A basic tool to increase and decrease intel backlight percent. ## Build You'll need `make` and some C compiler installed. ``` make ``` That's it. ## Usage Copy the `backlight-control` file to `/usr/local/bin/` or somewhere similar. Then run `backlight-control` to get the current brightness as a percentage, or `backlight-control +1` to increase brightness by 1 percent, or `backlight-control -1` to decrease brightness by 1 percent. Or higher numbers for higher percentages at a time. ### With i3 / Sway ``` bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec backlight-control +1 bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec backlight-control -1 ``` ### With waybar ``` "backlight": { "device": "intel_backlight", "format": "{percent}%", "on-scroll-up": "backlight-control +1", "on-scroll-down": "backlight-control -1" }, ``` ## Building a release Run `./build.sh` to build using Docker. This builds with a Debian container.