unknown key name 'type' in section 'Service'> +``` + +A bunch of warnings so far, but no crashes yet. But if it does crash again, I'll finally know why. diff --git a/output/posts/rust-typesystem-tricks.gmi b/output/posts/rust-typesystem-tricks.gmi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9e3b618 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/posts/rust-typesystem-tricks.gmi @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +# A little type system trick in Rust + +2022-03-15 00:00 + +> This post is day 1 of me taking part in the +> #100DaysToOffload challenge. + +=> #100DaysToOffload + +While working on a small project recently, I ended up writing this type in Rust. + +```rust +type ImageData = Arc, Vec>>>>; +``` + +Even though I wrote it myself, it actually took me a bit after writing it to figure out what this type was doing so I wanted to write about it. + +Let me start from outside-in, the first type we have is `Arc`. `Arc` stands for "atomic reference counting". Reference counting is a method to handle ownership of the data, or in other words to figure out when the data needs to be freed. Garbage collected languages do this transparently in the background, but in Rust we explicitly need to state that we want it. Atomic means this is done using atomic operations, so it is thread safe. In my case, I needed this because this data was going to be shared between multiple threads, and I didn't know exactly when I would be "done" with the data. + +=> Reference counting +=> atomic operations + +The next type is `Mutex`, which means mutual exclusion or locking. Locks are used to restrict access to data to a single thread at a time. That means whatever type is inside of this is not thread safe, so I'm using the lock to protect it. Which is true! + +=> mutual exclusion + +The type after that is `Option`. This basically means "nullable", there may or may not be a thing inside this. The interesting thing here is that this is a sum type, so Rust helps remind us that this is nullable without introducing a nullability concept to the language. It's just part of the type system! + +=> sum type + +Then we have `ImageBuffer`, a type from the popular image crate. Not much to talk about with this, that's the data I wanted to store. + +=> image crate + +The next thing that *is* interesting is the `Rgba` and `Vec` inside the image buffer. What that means (and I'm speculating here because I'm lazy/too busy to check), is that `Rgba` is just a basic wrapper type (or a "newtype"). It makes the compiler enforce the type of the image data that's stored in this image buffer, so the user doesn't mix up different data types. Similar for `Vec`, (I think) it means that the data inside this buffer is stored in a vector. + +Finally, `u8` is probably self descriptive, the pixels and the vector are made out of 8-bit unsigned integers. diff --git a/output/posts/state-of-rust-GUIs.gmi b/output/posts/state-of-rust-GUIs.gmi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de9efc0 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/posts/state-of-rust-GUIs.gmi @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +# State of Rust GUIs + +2022-03-17 00:00 + +> This post is day 2 of me taking part in the +> #100DaysToOffload challenge. + +=> #100DaysToOffload + +The website Are we GUI Yet? helpfully lists a lot of the libraries and frameworks available for making a GUI in Rust. I've been looking into making a GUI program in Rust, so I've been working my way through some of these options. + +=> Are we GUI Yet? + +This is not a through review, just my thoughts after a brief look. I'd recommend looking over the website and deciding for yourself. + +## Best candidate: Dioxus + +* Website: + +=> + +Dioxus is probably the option I like the best from a quick look. Declarative applications similar to React, encapsulated components, first class async support, and good type checking. + +Downsides? Right now it's web only. Desktop applications are just web applications rendered inside a web view. That's okay for cross platform apps, but not for what I want to do which is a lightweight native application. + +## Better Electron: Tauri + +* Website: + +=> + +Tauri is a really good replacement for Electron. You can see the comparison on their Github page, smaller binaries, less memory use, and faster launch times. + +But again, it is a web app running in a web view. Not a native desktop app. Even though Tauri uses less memory than electron, it still uses ~180 MB according to their comparison. And the fast launch time is still around 0.4 seconds, way longer than what I would expect. + +## My current preference: Slint + +* Website: + +=> + +I really like Slint. It is a native GUI with their own OpenGL renderer, and an optional Qt backend. From some basic experimentation, it seems to launch in less than 50ms, and uses less than 80 MB of memory (mostly shared libraries). + +You can write the code in either `.slint` files (and they actually have okay editor support for this file type), or inside macros in your code files. The code also looks pretty intuitive. + +The downsides? The theming support is not great/nonexistent, you can't dynamically generate UI elements (well kinda, you can generate them based on properties you change at runtime, but the components themselves are hardcoded), and the code sometimes gets awkward due to current limitations. + +```rust +MainWindow := Window { + // You then have to bind to this callback inside rust code. No way to just write a hook that calls a rust function. + callback save_to_file(string); + + HorizontalLayout { + height: 32px; + + FilePath := LineEdit { + placeholder_text: "placeholder here"; + } + Button { + text: "Save to file"; + clicked => { save_to_file(FilePath.text); } + } + } +} +``` + +There is also no way to do some things, like setting a dialog hint for your main window, which is something I needed to do. + +## Conclusion? + +It looks like the state of GUIs in rust is still "not yet". There are a few more projects I need to look at, like Relm, but their code looks way too verbose to me. In the end, I think the best option might be to just write my GUI in C++ with Qt, and maybe integrate bits written in rust inside of that. + +=> Relm diff --git a/output/publications.gmi b/output/publications.gmi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f312292 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/publications.gmi @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ + ## Crafty: Efficient, HTM-Compatible Persistent Transactions Kaan Genç, Michael D. Bond, and Guoqing Harry Xu ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2020), Online, June 2020 + +Crafty is a library for transactional storage, built for new non-volatile memory hardware. Taking advantage of hardware transactional capabilities of modern CPUs, it provides a low-overhead option that also eliminates the need for additional concurrency control. + +Talk Paper Extended Paper Implementation Poster + +=> Talk +=> Paper +=> Extended Paper +=> Implementation +=> /extra/Crafty%20Poster.pdf Poster + + ## Dependence Aware, Unbounded Sound Predictive Race Detection Kaan Genç, Jake Roemer, Yufan Xu, and Michael D. Bond ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA 2019), Athens, Greece, October 2019 + +This paper presents 2 data race detection analyses which analyze a single run of a program to predict data races that can happen in other runs. These analyses take advantage of data and control flow dependence to accurately understand how the analyzed program works, expanding what races can be predicted. + +Talk Extended Paper (updated version) Paper Corrigendum to paper Implementation Poster + +=> Talk +=> Extended Paper (updated version) +=> Paper +=> Corrigendum to paper +=> Implementation +=> /extra/DepAware%20Poster.pdf Poster + + ## SmartTrack: Efficient Predictive Race Detection Jake Roemer, Kaan Genç, and Michael D. Bond ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2020), Online, June 2020 + +Predictive data race detection methods greatly improve the number of data races found, but they typically significantly slow down programs compared to their non-predictive counterparts. SmartTrack, through improved analyses and clever algorithms, reduces their overhead to just around non-predictive analyses without impacting their performance. + +Paper Extended Paper + +=> Paper +=> Extended Paper + + ## High-Coverage, Unbounded Sound Predictive Race Detection Jake Roemer, Kaan Genç, and Michael D. Bond ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2018), Philadelphia, PA, USA, June 2018 + +Predictive data race detection methods typically walk a tight line between predicting more races and avoiding false races. This paper presents a new analysis that can predict more races, and a method to efficiently eliminate false races. + +Paper Extended Paper + +=> Paper +=> Extended Paper + +# Activities + +PLDI 2021 Artifact Evaluation Committee member + +=> PLDI 2021 + +ASPLOS 2021 Artifact Evaluation Committee member + +=> ASPLOS 2021 + +OOPSLA 2020 Artifact Evaluation Committee member + +=> OOPSLA 2020 diff --git a/output/rss.xml b/output/rss.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c951590 --- /dev/null +++ b/output/rss.xml @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ + + + + Kaan Barmore-Genç + gemini:// + Recent content on Kaan Barmore-Genç + gmnhg + en-us + Contents are licensed under CC 4.0 unless specified otherwise. + Sun, 10 Apr 2022 20:41:59 -0400 + + + + Managing my recipes with Dendron + gemini:// + Mon, 04 Apr 2022 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + Black Crown Initiate + gemini:// + Sat, 02 Apr 2022 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + An introduction to Bulgur Cloud - simple self hosted cloud storage + gemini:// + Tue, 29 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + Do kids not know computers now? + gemini:// + Mon, 28 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + My response to Aurynn Shaw's "Contempt Culture" post + gemini:// + Sun, 27 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + Solving `app_data` or `ReqData` missing in requests for actix-web + gemini:// + Sat, 26 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + Mass batch processing on the CLI + gemini:// + Sat, 19 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + Running graphical user services with systemd + gemini:// + Fri, 18 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + State of Rust GUIs + gemini:// + Thu, 17 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + A little type system trick in Rust + gemini:// + Tue, 15 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + Getting Deus Ex GOTY Edition running on Linux + gemini:// + Sat, 12 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + My local data storage setup + gemini:// + Thu, 10 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + Emacs as an operating system + gemini:// + Thu, 14 Apr 2016 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + Emacs and extensibility + gemini:// + Tue, 06 Oct 2015 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + Motion Interpolation, 24 FPS to 60 FPS with mpv, VapourSynth and MVTools + gemini:// + Sat, 18 Jul 2015 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + Taking Backups with Duplicity + gemini:// + Sat, 16 May 2015 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + Writing a Program in Bash + gemini:// + Sun, 12 Apr 2015 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + Switching to pass + gemini:// + Mon, 30 Mar 2015 00:00:00 +0000 + gemini:// + + + + + diff --git a/resources/.gitignore b/resources/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..edf565e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +_gen diff --git a/themes/catafalque b/themes/catafalque new file mode 160000 index 0000000..039416e --- /dev/null +++ b/themes/catafalque @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Subproject commit 039416edee63f8bddcfe1f67cf7a1525f1dd8b93