/* * OpenSCAD GridBeam Library (www.openscad.org) * Copyright (C) 2009 Timothy Schmidt * * License: LGPL 2.1 or later */ // zBeam(segments) - create a vertical gridbeam strut 'segments' long // xBeam(segments) - create a horizontal gridbeam strut along the X axis // yBeam(segments) - create a horizontal gridbeam strut along the Y axis // topShelf(width, depth, corners) - create a shelf suitable for use in gridbeam structures width and depth in 'segments', corners == 1 notches corners // bottomShelf(width, depth, corners) - like topShelf, but aligns shelf to underside of beams // backBoard(width, height, corners) - create a backing board suitable for use in gridbeam structures width and height in 'segments', corners == 1 notches corners // frontBoard(width, height, corners) - like backBoard, but aligns board to front side of beams // translateBeam([x, y, z]) - translate gridbeam struts or shelves in X, Y, or Z axes in units 'segments' include $beam_width = inch * 1.5; $beam_hole_radius = inch * 5/16; $beam_is_hollow = 1; $beam_wall_thickness = inch * 1/8; $beam_shelf_thickness = inch * 1/4; module zBeam(segments) { difference() { cube([$beam_width, $beam_width, $beam_width * segments]); for(i = [0 : segments - 1]) { translate([$beam_width / 2, $beam_width + 1, $beam_width * i + $beam_width / 2]) rotate([90,0,0]) cylinder(r=$beam_hole_radius, h=$beam_width + 2); translate([-1, $beam_width / 2, $beam_width * i + $beam_width / 2]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(r=$beam_hole_radius, h=$beam_width + 2); } if ($beam_is_hollow == 1) { translate([$beam_wall_thickness, $beam_wall_thickness, -1]) cube([$beam_width - $beam_wall_thickness * 2, $beam_width - $beam_wall_thickness * 2, $beam_width * segments + 2]); } } } module xBeam(segments) { translate([0,0,$beam_width]) rotate([0,90,0]) zBeam(segments); } module yBeam(segments) { translate([0,0,$beam_width]) rotate([-90,0,0]) zBeam(segments); } module translateBeam(v) { for (i = [0 : $children - 1]) { translate(v * $beam_width) child(i); } } module topShelf(width, depth, corners) { difference() { cube([width * $beam_width, depth * $beam_width, $beam_shelf_thickness]); if (corners == 1) { translate([-1, -1, -1]) cube([$beam_width + 2, $beam_width + 2, $beam_shelf_thickness + 2]); translate([-1, (depth - 1) * $beam_width, -1]) cube([$beam_width + 2, $beam_width + 2, $beam_shelf_thickness + 2]); translate([(width - 1) * $beam_width, -1, -1]) cube([$beam_width + 2, $beam_width + 2, $beam_shelf_thickness + 2]); translate([(width - 1) * $beam_width, (depth - 1) * $beam_width, -1]) cube([$beam_width + 2, $beam_width + 2, $beam_shelf_thickness + 2]); } } } module bottomShelf(width, depth, corners) { translate([0,0,-$beam_shelf_thickness]) topShelf(width, depth, corners); } module backBoard(width, height, corners) { translate([$beam_width, 0, 0]) difference() { cube([$beam_shelf_thickness, width * $beam_width, height * $beam_width]); if (corners == 1) { translate([-1, -1, -1]) cube([$beam_shelf_thickness + 2, $beam_width + 2, $beam_width + 2]); translate([-1, -1, (height - 1) * $beam_width]) cube([$beam_shelf_thickness + 2, $beam_width + 2, $beam_width + 2]); translate([-1, (width - 1) * $beam_width, -1]) cube([$beam_shelf_thickness + 2, $beam_width + 2, $beam_width + 2]); translate([-1, (width - 1) * $beam_width, (height - 1) * $beam_width]) cube([$beam_shelf_thickness + 2, $beam_width + 2, $beam_width + 2]); } } } module frontBoard(width, height, corners) { translate([-$beam_width - $beam_shelf_thickness, 0, 0]) backBoard(width, height, corners); }